Chesterbury Tales Pt. 08 free porn video

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It is Winter 1966. When five couples find themselves stranded at a remote high class inn by extreme weather conditions, they amuse each other by relating stories of an erotic nature, as well as taking part in all kinds of private and group sexual activities. The Host had told of the birthday orgy involving a current top film star, and the Theatre Company Manager of her oral exploits with a famous actor. Fantasies involving nuns and priests had also been acted out.

Chapter Eight – The Marketing Director’s Tale

On the second day, after dinner, the guests moved into the warm lounge with its blazing log fire and subdued lighting. Anne and Mary, scantily clothed, poured coffee and liqueurs as Julie came into the centre of the group.

‘Well, ladies and gentlemen, it looks as though were here for some time yet. So, now you’re all settled, our story this evening is from Martin, who is going to tell us about a smooth-taking lecher whose elaborate plans to seduce his secretary were foiled.’

Martin, an international marketing director for a food company, was a quiet fair haired man with good strong features, large blue eyes, straight nose and square chin. He was of average build but not yet running to fat and very aristocratic-looking. At thirty-two, he seemed average in other ways, having a perfectly straight and sturdy six inch penis. Unfortunately, he wasn’t always able to control his discharge which often resulted in a generous flow of oozing semen, long before the climax hit him.

But he enjoyed a lavish international life style, often seen in national society magazines with his attractive Television presenter wife, Delia. With her winning smile and attractive blonde features, she was a photographer’s dream. Her calm exterior and imperious bearing, head held high with a tendency to look down her nose, gave her a slightly superior air. In spite of the media exposure, they had remained married for longer than most celebrities.

Delia often claimed to her friends that half the male population masturbated in front of her when she was on screen, splattering their TV with sperm! Camera crews drooled over her and fellow presenters tried to chat her up. But she kept aloof, private and mysterious, only letting herself go among trusted friends.

Martin came forward and sat in the storyteller’s armchair adjacent to the fireplace with his coffee and brandy which he set on a table at the side of him. He told this story.

Edward never acknowledged the name Ted. He ignored anyone who called him by that name. He had been christened Edward, and that was his name. Not Ted, nor Ed, nor Eddie. Edward. He was thirty-five, had fair, wavy hair, his only facial blemish – if indeed it was one – being a slight cast in his right eye. He spoke softly and carefully with a slight nasal tone, meticulously cultivated to impress the American directors of the company for which he worked.

Edward had a sumptuous office. He sat at a large desk devoid of papers except for those he was currently working on. In the top right-hand drawer, he kept a yellow duster to keep the desk-top spotlessly clean and free from dust. His three telephones, one red, one white and one black, were on a side table to his left.

Ever since he was told by an American psychologist over dinner one evening that to use the left ear made a person respond more crisply and more intelligently than if they used the right ear, he used only his left ear when speaking on the phone.

He always dressed immaculately in a dark grey suit made-to-measure in the West End, a white silk shirt with gold cufflinks and a light grey tie. A carefully arranged white silk handkerchief was tucked in the top pocket of his jacket. His aftershave was the latest vogue in men’s perfumery.

Edward’s personal secretary – not private secretary, but a personal one – sat at a desk outside his office. Delia was a strikingly beautiful girl of twenty years. In fact, she was a remarkable lookalike of Grace Kelly. Her blonde hair was swept back into a bun without a stray hair to be seen. Edward wouldn’t have allowed it. Her eyes were a bright blue and her skin clear and fresh looking.

She was a serious-looking girl, though. Not that she had any serious thoughts, it was more of a blank expression, reflecting the state of her mental activity. Delia had that serene appearance of purity and innocence. It was one of Edward’s ambitions to seduce Delia. And, since he almost always got what he wanted, he was prepared to wait, taking great care with his planning.

