Nervious, Scared, Excited free porn video

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[I've read these stories for a long time now, and played with my self all the while. But now I can join in, and I thought I'd share.]

Nervious, scared, Excited

I've always been pretty shy around boys. I have a very big personallity, but I just get too nervious when it comes to sex. I am a really small girl, only 5' 1" tall, and am 105 lbs. I have orengish/red hair that comes down to my shoulders and hazzel eyes. I don't have anything to brag about for boobs, I'm only a 34a. I have very light skin. I tried tanning with my friends, but all I do is get burnt.

It all happened when my family was going back to the United States for my cousin Will's wedding. My dad is in the Navy and we live in Japan. We got to my aunt and uncle's house and did all the usual hugs and kisses to all the other family, grandparents, cousins, other aunts and uncles and what not, but my cousin Jake, Will's younger brother didn't give me a hug or anything, just said hi and walked away. I felt kinda bad cause when my family would go out and visit, we were always to two getting in trouble when we were younger.

After dinner, I went upstairs to his room. I figured he like to play x-box, so I'd try to play with him. I got to his room and his door was locked. When I knocked, he just said "go away". I remembered his room was easy to get into from outside so I climbed out the window, and as quietly as I could, creeped to his window. I peeked around the window and looked in. He was laying on the bed jerking his dick with something, I looked closer and it was a pair of my panties. I could tell right away cause they were black with gold glitter writing on them that said 'Princess'. I watched him till he finished, I know how bad it is, but I was actually alittle turned on from watching him. He stood up and wiped his dick off with my underwear, then threw them under his bed. I'd seen a dick or two, my friends flaching eachother or something, but not a hard one, I mean, I have online, in pictures and movies, but this was the first one I'd seen for real.

He walked over to the door and went out. I walked back over to my aunts room and climbed back in. I wont lie, I was pretty turned on by that, so I sneaked down the hall to Jakes room, I reached under the bed, and grabed my underwear. When I did, it felt slightly warm, slimmy, and kinda sticky. I actually was touching his stuff. The upstairs bathroom was right across the hall from his room so I hurried in there and locked the door. I layed my panties down on the counter and looked at my hand. I kinda played with his stuff with my fingers for a few seconds. Gosh I was so freaking horny now, I unbuttoned my pants and slid them down with my other hand. I smelled my hand, I couldn't really smell anything, it took me a few minutes to build up the courage, but I said 'fuck it, why not', and in one quick motion, I pushed my fingers in my mouth. At first all I kept thinking is, 'this is wrong, I shouldn't be doing this, he's my cousin', but the more I thought about it, the wetter I got. I eventually started feeling around it with my tongue. It tasted so weird. Hehe, by now, I had already started rubbing my clit, just thinking about tasting my cousins semen, I felt so dirty. The more I rubbed, the hornier I got. I grabbed the panties and saw a huge glob of it. I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, then with my tongue, licked it up. It felt gross at first, like when you cough and alittle snot comes up, but it tasted different. I held it in my mouth for a second, then started working my tongue around. It like started melting or something, I was getting close to cumming when I had an even dirtier thought. I leaned forward, I hessitated for a seconded, then I let alittle drip from my mouth down onto my clit. It was now warm and felt good as it driped down my slit. I wiped as much as I could then started rubbing my clit so fast. Just thinking about his sperm on my pussy drove me over the edge. I had to bite my lip to keep from screaming out. Right when I was almost done, I don't think I was thinking, I leaned forward again, spit another drop on my fingers, and slid them inside me. I was fingering my pussy so fast. It felt so slippery, not like any lotion or spit I used. I cummed again, harder than before, and swallowed the sperm that was in my mouth.

As I started to calm down, all I could think was "that was so wrong, that was dirty, your not suppost to do things like that" but it felt so good. Then I thought about it alittle more. I got scared for a second, I used his stuff inside me. I jumped down and started digging under the sink. I remembered my aunt always had some tampons down there when ever she was expecting family. She was the one who taught me how to use them, but I remembered seeing a douche underthere as well. I finally took a breath of relief when I found it. I started the shower and climbed in, I screwed on the top of the douche and slit it up inside me. I wish I had warmed it up first, but I didn't really care. Once I finished, I started washing off. Gosh I felt dirty, but it felt good.

