Glade And IvoryChapter 3 free porn video

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If Glade expected her apprentice to be more shocked than she was by her account of the violence that had decimated her tribe she was disappointed. Ivory was more indignant at the rudeness of rebuffing a welcome than distressed by the account of the bloodshed. In any case, Glade was reluctant to give a full account of the horrors that followed. It was painful enough for her to remember the evil and worse still to describe it. Did she really want to elaborate on how so many of the people she'd known all her life were massacred in a growing orgy of violence; the sexual frenzy of the invaders; the rapes that followed in rapid succession; and the murder of her mother? Simply alluding to the subsequent horrors served only to refresh the shaman's traumatic memories.

Compared to the younger Glade, Ivory was already fairly familiar with the sight of violent death. The spirits would curse the village for eternity when a crime was committed against the tribe unless swift and appropriate justice was dispensed on the perpetrators. Sometimes the spirits demanded nothing less than capital punishment. Such an execution was never a cause for celebration, although it needed to be staged in front of the entire village. This would openly declare that this extreme action was taken only to placate the spirits' vengeful inclinations. Thankfully it was rarely necessary, but such punishment acted as a salutary lesson to anyone who might be tempted to anger the spirits. If a villager took another person's life or property, if a villager showed disrespect to a sacred site, or if a villager plotted treason, then it was just and fitting that such a criminal be punished. The penalty was the expression of the will of the whole village. Every villager would actively participate in the debate as to how best to appease the spirits' wrath.

The last time the village applied the ultimate penalty was during the Winter exodus. The offender was a hot-headed youth who had planned to kill the Chief and take on his mantle. He was sentenced to death by stoning. This was a horrible and ugly death that took far too long to execute.

As a result of such occasions, compared to the younger Glade, Ivory was relatively inured to the horror of violent death. Indeed, she was one of those most convinced that the most just retribution for the heinous crime of treason was one which was severe and unforgiving. Glade had a different opinion. She believed that there were alternatives to the barbarism of sanctioned murder. She also knew that had the young reprobate succeeded in his attempted coup d'état and become Chief, a very different legend would now be recounted by the village.

"How did your mother die?" Ivory asked. Her own recent loss made the question especially pertinent.

"As horribly as Flying Squirrel's. As senselessly and brutally as Tarsier's. As cruel as any other death that day. I had no idea what to do during the chaos of the slaughter. Nor did I know what the other villagers were doing. Some fled. Some tried to help Flying Squirrel as he lay in the blood-soaked undergrowth. Others, like me, stood petrified in fear. I simply couldn't comprehend what had happened. I knew I was doomed when more strangers appeared from the shadows in all directions. These figures were quite unlike the black-skinned men, although they were similarly shaven and naked. Their faces were different. Their skin was not as black, though none had skin nearly as pale as that of your tribe. They didn't carry weapons, but they swiftly overwhelmed us and bound our hands and legs together."

"Who were these people?"

"I didn't know at the time. In a sense, I didn't need to know. But they were what we later came to know as 'slaves'. It was a word that at the time had no meaning to me. Even in your tribe, the word is very rarely used. You only permit slavery as a punishment and it's only ever for a limited term. We thought the slaves were just more strangers and they appeared equally as fearsome as the spear-carrying black warriors, even though only the black warriors carried out the slaughter. It was they who systematically raped everyone: whether male or female. And it was one of them who clubbed my mother to death with a flint encrusted cudgel when she tried to pull another black warrior off me while he was raping me."

"He raped you?" gasped Ivory, who believed that such violation was worse than murder.

"Yes, raped," said Glade softly, as she pulled a bear skin over her breasts. The word in itself didn't really describe the actual horror. She'd tried to banish from her mind the vivid memory of the grinning black face above her. She tried to suppress her recollection of the pain of brutal anal penetration and how her fruitless struggles incited more passion than sympathy from the man ravaging her. Most of all she wanted never again to recall the sight of her mother being dragged away and speared by a black warrior who was in the same frenzied excitement that accompanied her sexual violation.

The deer hide that served as the door to Glade's tent parted. Startled, Ivory looked up. Although she wasn't totally naked, a breast and much of her torso were uncovered. As she hastened to protect her modesty, Ivory was further embarrassed when she recognised the intruder as Chief Cave Lion. He was dressed in his customary finery. Bones were threaded through his hair. A splendid snow leopard skin covered his shoulders. Sacred relics were carried in a pouch that hung down over his chest.

Glade bowed down on her knees in deference to the Chief's status. She smiled as Ivory made similar obeisance.

"To what do we owe the honour of your presence, my lord?" the shaman asked respectfully.

