D’Orr’s Ch. 2 free porn video

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-If you haven’t read ‘D’orrs’ this part might not make much sense. If you have, I apologize for the delay in getting ‘Part 2’ posted. Hope you enjoy.-

* * * * *

It wasn’t until Liz had walked up the stairs of the subway station that she realized just how many butterflies she really did have in her stomach. As she walked toward the restaurant, she wondered if anyone she passed on the sidewalk could tell what she was on her way to do – that she was on her way to her first trick as a part-time, well, there was no better word for it, hooker.

Liz stopped by a newsstand and picked up a copy of the Daily News. It was starting to become a habit with her, something to look at, but not really read, at the end of the day. It gave her something to take her mind off what she was really going to the restaurant for. And Charlotte had asked her to pick one up, so the person she was going to meet would have some means of identifying her. This was New York City, and the description ‘tall, attractive woman with a briefcase sitting at the bar’ was almost a cliché. Not many that fit that description would stoop to read the News, instead trying to impress with Crain’s, or the Journal or, at the very least, the Times.

Liz still didn’t believe no one could tell what she on her way to do, that no one could see into her mind, that every man on the street wasn’t undressing her in his mind because he knew what she was going to be doing, the pleasure she was going to be bringing to someone that night, and the pleasure she was going to take for herself.

Approaching the restaurant, the butterflies in her stomach turned into a large flock of small birds. She was purposely arriving early, hoping a drink or two before he arrived would help to settle the queasiness. Liz stopped at the front of the restaurant and took a deep breath before pulling open the door. She strode purposefully to the bar, the din of many conversations, specials being explained and orders being given surprising her. It awoke her from her self-consciousness, but, still, she needed a very stiff drink.

Liz took a stool near the end of the bar, leaving one open at the end. As she was unfolding the paper the bartender asked for her order. ‘I’ll have a scotch, a double please.’

The bartender set her drink down, and Liz took a big sip, the heat from the amber liquid warming her insides, and sending some of the flock in her stomach fluttering off into the rafters of the restaurant. She flipped open a page of the paper and took another gulp. Having the paper in front of her, and something else to concentrate on beside herself, helped to calm her down some more. Flipping through she found the most outrageous play on words in a headline, and started reading that story, never really caring about it – just curious about the relationship between the story and the headline. She finished her drink and was thinking about what to get next, and was perplexed. ‘A what?’ she thought to herself. ‘Just what is a hooker on her first job supposed to drink while waiting for her trick?’

‘I’ll have a gin and tonic,’ she said. ‘A tall one.’ The bartender nodded his head and went about mixing the drink. He placed it in front of her and moved down the bar. Liz went back to reading her paper.

‘Excuse me, Leez?’ Startled, Liz looked up at the man who had just spoken. He looked back at her with the quizzical eyes of complete and unabashed innocence.

‘Yes,’ was all she got out. She thought she recognized him, but couldn’t be sure. He was certainly good-looking enough, if maybe a little young. Suddenly unsure of what she had done, she resisted a terrible urge to flee – flee the restaurant, flee the neighborhood, flee the city! Flee all of it! She couldn’t believe she’d said she’d do this. Knowing she couldn’t back out, but not knowing what to do next, she allowed her business instincts to kick in. She stood and put out her hand, realizing as she extended it she should have wiped it on something first. She could feel the clamminess on her palm, and almost regretted having done this.

He looked back at her and smiled. When he took her hand, she noticed his was cool and dry, and he shook her hand firmly, looking directly into her eyes. Whatever innocence she might have seen earlier completely disappeared. ‘My name ees Giovanni.’

Liz looked back at him, ever more intrigued by his looks. She finally smiled and asked if she could order him a drink. Giovanni placed his hands on the bar and took the seat Liz had been saving for him. She glanced at his hands and smiled to herself, wondering if there was any truth to the old wives’ tales linking finger and penis size. She turned and asked the bartender for his drink.

Conversation started a little slow, not uncommon in all two blind dates Liz had ever been on, but after just a few minutes they seemed to find some common ground, other than the real issue at hand. Trained in law, Liz was able to carry on one conversation while thinking about something else, and she found herself unable to think about anything else but the size of his fingers. She squirmed in her seat.

After some time, Giovanni asked, ‘Shall we leafe?’

