Foggy Beach
- 4 years ago
- 22
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THE distance between Suez and Aden is precisely thirteen hundred and ten miles, and the regulations of the company allow the steamers one hundred and thirty-eight hours in which to traverse it. The Mongolia, thanks to the vigorous exertions of the engineer, seemed likely, so rapid was her speed, to reach her destination considerably within that time.
The greater part of the passengers from Brindisi were bound for India some for Bombay, others for Calcutta by way of Bombay, the nearest route thither, now that a railway crosses the Indian peninsula. Among the passengers was a number of officials and military officers of various grades, the latter being either attached to the regular British forces or commanding the Sepoy troops, and receiving high salaries ever since the central government has assumed the powers of the East India Company: for the sub-lieutenants get 280 pounds, brigadiers, 2,400 pounds, and generals of divisions, 4,000 pounds. What with the military men, a number of rich young Englishmen on their travels, and the hospitable efforts of the purser, the time passed quickly on the Mongolia.
The best of fare was spread upon the cabin tables at breakfast, lunch, dinner, and the eight o'clock supper, and the ladies scrupulously changed their toilets twice a day; and the hours were whirled away, when the sea was tranquil, with music, dancing, and games.
But the Red Sea is full of caprice, and often boisterous, like most long and narrow gulfs. When the wind came from the African or Asian coast the Mongolia, with her long hull, rolled fearfully. Then the ladies speedily disappeared below; the pianos were silent; singing and dancing suddenly ceased. Yet the good ship ploughed straight on, unretarded by wind or wave, towards the straits of Bab-el-Mandeb.
What was Phileas Fogg doing all this time? It might be thought that, in his anxiety, he would be constantly watching the changes of the wind, the disorderly raging of the billows-every chance, in short, which might force the Mongolia to slacken her speed, and thus interrupt his journey. But, if he thought of these possibilities, he did not betray the fact by any outward sign.
Always the same impassible member of the Reform Club, whom no incident could surprise, as unvarying as the ship's chronometers, and seldom having the curiosity even to go upon the deck, he passed through the memorable scenes of the Red Sea with cold indifference; did not care to recognise the historic towns and villages which, along its borders, raised their picturesque outlines against the sky; and betrayed no fear of the dangers of the Arabic Gulf, which the old historians always spoke of with horror, and upon which the ancient navigators never ventured without propitiating the gods by ample sacrifices. How did this eccentric personage pass his time on the Mongolia? He made his four hearty meals every day, regardless of the most persistent rolling and pitching on the part of the steamer; and he played whist indefatigably, for he had found partners as enthusiastic in the game as himself. A tax-collector, on the way to his post at Goa; the Rev. Decimus Smith, returning to his parish at Bombay; and a brigadier-general of the English army, who was about to rejoin his brigade at Benares, made up the party, and, with Mr. Fogg, played whist by the hour together in absorbing silence.
As for Passepartout, he, too, had escaped sea-sickness, and took his meals conscientiously in the forward cabin. He rather enjoyed the voyage, for he was well fed and well lodged, took a great interest in the scenes through which they were passing, and consoled himself with the delusion that his master's whim would end at Bombay. He was pleased, on the day after leaving Suez, to find on deck the obliging person with whom he had walked and chatted on the quays.
"If I am not mistaken," said he, approaching this person, with his most amiable smile, "you are the gentleman who so kindly volunteered to guide me at Suez?"
"Ah! I quite recognise you. You are the servant of the strange Englishman-"
"Just so, monsieur-"
"Monsieur Fix," resumed Passepartout, "I'm charmed to find you on board. Where are you bound?"
"Like you, to Bombay."
"That's capital! Have you made this trip before?"
"Several times. I am one of the agents of the Peninsular Company."
"Then you know India?"
"Why yes," replied Fix, who spoke cautiously.
"A curious place, this India?"
"Oh, very curious. Mosques, minarets, temples, fakirs, pagodas, tigers, snakes, elephants! I hope you will have ample time to see the sights."
"I hope so, Monsieur Fix. You see, a man of sound sense ought not to spend his life jumping from a steamer upon a railway train, and from a railway train upon a steamer again, pretending to make the tour of the world in eighty days! No; all these gymnastics, you may be sure, will cease at Bombay."
