Charlie Ch. 01-04 free porn video

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Chapter 1

Charlie stood on the balcony, watching the rain fall from the darkened sky. It made a soft cascading noise that felt vaguely comforting. She inhaled another puff from her cigarette and exhaled it just as easily. Charlie took a moment to think back on some of her past experiences. Sure, there were men that had stirred some feelings within her. There were others that satisfied a few primal needs and urges. However, none in particular stood out in her mind, there just hadn’t been the ‘one.’ All of the men who had come in and out of her life were simply flashes of faces and bodies. Insert Part A into Slot B.

Being like other females, she always had the fairy tale dream of finding that perfect man, her soulmate. He would be the one who could make her blood boil and challenge her in every possible way. Yet, life had found a way to take care of that fairy tale. Wave the magic wand. Poof! The fairy tale was gone. Mr. Right was not riding a white horse, galloping to her rescue, and he didn’t have long, wavy hair like the models on the covers of the romance novels. It was quite the contrary. Mr. Whoever usually drove a modest sedan and was more interested in exercising his right to ejaculate than sweeping off of her feet. No Cinderella. No Rapunzel. No Sleeping Beauty. Instead of the house with a white picket fence, 2.3 kids, and a mutt for a dog, Charlie found herself in an apartment with a computer. She was alone, but it was better than being lonely.

Maybe some day, she would become an archaeological specimen? They will find her corpse preserved in a tar pit. A small sign would read: ‘How interesting! We have a woman of 29 who has no children and is financially responsible. She didn’t take drugs or medications for psychosis, and she had never been married. This was a rare find! Our scientists estimated she was a dying breed indeed. Only a few others like her existed in the world. Unfortunately, the mated pairs could not stand her presence and drown her in the tar.’

She turned her head to look back through the window at the dual monitors that sat on an oversized kitchen table in her writing room. The one screen containing her emails held a flashing box. She already knew it was her editor ready to complain about a missing deadline and an absent manuscript. Debbie, her publisher, definitely wanted to have the new manuscript by the end of the month, and she had no problems hounding Charlie for it. It would start with the emails and escalate to phone calls. There were even a couple home visits in the past. The only problem was Charlie wasn’t much in the mood for writing. She definitely wasn’t much in the mood for any erotic writing where she would have to describe all of the sliding in and out, licking, or moaning. The well of creativity has dried up when her last lover faded from view. No, there weren’t any hard feelings or the ‘why didn’t you call’ emails. Instead, he was just gone. So much for joining the mated pairs in the world.

Charlie shook her head to clear the trip down memory lane from her thoughts. She pounded the cigarette butt into the ashtray. As she stood up, she noticed Nathan entering his apartment and waved. With a short wave back, he headed indoors too. She moved back into the apartment and sat in front of her computer. Pulling her feet up onto the chair, she played with the hem on her oversized robe. The blaring glare of the screen hurt her eyes. She placed her hands back on the keyboard and began typing. Fate knew what sexual dribble would appear on the screen now.

She had originally tried a few dates here and there. Some of the men should have been wearing helmets and riding a short bus. Others were prime candidates of FBI profiler interviews of serial killers. Others were just there, breathing air with their mouths open. A small minority were good guys who just wanted to be friends. That was fine with her, however, she had enough with the ‘friends’ bit. Friend usually meant fuck buddy, someone to visit late at night and you didn’t have to worry about introducing to any friends. As a way to soothe the dating pain, her friends were always bugging her about coming out to the clubs and bars. More often times than not, she played designated driver and babysitter. Those few times she got lit on liquid courage usually ended up in a one-night stand. Even then, none of that sex was really any better than a cigarette, a good round with her vibrator, and a few hours of painting time. Sometimes, it was just easier to keep the batteries stocked up.