‘Oh, yes,’ Liz replied, hoping she didn’t sound too eager. They stood, and Giovanni waited for her to gather her things. He watched her walk a few steps, and then quickly caught up to her, placing his hand that held his coat on her shoulder. When they went through the door of the restaurant, a tall, stockily-built black man who was obviously waiting for them, opened the rear door of a limousine and held it open. Liz was a little surprised, and asked Giovanni if this was his car.

‘Ah, no,’ he replied, ‘eet ees Charlotte’s.’ He paused for a second, and then asked ‘How long have you been working for her?’

‘I’ve only met people at the hotel,’ Liz answered truthfully, hoping to mask her ‘rookie’ status. A low hum broke the brief silence that followed, as the driver raised the smoked glass divider. It was only then that Liz noticed that the windows had been blacked out as well. She looked around, and back at Giovanni, and gave him a coquettish smile. She was stereotyping him, presuming that his obviously southern European heritage would be insulted if she made the first, inevitable move. She didn’t have to wait long to find out she’d been correct.

Giovanni closed what little distance there was between them, brushed her hair back from her neck and found the tendon that, to Liz, seemed to have a direct nerve connection to her pussy. It was only then that Liz realized that she must have been on edge for some time, for her panties were already well moistened. While Giovanni continued to minister to her neck, she took his hand from the back of the seat and proceeded to place each of his long, thick fingers in her mouth, slowly sucking each and every one of them in turn. When she got to his thumb, she worked that the most, taking all of it in, and working her tongue vigorously against the underside of his thumb as she drew it away from her mouth.

Giovanni turned away from Liz and sat back against the seat, leaving his hand where it was so Liz could continue working on it. Liz reached out for his knee with her other hand and parted his legs, drawing her fingers up the inside of his thigh. When she reached the crotch of his pants, she only found his balls, and looked down. Even though he had on the high-waisted pleated pants so favored by the Europeans, she could see that his cockhead had gone past his belt. ‘So it might be true,’ she thought to herself.

Liz deftly undid his belt with one hand, while with the other she squeezed and stroked the fingers of his hand. She pushed his cock to one side so she could undo the button of his pants, and slowly drew down his zipper. Parting his pants, she glanced down to see just what she was going to be dealing with. Liz slid her hand inside the slit of his boxers, and closed her hand, or rather, tried to close her hand, around his ha
rdened shaft.

‘Oh!’ Liz gasped, even though Giovanni was not even touching her. She couldn’t close her fingers around him! She looked up at him, and he just smiled back, giving a little shrug of his shoulders. Liz released his hand and shifted in her seat so she could face him better. She reached down with her other hand and worked his cock out through the, what now seemed woefully inadequate, slit in his boxers. Liz almost could not believe what she was looking at. Her fingers that tried to encircle it missed touching by more than an inch. She was terrible at measuring things, but she knew she’d never had anything this large by a considerable margin. ‘And she was going to be putting this inside of her?’ she asked herself.

* * * *

Liz made the turn at 96th Street and the FDR and started heading back downtown, the act of the turn breaking her reverie. She liked her Sunday morning runs along the East River. Her reminiscence of that first time with Giovanni warmed her from the inside, and she could feel her pussy lips sliding back and forth as she ran with more than just a little lubrication. She waved to the old man on the bench – she always waved to him, and had even stopped to talk with him a couple times. She smiled in the knowledge that he had no idea what she’d been thinking about, nor about the wetness between her legs. Thinking back again to her induction, her ‘rookie hooker night’ as she called it to herself, she recalled picking up her skirt as she went to leave D’orrs that night, almost a year ago, and noticing the dark spot on the back, an almost perfect (). Since then she had always wondered if that was why Giovanni had covered her back with his coat as they left the restaurant.

Giovanni had been large, and it took some work to get him inside of her. But once he was there, he filled her in places she didn’t even know she had that craved to be touched, to be stretched, to be fucked. Liz smiled to herself, picking up the pace so she could get back to the apartment faster, so she could strip and get in the shower quicker, so she could take the shower head and….

While Liz had had many repeat customers over the last year, Giovanni was one customer she had occasionally requested of Charlotte. When she wanted, no, needed, to be filled like that, she would page Charlotte, reversing the normal course of contact. Charlotte had been surprised the first time Liz had called her, she told Liz later on. None of her girls were interested in taking on Giovanni a second time. Liz couldn’t take him as a steady diet, but when the mood struck, she couldn’t get enough of him.

