Glade and Ivory Ch 16
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Chapter Twenty Four
Glade couldn’t recall a time when she’d ever felt more despair than when she was finally certain that she’d never be able sail back to her lover across the choppy waters of the billowing sea. Was there any point in even being alive without Demure?
It was only after many hours of weeping and cursing the spirits of her now extinct tribe that she at last returned her attention to the mundane but no less urgent task of staying alive. She was still adrift on a raft that was drifting aimlessly on waves that extended endlessly in all directions and where only the firmament was there to guide her way. There were two things she needed to do. First, she needed to fetch food from the unfamiliar waters. Second, she had to make sure that neither she nor her possessions slipped off the raft into the encircling sea, which she did by tying her ankles by rope to the raft’s slatted logs and branches. She similarly secured the deer-hide sack in which she stored her fishing tools and sentimental souvenirs.
The task of finding food became no less difficult as each day passed and was succeeded by another. And then, having survived on the raw carcasses of the small fish she’d caught in her net (the only fishing tool she had of any actual use in these rough waters), that day was followed by yet another.
And there was still no sign of a shore or a beach or anywhere else towards which she should steer the raft.
Glade became ever more feeble and fatigued from having to survive on a small catch of fish and no fresh water. The days stretched ahead with nothing for her to do but scan the horizon for the elusive sign of land. She would dip her net again and again into the sea to catch fish that being raw and salty hardly at all assuaged her hunger and not at all her thirst. She tied herself to the raft at night to avoid being capsized and this made what little sleep she had fitful and uncomfortable.
Glade’s woes worsened when the sea turned dark and forbidding under clouds that made day as gloomy as night and night dark and forbidding. Chill drops of water splattered on her naked skin that made her regret that she hadn’t grabbed a fur to wear before she and Demure ran for the shore. When night came and the rain fell more steadily, Glade pulled tight the ropes that secured herself and her precious belongings to the security of the raft. She lay on one side away from the wind so that the hair that flowed over her shoulders and her left arm was soaked by water from the sky and her right arm and the rest of her hair was dampened by the sea-water that splashed through the slits between the raft’s struts.
She squeezed her rain-drenched eyes together and prayed more than she ever had since she was a child for salvation from the woodland spirits in which she had once so fervently believed. All about her the raft swayed violently from side to side, up and down, back and forth, jerking her about and testing the tightness of her knots. She was so drained by fear, anxiety, hunger and cold that she soon lost all consciousness. Neither the fury of the open sea nor even the violence of the wind, rain and thunder could arouse her.
Glade survived, of course, as Ivory knew. And survived moreover in the Northern lands.
It was through her conversations with her older lover that Ivory possessed in her mind a more complete map of the world than anyone else born in her tribe. Somewhere to the south of the mountains where she and her tribe now lived was a stretch of water of greater extent than any lake. Further south still this body of water encompassed a land that was as warm, even hot, as the North was cold. This was a land in which pagans dwelt who wore no clothes and whose skin was dark as in the North it was pale. This was a land where even elephants and rhinoceroses weren’t attired in thick fur.
Ivory understood that there were other still greater mysteries in the world and at the moment she was enchanted by reports of the great bounty in the hills above the Mountain Valley.
‘There is so much more grazing land above the cliff edge,’ said Chief Cave Lion who was flanked on either side by his hunters and accompanied by the blithely uncomprehending stranger in well-stitched furs. ‘There is an abundance of horse, sheep, deer, aurochs and bison to hunt. There will be plenty of game during the snowy months. We shall shelter in the many caves in the hills, safe and secure against the evils of the winter demons.’
It sounded very enticing, especially for hunters frustrated by the scarcity of sizeable game in the Mountain Valley. Large beasts, like mammoth, rhinoceros or even horse, would never venture into a relatively narrow wooded canyon of the kind Ivory and Ptarmigan had made their home. Yet, Ivory was wary. Although Chief Cave Lion was effusive and his huntsmen agreed fervently with his every word and vied with one another to show enthusiasm, she could see that this fervour wasn’t shared by Glade. She was also distrustful of Ochre, the well-dressed stranger, whose eyes darted from side to side as he inspected what to him must have seemed a very ragged band of travellers. What did he think of the Mammoth Hunters?
Ivory knelt beside Glade in the shadows of the fire while her other lover, Ptarmigan, sat by her husband behind the flames. The meat that roasted on the flickering light of the fire was nothing more filling than hare, partridge and a very small deer. As she waited for the meat to roast, Ivory carefully scrutinised the returning heroes.
Chief Cave Lion had been in some kind of a fight or quarrel though he didn’t allude even in passing whether it had been with an animal or a human. In addition to his broken arm, a freshly acquired scar trailed from his cheek to just over his left eye.