Charlie turned off the computer monitors and made her way up the stairs to her bedroom. Dropping her robe, she climbed naked into bed. Okay, as naked as she felt like getting with a pair of panties and tank top still on. There was always something weird about sleeping totally nude that made her feel uncomfortable. As she lay in the bed for another hour, she wondered why sleep often eluded her. She wondered if she would actually finish the story Debbie was demanding. She wondered why she was still standing of the corner of jaded and bitter, waiting for the cynical bus to arrive. She wondered if she would ever become one of the mated pairs in the world. There were just too many things to wonder. Only after she tied her long hair into a pony tail did sleep finally catch her.

Chapter 2

Charlie rolled over in her bed and glared at the clock. It was only 7 a.m. Three hours of sleep! She growled as she sat up and swung her legs onto the floor. Sliding her arms into her robe, she padded down the hall to use the restroom and brush her teeth. While brushing her teeth, her thoughts turned to the new erotic story she had begun the night before. Was it still salvageable? Maybe I could stick in a couple more sex scenes to make it acceptable for Debbie’s tastes. She continued to brush her teeth as she moved down the stairs to her office area. She turned the monitors back on and pulled up the copy of the story. She also clicked her email open.

Charlie found three emails waiting for her. One was from Debbie, of course. It was asking when the new story would be ready for submission and editing. Charlie could almost hear the panic in the woman’s words. Another one was from her aunt, reminding her of a family gathering that was coming up in a week. Time to celebrate someone else’s birthday. It would be the perfect chance to explain again to everyone in the family why she wasn’t married and why she didn’t want to have children. Other family members would take the chance to comment on her weight and let her know what Dr. Whatever-His-Name said about weight and the likelihood of finding a mate. Nothing like a bit of ‘forced’ family fun. The third email was Nathan, reminding her about their plans for lunch. He wanted to go over the last revision for his master’s thesis.

First things first! Coffee was a necessity. She stood in the kitchen, making coffee with the tooth brush still sticking out of her mouth. As the smell of fresh liquid caffeine began to fill her apartment, she went back to the computer and flipped through her music catalog. Something to get me into a writing mood? She switched the disc ‘Mummer’s Dance’ by Loreena McKennitt. The music drifted throughout the apartment, providing a sort of soothing lull to her thoughts and giving her a chance to hum. After a quick jog back up the stairs and disposing her toothbrush in its correct place, Charlie returned to the computer downstairs to let her fingers begin their daily writing habit.

The hours seemed too sluggish. By the time she looked up at the clock, she had hoped it would be later in the afternoon. Instead, it was only 10:30. She stretched within her chair and went upstairs to get dressed for lunch with Nathan. A simple t-shirt showing off Mr. Bubble and pair of jeans would do. Considering it was Halloween, she felt like getting into the spirit and donned her matching pair of ‘bat’ panties and bra. Chuckling to herself, she wondered if Batman wore ‘bat’ briefs. Batgirl wear a ‘bat’ thong? Who the ‘bat’
cared? She slipped into the bathroom and straightened her pony tail by running a brush through it. One other quick check in the mirror to make sure everything looked normal. Okay, as normal as it could get. Done.

Charlie jogged down the stairs of her apartment. When her feet hit the first floor, she grabbed her jacket off of the banister and made the turn towards the kitchen. She snagged her coffee cup off her writing desk along the way. As she entered the small area, she let out a loud cough. Nathan’s head jerked up from where he was standing at the kitchen sink.

‘Just what do you think you are doing?’ Charlie asked as she nudged him out of the way of the sink using her hip. She had to smile as he stood there like a deer in the headlights. The food and its expiration dates in his frig were questionable, therefore, her kitchen was the next best alternative to a case of food poisoning. A chicken leg was hanging out of his mouth and a glass of milk was in his hand. Charlie set her coffee cup in the sink and reached for the wash rag to wipe up chicken crumbs.

‘Watch them bony hips, girl!’

Shaking her head, Charlie moved away and grabbed her favorite slip-on shoes that were left by the back door. Nathan quickly demolished the chicken leg and downed the milk before Charlie could say anything else about him being a food thief.