He planned his campaign of Delia’s seduction as he would market a new product. He had already taken Delia to lunch at expensive restaurants on several occasions. On these occasions the other diners would turn to admire the beautiful lady as she came into the dining room. Several would, no doubt, believe that they had dined in the same restaurant as Grace Kelly, telling their friends all about it that same evening.

Delia was, of course, perfectly aware of what Edward was after. She was, in fact, rather surprised that he hadn’t yet invited her into his bed. Delia, however, didn’t fancy Edward at all. Had she done so, she would have opened her legs for him long ago. But she just didn’t fancy him.

For a start, he was too pernickety. Perhaps, if he should invite her to accompany him on one of his exotic visits abroad, she might think about getting into his bed as recompense. Though with Edward, she thought, sex would be too much of a hassle. He would give me a performance just to show off his sexual prowess.

On the Friday evening, ten days before Delia’s first Christmas working for Edward, the company held its staff party. A catering company had been retained to provide a first class buffet meal with a well-stocked bar. Wine and ale would flow freely. A dance band had also been hired for the evening with entertainment by a well-known comedian.

The large area was lavishly embellished with miles of decorations, a large Christmas tree at each end of the room and, around it, several smaller ones festooned with trimmings and tree-lights. Tables were arranged round the room, leaving a sizable dancing square in the centre. Boyfriend, girlfriend and spouses were invited to the party, but most of the staff came on their own to see what spare male, or female, talent might be available for a spot of flirting. About a hundred and fifty people were expected.

It so happened that Edward was in America, not expected to return until Sunday. Because Delia had no current boyfriend, and knowing how she would be pestered if she went singly, she had decided not to go to the party. Her mother said it would be a shame to miss out on such a lavish party. So, if Delia wished to go, she would be pleased to go along as her guest and chaperon. Besides, it would be a welcome night out for her as well. After some hesitation, Delia said OK, so it was agreed.

Now, Delia’s mother, Alison, was born in Bath. She was such a beautiful lady with a graceful figure and refined looks that most men thought her frigid and untouchable. How looks can lie! Alison had had two husbands, but had been far from a faithful wife. Her sex drive was too high-powered for that.

Alison’s second husband had found her too demanding, leaving her to live a quiet life in a small bachelor flat. Like Chaucer’s Wife of Bath before her, with the same name, whose exploits she had read, Alison’s sexual boredom factor was low.

‘Alas, alas, that ever love was sin!’ She believed that it would be wrong to fight her basic personality. So she hunted and seduced where she felt desire. Following the example of her esteemed predecessor, she called her genitals her quoniam. An uglier word than vagina, perhaps, but more mysterious and erotic, or so she thought.

Having reached the age of forty-two her appetite for sex was greater than it had ever been in her life, which meant that she just couldn’t get enough. Her quoniam constantly ached for attention, g
etting insufficient to keep its fire slaked. So she determined to have a good time at the party and, if she could, seduce a young, clean, virile man.

Alison and Delia made a stunning pair of extremely beautiful, sophisticated ladies. Even the taxi driver, usually immune to sights such as these, was overcome by their beauty. When they arrived outside the company’s offices in Waterloo Place, there was already much activity. A doorman came to open the door of the taxi for the two beauties as Delia paid the cabby before hurrying to the entrance.

At the top of the staircase leading down to the reception area was the ladies’ cloakroom. After touching up their make-up and hair arrangements, they went down to the reception area, clutching their matching evening handbag.

The Managing Director, Bernard Hathaway-Jones, and the Marketing Director, David Lutyens, were clearly impressed by the sight of two exquisitely beautiful ladies approaching them. It took David a second or two to recognise Delia with her flowing blonde hair, but he greeted her with much warmth and courteous enthusiasm.

Her mother was introduced, being received by both men with much effusive admiration. David was particularly attentive, escorting them to his personal table, saying that he would join them for a drink shortly. Meantime, he beckoned over a waiter, ordered two glasses of chilled champagne, two bottles of Moet et Chandon to be put into ice buckets and three glasses.

