Doc Ch. 16 free porn video

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The next morning we had breakfast with Grandpa. Just as we were almost finished, I asked him, ‘So what are the plans for today? I was figuring on working on the two new wagons to get them ready to use for my next rounds of all the nearby towns. Staying in hotels and eating in restaurants is getting too expensive.’

Grandpa became grim as he spoke, ‘I thought I would work with you most of this morning. Then this afternoon I’m going to ride into Hill City for a little talk with Miller — he’ll think twice about renting out our cabins after I’m finished with him. He maybe didn’t understand last time, but it will be crystal clear to him after today, that when I say ‘no’, it means ‘HELL, NO!’!’

I had been thinking on my own actions, and reaching into my pocket, I drew out the cash I had collected from Miller. I handed it to a surprised Grandpa.

‘Uncle Henry, I want you to give Judge Mitchell this money that I got from Miller. I think it would be best used if it was put into a fund for civic projects. If I kept it I would feel corrupt and there’s enough of that going around already. I know Miller deserved what he got, but somehow, knowing the underhanded way he made the money makes me feel just as underhanded taking and keeping it.’

Grandpa accepted the money hesitantly and asked, ‘I suppose we could do that. Are you sure you don’t want to keep part of it at least, seeing as it was our cabins he was renting?’

Even just handing the money to Grandpa had made me feel ‘cleaner’. I declared, ‘I’m sure! With the gold we found yesterday, and our normal sources of income, between us we don’t need this money. However, I am sure that there are, and will always be, things the town needs extra money for. This can be used to set up a fund to help the people of the town — like when someone gets hurt or sick and unable to work. These funds could help get them by until they’re on their feet again.’

Grandpa looked thoughtful, then smiled as he warmed to the idea. His enthusiasm grew as he expanded on the idea. It was always a treat to see Grandpa do that — I, or someone else, would start with an idea or notion, then Grandpa would flesh it out into something even bigger and more worthwhile.

He did it with my original idea to change this timeline. He did it with my idea on how the Sioux could capitalize on being landlords. He did it with my idea of the gold, and now he was doing it with my idea of a — for lack of a better term — ‘Community Chest’.

‘I think you’re right. I may just add a little of my own to go with it, and I’m sure once word gets around, everyone else will, too.’

Grandpa actually rubbed his hands together in glee as he contemplated being able to help his fellow citizens. ‘The more I think about it, Clay, the better I like your idea! We’ve always helped our neighbors in time of trouble, but this lets the whole community get involved, and will keep us prepared to deal with people’s emergencies without the delay of waiting while we pass the hat. We can help our friends without straining anyone’s pocket, especially if it’s at a time when the whole community is stressed. We’ll be able help more than one family or person at a time, too! People can and will still help the old way, like they always have, but this will give us a head start.’

Like I said, give Grandpa an idea or an outline, and he’d run with it. He’d give it form and substance as he made it bigger, better, smoother. Then he’d turn to the person with the original vague notion, and give them all the credit for a complete concept that he did all the actual brain and often the leg work for! I might have brought my 21st Century idealism and my romantic notions of what I’d like to see here in the 19th Century back with me, but he — Great Grandpa Henry Thomas — he made them real and, more importantly, workable!

Grandpa and I talked a bit more about what we would be doing that day. The conversation gradually wound down into plain ol’ small talk as we finished our breakfast and morning coffees. When we were done, we headed out to the new wagons with my notes and sketches from the other day to decide what part of the job to get started on first.

All the boys were already outside waiting for us. They wanted to help. We didn’t want to hurt their feelings or wreck their genuine enthusiasm to help, but at this point, we didn’t need four rambunctious youngsters under foot, either. We solved that dilemma temporarily by telling them that the best way for them to help right now was for them to do their chores. We would work out more for them to do when they were done that.

They were a little disappointed at first, but with the assurance that we would have lots for them to do later, they ran off to get started on their regular morning chores. As the boys ran off to do our bidding, Grandpa and I entered the shed where we had hidden my truck. It was time to decide which parts we could use to make the new wagons better.