‘Just who you calling bony?’ she asked with an eyebrow raised. Charlie had always been a bit touchy about her weight. Growing up with the nickname of ‘wide load’ was always a convenient reminder that she was never one of the female stick figures used for modeling or beer advertisements. Granted, Charlie wasn’t exactly short at 5 foot 10 inches tall, but she was riding on the skinny train either. There was meat on her bones, and she could hold her own with an extra layer of insulation during the winter. Nathan calling her ‘bony’ was his way of trying to ease the trauma of a dysfunctional childhood. He was a good friend that way. Nathan shrugged and washed the glass that once contained his milk.

‘I still need to grab my laptop. Be right back!’ Nathan yelled as he ran out of the back door. After stuffing her laptop into her backpack, she made it through the back door. While she waited for Nathan in the courtyard in front of their apartment buildings, she leaned her head back to adsorb a few extra rays of the sun. It felt good to roll her head and stretch her neck muscles. Too many hours at the computer was putting her body back into a strange pretzel shape. The sound of a door closing served as warning to open her eyes. Nathan by her side, they made their way down the street to the local coffee house.

Charlie had known Nathan for six years. In fact, they met during their freshman year in college. She could still remember sitting next to him in the hallway of the English building. Both of them had applied for entrance to the American literature program. They were waiting for their interviews with the board of professors to begin. What really struck her about Nathan at that moment was his nervous tick. His leg was bouncing like he was working a weaving loom. Who was she to judge? She had a thing about biting her lip and the time not showing the microwave. Everyone had their own OCD.

They struck up a conversation about the merits behind various poetic forms and the awful pains of reading Shakespeare. She knew they would become fast friends when Nathan clearly stated his complete disdain for Shakespeare in all forms. What better reason to form a friendship than a hatred of a dead English playwright? Both of them were admitted to the American literature program.

From then on, they shared the same academic advisor and had virtually the same class schedule. As time progressed, their friendship became more personal rather than academic. They spent afternoons and evenings discussing the ins and outs of life. He knew about her dysfunctional family and penchant for negative relationships. He had even served as a buffer during some family functions when aunts and grandmothers tried to attack her with questions. Besides, how could he turn down free food and the ability to run defense? She knew about his ‘whoring’ tendencies and love for cheesy romantic ballads. Often times, she heard music streaming from his apartment, only to end up texting him to turn off the sappy crap. If she had to listen to ‘Holding Out for a Hero’ by Frou Frou one more time, she was going to superglue her ears shut. It never failed, he would only turn it up louder and start singing. Oh did the dogs start barking then!

Charlie had her way of running defense for Nathan too. There were plenty of times when she received an early morning text after a drunken escapade, alerting her that it was time. Time for her to save him from some clingy she-devil that talked about how they could date or even one day get married. Charlie would barge into his dorm room to play the ‘other’ girl. This scare tactic was typically enough to get whatever girl was laying on Nathan’s bed off and scrambling for the door. Problem solved! One night stand over and mission complete. Agent Charlie was on the case.

When it was time to leave dorm rat race, they both decided to find solace in housing off campus. An apartment was the ticket! Yeah, there was a conversation about possibly being roommates, but Charlie knew there was no way she could handle his lack of organization and long line of new ‘friends’ that would visit for single evenings. Besides, Charlie liked her own space since insomnia had plagued her for many years. It was easier to wander around a house at 4 a.m. by herself rather than worry about disturbing someone else. While her insomnia was the bane of her life, it gave her time to write and paint in peace. Instead of being roommates, they settled on the idea of being neighbors.

It was sheer luck that they had found the apartments they did. It was a small apartment complex with only four units. The four units, forming a rectangle, shared a common courtyard. The first apartment was occupied by an older couple named Burt and Edna. Both of them, being hearing impaired, never complained about Nathan’s awesomely loud music or the late night’s Charlie and Nathan spent talking in the courtyard. Then again, Charlie and Nathan couldn’t really complain when Burt and Edna shouted at one another to have regular conversation. There were plenty of nights that Charlie and Nathan sat laughing as they listened to the couple scream about their interest about meatloaf for dinner or when the grandkids were coming to visit. The best conversation overhead came when Edna couldn’t find her dentures. That one provided laughs for days and days.

