Bad Kitty!, Chapter 2 free porn video

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“Now get out of those clothes, they are too nice to get messed up and they are in the way of my work,” he said. She quickly got out of her lingerie, handing them to him.

“Yes, we will have to discuss your wearing these!” he said, as she handed him her panties. She looked up at him with a sheepish grin.

He began by pushing her back down into the chair and putting her knees over the arms of the chair, then pulling her ass to the edge of the seat. “This way when your pussy leaks, it will pour onto the floor, and not in the chair. I sit there too, you know!” he said. He took one of his ropes and ran it around her and the chair several times, securing her to the back of the chair.

Then he took another length of rope and tied her ankle to the chair arm, and then her leg just above the knee. He repeated it with the other leg in a similar fashion, securing both legs spread wide, to the chair arms. He took her arms and brought them up over her head and tied them off to the chair back behind her head, then stepped back to look over his work.

She was tied securely to the chair, unable to do much more than wriggle a bit. She tested the ropes and his knots and found that she wasn’t going anywhere. She was completely at his mercy and under his control. It made her pussy even wetter knowing this.

“Are those knots tied tight, slut?” he asked her, as he walked slowly around her chair inspecting his work.

“Yes Sir,” she said.

“And the ropes are strong?” he asked.

“Yes Sir,”

“So you are tied securely, then?”

“Oh yes, Master, very securely.”

“And how does that make you feel to know that you cannot escape and that you are completely helpless?” he asked her, teasing her with his words.

“It feels wonderful, Sir… so hot and sexy.”

“WRONG, Slut!” he said, grabbing a handful of hair. He leaned over from behind her and gave her tits a couple of hard smacks. “A hot shower after a long day feels wonderful. Those clothes you were wearing makes you feel sexy.

"Being tied up makes your pussy wet and makes you so fucking horny you can’t stand it! Being tied up makes you want my cock so bad you would do anything just to be fucked by it. Isn’t that right, whore?”

“Yes, Master! Oh, please fuck your whore slut, Master! Please! I need your cock! I need to please you with my dirty cunt! Please, fuck me, please!” she begged.

“That’s more like it. A whore like you doesn’t get to feel ‘wonderful’. Wonderful is for ladies and proper society women. Not back alley gutter trash like you.

"All you are allowed to feel is a cock in your holes and whatever pleasure you are allowed to derive from it. You are a tool… just a place I have to store excess cum, understand. You are a cum receptacle… a walking cunt,” he said.

“Yes Master,” she said.

His filthy degrading talk was making her pussy drool now… she loved being treated like this–it turned her on immensely and he was giving her all he had. She was wriggling in her seat, sliding around on the thin film of pussy juice that ran down her crack to the seat below her. Her tits burned from the slapping and her nipples were so hard she thought they would burst.

“Please, Master… please use your whore’s cunt for your pleasure. Please use my cunt, my ass, and my mouth however you please. I will do anything you ask, Master I only wish to serve you and please you. Please, Master, allow me to make you happy,” she begged again.

“Oh, don’t you worry slut, I fully intend to use all your holes before the weekend is over. But first, we have the matter of teaching your ‘kitty’ here a little patience! I have some ideas on just how to do that too,” he said with a wicked tone.

She gulped nervously, “Y-you do?”

“Oh yes, my little fucktoy… I will show kitty that patience is a virtue and something she will need to develop if she doesn’t want to be punished all the time,” he said. Then he leaned forward getting right up face to face, their noses almost touching. “But then, kitty kinda likes the punishments doesn’t she?” he added.

“Yes Sir,” she breathed lustfully, blushing as the words came out.

“Yes indeed,” he said. He went back to the box and pulled out a hand-operated vacuum device and a handful of small clear vacuum cups. He selected two of the smaller, more narrow ones and attached one to the plastic hose coming from the squeeze handle. Then he put the open end of the cup up to her mouth.

“Lick it slut,” he said. She licked around the rim and inside the cup, getting it nice and wet. He placed the open end of the vacuum cup over her nipple and pumped the handle a few times. Her nipple was sucked up into the cup further and further with every squeeze of the vacuum pump until it was almost painfully tight.

She moaned at first, feeling her nipple being sucked up into the device, but as he continued to pump the handle her moans turned to whimpers of discomfort and pain. He stopped when she began whimpering–he didn’t want to get too ahead of himself. He closed off the plastic valve and disconnected the hose to reattach it to another cup.

Again he put the end of the cup to her lips and told her to lick it and then attached the second cup to her other nipple. He stood back for a moment as she looked down at her tits, the nipples uncomfortably distended and turning purple as the blood was drawn to them.

“How are you doing, slut?” he asked. He always checked on her as the sessions progressed, which made her feel much more secure and at ease when he was working with her. She knew she was safe and that allowed her to let go and feel everything he was doing to her more intensely.

“I am doing fine, Sir, thank you for checking on me,” she said, looking back up at him.

“It’s my job and my responsibility as your Master to take care of you slut. Besides,” he said getting closer to her and running his hand slowly down her stomach as he spoke, “I have a lot of time and effort invested in you. It wouldn’t do to see you harm.” Just as he finished his sentence, his hand crossed over her mound.

She moaned feeling his hand approaching her dripping slit. He smiled as she closed her eyes letting the feeling of his touch wash over her. “I see we shaved recently… very good, I like it smooth like this–I can see the effects of what I’m doing when it is baby smooth,” he said.