Glade was unusually quiet and the darkness of her skin hid from most eyes just how dusty and dirty she was, but Ivory’s vision was more sharply focused. She was covered in bruises: some just slightly blue and others rather more lurid.
There was a clear divide between those hunters who’d been in the original expedition and those who’d only later sought them out. Those in the latter expedition, like Grey Wolf and Cave Bear, were still fresh and alert. When they ascended the hillside, they’d followed a trail which to the eyes of an experienced hunter was no more difficult than following a long thread of rope. After no more than three days, they encountered Chief Cave Lion and his entourage as they were returning home. Grey Wolf excitedly recounted his great joy on discovering that his chief was safe and sound. And there was even greater celebration when he was told the good news about the Great Hunting Grounds the chief had found.
What had not yet been explained was why those in the original party including Chief Cave Lion appeared to have come off so much the worst from a fight. Or indeed why several were absent. The suggestion that the missing warriors had strode ahead of everyone else to survey the new territory was enough to reassure their wives and children.
Ivory could see that the tall stranger, Ochre, hadn’t been in a fight or quarrel. He was very trim. Not only were his furs expertly stitched, his beard was short and didn’t bush out like the beards of every other man Ivory had seen before. His hair was tied back in neat plaits secured by bands of unnaturally rich red cloth. His shoes were so crafted that they had a distinct sole of thick and durable leather. The tribe to which this man belonged to was evidently in many ways more advanced than the Mammoth Hunters. For the first time in her life, Ivory became aware that there might be tribes whose craft and artistry were of superior quality to that of her tribe.
Glade had encountered many different tribes on her voyages, but even she had never before encountered people as strange as those who found her body washed up on a sandy beach of the Gre
at Sea’s northern shore.
She was still securely strapped to the raft and gripping tight the deer-hide sack that had been her only source of comfort as she was tossed to and fro by the unrelenting waves. The raft was easily visible to any hungry predator daring enough to cross the rain-soaked sand. And when Glade felt a nose sniff against the bare skin of her thigh and buttocks, her initial fear was that it belonged to a leopard or even a lion.
What she saw gathered around her through her aching eyes was a company of two men and three women. At first Glade was pleased. And then she became apprehensive. She knew only too well from her earliest exposure to people beyond the forest that it wasn’t safe to assume that a strange tribe was friendly. And as she watched these people animatedly sign to each other and articulate in a language that was unusually throaty and nasal, she gradually became aware that these were probably the strangest people she had ever seen.
What initially astonished her was how pale their skin was. She’d seen many shades of skin colour from Demure’s jet-black to shades slightly less brown than her own, but she’d never before seen skin that was almost totally free of pigment apart from peculiar flecks of red scattered about the shoulders and the face. These people were as naked as she was, so she could see that this paleness extended from their beetling forehead to the tips of their toes. Fine red hair covered their body. The long hair on their heads was thick and a rich russet red. It grew almost to the waist in thick tangled strands threaded with small bones and shells.
Also strange and unfamiliar was the cragginess of these people’s features. Their noses were unusually long. Heavy brows sheltered their eyes from the sun but also rendered their faces dark and mysterious. Their jaws were thick but even under the men’s thick red beards there was almost no chin at all. They had strong arms and huge hands. And Glade had never seen people with such powerful barrelled chests that suggested a strength normally possessed only by large apes. The women were shorter and less stocky than the men with no beards and pendulous sagging breasts.
What was also sure was that these were people, whether male or female, that Glade was never likely to find sexually attractive.
She at first wondered whether these people were human. Were they perhaps demons? They had some of the character of an ape with their forbidding brows and receding chins, but a look at their sturdy human feet and the intelligent curiosity of their eyes dispelled such thoughts. They were definitely people.
The five Red Haired People carefully inspected Glade. They were just as bemused by her physical appearance as she was of theirs. They stroked her bare skin and were particularly appreciative of its dark colour which they contrasted with the paleness of their own. They ran their fingers through Glade’s relatively fine brown hair and let the strands drop from the tips of their large stubby fingers. And all the while they conversed with one another in their extraordinary language.
Glade knew that the Red Haired People couldn’t understand a word she said. She had travelled far and wide and no one knew a word of her language beyond her tribe. However, she had to demonstrate to these strange people that she was more than just a mere plaything.
‘Where am I?’ she asked.
One of the women who had been pawing Glade’s bosom smiled at her with a grin broader than it was surely possible for any lips to stretch shadowed by a nose thicker, broader and longer than a nose should be. And then she uttered words that were not in the same language she’d used before but were still meaningless to Glade.
She shook her head. ‘I don’t understand,’ she said, knowing that these words were also incomprehensible.