The second apartment next door to the elderly couple was rented by a flight attendant named Deloris. Deloris came home three or four days a month. Nathan and Charlie took turns collecting mail and watering plants for her. Okay, Charlie watered the plants since Nathan had often murdered the poor leafy creatures. At least with Charlie, they periodically saw the light of day in the courtyard. Sometimes, that was their version of dead plant walking. It was like one last beam of light and a final goodbye before Nathan took over with the watering. At least Deloris didn’t own any pets. Charlie had made a solemn vow to herself that she was going to make sure Nathan never actually owned a pet!

The other two apartments across the courtyard were taken by Charlie and Nathan. They never bothered locking the doors. They were constantly walking into and out of one another’s spaces. Actually, it was more Nathan walking into hers. Charlie couldn’t stand the mess that always seemed to crop up within Nathan’s place. She even went so far as to make him watch an episode of Hoarders, yet, there were still books stacked everywhere. Piles of papers littered every horizontal surface. Then, there was the bizarre collection of garden gnomes in the corner of his living room. Who knew!


Charlie’s head snapped back to attention. They ha
d already reached the local coffee shop. She didn’t remember sitting down, and she was nothing but grateful for the cup of coffee already in front of her. Thanks to the insomnia taking its toll, she was experiencing small batches of lost time.

‘What did you say?’ Charlie asked as she tried to stifle back a yawn.

‘How long without real sleep now?’ Nathan asked between sips of his steaming latte.

‘I got three hours last night. So quit riding me!’ she snapped back.

Nathan held up his hands in a surrender posture. He knew better than to continue the conversation about a lack of sleep with someone averaging only three hours of sleeps every three or four days. He had given up needling her about doctors and different alternative therapies a number of years ago. Valerian root, a no-go. Warm milk made her vomit. Melatonin, oh please! Counting sheep, the girl actually got to 143,229 in a single evening.

If anything, he found being supportive came in the form of a carton of Chinese take-out, comfy blanket, and an old 80s movie at 2 a.m. If he could get Charlie off of the damn computer, her chances of actually sleeping improved dramatically. If he could get her to sit still for more than 15 minutes, the odds continued to increase. If she her belly was full and her body warm, then it was ‘Lights out, Lorraine!’ He had no problem letting her curl up on the couch, using some part of him as a pillow. It was even comical at times when she started humming in her sleep or even better when she started talking while asleep. Nathan had no clue was ‘Buddha food’ was or what happened ‘suddenly, instantly,’ but somewhere in Charlie’s sleep deprived and passed out mind, it all made sense, and that was fine with him. Unfortunately, Charlie caught onto his dastardly ‘Chinese comfy movie’ plan and only let it happen when the insomnia pushed the edges of four days without regular sleep.

‘Should we get started with my thesis revision?’ Nathan asked as he nudged Charlie’s coffee cup closer to her. Charlie recognized the truce and reached to gather her laptop from her backpack.

‘I have a few notes about your author choice as support in your thesis. I liked that you finally focused on relationships of plantation owners and their slaves,’ replied Charlie as she watched her computer boot up.

‘My author choice?’ asked Nathan as he crammed some type of croissant into his mouth. Instinctively, he held out the last couple bites of whatever he was eating. Charlie reached across the table, knowing that she would probably not eat anything else until much later in the evening.

‘You don’t have to rely on the classical authors to prove your point. What about using more contemporary authors?’ Charlie put a bit of sandwich into her mouth as she reached to type her password. ‘Other people have already relied on those authors to try and prove similar points.’

‘Just who do you think I should use?’ Nathan looked over the top of his computer with a bit of a stern look. Charlie knew he didn’t like be challenged when it came to his master’s thesis, but she had taken on the role of sounding board. Sound off!

‘Instead of focusing on the narrative of Douglass and novels of Mark Twain, what about using the works of Walker and Angelou? The Color Purple and I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings? The whole dead male thing is a bit tedious.’