I got out of the shower and started drying off, staring at the sticky panties infront of me. I started to get kinda horny again, "no, I need to get back down stairs before they wonder why I'm taking so long". I slid my bra on and reached down for my panties, then stopped for a second, with a little laugh, I grabed my panties Jake had used, then slid them up. I could feel his sperm sticking to my skin. As I pulled up my pants, I thought "I hope it doesn't show or like leak through." As a joke, I took my other pair of panties and threw them under his bed, lol, see if he notices.

As the evening went on, people started leaving, and I was hornier than ever. If only these people knew I had Jakes sperm on me, it's so dirty, ahh, the thought makes me wet. Anywho, my aunt and uncle and mom and dad all got all of our beds made up. I got the love seat, again, cause I was the smallest. All the adults went upstairs and all of us kids were in the den watching some movie. All night long, I tried to shift, sometimes when I did, I felt my panties rub my clit. Hehe, sneaky, right infront of everyone. Will left, so my brother decided he wanted to go to bed, kicking me and Jake out of the den. Jake walked upstairs and said goodnight as he did. I got in my suitcase and grabed my pj's. just some ,lol, 'bootie shorts' as my brother calls them, and a little t-shirt. I left my used panties on, just thought I'd sleep in them.

As I layed there, I couldn't help think if Jake had found my other panties I swiched on him. I got up and went outside. There was a tree that we used to climb to sneak out and in when we were littler. I climbed up it and snuck across the roof to his room. My heart was racing as I peaked in. LOL, low and behold, he was jerking himself with my other panties. I reached in my shorts and started rubbing my panties into my clit. I closed my eyes and started to imagine what it would feel like to actually do it with him. I opened my eyes and looked back at him. He was sitting up staring right at me. I got scared and moved away from the window. "Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap" I thought, then I heared his window up, I just stayed squated there. He poked his head out and like nervious or scared he said, "Sares, what are you doing?" He looked around and then looked back at me, "hurry up, get in here before someone sees you." Turning around I totally didn't think of that, I climbed into his window, and just kinda stood there, embarassed. He had managed to find a towel but it wasn't doing a good job of hiding what he was doing. "What were you doing out there?" he asked me. "I know, I shouldn't have, I just wanted to see." LOL, on the spot and that's all I could think of. He started pacing around and looked back at me, "you not gonna tell are you?" he asked. "If you don't, I wont." I said nervious. He laughed like he was relieved and so did I.

I looked away from him at his bed, my panties were laying right there in the open. He ran over and grabbed them quick. I almost busted out laughing at him, "uh, I, um" was all he could get out. "You know, I don't really care" I said, "everyone does it." I said, thinking not everyone uses their cousins panties but everyone masterbates. "You don't?" he ask. "Actually, it kinda make me..." I said pausing for a second, then I pulled my shorts down alittle, showing him the gold glitter writen 'Princess' on the front. "No Shit!" he said loud, covering his mouth and kinda laughing at his own suprise. "How long have you had those on?" I giggled, "I watched you with them earlier, then when you finished and went down stairs, I snuck back in and grabed them." He laughed, quieter now, "ahh, no wonder, I got scared when they weren't there, then I was confused when I saw a different pair."