I told Grandpa about my ideas of possibly using the windows and skylights, tarred around the edges to seal them. Then I showed him some of the other features, in particular the electric lights. I told him I would like to be able to use them in the vans, especially the medical one because of the better quality light. He grasped that concept immediately, and was especially impressed with the brightness of the headlights. Grandpa instinctively understood the importance of good lighting and visibility for a doctor, especially when treating injuries.

When he asked how they worked, I explained how they ran off the two batteries. However, I also explained there was a major problem in that the batteries would eventually go dead because we had no way to recharge them.

‘How do you charge them now?’ Grandpa enquired.

I raised the hood of the truck and showed him the alternator. Then I explained how it worked with show-and-tell.

‘When the engine’s running, it spins the alternator — this machine right here — through these belts. They connect this pulley here on the alternator to the big one down there on the crankshaft. Turning that alternator produces the electricity that charges the batteries.’

Grandpa seemed to think for a minute then he did it again — took my half-baked idea and turned it into something real. ‘Why can’t we use the windmill crank to turn a large pulley wheel to spin that alternator to recharge the batteries? That wouldn’t be too hard, I don’t think. These batteries need to charge all the time or just when they’re getting low?’

I was beginning to wonder what was wrong with me — I was a fair hand as a jackleg mechanic, but it seemed I couldn’t quite think out of the box like Grandpa. Hell, I’d always done my own vehicle repairs, and could rewire a vehicle quite handily, but for some reason, I hadn’t made the intuitive leap he just did to utilize the alternator any other way than where it sat. Now, with his latest stunner still rattling around in my head I remembered all the home-grown wind generators I had read about that did just exactly what he was describing.

Why couldn’t I think of it? After all, I thought of electric lights using the batteries — why then couldn’t I follow the next logical step to power the alternator using sources of mechanical energy available to me now? I gave myself a mental kick and decided that with everything else going on, I probably just had too much on my mind to think of everything. Glad that at least someone had made the connection, I replied to Grandpa’s query enthusiastically.

‘That’s a great idea, Uncle Henry! No, the batteries don’t have to charge all the time. Normally, when the engine is running, there’s a little gizmo called a ‘regulator’ that keeps them charged just right without letting them overcharge and wear out. Properly maintained batteries should last for many years.

‘Without any load on them, the batteries will hold a charge for quite some time. A little of their charge leaks out over t
ime and they have to be recharged, but in normal use, they should last almost indefinitely except they will run down the more they’re used.

‘We can mount one battery in each wagon with a couple lights and a switch to turn them on an off. By putting a battery in each wagon we will have light to use quickly if we need it. We’ll still use the kerosene lamps normally, but the electric lights will be handy if we need light quickly or for just a few minutes where lighting the oil lamp would be just too much bother.

‘The electric lights will be really useful when we need extra light for a patient. We’ll have to be careful, though, because those headlights use a lot more electricity and will run their battery down much sooner. Mind you, in an emergency, we can always switch batteries if one gets down.’

Grandpa indicated he understood. Now he just needed me to point him in the direction I wanted to go right now.

‘OK! So where do we start?’

‘Let’s start by taking the cabinets out of the camper. Then we’ll remove the windows from both the truck and camper. Before we do though, let’s remove the camper from the back of the truck. That will make them both a lot easier to work on.’ I decided.

‘That big thing looks too heavy for us to lift. How are we going to get it off the back of your truck without busting it and us?’ Grandpa wanted to know.

‘First, we undo these turnbuckles… yeah, like that. Then we swing down these leveling jacks and crank them up so the camper lifts off the truck… like so… Then all we have to do is pull the truck out from under it. When the truck is clear, we just crank the jacks down and lower the camper onto some blocks. Simple!’ I explained with more show-and-tell.

Grandpa was his usual quick study, and soon we had the truck out from under the camper. Just as we finished setting the camper on blocks, Don and Ed showed up to see what we were doing. They wanted to know if they could help. When they saw the truck they stopped dead in their tracks, their mouths hanging open in surprise.