Nathan sat back in his chair and crossed his arms. It was a look that Charlie was familiar with. It seemed to be the same posture he took throughout most of their college courses. It was like he was distrusted the spoken word and was trying to find some way to argue with it. Charlie continued as she pulled up her newest story file.

‘Injecting a bit of estrogen within your thesis makes it more diversified. Their perspectives would feel just as honest. It would also help further prove your point about the evolution of male/female relationships that included racial violence.’

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A Night At Playboy Mansion Of Lonavala The Beginning

Hi guys n gals!!! I am Kamini again from Mumbai. I am overwhelmed with the response I got for my previous posts. I thank all my wishers. Just for new readers I am 26 years old. I am fair and 5’10” having a reasonably sexy figure of 32-26-34. Anyone who wants to have sex chat, role play, etc. you can connect to me on Today I am going to narrate you all a fiction story. This story is completely based on fictitious characters and places. However, this is more of my fantasy and I will love to...

2 years ago
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Ruined orgasms

Introduction: When a girl tells you not to come, you better listen. I was already deeply regretting how easily I had followed her lead. Now here I was, standing up against the wall, my hands secured tightly into metal cuffs. She looked me up and down, obviously feeling clever. So, you comfortable?, she asked. I scoffed. Hardly. She let out a soft hum. I stared at her breasts and felt my cock grow hard. She sank to her knees and took me in her mouth. I felt a reluctant Aah-sound force itself...

1 year ago
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Private Helena Moeller Sexting To Anal

Helena Moeller is a gorgeous teenager who debuts today in Private Gold, Love Radio live on air as she tells the saucy story of her experience with sexting. After sending spicy photos to some lucky man Helena decides to meet up with him and soon discovers it’s her neighbour George Uhl! A mature and experienced man of 50 Helena ends up getting the fuck of life time as she slips into her sexiest lingerie and enjoys a real hard anal pounding that will climax with juicy creampie, a display of true...

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SissyWorld 3

Billy rode in the front seat of the car, staring out the window, and watching the world go by. His mind swam and his body already hurt, but he knew better than to protest his pain to his Husband. If he did, he would be punished with a Bare ASS Spanking and he didn't want that. He stood at 5'6 and weighed maybe one hundred pounds soaking wet, but he doubted it. However, what little weight he did have, he made up for in curves. He had ass length dark green hair that had been permenately...

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Falling for another man

I for sure never thought it would happen. Not in a million years. I’m a straight, masculine guy, although I admit to having Gay and Bi fantasies. However, falling for a guy, wanting to be with him night and day? Wanting to pleasure him in any way he needed, never. I first meet Juan through a Gay dating site. I was just looking to explore my man on man desires, no strings attached. Our first meeting was at his place, I was super nervous and I could tell he was a little bit too, but hid it...

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first outdoor meet

Hi all, so this story of mine is 100% true, it tells the tale of my first ever outdoor meet.We need to go back 4/5 years for this one, it was a hot balmy sunday evening in july/august. I'd had a lazy weekend, and was looking to let off some steam before work on Monday. At the time I lived in a flatshare with two other guys, whilst friendly with them we weren't best mates so they had no idea re. Clara. I was sat in my (locked room) as per the norm - dressed just in lingerie in case I had an...

3 years ago
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My neighbor has my manhood in her hands

It's funny, since the break up of my marriage, I found myself becoming more and more of a reclusive, finding that I spent more time in my house and noticing my neighbors. I would not say, I am a Voyeur, but because of the summer heat, I had to open my windows to let the air circulate.What a lovely surprise! My elderly neighbor was sunbathing in her garden. To tell you the truth, I would not have looked on her if I was occupied, but it had been a long time since I had laid eyes on a woman, so I...