David had always lusted after Delia. She was the most attractive of the secretaries amongst his London staff. Tonight, he thought, she looked sensational. David was in his late thirties, estranged from his South African wife, and the son of a colonial baronet. His slim, athletic figure was kept in trim with a half-hour workout each morning.

He was glad Edward’s not here he decided, as he returned to the reception area where Bernard, now in his paunchy fifties, was overwhelmed by the two gorgeous-looking, self-assured women.

‘Wish I was a bit younger, by Jove, eh, David? I would certainly fancy my chances there!’

The younger man smiled at his boss. He’d never heard him express any views about women, or indeed sex, before. ‘Bernard! Surely you’re not passed it yet!’

‘Certainly not, old boy! But the ladies think I am!’ He lowered his voice. To tell the truth, old boy, I’m reduced to having to pay for a bit of enjoyment these days!’ He barked with laughter.

As the waiter brought the glasses of champagne with an ice-bucket with two bottles, Alison and Delia were approached by two young men from the personnel staff, well-known to Delia, who invited them to dance. The room was getting noisy and hot, already fairly full of rocking couples.

Alison was well pleased with the stir she was creating among the men. They turned heads to look at her, wondering who this beautiful lady could possibly be. Alison thought that she might well encourage the young man by pressing herself closer to him and holding him a little tighter than necessary during the slow footrot. He smiled warmly at her.

She returned the smile. A slight stirring in the front of his trousers reassured her that he was interested in more than just dancing with her.

Returning to the table after the dance, Delia and her dancing partner had already got there. David had also arrived, and the champagne was being poured. After inviting the two young men to join them, two more men came up to ask Delia to be introduced to her charming companion.

One of them, Jack, was David’s assistant whilst the other, James, was a merchandising manager. The two ladies had no sooner joined in the general toast of ‘Cheers!’ with a sip of champagne than they were whisked away for a dance by the two newcomers where they enjoyed yet more flattery and attention.

Bill was Alison’s new dancing partner who explained that he worked in another of the marketing departments. Alison promised to take a look his product display later in the evening, they rejoined David’s table.

Delia and Alison had, by this time, five attractive men paying them attendance, taking it in turn to dance with first one, then the other. The men were, by this time of course, slightly tipsy and becoming rather impertinent, when dancing, making immodest comments to the ladies about their outstanding figures.

As the evening wore on the dancing partners became bolder, holding the ladies closer, stroking their bottoms as casually as they could. Neither lady objected to this attention. After all, most of the other dancers were doing the same.

Alison made up her mind to screw David’s brains out before the end of the evening, whatever else she did. She was conscious of his swelling, prominent beneath his evening trousers, though not fully erect, pressing into her groin. One of his hands was stroking the bare flesh between her shoulder blades in a provocative way.

She casually rubbed her groin against his as they danced together provoking a responsive jerking in his trousers. Alison looked up at him smiling sweetly.

‘Oh dear! What have I done?’

‘I think you have a pretty good idea, you tease. We may have to leave the dance floor for a quiet drink to give time for it to subside.’

Alison pouted her lips. ‘Oh, what a shame. It felt quite interesting. She pressed herself hard against him so that she could distinctly feel his stiffness pushing against her belly. ‘That’s nice, but naughty!’

‘I like being naughty, don’t you?’

‘Oh yes, I just adore it. Can we be naughty together, do you think?’

David looked at her quizzically. ‘Not here, and not just now. Perhaps after supper. I’ll think of something.’

Delia was no less in demand, enjoying a similar piece of teasing as her mother. Poor Jack was red with embarrassment when Delia pressed herself against his hardness as they danced together. She gave him a sympathetic smile. ‘Don’t worry, Jack, it’s just the natural lusty male reaction. It’s easier for me. You can’t feel my enthusiasm quite so easily.’ After a pause she added, ‘I can feel it though!”

Jack was encouraged by this. ‘How about if I feel it for myself?’