We both laughed stupidly. He sat down on his bed and his dick pushed threw the opening of the towel. He quickly pulled it down, and looked up at me. "Sorry" he said. "You know, I really don't care. It's not like nobody does it," I said kinda walking around his room. "Ya, but, have you ever, like done it with someone else?" he said so randomly, I almost didn't catch it. "What, masterbate?" I asked trying to sound kinda suprised. "No, well, ya that too, but I mean done it?" My mind was racing, "Well, i have played with my self with Kim acouple times, when we'd get on the internet and watch porn, but no, I haven't, 'Done It'" I said nerviously. I think I knew what he was saying, but I didn't belive it. Jake kinda looked around and smiled, "You know, you should find someone you trust for your first time, so you don't have to feel scared or anything." I couldn't believe my cousin was giving me sex advice he's in nothing but a towel. "Trust? Like who?" I said trying to sound like I didn't understand what he ment. My mind was thinking dirty thoughts, looking at him, but I kept fighting both ways in my head, 'it's wrong, but I'm so horny, hehe, and i trust him'. Bad, I know. He smiled and stood up, "Hey Sares, do you trust me?" My mouth dropped open slightly in shock, he actually was trying. I couldn't say anything, finally, I looked around, then back at him. I couldn't help but look at his dick, it was still hard. He then let the towel drop open alittle, it popped right out. I looked back at him. I didn't even say anything, my stomach was knotted up so hard, I couldn't belive it when I felt my head nodding yes. He walked over and stood infront of me, "Do you wanna?" he ask. Gosh I was so scared, but again I shook my head yes.

He smiled at me like he used to, like my best friend. He took my hand and walked me back over to his bed. I was to fuzzy, I couldn't belive it. He threw his towel, now standing completly naked infront of me, "Now it's your turn." He reached over and grabed the bottom of my shirt, he pulled it up kinda quick, but I didn't care, I raised my hands and he slid it off. He paused and stared at me, I felt kinda embarassed, but he just smiled and said "beautiful." I was standing kinda turned to the side, my arms kinda covering myself, he moved them to my sides, and said "Hey, just you and me now, no need to be nervious." It was nice to hear him say that but I was so freaking nervious anyway. He then kneeled down and grabbed my shorts and panties and in one quick pull, slid them all the way down. I felt like I was gonna be sick my stomack was so tight.

Then he lightly pushed my hips, like he wanted me to sit down. I did, then he pushed my shoulders down. He leaned down with me. I could feel his dick brushing against my leg, it made my clit tingle each time it touched. He grined and said, "Ready?" LOL, 'no', I thought to myself, but he then kissed my neck, then my chest, then my nipple, it sent a tingle up my spine, he kissed my stomach then slid down and pushed my legs apart. I felt his warm breath against my slit then I felt his tongue push against my clit. He didn't even have to search for it, and started licking up and down it. I closed my eyes and just breathed hard. Then I felt his finger push up in me. Again my clit sent a tingle up my spine. I sat up quick and like moaned sudden feeling it. He stopped and said, "Are you ok?" I just bit my lip and nodded. He pushed deeper than I do. I could feel him feeling around. "You said your a virgin?" he ask. "Yes" I managed to get out softly. "Uh, I don't feel that thing, the ahh?" he said trying to think. I knew what he ment cause I felt it break one time when I was using my hair brush handle LOL. "My hymin? I know, I played with my hair brush and I felt it break." I said kinda embarassed. He smiled and said, "Well, that's good. The only girl I've been with yelled when I broke it, and I felt bad." He laughed kinda in relief. "Wow, your already so wet," he said as he climbed back up ontop of me. My heart was pounding.

Smiling down at me, he asked me in a quiet, calm voice, "You ready?"
Again I nodded. LOL, no sooner that I had nodded, I felt his dick pressed against my slit. He reached down and started rubbing it up and down my slit. Then as he passed over my vagina, he pushed forward. It made me gasp. Just the head was in, and it was bigger than anything I had ever used. He paused, "You sure your ok?" I took a deep breath and reached up and rested my hands on his shoulders. I smiled at him and spread my legs wider for him. He closed his eyes and started to push deeper in me. I closed mine, just feeling him sliding further into me with each second. I could feel the head sliding deeper and deeper, then, he hit my cirvix. My eyes opened suddenly at the feeling of him stretching my pussy like that, 'Oh my gosh, he was so deep' I thought to my self. I never went that deep. He kept pushing like he was trying to push through it. I dug my nails into his back alittle, trying to let him know he wasn't going any deeper. He stopped and held right there. I could feel my pussy like contracting and kinda quivering around his dick. I wondered what it felt like for him. His face looked like he was fighting something, then he relaxed. "Holy crap Sares, your tight" he said kinda laughing. "Is that good" I said in a shaky voice. "Ohh ya," he said as he gave alittle push against my cirvix again, "It's good." Then he pulled back for what seemed like forever, till just the head was still in me, then he quickly pushed back in. My clit went crazy, my whole body tingling, my pussy tightened aroung him. He took a deep breath in and stared intensly at me. I was cumming. I know I was making little moans and noises, but all a remember was the feeling of him inside me.