“Yess… Sirrr…” she said, half moaning her reply.

His hand moved a little further down and she sucked in a breath as he approached her clit. She so wanted him to touch her there!

But he knew this and deftly avoided the eager button, much to her dismay. He heard her groan in disappointment as his hand bypassed her “on switch” and continued to parallel her pussy lips until he began moving down her inner thigh away from her steaming cunt.

Her hopes raised though once he got to her knee and began moving back up her thigh towards her hungry slit. He got closer and she began trembling with anticipation. Maybe he would touch her this time!

But once again she would be denied. His had moved to within inches of her wet opening but then began slow soft teasing circles around it, avoiding her pussy lips and her throbbing aching clit. He circled her several times moving away as she squirmed to get him where she needed him. It was terribly aggravating and she whimpered with need as she was teased mercilessly.

“Please Master! Oh God, please fuck me! I can’t stand it… please, please, please!” she cried.

But he had a plan and it didn’t include that just yet. “I’m not going to fuck you quite yet, slut, but that doesn’t mean you won’t cum for me!” he said. And she felt two fingers slip between her swollen pussy lips and enter her, sliding deep into her fuck canal. He pushed his two middle fingers of one hand into her curling them upwards and rubbing across her highly sensitive g-spot.

“Ahhhhh God!” she moaned as she felt him finally entering her. It wasn’t the cock she wanted, but still, he was inside her and she knew that she was moments away from that sweet release. At first, he moved in and out of her slowly, curling his hand around her pubis to rub her clit with his fingers.

“Oooh! Ohhh Master!” she moaned, writhing as his fingers worked their magic over her clit and deep in her cunt. She instantly began getting wetter, as if thanking him for the attention. She began moving her hips in time with his hand, humping against it to get the teasing fingers deeper in her ravenous pussy.

Suddenly he stopped moving and she opened her eyes to look at him questioningly. As soon as he made eye contact with her, he shifted into high gear. His hand began moving in and out using rapid, short strokes like a jackhammer, his fingers rubbing furiously against her g-spot and over her clit.

OH FUCK, MASTER! she squealed in surprise, shoving her hips forward automatically as if they knew what they wanted without her even thinking about it. He sawed at her pussy furiously until he achieved the desired result.

“OH GOD MASTER!! I’M CUMMING! OH FUCK, I’M CUMMING! she screamed, gritting her teeth.

And only moments since he began this new assault she exploded, spraying her juices out in a solid stream of pure ecstatic joy. As soon she shot her first jet, he pulled his hand from her and rubbed over her pussy lips rapidly back and forth hitting her clit with each stroke and causing her orgasm to stretch out longer and more violently. She bucked and twisted as he made her cum harder and longer, but the ropes held her firmly.

She no more finished cumming the first time then he went back in and repeated the whole process… first going slowly for a few strokes and then speeding up until she came. And once again it proved devastatingly effective, with her spewing after only a few moments of high-speed fun.

He repeated this slow then fast cycle about ten times, each time it ended in a crashing orgasm and each time he began immediately, not allowing her any chance to rest or even come completely down. By the time he was finished, she was a panting, moaning mess; her naked body glistening with the sweat of exertion and a film of her own juices.

“Please Master… no more… please!” she protested. But this was a punishment and thus no quarter would be given her. Until and unless she called her safeword, he would continue. And if she called her safeword, she knew better have a damn good reason! Just being tired was not a reason to call her safeword. So she suffered.

The next phase in this day’s work came out of the box and the exhausted woman looked at it through weary, lust-fogged eyes. It took her only a few seconds for it to register and her reaction was just as he expected.

“Oh God, Master… not the Wand! Please, not the Wand… I’m so tired!” she cried. He had brought out the dreaded Hitachi Wand… the bane of many a submissive slut! She knew it’s power well, having had it used on her several times before. And she knew that since this was supposed to be a punishment, he would not be easy on her.

“That’s right, whore, it’s your old friend the Wand. And I know you are aware of what it can do to you. It’s going to help me teach kitty a lesson right now as a matter of fact,” he said flatly. “Before we get started though, I think these suction cups have done their job. I’ll bet those nipples are quite swollen and sensitive by now!”

He opened the valve to the first one and the air rushed in breaking the vacuum and the cup came off easily. Easily that is for him; for her, the return of circulation caused a strong needles and pins sensation that surprised her and made her gasp.

Then he opened the valve on the other cup and removed it, giving that nipple the same feeling. He flicked the stiff, hard buds with his finger which made the circulation return faster but it also made her squeal because her nipples were still very sensitive.

“Good, I’m glad to see that your nipples are tender and sensitive… that will make what I do next even more fun!” he said with an evil grin. He plugged the power cord into a nearby outlet and turned the device on. It came to life with a low buzz, a warning to her… a warning and a promise that she would soon be incapable of rational thought.

He waved the buzzing demon in front of her face as she watched it closely. It neared one of her nipples and she let out a soft but high-pitched squeal of panic and trepidation. He grinned and moved it away for a moment.

But when he brought it back and it neared her nipple again she returned with the same high-pitched squeal of uneasiness. Almost as if she was afraid of it touching her, much like a little girl with a spider.

This time, however, he didn’t pull it away again. When the buzzing device made contact with her nipple it sent lightning bolts of pure pleasure through her tit then branching off to race to both her head and her clit.

