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I was totally pissed off!

‘To hell with them,’ I thought.

I’d been doing a good job with the Marshal’s service but if this is the way that they wanted to treat me, my people, and my work, then they could take that star and stick it where the sun don’t shine!

I stomped out. Tying my horse to the back of the medical wagon I told my wives climb on, as I’d had enough of this damn place. Climbing up into the seat, Moon and Dawn started fussing over me, trying to get me to calm down.

Finally, after a minute of this I told them, ‘Girls, I just need to relax and calm down. All this fussing is just going to make me more mad than I am now.’

Both of them sat back in their seats, and got real quiet. I could tell that I’d hurt their feelings by being abrupt with them.

I said, ‘I didn’t mean to snap at you, ladies. I just need to sit back and think things through without any distractions. I know you’re just trying to help but I just need to think about how things took place and the effects they’re going to have on the Lakota tribes. I can’t believe that damn judge locked them up when they were just doing their jobs! Something like this could set them back on the warpath, and everything we’ve accomplished would go to hell in a hand basket.’

Dawn replied, ‘I’m not sure Red Cloud will go on the warpath. He has been looking ahead, and sees that if things continue to go the way they have been, the long knives will come and wipe out the Lakota Nation. Then our people will be no more!’

‘I’m sure he’s right. I’m doing everything I can, to try and help the Lakota people. The US Government has a lousy record of breaking their treaties, and too many of the people in the Indian Bureau and the regular Government get greedy. Now that they know that there is gold here in the Black Hills, they’re going to want to take it away from the Lakota, any way they can, and move the Lakota Nation to some piece of worthless wasteland where they can be easily controlled. One thing I found is that the government feels as if it needs to have its finger stuck in everything. They are just a bunch of control freaks.’

‘Clay, isn’t there anything you can do? You were helping Red Cloud change things. A lot of the young Braves are still anxious to try and prove themselves. The way you showed them that you trust them by making them law men gave them a sense of pride and purpose.’

‘Well there’s not much I can do now without my badge! It was really beginning to look like a job that could matter. I thought I was doing a lot of good for the people around here, but I guess that’s over with, now. I’ll keep on doing the doctoring, plus Helen should be here in a week or so. Along with the others, she can teach more than basic first aid. She seems to be pretty knowledgeable and would make a fantastic nurse or midwife. What I would like to see her do, is go to medical school. All those things will be hard because it’s very hard for other people to accept that a woman can do the job just as well as a man.’

Dawn said, ‘I like her. The way she nursed you after you had been shot just shows that she would make a great medicine woman.’

I’d started to calm down as I was talking with Dawn, so I said, ‘Let’s go home. I’m tired and just wanted cuddle with all you soon-to-be mothers.’

As we leisurely rolled for home, I became lost in my thoughts. What would they do now that I’m no longer a Deputy Marshal, and no longer had the power I would need to force people to make changes for the better? What could I do now to help the Lakota? This was just getting me agitated again.

I was trying to plan what I could do to help train more people to do basic first aid for the people in their area. Winter would be upon us in a little over a month and once the snow started it would be very hard to get to the people in case of a medical emergency.

Blizzards were not uncommon in this area. People have been known to freeze to death within fifty yards of their front door. White outs were not uncommon either. The wind would start blowing so bad that you could not even see your hand in front of your face, let alone your house.

I had a plan to use the springs of my power wagon to mount runners on my medical wagon, using it as a sled. I just needed to figure out how I could do this for the winter months and change it back to a wagon the rest of the year. The other wagon that we normally lived in, I would leave parked for the winter. We’d just use the one, with a few minor modifications.

I just knew that when I told my wives about that, I was going to catch all kinds of hell about not taking them with me if I had to go anywhere. I figured the medical wagon’s interior shouldn’t need too many changes to make it usable. It already had a small Franklin stove I could use for heat and cooking a small meal.