Delia giggled. ‘You mischievous thing! Certainly not!’ She ground her belly into his swelling adding ‘Well, not just now, anyway! Later perhaps!’

She was enjoying teasing the men tonight who had all reacted properly if stiffly.

So far, she thought, James has got the stiffest though David’s seems to be the biggest! Poor men, she mused, they can’t get turned on without it being obvious.

Before sitting down for supper, with soaked knickers, Delia excused herself to go to the powder room to dry herself. Her mother joined her for a similar reason. They both had a good laugh together comparing the various states of the stiff male members they had pressed up against. Both agreed that they were having fun.

Teasing’s OK, but I don’t intend going any further, mother. I mean! Think of me having to face the staff on Monday if I did! These things soon get round, you know. Men can’t keep a confidence of that sort.’

Her mother smiled in sympathy. ‘You’ll not be the only one. I expect there’ll be other blushing secretaries come Monday.’

During the meal, Alison sat next to David. She asked him nonchalantly where his office was saying that she would like the chance to see round the executive floor. David explained that he would have to pop into the offices later to check the teleprinter for messages. Perhaps she would like to accompany him?

His voice was matter of fact but his intentions were clear to her. He was aroused at the prospect of exploring the warm secret between Alison’s warm thighs. Alison smiled at him with a slight nod of acceptance, unobtrusively reaching under the table cloth into David’s lap, to squeeze the swelling she felt in his groin. She was heartened by the splendid shape she felt beneath his fabric of his trousers.

Delia, who sat on other side of D
avid and next to James, also understood the significance of the overheard invitation, noticing the slight movement of her mother’s arm underneath the table. She knew what her mother was up to. Delia announced offhand that she had expected a message earlier in the day from Edward, which may have arrived after she had left the office early to get ready for the party. She would need to go and check shortly, she told James sweetly, smiling at him sympathetically. She stroked his thigh softly, each stroke taking her fingers closer to the bulge of his already stiff penis straining at the fabric. Delia gently traced its outline being rewarded with a responding jerk. She patted his bulge affectionately, smiling at him before removing her hand in case his enthusiasm overflowed inside his trousers.

When, after coffee and cognac, Brian and Bill left the table to visit the toilets, David suggested showing Alison the executive office suite.

‘We’ll come with you.’ Delia announced, as she got up she pulled James to his feet. ‘Come on, James. We’re taking a walk. Excuse us, Brian.’

The four left the room to just round the corner where a lift was already waiting. They went to the fifth floor, stepping out into the deep pile carpet of the executive suite. There was a deep silence. Widely spaced low-wattage emergency lights were the only lights, augmented by street lamps shining in through the windows. This was enough light for Alison to absorb the elegance and luxury of the office area. All four crossed the darkened reception area in silence. Delia unlocked Edward’s office suite.

As soon as they got into the room, Alison stepped to the front of the Guy Rogers sofa. Wasting no time, she turned to face David, took him in her arms with a deep intake of breath, and kissed him passionately. Her tongue prised his lips apart and explored his hot mouth, one hand stroked the back of his head, fingers feverishly snaking through his hair, the other pulling his waist close to hers.

By the time Delia had closed the door behind them and turned round, her mother was already in an ardent embrace with David. She hadn’t expected her mum to get involved with her daughter around. But Alison’s hands were already smoothing over David’s shoulders, removing his jacket which she threw over a chair.

His belt went next whilst Alison crushed her tongue passionately into his mouth. Although a bit taken aback by the sudden assault, David responded by stroking his hands sensuously down her back. Finding the top of a zip-fastener, he unfastened her gown down to the cleavage of the luscious cheeks of her bottom.

As Alison shrugged away the gown, her naked breasts sprang into view. She stepped back, the gown falling to her ankles, to reveal her black lace French knickers and silk stockings held up by scarlet garters. The gown kicked to one side, she stumbled back into David’s waiting arms with an animal growl of lust.