After her shower, in the afterglow of a good run, Liz recalled the gathering at D’orrs that had been scheduled for late this afternoon. It was unusual for Charlotte to call her directly and Liz wondered exactly what was going on. Charlotte had asked her to meet at D’orrs, and had told her that most of the other girls were going to be there as well. It had been just over a year since Liz had started on her part-time occupation, and it had been very fruitful for her and, she presumed, for Charlotte as well. Liz had had the most requests for repeat business of any of the girls over the last year, and Charlotte had rewarded her with a significant cash bonus just over a month ago.

In addition, her law career had gone pretty well over the last year also. Patent law was a little slow moving at times, but it could be financially rewarding, and Liz had seen some very interesting new ideas come her way. Her assistant, Susan, had picked up a considerable amount of the grunt work, freeing up Liz’s time to curry favor with several of the firm’s clients. She’d been able to use those contacts, as well as some of her grad school friends, to start developing relationships with what she hoped would be new clients of the firm. The small, boutique nature of the firm she worked for lent itself well to entrepreneurship among the few younger associates there were.

Although it was only early fall, the sky had already lightened the way it does when you realize that, no matter what, winter was on its way. Charlotte had said to come dressed as you are, that this was just an informal gathering, so Liz was in her jeans, sneakers and a man’s button-down shirt.

Liz walked up the stairs and Michael greeted her at the door with his usual smile. ‘Everyone’s out back in the garden,’ he said.

‘Are you coming out, too?’

‘I already know what it’s about, and it mostly doesn’t involve me, so I’m just going to watch the door.’

Liz sidled up to him, and gave him a playfully suggestive smile, ‘You wouldn’t want to tell me what it is now, would you?’

Michael laughed, grabbed her arms, turned her around and pointed her toward the hallway leading to the back. ‘There are some drinks already out there for everyone.’

Liz struggled to free her arms from Michael’s grasp. ‘Spoilsport!’ she called back over her shoulder. She walked to the end of the hall and opened the door to the garden. She was surprised to see so many of the girls, her ‘co-workers’ as she occasionally liked to think of them. Charlotte only had about 12 girls working for her, and it looked like most were there. She waved to the Swedish sisters, the ‘blonde-bombshells’ Liz called them to herself. Anika and Erika were twins, but not identical twins. All the women were tall, at least 5’8′, and Liz enjoyed being in their company, but it was so seldom that they got together all at once.

Liz walked over to Charlotte and they shook hands. Liz was never comfortable with the whole air-kiss idea, and knew Charlotte didn’t like it either. Then she went over to the table with the drinks on it and helped herself. It was late Sunday afternoon, the weather was gorgeous and here was a nice little outdoor party just a block from her apartment. Could life get any better?

After a few minutes Charlotte tapped on her glass, and the girls gathered round, some standing, some sitting in the chairs around the drink table. Wasting no time, Charlotte began. ‘This is not entirely a social occasion, but I guess you probably already figured that out. I’ve had an unusual request and I wanted to present it to all of you for your consideration.

‘One of my very first clients is having a party in the Hampton’s in about a month. He is no longer a client, but that was by his choice, not mine. He married, and he married well. His wife is extremely attractive. They have a large place out there, very, very large, and, like I said, they are having a party. They are looking for models for the party.’

The girls looked at each other, their eyes all asking the same question – ‘So, what?’ – but Charlotte continued, not giving them a chance to voice it. ‘The reason they came to me has to do with the theme of the party, which they’re concerned may call attention to them if they were to go to a regular modeling agency. The them of party is ‘Isle of Lesbos.” The girls looked at one another, but waited for Charlotte to continue, while she hesitated to gauge their reaction before going on.

‘They, and I mean both of them, are working with a designer of some sort on this party. He is on the up and up, but what they’re looking for is fairly specific. From what I understand so far, the designer wants to pair up some girls, live models, and pose them in an area of the house as part of the decoration.

‘The reason they didn’t feel comfortable going to a regular modeling agency is that some of the poses are going to be pretty graphic. Actually, that’s just one of the reasons.

‘Another reason I found out on my own. The parties this couple has often have some kind of sexual overtone to them. What usually happens toward the end of the evening is that some guests go home, and some stay. I don’t think I have to explain any more.