The wagon was pretty much sealed so I could stay out of the weather, at least at night. I’d have to think of something for the driver’s box, as it was wide open. I might be able to build some sort of windbreak to make it a little warmer. Hell as far as that goes, the Aladdin lamps I used, because they were so much brighter than the normal kerosene lantern, put out enough heat by themselves at keeping the wagon warm. I’d probably have to crack open a window or something. While doing all this thinking I looked out and found we were pulling into the ranch yard. The seven miles from town had flown by.

After putting the wagons and the horses away, I headed for the house hoping for a hot meal, and a good night’s sleep cuddling with all my wives. Uncle Henry met me in the barn to help care for the horses. After brushing down and feeding all the horses, we turned them loose in the pasture next to the barn that we used for the horses and mules we used the most.

‘So, Clay, I thought you knew better than to go getting in front of someone shooting at you. Don’t you know getting shot hurts?’ Uncle Henry said with a smile. ‘The girls said you aren’t the Marshal, anymore, and that you are in a bad mood. What’s that all about?’

I said, ‘Damn Judge Mitchell! We had been to Hill City, and I sent some prisoners ahead with some Indians I had deputized. That damn judge locked up the Lakota that I deputized because I was shot and couldn’t bring the prisoners in myself. I would imagine that they are very pissed off about it, and I don’t blame them. He was threatening to fire me anyway so I took off my badge, slammed it down on the desk, and told them where he could shove it.’

‘He can’t do that, Clay! Judge Mitchell is a Territorial Judge! He has no power over a US Deputy Marshal. The nearest Federal Judge is in Fort Laramie. He’s the only one you really answer to. You need to go back, tomorrow, and take back your badge. I’ll go with you. I’ll have a few choice words for Judge Mitchell, myself. He’s normally a good man to have on your side. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I have a good idea he’s getting a lot of pressure from Washington about the way things are going around here, especially your idea of having the Indians lease the land to the people using it, in a legal contract. I have a feeling that some of the greedy bastards in Washington were just counting the ways of how to get some of the gold that is coming out of these hills.’

‘You’re probably right about that. If the politicians in Washington have their way, the Indians will be screwed out of everything. That’s the way it was in my former time. If I have any choices, it’s going to be different, this time!’

‘I knew it! I knew there had to be some reason that you were so passionate about finding a way to help the Lakota. So, the government did come in and take the Black Hills from the Lakota and break the treaty again, in your time. Where did they finally put the Sioux Nation in your time? Red Cloud is kind of curious about why you as a white man would want to help the Lakota so much. He realizes you are half Lakota yourself but you live the whit
e man’s way. Most white men either want to kill or cheat Indians . But he can see the way you are trying to help them and your actions puzzle him.’

‘They put them on one of the most worthless pieces of wasteland that they could find around here. A place called Wounded Knee close to the Badlands. If things weren’t bad enough they shorted them on rations and took away all their dignity and pride. In my time what few Lakota were left, were living in poverty. The US Government has a lot to answer for! They have never once honored any treaty that they made with the Sioux! All of this land belongs to the Souix, and those greedy bastards just stole it from them!’

‘Tomorrow, I want you to go back and get your badge. Clay, you are one of the only ones that can do anything to stop that from happening, again.’

‘Grandpa, the way things are right now, I’m not sure I can change things. It seems like whatever I do, things just seem to go to straight down the shitter!’

‘You told me Jake practically raised you, and I know that since I taught him his values about never giving up that he would’ve passed them on to you! You don’t strike me as some sort of quitter Clay. So if your first plan didn’t work, then it’s time to make new plans!’

‘What if it turns out that I can’t change history? It seems as if any small changes I make, fate or whatever just seems to change it back.’

‘There’s got to be some way you can change things. You said the smallpox epidemic that hit Deadwood wiped out three quarters of the population. Just look at the changes in the death rate that we had during the epidemic! You can’t tell me that you didn’t change history by saving those people! So you see history can be changed! It doesn’t form some sort of paradox. It’s possible your idea that this may be a different timeline than the one you are from is right.’

‘Grandpa, that’s a lot to think about and right now I’m so tired I just want to go eat and crawl into bed.’