Don was the first to recover. ‘What the hell is that thing and where did you get it?’ he gasped in wonder.

Ed recovered his wits almost as soon as Don. ‘It looks like some sort of strange wagon! Is it yours, Clay?’ he observed.

I look at Grandpa, he looked back at me and we seemed to reach silent agreement. Then with a straight face, Grandpa wove a tale that was part fiction and part fact. It was a masterpiece of disinformation.

‘Yup, Clay brought it from back East. It’s one of those newfangled inventions. He was bringing it home when the horses spooked and took off. In the runaway, he lost control and it rolled into a gorge. In the wreck it got halfway smashed to pieces. It’s too hard to fix it up so we’re going to use parts of it on the new wagons. Go on, check it out.’

While Ed and Don looked over the camper and the Power Wagon, Grandpa took me off to the side. While I still had my head up my butt wondering how to cover it, Grandpa had already sized up the situation and come up with a game plan. Man! I wished I was as quick on my feet! Quietly, so as not to draw the men’s attention, he explained how we would handle this new development.

‘They’re family, Son. We can’t keep everything a secret from them. You knew sooner or later someone of them was going to stumble across your machine. How well can we hide something that big in a shed that everyone uses? So, we have to let them in on some of it. You know damn well they’re going to tell the rest of the family, and don’t you for a minute think you wives won’t be curious about all the fancy gadgets you want to put in the wagons!

‘So, rather than tell the whole truth, we only tell enough of it to just spin it in such a way as to make it believable. We’re all the time hearing about the wonders from back East. I sometimes think it’s somebody’s imagination or right out of a penny dreadful. Whatever, for these boys, to hear you brought all this from back East is plausible, and that’s ALL we need to tell them — just enough to satisfy them.

‘They’re both good men — they are my own sons after all — so if we ask them to keep it a secret, they will. The women folk, both at the main house, and your own, will find out soon enough on their own, but we don’t have to broadcast it either.’

Ed and Don had satisfied their curiosity for the moment and came back over to us. Their faces showed their wonderment.

‘Clay, these things are amazing! Too bad that they were damaged so badly.’ Don marveled.

‘Yeah! That’s a pretty amazing wagon you have there! Are you sure that the damage can’t be fixed?’ Ed exclaimed.

Despite my original thoughts of resurrecting the truck and camper as a horse-drawn conveyance, I was glad now I hadn’t. I didn’t need to draw any more attention than I already had. From my uncles’ reaction, I realized I had dodged that bullet and lucked out when Charlie sold me those gypsy caravans. Thus, it was in my own best interests to make sure Ed and Don believed they were wrecked beyond repair.

‘Naw, I’m sure it’s too badly damaged to use. However, I do think many of the things on the camper and the power wagon could be used on the new wagons to make them much better for use.

‘First thing we need to do is to remove the cabinets, counters, tables and benches from here.’

I showed them the camper interior, pointing out the items I named.

‘I want to use most of this stuff in the living-quarters wagon. With them, it will be a lot easier to live comfortably in the wagon and cook our own meals. Right now we have to live in hotels when they are available and eat in restaurants. That’s becoming a major expense, especially with the gold rush causing prices to go up. I’m hoping that the wagons will help us remedy that.’ I explained.

‘You’re right about things being expensive! Ever since Custer discovered gold, all the prices around here have tripled several times over. Now you pay at least a dollar for a meal you could’ve got for a nickel before!’ Grandpa opined.

Ed and Don nodded their agreement.

‘That’s what I thought! I can’t remember what it cost for a meal before I left for school, but I was sure it was helluva lot cheaper than now! Anyway, not only will it be cheaper to do it like this, it should make it a lot more convenient, too. We’ll have everything set up just the way we want it, ready to use, all the time.

‘We can stock the doctor’s wagon with supplies and have it on hand, no matter what towns we come to. That way I won’t have to worry about supplies being more available in one town than another. I’ll even be able to treat people out on the road or go to them, when they can’t come to me. And, like I said, we can set up the other wagon to be comfortable enough to be a home away from home. However, it’s going to take a lot of work to get things done just the way we want them.’