‘The pay for this, for you, is high – $10,000 for the modeling part. I don’t know what goes on after that, but I do care. I cannot vouch for these people in any manner. I would strongly p
refer it if none of you would get involved in any of the late night activities. It’s selfish, yes, but I’m protecting my investment, and it protects you as well. Some of the usual guests at these parties are pretty fast and loose with their bodies, and heaven only knows what they’re carrying around with them. I will not tell you ‘no’, but…,’ she let her voice trail off and the conversations begin.

The girls looked at one another and started talking amongst themselves. Several winked at each other, and some moved closer to one another. Some were in, without any questions, but Liz hesitated. Not since law school had she been with a woman, and she’d been more that a little drunk when that happened, and that was the only time. She just wasn’t sure what was required or even how she’d react. She’d never posed before, let alone naked – there were just too many questions. Unlike her usual work for Charlotte, she wasn’t sure if she’d like this or not. Then she remembered the money – $10,000 for several hours posing naked in close quarters with another woman? Not having to do anything afterwards? She’d certainly give it some thought.

‘I don’t need an answer today, but I do need one by the middle of the week. If you have questions please feel free to call me any time. Oh, and there will be a costume, something like a thong and a short wrap to go over that. The designer is coming up with those. Also, there will be masks, like Lone Ranger’s, part of the mystique, and partly to protect your identities. I cannot say who will be there, and I thought it might be best if, should you agree, that there was some anonymity for you. I suggested this in a way that the designer thought it was his idea, and he loved it.’

Everyone started talking at once. Liz remained quiet, and a little aloof. Charlotte came over to her and asked if anything was the matter. Liz hesitated, and then told Charlotte of her trepidation. ‘I’ve never really been with a girl before. I don’t know what to do, or even how I will react.’

Charlotte laughed. ‘It’s not a live sex show!’ A couple of the girls heard this and turned toward them, looking a little disappointed. ‘They’re just poses, and some will be more suggestive than others. That’s all.’

‘Oh, one more thing. I will be there,’ she continued, ‘as one of the models.’

Liz thought about it for a couple of days, and, while she was a little nervous about the idea, for the money, she thought she’d be able to get over her trepidation. Tuesday evening she stopped by to tell Charlotte she’d go along.

‘That’s wonderful, Liz,’ Charlotte smiled. ‘I’ll let you know when we’re meeting to go out there.’

* * * * *

The girls from D’orrs arrived in two stretch limos. A total of eight had volunteered, including Charlotte. The designer was looking for 12, so four more had been recruited from somewhere else. He eyed the girls from D’orrs as they entered the bathhouse, making up in his mind who was going to be paired off with whom. The two blondes that looked like twins were definitely going together. When he looked at Liz’s classic body, he motioned to one of the other girls to come over. He picked one shorter than Liz, with a fuller body, larger, rounder breasts, full hips and a nicely rounded derriere and blonde hair that looked suspiciously unnatural. Charlotte approached a strikingly beautiful black woman, and it was apparent they knew each other. The designer watched them, and motioned them together. but it was apparent he didn’t really have a choice in that matter. After a couple more switches all the girls were paired off. With a wave he led them to the glass-walled walkway that connected to the part of the house where the party was.

Along the walkway, six lounges had been placed on individual platforms, elevating them a foot or so off the floor. The track lighting was situated to spotlight each of the platforms. When he first walked down he just pointed to one pair of girls and told them to go to this dais or that one. At the fourth one, he selected Liz and her partner. They had not spoken as of yet, and silently made their way to the sofa. At the last platform he posed Charlotte and her partner, and made his way back, posing each pair of girls in such a way that merely suggested comfort with one another. When he got to Liz, he made her sit on the sofa, her legs crossed like a perfect lady, and posed her partner kneeling on the sofa, facing Liz, one hand on Liz’s neck, the other hand on Liz’s breast. The designer stood back a minute, then took the hand on Liz’s breast and parted two fingers. The attention sent Liz’s nipple darting between the slightly separated fingers. Satisfied, the designer moved on to the next pair.