“Ohh God Master!” she gasped, arching her back as much as was possible in her bindings. He ran the vibrator head around her areola and over her nipple a few times until her apprehension turned to luxurious bliss and her fearful whine had morphed into a lustful moaning.

When her left nipple had gotten enough attention to hold it over for a bit, he moved to the right and gave it the same care. This nipple was every bit as sensitive as the other one, despite the fact that it had had more time to recover from the vacuum. He ran the vibrator around the tender, still swollen bud and she moaned her pleasure again.

This time, though, instead of lifting the head up away from her tit, he let it wander down into the valley between them and then start an agonizingly slow march south. She watched with almost hypnotic fascination as the vibrator made its way slowly down her stomach.

As it reached her navel, she bit her lip and mewled knowing that she was seconds away from both incredible pleasure and unrelenting torment. The vibe crossed over her belly and as it did her abdomen began spasming in preparation for contact with her clit. He saw her hands clench and she grit her teeth readying herself.

Then it happened. The Wand found its target and her clit erupted. Lightning shot from her clit straight up her spine to her brain and she screamed as the vibe made itself known.

“OHHFUUCKMAASTERRR!” she screamed as her pussy caught fire. She instantly began bucking and twisting in her ropes but Master knew how to tie a knot and they didn’t give an inch.

She rocked and turned and tried every contortion imaginable to try to escape the devilish machine. But nothing seemed to work; it was always right there teasing her and tormenting her and driving her out of her mind.

He watched his slut struggle, enjoying her moans and gyrations as she fought against the inevitable. And it didn’t take very long for it to arrive either. Her mind had already done a lot of the work, building up to this since she first told him about her disobedience.

He knew that this would happen; it made his job of bringing her to this crest all that much easier. Now she was on the verge of yet another explosive orgasm. He pressed the large bulbous head of the Wand into her pussy and against the opening of her fuck canal as she came.

He held it tight against her tunnel entrance… not letting her juices come out… building up the pressure behind the head as she continued to produce more and more cum. Finally, he pulled the head away and she hosed the floor with her copious flow.

“AAAUUUGGGHHH!” she screamed at the sudden release of pressure in her pussy. The release of her pussy juices threw her immediately into another orgasm and she came yet again right on top of the last one. He used the vibrator to rub fast and hard against her clit as she screamed out her joy and came again and again.

Finally, he backed away to assess her condition. His naughty slut was a moaning, panting, sweat and cum-drenched wreck. Her makeup ran in streaks down her face. Her once well-groomed and beautiful hair was now matted and sticking to her sweaty face. And rivers of perspiration ran in tiny rivulets down her body to mix with the pussy juices ebbing from her still-convulsing cunt.

He clicked off the Wand for now setting it down next to the chair where it would be handy. He went back to the box and pulled out a string of six large plastic balls with a ring at one end. Each of the balls was about an inch and a half in diameter and they were spaced about an inch apart, with the ring about four inches from the last ball on the string. He got out a bottle of lube and coated the balls until each one was completely covered in the slick stuff.

Kneeling in front of the bound girl, he used his fingers, already slick from lubing up the anal balls, to coat her sphincter ring and push a bit into her anus. He squirted a bit more lube into her and used those same fingers to spread it around, getting her nice and slicked up.

Then he started pushing the anal balls, one at a time into her ass. She moaned as each ball stretched her ass then sucked it in. She was in such a delirious state by now she couldn’t complain, not that she wanted to. She just sat there taking in one after another of the slick black anal balls until the whole strand was inside her, leaving only the string and end ring hanging out of her ass.

He picked up the Wand once more and held it against her clit. It was turned off for now but that was of little consequence. With one hand holding the Wand on her clit and the other holding the ring to her anal balls, he leaned in and began licking and lapping at her quivering pussy. His tongue pressed into her seeking out more of the sweet juices she has been ejecting. His tongue squirmed and wriggled inside her cunt, bringing the lust-fogged woman back to life again.

“Ohh God…. yess! Ohhhh… ohhhh… she moaned as the sensations pushed their way into her already-overcrowded brain. Even though her mind might be taking a vacation, her pussy went into autopilot and began producing the sweet honey he was seeking. He lapped it up as fast as he found it too.

He always loved the way she tasted when she was leaking like this; it was better than any gourmet meal he had ever eaten. And the more he ate, the more he teased her with his tongue and the closer she got to erupting in another body wracking orgasm.

She couldn’t even protest anymore, she was completely and utterly spent… she had nothing left to give. But he was going to pull one more mind shattering orgasm from her before he was done.

Just as she was cresting Mount Orgasm for the final time she moaned letting him know she was about to cum. That’s when the sadistic streak in him came out. He clicked the Wand on full power and at the same time, he pulled the anal balls out of her ass quickly.

The combination of his tongue in her cunt, the Wand buzzing her clit, and the sensation of the balls being pulled out of her ass quickly was more than her tattered mind could handle.

“AAAIIIIEEEE!” she screamed so loud it reverberated in the large room hurting both their ears. She bucked and pitched so hard he thought she’d either break the chair apart or tip it over, so he grabbed the legs to steady it. She poured her pussy juice out like a firehose right into his mouth, nearly choking him with the force.

But that’s just what he had wanted - fresh juice straight from the fountain itself. She shot jet after jet of clear slippery juice out of her tortured cunt. Where she found this reserve he didn’t know, but he planned on draining it. He rubbed the vibe across her clit and shoved his fingers back up her ass to wring the last remnants of her orgasm from her.