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Mature Goddess Mom

You had a long day at work, and after you come home you decide to go for a nice walk around the neighborhood. Little do you know I am at your house in your room terrorizing your dirty panties and tugging on my stiffy fantasizing about my Mature Goddess Mom. You come in from your nice stroll, and get right to your yoga exercises. Mid-way through your yoga, you notice things have been a little too quiet and that I have been no where to be found since you came home, so naturally you became...

1 year ago
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PenthouseGold Carmen McCarthy Carla Cox Dildo Delivery For Horny Best Friends

Best friends Carla Cox and Carmen McCarthy are two horny hotties who have ordered a big box of dildos in this cheeky lesbian porn extravaganza. These gorgeous vixens aren’t getting much satisfaction from their husbands, but the two gorgeous blondes have no trouble getting each other to, reach intense climaxes, using tongues to juice up those puffy pussies, as well as fingers and their new vibrators. These sex kittens don’t care who hears their screams of pleasure here on...

1 year ago
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DanaChapter 8

Dana's turn: My Ed. I think about him a lot. Guys. With Mom I saw a lot of guys, some of them around Ed's age. I saw a spectrum. I know that there are guys who'd NEVER consider a relationship with a girl my age for any of a number of reasons, law, religion, moral compass, whatever. And there are guys who'd have had me upside down with my legs spread in five minutes, law or no law. Ed's somewhere towards the first group. I know the word – conflicted. There's the part of him that fears...

4 years ago
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Double TwistChapter 167

“Americans worship technology. It’s an inherent trait in the national zeitgeist.” —Max Brooks, World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War “SIX 6-MINUTE MILES followed by a 5.5-minute mile,” Jock yelled at us Thursday. “I want to see you building for a kick at the end of your races.” We were practicing at The Plex where Saturday’s race would be held. That meant we’d take a mile on the outdoor track to start, then feed ourselves into the 10k course from that point on. The New Haven...

4 years ago
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Rehabilitation Part 4

Thursday 6th March, 2020; 14:28 It had only been a little over 24 hours since Miss Stevens had locked me into the little pink chastity cage but already my body was suffering what felt like withdrawal from lack of masturbation. Countless times my cock had tried to get hard and countless times the rigid plastic of the cage firmly squeezed against it, resulting in torturous denial. I always knew that I masturbated a lot, but it hadn't been until I physically couldn't touch my cock that I...

4 years ago
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Tropical Heat

View notes please. Diana stepped out of the shower and snagged a towel that had been hanging on a hook. The clear glass walls of the shower and the tan tile and marble surfaces of the bathroom were damp from the steam. Brian had taken his shower half an hour before because her shower was larger than his. His basketball shorts, t-shirt and boxers lay in a pile on the counter where he had left them, he must've changed directly into his day clothes after his shower. Diana noticed a large wet spot...

2 years ago
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The Protector Vengence Is MineChapter 4

Jonas was lying on his back and he heard voices. His mind swam with the suddenness of his presence here, wherever here was. He was just in a garden talking to; Joe? God? Wasn't he? Had it been real? It couldn't be real. That was crazy. The jumble of words started ordering themselves in his head like a self assembling jig saw puzzle. The sense of the voices started filtering through Jonas's muddled mind. His mind felt like it was just floating. It wasn't focused on anything in particular....

3 years ago
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My only gay experience true story Part 1

WHen I was younger, both in this life and in my marriage, I traveled for training and conferences quite a bit.Even though I had a young wife, I had always had some fantasies unfulfilled from before marriage. One of them was being with a man. Add that to a non-BJing wife...So, I was in a hotel bar after an early evening watching porn in the hotel room. I had made up my mind that I was getting laid. It was that whole different area code rule in effect.I had struck up a conversation with a hot...

4 years ago
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My daughter Is My Lover Fictional Story

A Fictional Story My wife my daughter and myself live in the Berkshires of Western Massachusetts it's home we love it here. There's not many in our small town about fifteen hundred people that's all . It is a rural area lots of woods & farms around here. Spring was almost here In New England school will getting out in June. Our daughter will be eighteen in May wow does time fly by. shes is a bit on the plump side not fat like in obese just Pleasantly plump just like her mom...