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Hello iss readers mai hamesha iss ki stories padta hu to socha kyu na apni life ka bhi ek hasin lamha apke sath share karu …mera naam kunal hai aur meri age 20 hai mai jaipur mai rahata hu hamari joint family hai aur bada ghar hai. Meri badi maa ki age 29 hai wo bahut hi khubsurat husn ki malika hai unko dekhte hai mera man sex karne ka ho jata hai … Baat aaj se 2 saal pahale ki hai mai hamesha unhe nanga dekha karta tha jab wo bath liya karti thi. Kya batau dosto unke bare mai unke wo bade...

1 year ago
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The Bachelorette Party Part 1

The Beginning After graduating college with a degree in Anthropology, I went hunting for a job. Guess what, no jobs available for this degree, I should have done my homework before choosing it, I was a teenager and I made a huge mistake. My parents wanted me to continue pursuing another more in demand degree and were willing to pay for it. I told them I would think about it but first I would do some research to see if there was a degree that I would be willing to tackle and the job market would...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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You know what it’s like. You drift out of a dream toward wakng, but you are still more than half asleep and more than a little drunk from the night before. The only thing that you are conscious of is the immediate demand of your throbbing hard-on. So somehow you throw the cover sheet onto the floor and somehow you rid yourself of your boxers. Your hand descends to your rigid cock and slowly closes about it. The feeling has never been more pleasurable. You begin to stroke it, lightly at first....

1 year ago
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to happend in vegas

My wife and I have been married for 15 years as we are both in our late thirties. We are both professional as Amy is an office manager and I'm an engineer. You could say that we are a power couple and very routine in our every day life with one exception. I was not able to get an erection. This has put quite a strain on our marriage. We never fought about finances or anything about the house but we had fights all the time regarding this. I did n't know what she wanted from me as I saw ...

3 years ago
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A Witchs Love

It was a normal day that Monday afternoon. Adam and Darlene Howard were waiting in their living room to interview their new housemaid. Their previous maid Alicia had worked for them for 10 years and now was ready to go live with her daughter. Adam and Darlene hated to see Alicia leave, but they knew she wanted to help her daughter out. Adam and Darlene owned a huge two-story home. It was an old house and the most beautiful house in that small town in south Texas. Most homes in the town were...

3 years ago
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A Week In A Dungeon Day 5 F

"I am not Miss Rose," the woman explains. It's the same woman who spoke to Miss Rose about a 'suggestion'. "You may refer to me as Madam. I expect you to only speak to me when I ask you to, and you will always refer to me as Madam when you speak," she explains. Ashley tries to take in all of this information, despite being stretched up on her toes and being overwhelmed by horny urges. Urges that now, seem so strong, they could drive someone mad. Ashley can feel her A-Spot being kissed by the...

2 years ago
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black bang part 1

I was a junior in college. I was living with a Joanna, she was asophomore. We had talked about getting married after school, but nothingwas set in stone. I had ideas on going west or south to warmer weather.She wanted to go back and home and work for her daddy. I had dabbled withsome bieuxual stuff before we met and she moved in with me, and had evendone a little here and there since. I would mostly head to some cruisyrestroom on campus and get my cock sucked and even sucked a few cocks...

1 year ago
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Mum like daughter

I am an extremely lucky man. I know full well that I had nothing to do with the hand of cards that life has dealt me and I am very thankful and aware of my good fortune. I was born into a middle class family and I have always been a decent looking k**. Not striking, mind you, and I did not stand out in any way by my looks, but I was what you would call a "nice looking boy" while I was growing up.I had tried the usual assortment of sports as a k**, and I did reasonably well with most of them,...

1 year ago
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Anna and me

She’s sexy, Blue – my dog – didn’t wake me when she came over,she kneels down, my dick is hard, when she touches it, I shoot off, she says mmmm, and she licks all of it off my dick and her hand . Blue is also licking his dick. Anna says I’ve watched Blue fucking you, I want to try it too. She continues to suck on my dick, she turns and places her legs around my head and lowers her pussy lips to my mouth, she dripping pussy juice, I lick every drop up, her clit is...

2 years ago
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Rosie HuntingtonWhiteley takes your virginity

You are a eighteen year old student. You are currently on vacation in Los Angeles. You are going to your hotel room, when you see Jason Statham making out with a girl in the bar. You then see this tall strikingly beautiful woman walk in, then quickly leave in tears. You think nothing of it and you go back to your room. Then you hear shouting next door. You decide to check it out. You tell the maid you left the key in your room and need to get in. There you see Jason Statham and his...