"And Mr. Fogg is getting on well?" asked Fix, in the most natural tone in the world.
"Quite well, and I too. I eat like a famished ogre; it's the sea air."
"But I never see your master on deck."
"Never; he hasn't the least curiosity."
"Do you know, Mr. Passepartout, that this pretended tour in eighty days may conceal some secret errand-perhaps a diplomatic mission?"
"Faith, Monsieur Fix, I assure you I know nothing about it, nor would I give half a crown to find out."
After this meeting, Passepartout and Fix got into the habit of chatting together, the latter making it a point to gain the worthy man's confidence. He frequently offered him a glass of whiskey or pale ale in the steamer bar-room, which Passepartout never failed to accept with graceful alacrity, mentally pronouncing Fix the best of good fellows.
Meanwhile the Mongolia was pushing forward rapidly; on the 13th, Mocha, surrounded by its ruined walls whereon date-trees were growing, was sighted, and on the mountains beyond were espied vast coffee-fields. Passepartout was ravished to behold this celebrated place, and thought that, with its circular walls and dismantled fort, it looked like an immense coffee-cup and saucer.
The following night they passed through the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb, which means in Arabic The Bridge of Tears, and the next day they put in at Steamer Point, north-west of Aden harbour, to take in coal. This matter of fuelling steamers is a serious one at such distances from the coal-mines; it costs the Peninsular Company some eight hundred thousand pounds a year. In these distant seas, coal is worth three or four pounds sterling a ton.
The Mongolia had still sixteen hundred and fifty miles to traverse before reaching Bombay, and was obliged to remain four hours at Steamer Point to coal up. But this delay, as it was foreseen, did not affect Phileas Fogg's programme; besides, the Mongolia, instead of reaching Aden on the morning of the 15th, when she was due, arrived there on the evening of the 14th, a gain of fifteen hours.
Mr. Fogg and his servant went ashore at Aden to have the passport again visaed; Fix, unobserved, followed them. The visa procured, Mr. Fogg returned on board to resume his former habits; while Passepartout, according to custom, sauntered about among the mixed population of Somanlis, Banyans, Parsees, Jews, Arabs, and Europeans who comprise the twenty-five thousand inhabitants of Aden. He gazed with wonder upon the fortifications which make this place the Gibraltar of the Indian Ocean, and the vast cisterns where the English engineers were still at work, two thousand years after the engineers of Solomon.
Absentmindedly, Passepartout wandered into a home, thinking it a shop of sorts. The woman greeting him possessed an oval face, tapering to a fine chin. Her eyes were elongated, almond-shaped, lined with black highlights. She had high cheekbones and a fine, straight nose. Her mouth was small, but her lips were full and luscious and when she parted them he observed she had white, even teeth. Her hair was thick and lustrous, tied in a plait that reached her buttocks. Her dusky skin was smooth, clear and soft, the colour and texture of honey.As she watched him with interest, wondering who this stranger was in her home; his eyes devoured her full, high, ripe breasts, heavy, like succulent mangoes.
When she spoke to him, Passepartout did not understand and using his hands attempted to convey his reason for entering what he assumed was a shop.
The woman correctly guessed he was mistaken; but not having had a man in several weeks, her husband having perished on a fishing expedition when the boat went aground in a storm, decided then and there to seduce this strange man who was obviously not from Aden.
Passepartout continued with his 'sign' language but stopped when the woman smiled at him. Having chased after and caught his share of woman in his lifetime, he knew instantly what was behind the smile and reached for her hand, and holding it in both of his, placed a light kiss upon her palm.
A pleased "OH?" fluttered from her lips.
Passepartout now knew for certain he would have her, but time was of the essence. He could not miss the Mongolia's departure. He ran his hand over her firm, flat belly and heard a distinctly pleasurable, "Mmmm," from her throat.
Only a minute later, she lay naked on a low divan in the middle of the room, crouched on all her forearms and knees like the sphinx. Her eyes were hooded and her lips fluttered open. She tensed, whimpering softly, and her eyes were wide and glassy as she presented herself to him.