As I told them what I wanted to do, I could see that Ed and Don liked what they were hearing.

‘Sounds like a helluva plan to me! So where do you want us to start?’ Don asked, his eyes gleaming with enthusiasm.

I went over to my toolbox and got out my tools. As I assigned them their tasks, I showed each of them what I wanted.

‘Don, can you start removing the windows? I don’t think it’ll be all that hard — just be gentle and try not to break them. Ed, will you start removing the interior cabinets and counters, please? While you fellers are busy at those jobs, Uncle Henry and I will start on the power wagon, unbolting the parts we need from it.’

Both men were glad to help and like everyone else in the family, were quick studies. Once I got them equipped with tools and started on their individual tasks, Grandpa and I started on the truck. I explained to him that I wanted to take the back window and the four side windows.

I wanted to try mounting them on the roofs of the wagons to let sunlight in during the daylight
hours. Normally we would have had to use the kerosene lamps in both wagons even during the day and in the medical van, use the electric lights for examining patients.

With good light from above, we would only have to rig up the headlights in the medical wagon for emergencies or in low light. This would allow us to save the demand on our batteries whenever possible. As there was only the pair of them, we had to ensure they lasted as long as possible between chargings.

We all worked at our various jobs for several hours until around lunchtime, when the women showed up bearing food. Naturally, when we took a break to eat, we had to show them around and explain what we were doing.

I was expecting my wives to ask embarrassing questions about the truck and camper, but they didn’t, even though they were obviously awed by the almost magical equipment I showed them. They just seemed to take it all in stride — almost as if they expected no less from me. It seemed all it really did was get them planning among themselves how they wanted everything to be in the wagon we would use as our living quarters.

In the camper I showed them how the main bed was built. I also showed them how the table would lay across the benches of the booth and how the cushions would then be laid on it to form another bed. They thought this was great, and started to tell me about a few of their ideas.

‘Ok, My Loves, you have some wonderful ideas, and we’ll try to use as many of them as we can as we go along. However, first we need to finish dismantling the power wagon and the camper. When we get everything we want out of them, then we’ll start working on the wagons. That’s when I’ll want to hear your ideas. Now, let us get back to work. The sooner we’re done here, the sooner we’ll get at the wagons.’

After we ate, the girls left us to our labors and Grandpa headed into town to confront Miller and set up the community fund with Judge Mitchell. Ed, Don and I, and the boys finished out the day stripping everything useful from the truck and camper.

The next day, Grandpa and I hunted in the morning with the boys. I hadn’t seen Grandpa since he went to town yesterday. He didn’t tell me how his meetings had gone, but he did look mighty pleased with himself. Ed and Don looked after the ranch chores the boys would normally have done so they could go hunting with Grandpa and me. Then in the afternoon we all worked on the wagons while the women tended to the meat and tanned the hides. When the ladies needed a break, they would come check on us and give us the benefit of their wisdom.

And, that’s the way it went for the rest of the week — hunt in the morning and work on the wagons in the afternoon and evening, just like we had originally planned. By Friday, I was pretty happy with the results of our joint efforts. The wagons were done, we had built up our larder, and the boys were becoming proficient hunters and decent marksmen. And I was content that Standing Bear and I had completed our bonding — he was my son now.

We had extended the front decks of both wagons three feet and installed the seats from the power wagon. We had to be careful when we built them not to extend too far or we would interfere with the team when they were hitched to the wagon. Our intent was to use the extension as a porch on the living wagon and a waiting room on the medical wagon. We also extended the existing roof overhang with a small canvas awning for shade and rain protection.

In the medical van, the rear side and the back windows made excellent skylights, just as I had hoped. We also used two of the four skylight/vents rescued from the camper to let in more light and improve the ventilation, although with the top half of both Dutch doors open, the air flow was already excellent. We rigged the cot we bought in Deadwood as an examining/operating table, with the headlights from the truck suspended over it. I also mounted the dome and cargo lights above each door to provide auxiliary or emergency lighting.