The effort of leaning her head forward off the raft was exhausting. Glade was overcome by the soreness of her arms and legs after the battering she’d endured on the stormy sea.
‘Please help me,’ she said as plaintively as she could in the hope that the meaning of her words might be understood.
And then she fainted.
Glade had recounted many tales to Ivory of the strange people she’d encountered in the Southern and the Northern lands. She’d met tall people. Short people. Some with dark hair. Some with blond hair. Some with white skin and some with black. But the Red Haired People were the most bizarre of all.
It was the first time that Ivory had spent the night in her shelter since Glade had left and now they were snuggled together under fur while Ptarmigan was reunited with her husband in the marital bed. If Glade suspected that Ivory now enjoyed a more intimate relationship with the Chief’s wife she made no mention, just as Ivory discreetly made no reference to her belief that Glade and Chief Cave Lion had been intimate while they’d been roaming across the mountains. What Ivory needed to know from her older lover was about the tribe to which Ochre belonged.
‘He belongs to the tribe of Cave Painters who live in the mountains,’ said Glade. ‘I’d met people from their tribe many years ago before I became a shaman.’
‘Were they the same Cave Dwellers you lived with when you were a wife and mother?’ Ivory asked.
‘It’s true that my husband’s tribe lived in caves,’ said Glade. ‘There are many tribes in the Northern lands who live in or by caves. My husband’s tribe know about the stars, about herbs and how to make stone tools of great sophistication. They worship similar spirits to the Cave Painters, but their language is different and they are very differently attired. If you met Flint you would never mistake him for one of Ochre’s tribe. The Cave Painters are far more accustomed to the presence of tribes other than their own. And the Cave Dwellers’ caves are as far to the South and West of here as your tribe’s Summer hunting grounds are to the North.’
‘But you speak the stranger’s language and you know about his culture?’
‘I wasn’t accompanied by armed hunters when I last met the Cave Painters. The circumstances were very different. These Cave Painters didn’t live anywhere near here and their dialect was as different as yours is from the Reindeer Herders. I was as surprised as anyone to discover that the Cave Painters had a settlement in these mountain ranges. But, yes, I do know the tribe and their language. They are a sophisticated people. They know the subtleties of the seasons. They hunt with skill and cunning. They live around caves which in the Summer months keep them cool and in the Winter keep them warm. And they don’t migrate when the first flakes of snow fall.’
‘And are these Cave Painters much like those you met so many years ago?’
‘They’re almost identical, but recall the different circumstances. Before, I was vulnerable and no threat. As long as I let them fuck me when they wanted and was no burden on their village, my presence was tolerated by most and welcomed by some. However, I’m afraid the Chief and his huntsmen didn’t make such a favourable impression when they first encountered the Cave Painters.’
‘They didn’t?’
‘Not at all. In fact, if I’d not been able to speak their language they would have killed us all.’
‘Killed you?’
‘Well, they disposed of three of the Mammoth Hunters with ruthless efficiency, so I don’t think they would have spared the rest of us.’
There was no hostility shown by the small band of Red Haired People who’d discovered Glade on the beach. When a day or so later, she regained full consciousness after a sleep interspersed by fitful spasms of wakefulness she could barely remember, she was laid down in the shade of an elk-hide that had been pulled taut over her and her naked body was shrouded in a woolly rhinoceros skin.
One of the Red Haired Women noticed that Glade was awake and pulled open a disconcertingly wide grin
while she spoke in her throaty nasal language. The woman was delighted when Glade, as was her practice whenever she came across yet another new language, repeated the woman’s words with as fair a copy of the strange nasal sounds as she could. However, the stream of bizarre sounds the woman followed with was too rapid and too difficult to pronounce for Glade to respond in any meaningful way.
Glade didn’t learn very much of the Red Haired People’s language in the month of her recovery. It wasn’t simply an oral language. It was accompanied by a very complex interaction of signs and gestures. There was a subtlety to the interplay between gesticulations and spoken words that appeared to encompass concepts of conditionality, duty and edibility.
The entire group of Red Haired People was composed of no more than just two men and three women along with three children. That was all. Glade had never encountered a tribe that lived in such a small community before. She supposed they might be more vulnerable to predators, but Glade soon discovered that they had a shrewd and comprehensive knowledge of the natural world that came to amaze her.
The two men and the three women made love with each other in a peculiar fivesome, but none of the men or women betrayed even a glimmer of lust for Glade. Their attitude towards her was more like that towards a quite clever pet. This was a comfort in some ways, but it wasn’t what Glade was accustomed to.