1 year ago
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Hypno Slut 3

Hypno Slut 3 I awake the next morning lying beside Michael, my hand wrapped around his cock. Dressed in a blue baby doll nightie I had adorned the night before and still wearing my heels and makeup. The urges for cock arise again and I slide down between his legs running my tongue up his shaft. As he awakens his wonderful cock starting to harden from my touch and once again I find myself succumbing to these uncontrollable desires. Thirty minutes later he clambers from the bed and...

3 years ago
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The Beach

Introduction: The Making of a Domme This is the follow up to First Time if you havent already, go and read it! Beach Prologue I am tired after my trip and fall into bed as soon as I get back, not even knowing yet if I have the promotion, my head reeling from the experience. Word has got around, however, and Cija knows I am back. She rings, and I can hear the delight in her voice. I cant resist agreeing to see her, but tell her how weary I am. I hear a little hesitancy in her voice, but she...

1 year ago
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The Ex No Heat A Fucking Good Time

First and foremost. The Ex wanted me to tell you all this, “You’re all a bunch of fucking sluts who just want to fuck my pussy. From one slut to another…I’m a fucking good time.”And I must admit. She’s a fucking good time. And I mean that in she’s a slut. A hug big lesbian slut who never wants to settle down and only wants to be a slut for the rest of her life (for now). She is the most kinkiest bitch I’ve ever met. Just plain fucking filthy.Last night when she came over, she was all bubbly and...

2 years ago
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The Knight and His SquireChapter 4

Rohea and Maes swiftly rode away from Wolle. Although Rohea was officially banished, the word had not spread past Wolle, and the people they passed along the roads did not recognize his face as they traveled further from Wolle. As a precaution, Maes headed into towns and villages to procure supplies, while Rohea remained a safe distance away. This would make it harder to anyone to track their paths. Through her conversations with the townsfolk when she procured supplies, it seemed that no...

4 years ago
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The Erotic Summer Of Lust 8211 Part 2

Hello Everyone, Thank you for such an amazing response. I thank everyone who mailed me and liked my stories and enjoyed it. Before I start the story I have to clarify something. My name is “Yash Agarwal” and there is no one called sheela. “” is just my ID. I request not to get confused. And Please don’t ask anyone’s No. Or contact details, I can’t give.To those readers who haven’t read my 1st story, please see the link given on top. I woke up around 3.30 to pee. I went to the toilet and lowered...

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Love Never Dies Pt 08

This story, based on personal experience, is approaching its conclusion. Thanks to the readers who have kept me company. Comments have been, and are, most welcome. Don’t give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don’t think you can go wrong – Ella Fitzgerald. ~~~~~~~ NOW THE place Gaynor selected for our late lunch was only a few minutes’ drive away, a quaint country inn with thatched-roof, low beams, leaded windows and highly-polished hardwood...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 103

I phoned home as soon as I got to Middlesbrough station to let Mum know I was safely back, and of course to wish the love of my life a good night and tell her that I was already missing her. Then I walked across town to my lodgings. Mr & Mrs Loftus welcomed me back, and wished me a happy and prosperous 1976. I slept okay that night, although it took me a while to get off. The knowledge that Julie was in my bed at home, and I wasn’t, didn’t help. I settled back down to work. As I’d...

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The Condo SwappersChapter 13

Jenny Thomas sat on the living room couch with her legs drawn up beneath her and her head resting on Alan's chest. They sat there snuggled together, watching television. "Did you have fun last night at Sarah's?" asked Jenny. "Sure, I guess so," answered Alan. "Didn't you?" "I don't know," she said. "We've been going there every week for a month. At first, it was a lot of fun, but now it bores me. I get tired of the same people fucking me every week. I'd rather meet...