"Please... hurry... please... fuck me! Fuck me hard!" She murmured in her native Arabic. But of course Passepartout did not understand her language. He did however, grasp her meaning and quickly dropped his trousers to the floor.
He made a first, fumbling, clumsy attempt, trying to kiss her, but stumbled when his feet got tangled in the trousers pooled around his ankles. He quickly abandoned the effort as she grasped his erection and gave it a hard squeeze.
Moments later he was thrusting into her, feeling incompetent as a lover as she worked his body with a sexual cunning that took his breath away. Gently, tenderly, unhurriedly, expertly, she aroused him till he was almost screaming with excitement. Her lips, fingers and tongue were everywhere; and as she drew his prick deep into her cunt he felt he was being drowned in a sea of joy.
She moaned and panted eagerly as he plunged greedily into her flesh, all the while cajoling him to go faster, harder, deeper, with a litany of gutter obscenities, none of which he understood.
Their cataclysmic orgasms were almost simultaneous. Remarkably, Passepartout heard the ship's whistle toot and scrambled into his rumpled trousers. The woman, still in the throes of her passionate orgasm looked up with glazed eyes as he made his rapid departure, signaling in his way his reason for leaving so quickly.
Of course the woman misunderstood him, thinking he meant to tell the world of her wantonness and terrified she would have the reputation of the village whore, she began to scream rape in Arabic. Neighbors quickly appeared at her doorway and Passepartout had to battle through them and race to the Mongolia, making it as the gangway was being pulled up with a small mob of irate citizens on his heels.
"Very curious, very curious," said Passepartout to himself as he dusted himself off; then leaned against the ship's rail looking back and waving to the mob, who were, in turn, waving and cursing him. Eventually they became smaller and smaller before disappearing over the horizon.
"I see that it is by no means useless to travel, if a man wants to see something new, and women, it appears, will never change," Passepartout muttered into the wind, then turned and headed toward his stateroom.
The Mongolia slowly moved out of the roadstead, and was soon once more on the Indian Ocean. She had a hundred and sixty-eight hours in which to reach Bombay, and the sea was favourable, the wind being in the north-west, and all sails aiding the engine. The steamer rolled but little, the ladies, in fresh toilets, reappeared on deck, and the singing and dancing were resumed. The trip was being accomplished most successfully, and Passepartout was enchanted with the congenial companion which chance had secured him in the person of the delightful Fix.
On Sunday, October 20th, towards noon, they came in sight of the Indian coast: two hours later the pilot came on board. A range of hills lay against the sky in the horizon, and soon the rows of palms which adorn Bombay came distinctly into view. The steamer entered the road formed by the islands in the bay, and at half-past four she hauled up at the quays of Bombay.
Phileas Fogg was in the act of finishing the thirty-third rubber of the voyage, and his partner and himself having, by a bold stroke, captured all thirteen of the tricks, concluded this fine campaign with a brilliant victory.
The Mongolia was due at Bombay on the 22nd; she arrived on the 20th. This was a gain to Phileas Fogg of two days since his departure from London, and he calmly entered the fact in the itinerary, in the column of gains.
Chapter TenEverybody knows that the great reversed triangle of land, with its base in the north and its apex in the south, which is called India, embraces fourteen hundred thousand square miles, upon which is spread unequally a population of one hundred and eighty millions of souls. The British Crown exercises a real and despotic dominion over the larger portion of this vast country, and has a governor-general stationed at Calcutta, governors at Madras, Bombay, and in Bengal, and a lieutenant-governor at Agra.
But British India, properly so called, only embraces seven hundred thousand square miles, and a population of from one hundred to one hundred and ten millions of inhabitants. A considerable portion of India is still free from British authority; and there are certain ferocious rajahs in the interior who are absolutely independent. The celebrated East India Company was all-powerful from 1756, when the English first gained a foothold on the spot where now stands the city of Madras, down to the time of the great Sepoy insurrection. It gradually annexed province after province, purchasing them of the native chiefs, whom it seldom paid, and appointed the governor-general and his subordinates, civil and military. But the East India Company has now passed away, leaving the British possessions in India directly under the control of the Crown. The aspect of the country, as well as the manners and distinctions of race, is daily changing.