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Out Of The Lions Mouth

When they came to the limits of the City of the Seven Hills, she came to a halt by the side of the Via Appia. The others in the group stopped as well, drawing together in a small huddle behind her. Anthony, the oldest of them, was quietly explaining to them why she had stopped, why she looked upon the Eternal City with such trepidation. ‘Before she was with us, you see,’ he was saying to them, ‘Lydia was in the Colosseum. She was a Christian before it was allowed in the Empire. They put her in...

4 years ago
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Dream Sex With Sonal 8211 Part 4 An Exotic Massage

We sat at the poolside for some time. We then headed back to our room. (not expecting that I would give an exotic massage to Sonal.) The room had been cleaned. All signs of our sexual acts were erased forensically, fresh towels and shampoo in the bathroom, lavender room-freshener, and fresh flowers on the table vase. I must admit I was too busy with other things to notice there were flowers in the room at all. That’s the best thing about boutique hotels. The minions spoil us with their amazing...

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Chapter 51 - The Truth Revealed ~~~***~~~ With the help of Gabriella, Harry wore a two-piece black pinstripe suit and polished black shoes. Unfortunately his hair, which started out the morning better than normal, was now as disheveled as ever. The manager at Marley’s Men’s Shop had told him that a black handkerchief was a poor idea, but Harry thinking it appropriate for a funeral didn’t listen. Now, he understood why it was a poor idea. It was strange being fitted for a Muggle suit...

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When I became an amateur porn actress I didn039

I signed up with a third-party website to be a cam model. It works like this: you have a webcam. Guys go to the website, pick you out of a lineup, and instant message with you a little bit. When they decide they want to fork over $3 a minute, they click the "Pay Now" button and take you to a private chat room, where you can do whatever you want. I got half of the money for each minute, and grew quite adept at stripping slowly. The guys mostly just wanted straightforward tits and ass; I learned...

1 year ago
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Blondies Birthday Fuck Part Two

The rest of the day seems to fly by, until the doorbell rings a little after six in the evening. I go to answer the door, unsure who it is. We've made plans to meet up with some of our friends later. When I open the door, there stands my girl Cricket. I let out a shrilling scream, wrapping my arms around her. “Holy fucking shit! You’re here!” I yell probably too loudly in her ear, as we hug tight. Her embrace is amazingly strong. It’s been a few months since we've seen each other. “How could...

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Secrets of The Tea Room Ch 17

I couldn’t stand it any longer. I had to do something and told Brad so. He understood and suggested that he and I fly to Poza Rica. Perhaps we could help, perhaps not … but it was better than staying here. So, he and I met at the municipal airport the next morning and the same private plane that had whisked Rose away carried the two of us over the Gulf of Mexico. Brad had arranged for a car to be waiting for us and we were soon driving southwest to Oaxaca. We met the investigator at the hotel...

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My Aunt Bev by Peterpeterx

I want to tell you about “Aunt Bev” and the profound relationship that she and I shared. She is responsible for forming my sexuality and sensuality, the good parts and the bad. I have been told, more than once, that my sensuality is more like that of a woman than of a man. I am convinced that Bev is the reason I am the way I am. Most of the time, I love her for it and am very grateful for her guidance. The only regret I have is that society often frowns on expressing deep-seated feelings...

2 years ago
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Chocolate Fun

Introduction: A story about a teenager having a little fun with a black woman. Ok this is my first story. please comment it with some feedback. if its bad feedback go ahead post it, it will help me but if its just plain mean I wont like it to much. ENJOY! Chris was woken up from his alarm clock ringing right into his ear. He stretches his arm and turns it off, it reads 10:30 A.M. It is a Saturday morning and the only thing Chris has to do around the house on Saturdays are to wake up really...

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Secret Lives Part Two Chapter Two

From the moment she had stumbled upon those first few images, Brittany hadn’t been able to get them out of her mind. A day hadn’t passed since then that she hadn’t made love to Dave or masturbated, sometimes both. Things were a little less tense between them but they still hadn’t discussed any of their thoughts with each other yet and Brittany couldn't shake the thought of Dave having an affair.Dave was feeling better about things between him and Brittany; certainly, some of the spontaneity...