After she had been fucked dry, he pulled away from her, clicking the Wand off and putting it down. He got up and untied the frazzled woman. When she had been freed he pulled her down onto the ground by her hair. 

“Now lay in the puddle of your own cum, whore. Roll around in it–I want you covered in your filth!” he said, pushing her around on the cum-slickened floor. He made sure she got her hair in it, her face was rubbed in it, as was her ass and tits. He wanted her to reek of her own scent and be soaked with her juices.

Then, as she lay there struggling to come back to earth, he began putting his things away, not leaving her side but picking up what he could and putting it back in the box.

After she had returned somewhat to him and was able to take direction again, he leaned down on one knee, putting his hand around her throat. She looked up at him as he spoke. 

"You’ve made quite a mess of my floors slut. I think you need to clean them up. But instead of using a mop, I want you to lick up all your cum! I want you to lick these floor spotless, or I will add more to your punishment than you are already going to get! Now get busy–I want these floors immaculate!“ he said shaking her head for emphasis.

He finished putting the toys away and went in to get ready to take a shower. When he had his clothes laid out he came back in to check on his slut. 

“Aren’t you done yet, whore? I would think a cumslut like you would have this place licked clean by now! Never mind, I want you to go into the bathroom and get my shower ready. You sprayed your filth all over me and I want to clean up. Now hop to it, I feel disgusting!” he said swatting her on the ass.

“Yes, Master!” and she scampered off to get his shower ready. She came back a minute or so later. “Master your shower is ready,” she said. She led him by the hand into the shower and helped him get ready.

He stepped into the shower and then turned to her. “Come,” he commanded.

“You want me to take a shower with you?” she asked.

“Yes, now get in here,” he repeated. She stepped into the shower and took a position in front of him so the water hit her on the back as she faced him.

“I’ve never showered with you before Master, this is nice,” she said looking up at him.

“Well, I didn’t call you in here because it is ‘nice’ as you put it. I still haven’t cum yet, slut so your job is only half-finished,” he said.

She looked at him and smiled.

Without saying anything she knew what to do and she sank down on her knees moving so the water wouldn’t hit her face and she took his hard cock into her mouth. She loved the feel of his cock in her mouth… the silky feel of his skin mixed with the steely hardness under it.

She loved to feel it throb in her mouth and she loved to see how far down her throat she could get it. She had been secretly practicing with her dildo at home so she could show him what she was able to do and now she did. She braced herself and took a deep breath.

Then she slid the cock into her mouth and pushed until it hit the back of her throat. Overcoming her gag reflex, she tilted her head back a bit and slid down even further. Once the head was entering her throat, it got easier and she slid down until his pubic hair was ticking her nose. She held herself there until she had to come up for air and pulled back.

“Where did you learn how to do that, slut?” he asked surprised at this new talent.

“I’ve been practicing, Master. I… um, bought a dildo online awhile back so I could practice and learn to deepthroat. For you Master,” she said.

“For me… or for yourself with me as a nice sidenote?” he asked.

“Oh no, Master! It was only to please you, I swear!” she said defensively.

“So am I to assume that you haven’t put that dildo any place but your mouth then?” he asked.

“Master I swear to you, I have not used this dildo for anything but deepthroat practice. I am in enough trouble now… I wouldn’t dream of lying to you about something like this!” she said, looking up at him.

“Well then, I will believe you. And I am proud of you for showing restraint in this, my sexy slut. I can see this is going to add a new dimension to our fun and games. I can see you now… on your knees, pinned against the wall, while I fuck that pretty face with my hard cock, shoving it down that soft silky throat and bring up all kinds of spit and saliva to coat those big tits!” he said.

“Oh, Master… that sounds sooo wonderfully sexy!” she said. She got back to work and licked and sucked his cock like she knew he liked her to do. All of her cumming and her moans and squirming had a hidden effect on him and it wasn’t long before her cocksucking brought him to the edge of his own orgasm.

“I’m getting ready to cum slut. I’m going to cum in your mouth and I want you to hold all of it in your mouth - do not swallow any and do not spill any. I want to see my whole load in your whore mouth, understand?” he warned her.

“Yes, Master… please cum in my mouth! I want to taste your sweet cum, Master! Please use your whore’s mouth as your cum bucket!” she said eagerly. She knelt there with her mouth open waiting like a little bird to be fed.

With one hand wrapped in her hair and the other holding the tip of his cock over her mouth, he shot his huge load into her open mouth. As she was instructed, she held it all in her mouth not letting even a single drop spill out and not swallowing any either. When he was finished, she showed him how much cum she had in her mouth.

“Good girl. You can swallow it now,” he said and she swallowed it down, then showed him her empty mouth. Then as she has done many times before she bent to his cock again sucking the last drops of cum from him and cleaning him off at the same time.

After he had been relieved, she proceeded to wash him tenderly kissing him in different places as she cleaned him. He returned the favor, washing her and giving her special treatment–kisses on her tits, a little fingering of her pussy and a deep powerful kiss on the lips to seal the deal.

When he was done, he stepped out of the shower to grab the towel she laid out and dried himself off. He then grabbed a fresh towel and wrapped her in it as she stepped out, drying her off and then scooping her up in his arms to take her into the bedroom.