‘Sally figured that you would be in this evening so she kept supper warm for you. Come over to the house and eat before you go to bed. You’re wives are already over there.’

‘Grandpa that’s great! I am so tired I feel as if I’m about ready to drop. After all that bullshit with Judge Mitchell I am so pissed off I can’t even think straight. I just want to crawl into bed and cuddle with my wives and just forget about the whole situation for tonight.’

‘Let’s go eat then Clay. After a good night’s sleep things may look different in the morning. We should head into Hill City, get back your badge and confront Judge Mitchell about what the hell is going on. At least he didn’t turn loose your prisoners. We will talk with Red Cloud tomorrow also and try to calm the braves who were locked up. That’s all we need, a bunch of hotheaded braves thinking about the way they were treated, and ready to go back on the warpath.’

When we went in I saw that my wives were already eating. Sally gave me a plate of her fantastic beef stew. Sitting at the table it seemed that the whole family wanted to know about my wound, and what had me so pissed off. I explained what happened and that I had calmed down quite little bit after talking with Uncle Henry. After eating we said our goodbyes, and headed home for bed.

After finally climbing in bed all I wanted to do was cuddle and go to sleep, but it seemed my wives had other ideas. I don’t know what it is with pregnant women, but for some reason they were all very randy! It was a good two hours later, before I was finally able to get some sleep.

The next morning I was in a much better mood. I was whistling as I walked up to Grandpa. He looked at me surprised.

‘Clay, what’s got you in such good mood this morning?’

‘My wives know how to solve my stress. Let’s go talk to Red Cloud, and try to smooth things over before we head into Hill City.’

We went to get fresh horses, and headed to where Red Cloud’s people were camped.

Upon arrival, the first person we came across was Spotted Owl. Coming up to him, we asked to speak with Red Cloud. After going over to the fire where Red Cloud was sitting, I walked up to him and said.’Chief Red Cloud, I came to apologize for the way your braves were treated after taking the prisoners to Hill City. It was totally unfair and wrong to lock them up! I only hope that they can find it in their hearts to forgive me, especially Spotted Owl and Tall Bear. I also need to speak with the families of the two braves that were killed to see if there is anything I can do to help them.’

‘There is nothing to apologize for. You did nothing wrong. You friend to Lakota. Braves were mad at first until told white man was changing the way he treats Lakota. In time all will change.’

‘I still need to speak with Tall Bear and thank him for saving my life. If he hadn’t shot that man, I would be dead.’

‘The brave Tall Bear killed was his brother. Tall Bear wants to ask you if you will become brother to him.’

That got me to really thinking. He killed his own brother to save me!

‘He wants me to become his brother? I would think he would hate me for causing him to kill his own brother.’

I looked at grandpa. ‘Uncle Henry I’m not sure what to do. Here is a man who killed his own brother to save another man. Then he honors me by asking me to become his brother. What do I do?’

‘You honor his request!’

‘I need to talk to Tall Bear about doing this. I still need to check with the families of the two braves that were killed to see if there was anything I can do to help them.’

Red Cloud spoke up. ‘Both men were unmarried so families are good. If you hunt, many families can use more meat. Many braves were killed at Greasy Grass.’

‘We should’ve thought of that. Red Cloud I can have a few head of cattle sent here.’

‘Cattle animal not good meat. Rather have a deer, or elk, or even bear.’

‘Okay, I guess we should hunt. It is going to be a long winter so extra meat should come in handy. Red Cloud, I was told that two braves that were killed because their weapons were in poor shape. I cannot legally provide you with weapons, although some may tend to be misplaced near here. Maybe you should look around the area tomorrow.’ Grandpa gave me a funny look as I said this.

I then turned to Spotted Owl. ‘Will you take me to see Tall Bear? I need to thank him for saving my life and find out about him wanting me to become his brother and what it entails.’

Spotted Owl led me to the lodge of Tall Bear. As we were walking, I asked, ‘Spotted Owl, I want to know when it would be a good time for your family to come visit with my family. I know Running Deer and Little Doe would like to see their family more often.’