The Chief smiled in return. In fact, his weather-scarred face was cracked by a broad grin. He crouched down and sat cross-legged on the furs that covered the tent floor. Following his lead, Ivory and Glade also knelt. Neither woman wished to be at a height greater than that of the most pre-eminent villager.

"It's been several days now that young Ivory has been in your service," said the Chief. "In that time the moon has passed through two quarters. I wish only to see how well her instruction has progressed."

"You are right to enquire," said Glade who knew how much her status and welfare was in the Chief's gift. "She is learning well the ways of the spirits. She is adept in many sacred incantations. Soon she may also be able to summon the spirits to the village's service."

"Then we shall be blessed by not one but two shamans," laughed the Chief contentedly. "Our village will truly be the envy of the tribe."

Ivory sat quietly as Glade and the chief continued their discourse. Eventually, he came to the point of his visit.

"There is an auspicious day to come in the next full moon," Chief Cave Lion announced. "Word has come that the Reindeer Herders are to travel here on their annual trek with the great reindeer herds. It seems that the strange beasts have chosen a more southerly route this year. We shall, of course, honour the Reindeer Herders with a feast and the exchange of wares. They have need of ivory and mammoth skin; we of reindeer antler, bone and butter. You and your new apprentice must also prepare for that joyful day. The Reindeer Herders have need of fortune-telling, medicine and sacred rites just as much as we do. We also need you to prepare intoxicants from honey, mushrooms and herbs. The honour of the village and our reputation as good hosts need to be upheld."

"I understand well," said Glade. "My apprentice and I shall do all we can to prepare what the village needs to make the day propitious."

The conversation continued for several beakers of mead and the ceremonial chewing of hemp. Ivory was surprised to see the shaman and the Chief exchange intimate caresses, but she reasoned that this was the privilege of rank. Anyhow, the shaman and the Chief were both much older than her and much the same age as each other, although the Chief's face was the more deeply lined. Glade's brown skin retained more of the smoothness of youth, although the heaviness of her bosom and the fullness of her thighs and waist bore testament to her increasing years.

The Chief made clear that Ivory's priority was now to assist the shaman in gathering herbs, roots and mushrooms in the woods for the coming day. She was excused her normal duties of foraging for food, tending the village hearth and stitching furs. Ivory was wholly at the shaman's service for the coming days. Although this work was no less tiring than her customary obligations, Ivory took to them with enthusiasm. She enjoyed roaming about with Glade to previously unfamiliar places within a day's walking distance of the village.

As the shaman and her apprentice strode off over the barren plain armed with wooden spears and stones to deter predators, Glade recounted more about the terrible days that followed the massacre of her clan.

"At first I thought we would all share the fate of Flying Squirrel, Tarsier and my mother. I almost looked forward to death in the hope that it would eliminate the pain of physical assault and the memories that were already tormenting me. But this was not to be. All the survivors were taken captive. Our hands were bound in cord. Other cords shackled us together from ankle to ankle and neck to neck. We became like a train of ants that march over the forest floor. And we soon came to know who were the slaves and who the masters amongst our captors, although we had no vocabulary to express their status. The black men—there were no women amongst them—marched fearlessly and free. The slaves might have been freer than we were, but they cowered in constant fear of the warriors who treated the slaves almost as brutally as they did us."

The first day of Glade's capture was etched more indelibly on her memory than the subsequent days that were, after their capture, much the same as each other. The day had begun in freedom and joy and ended in misery and shackles. Glade marched along between Leaf Mulch and Anteater, her ankle pulled by Leaf Mulch's stumbling foot and pulled back, as was her neck, by the much younger and smaller Anteater. Glade's physical torment matched her mental one. The pain of rape stabbed her stomach from within. Blood stained her inner thighs as it trickled from her ravished anus. One eye was so swollen that she could barely see through it.

The physical pain Glade felt was as nothing to the despair that gripped her. Her head felt as if it had been torn open and its contents scooped out. She was sure the horror that tormented her was as visible as any scar. Her eyes gazed outwards but her vision was clouded by inner turmoil. She frequently stumbled against what she could very clearly see. Her skin flushed as if stung by the whip of her all too vivid memories. Her stomach constantly heaved. Sometimes she tasted the thin gruel of regurgitated food at the back of her mouth, but she never managed to release her vomit as did the other prisoners. She'd pissed and shit all she could in the terror of the onslaught, but her belly was insisting that there was yet more to let loose.