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Kitty the Whore

There was a soft tone as the seat belt light flicked off on the plane. Meghan unbuckled hers as she stretched, looking over at the other travelers getting off in Chicago. They slowly began to queue up to leave the plane, giving Meghan room to stand and grab the only bag she was allowed to bring. She slung it over her shoulder and slowly walked off the plane herself. Meghan was dressed in black yoga pants and a tight athletic shirt, and had caught more than one guy staring at her ass, which...

2 years ago
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From Kitty With Love

Kitty supposed she'd been good lately. It had been months since she'd bitten or even felt the desire to snap at one of her master's friends. Recently he'd unbound her hands, apparently no longer seeing her long nails as a threat. Lucy (Kitty to her master and his friends) hadn't analysed the reason for her good behaviour too much, afraid that she might discover the reason and dislike it. "You are such a good and obliging little kitty!" Her Master said as he patted the space on the couch next...

3 years ago
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KittyChapter 20 The summer after graduation

I moved back to my room, and it wasn't long before Gary joined me. He was perplexed by Claire's sudden coldness toward him and he somehow blamed me. I didn't tell him that girls sometimes prefer girls to boys, and there's nothing we can do about it. After graduation, Claire rode home with Phyllis and me because her parents had come with Phil and Mom, and she said the back seat would be too cramped. I kidded her, saying that she just wanted to make sure Phyllis and I didn't stop for a...

4 years ago
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Kitty and Michael

Kitty and MichaelKitty Foreman lay in a drowsy haze, Red was in the shower. She was remembering the events that took place last night, it was their 25th wedding anniversary. They were at a very fancy restaurant downtown Milwaukee have drinks and some food. Kitty had been drinking a lot of wine while Red had a couple of beers. Red said to Kitty in a soft voice remember the first years of our marriage when we would swing with our friends and how you would get on your knees and all of us guys...

3 years ago
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Kitty And Mr Connors Part 4

She yanked his hair, her fingers entwined in his scruffy, baby fine blonde locks, pressing his head back and exposing his neck. She leant forward and raked her teeth across his throat. Kitty felt his Adams apple bob in her mouth as he swallowed. She heard him growl… ‘Kitty!’ ‘Quiet!’ she almost snarled, tightening her hand in his hair. Kitty heard his breath catch as his hands began reaching for her knees. She slapped them away, ‘No, no touching,’ she told him. Rick surprised himself as a...

2 years ago
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The Adventures Of Kitty

Kitty stood and looked at herself in the mirror, pleased with the reflection. He had told her he was coming to see her bearing gifts, so she wanted to look good for him. Her new baby doll nightie looked stunning on her, just long enough to cover her but still show glimpses of her little panties underneath; the soft silky material displayed her pert breasts perfectly. She had arranged her lounge as he liked it, a cushion for her to curl up on and a chair central to the room for him, so that when...

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KittyChapter 7 Sally Jane Doris and Kitty

My mom gave me a quizzical look when I came home from work on Saturday and didn't get ready to go out. "Is it over?" she asked, like she already knew the answer. "Her mother put an end to it," I explained, and that was the last mention of Sally McCall for several weeks. Kitty brightened my day when she arrived at the café before we'd locked the door and placed the closed sign in the window. She turned down Ruth's offer for a cup of coffee, saying she would help me with my chores....

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MAU Naughty Kitty Part 1

MAU My friend Stan and I were walking in the park one day, smoking some weed and enjoying the weather. We were on a little trail in one of the city parks, and in a clearing we came upon a strange looking artifact: it looked kind of like a grey metal briefcase. There were no seams or openings on it, and no markings but for a few characters stamped into the metal. Neither of us recognized the symbols. I suggested leaving it behind; it could be a bomb! Stan wanted to keep it and try...

2 years ago
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KittyChapter 22 Setbacks and triumphs

I'd never considered Kitty a complex person. She was forthcoming regarding her sexual experiences, and she had a way of charming me into giving her vivid details about my own escapades. As far as I knew, we didn't have any secrets. We'd been acquainted since I was fourteen and she was seventeen, and we'd become friends the following year. Our friendship grew until I thought I knew Kitty pretty well, but as I discovered, I was mistaken. I came home from college to find that my mother had...

2 years ago
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Enjoying Kitty

Is it a crime when teenaged girls flirt with middle-aged men?  Stanley Jenson was often embarrassed when his daughter’s friend Kitty Jones was over at their house.  She flirted and gave Stanley all kinds of compliments.  She talked about sexual things and liked to get attention from Stanley.She purposely would wear short-shorts and tight shirts.  She had luscious lips which she often licked but kept them shiny with clear lip gloss.  She would bat her eyes and act very flirtatious.  She acted...

1 year ago
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KittyChapter 21 Trouble in paradise

I was taking an inventory of the few remaining items from the Perryman estate when Berry tracked me down. He apologized for the sudden way he'd told me that there was no job for me, explaining that he'd only recently decided to stay in town. I took that to mean 'recently' was after Phyllis left for college, and when Claire became available. "That was callous of me. I know you'd been planning to take over as soon as the reenactments season came to an end. I should have come to you the...

1 year ago
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Kitty Kapers A Well Seasoned Woman

It was date night. That is what Kitty and Peter call the nights when all else was put aside and the only thing on the agenda was enjoying each other and lots of fun sex. Kitty was ready for a hot night with her man. She had spent part of the day tempting and teasing one of her online lovers and got herself quite worked up. Mid-afternoon, while preparing a salad for supper, the carrot she was going to use was so firm and so long, Kitty couldn’t resist working it into her pussy for a few minutes...