He laughed again as my orgasm started to go down, "heh, keep that up, I wont last long" he said kinda giggling. Then he pulled back again, and pushed back in. He started to go faster. I felt my g spot building again, tingling each time his dick's head brushed past it. I looked between us, watching his dick go down and disappere inside me, then slide back out, over and over. I looked up at him and he was looking straight out at he wall, he looked so serious. Then he started to go faster and faster. I watched my tummy raise and sink as he pushed in and out of me, then he got really hard, and went even faster. My whole body felt like it was floating. Tingles shooting up and down my spine, I was cumming again. I grabed his shoulders so tight, and I knew my pussy was doing it again to his supper hard dick. I was stairing up at him when he looked down at me quickly, he pushed so hard into me. I felt his dick pressed hard against my cirvix, it hurt alittle. It made my cum harder. Then I felt him giving little thrust, staying deep in me.

Then I felt it. A sudden rush of warmth deep inside me, then it got really slippery. I couldn't believe it. He was cumming inside me. I had always wondered what it would feel like, but knew that I could get pregnant or catch something. I even made a church promise that I would wait to have sex till I was married. LOL, guess I knocked that one right out of the park.

He just stared at me as I felt his dick jump and like pulsate inside me. I could actually feel little spits hitting my inner wall as he released inside me.He let out a huge breath then layed down ontop of me. I was scared. I had thought about a condom before we started, but I was too nervious to think straight. Stupidly, I asked, "Did you cum?" He sat up, and pushed into me again. I could feel he was already starting to shrink back down. "Sorry Sares," he said sounding like he was out of breath. "I wasn't gonna, but it just felt so good." He pulled back and I felt him slide out of me. It was so wet and slippery, I got up quick and walked to the door. As I walked to the door, I felt something warm running down my legs. I cracked it open, looked out, then ran over to the bathroom. 'That was so stupid, why did he do that? Ahhh, where is the douches?' I thought to myself. I couldn't find one. I started the shower and got in. I wiped it all off me, then slid my fingers up in and tried to like scoop it out. I cleaned for a minute then climbed out. 'I'll just go to the store tomorrow and buy some more.

I snuck back to his room and he was laying in his bed almost asleep. "Did that feel good?" he ask me. I giggled and smiled at him, "it felt great." He just laughed and rolled over. I think he fell asleep right then and there. LOL, stereotypical I guess. I got dressed in mu princess panties and pajamas and went back downstairs. I laid on the love seat for like an hour thinking about it. When I woke up, everyone was already awake and in the dinning room eating breakfast. I walked over to the downstairs bathroom and sat down to pee. When I pulled my panties down, there was a soaked spot. I didn't get it all out and it just was in me all night. I got dressed real quick and ran down to the corner store. I bought like 6 douches and ran back home. I went up stairs and went into the bathroom. I used two. I was so scared. Jake and I went on like normal and pretended like nothing happened. It was really acward

I got back to Japan a week and a half later. I was scared shitless cause I still hadn't had my period. I was only a day or two late, but I was still scared. As soon as we got back on base, I ran to the base minimart and bought 4 different pregnancy test. I was so embarassed buying them but I didn't care. At home, the first test said (-) 'ahh, what a relief'. But then to be sure, I did another. I could have shit my pants when I was a double (--). I started pacing and after like 5 minutes of crying, thinking what would daddy think, I can't, not now, I did the other two. Both negitive. I just had my period like three days ago. Talk about scary, it was light. So every other day I buy a test, so far, all negitive.