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Sharing my girlfriend and her mom pt4

And so the next day I began work as usual. Amy said she was out with some friends, although I expected her to be back in her room in a few minutes. We had worked out a plan the night before after she snuck over to my room for some midnight sex. That time I had taken her over the window sill, our bodies bathed in moonlight. Susan was in the kitchen, wearing a skimpy sundress. I was finishing up Amy's room when I heard the rustle of the tree and then saw my girlfriend climb into her...

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HandsOnHardcore Athena Faris Cuties Got Him Cumming

Hands On Hardcore has got bangin’ blonde American hunny Athena Faris back in the sack and getting kinky as fuck with Chad White. The stunning rising starlet is on a nude modeling job, but we all know where that’s going to lead – and you know we’ve got our 4K premium porn cameras rolling on the whole event. See the college actress in salacious boy-girl action, riding and sucking cock like a savage in the livingroom, bouncing her curvy ass on Chad’s massive shaft...

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Chapter 26 Leaving The Mountain

After Connie and I freshened up a bit I made us a nice cool double Jack to mellow us out. I felt like rubber after that intense sexual workout we had. Where she got her energy was beyond me. She downed her drink quickly and made her way downstairs to gather the group into the playroom. I could barely make out Connie’s voice but it sounded like she was laying down some playroom rules for our little orgy. I planned to stay a step ahead of them if I could. But first things first. My...

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Check In

The thing is, you're supposed to report this sort of thing and then they seem to get upset that you've bothered them. The girl in the call centre hadn't been very helpful. After she'd sulkily asked for my ident card number and where I was calling from she'd taken the rest of the details with a bored attitude and then said that she'd see if she could get someone to me, possibly that evening. Maybe. As it was, I had to wait for a couple of hours before someone turned up. I suppose I should...

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Used in a Booth 2

The guy whose penis I was sucking kissed/sucked my nipples and licked his way down to my flaccid penis. Suddenly I was embarrassed by my flaccid three inches, he sucked my penile head and shaft into his oral cavity like it was a string of spaghetti.Sliding his hands around my hips he gripped my bungs and pulled them to him and apart the guy behind me smeared my bung hole with a slippery slick substance and inserted a finger than another and still another. He begin to twist and pull my bung hole...

1 year ago
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Life of the Party

Chapter 1 - Initiation Chapter 1 - Initiation. I?ll preface this by saying that I don?t have a submissive bone in my body. What happens to me is in no way willful on my part, the following events could only happen to me if I was forced and had no other way out. This all started when a woman I worked with, I?ll call her Nancy, intercepted some files of mine that would incriminate me. If she told my manager, I would definitely lose my job and maybe even do jail time.? One day she told me...

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Wandering MindsChapter 18

Seth was still not completely back to normal when the semester started. He had already started shifting his class load heavily in the direction of psychology. At night, Seth avoided visiting to a large extent. His experience with Jerome made him leery of getting into anyone else's mind, because he did not know if he could help them at this time, and he wasn't sure if he was at a point where he could take not being able to help. Seth's love life was also reduced. In his first semester, he...

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Space Colony Eve

Second story from the new colony. First Born Colonist Sideways Landing: This settlement had been here longer than the first official colony, the two original settlers crashing here in a damaged escape pod more than a year before the colonisation ship arrived. Over the years people who wanted an even simpler life than that in the new colonies had heard of it and made their way here and asked if they could set up home nearby. Dave and Lisa had just waved their arms wide and said ‘pick...

2 years ago
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Replacing Grandma Chapter 2 of 5

Replacing Grandma Chapter 2 (of 5) Jason took himself off to Grandma's room, and sat down at her dressing table. The surface was strewn with old makeup and perfume bottles, which meant that the room always had a heavy, flowery, almost sickly scent in the air. The mirror had dozens of small photos jammed into the frame, and Jason looked closely at the faces, recognizing a few heartthrobs from the 60's and 70's. Perhaps Kitty had been a bit of a catch when she was younger. She...