4 years ago
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Twins Little Sister Kittys Adventure

Twin's Little Sister, Kitty's Adventure 01Continuing from, Twin's Little Sister.The next morning, Rich left Hannah and her lil sister to go shopping for "special gifts" for Katie. Hannah told her sister to go and dress cute for Rich. She handed Katie a baby doll nightie.Katie stood and looked at herself in the mirror, pleased with the reflection. He had told her he was coming back bearing gifts for her, so she wanted to look good for him. Her new baby doll dress looked stunning on her, just...

3 years ago
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Kitty Kapers A Well Seasoned Woman

It was date night. That is what Kitty and Peter call the nights when all else was put aside and the only thing on the agenda was enjoying each other and lots of fun sex. Kitty was ready for a hot night with her man. She had spent part of the day tempting and teasing one of her online lovers and got herself quite worked up. Mid-afternoon, while preparing a salad for supper, the carrot she was going to use was so firm and so long, Kitty couldn’t resist working it into her pussy for a few minutes...

Oral Sex
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The Heart of a Kitty a Kitty Girl Tale

Once upon a time, there was a girl with the heart of a kitten. Shy, and skittish, she was slowly coaxed from under the bed, or should I say, out of the closet by her owner, and then her new found friend and next door neighbor. Eventually, she shared her story, and became comfortable about talking about it, even writing about it, playing with a few select others who would throw balls of yarn for her or scratch her behind the ears and smile as she rubbed up against their legs, showering them with...

2 years ago
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Miss Kitty Is One Pretty Pussy

Little Miss Kitty was just like any other 16 year old schoolgirl. Well, of course, except for her pointy furry ears and her long sensuous tail. She managed to keep her tail pretty well hidden in the classroom by tucking it between her legs inside of her pink hot pants. Kitty had lots and lots of friends but none of them realized just how much she wanted to be like a normal teenage girl. Her best friend Pinklicious Princess always waved her long tail around like a promiscuous pussy girl from...

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KittyChapter 13 Mrs Bristow

I relaxed the first week after graduation, helped Jane get the children's activities under control, and gave the clinic a through cleaning. When I returned to work at the café, I made it known that my intention was to make a career out of my chosen profession. Ben said he'd been waiting for me to decide to join the staff full time, and made me an assistant manager, with a salary that seemed outrageously generous at the time. That same week, I received two more wage increases. My mom...

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KittyChapter 19 The trips home

Phyllis remarked that it had been years since she'd been in Perryville. "It's grown!" "Yes," I said, proudly. This was my town, and I'd had a small part in bringing it back to life. I continued down Main Street, pointing out the new businesses, and turned onto the street where the small house that I shared with my mother was located. "I'll find out when visiting hours are, and we'll go see Kitty," I said, as we stopped in front of the house. "My God! It can't be!" Phyllis...

1 year ago
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Ms Kitty

I was on top of her, ready to fuck her in the missionary position. Before the sexual intercourse, I tapped my stiff, hard cock on top of her pussy. "Quit playing and put it in me baby.... I want your dick", declared a horny Ms. Kitty. I then stuck my dick deep inside her pussy, and she was like, "Ahhhhhahahah fuck yeah." When my pulsating dick was inside her warm, tight, wet vagina, I felt like I was in heaven. Her pussy felt enjoyable around my rock-hard cock. Within five minutes, she started...

1 year ago
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My Little Kitty

My name is Marcus and I am 29-years-old. I have very short dark hair with light blue eyes and a small nose and mouth. I am quite muscular and work out a lot. My best friend is Paige, a 25-year-old girl. We have known each other for a long time and get along really well. She has blonde hair and dark eyes, covered by smart glasses. She has a pretty mouth that I have always thought would look great sucking me off. We were in the friend zone, we hung out, chatted and told each other about our sex...

2 years ago
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How a Kitty fucked your ass

"Hi, this is Kitty."Her voice was a little more throaty and lower than I had envisioned, but that along with her voice made her even more alluring. I kept running her photos through my mind while I answered:"Hey Kitty, I was hoping to come and see you this morning if that's okay.""Oh, sure sweetie, I'll be ready--I just got out the tub. Can you give me another thirty minutes to finish up, baby?"I checked my watch, figuring that I was just about a half-hour's ride from her area of town anyway....

4 years ago
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And the Award for Best Kitty Goes To

Sometimes a story just writes itself and you have to run with it. I never planned on writing Kitty Girl stories. The first one just happened, and after that, well, it just felt right to share adventure after adventure, or at least the ones that I felt comfortable sharing. So, here we are again, a few days after the Academy Awards, sitting at the kitchen counter with a half full (notice I didn’t say half empty) glass of orange juice and a slice of toast with raspberry jam, typing furiously as I...

3 years ago
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Kitty Girls newest peeing adventures

This story, inspired by the Kitty Girl series of Sprite is completely a work of fiction. Though it would be darn hot, if you ask me. It was a peaceful spring evening. Laura andRachel spent most of the day cleaning up the house which rendered them bothpretty tired, but now everything was neat and tidy, and the light breeze from the open windows brought warm scents of spring. They already had dinner and now Laura was sitting in her favorite armchair, quietly reading a book, sipping a glass of...