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Sis and I

This story is a work of fiction and all characters are not real. enjoyHi my names Mike I’m the oldest of 3 kids. I’m 18 6’1 around 200lbs with a thick 7.5in cock, I’m athletic 3 sports soccer, track and baseball. There’s my twin sisters Jen and Sheena 16. Jen has long brown hair about 5’6 125 34c tits and an ass to die for while Sheena has long blonde hair and about 5’5 110 lbs has 32b cup and a tight lil ass. Their not identical twins but both dead sexy. My parents are both in their 40’s my...

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Cupid curse part 5 Fruits of lovethe rewrite

At 11:30 one monday, after a lecture on Euripides in History of drama, I took a ten minute walk to a little restaurant and had a burger and some fries for lunch. The place was a quiet back street and it had somewhat higher prices then mcdonald's or burger king, but you could relax there, and they knew how to make a good burger. They were a married couple who rarely spoke to each other, and they had one waitress. As I sat there eating by the window, a group of four students came in, two men...

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Twin love first time

There is a lot of info that will be useful in later stories. I'm going to start at the beginning... My name is Billy ,and I was born with a twin sister, Ryleigh(I always called her RyRy in a joking manner and Ry when serious.)We were always close growing up. We would do almost everything together, like sleeping, eating, playing, changing, and even bathing. We hated doing things without each other by our sides. We were and still are inseparable. We had our own rooms, but usually would pass out...

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Sleeping In The Meadow

In a small town of only three thousand people it wasn’t a challenge to find out the details of your neighbors life. The where, the when, the who. It was a blessing and a curse, as a kid I could never get away with anything, and I never had to keep a secret that was just too juicy to withhold. So, it was no surprise to me when I heard about the arriving of Charli Rioux. Hearing it from my mama, also the eyes and ears of our town being the clerk in our only local grocery store, ‘She has a sharp...

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Gettin freaky in TGIF

I was out of town visiting some friends. I was asked to lunch by one of my fav BBC's.. He came to my hotel,picked me up and off we went. We got to TGIF early afternoon and were seated in a booth. The waitress gave us a glare as she greeted us. She walked away and we laughed how silly people are when they see an interracial couple (in some areas). He asked for a foot.. I slid one onto his lap,he took off my heel and rubbed my foot on his crotch.. I began rubbing his cock and could feel his pants...

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RecruitingChapter 2

Rich had gotten home that night and Choung Suk and Britney had explained to him what was going on at Barbara's house, as they knew it from Naomi's visit. "What" he exclaimed. "Mike Simmons, the local sex for sale king that the cops don't seem to bother, is now Naomi and Barbara's Master? They may go to work for him at the strip club and the glory holes?" Choung Suk noted an excitement in his voice just as he had noticed the lust in his wife and daughter's eyes. His daughter having...

2 years ago
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CoercedChapter 12

I woke up very early Monday morning. I wasn't due at Sheila's until 7 a.m. but I wasn't about to walk all the way across town in that bikini, not in broad daylight anyway. Besides, I needed to carry some things with me so I threw on some tennis shoes, my old sweat pants and a hooded sweatshirt over the bikini. I stuffed my high heel shoes and my equipment into a bag and set off. I arrived at Sheila's block about fifteen minutes early and dumped the sweat suit in one of her neighbor's...

2 years ago
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Rons AwakeningChapter 9

Ron and Debbie lay in each other's arms for several minutes kissing and simply stroking each other's bodies. Debbie enjoyed this afterglow of sex, the peaceful time, just holding each other without any restrictions to their touch or sight. This was a special time just for them. Ron's cock had shrunk to only a shadow of its magnificent appearance of moments before. Debbie decided it still had a special charm in its relaxed state. While not as sexually exciting, in her mind it signified his...

1 year ago
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MrLuckyPOV Abby Adams Maya Kendrick Hot Night

This redhead and blonde combination have more in common than just their beautiful blue eyes…the both love to suck dick and eat pussy. Abby Adams and Maya Kendrick brighten up the night as they giggle and moan in pleasure while passing around this hard dick for each to take a ride on. They assist each other using their hands and tongues while the other takes a deep pussy pounding. They excitedly hop into the sex swing for some floating fun before both dropping to their knees and eating ass...


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