LA FunChapter 38 free porn video

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We had just landed in Honolulu, Hawaii, to spend a week as newlyweds plus one. We were in the private aircraft terminal parking area and had begun to stand and get some blood flowing into our limbs. The hostess unlatched the door and lowered the stairs as she opened it. A car was coming across the parking area toward us. Donte held me back and watched the car approach. Donte went down to greet the driver and confirm his company when he got out of the limo and opened the two passenger side doors. The extra caution had me a little edgy. I would have to ask Donte about that.

Donte took the luggage from the cargo hold and put it in the trunk while I helped the three women to the car. I made sure that I had the pilots' and hostess' phone numbers in my contacts so that I could call them if necessary. The pilot advised me he was going to be flying to Japan on Tuesday and would return on Wednesday.

We drove to a very nice hotel on the beach. There was some confusion when we checked in as the original reservations were for only three adults, and a separate attached room for one. They wanted to know if the extra person would be sharing the attached room when I tried to explain that we didn't need an additional room. I made several attempts to explain it until Jules wiggled her finger to the dense desk person, "I was told that I would have special services upon checking in, and that it would be done in the room. Since that didn't happen and we are being held up, I think you should discount this suite by about fifty percent. Now, do I need to explain that the four of us are going to share the bed in the suite? I know there is more than one bed in the suite, but we will be sleeping in just the one. Do you understand?"

The desk man said he couldn't allow a discount on the best suite of the hotel. That would be unheard of. Jules said to the man, "Maybe I should buy this joint and then fire you for being incompetent and not performing as you have advertised. Where the heck is our private concierge and butler? We're being shortchanged for what you want to charge us once again. I want to speak to the hotel manager."

Oh fuck, an idiot has pissed Jules off. There will be hell to pay now.

The man was about to say there was no way he would bother the hotel manager with such rude guests when I motioned for him to come to see me. I leaned over to him and said, "Don't get her angrier than she is, or you will be walking the plank. We were advised that our check-in would be handled by a private concierge in our room. Everything we were advised of hasn't happened so far. Now, be a good scout and get your manager or that guy over there, our bodyguard, will take you out to the beach and strangle you. Get him. Now!"

The man used the phone and then left the desk. A man came to us and said, "I'm your private concierge and will take you to your suite. Forgive us for not providing the appropriate welcome."

I said to the man, "I doubt that we'll move until the hotel manager sees us. You are being very gracious, but you're a day late and a dollar short. We may decide to find other facilities."

The man drew himself up and said, "Then you'll probably be sleeping on the beach if you decline your suite."

I told the man, "We can buy a home, stock it, staff it, and furnish it faster than you have reacted so far. Get the manager right now to speak to that lady who is very nicely holding her temper."

Jules was on her phone to whomever. Katie was speaking to a local realtor. Willy was talking to a staffing company about an emergency need for a butler and a couple of maids.

Katie leaned over and said, "I found a furnished home just up the beach for eight mill that has a staff. It's ours if we want it. We made more than that in the trade on Thursday."

Jules said, "Firm it up and tell them we will be there in an hour if they want to finalize the transaction. Have the staff go buy food if they don't have enough. We're all hungry."

The concierge was standing with his mouth open, listening to us. He said, "You will still be billed for the entire week of your stay."

I told the man, "I hope you try to do that. Our attorney will have you served on Monday morning. You have now pissed me off and I'm the easy going guy."

Jules got off the phone and told the smiling guy who didn't find the manager that both he and the manager would be without a job in the morning, and that they would be banned from any quality hotel in the area.

The guy said, "How are you going to do that? No one has that kind of pull."

"Tell you what, Sonny, let me write my telephone number down for you so that you can call and beg for your job in the morning. The manager might get a pass, because I don't think you even tried to contact him. I just talked to two of the owners of this hotel, and was promised they would not only resolve the problem, but would eliminate it from ever happening again."