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The Adventures Of Kitty continued

After he left Kitty carefully removed her mask and gloves, putting them in the top drawer of her bedside chest to keep them safe. It was only as she turned that the tail swished against her thigh, so with a chuckle and a bite on her lower lip she eased it from her ass. After a quick clean it, too, joined the rest of her kitty outfit in the drawer. Her fingers went up to her could stay on a while longer, she loved the fact she was now an Owned kitty for real. She sprawled...

3 years ago
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Kitty on the Beach

I felt a new sense of dread as the plane door closed and I buckled my belt. I actually thought I was going to be sick for an instant, but it was all in my imagination. There was no longer any escape, I was really on my way to spend New Year’s with my family. It’s not that I hate them, I actually have a lot of good memories growing up with them, along with some very bad ones. It’s just that they don’t understand me, they never had, and by now I don’t expect them to but that doesn’t remove the...

1 year ago
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One Big Horny Weasley Family Chapter 21 Hello Kitty

Chapter 21- Hello, Kitty Katie lay very still as consciousness came upon her. Early morning sunlight wasn’t penetrating her eyelids yet, so it was probably still early. Then she felt the nudge of an erection against her arse; that must have been what had woken her. It took her a moment to remember that it should be Charlie’s. His arms were wrapped around her possessively, and she was sweaty where her back rested against his hairy chest. Her back, arse, and legs were sore and somewhat...

2 years ago
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Kitty And Mr Connors Part 3

Part 3Kitty must have run because not fifteen minutes later there came a knock on his door. Rick stopped his pacing and took a deep breath. He went to his door and spying through the peephole he saw her. Her hair was down and windswept. She’d worn the clothes she’d had on yesterday just as he’d told her. Rick smiled and opened the door. She stood there, her eyes downcast, her hands clasped in front of her. ‘Hello Kitty.’ He said to her. She looked up at him and replied. ‘Hello Mr Connors.’ She...

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Kitty Girl and the Peppermint Stick A Xmas tale

Twas two weeks before Christmas and out in the manager, Rachel was hatching plans of a sexual nature. Her panties were hung on a hook and forgotten, all the better to show off her bare bottom. Visions of orgasms danced in her head as she eyed all the toys spread out on her bed… Hi again, it’s me. Kitty Girl. It’s been a while since I’ve shared my real life exploits. Yes, there is my ongoing adventure with the girls of KINK but it’s a fantasy. No, I’m talking about sharing another honest to...

3 years ago
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Kitty Kissers Collaboration

This project is a collaboration between many different writers in different roles. I thank everyone who helped bring this story to life. They are Lheriss, Kiama, ShadowKitty252, KesselWessel and me, Sam Moose. The crowd roared wildly as the electric atmosphere practically set sparks about the stadium. America's newest girl band, the Kitty Kissers were soon to ascend onto the stage. Thirty thousand wild fans packed the stands for the imminent performance; young girls and quite a few...

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Kitty Girl Goes to the Beach Part II

IVI could have stayed like that forever, naked, two of the most amazing women I’ve ever known spoiling me with their attention. I was in no hurry to explore what other delights the party held, or even cover myself up. It’s hard to retain even the pretense of modesty once you’ve climaxed in front of an audience. Eventually, however, it became obvious that Kay was growing restless, her touch growing distracted. I withheld my sigh, unable to see her eyes behind her oversized sunglasses, wondering...

2 years ago
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Here Kitty Kitty

I came home from a long day to find my kittykat curled up on the couch waiting for me to come Here Kitty Kitty ? SFCityDom ? 2006 Coming home from a long day, I find my kitty-cat curled up on the couch waiting for me. As I walk to the couch, she raises up.? I stroke her on the head and scratch under her chin and she grinds her head into the palm of my hand. I kneel down in front of the couch and she moves closer to me and I give my kitty a kiss on the nose. She is a very spoiled...

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Lola and Kitty

George Lax was a millionaire and was divorced twice.  He did not want to have any more wives because the first two got hefty settlements.  George was looking for young women who wanted to be spoiled by a rich older man.George was looking for young women about eighteen or so.  He liked several women at a time.  He found two blonde bimbos who were a package deal.  They were bi-sexual and looking for a man to spoil them.Their names were Kitty and Lola.  They were eighteen and looking for a sugar...

1 year ago
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KittyChapter 14 Mr Perryman Mrs Bristow and Claire

Kitty took me into her office and gave me a hard time. "You know I live vicariously through your stories. You've been stringing me along for the past month with tidbits about you and Claire, how she let you play with her boobs, and how you got her wet. Every time I asked about Tina, you would say, 'I've got it under control.' Now I find out that you've been holding out on me." She was either mad as hell, or she was putting on a good show. I became concerned the customers would...

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Kitty Marie

Marie and her Special Mom, Anna, were on a cruise around the Caribbean Sea. Their cabin was sumptuous and large, with wonderful furnishings and the very height of grand luxury.One morning, as the sun was just streaming through the curtains, Marie was awoken by Anna giving her a gentle kiss and saying, “Good morning, little one. I’ve arranged a special surprise for you today, so pack a bag, with enough for overnight, and we’ll head up to the top deck.”Marie blinked her eyes slowly, and looked up...

2 years ago
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My Kitty

Niki typed a few last quick words onto her computer keyboard before she leaned herself back on her round backed chair. Staring at the ceiling as she yawned, her hands outstreched above her head as she arched herself a bit. Interlocking her fingers as she brought them back over her head and into her lap as she watched the ceiling for a moment contemplating the day to come. In just twenty four hours Mike was due to arrive at the airport, and she was nervous. Standing up and tipping her...