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A Different Plane of Existence Part 10

A Different Plane of Existence By Karen Page Part Ten Unfortunately it wasn't the next day that they were able to get out. Charlotte suffered a lot during her first period and Kelly postponed the trip until things were on a less emotional level, which was the day after her period had finished. The time wasn't wasted as Kelly drilled Charlotte over those days, trying to perfect the way Charlotte talked, moved and acted. Kelly wanted this trip, the first as a girl, to be as big a...

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Village Father In Law Makes Into Me

Hi ISS readers, I am Sagarika from Bangalore – my age is 29 and got married at an age of 28 which is quite late for a south Indian girl. Let me just tell you my social surroundings – Married to a software engineer – Project manager to be precise, who is 5 years older than me. He was 33 when we got married. We moved to Bangalore after we got married because I husband was working here and his native was a village in the south of Tamil Nadu. We currently live in 3 bedroom apartment and I have...

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Time Warp Girls From Chester Ch 05

‘I guess that is a yes,’ as we kissed and I said, ‘Pillow we have a guest tonight.’ ‘Please take me now this instant right here for all to see my love.’ I looked at Joyce and she said, ‘You best do what your mistress says my love.’ With that I started on her toes worked my way up to her pussy blew on it and went down her other leg. I nibbled on her calve and she was begging Brad my love fuck me please I need you so bad.’ ‘Slave for my cock eh my little wench?’ ‘Oh yes I am your wench, your...

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Blackhawk HallChapter 6

"The elf mongrel is in the Hall, and the half-breed moved on to fort up in the inn once they broke the charm over our dupes," Cordell reported. Garvin, self-appointed Governor of Darius, frowned. "They moved forward after the attack? How much does that change things?" Cordell shrugged. "Not much, really. They will be here tomorrow unless we throw everything we've got at them to slow them down. It's all a matter of what time." "The clerics are ready?" Garvin asked. Cordell...

1 year ago
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Foreign Exchange

My name is Peter and I teach Political Science and Economics to senior high school students who have more money and technology than some Third World countries. It is hard to explain to them about Capitalism or Communism while they are texting their friends about old "Professor Pete". Recently I was drinking with a friend who is a journalist for our major daily paper and he got me to write a few pieces about the upcoming APEC conference to use as fillers in the paper. The whole city was in...

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Cunt Control

I can never go back! I don't understand why I did that! All I know is I will never see her again; the girl I have always been in love with. Goodbye my love, goodbye Samantha, Courtney cried.Courtney was walking aimlessly down the dark alleyway. She didn't know where she was going and she didn't care. She was a broken woman. She had destroyed a friendship that she cared more deeply for than her own life. She didn't cry she couldn't; tears were not enough to quell her pain. Her heart hurt and yet...

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My Final Submission

Comments are welcome. "My Final Submission" A True story by TSnympho A little background about me first, I am a pre-op Transsexual who is also a nymphomaniac and this is happening as I write this. In the beginning I was like most of my peers as a pre-op transsexual. After changing my name legally following my transition period I began living full time as a woman. Like many of my peers I have had the usual dates with guys who are just curious (I...

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Going to the Top of the Nice List 1 of

****All characters portrayed in this story are of legal consenting age.**** Trixie was so excited, it was finally the day to visit Santa at her local mall. All her friends at school had been talking about it this week, and bragging about how they always got such amazing presents. Well this year was going to be different! Trixie had made her mind up that this Christmas, she was going to do whatever it took to get herself on the top of the nice list. Her mom dropped her off at the mall to...

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Mutter Tochter Gangbang

„Oh mein Gott, was wollen die denn hier?“, seufzt die 36jährige Mary-Ann. Sie sieht aus dem Küchenfenster, wie vier schwarze Jungens aus einem klapprigen Chevy steigen und auf ihr Haus zukommen. Die Kerle sehen in ihrer schlampigen Kleidung wie Ghetto-Kids aus. Mary-Ann erkennt ihren Anführer wieder, einen gewissen Tyrone, der nach dem Footballspiel in der vergangenen Woche die ganze Zeit um ihre 18jährige Tochter Lisa herumscharwenzelt ist. Gott sei Dank ist Lisa jetzt nicht zu Hause, denkt...