‘I thought daughters were living as White Women. Their mother would enjoy seeing more of daughters as would I.’

‘Spotted Owl, I know Running Deer and Little Doe need to see more of you and their mother. I know since we’ve been married that we haven’t been around much, what with me trying to be the doctor for the area and trying to uphold the law. However, the girls still need their families and their people. This is a unique way they can embrace both their Lakota heritage and learn the white man’s ways. I believe if more people would take the time to learn other people’s ways we wouldn’t have so much trouble with each other.’

Tall Bear was sitting outside his lodge when we arrived. We clasped forearms arms in their traditional way of greeting and I said, ‘I’m sorry about you having to kill your own brother Tall Bear. Red Cloud tells me that since you lost your brother you would like me to become brothers with you. What does that all mean?’

‘There is a ceremony, White Calf Woman is in camp now and can perform ceremony.’

He then called over one of the young boys, said a few things in their native language to him and the boy took off running. We sat and talked for a few minutes while waiting. Soon we heard a
commotion and looked up as Red Cloud, White Calf Woman, and several of the tribal elders came up to us. Tall Bear explained to everyone what was going on, and that I had consented to become his brother.’

White Calf Woman turned to me and asked, ‘Dirty Hand, is this correct? You have consented to become Tall Bear’s brother? This is something that is not done without Total commitment.’

‘Yes! Tall Bear’s brother was going to shoot me in the back, and that made Tall Bear kill his own brother. It is only right that Tall Bear asks me that, in his place, I become his brother.’

White Calf Woman then took a piece of rawhide from her pouch and then with a small belt knife she sliced Tall Bear’s and my right hand, on the ball of our thumbs, just deep enough to start us both bleeding without causing any real damage. Taking a strip of rawhide, she bound both of our hands together.

She said, ‘Dirty Hand and Tall Bear have consented to become brothers, as their blood now mixes with each other’s let all know that Dirty Hand and Tall Bear are now brothers in all ways except birth. Should one require help the other will always come. Should one sorrow the other will always comfort. Should one anger the other will always support. Let it be known that Dirty Hand and Tall Bear are now brothers! ‘

Tall Bear walked with us back to our horses, as we got there, he pulled his knife.

Handing it to me, he said, ‘A gift to my new brother.’

In return, I reached into my saddle scabbard, and pulled out my Winchester.

I handed it to him, saying, ‘A gift to my new brother, may he use it wisely.’

Just as Grandpa and I were getting ready to ride for Hill City, Jake and Standing Bear came running up to us to see what was going on. Since Standing Bear had become a part of my family, he and Jake had become inseparable. Grandpa told me that they were both often in Red Cloud’s camp learning from the others the ways of the Sioux and were both becoming quite skilled at it. We talked to them a few minutes and explained that we needed to go into Hill City and asked if they both would like to come along. Tall Bear decided that he would come with us also so we set out for town.

Upon arriving in Hill City I found the judge in his chambers and asked for my badge.

‘Clay, I see you changed your mind, although you’re a little late. I gave your job to another man.’

Grandpa then exploded and said, ‘What the hell do you mean you gave Clay’s job to another man? You have no authority to do that. Clay is a US Deputy Marshal and the only judge that can accept his resignation is in Fort Laramie. You are a territorial judge not a federal judge so give him back his badge now!’

‘Hank, I no longer have his badge. I gave it to the man from Washington. He’s here about the Indians. His name is George Manypenny and he was sent here from Congress concerning the Indians, and the way they are making the White Men lease the land around here. He says this is not right since the Indians are not using the land anyway and that we should be able to just take it, and not have to give the Indians anything.’

I said angrily. ‘Just where is this son of a bitch? This land was given to the Sioux Nation in the Fort Laramie Treaty! It is their land! I’m the one that suggested that the Lakota grant leases to the people in the area, preventing an all-out Indian war from starting!’

‘He’s over in the café was a bunch of his people. He gave your badge to one of his men saying this would make his job so much easier.’