4 years ago
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A Kitty Comes to Visit

I was nervous like hell. We had chatted endlessly about it, and what I had felt when she had proposed a visit at my place had been astonishment at her trust in me and growing excitement. I had pictured the moment and planned all kinds of things to entertain her, but now that the time of her arrival came closer, I found myself running a trench into the carpet and sweating my hands off. My nervousness, you see, wasn’t about her, it was all about me and about the questions if I could match with...

2 years ago
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Kitty Ko Pehli Baar Chodkar Seal Thodi Choda

Main Ashiq phir ek sachi kaha lekar aaya hoon aap logon ke liye . Yeh unn logon ke liye hai jo munn hi munn sab sochte hain par samaj ke darr se kuch kar nahi paate aur unki cousins aur aunts padosiyon ya ajnaabiyon se chud jaati hain . Yeh kahani bikul sachi hai , yeh kahani bahut se doston ki hi kshani hogi aur iss kahani ko padne ke baad woh pachtainge ki unhone kya kho diya apni life main . Aurat ka shareer jab jawaan hoge lagta hai toh ussko apne badan ke badlaav samajh nahi aate aur masti...

2 years ago
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Kitty Girl and the Girls of KINK II

I am wondering if a should admit that I am not wearing pants as I write this, or panties for that matter… or that I have slipped my favorite vibrator in and have it set on low. Or that I spent close to six hours last night making my Mistress, or Officer Laura if you prefer, cum… Perhaps I’ll keep those details to myself and just get on with my story… So… you’d think that would be it, wouldn’t you… two kinky girls dressed as cops come to my door, cuff me, humiliate me in the middle of the street...

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A Kittys Revenge

Like many people, I was bullied in school. I was small, slender and effeminate and, as a result, was often called gay, queer, fag and sissy by school bullies. The fact that what they said was sort of true just made it closer to the bone and more painful to hear. Like many teenage boys, I was going through something of an identity crisis surrounding my body and my blossoming sexuality. The feelings that I had always had as a c***d that me being a boy wasn't quite right were now increasingly...

3 years ago
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Good Little Kitty

 “I trust you’re going to be a good kitty whilst I’m at work!” he says as he slams shut the door to my cage and secures it with a heavy duty padlock. “Meowwww” I mock and add a wink for which I earn a scornful look, and then my master is gone, and as the front door closes, the scent of his aftershave lingers in the air to torment me. “How am I supposed to be anything but good!” I state aloud, the sound of my own unfamiliar voice, a comfort I saved for my many hours alone. I miss my master when...

1 year ago
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Kitty Girl Goes to the Beach Part I

I"Hey, baby girl, feel like going out Friday?"It was an innocent enough question, and yet something in the tone of her voice alerted me to some sort of sinister design. I shifted in my chair, taking my reading glasses off and putting down my half read copy of Super Girl. Pushing my hair behind one ear, I eyed Kay over the top of her lap top screen, suspicion in my eyes."Dinner?" I asked, watching her mouth, noticing how the hint of a smile teased at the corners of her lips up as she regarded...

4 years ago
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Enjoying Kitty

Is it a crime when teenaged girls flirt with middle-aged men? Stanley Jenson was often embarrassed when his daughter’s friend Kitty Jones was over at their house. She flirted and gave Stanley all kinds of compliments. She talked about sexual things and liked to get attention from Stanley. She purposely would wear short-shorts and tight shirts. She had luscious lips which she often licked but kept them shiny with clear lip gloss. She would bat her eyes and act very flirtatious. She acted much...

1 year ago
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My Date with the late Porn Star Kitty Foxx

It was back in the late 1990s when I was dating several of the Dancers at a GO-GO club called EL WEST on Troost ave in KC,Mo[its now a Walgrens].Anyone who has ever dated a stripper knows that they are not stable individuals in any capacity and can up and leave in a moments notice;well the Dancer I had been seeing at the time had to go to NewYork,she left without saying goodbye[but did tell me she was leaving.As I stood in sadness at the club,I noticed a longline of guys;I was so in a hurry to...

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Note: The author encourages unauthorised reposting, sequels, and blatant plagiarism of this work. KITTY By Wyrdey It is late at night when you first hear the knock on your door. You were just on your way to bed and are annoyed. Who could it possibly be at this hour? Before the door is even half-open, you feel a powerful push from the other side that almost knocks you over. The bearded giant of a man now standing in your hallway looks you up and down appraisingly as he...

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KittyChapter 23 A turn for the better

The Town Government classes I'd taken at college did little to prepare me for my work in Perryville. It became clear to me that my professors, while well versed in parliamentary procedure, budgets, and public service, lacked practical experience. Actually managing a town was foreign to them. How Berry could cope with the political backstabbing was beyond me. At twenty-six, he'd become an all-knowing, crowd-pleasing, public administrator. He may have benefited from Mr. Perryman's tutelage,...

2 years ago
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Evil Ann and Miss KittyChapter 3

Beth tugged Ann's discarded costume over to her and examined it "Where do you get the stuff? I always wondered" "Mostly from second hand stores and then I alter them. This one I got off EBay, you can try it on if you want" Beth considered for a moment then stepped into the legs. Beth struggled into the leather garment, it fit Ann very well and she wasn't quite as skinny but with some effort and help from Ann she managed to get into it. She pulled the zipper up but it would not close...

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