3 years ago
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My first time with my boyfriend

Me and my boyfriend were sitting on his bed kissing whilst I was rubbing his leg and I slowly moved my hand up his leg and on to his penis and it was so hard at the same time he moved his hand up my shirt and was slowly moving his finger in a circle around my nipples which was turning me on even more than I already was then we laid down on his bed and I moved my head down towards his penis and I started pulling his trousers down and there it was his 6 inch penis my mouth was already filling up...

2 years ago
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Death Rides the Night Winds a Karl and Merry Adventure

"There is the village we seek, Eldrich," Sage said, swooping down to land in the village common. Eldritch slid from Sage's back and stretched. The flight has been long, but they had arrived. The villagers streamed from their homes to greet them, standing about in solemn groups, eyeing the huge dragon and the weapons festooned warrior with a mixture of awe and uneasiness. A portly man emerged from a group, extending his hand and saying "I am Chief Alderman Pickens; I welcome you to the...

1 year ago
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Storm coming

Everyone has their fetishes right? Mine's not that weird really; not compared to what I see on the internet... I don't think so anyway. There's just something about storms that get to me. Everything from that wind whipping through the trees to the deafening crash of thunder gets me charged up. It makes my whole body hungry. It awakens a b**st sleeping within me. I'd never thought consciously about it really. It was just a feeling, an energy that the anticipation of the next crash of thunder...

2 years ago
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Mom in the MirrorChapter 3

Tom couldn't believe his good fortune. It was only yesterday that he'd been a frustrated virgin, constantly tortured by the presence of his beautiful, yet unattainable Mother. And now, not only was he no longer frustrated, he also wasn't a complete virgin anymore. It was all thanks to his beautiful Aunt Jane. His Mother's identical twin sister. Following their roleplaying session that morning, Aunt Jane had been forced to cut the fun and games a bit short, or else risk missing her job...

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Tera Link Naked Workout

Hot little thing Tera Link is slim and athletic. She loves to show off her flexibility both indoors and outside. Once she’s on her couch, she peels off her shirt to put her tiny titties on display and then follows up with her underwear on the ground. When her boyfriend Nick Ross finds her, Tera is meditating on the couch wearing only her socks. He whips his cock out, to her delighted surprise. Reaching out, Tera opens her mouth and guides Nick’s hardon between her lips. She sucks...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 269

Today's Riddle for Seniors Here is the situation: You are on a horse, galloping at a constant speed. On your right side is a sharp drop-off. On your left side is an elephant traveling at the same speed as you. Directly in front of you is a galloping giraffe and your horse is unable to overtake it. Behind you is a lion running at the same speed as you and the giraffe. What must you do to get out of this highly dangerous situation? Think very clearly, carefully, and logically before...

1 year ago
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Anokhi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hi mai hoo Rohit ye meri doosri story h. Jo mujhe ni jaante unko m bta doo ki m 20 saal ka hoo aur mera lund 8 inch lamba aur 4 inch mota h. M bhot fit hoo qki m roz walk pr jaata hoo To ye h meri pehli kahani ka second part. Kb m sonia ko 5 din chodne ke baar ghr gya tb mere lund m bhot dad ho rha tha m ghr jaate ho let gya aur so gya. Agle din sonia ka call aaya ki Sonia- kaha ho?? Me-ghr pr tmhe yaad krke muth maar rha tha Sonia-itni chudai ke baad thake nhi ?? M to chl bhi nhi paa thi...

3 years ago
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The Passenger Seat Chapter 1 Wood

WOOD THE MOVING TRUCK was a welcome surprise.For months, Tara watched prospective buyers come and go from the house next door. Couples, singles and families. Some older than her. Some younger. And for months, she hoped for new neighbors.It wasn’t that she didn’t enjoy the privacy of their remote home. In fact, part of the appeal when they bought the house was its secluded lot, and the fact that it was entirely wooded on one side.It was simply that Tara sometimes felt alone.Her husband’s job...

3 years ago
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The Truth

I don’t know how we got to this point in our relationship but the truth is –Well, let me just start by explaining, about me, about my husband and our relationship.It all started about five years ago. We met on a single’s holiday to Turkey. It was one of those arranged group holidays and we kind of hit it off from day one. We had the same sense of humour, cracked the same jokes, drank the same kind of beers and cocktails and liked the same sort of food and activities. One thing led to another...