As a matter of fact, I just finished telling you, so I'm going to go take another test. Honestly, as bad as it would be, it turns me on thinking that some of his cum was still inside me. LOL, I'm bad I know. Anyways, this is my story. I hoped you liked it, I'll probably have more later on. See ya, MUAH!!!

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Victor Victor opened the door to the suite, and swept Amber off her feet before she could walk in. Letting his mom, sister and daughters go before them. Then with a kiss, he carried a giggling Amber into the room, and set her down. "What's so funny?" he asked. "You're supposed to wait until after you get married to do that," Annabelle replied. "Oh!" Victor said as he scratched his head and then added, "Why didn't anyone tell me that?" "Because it was cute that you thought of...

2 years ago
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Forgotten FamilyChapter 6 A Scared Woman in a New Home

The next morning I awoke to the sounds of someone crying. I sat up quickly to find Nadia kneeling on the floor, covering her face with her hands. I knelt next to her and put an arm over her back. "What's wrong?" Nadia sniffled. "I'm just so happy. I never expected this. I thought..." Nadia trailed off for a moment and then Theresa sat up. I could hear the smile in her voice. "You thought that being a concubine meant being used for sex and then treated like a servant, and you found...

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The final chapter of She wanted it but was scared

I ordered the drinks and the food and we sat in the hot tub for about ½ hour. It was around 6:30PM and there was almost no one at the pool. They were either still in class or getting ready for dinner. There was another couple in the tube but they looked like they didn't care who else was around. She was straddling him as she sat on his lap facing him and we could hear the moans coming from both of them. The clouds were moving over the in front of the sun and it was starting to get dark. The...

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She was scared part 5

About an hour after dinner, 7 or 7:30 PM, the phone rang and it was Dot. My wife said: "Tomorrow night about 8PM? Yes, sure Dottie, we'll be there. Thanks! Bye!" I asked: "Who was that babe"" She told me: "Dot called and invited us to play cards with her, her husband, her brother and his wife and another couple!. Poker!" I asked: "And did you accept?" She yelled: "Yes! 8 PM. Will you come in here and help me with something?" I walked up the stairs and went into the bedroom. There was my wife...

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She wanted it but she was scared 3

The next morning I left early and pulled up to Dot's house around 7:15AM. She wasn't standing in the doorway like she always had been. When I rang the bell she did have on a skirt! I felt my cock twitched with excitement. I closed the door and she melted in my arms. She kissed me for a few seconds and then pulled away telling me:" My husband is upstairs he's staying home! He's sick with the flue!" My heart sank!! I told her: "Let's go to the hill!! I have to see what's under that skirt!" We...

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She wanted to try it but was scared

That evening after we dropped off the other two people and headed towards her house, she asked me:" Do you know some place we could go and park for a few minutes? I want to talk and if we have time baby, I want to try what we did this morning again. It was so good! So good! I really needed to get off and you were great!" She kissed my neck and started to rub my cock again on the outside of my slacks. It grew in her hand! I knew a place called "The Hill" where not many people went and folks...

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She had decoided that she wanted to fuck me all afternopn scared part 6

Dot arrived at my house around 9AM and I went out to get the ladder and brought it into the house. She followed me in and I sat the ladder down! She was all over me as we moved into the living room kissing and feel each other. I pulled her close with my hands over her ass cheeks. She bent into me and moaned as my tongue found her mouth and my hands cupped and rubbed all over her ass! Her tight jeans made my mouth water and my cock hard!! She held me as tight as she could while pulling my body...

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Chapter 8 of She was scared

Our relationship continued for about 3 months and had reached that point where we both wanted more of each other. More of the sucking more of the fucking and more time to do both was a goal we both worked very hard to achieve. We came up with some very good excuses and we fucked and/or sucked each other whenever and wherever we could get time. As the relationship grew we became more and more brave. Sometimes we were a little laxed and almost got caught twice. Once we went to the back door of...