All of us went straight to the Café. Seeing a group in the corner we marched over to them and I said. ‘Which one are you is Manypenny? I’m Clay Thomas and I understand you have my badge, and I’ve come to get it back. ‘

‘I am George Manypenny. I was under the understanding you quit so I appointed Charlie here is the new Marshall. I guess you’re just a little too late.’

‘Just who the hell do you think you are? I was appointed a US Deputy Marshal, and the job and badge belongs to me until my superiors in Fort Laramie say differently.’

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I couldnt take much more of this

It happened so innocently. I was 23 and she was 36 divorced and a mother of two kids. We worked for the same small company, she was on the assembly line and I worked in the laboratory.   When I would look her way she would meet my eyes just a moment longer then would be normal. She would often find reasons to come into the lab looking for something. She’d always find a way to pass right by me even if it was the long way around. Sometimes she would brush against me as she passed.

3 years ago
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My Life as a Wittol Chapter Ten B

In my sexual haze, I naively questioned, “Hank? What about Hank?”She bent forward as she shamelessly whispered so low I could scarcely hear her, “I fucked Hank.”She felt my dick gradually start to swell and she knew I had become aroused with her confession of her affair with a casual friend and neighbor that lived just a few short blocks from our home. I had become extremely close to that threshold of a very intense orgasm.She leaned back and moaned as she told me, “I love the way you get so...

4 years ago
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Tammy Goes Black After the Prom Part II Tammy

Tammy Goes Black After the Prom – Part II (Tammy's version)My husband is a great guy and I love him very much. He uses his seven and a half inches pretty well so he's not too bad in bed. He's a good provider, husband, father to our daughter and he farms. We have sex sometimes once a week and most of the time he satisfies me unless I have something else on my mind. Sometimes when we would be having sex he would ask me if I would like to try a black cock and I would always tell him no. That I was...

3 years ago
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Mothers Future Helper

--- Mother's Future Helper (F-solo, f-solo, ff, MF, 1st, bi, cons, reluc, oral, impreg?, ScFi, voy) by Krosis of the Collective --- -------------- Two weeks ago: -------------- "But Dave, you know what week that is!" "I know, Linda, but it's my job, and we need the money." "Money isn't everything." ----------------------------- Jump forward - four days ago: ----------------------------- Hi! My name is Jessica (Jesse7327 to my friends). I'm 15 years...

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The True Me Part 6

Fiction!I could tell he was checking me out as he asked that qustion. I smiled and walked over to the fridge to get something to drink. "Well daddy," I said bending over so he could see my ass through my super short shorts. "I can show you better than I can tell you." I turned to face him. I could see the buldge in his pants. I smiled and walked over to him. "Would you like to see how much fun I had last night?""Umm..." He just stared at me.I didn't wait for an answer. I started unbuttoning his...

1 year ago
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Learning to be a Good Boy Part 4

I did my best NOT to cum as Mrs. Perkins rode me and my now somewhat-sore cock. She was gyrating and bouncing hard, almost smashing my balls below her ass and thighs. She told me to reach up for her nipples.“PULL THEM” she yelled, “Twist them and make mommy cum!”I did as I was told and was rewarded with her juices flooding out of her opening and running down all over my cock and balls. She slowed her movement and smiled down at me.“You ARE Mommies Good Boy” she panted out as she smiled through...

4 years ago
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Marilyn and the Gym Teacher

Marilyn and the Gym Teacher By Brett Lynn Author's Note: OK, here we go again. So far the feedback from my first story is good. Orgasms are plentiful, my style is apparently distinguishable from the poorly written estrus that runs occasionally through the newsgroup sex story scene, and it's familiar enough to people that people are comfortable soaking their hands reading me. My debut is a smash. So here's the deal: in my little series, there are gonna be a couple more stroke stories....

4 years ago
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George Isolde and the Brass Ring Polka Band

Dedication This dedication is long and necessarily so. The book has taken me three decades to write, mostly because I didn’t start actually putting pen to paper, so to speak, until I had all my background ducks in a row. Putting ducks in a row is like herding cats, patience becomes the primary virtue. This book is Tom Woolfolk’s fault. Well, actually, Tom’s and Sheila’s jointly. We three commuted to work together for a few years in the early eighties, and during those long and boring rides,...