3 years ago
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Story Without a Name

Story- (What? No title?) ((I'll make it up later)) Joe was walking along one day and he found an object. (Waitaminute, what kind of object?) ((Shut up and keep going, I didn't feel like figuring out what it was)) He grabbed the object from where he had found it, (Again?) ((yes, be quiet)) and went back to his home. He looked it over a bit and then put it on his table and started watching TV. (What am I watching?) ((I don't know, what do you want to watch?)) (Uhhh, I don't...

2 years ago
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TriptychChapter 36

IF WE STAYED in the position we were in much longer, Kate and I would effectively be glued together by dried come. That had a certain appeal to it, but I didn’t relish eventually ripping ourselves away from each other so I let her slide off my lap to settle between Melody and me. I wrapped my arm around Lissa, pulling her close. I kissed her and licked Kate’s juices from her face as she absently petted me. After two such powerful orgasms in such a short period of time, it would be a while...

1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 37

Seven months following the sale of Deirdre’s defense companies to government approved buyers, and securing a hold harmless agreement from the UK and EU, I bought back Wellington Castle at a significant discount, from a Count that overspent and underworked. When we moved back in the place had been completely redone by the former owners and needed very little work on my part. Baby Girl liked being back home on Scottish turf, and her brood were happy to be wherever she was. They also enjoyed...

1 year ago
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Just Call Me B

I am a waiter at a local restaurant. It is quite upmarket and the food is excellent. Most of the people who come are there to enjoy the experience, talk with their dinner companions and take their time over dinner. It makes for a great place to work as over the course of an evening you have sufficient time to get to know your customers should they be friendly enough to engage you. It is also the kind of place a friendly middle-aged man like myself can enjoy working. The cafe or diner is a young...

1 year ago
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Casino Pays Out Big Time Part2

As Sarah, Kevin & myself laid spent on the huge king size bed in my casino hotel room I learned that they really were in trouble. They had lost a lot of money. They had no way home, no money for food and no place to stay for the night. Since I had just won a large amount of money I decided to help them out. Turned out they lived only 20 minutes away from my house (which was 2 hours from the casino). I told them they were welcome to stay the night with me and I would drive them home in the...

1 year ago
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Building a LegacyChapter 2 A Pair of Surprises at the Beach

On the way to the airport, with Gail driving Alex's car and Gini following on her motorcycle, Alex asked a series of questions, trying to ensure he actually knew everything he needed to about Gail's heading back home to Carbondale. He'd been caught completely by surprise, and he wasn't fond of having the rug pulled out from under him like that. "So you're flying directly to Carbondale?" "Well technically, I'm heading home to St. Louis to spend the day with Melissa first. After that...

3 years ago
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Opening Earth Part 2Chapter 19

My wives woke me early the next morning. They enjoyed playing in bed yesterday morning, and were thinking of another romp in our bed. We had just started our usual sex play, when Carol made a mad dash for the bathroom. We could hear the sound of her retching, so Rita went to check on her. When Rita returned, she said, “It’s time for Carol to be checked out by Misty. I think she’s pregnant.” “Pregnant!” I exclaimed. “Didn’t she just finish her ovulation period? I didn’t think morning...

4 years ago
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Friends become lovers

Mike’s cock shot hot milky onto my hand and nylon covered thighs. He sighed a collapsed back on the bed smiling. His hand stroked my back. Mike and I were old friends and 6 weeks ago we had started playing sexually. My cock was hard in his mum’s black lace panties and his cum was drying on her black fully-fashioned stockings. We were both 17 and I was staying at Mikes as his family had gone away for a couple of months. Mike couldn’t go because of school and it had been agreed that I would stay...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Becoming More Female Friendly

CHAPTER 1 Nursing low expectations, Freddie Dixon went into the final interviews to become a VIP driver for Franklin & Schmidt Law. Although Freddie believed he’d done well in initial interviews and in the driving test apart from arriving late at the pickup zone and later being told by the examiner he had exceeded the speed limit three times, he knew he’d handled the Cadillac DTS impressively. Even so he was competing against eight other top candidates, seven of whom had experience as...