Formerly one was obliged to travel in India by the old cumbrous methods of going on foot or on horseback, in palanquins or unwieldy coaches; now fast steamboats ply on the Indus and the Ganges, and a great railway, with branch lines joining the main line at many points on its route, traverses the peninsula from Bombay to Calcutta in three days. This railway does not run in a direct line across India. The distance between Bombay and Calcutta, as the bird flies, is only from one thousand to eleven hundred miles; but the deflections of the road increase this distance by more than a third.
The general route of the Great Indian Peninsula Railway is as follows: Leaving Bombay, it passes through Salcette, crossing to the continent opposite Tannah, goes over the chain of the Western Ghauts, runs thence north-east as far as Burhampoor, skirts the nearly independent territory of Bundelcund, ascends to Allahabad, turns thence eastwardly, meeting the Ganges at Benares, then departs from the river a little, and, descending south-eastward by Burdivan and the French town of Chandernagor, has its terminus at Calcutta.
The passengers of the Mongolia went ashore at half-past four p.m.; at exactly eight the train would start for Calcutta.
Mr. Fogg, after bidding good-bye to his whist partners, left the steamer, gave his servant several errands to do, urged it upon him to be at the station promptly at eight, and, with his regular step, which beat to the second, like an astronomical clock, directed his steps to the passport office. As for the wonders of Bombay its famous city hall, its splendid library, its forts and docks, its bazaars, mosques, synagogues, its Armenian churches, and the noble pagoda on Malabar Hill, with its two polygonal towers- he cared not a straw to see them. He would not deign to examine even the masterpieces of Elephanta, or the mysterious hypogea, concealed south-east from the docks, or those fine remains of Buddhist architecture, the Kanherian grottoes of the island of Salcette.
Having transacted his business at the passport office, Phileas Fogg repaired quietly to the railway station, where he ordered dinner. Among the dishes served up to him, the landlord especially recommended a certain giblet of "native rabbit," on which he prided himself.
Mr. Fogg accordingly tasted the dish, but, despite its spiced sauce, found it far from palatable. He rang for the landlord, and, on his appearance, said, fixing his clear eyes upon him, "Is this rabbit, sir?"
"Yes, my lord," the rogue boldly replied, "rabbit from the jungles."
"And this rabbit did not mew when he was killed?"
"Mew, my lord! What, a rabbit mew! I swear to you-"
"Be so good, landlord, as not to swear, but remember this: cats were formerly considered, in India, as sacred animals. That was a good time."
"For the cats, my lord?"
"Perhaps for the travelers as well!"
After which Mr. Fogg quietly continued his dinner. Fix had gone on shore shortly after Mr. Fogg, and his first destination was the headquarters of the Bombay police. He made himself known as a London detective, told his business at Bombay, and the position of affairs relative to the supposed robber, and nervously asked if a warrant had arrived from London. It had not reached the office; indeed, there had not yet been time for it to arrive. Fix was sorely disappointed, and tried to obtain an order of arrest from the director of the Bombay police. This the director refused, as the matter concerned the London office, which alone could legally deliver the warrant. Fix did not insist, and was fain to resign himself to await the arrival of the important document; but he was determined not to lose sight of the mysterious rogue as long as he stayed in Bombay. He did not doubt for a moment, any more than Passepartout, that Phileas Fogg would remain there, at least until it was time for the warrant to arrive.
Passepartout, however, had no sooner heard his master's orders on leaving the Mongolia than he saw at once that they were to leave Bombay as they had done Suez and Paris, and that the journey would be extended at least as far as Calcutta, and perhaps beyond that place. He began to ask himself if this bet that Mr. Fogg talked about was not really in good earnest, and whether his fate was not in truth forcing him, despite his love of repose, around the world in eighty days!
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xmoviesforyouI was serving in a metro city and was residing in a rented house in the heart of the town. I had married two years ago but not blessed with any child till that date.My wife had been to our native village to look after my ailing mother since a week before but one of my her cousin sister who was residing in her college hostel came to appear a written test with the knowledge that she will remain in her sister’s house with her but when she saw her sister not present she became nervous and could not...