1 year ago
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Claudines Erwachen

Wir beide Claudine und ich Tom haben uns vor einem halben Jahr kennengelernt etwa drei Wochen vor Claudines neunzehnten Geburtstag. Wir trafen uns nach dem ersten Kennenlernen zufällig immer wieder auf Festivals oder in der Disko unseres ersten Zusammentreffen. Nach dem dritten oder vierten Mal fragte ich sie ob ich sie mal abholen dürfe was sie gleich bejahte. So war dann der nöchste Freitag als Termin ausgemacht. Pünktlich um sechs stand ich vor ihrem Haus und sie kam schon aus der Türe und...

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The Maid

We hired a maid to clean our house three times a week. After the initial couple of weeks, she had the place pretty clean and was just performing maintenance cleaning. She started coming twice on the weeks she needed to do laundry and once in the alternating weeks.This went on for some time until one day, I found a pair of panties neatly folded in my underwear drawer. They weren't mine and they weren't my wife's (wrong size) and they weren't my daughter's either (she doesn't wear thongs).  I...

2 years ago
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Nothing Gets Through Ch 10

Nothing Gets Through Ch. 10 © 2009 All Rights Reserved Lani curled up on the couch as she waited for Dom to come back with the wine. It was five days before Christmas, and the team’s schedule was going to get hectic. Lani was flying back to Hawaii the next day, and so they had decided to have a small Christmas celebration early. It was a good idea, Lani decided. By trading gifts early, it felt like so much of the pressure of the actual holiday was removed. They were both more relaxed—joking,...

4 years ago
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Northern Winds

The cool wind blew in through the open window slowly, gently caressing her bare back till she awoke with a shudder. The nights had gotten crisper in this Northern region than what she was used to. She jumped up out of bed to close the window and couldn’t help but lovingly admired the moonlight that was splashing over the view of his nakedness. His breathing was even and rhythmic as he lay in a deep sleep. Her heart fluttered as the memories from earlier that evening flooded her mind. She took...

3 years ago
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Lifes Strange Turns Part 2

Introduction: Youll want to read Part 1 first! Lifes Strange Turns, Part 2 The phone rang, waking both Karen and myself with a start. Wed slept for only about 15 minutes. Well, it would have been bad to sleep longer, but it would have been almost tragic if the phone had rung while we were writhing around having such marvelous sex. Especially if shed had my cock in her mouth I thought! To give Karen some phone privacy and to take care of some personal hygiene issues, I ran into the shower and...

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Love At First And Friends With Benefits

Hi friends, I am rahul I am 27 years old and this story is about my first sex experience which happened with my best friend ruchika(name changed) she was one of the best bombshells in our college, guys would used to die to talk to her, I was quite lucky to sit next to her because I was her best friend, I always had feelings for her but never shared it with her because I did not wanted to ruin my relationship with her. I was also dating a girl that time so I didn’t feel that it is appropriate to...

3 years ago
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That night I was a slut

Prague!! Finally, I am here. It's been so long since they promised this trip to us at work, as a reward for our great results. Just my luck though, i had to come alone, because my friend and colleague, Ana, the other winner, got sick just yesterday, and she couldn't join me... damn, we've made sooo many plans, and now? Well, there's got to be something to entertain me alone. This is the fun capitol of Europe, right? A girl can pull an all-nighter here without too much of a bother. The clubs are...

2 years ago
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Dating My Daughter 8211 Part 14

Hello ISS readers. I am back with this series. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. This is a fantasy fictional story. I’m a divorced 41-year-old guy who has a beautiful and young daughter, Amy. She just turned 19 and I haven’t seen Amy in almost 10 years. But now she has come down to meet me. So this is what happened next. Amy and I boarded the plane to go to the beach. We reached there in the afternoon. We were at the beach. It was very clean. Me: Here we are. Amy: Wow! It looks so beautiful. Me:...