The small clan had an extraordinarily intimate knowledge of a northern landscape that seemed increasingly alien to Glade the better she got to know it. Not only were the Red Haired People unusual, so too was the fruit that grew on the trees and the beasts that ran about in the dense forest. The animals were recognisable in some ways, but were often hairier, bigger and less intimidated by her. There were rhinoceroses and elephants with wool-covered skins. There were aurochs and elk rather than eland and giraffe. The wolves, bears and lions, even the leopards, cheetahs and hyenas, were all larger, furrier and stockier than those in the Southern lands.
Glade’s recovery took longer than she thought it should. She didn’t know how many days she’d floated by raft across the Great Sea, but she’d been starved and dehydrated. Despite her hunger, it was several days until she could swallow meat again. The Red Haired People could cook their meat but often ate it so raw that blood dripped down the chin. The clan consumed a lot of meat. Even though there were so few of them, they had no difficulty in hunting down and killing animals much larger than themselves.
In most tribes, a hunting party in pursuit of an animal as large as a horse or rhinoceros would consist of at least five hunters and usually many more. Even the chase of deer or antelope was typically a team effort. Amongst these people, just a single man was able to bag at least an elk or a megaloceros. Even a rhinoceros or an aurochs could fall victim to a single man possessed of a spear, a set of stone missiles and considerable sympathetic insight.
These hunters were astonishingly strong: much more so than hunters from any other tribe Glade had ever met. The rocks they piled up around their settlement to fend off predators were far too heavy for Glade to lift, yet the Red Haired People could toss them about with just one hand.
Glade speculated whether the Red Haired People even needed spears or stones to kill their prey. She witnessed one of the men kill a young aurochs that had wandered too close to their tiny settlement. After luring the animal to come forward by a peculiar pantomime of gestures, he jumped onto the beast’s back, twisted its neck by its long sharp horns and effectively killed it in his bare hands. When the aurochs choked its last, the man undertook a peculiar ritual of reverence whereby he sat beside the beast and tenderly stroked its twitching haunches.
These people were capable of both brute violence and extraordinary kindness, with barely a heartbeat between the two. They might catch a hare and tenderly set it free. Or they might simply snap its neck with a sudden jerk of their huge hands.
When Chief Cave Lion and his party reached the top of the ridge above the Mountain Valley after their first ascent, they could now look across a wide vista of valleys and hills peppered with bushes and thickets. There were patches of snow that had fallen earlier in the season but hadn’t properly settled. Horse and antelope galloped over the coarse-leafed savannah. It was a glorious sight for hunters who’d seen so little game for so long, but as Glade reminded Ivory as they huddled beneath the...
Chapter Twenty Glade was by far the villager least visibly upset by the discovery that the winter route was blocked. While the chief and his most experienced hunters spent the rest of the day and all the next exploring and evaluating the few limited options available to them, she was preoccupied in checking the health and well-being of the woman and children. While Ivory anxiously gnawed on the last morsel of aurochs meat when the village gathered around the fire at the end of the day, Glade...
It was the time of the year to travel south. Everyone knew it. It was less than half a moon since Ivory’s village celebrated the Autumn Equinox with traditional solemnity, but the snow had settled at night and not melted, the mammoths were restless, and the sky was thick with flying geese. ‘Tomorrow!’ announced Chief Cave Lion. ‘Today we gather what we need for the journey. Tomorrow we leave.’ Ivory was as reluctant to leave as anyone in the village, but the chief had spoken and the auspices...
The relatively balmy, but still chilly, days of Summer gradually gave way to those of Autumn. As the oak and ash foliage changed hue, Ivory’s life settled into a pattern as deceptively stable as Glade’s had once been. She wasn’t pleased that she’d become the chief’s concubine, but the duty brought with it the benefit that she no longer had to accompany the other women in their daily woodland forage. And however jealous she was of Glade’s love, she’d grown to accept her lover’s occasional...
Chapter Twelve There was at first a sense of cheerful bravado accompanying Glade and her company as they paraded across the savannah with the Knights’ village receding ever further into the distance. They were sure that once they were back under the canopy of the great forest, their ordeal as slaves for the shaven-headed warriors would become nothing more than an unpleasant memory. However, as one day followed the last and there was still nothing on the horizon ahead that resembled the forest...
As the moon cycled through the winter season, especially on those days when snowstorms kept the villagers shivering inside their shelters and unable to venture out into the deadly cold, Ivory often returned to her memories of Glade. The shaman's apprentice remembered her not only as a lover, but also as the woman revealed to her by the stories she'd told her of her life. What puzzled Ivory most was why Glade had chosen to abandon her husband and two children. Ivory couldn't imagine that...
"Demure," the woman who had once been Glade's mistress replied hesitantly in the Knights' language. "Not Lady Demure. I no longer have a title, just as I no longer have an estate or a husband." Glade crouched down beside Demure under the shade of a palm tree. The appearance of both women had changed in the intervening years. Their hair was much longer and fell over their faces. Although Demure was as elegant as ever, there were small scars on her knees and ankles that hadn't been...