David clutched her loose breasts pressing himself into her, rubbing the hardened nipples in his palms. Alison reached between their bodies, unfastened the waistband of his trousers, and pushed them impatiently over his hips, down to his knees. Her thumbs hooked into the top of his underpants, dragging them down his thighs, sliding down his body at the same time to kneel in front of him.

She was getting desperate! Couldn’t wait for it! Alison was impatient to see it, to kiss it, to nuzzle it, feel it penetrating her. His powerful penis sprang out in front of her eyes!

Moaning greedily, Alison gazed at the proud object of her lust, with its swarthy stiffness and tracery of thick veins. She noticed the slight upward bend in it as she took the beautiful, all-powerful staff in one hand, cradling his heavy balls in the other. What strength and power in these, she thought, drawing the bulbous head towards her mouth. A droplet of liquid had already oozed from the eye of his manhood.

After peeling the foreskin over the pronounced purple ridge she ran her tongue around it, kissing the tip in homage to the plaything about to pleasure her. The gusset of her French knickers were frenziedly unbuttoned with her other hand, desperate to fill her quoniam with this powerful stranger. She fell backwards into the sofa pulling David down on top of her, guiding his stiffness to the portals of her wet quoniam.

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Cat Tales

Readers have been requesting more stories about my cats lately…or maybe I just wanted to share. Who can blame me, living with such freaks as these? Recently I’ve shared these stories with the wonderful people in the author’s hangout, and I wanted to share them with any readers brave enough to venture forth into a story about my pussies. So here are a few strange tales, and I hope you enjoy them. * * * I have three cats. Cosmic Creepers is my oldest cat, a five-year-old black boy cat. He’s a...

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Amoral Faerie Tales

Once upon a time, long ago, there was a beautiful maiden. In all of the lands, there was not a woman who lived, more beautiful. So benevolent was this woman, that her kindness stretched to the four corners of the world. Kings, and Queens came to her, to show their gratitude for her simply being alive. The maiden was called Divinity Mundane, and for all of the beauty that she possessed, she was a woman of common wealth, common possessions, and common wisdom. Like all women of such wealth,...

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Immoral Fairie Tales

Once upon a time, long ago, there was a beautiful maiden. In all of the lands, there was not a woman who lived, more beautiful. So benevolent was this woman, that her kindness stretched to the four corners of the world. Kings, and Queens came to her, to show their gratitude for her simply being alive. The maiden was called Divinity Mundane, and for all of the beauty that she possessed, she was a woman of common wealth, common possessions, and common wisdom. Like all women of such wealth,...

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04 The Chico Tales

"Yes, one of the is your mother," Julie said with a smile, "and who do you think the other one is?" "Ummm," Michelle stammered, studying the photo, "you? …. but how?....... what?........ where?....... when?" Julie threw back her head and laughed at her young companion’s bewilderment, "I have known your mother since before you were born, and we have stayed in touch over the years, as we have very similar interests.” Julie continued, “a few years back, while your father was on a...

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Girls Aloud Knickers Tales

Girls Aloud Knickers Tales All 5 members of Girls Aloud, Cheryl Tweedy, Nadine Coyle, Kimberley Walsh and Sarah Harding are all round at Nicola Roberts’s house catching up on all the key events that has happened to them over the past few months. They all sit drinking wine talking about each other’s solo careers and Kim and Sarah’s move into TV presenting but soon the topic shifts to their love life and current boyfriends. Cheryl says she still cares for Ashley despite what a scum bag he...

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Strapon Tales

There are tales of the Strap on Sex Variety. I want to see girls giving to guys up the ass with a big strap on cock. Choose from one of the options below: The first scenario is you get sent to and all women’s prison but you’re a guy. You get caught for reckless diving but the male prison is over crowed. So you get sent to a rough prison with corrupt female guards and wild inmates that haven’t seen a man in a long time. The second scenario is you have a hot girlfriend that is dominate. She is a...