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Charmed to the Tenth Ch 02

Eva LeMere sprang from her vanity and ran for her bedroom door. She stood like a goalie guarding the threshold, blocking her four dogs from entering her bedroom. The smallest was the most vocal, also the most difficult to keep out. They had reacted to the noise, come to investigate, to see if it might have anything to do with a threat or perhaps some food might be involved. ‘No, you, out.’ She said to the little one she named Ruffian. Of all her dogs over the years, Ruffian seemed the most in...

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Gay Experience with a StrangerFucked My Asshole3 Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

This is the final part of my story Gay Experience with a stranger. I will write in continuation of the cross dresser sex and how he fucked my Asshole. I maintained the eye contact as I again took his monster dick in my mouth and started sucking him harder. He grabbed my head and started matching my motion and fucking my hungry mouth. After a couple of minutes, he pulled out in haste. I figured out he probably was getting too hot and didn’t want to cum so soon. He pulled me up and started...

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The BarnChapter 10

Word of Danielle's pregnancy completely changed David's world. Granted, he had originally captured Sharon (now Danielle) out of anger at the invasion of his barn. He had murdered Eddie in a rage over Eddie attacking him in the root cellar. He hadn't planned on keeping Sharon. He hadn't planned on using Sharon as a sex toy. He never anticipated Sharon's total submissiveness to him. He certainly never expected to the total obedience that she showed him. He never expected to have her...

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road head

I love my truck, I won´t bother to much with the details of my truck. It is an 82 ford F150, has big tires, a big motor, 4 wheel drive, basically its just a fucking beast. My favorite piece of my truck has nothing to do with how it runs, sounds or drives. Most people probably would not even think twice about this part of my vehicle or any vehicle for that matter, but I love sex. Most of the stuff in my life is picked out to best suit sex and not what it is actually or at least mostly intended...

Oral Sex
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Sisterhood of Sin 29 Unmasked

My pussy tingles with anticipation as we pause outside his room. We wore burqas past all the hotel security cameras. Only one can see us now, but it's at the far end of the hall. Marta screens me from that as I remove my burqa and quickly don my ball mask. I knock on the room door and when the door swings open, I delight at his look of surprise. "Good evening, Sir. Your loving wife sent us. May we come in?" We don't wait for an answer. I open my trenchcoat to reveal my naked body and push my...

Group Sex
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I Suck my First Cock Gay

I swim at a pool near my home twice a week. I like the exercise, and I'm a decent swimmer. I tend to swim late in the evening because the pool is quieter. Last week, I was in the shower washing off the chlorine after a hard, long swim. There was one man in the pool apart from me. He was a huge bull of a man. He looked like a retired heavyweight boxer gone to seed - not a contender, but the sort of boxer who gave his all before being inevitably floored by a faster, younger man on the way to the...

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Kimron Mind Switch OuttakesChapter 5 Kim and Ron give their bodies

Self consciously, the next day neither had spoken much to the other at school. Fortunately, there had been no calls from Wade requiring their action. And surreptitiously, both had contacted Wade separately telling him that they would NOT be available for assignments that night. When school had ended, they walked to Kim's home and let themselves in. Kim dutifully prepared a snack for them and they settled down to watch the video Kim had selected: BOLERO starring Bo Derrick. Obviously, it was...

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The Italian Job 20

The Italian Job 20The night went well with Maria giving her usual performance, she was staring at me as she took the guys in turn as they lined up to fill her with spunk, it was running down her legs in rivers by the time they had finished and got bored with her, I was surprised because neither Sonia or Yvonne got involved with anyone else and there were plenty of potential suitors but they didn’t seem to want to know, Christina was still a bit sore in her arse but she took some guy in the...

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