‘I hate the bastards!’ growled Mimosa the following day, employing the worst insult available in the Knights’ language. Illegitimacy was the ultimate stigma in a society that attached so much importance to child-bearing. Glade paused from shaving her fellow slave’s crotch. She was aware of the vehemence of Mimosa’s remark. ‘I hate them too,’ she said, although by now she’d got so accustomed to being a slave in their society that she’d almost forgotten what life had been like before. ‘They...
The warmth coming from the hastily assembled camp fire provided the only comfort for Ivory and her mostly silent companions as they anxiously awaited the outcome of the Chief's conference to which Glade was the only woman other than the Chief's wife who was privileged to attend. They had been gone for such a very long time and Ivory, like everyone else, hoped that whatever came of their discussions would at last bring direction and purpose to the villagers' wandering. Ivory's only...
‘What was your mistress’ name?’ Ivory asked the following day, while she and Glade prepared elixirs and drugs from what they’d foraged in the woods. ‘Demure,’ said Glade. ‘Or Lady Demure, as she was known then. At first, I didn’t know that was what the name meant. It sounded like nothing more than a short yelp. It took me quite a while to learn the language of the Knights of the Savannah. The names they gave themselves expressed the qualities that they believed were desirable. The men were...
It was every Autumn of her life that Ivory and the rest of her clan made the same trek south. Every Spring she returned the same way. She reasoned that the journey would seem less arduous as each year came by, but this year the wind was colder, the snow heavier and the ground more treacherous. Ivory wondered whether the migration only seemed worse because it was the first time her mother wasn’t there to accompany her, but Glade was as good a companion as her mother had ever been and in certain...
There were very few Ocean People who welcomed Demure’s presence in their village. But those few included all the elders and older marriageable men. And amongst these few, Demure was respected if not necessarily liked and recognised as someone who made a voluble, perhaps even valuable, contribution to the village’s debates. Glade was sure she wasn’t the only one who recognised that much of Demure’s patronage by the elderly and influential in the village was directly related to her intimate...
Ivory threaded the pubic hair through her front teeth where it had lodged and then buried her face back into the rich aroma of Glade's vulva. Above their naked bodies the Sun shone high in the sky, but not as high, Ivory knew now, as the Sun climbed in Glade's homelands far to the South. She huddled up against her lover's warm body, hoping that this would compensate for the biting chill of the wind. Every day these days, Glade and Ivory would leave the village just before dawn and tramp...
As the moon cycled through the winter season, especially on those days when snowstorms kept the villagers shivering inside their shelters and unable to venture out into the deadly cold, Ivory often returned to her memories of Glade. The shaman’s apprentice remembered her not only as a lover, but also as the woman revealed to her by the stories she’d told her of her life. What puzzled Ivory most was why Glade had chosen to abandon her husband and two children. Ivory couldn’t imagine that she...
The voyage north that Glade would make across the Great Sea wasn’t one she’d planned and most definitely not one she would have chosen, although it was true that she and Demure had often sat together on the shore and looked over a sea that stretched towards the North rather than the West. And they’d often speculated whether this water stretched to the very end of the world or whether there might be land beyond. ‘The further North we go,’ observed Glade, ‘the further we are from the Sun. And...
Glade was the only one of the captive Mammoth Hunters who knew what to expect. It was much more startling for the other expedition members when at last, after trudging for most of the day through the fresh snow across a long flat plain, their captors brought them to the Cave Painters' settlement by the mountainside. This comprised of the mouths to several caves scattered about the base of the limestone hills around which were gathered dozens of Cave Painters all attired in their superior...
"I hate the bastards!" growled Mimosa the following day, employing the worst insult available in the Knights' language. Illegitimacy was the ultimate stigma in a society that attached so much importance to child-bearing. Glade paused from shaving her fellow slave's crotch. She was aware of the vehemence of Mimosa's remark. "I hate them too," she said, although by now she'd got so accustomed to being a slave in their society that she'd almost forgotten what life had been like...
There were very few Ocean People who welcomed Demure's presence in their village. But those few included all the elders and older marriageable men. And amongst these few, Demure was respected if not necessarily liked and recognised as someone who made a voluble, perhaps even valuable, contribution to the village's debates. Glade was sure she wasn't the only one who recognised that much of Demure's patronage by the elderly and influential in the village was directly related to her...
Glade believed that she’d arrived at the point in her life where events had directed her. The trials she’d endured from the time her tribe was reduced to slavery, her travels across the southern and northern lands, her marriage to Flint, and, of course, the ever-present shadow of Demure: all of this was destined to culminate where she was now. The pinnacle of her life was to be a peripatetic shaman in the company of her black lover in the white glacial foothills of the Great Mountains. What...