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Humilating Tales

The stories written here will be focused on humilation as you can probably guess. You can pick a character and you will follow them on the most humilating experience of their life! The stories can contain fetishes such as (Wetting pants, sph, enf and enm, diapering and anything else) so long as it follows the guidelines. This is me writing for the first time so I apologise if my method of story telling and or style of writing changes drastically from different chapters, as I am just starting...

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TRAVELS (LESBIAN TALES)Many of the lesbians I know or I’ve met, single or married, told me that much of the exciting sex they have had was on a trip, either a holiday or business. Here are a few examples, although all are fictitious, written as if they were narrated to me. MANDY (Single. 40 years old. Canadian. Brunette, rather plain face, nice body)I was never one to “go south” during our long cold winters, but last year I was fed up by the time Christmas came around and went to a travel...

1 year ago
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Masseur Extraordinaire 2 Canterbury Tales

Freshly found friend & elder b*o Phil invites me along to London next European Go Congress in Canterbury. After our luch meeting at a terrace in Namur in the francophone eastern part of Belgium, where only choice in beers is from strong till very strong indeed, just like the iinteresting impact of his hot short sexy spicy stories on submission of great gals to the whims of his whips & heaving hips. As we learnt with lovely looking Louisa from his arousing exposé about his curious...

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SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales)THE DINERIt was 5AM and Jim couldn’t sleep. He was too horny. It was raining.“The hell with it”, he mumbled to himself. He put on his raincoat and left his apartment. It was dark and drizzling. Two blocks away the familiar letters in yellow neon lights spelled “Roger’s Diner”. It was open 24/7. Maybe someone he knew would be there. A young couple had the corner table in the rear. They were silent and sipped their coffee. Roger nodded to Jim. Jim sat on one of the...

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SHORT PIECES Lesbian Tales

SHORT PIECES (Lesbian Tales)THE WAITRESSAfter 27 years at the same restaurant, Lorna knew how to size up a new waitress, how to tell, you know. Eyes mainly, where they looked, if they looked. Never mind the young ones, they wouldn’t be interested anyway. A mature waitress, with experience, coming into a new job. Why ? Not Lorna’s problem. At least with a woman her age, she could tell. Like with Marge.“Sorry honey, let me squeeze in here”, Lorna would whisper as she rubbed her stomach against...

4 years ago
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Two Genie Tales

Here is a rewrite of an old story I wrote about 3 years ago. Archivable at any site, which allows free readership. Copyrighted to Caleb Jones 2000 A.D. All Rights reserved. Two Genie Tales By Caleb Jones A Last Request Bill Brewer couldn't believe his eyes. In his fifty-five years of life, nothing magical had ever taken place... until now. He had just cleaned an antique lamp of the layer of dust covering it, and a beautiful woman suddenly stood in front of him,...

2 years ago
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Shalini8217s USA Trip 8211 The Wife Tales

Introduction Hi Everyone, this is Shalini and it is my first story on ISS, Recently I went out for office trip to USA and had an awesome experience, I was discussing this with Yug and he suggested that I should write this experience in ISS. So here I am sharing my USA Previously you must have read stories posted by my husband about our European vacation (Dreamy vacation 1,2 &3), the feedback on those stories have been phenomenal. Thanks!! Just to refresh those who are reading it for the first...

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Two Tiny Tool Tales

TWO TINY TOOL TALES by Throne For years John had considered himself an accomplished cocksman. Many women had succumbed to his considerable charms and he had bedded them all. Then he picked the wrong woman and found himself in trouble with The Revenge Court, an all female group dedicated to vigilante justice for egotistical cads like himself. Their sentence had been simple. He was to have his eight inch tool reduced to a mere hint of its full glory. John was stunned. His life...

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Twisted Teen Tales

                                             Twisted Teen Tales                                                                                          by                                                                                    Rolf Palsy                                                                                    Chapter 1                                                                       Spanked and Raped by Daddy        When I was fourteen, mom took a powder, leaving me...