Donte had stopped the limo driver from leaving and took the address Katie handed out to him. We got into the car and drove a little over a mile down the road and entered a private compound that had a guard at the gate. He made a call, and then directed us to the end house by the beach.

The place was a palace, not a house. It was beautiful with an Italian tile circular driveway. The front door opened as we got out of the limo, and a guy who could be Charles' cousin greeted us. The man smiled and told us his name was Kini. Jules introduced herself, and then each of us. The man said the owner's attorney would be here in a few minutes, and that he would show us the home in the meantime.

The guy who designed Jules' house must have moonlighted over here, as there was a lot of this house that was similar to hers. There weren't many suites upstairs, but there was a single suite on the lower level with six large suites plus a massive master suite upstairs.

The domestic quarters were in a wing of the house that extended out from the side. I asked the butler who greeted us, "Give me the rundown on names. What's yours?"

The man smiled, and said, "Kini. The other butler is Auli, and yes we are both natives. The cook is Kumi, who is Japanese and trained in Japan. The housekeeping staff of Pam, Wen, and Saga are also all natives. We used to have two cooks, four maids, and a chauffeur, but the owners let some of the people go because they built another home on the mainland. The person coming is the attorney for the owner and can handle anything that needs to be done."

The girls had been running through the house to make sure they thought the home would be worth the amount they were told. Jules was on the phone with someone who was advising her on home prices, so she was now up on what the value of the home should be. Willy had my laptop and was researching the property for liens and other encumbrances that could delay the deal.

I walked into the large kitchen and encountered a nice looking Japanese woman, unusually tall for her nationality. She had to be at least five nine or ten. I asked her, "Do you have what it would take to make some sushi or some kind of snack for us eat. I know the girls are hungry and I'm very hungry."

The woman said, "I am Kumi. I saw the woman who is Jules and will buy the house with you. She is mixed, but she appears to be part Japanese. Is that correct?"

"It is, and she is very proud of her ancestry. Her grandfather is Hideki Kamatsu. Do you recognize that name?"

The woman smiled, and said, "Very much. Hideki and his son are very well known in my homeland. I will be honored to create food for his granddaughter. I have some fish already soaking and will bring it out to you."

"Tell Kini so that he can be sure not to interrupt the completion of this transaction. Thank you, Kumi."

I went out to the large room where a bar was. The other butler was behind the bar, so I knew he was Auli. I smiled at the man, and asked, "Do you have Beefeater gin?"

He nodded, and asked how I liked it. "Over ice in a glass. Buy a lot if you don't have a supply of it. It's the favorite drink of many in the family."

The man was fast and had some small ice cubes in a glass and filled it half full with the clear liquid. He said, "I have this bottle and one more below. We should be fine until I can get more tomorrow."

"I hope we don't need more than that before then. I asked Kumi to make us some sushi but to wait to make sure it is okay to serve it. We'll all eat something if we can get this done quickly."

A man came bustling into the large family room and sat at one of what looked like a small conference or game table. He whipped a stack of papers out, and asked, "Is eight million even agreeable?"

Jules said, "This home was just appraised for six point seven million. I think I would be willing to go seven million even, and that will be cash right now. Can you call the owner to get their agreement?"

The attorney began to turn red, but thought about it a second before using his cell phone to make the call. He spoke to the owner and then handed the phone to Jules. She said hello and identified herself. She repeated her offer for seven million and stated again that it would be paid for this evening. After some discussion, she said, "Maybe I'm being too generous and should go to the appraised amount. That was a very generous appraisal for the area. One more time, will you sell me this home for seven million cash right now?"

Jules smiled and handed the phone back to the attorney. She turned to me, and said, "I want this in your name. Give him your debit card. Your balance will cover the house according to Katie."

I handed the attorney my debit card so he could create the transaction and finalize the sale. We had the two butlers witness my signature and the attorney's signature along with his power of attorney. Five minutes later, he said, "I'll file this Monday morning. You now own a beautiful home. Enjoy it and keep my card should you need representation here in Hawaii."