Glade believed that she'd arrived at the point in her life where events had directed her. The trials she'd endured from the time her tribe was reduced to slavery; her travels across the southern and northern lands; her marriage to Flint; and, of course, the ever-present shadow of Demure: all of this was destined to culminate where she was now. The pinnacle of her life was to be a peripatetic shaman in the company of her black lover in the white glacial foothills of the Great...
Glade was by far the villager least visibly upset by the discovery that the winter route was blocked. While the chief and his most experienced hunters spent the rest of the day and all the next exploring and evaluating the few limited options available to them, she was preoccupied in checking the health and well-being of the woman and children. While Ivory anxiously gnawed on the last morsel of aurochs meat when the village gathered around the fire at the end of the day, Glade seemed...
The noisy festivities that had continued through the day were well over when Glade eventually returned to her tepee. The village was now silent apart from the muffled snores of the Reindeer Herders asleep in the chill open air and the occasional howl or bark from distant nocturnal beasts. Ivory stirred as Glade rustled about. Her bleary eyes fixed on her lover. Glade was weary but her fatigue was quite different from that which had overwhelmed her apprentice. "Have you... ?" asked Ivory....
If Glade expected her apprentice to be more shocked than she was by her account of the violence that had decimated her tribe she was disappointed. Ivory was more indignant at the rudeness of rebuffing a welcome than distressed by the account of the bloodshed. In any case, Glade was reluctant to give a full account of the horrors that followed. It was painful enough for her to remember the evil and worse still to describe it. Did she really want to elaborate on how so many of the people she'd...
There was at first a sense of cheerful bravado accompanying Glade and her company as they paraded across the savannah with the Knights' village receding ever further into the distance. They were sure that once they were back under the canopy of the great forest, their ordeal as slaves for the shaven-headed warriors would become nothing more than an unpleasant memory. However, as one day followed the last and there was still nothing on the horizon ahead that resembled the forest Glade so...
Clouds obscured the stars and moon when Glade and Demure emerged from their shelter carrying as many of their belongings as they could in deer-hide sacks, but more than the dark what mostly helped secure the lovers' escape as they crept away from the Raft People's village towards the Great Sea was that the rest of the village was far more preoccupied with other matters than the fate of the two women. Other villagers were suffering the same humiliation and possibly rape that Glade and Demure...
When Chief Cave Lion and his party reached the top of the ridge above the Mountain Valley after their first ascent, they could now look across a wide vista of valleys and hills peppered with bushes and thickets. There were patches of snow that had fallen earlier in the season but hadn't properly settled. Horse and antelope galloped over the coarse-leafed savannah. It was a glorious sight for hunters who'd seen so little game for so long, but as Glade reminded Ivory as they huddled beneath...
"The forest where I was born is far, far to the South," Glade told Ivory the following day after her apprentice had returned from foraging duties in the woods and removed her clothes on the shaman's request. "It's a very different land. The sun shines high in the sky. At midday it's almost directly overhead. It is always warm. My people never wore clothes. I never knew what it meant to cover my flesh. The need to do so just did not exist." "It sounds like paradise," said...
"You did well, my dear," Chief Cave Lion told Ivory the following morning as she and Glade lay together on the bed the Reindeer Herder chief had vacated. "Thank you, my lord," said Ivory who still savoured the memory of her lovemaking. She didn't say so but she thought to herself that the pleasure in the duty was all hers. And she would gladly do the same again. "The Reindeer Herder chief has complimented the shaman and you on your lovemaking," continued the Chief, running his hand...
As she did every year, Ivory found the long march south arduous. She was fatigued and shivered uncontrollably from the cold. Winter had arrived early. Although the snow was powdery, it was settling and had become ever more difficult to trudge through. A journey such as this would be tiring in any season, but was even more so when confronted by snowy gales and encumbered by furs. The need for good stitching was more than ever evident as ice-cold water inexorably seeped through the seams. The...
Glade kissed her young lover on the lips while Chief Cave Lion slumped on his back exhausted. A thin thread of semen trailed from his penis into the tangle of Ivory's pubic hair. Now that Ivory had discovered her lover's infidelity, Glade was actually rather more affectionate to her ward even when she was being fucked by the Chief. "You have become a more accomplished lover," mused Chief Cave Lion. He tenderly kissed Ivory's pale thigh and cupped a buttock in a gnarled hand. "You have...
Ivory was consumed by the flames of jealousy. All through the night her moist vagina was repeatedly stimulated by Glade's fingers. She shuddered many times over with the warm pleasure her older lover had orchestrated and it was into Glade's arms she collapsed, but the object of her jealousy wasn't the shaman. It was Ptarmigan who at that moment was in the chief's company and no doubt also in the throes of passion. Now that Chief Cave Lion had returned his wife would from henceforth sleep...