You are man with power. You have one goal. To impregnate. Every female has only one duty. To bare you children. You don’t care what she’s doing. If you want to do it, you make it happen. No one dares to stop you. You are THE man. You have a right over every woman. While women may protest, let them. They will learn. No one will dare to stop you. Even though they may want to. Go and fuck any woman you like, make her your baby carrier, her only true job in life.
FetishHi guys and this is Shaggy here with the next part of my story and I thank you guys for liking my story so much. I have tried to write them with utmost honesty without changing any facts and so let’s continue shall we? We make a bonfire a day before holi and we celebrate on that day. I made a bonfire out of my Mamis Bra yesterday and ended up fucking her royally all night while doing the same I was playing out my fantasy with her. She looked really hot in a school uniform in the morning when I...
IncestThe names, places, and certain descriptions have been altered to protect those pleasured during this sexcapade. Any resemblance to real people living or dead is purely coincidental. As always, I enjoyed writing this story and I know you will enjoy reading it, too. Thanks to the many friends who inspired me to write this story. It was fun and I admit I got a little turned on through recollections.I trust you will enjoy this story, as it is a MFM threesome and involves some wonderfully...
She woke up at the sound of the obnoxious buzzing sound of Daniel’s alarm. She hit buttons on the alarm groggily until the buzzing stopped. She was fully dressed and in the same condition she was in last night, except for the atrocity that was her hair. She smelled the intoxicating fumes of breakfast that were wafting in the air. She walked to the kitchen and found Daniel standing at the stove cooking some eggs and bacon, shirtless. She could see the tight muscles in his back and loved how his...
Debra thought she was foolish to stay so modest. All around her, she saw girls and women wearing revealing clothing, especially shorts. She had been almost shocked the first time she saw a girl in cut-offs with half her ass exposed. Then she realized many pretty girls were wearing the same thing. She saw one woman about her age in the supermarket with faded cut-offs and her panties showing. Jerry thought it was delightful, and pointed the woman out to Debra. “I think she’s shameless,” she...
Three weeks into school, and something horrible happens. School has been going great, and so far I have managed to steer clear from Danny, except from a few (actually a lot) of evil stares, and a glare when I show some kind of affection towards Scott. I know, I think it's weird too. I am walking home from school on Wednesday afternoon after cheerleading practice when I notice a navy blue car coming very slowly down the street. My guess is that the driver is trying to find someone's house...
The following story is COPYRIGHTED. The author, Kaja_m, reserves all rights tothis work. It may be freely distributed online, posted and archived electronically,only in its entirety, including all header material. It may not be changed oraltered without the authors permission. It may not be sold in whole or in anypart, or as part of an electronic document, printed material, voice recordingor any other manner without proper copyright clearances being obtained from theauthor.
As I had demanded three weeks earlier, Julie asked mom to have me drive her and Lisa to the mall the Saturday when we had our appointment at the free clinic. Of course I protested claiming that I had work to do for my web business. Mom just said, "You can do that later. Julie is the only sister you have and you have to take care of her. You'll be glad to have a good relationship with her when you are both older." I just scowled as I capitulated, "Alright, but we'll have to go early so...
This is Ashim from Delhi. I am married and my wife is gorgeous and sexy . But while I was studying in Lucknow I use to stay with my aunty ( as my parents were away). Also stayed there were my cousin and his wife Anamika. She was just about my age and we were more like friends. Everyone at home use to appreciate our friendly relationshionship more than being a sister-in-law. Had a great and sexy figure. We were very free in talks and she would ask me abt my Girl friends and all ( no sex talks)....
Same Day - April 6th, 2019 (Melanie’s Big Sister Nicole and her Nephew Jonathon have arrived) “Hi Sis, I brought wine!” Nicole smiled and held up a bottle of zinfandel. “You also brought luggage,” Melanie observed that her sister had come to stay. Nicole giggled and reminded Melanie that she was naked. Nicole was covering her son Jonathon’s eyes. “Are your neighbors going to mind you standing in the doorway like this?” Nicole asked with a twinkle in her eye. “You’d be surprised,” Melanie...