Worse humiliation was to come when the procession of captives was ordered to stand still after they'd endured nearly half a day of their stumbling, agonising march. The familiar and normally so friendly forest now had a sinister aspect. Although respite from walking was welcome, the black warriors decided that their prisoners shouldn't rest. Instead the brutal captors sated their lust on each other and the weary traumatised Forest People in a brutal orgy that renewed the trickle of blood down Glade's inner thighs. Although any rape is horrific, it seemed doubly cruel that the warriors never visited their captives' vaginas, but violated each and every one of them, not discriminating at all on age or gender, by the tighter more vulnerable anus.

It seemed that this was the warriors' definite preference even amongst themselves. Glade witnessed them take pleasure in each other's arses while they frenziedly jerked their penises.

The Forest People soon discovered that rape was not to be the final humiliation. When the warriors had finally spent their seed and still watchful of their slaves, they crouched together, their black flesh still sticky and luminous. The man who was in a position of seniority to the others sat apart from his fellows, although he had been as one with his minions when they had sex together.

The slaves, who had watched the sexual activity in silence and with no apparent enjoyment, then descended on the Forest People armed with sharp stone implements and huge slabs of beeswax.

Glade was convinced that this would now mark the time when she and her clan would depart the living world and become one with the forest soil. Their attackers had sated their bestial lust and would now discard the objects of their ravishment with the same contempt they had shown in so many other ways. However, instead of bringing blessed death to the Forest People, the slaves began to methodically shave off every blade of hair from their body.

"Just as I'd never witnessed murder before, never been raped before, nor ever known the loss of freedom, I'd never known what it was to be shaved. And certainly not in such a brutal and peremptory fashion," said Glade as she strode with Ivory over the open steppes.

Ivory had never visited this region of the plain before, but this didn't trouble her. She was sure that Glade knew exactly where they were heading. Mammoths were grazing in the middle distance. Further ahead was a solitary woolly rhinoceros that they would do well to avoid. Herds of horse, deer, antelope and bison were scattered across the grassy plain. This was a comforting sight because they would provide plenty of warning should a wolf or hyena be prowling across the steppes.

"If I'd thought about it, which I was too distraught to do," Glade remarked contemplatively, "I would have attributed the hairlessness of the black warriors and their slaves to the will of nature. Our tribe had no more concept of depilation than we had of clothing."

This was a strange concept to Ivory as well who occasionally trimmed the scraggly ends of her bushy hair with a sharp flint edge but she'd never heard of anyone actually removing the hair: certainly not to the extent that it would expose the bare skin underneath. The spirits had blessed people with hair on the heads, under the armpits and on the crotch for good reason. They also blessed men with hair on their chests and so much on the face that only the eyes and nose were visible. Ivory believed that this was so that no one could mistake an adult man from a boy who had no facility to bestow the bounty of motherhood on a woman. Indeed, the notion of disregarding the wishes of the spirits in such a way seemed as hugely perverse as everything else she'd heard about these barbarous black warriors.

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"The forest where I was born is far, far to the South," Glade told Ivory the following day after her apprentice had returned from foraging duties in the woods and removed her clothes on the shaman's request. "It's a very different land. The sun shines high in the sky. At midday it's almost directly overhead. It is always warm. My people never wore clothes. I never knew what it meant to cover my flesh. The need to do so just did not exist." "It sounds like paradise," said...

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Glade and IvoryChapter 10

"You did well, my dear," Chief Cave Lion told Ivory the following morning as she and Glade lay together on the bed the Reindeer Herder chief had vacated. "Thank you, my lord," said Ivory who still savoured the memory of her lovemaking. She didn't say so but she thought to herself that the pleasure in the duty was all hers. And she would gladly do the same again. "The Reindeer Herder chief has complimented the shaman and you on your lovemaking," continued the Chief, running his hand...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 17

As she did every year, Ivory found the long march south arduous. She was fatigued and shivered uncontrollably from the cold. Winter had arrived early. Although the snow was powdery, it was settling and had become ever more difficult to trudge through. A journey such as this would be tiring in any season, but was even more so when confronted by snowy gales and encumbered by furs. The need for good stitching was more than ever evident as ice-cold water inexorably seeped through the seams. The...

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Glade and IvoryChapter 8

Glade kissed her young lover on the lips while Chief Cave Lion slumped on his back exhausted. A thin thread of semen trailed from his penis into the tangle of Ivory's pubic hair. Now that Ivory had discovered her lover's infidelity, Glade was actually rather more affectionate to her ward even when she was being fucked by the Chief. "You have become a more accomplished lover," mused Chief Cave Lion. He tenderly kissed Ivory's pale thigh and cupped a buttock in a gnarled hand. "You have...