2 years ago
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Oh So Excited

Introduction: Nutty wives make incest much more fun! Oh So Excited It is so easy to get sucked into something a step at a time. You know, one of those Oh, just this once, or perhaps, Just a little bit wont hurt you. That is exactly how I got led by my cock down a one way trail until I became someone and something I never wanted to be. Leslie, my wife did the leading, I let myself get led and Rachel our daughter was swept along in the tide of events. I have always had a very sensitive cock....

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My Husband8217s Fantasy Makes Me Excited

Hi friends I am Sindhu from Bangalore. I am a regular reader in iss because of my husband makes me a habit of it. Here describes about us I am 28 yrs old fair and good structure 36-30-36 and my hubby 30yrs old good looking handsome guy. We have been married since 2 yrs. We both are very happy in our marriage life especially on bed we both are very excited and we use to watch bf regularly. Mostly we use to watch group sex blue films while watching we tried to do same positions in reality...

4 years ago
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Oh So Excited

It is so easy to get sucked into something a step at a time. You know, one of those “Oh, just this once,” or perhaps, “Just a little bit won’t hurt you. That is exactly how I got led by my cock down a one way trail until I became someone and something I never wanted to be. Leslie, my wife did the leading, I let myself get led and Rachel our daughter was swept along in the tide of events. I have always had a very sensitive cock. Christ, I can’t even wear boxer shorts without going around...

2 years ago
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Fright Night What Scares You

This is a Halloween contest story. Too many readers don’t vote. Please vote. I need the support of your vote. Couple uses Halloween to scare one another. * ‘It’s Halloween night, fright night, Roger. Let’s do something scary,’ said Anne to her boyfriend with a foreboding look. ‘Scary? You can’t scare me, Anne. Been there, done that, I’ve seen it all and experienced it all. I’ve been a cop too long to be scared,’ said Roger waving a hand of disinterest with his usual comportment of arrogant...

3 years ago
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Young aunt got excited

Hi this is again a new posting of my true story of y native village where i had been few months ago for some property matter.I m basically from town in gujarat but born and bought up in mumbai. After my parents death, I m sole propeitor of immense property in gujarat where i had been to take care of those properties like lands and house. As i had been to native place after long time may be after 10 years so for me the whole place was new and my neighbors too where new for me except one of my...

1 year ago
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Scare Fair Ch 01

I’m new to this…. So go easy. ,) This first chapter has no sex / sexual contact of any kind what so ever, it’s purely the start of the story. There isn’t even a full description of the main character, it’s all to come in the following chapters. I’d appreciate any comments on the story, good or bad, as they’ll spur me on to write more and either improve or keep it up! Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy and want to read more… *** Chapter 1 – Story Introduction *** Jack wondered...

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Shouldnt That Scare me More

It is based on somebody's real-life experience, yet the exact events were tailored to make it a story. I still put it in true stories though because I like to keep all of my stories in one place. I which the site had a creative nonfiction genre. Part two is pure fiction. Shouldn't That Scare me More? By Bistander Before the scoopful of cereal reached my mouth, milk dropped. Shit, I thought, a direct hit. My ball sack constricted and rolled my nuts. I shouldn't be able to see my package...

1 year ago
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Alien Sex Scare

I was awakened in the middle of the night by a loud noise and bright lights outside my window. In my sleepy state it took a minute for my eyes to focus. I first thought it was the police or a fire truck outside, but upon looking out the window I saw nothing but bright light everywhere. Just then I was hit with a beam of light that stood me straight up and paralyzed me. I was so scared. I struggled to move but couldn’t. I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew, I was in some sort of...

Erotic Fiction
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EyesChapter 14 The Scare and Double Double

I woke up in a hospital bed attached to many wires and tubes, surrounded by curtains. I could hear murmuring but couldn't make out anything. The curtain pulled aside to reveal the tear-streaked face of June. She saw my eyes open and gasped and left to quickly return with a nurse. The nurse did a once over with the pulse and blood pressure cuff then used a flashlight on my eyes. June just stared at me not speaking but looking anxiously at the nurse. She entered some notes on a clipboard and...