The onslaught from the opening barrage of bloody great buggering and frantic fucking was starting to subside!!! Sue was sprawled out on an extremely crumpled and soaking bed with thick man-cream spewing from ALL her well filled fuck-holes!!!! The temptation of this fucking sight was all to much for both Jim and myself to bloody well resist!!!!! I knelt above the voluptuously sexy babe and dangled my bulging bollocks over her moist lips, this hopefully would stir the hot bitch into action for...
The bed sheets covering Jack's naked body swayed below his hips. A soft groan escaped his lips. His hands pulled back the sheet.Amanda kneeled between Jack's thighs. Her head buried near Jack's crotch, her spine curved up, allowing her ass to rise in the near distance, shaped like twin mountains.Amanda's tongue glided upon the underside of Jack's hardened cock. Slow, sensual licks, starting just above his ball sack. Jack's cock twitched with her wet touch, licking him over and...
Oral SexIt’s another great day to be by the pool; Gracie loves the water and can’t wait to get wet. So she gets in the pool and starts playing in the water and playing with her pussy. Peter notices the fun and joins in. He Helps her warm up her pussy. She loves it and begs for his cock. She sucks it passionately. He rattles her pussy with his dick. They have powerful underwater fucking. She moves to the deck to get that dick. Peter can’t hold it in any longer. He nuts all over her...
xmoviesforyouHi friends, kamakathaiyil thirumanam aana kathaliyin akkavai sex seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Ravi. Vayathu 26 aagugirathu. Naan oru pennai kathal seigiren. Avalum naakum 2 varudangalaaga kathal seigirom, en kathaiyai naan matter seithu irukiren. Iru varudathirku munathaaga niraiya pengalai sex seithu irukiren, en kathali kuthiyil ookum pozhuthu niraiya ratham vanthathaal thaan aval virgin penaga irupathal thaan avalai kathal seithen. Naan oru play boyaaga thaan irunthen,...
We were in Miami at the time. I was born here and this place is special for me. I have been here since May and will be here till November. My hubby left me with his sister in my home where my Dad, Mom, brother and his wife Niya are staying. After hubby had left, I used to live my way by finding many guys every day, even brought some guys home when mom and dad was not there. My brother and his wife Niya know about my habits and they have no problem with that. I've been nude almost all day and...
I lay blindfolded face down with such intense anticipation for the touch I have waited so long to experience. I heard him come into the room with a gentle quietness and felt his presence brush along my side as he positioned himself above me. Never speaking a word. Then it came. The first time he touched me. He began the massage by placing his open hand in the center of my bare back. At once my nervous intimidation detached from my body so completely it was like a soul separating and flying away...
SeductionI woke to the sound of surf in the small, tidy room. French doors opened onto a charming patio, and the next step was in warm dry sand. This two week vacation was a dream come true, a fantasy realized, on Isla de la Paz Hermosa, a small island in the midst of an emerald sea. It was not a resort in the traditional sense. The decor was serene. The fabric and paint were a light, tone-on-tone brightness. The wood of the furniture was dark and rich. Upholstery invited one to rest in loving and...
MasturbationCousins - Une Histoire de Famille - partie 7 Par Loulou Note: cette histoire est pure fiction et aucun des personnages n'existe vraiment ? l'ext?rieur de ces lignes. Ne m'en veuillez pas de prendre quelques libert?s avec la r?alit?. Chapitre 25 - M?tamorphose Comme maintenant tous les matins, Sam se r?veilla dans le lit de son cousin et la nuit avait ?t? encore une fois merveilleuse. Il sourit et l'embrassa pour le r?veiller. "Chris, c'est d?j? lundi, il faut se lever." Chris ouvrit p?niblement les ye...
First of all I would like to thank ISS. It’s such a good website where everyone can share their experiences which is usually not being shared ever. Myself is Raju 25 years old with a kind enough tool to satisfy an hungry woman/girl. Now I am coming towards my story straight. This is my real & ever first story on ISS. Yeh kahani mere aur mama ki ladki ki hai jo karib ek saal pahle hui. Pahle main uski introduction karwa doon name Guddi (Name Changed) age 20 badi badi CHOOCHIYAN aur kad se jyada...