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Glade and IvoryChapter 27

Ivory was consumed by the flames of jealousy. All through the night her moist vagina was repeatedly stimulated by Glade's fingers. She shuddered many times over with the warm pleasure her older lover had orchestrated and it was into Glade's arms she collapsed, but the object of her jealousy wasn't the shaman. It was Ptarmigan who at that moment was in the chief's company and no doubt also in the throes of passion. Now that Chief Cave Lion had returned his wife would from henceforth sleep...

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Glade and IvoryChapter 14

Birth, death and marriage. These were the three most important events in life. These were also the occasions where Ivory, as the shaman's apprentice, was now required to play an important part. It was Glade whose role was the most vital, particularly with regards to giving birth. Her midwifery skills were in greatest demand during the summer, as this was the time of the year when most women gave birth. Sadly, Glade and Ivory were also in attendance for the sombre duty of burying the bodies...

2 years ago
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Glade and IvoryChapter 19

It was every Autumn of her life that Ivory and the rest of her clan made the same trek south. Every Spring she returned the same way. She reasoned that the journey would seem less arduous as each year came by, but this year the wind was colder, the snow heavier and the ground more treacherous. Ivory wondered whether the migration only seemed worse because it was the first time her mother wasn't there to accompany her, but Glade was as good a companion as her mother had ever been and in...

2 years ago
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Glade and IvoryChapter 29

The following nights and days were hard. They were cold, bitterly so, and not everyone was going to survive the winter months. Ivory was tested as she'd never been tested before. She could never have managed without the love of Ptarmigan who insisted on accompanying her lover on every visit to a villager who was ill, injured or about to give birth. This was well appreciated, especially by those who'd become villagers on account of having accidentally stumbled into the Mountain Valley. The...

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Glade and IvoryChapter 17

As she did every year, Ivory found the long march south arduous. She was fatigued and shivered uncontrollably from the cold. Winter had arrived early. Although the snow was powdery, it was settling and had become ever more difficult to trudge through. A journey such as this would be tiring in any season, but was even more so when confronted by snowy gales and encumbered by furs. The need for good stitching was more than ever evident as ice-cold water inexorably seeped through the seams. The...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 23

Clouds obscured the stars and moon when Glade and Demure emerged from their shelter carrying as many of their belongings as they could in deer-hide sacks, but more than the dark what mostly helped secure the lovers’ escape as they crept away from the Raft People’s village towards the Great Sea was that the rest of the village was far more preoccupied with other matters than the fate of the two women. Other villagers were suffering the same humiliation and possibly rape that Glade and Demure had...

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Glade and IvoryChapter 24

Glade couldn't recall a time when she'd ever felt more despair than when she was finally certain that she'd never be able sail back to her lover across the choppy waters of the billowing sea. Was there any point in even being alive without Demure? It was only after many hours of weeping and cursing the spirits of her now extinct tribe that she at last returned her attention to the mundane but no less urgent task of staying alive. She was still adrift on a raft that was drifting aimlessly...

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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 14

Birth, death and marriage. These were the three most important events in life. These were also the occasions where Ivory, as the shaman’s apprentice, was now required to play an important part. It was Glade whose role was the most vital, particularly with regards to giving birth. Her midwifery skills were in greatest demand during the summer, as this was the time of the year when most women gave birth. Sadly, Glade and Ivory were also in attendance for the sombre duty of burying the bodies of a...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 08

Glade kissed her young lover on the lips while Chief Cave Lion slumped on his back exhausted. A thin thread of semen trailed from his penis into the tangle of Ivory’s pubic hair. Now that Ivory had discovered her lover’s infidelity, Glade was actually rather more affectionate to her ward even when she was being fucked by the Chief. ‘You have become a more accomplished lover,’ mused Chief Cave Lion. He tenderly kissed Ivory’s pale thigh and cupped a buttock in a gnarled hand. ‘You have taught...

3 years ago
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Glade of the Moon Goddess a Karl and Merry Adventure

"What a beautiful night for a stroll," Princess Merry said happily. "The moon makes it almost as bright as day." "I am not so sure we are on the right path," Prince Karl replied, rubbing his sword hilt. "We should have reached the castle by now. I fear we have somehow been diverted from our usual..." "Karl! Look!" Merry exclaimed. "It is so beautiful." They emerged from the forest into a moonlit glade, the moss and grass underfoot soft as any carpet. Pleasurable fragrances...

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Glade and IvoryChapter 9

After her husband had at last swaggered back to his hut, Lady Demure reclined between her slaves lost in thought. She barely registered their presence, however much Quagga loyally cuddled up against her. It was an uneasy silence while the slaves also appraised the significance of Lord Valour's news. Although the death of the cruel and malevolent King was surely welcome, Glade was anxious of the consequences it might have for her. She had almost forgotten any other way of life than that of a...