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My first tranny assfuck

This is the story of the first time I got butt fucked by a tranny...In my early twenties, I'd gotten in the habit of visiting strip clubs for a bit and then picking up a hooker for a quick blowjob. At home, my jerk sessions were always pretty dirty (I love eating my cum) but more and more frequently involved toys and ass-play. I was also starting to explore transsexual porn.Over time I was noticing an increasing number of trans and CD/TV hookers on the street but hadn't yet hooked up with any...

3 years ago
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In the Stacks Ch 08

Will sat stoically in first class, sipping scotch out of a plastic cup. The smoky acrid taste hit the back of his mouth. He held the sting of the alcohol in his mouth for as long as he could and then swallowed it. He took long, deep breaths in between drinks, and then turned to his right. Chris was asleep, lying against the window, a white pillow folded against the right side of his face. The navy blue blanket once pulled tight against his neck had now fallen down. Will softly reached over,...

1 year ago
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Bi Night to Remember

I was at a bar one Saturday night just watching the crowd and having a few beers. I noticed a nice looking couple on the dance floor looking at me and pointing in my direction. They caught my interest as I wondered what they were talking about. I walked to the bar near them to order a beer just after they came off the dance floor. The man walked over to me and said, “Hi, my name is Joe” “Tom, nice to meet you” I said and extended my hand. “My wife thinks you’re nice looking and wondered if you...

4 years ago
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Growing Pains Redemption

This is a sequel to Betrayal (Story on this site). You might want to read that first. Chapter I ‘You want me to do what?’ Simon asked with a furrowed brow and Rhea folded her arms defensively across her bosom. ‘A tattoo. Remind you of who your girlfriend is, as you seem to have problems remembering,’ Rhea replied coldly and the three people in the crowded tattoo studio turned to look at an embarrassed Simon. ‘I know love, but a tattoo?’ Simon whispered in a low voice. ‘Is it really...

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Relationship With Hot Coworker Sonam

Hi, this is Kumar. After being a long time reader of sex stories on various sites, I got an urge to share my story with you all. I am a teacher by profession, working in a private institute in Pondicherry as a principal with a nice salary.Pondicherry is a beautiful place for living and drinking. It was a summer vacation when this incident took place. My coworker name’s Sonam. She is a perfect babe with a perfect figure and having a physical status of 34- 28- 34 which I came to know later. She...

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Different Male Milking Techniques for More Control

With Male Chastity becoming ever more popular either as a lifestyle or occasional kink, prostatic milking of males is also ever-increasingly referred to, discussed and probably practised.Often, in chastity circles people just talk about milking the prostate without considering how to carry out the procedure to gain the desired effect. If you’re currently milking your chaste male, the chances are that he’s probably getting a lot more pleasure from milkings than you think. I’ll leave the debate...

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Its My PartyChapter 76

The next day. Time: Monday, April 11, 2019 5:35 AM The windows of the Black Mall lounge showed a cold, gray, and very wet morning, with occasional gusts of wind whipping the pines and spruces in the adjacent park. Amber’s team was scheduled to depart Jacob’s at 6 AM and currently her team members were scattered about the home complex. Brandi and Whitney were sitting on one of the couches in the lounge. Whitney ran her hand across the luxuriant leather surface. “You know, this is a little...

2 years ago
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A Maid to Play With

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just ends up as shit? Well imagine the worst of those shit days, multiply it by ten and then you will maybe come close to how my day is going. Let me put it this way, I am royally screwed, I know it, and there is nothing I can do but take it. I guess in the end I should have expected things to end this way, but when you are on top of the world its hard to see what can happen when you fall. The last thing I remember is eating...

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Nude Vacation

The year my youngest daughter Karen turned 18 and finished high school, I decided to take all my children on a special summer vacation. My lovely bride of 29 years had passed away the summer before and it had put quite a strain on all of us. She had been the glue holding us together and I was determined not to let all her years of love and bonding slip away. So when James and Laura, the two older siblings, arrived home for the college summer break, I announced to them that we would be spending...