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Scare Fair Ch 02

Thanks for all of the great feedback from the first chapter! I hope you read on and continue to enjoy it so far. : ) Again, there’s no sex in this chapter, but it’s a slow build up.. If you’re looking for just straight hard sex, then I suggest that you probably look elsewhere. : p I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and I look forward to reading your comments.. Enjoyyy! *** Chapter 2 – So, that’s what it does? *** Reaching up to his bedside cabinet, Jack picked up his charging phone to check...

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Shouldnt That Scare me More The Second Time

Shouldn't That Scare me More – The Second Time? By Bistander The night before, I slept horribly. I had a hard time falling asleep because of what Mark had done to me. When I did snooze, I had dreams about it. In them, my brain drew from thousands of blowjob videos I'd seen and created an alternate universe where I sucked cock like a porn star. Whenever I was jerked awake, my dick had that bloated, about to shoot a load look. Maybe if Mark had stayed around and talked about it, I...

1 year ago
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Aunt Seduction By Scaring About Breast Cancer

Hi, Let me introduce myself as, Javaranna, 32 years unmarried man from Bangalore. Let me also thank ISS for this amazing free service to all of us. My incidence happened 4 years back when I was in hubli and staying with my aunt and uncle. My uncle and aunt were married for 8 years, but no children so far. My uncle was a business man and used to be out of station most of the times. I was planning to change my job. I was working in a general insurance company, but now wanted to go for a better...

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Faeophobia Pregnancy Scare

It had always been about tits. The question was, what should a girl do with them? Nancy had solved the problem, she thought. Not like the rest of the human girls at Madison University. She smiled with a wicked gleam as she strutted through the Student Center Food Court. The Creatures of Fairy no longer bothered her. It was her turn now, It was Nancy's turn to make jaws drop, to cause heads to shake in dismay; and to cause cocks to harden in her wake. Ever since the Celestial Conjuction a few...

4 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 11 A Scare

Tendrils of fear were slowly eating into his mind. It colored the world with a blackness that hid danger in every corner. Worried, he paced around the living room like a lion in a cage. There was a nervousness to his movements that infected the others in the room with him. He stopped, arms hanging down at his sides, his head bowed, and his shoulders slumped. He said, "We have to call the police." Cat, with a distrust for authorities driven into her since childhood, said, "What will you...

2 years ago
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Angle of Excitation

[ For Robert. An inspiring young man, coming to grips with the sea-change being brought about by the long over due dissolution of the long-held, and highly toxic influence, known as 'White Supremacy.' For Robert, and other young men sensing this shift, this story is dedicated. A wise person once said: "Everything changes." So, too, is the formerly iron-hand grasp of white racial bigotry and v******e.Better days are coming.]He'd done his job well enough, even though the work he did was not a...

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3 Girls and 3 stories to excite

1.) Jenna's encounterI was rollerblading down towards the pool, where I planed to swim and sunbathe. At the flat opposite the entrance I saw they guy who had just moved in from overseas and who all the girls were talking about.Most people living in the condominiums were like us, families but this house was rented out to an oil service company, and they had young guys staying overnight, young guys that made the daughters of the families living and studying here excited, we were all teenage...

1 year ago
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Lost ToysChapter 20 Excitement

Tiffany Luck – Thursday, June 25th, 2015 I held Raena’s hand, not knowing whose was shaking. She knocked on the door. I licked my lips and wobbled as I nervously tapped my foot. My heels were way too tall. “Hey,” Matthew opened the door with a big smile, “You two look lovely. Are the boys all set up?” “Matthew, bring the girls inside,” The angel, Gwendolyn, stepped up on Matthew’s left and laid her hand on his shoulder. I looked up and down the corridor but it was empty. He took Raena’s...

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Girls Club Excitements

We school girls lived in the very rural part of the Southwest and while the city girls had their clubs of Girl Scouts and Brownies to learn about nature, well, since we lived in nature there wasn’t much about it we didn’t already know and for this reason our Girls’ Clubs were different. While the city girls were beginning to mature, grow hair and breasts, starting talk about that forbidden thing called “S E X” we country girls saw it and many experienced it already. It might have been...

