The Tempting Waitress free porn video

Note: This is based on a true story. Some parts have been changed to give the story a finishing touch. Names have been changed for privacy of characters involved.
I am Prakash and work in a Multinational Consumer Durables company as a General Manager at their production facility in Mumbai. My workplace is far-offish from the main city and even I live a bit far from the town. I keep myself supplied at regular intervals from the city. I am 29 and a single. I am 5’9” in height and have an athletic build and a fair complexion. Often I have to work late at my office and have to eat out on those occasions at a local eatery on the way from my office to my home. I like its ambience, food and most of all its waitresses. They are cute and one of them is my favorite as she is quite young as they come and she goes all head over heels to please me when it comes to waiting at my table. She has quite a figure for her age. She has a 34-22-34 figure and is of 5’5” height. Most of all, she has a fair complexion, dark brown hair and hazel eyes that seemed to smile every time she looked up on you.
It all happened when one night when I was leaving the restaurant, I paused near my car as she called me to stop. She came running as she pulled over her jacket and was panting when she stopped near me. I looked at her quizzically. She asked me, ‘Sir, can you drop me home, if you don’t mind?’ I said, ‘but of course dear. It will be no hardship.’ With that I opened the front passenger door of my car and said, ‘Please be my guest lady.’ She got in and I climbed into my seat and started my car up.
I taxied the car forward and started a conversation with her. I asked, ‘By the way, I don’t know your name.’ she replied, ‘its Ritu, sir.’ I said, ‘Call me Prakash. So where do you live?’ she replied, ‘not far off from your house, sir.’ I said irritably, ‘Don’t call me sir, please. Wait a minute though, how do you know where I live?’ she said, ‘I see you at the turning after my house when you are on you way to your office.’ I said, ‘Ritu, I like you a lot. It really pays off well when you serve my table.’ She said, ‘thanks for the complement, Prakash.’ I asked, ‘How old are you Ritu? If you don’t mind my asking.’ She said, ‘I am 21.’ I had guessed her age right so I said, ‘then why are you not in college instead of working at the restaurant?’ she replied, ‘you see sir, my family is not that well established to put me through college. So I took up the job.’ I said, ‘I am not sympathizing with you but I can understand as I myself am an orphan.
You can always turn to me if you ever think that I can help you in any way. From now on consider me as your friend.’ She said, ‘Thanks a lot Prakash.’ And with this she gave me a hug. I had quite a time bringing the car back in control. She exclaimed, ‘how foolish of me to do such a thing while you were driving.’ I said laughing, ‘it happens to us all dear.’ She pointed out her house to me, it was not in that bad a shape, still it was obvious that the family was not well-off to do in terms of money. I brought the car to a standstill in front of her house. She climbed out and said, ‘Well Prakash you can come in. Whatever my financial crisis, I can at least offer you some coffee. And I make it nice.’ I said, ‘some other time dear. I will surely visit you now that we are friends. But today I am a bit tired, so I should better be going. Good night Ritu.’ She wished me good night and bade me goodbye with a thanks for dropping her.
I reached home and went to sleep. That night I dreamed that I was sleeping, but
I was not alone and the girl by my side was Ritu. I woke up to the pleasant
dream. I couldn’t control the thrill of the dream and masturbated thinking of
Ritu. Then I slept again.
Next evening, she asked me again for a ride home. I welcomed her in my car. We struck up conversation again. I asked, ‘who else is in your house Ritu.’ She replied, ‘no one. I live with my friend. My dad is working as a mechanic in Delhi and my mom’s dead.’ I said, ‘I am sorry for your mother.’ And we made some more small talk as we reached her house. This time I went in and had some coffee with her. I like the house and the coffee. But of them all I liked Ritu most. I left as soon as decency permitted.
Next day, bonus was distributed among all the staff and I was quite full where as money was concerned. I went to the restaurant early that evening and asked for Ritu. She came and was delighted to see me. I asked her, ‘Ritu dear, can you take a couple of days off? I am officially asking you out for a date.’ She said, ‘Sure, I’ll arrange it with my colleague and my manager.’ And she went into the manager’s cubby-hole office and asked for the permission. She got it. She came back and we went to her house first. She looked at me inquiringly, I said, ‘pack your bag for a couple of days. We are going on a holiday.’ She rushed in and got her bag packed. We started off and reached our destination within 30 minutes. It was an isolated beach house which I had purchased a couple of years back. It even had a private beach of sorts and the view was breathtaking.
She exclaimed, ‘Nice place you have out here.’ I bowed and said, ‘I come here to spend some time when I am fed up from the thoroughfare life I lead.’ We went in and I showed her to her room. I went into my bedroom and had a shower. I could hear her doing the same. I went to sit on the sofa in my living room and was wearing a pair of pyjamas. She came out of her room and she looked like an angel. She was wearing a light pink shirt open deep at her throat and a pair of denim shorts. The bra showed through and she looked real sexy in that dress. She came and sat close to me. I said, ‘you are looking great, Ritu.’ She blushed and said, ‘thanks Prakash.’ I said ‘don’t mind me.’ And bent over to kiss her on her cheek. She looked into my eyes and I saw she was looking at me longingly. I pulled her close into a hug and kissed her passionately on her lips.
She responded immediately and embraced me as she kissed me. I then kissed her bare neck and she pushed me teasingly. I pulled her again and playfully bit her earlobes. She stood and started running into her room, but I was faster and reached her room before she could close the door. I went in and locked the door behind me. She was standing near the open window behind the bed and teasing me with her tongue. I rushed to her and grabbed her in an embrace and kissed her again. Then I lifted her in my arms and laid her on the bed. She pulled me upon her and kissed me again. I rested on my elbow and started undoing the buttons of her shirt. She got up and let me pull it off her. Her cleavage was nice and I liked the smoothness of her skin. I then undid the button of her shorts and put in my hand and I felt her panties I put my hand into those too. I touched smooth skin and felt her wet pussy as she sighed and kissed my chest. I pulled down her shorts and she was lying nude in front of me. I pulled down my pyjamas and kissed her toes, then her ankles, thighs and her panties covering her groin. I proceeded on to her navel and bit it lightly while kissing. Then I kissed her midriff and her cleavage. I pulled the straps of her bra off her shoulders while kissing and then I kissed her parted lips. I opened the clasps on her bra and her bra slid off her smooth skin. I touched her fine tits. I kissed the erect nipples and sucked on them. She undid her panties and I pulled down my underwear. We sixty-nined and it was the best feeling I ever had.
I pinned her arms above her head and entered her. She was a virgin as her hymen disintegrated under my cock. I pushed it in harder and she gasped with the pain. I fucked her slowly at first and then faster and harder. Then she straddled on my cock and I liked to see her tits jiggle and bounce. I squeezed them and played with them as she fucked me. I finally came inside her as she orgasmed on my cock. She sucked my cock dry, but I wanted more of her so I fucked her tight little ass and filled her hole with my cum again. Then she sucked my cock into a tight erection and sucked it till I blew an enormous load into her mouth. She drank it all and I fucked her again. For a continous eight hours we had fucked each other and our bodies were sore from kissing and rubbing. Still we fucked again and again. I said that night, ‘Ritu, I Love you very much.’ She said, ‘I love you too.’ And kissed me.
We have decided to marry next week. So folks bye for now. Just looking at her in her bathing in the sea in her two piece bathing suit is giving me a raging hard on. I’ll be back with my honeymoon story. Ciao.

- 20.03.2023
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- Erotic Fiction