1 year ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 27

Ivory was consumed by the flames of jealousy. All through the night her moist vagina was repeatedly stimulated by Glade’s fingers. She shuddered many times over with the warm pleasure her older lover had orchestrated and it was into Glade’s arms she collapsed, but the object of her jealousy wasn’t the shaman. It was Ptarmigan who at that moment was in the chief’s company and no doubt also in the throes of passion. Now that Chief Cave Lion had returned his wife would from henceforth sleep by...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 03

If Glade expected her apprentice to be more shocked than she was by her account of the violence that had decimated her tribe she was disappointed. Ivory was more indignant at the rudeness of rebuffing a welcome than distressed by the account of the bloodshed. In any case, Glade was reluctant to give a full account of the horrors that followed. It was painful enough for her to remember the evil and worse still to describe it. Did she really want to elaborate on how so many of the people she’d...

4 years ago
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Glade and IvoryChapter 6

Chief Cave Lion's dwelling was by far the largest in the village. It was a huge lattice of fallen tree trunks, tied together by cord and covered by sewn-together aurochs and rhinoceros hide. It was as large as five or six tepees meshed together. Although the harshness of the winter snow was usually enough to wreck most habitations in the village, the chief's weathered the conditions best and was reassembled on the same spot each spring with, if anything, more splendour than in the previous...

2 years ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 26

Glade was the only one of the captive Mammoth Hunters who knew what to expect. It was much more startling for the other expedition members when at last, after trudging for most of the day through the fresh snow across a long flat plain, their captors brought them to the Cave Painters’ settlement by the mountainside. This comprised of the mouths to several caves scattered about the base of the limestone hills around which were gathered dozens of Cave Painters all attired in their superior...

3 years ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 11

The noisy festivities that had continued through the day were well over when Glade eventually returned to her tepee. The village was now silent apart from the muffled snores of the Reindeer Herders asleep in the chill open air and the occasional howl or bark from distant nocturnal beasts. Ivory stirred as Glade rustled about. Her bleary eyes fixed on her lover. Glade was weary but her fatigue was quite different from that which had overwhelmed her apprentice. ‘Have you…?’ asked Ivory. She...

2 years ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 01

Chapter One Ivory tugged aside the curtain of mammoth hide that was all there was to secure the relative warmth inside the tepee from the chill wind. She crawled outside and stood upright in the bulky furs that muffled her body from hooded top to swaddled toe. She needed reprieve from the dark distress that was overwhelming her during her bedside vigil. Inside the tepee lay prone the fur-covered body of her mother who was exhaling her last few painful dying breaths. There had been no warning,...

3 years ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 09

After her husband had at last swaggered back to his hut, Lady Demure reclined between her slaves lost in thought. She barely registered their presence, however much Quagga loyally cuddled up against her. It was an uneasy silence while the slaves also appraised the significance of Lord Valour’s news. Although the death of the cruel and malevolent King was surely welcome, Glade was anxious of the consequences it might have for her. She had almost forgotten any other way of life than that of a...

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Glade and Ivory Ch 10

‘You did well, my dear,’ Chief Cave Lion told Ivory the following morning as she and Glade lay together on the bed the Reindeer Herder chief had vacated. ‘Thank you, my lord,’ said Ivory who still savoured the memory of her lovemaking. She didn’t say so but she thought to herself that the pleasure in the duty was all hers. And she would gladly do the same again. ‘The Reindeer Herder chief has complimented the shaman and you on your lovemaking,’ continued the Chief, running his hand over...

3 years ago
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Andersonville 12 The Day Linda Anderson Came To Town

I slid the report into the proper file just as he walked into the room. Dennis Butz stood there wearing his three-piece suit, looking as handsome and charming as any man could. But I was not to be tamed by his charm. "Hello, Linda," he said with a friendly grin. "Judge Herns isn't in today," I replied back in a frosty tone. "I'm not here to see her." "My plane leaves in less then an hour Dennis, what do you want?" I slammed the file drawer shut and walked past him to my desk...

3 years ago
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Glade and Ivory Ch 06

Chief Cave Lion’s dwelling was by far the largest in the village. It was a huge lattice of fallen tree trunks, tied together by cord and covered by sewn-together aurochs and rhinoceros hide. It was as large as five or six tepees meshed together. Although the harshness of the winter snow was usually enough to wreck most habitations in the village, the chief’s weathered the conditions best and was reassembled on the same spot each spring with, if anything, more splendour than in the previous...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

1 year ago
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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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