Wonder Woman's recovery from this experimental session lasted for 17 hrs. At 9 AM she was fully functional. Dr. Jones had her put her pink uniform on. With it on she became her cover, Diana Prince. She had picked it as the main one she wanted to wear in room 2. It consisted of a pink thong, pink mini skirt and pink bikini type bra made of material so thin, that her nipples were permanently poked through it because of the temperature Dr. Jones kept room 2 at. Her 2nd uniform was as his...
After that time (last story, “Beginnings”) I always thought that only my uncle Tito would be my lover , I never thought his friend and others would also be. I thought I knew my uncle that much but never did I knew that he had a different personality especially when he’s drunk. It happened one Monday morning , it’s a declared no school day due to a nationwide transportation strike .That day both uncle Tito and I have to stay at home, he’s a passenger vehicle driver but not my Aunt...
I don’t really know how to begin with. Hmmmm, well let me tell you a little about myself. I am 38 years old, dark hair, hazelbrown eyes, shapely legs, a great ass, small but firm tits. I am living in the suburbs of Berlin, Germany, I am married to a very successful and well hung lawyer and …I am a shemale. Sounds funny ? Well, in Germany two people of the same gender can get - well kind of - married. But let me tell you how this all began…. I was always fascinated in women’s lingerie....
I listened while Robert explained all EIT had been doing with the information from the two Princes and the two arms dealer’s computers. The list of customers on the arms dealer’s computers was eye opening. I was sure that both Bens would be very interested in some of those countries and groups and what they had acquired. I was more interested in the locations of the sales and deliveries. And then, what was sold and delivered there. Small arms rifles and pistols were everywhere. Hundreds of...
After receiving her inheritance, Marie Berger has quickly become accustomed to a lifestyle of luxury in Private Gold, The Heiress and along with Angelika Grays and Geishakyd, it’s time for one final sex party! A shared blowjob serves as the perfect warm up for Marie and her new sister Angelika as they treat the lucky Kai Taylor to some incredible oral action whilst Geisha and Potro get horny in the other room. But soon enough this threesome and one-on-one will combine to become one of the...
xmoviesforyouThe atmosphere was amazing. I had never seen so beautiful a Mistress with such submissive male slaves as we had tonight. The performance in the under-ground club was electric as the Mistress showed us how devoted her sluts were. I must admit that watching them was fascinating, almost like seeing a male image of myself as they craved the pain and humiliation she dished out. One soft stroke of her hand against their skin, one quiet word of praise. made it all worthwhile to them. But they took so...
He sat on his ass and pulled me toward him. I was on my knees either side of him with my ass sitting on his upper leg. Our eyes were at the same level which showed how big he was compared to me. He grabbed the back of my neck and we started kissing hard. His tongue again intertwined with mine.I felt his hard cock pushing against my cock and my stomach. I couldn’t help but look down while he moved his kisses under my ear. I saw our cocks touch one another and I marveled at the size difference.He...
Gay MaleHello, bhabhiyo kaisi ho sab bhabhi I am back with my new story. . Ab me sidha point pe ata ho pichli stori jaise maine aapko bataya ki pichli story. maine preeti bhabhi ko harroz uski chudai karta aur wo bhi puri tari satisfy hoti fir ek din me uske ghar gaya tab uski saheli preeti bhabhi bhi ayi waha par tab usne sari pehni huyi thi green tranparent saree with backless blouse Aur uski figure(36-30-36) me wo saree tight aur sexy lag rahi thi. Me to bas use dekhta hi raha aur man me...
Over the river and through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go.It’s going to be a long few days.I thought my ordeal was over when Patty went away to college, and in a way, it was. She only came home for holidays, and they were always busy, so I could usually find ways to put distance between us. It wasn’t that we had a bad relationship. Quite the opposite, in fact. Though she was two years older, she had always tried to include me in whatever she was doing when we were younger. We rarely...
IncestTrudy's Summer. When summer term ended, I had five days at home before Vanessa picked me up as last year. This time as I had hoped, Stuart was not there. He had, as Vanessa had told me, gone to New Zealand to experience farming there. It was a great relief, for I suspected that he must have guessed that I had been behind framing him for possession of marijuana. This time Eleanor was in the car and Claire and I shared the back seat. Claire had grown up considerably. Gone was the...