Birth, death and marriage. These were the three most important events in life. These were also the occasions where Ivory, as the shaman's apprentice, was now required to play an important part. It was Glade whose role was the most vital, particularly with regards to giving birth. Her midwifery skills were in greatest demand during the summer, as this was the time of the year when most women gave birth. Sadly, Glade and Ivory were also in attendance for the sombre duty of burying the bodies...
It was every Autumn of her life that Ivory and the rest of her clan made the same trek south. Every Spring she returned the same way. She reasoned that the journey would seem less arduous as each year came by, but this year the wind was colder, the snow heavier and the ground more treacherous. Ivory wondered whether the migration only seemed worse because it was the first time her mother wasn't there to accompany her, but Glade was as good a companion as her mother had ever been and in...
The following nights and days were hard. They were cold, bitterly so, and not everyone was going to survive the winter months. Ivory was tested as she'd never been tested before. She could never have managed without the love of Ptarmigan who insisted on accompanying her lover on every visit to a villager who was ill, injured or about to give birth. This was well appreciated, especially by those who'd become villagers on account of having accidentally stumbled into the Mountain Valley. The...
As she did every year, Ivory found the long march south arduous. She was fatigued and shivered uncontrollably from the cold. Winter had arrived early. Although the snow was powdery, it was settling and had become ever more difficult to trudge through. A journey such as this would be tiring in any season, but was even more so when confronted by snowy gales and encumbered by furs. The need for good stitching was more than ever evident as ice-cold water inexorably seeped through the seams. The...
Clouds obscured the stars and moon when Glade and Demure emerged from their shelter carrying as many of their belongings as they could in deer-hide sacks, but more than the dark what mostly helped secure the lovers’ escape as they crept away from the Raft People’s village towards the Great Sea was that the rest of the village was far more preoccupied with other matters than the fate of the two women. Other villagers were suffering the same humiliation and possibly rape that Glade and Demure had...
Glade couldn't recall a time when she'd ever felt more despair than when she was finally certain that she'd never be able sail back to her lover across the choppy waters of the billowing sea. Was there any point in even being alive without Demure? It was only after many hours of weeping and cursing the spirits of her now extinct tribe that she at last returned her attention to the mundane but no less urgent task of staying alive. She was still adrift on a raft that was drifting aimlessly...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
Birth, death and marriage. These were the three most important events in life. These were also the occasions where Ivory, as the shaman’s apprentice, was now required to play an important part. It was Glade whose role was the most vital, particularly with regards to giving birth. Her midwifery skills were in greatest demand during the summer, as this was the time of the year when most women gave birth. Sadly, Glade and Ivory were also in attendance for the sombre duty of burying the bodies of a...
Glade kissed her young lover on the lips while Chief Cave Lion slumped on his back exhausted. A thin thread of semen trailed from his penis into the tangle of Ivory’s pubic hair. Now that Ivory had discovered her lover’s infidelity, Glade was actually rather more affectionate to her ward even when she was being fucked by the Chief. ‘You have become a more accomplished lover,’ mused Chief Cave Lion. He tenderly kissed Ivory’s pale thigh and cupped a buttock in a gnarled hand. ‘You have taught...
"What a beautiful night for a stroll," Princess Merry said happily. "The moon makes it almost as bright as day." "I am not so sure we are on the right path," Prince Karl replied, rubbing his sword hilt. "We should have reached the castle by now. I fear we have somehow been diverted from our usual..." "Karl! Look!" Merry exclaimed. "It is so beautiful." They emerged from the forest into a moonlit glade, the moss and grass underfoot soft as any carpet. Pleasurable fragrances...
After her husband had at last swaggered back to his hut, Lady Demure reclined between her slaves lost in thought. She barely registered their presence, however much Quagga loyally cuddled up against her. It was an uneasy silence while the slaves also appraised the significance of Lord Valour's news. Although the death of the cruel and malevolent King was surely welcome, Glade was anxious of the consequences it might have for her. She had almost forgotten any other way of life than that of a...
Ivory was consumed by the flames of jealousy. All through the night her moist vagina was repeatedly stimulated by Glade’s fingers. She shuddered many times over with the warm pleasure her older lover had orchestrated and it was into Glade’s arms she collapsed, but the object of her jealousy wasn’t the shaman. It was Ptarmigan who at that moment was in the chief’s company and no doubt also in the throes of passion. Now that Chief Cave Lion had returned his wife would from henceforth sleep by...
If Glade expected her apprentice to be more shocked than she was by her account of the violence that had decimated her tribe she was disappointed. Ivory was more indignant at the rudeness of rebuffing a welcome than distressed by the account of the bloodshed. In any case, Glade was reluctant to give a full account of the horrors that followed. It was painful enough for her to remember the evil and worse still to describe it. Did she really want to elaborate on how so many of the people she’d...