2 years ago
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Yoursquore My Bitch Now Neighbor takes a wife a

You’re My Bitch Now (Neighbor takes a wife against her will)It had been awhile since I cut loose, spring was here and I was tired of being cooped up in the house alone. I decided to have a get together and invite some friends from work over several weeks ago. Sabrina lived next door, her husband was gone a lot for business and I knew she liked to party a bit and might enjoy the company of others being around so I gave her a call and invited her over too. Besides, it never hurts to invite...

1 year ago
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Had Sex With Best Friend In Agra

Hello ISS readers. This is kabir from delhi. I live in dwarka and doing my bachlors from Delhi University. I am 22 years old and my height is 5’9″. I have got normal body with 6″ dick size. I dont have much friends here so i used to do social networking all time i.e. Facebook, hangout, wechat, snapchat, instagram, tango etc.. I will write this story in hinglish. Lets come to the story guys. Ek din main har baar ki trah apne Instagram main pic dali. Ek random ladki ne like kia and baki 5-6 pics...

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The Halloween Girls Club

Driving home from work, I observed that the neighbourhood kids were out in the streets plying their "Trick or Treat' trades. It was Halloween, and I let my mind drift back to the times that I had taken my daughter Tasha and her friends on a neighbourhood pilgrimage. That just seemed so long ago now. I was alone. Tasha was now 20 years old and living in her own place. She visited me often, but that's not the same as having her living under my roof. Thinking about those times with her came...

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My Wife Became A Hot Prostitute

This story is about my wife rittu with whom I got married in 2004 and before my marriage I used to fuck prostitutes.I used to spend lots of money fucking whores of different age caste colour and creed..I had a real liking for prostitutes and often used to bring them to my flat After my marriage I used to fuck rittu like a whore making her do all the things which I used to get done from a whore.I used to make her wear tight jeans and skimpy top with sexy netted bra and panty inside and then I...

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Mera Affair Anamika Ke Sath 8211 2

Hello friends, main Vicky Jacob (25 years) lekar aaya hoon aap sabke liye ek nayi sex story joh meri pichli story ka hi continuation hai. Jaise aap logon ne meri last story mein padha tha ki maine apne hotel ki manager Anamika Malhotra (24 years) ke sath affair shuru kiya. Anamika ke husband Akshat ke paas use physically satisfy karne ke liye bilkul time nahin tha. Tab maine hi Anamika ko sambhala tha. Aaiye ab main aap logon ko batata hoon ki kaise hum dono ne dubara chudai ki mere Abu Dhabi...

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Alexis and Amber A quickie for the guys

This is a short encounter told from the perspective of Alexis. I decided to have a little bit of fun with our male friends, but make no mistake – we’re as gay as a sparkle unicorn shooting rainbows. Even so, have fun cumming while we play with you ???? You hear the door creak open, and you look at your intruder. I’m standing in the doorway, wearing nothing but a t-shirt, covering my girl parts. Amber slides up beside me, wearing oh my – she’s only wearing one of *your* shirts I’m feeling rather...

3 years ago
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The StallionChapter 9

There is a knock at the door which startles Emily Elizabeth from her sleep. She groans, almost snarling at the noise. It comes again and this time her eyes fly open, only to quickly shut as the light flashes at them like headlights at a deer. “Emily Elizabeth, you planning on coming down sometime today?” her mother asks through the door. “This is twice now you’ve overslept. We’re running a farm here. We ain’t got no time for oversleeping.” The girl rolls over with a grunt, pulling the...

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Getting Some Divorcee PussyChapter 5

I had just finished seducing Cindy, a new mother in her 20s whose husband had left her, by helping her into her house with her groceries and then taking her right there on her kitchen table. She was looking so hot and so very desirable in a cropped top and shorts, like she was literally screaming out for a horny man's attention. I was that man apparently. I made my move in the kitchen and fuck here with Cindy sitting on the edge of the table. Then I pulled my cock out of this hot blonde's...

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