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Raynes Tales

Blood.. it had become my second skin, my mask of deception, my one true calling. Death, war and pain were the only things that ever pulled me back into this godforsaken reality, nothing could settle my unforgiving hands and the urge to bring never ending chaos upon this pitiful place we call earth. For many years I have wondered to many far and wide places but none of them seem to fill this gaping hole in my chest, those who I called friends have gone their separate ways from me and I can’t...

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Persona 5 Enf Tales

Shibuya Japan is one of the biggest cities in Tokyo Japan. With its large population, grand architecture, and impressive urban infrastructure who wouldn’t want to live there. Recently the group known as the Phantom Thieves have skyrocketed in popularity. Unknown to the rest of the city, what makes up this Rouges gallery of thieves consists of regular high schoolers. And like all regular high schoolers, they aren’t safe from societal fears of embarrassment. One of these tales of misfortune...

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Vallejo ABS Sucktales

When I was 24 and in the Navy, they sent me to a school at Vallejo California, where I spent the next 12 weeks. Vallejo is a small town north of San Francisco. I mean a small town. On the first visit I discovered the only ABS in town. It was enough. There was no internet back then, and I would buy porno playing cards (good for jerking off in the bathroom) and magazines. Straight porno because that’s what I enjoyed looking at while I jacked off. But then I would leave my bag up front and go back...

2 years ago
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03 The Chico Tales

The thought of her father's fat, heavy cock increased Michelle desire, as she slipped a finger inside herself, and feeling her wetness, pushed the finger deeper. It was at that point that she remembered the hidden cameras her neighbour Julie had planted, and hoping she had the angle right, pulled her panties to her ankles and opened her legs. The thought that Julie was watching her wanton display made her finger herself faster. As she rubbed, she mentally photoshopped the image, where is was...

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Speedo Stains Tell Tales

It happened at the swimming-pool where I go two or three times a week, quite early in the morning. It’s a modern pool, shared with the Secondary School next door and sometimes the pool sessions during the day are shared too; on my days off, I’ve been there later in the day when the older boys of the Upper School are having their lessons – lean young 16 to 18 year-olds, nearly always wearing those baggy board-shorts; the serious ones sometimes wear compression-style “Jammers” but always in...

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Ninja tales

This tale starts with Naruto. Naruto can be a child, meeting a brother figure, or with Naruto on his way to the academy. Either way plz follow these guidelines 1) All teams must be 4 Genin and 1 jonin, 2) Your OC must not be a godlike, overpowered, super ninja, at least not at the start of the story 3)Have fun writing and reading :)

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Piano Lessons And Monster Tales

The young Isabeau clenched her jaw and struck the ivory keys of the piano with her fists four times in quick succession. “Arpeggios, arpeggios, arpeggios! I despise arpeggios!” she screamed out in anger and frustration.Isabeau stood from her piano bench and stomped her way to the open window that looked out over the impeccably maintained garden of the mansion’s grounds. She stood in defiance with her back to her piano teacher, the Maestro, her arms crossed under her small breasts and her head...

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A Tale of Two Tales

Part One ~ his perspective~My wife Brittney and I married early in life. That was the best part. Because we both loved each other and also knew that there was a difference between love and sex. And we LOVED sex. We always flited with our friends and really enjoyed the times when we one would watch the other making out with one of our friends, and while the furthest either of us got was either giving or getting head, or eating pussy or getting pussy eaten; we’d never really had an opportunity to...

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Psychic Tales

I had an apartment in Torrance, California about 20 years ago. As my Dad was out of town, my Mom took me to dinner. On the way there I had this strong feeling that something horrible was about to happen..I couldn’t eat. I thought I might lose a grandmother, or a major earthquake, I just knew it! My Mom was concerned about me so she drove me the long route home so we could talk. I got home and friends were waiting for me, so I told them something was going to happen, but what? I decided to walk...