Chief Cave Lion's dwelling was by far the largest in the village. It was a huge lattice of fallen tree trunks, tied together by cord and covered by sewn-together aurochs and rhinoceros hide. It was as large as five or six tepees meshed together. Although the harshness of the winter snow was usually enough to wreck most habitations in the village, the chief's weathered the conditions best and was reassembled on the same spot each spring with, if anything, more splendour than in the previous...
Glade was the only one of the captive Mammoth Hunters who knew what to expect. It was much more startling for the other expedition members when at last, after trudging for most of the day through the fresh snow across a long flat plain, their captors brought them to the Cave Painters’ settlement by the mountainside. This comprised of the mouths to several caves scattered about the base of the limestone hills around which were gathered dozens of Cave Painters all attired in their superior...
The noisy festivities that had continued through the day were well over when Glade eventually returned to her tepee. The village was now silent apart from the muffled snores of the Reindeer Herders asleep in the chill open air and the occasional howl or bark from distant nocturnal beasts. Ivory stirred as Glade rustled about. Her bleary eyes fixed on her lover. Glade was weary but her fatigue was quite different from that which had overwhelmed her apprentice. ‘Have you…?’ asked Ivory. She...
Author’s Note: There was an old fairy tale about an old woman with two daughters and a couple of beautiful rose bushes. Now these two daughters grew up with no one but their mother and the creatures of the forest as their friends. They were innocent in the ways of lust and only knew of love. The words taught to them were words their mother found accepting, so I have tried to remain true to their upbringing as best I can. So while you read the story of Crimson and Ivory, please remember their...
Chapter One Ivory tugged aside the curtain of mammoth hide that was all there was to secure the relative warmth inside the tepee from the chill wind. She crawled outside and stood upright in the bulky furs that muffled her body from hooded top to swaddled toe. She needed reprieve from the dark distress that was overwhelming her during her bedside vigil. Inside the tepee lay prone the fur-covered body of her mother who was exhaling her last few painful dying breaths. There had been no warning,...
After her husband had at last swaggered back to his hut, Lady Demure reclined between her slaves lost in thought. She barely registered their presence, however much Quagga loyally cuddled up against her. It was an uneasy silence while the slaves also appraised the significance of Lord Valour’s news. Although the death of the cruel and malevolent King was surely welcome, Glade was anxious of the consequences it might have for her. She had almost forgotten any other way of life than that of a...
‘You did well, my dear,’ Chief Cave Lion told Ivory the following morning as she and Glade lay together on the bed the Reindeer Herder chief had vacated. ‘Thank you, my lord,’ said Ivory who still savoured the memory of her lovemaking. She didn’t say so but she thought to herself that the pleasure in the duty was all hers. And she would gladly do the same again. ‘The Reindeer Herder chief has complimented the shaman and you on your lovemaking,’ continued the Chief, running his hand over...
I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...
Introduction: The second of the Highacre dragon breeder series, 4 boys caught in the act A couple of days had passed since Mimi had first arrived at the Breeding farm and she was beginning to feel settled in, her new quarters were spacious and suited her needs, she had a small suite of rooms in the stable hands quarters just like every other stable hand, the suite had three rooms, the living room, bedroom and bathroom, this morning she had a lesson with Viktoria about the history of the...
Mimi left her quarters and made her way to the office, she passed through the cloister were the stable hands took their meals, the sun shone down and warmed the pink stone of the cloister, the pillars glowed a soft red in the morning sun, she took a second to enjoy the warmth and then continued on to Viktoria's office. She knocked on the door and entered "Viktoria, I am here for my lesson" she walked in and sat at a small desk where Viktoria had laid a couple of books for her to study,...
Ebony and Ivory were to Busty freinds that one day decide to have a Comeption. Ebony was Black and Ivory was white. "You ever been in a gang bang" Ebony said "Yea plenty" Ivory "Not like I have girlfreind." Ebony said "What you mean" Ivory said "Never had any black dick ones" Ebony smiled "Girl I can handle plenty of those. Some white boys can lay it down" Ivory said "How about a competion. She how well you can handle them. You gangbang some black guys. If you can lay them with that pussy of...
InterracialChief Cave Lion’s dwelling was by far the largest in the village. It was a huge lattice of fallen tree trunks, tied together by cord and covered by sewn-together aurochs and rhinoceros hide. It was as large as five or six tepees meshed together. Although the harshness of the winter snow was usually enough to wreck most habitations in the village, the chief’s weathered the conditions best and was reassembled on the same spot each spring with, if anything, more splendour than in the previous...
Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...