3 years ago
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The Businessman Part 2

Kyle Richardson sat at his desk getting nothing done. It had been like that for a week now, ever since he'd hired Sandy to be his part-time secretary. It had been a bad decision on many levels. The eighteen year old girl was a terrible typist, was still learning the filing system, could only work three hours a day after school, and he wanted to fuck her in the worst way. She glanced up from her desk, sensing his eyes upon her again, and gave him a friendly, almost encouraging smile. If she had...

Office Sex
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Friends little sister

I went live with my best friend when I was 18. He lived with him mom(40) and sister(15). It was pretty great, it was close to my college, work and my best friend was 10 feet away. I never brought girls home when I lived with my family but now that I wasn't with them I felt much more comfortable. I had multiple girlfriends in the course of a couple years and was labeled by others in the house as a ladies man. I'm not, but they knew that I didn't like the label so it stuck. I had been...

2 years ago
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Patni Ki Chut Marwai Hotel Me

Hi everyone main shivdeep.Muje ap nahi jante hoge par aap meri patni param ko jante hoge.Wo iss ki regular reader or writer h.Uski kahaniyon me apne uske kisse sune honge.   Jo bad me maine bhi pade.Fir maine use kuch ni btaya or aisa natak kiya ki muje kuch bhi ni pta.Muje bhi uski kahaniyan pad kar mja aane laga to maine socha kyu na iski chut mere samne marwai jaye.Dekha jaye ye dusre lund p kitna kudti h .Kitna mja deti h ye par muje pta tha ki agar maine ise sidhe kaha to manegi ni is liye...

4 years ago
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To Be or Not To Be a Doctor Chapter 6

Tony felt happier than he had ever been. The song of the birds was sweeter. The touch of the wind made his senses come alive. The grass was greener. Even the girls were prettier, though seeing them only made him want Manjula more.They say that oral sex is not sex, but it is. Bill Clinton had been wrong. Tony did not feel a virgin anymore, and he could not think of Manjula as one either. She had been right. They had crossed a line, a line that Tony felt himself well rid of.He still wanted to...

First Time
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Conor Uses My Mouth

I thought I was straight, but Conor showed me the joys of sucking cock I'd always wondered if I was gay, but I'd never had the nerves to find out. I didn't know any gay people, and where I grew up most people were homophobic, so I never had a chance to experiment. I'd tried getting with girls but something always felt empty about it, like I was just going through the motions. But every time I slept with someone I couldn't help but imagine what it was like to be on the bottom, or on my knees...

3 years ago
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Caught by My Stepmom

I thought my stepmom was hot, but I never expected this!I was watching porn in my bedroom one day and wanking off when my stepmom came in and caught me! I tried to hide my cock, but it was too late.“What are you doing, Joey? Are you watching porn?”“Yep. You caught me. So what? I’m not hurting anyone.”My stepmom is about thirty-five, has long blonde hair, big boobs, and I’ve often thought she’d be a nice fuck. But to have her catch me with my cock in my hand was not what I’d envisioned ever...

2 years ago
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Hi this is Raj Patel from Ahmedabad. I am regular reader of all this story & I love to share my true Experience. I am working with call center in Ahmedabad as team leader & 23 yrs old with 5’9” height & 7” thick dick.This incident happen when I was 19 yrs old & studding in college. I am staying with my parents. My dad is having his own business & mother is house wife. We are staying in top floor of apartment & our apposite door only 1 lady is staying & she is 33...

2 years ago
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In the Closet Pt 1

Adam felt a soft pair of lips press against his own. The movement was so quick and chaste that his eyes opened in shock, words tumbling out of his mouth as he stifled a giggle. “That’s it, dude?” he asked quietly, his choclolate eyes training on Ryan, all the while smirking silently to himself. The jitterish man blushed deeply, and he cleared his throat, his eyes transfixing on the ground as if it were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. “Y-Yeah…” he mumbled, biting his...

1 year ago
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The Meeting Part 2 Through his Eyes

I lay down as she straddles me backwards. She starts riding her dick, and I can feel her tightening her muscles as she goes up and releasing them when she goes down. All I hear is her wetness splashing on my legs. I see the eyes in my peripheral staring at us while I'm tearing this pussy up. My first instinct is to jump up and run to the door to see who this is, but as wet as she is right now, there's no way in hell I'm getting out! Since this person wants to be nosy, I'll just show them what...


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