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A Journey Of Excitement

I belong to a family where both of my parents remain out for work. When i was fourteen years old they both had to go for a business tour. However, i couldn't attend them because of my classes.So they asked my cousin ,Regie, to stay with me. Regie was three years older than me, but he looked much more like adults.He had dark brown eyes and blonde hair.Though he was older than me he often shared many things with me .I know about almost all of his girlfriends .But i didn't know...

1 year ago
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Hi indian sex stories dot net readers Tribute to all the girls who like it wild, I run a page on Instagram(want to know which, then email me), there due to onesta free food offer for the name, I was honored to meet a girl whose name can’t be disclosed, I can go on about her but her lips are very attractive, though they are very thin she has a bright smile that can make any guys day.   We started texting, casually day by day, as she had a bf I had a limit on how I used to flirt with her, I am...

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Changes In Life And Outlooks 8211 Exciting

This story is completely fictional. Let me tell about myself. I am Alan John. I am aged 22, living In Kerala. The story here is my fictional fantasy. Anyone, male or female, preferably from Kerala interested to chat with me can mail me. Those who liked the story should give me their feedbacks. Mail me at Boys, put yourself in the place of me and my sweet ladies you can have any of the two roles and enjoy. This is a sex story but told in a decent manner. Hope it will be interesting and it is...

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Most Exciting

Involved with a woman 13 years my younger, I was excited about the age difference and her physical presence. I typically became involved with women of somewhat robust size & shape - commonly size 10-14. Kim was different, for she was a size 6.Now, Kim's size and age weren't the only attractions. She had a long, slender face that sported big beautiful green eyes. She always wore her hair in moderate style and length. No tinting, gelling, et al - just a natural softness and sheen.My most...

4 years ago
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A Night Of PassionThrill And Excitement

Author: Amit Amit strode into his house and locked it from inside. Then he freshened up and started undressing. It was raining outside and there was some chill in the air which made goose bumps rise all over his skin. If his wife had been at home this would have been a perfect time for sex. But he had something else in mind for the cold and grey afternoon. He undressed till the underwear and dropped on the bed rubbing the hard boner that had erected due to the icy weather. The day had been...

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Much needed excitment

Dinner was delicious and after the kids were in bed I even got dessert from Kasey. She is so lovely when she spreads her legs and plays for me. God knew what he was doing when he gave me her. She knows just how to please me so that I sleep well. As I get ready for bed she is already there, legs spread and fingers glistening. I am a lucky man to get this every night, but sometimes I wonder if there could be more to my life. Call me ungrateful, but I call it unsatisfied. She comes over and...

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From Boring To Very Exciting

From Boring To So Very Exciting ----Mark's Side----I met Traci in high school and she ended up being my girl in such a strange way. I met her at a party and didn't even know she went to my school until she told me. I was 18 and I was drinking a beer not talking to anybody and she walked up and asked me who I was. After I told her my name she suddenly gave me a hug and I spilled my beer on her back like a clumsy idiot. Traci jumped away from me with a shocked look on her face and then she...

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Husband trying to make sex exciting

Hey there like most of us after you married for a few year sex is there first thing to get boring unless you make that extra effort to ensure not just you buy your partner stays waiting more Now look Im a normal guy watch porn so a know a thing or two but we not pro's . So I tried to do thing I think she would not just like but be comfortable doing So this is part one of my attempts to excite my sex life .Let me give you a bit of a background . Me and my wife started dating at 12 . Started...

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Public sex for a young girl felt exciting

Wartime makes people do the oddest of things you never thought yourself capable off. I married my c***dhood sweetheart when he was called up, God only knows what was going through my head, maybe I thought marriage would exempt him from active overseas service, at least put him in reserve and send all the single men ahead, then it would be all over in a matter of months.How wrong can a girl be?The trouble was every girl and woman where I worked was in the same boat, husbands, sons, brothers and...

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