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01 The Chico Tales

It had seemed like a great idea at the time, having just finished her senior year at college, she remembered her parents offering her the prospect of six months in England, as a gap year, while she made up her mind whether to get a job or go to graduate school. It sounded so wonderful at the time, even though her Mom couldn’t accompany her & her Dad. While Mom would miss them both, she had to stay behind for her job. Michelle was excited though, that she could actually take Chico with her,...

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02 The Chico Tales

“Go to your room,“ Michelle’s mother said quietly to her daughter as she looked for a floor cloth. “Where’s Julie?” Michelle asked still in a post-orgasmic daze. “Thank goodness she wasn't here to witness you being a slut,” said her father, “now go to your room.” Michelle trudged up the stairs with leaden feet as the enormity of what had just happened started to sink in. Her parents had caught her with the family pet and heaven only knows what would happen now. ‘Oh no’ she thought in...

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05 The Chico Tales

**************** Sarah tried to shield her eyes against the strong Mexican sun as she walked down the steps at Mexico City airport, wondering if this was such a good idea. Here she was, a few months into the swinging nineties, and just a few weeks before she was due to get married to the man of her dreams, in the middle of a foreign city, all at the whim of someone she hadn't seen in four years. 'I must be mad' she thought to herself, as she remembered how the conversation had gone with...

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06 The Chico Tales

Julie had just finished recounting the story of the wild time her and Sarah, (Michelle's mother) had in Mexico where Sarah had been ganged by seven dogs. Julie paused for a moment as she looked at Michelle's sweet young face and the pure pleasure that was etched across it as Chico throbbed and pulsed inside her, filling her with his seed. Julie knew that Michelle had come a long way in such a short time and was still young, but she was confident that Michelle could handle the final tasks....

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07 The Chico Tales

"Yes," purred Julie, "Every member, myself, your mother and everyone you meet who is a fully-fledged member." Michelle drifted off to sleep, her head on Julie's shoulder, as she imagined her best friend and mentor Julie moaning with pleasure as she was fucked in the ass by a dog. The weird thing in her dream was that Michelle suddenly pictured Julie as Mary Poppins and she giggled in her sleep as Mary Poppins / Julie was fucked by a large dog. Michelle was still tired and struggled to...

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Witch Tales

-Clive Barker *** Herb looked at the house and whistled as he got out of the car. “Are you sure this woman’s not a real witch?” he said. “Who else would live here?” Herb’s wife shushed him. The old iron gate around the property’s dying lawn creaked when he pushed on it, and a winding path of broken stones led up to the tall, dark house with Gothic turrets and staring windows. You’d basically have to be a witch to move into a place like this like this, he thought. The realtor was...

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Three Tales

If you don’t like interracial porn stories where a white wife goes black etc etc, then you may want to choose another story, in another category perhaps. Also, the black men in this story aren’t thugs or “gangsta,” they simply have sex with white women only. There are good guys and bad guys in this. Some form of justice is served in the end. As always, the appearance of characters are based off real people. Lisa is based off Lisa Ann, and Denise is based off Denise Milani – both appear in...

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Genie Tales

****I apologize to all my readers who read what should have been the ending to Conner Evans. The Breast size problem wont happen again I promise. I am definitely not the original writer of the genie chronicles, just a fan. Here’s a spin-off I hope all you guys will like. =) James walked out of the school, feeling the sun on his skin and taking a deep breath of fresh air. When he stood in the sun he felt like everyone else was gone, leaving him standing in his meadow. But he knew that they...

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Fairy Tales

Just as well, thought Daali. She'd been feeling the ache since last night, but unfortunately she had been responsible for accomplishing more important tasks before dawn. And so, tonight she exited and secured the locker, adjusting her black stockings before strolling down the avenue. Her hips, wrapped in the scarlet dress she had chosen for this evening, swayed in time to the beat of her stilettos against the asphalt. She loved the way her ass looked in this outfit - it (and she) would be...

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