The man got up, Auli let him out, and then came back into the house hollering, "Kini, Kumi, Pam, Wen, Saga, come meet our new people. We don't have to worry about finding another job."

Kini left the bar, went to the kitchen, and returned. He opened a bottle of champagne and brought glasses out for everyone in the house. There was six house staff, four of us, plus Donte. We all held our glasses in the air and said "Salute."

Kumi had brought a large plate of sushi out and spoke a few words to Jules. My new wife was grinning as she answered Kumi in Japanese. Donte thanked her in her language, and the celebration was on.

Jules told the staff, "I want to bring the other cook back if she is still unemployed. The same with the other housekeeper, but I'm not sure about the chauffeur. We don't have a car here, but I suppose we should get one if we're going to have a home here. There will be a lot of people who will come to stay for a few weeks or so."

I told the two butlers and cook, "I'm excited about the house and will look at it all tomorrow. I need food to feed these women right now. This beauty here is pregnant, Kumi, and she should have proper food. Both Jules and Katie are trying to continue to slim down and need the proper nutrition. The skinny one here needs to fatten up a little, but she's sort of a runt compared to the others. Donte and I need lots of food."

I asked Kini, "Who is head of the house staff?"

"We don't have that person any longer since the other cook left. She was the one to make sure bills were paid and the grounds were kept up. We've been able to keep up so far, but she had great records."

I handed Kini my phone, and said, "Call her. It isn't that late and I'm sure that she would want to know she has a job. Call the other maid and chauffeur too. I want to get this home back to normal as fast as possible."

Jules grinned at me, and said, "We can put just about any deal together without fooling. Is the limo still here, Donte?"

The man nodded yes, so Jules said, "Get our luggage out, and ask the man to come back at eight in the morning. I want to hire him and the limo for at least another day."

Jules' phone was ringing, so she answered it and then broke up laughing. "You have to be kidding. I bought a home and am already in it while you were deciding to show up at your hotel. I now have a furnished home on the beach. My attorney will talk to you on Monday to negotiate whether or not I buy your hotel. Now go away and leave me alone."

Jules smiled as she said, "I wonder if I could afford a joint like that. I know Grandfather could, but I may not be able to yet."

Kini handed the phone back to me, and said, "Our other cook will be here in the morning. We are lucky as she has heard from another homeowner looking for a person with her abilities. The other maid will be here tomorrow and our chauffeur should also be here. I didn't mention it, but our chauffeur is female and is also licensed as a bodyguard."

Everyone in the house was in this big room, so I said, "Let me introduce you to us. We're a little different from most, so I hope that you don't have a problem with our lifestyle. The man with us is Donte. He is our bodyguard and is licensed to be one in any of the United States. This woman is Jules Kamatsu Johnson, my wife as of earlier today. This is Katie Johnson, also my wife who I married today. The third lady is Willy Morgan, a special friend of Jules' and Katie'. She's my special friend too, but Jules and Katie are first with her. Our home in California is similar to this, but a little larger. Donte is used to using a room in the staff's quarters. Is there room for him?"

Kini smiled, and said, "There are five spare rooms right now. There will only be two spare if the others come back tomorrow. I'll show Donte which room he should use."

"Let me finish with our introductions. Jules and Katie are financial traders. They look for and find interesting changes in currency valuations and make trades to buy and sell for a profit. They are not market manipulators, but watch the markets and try to profit from trends. Some of their profit bought this home. That should give you an idea how successful they are."

"I'm a lowly manager for a real estate company. We primarily build homes for people who want something special. Your former owners might have purchased their home through our company because we deal in higher end homes and build to owners' specifications. I manage or rather supervise several offices on the west coast and in the south central area of the mainland. My family is here in Hawaii to enjoy our honeymoon. The hotel we had reservations at was very inept in handling us, didn't provide any of the services they advertised, and were making our check-in very difficult. The girls decided that we would find a home and buy it instead of going through the problem of trying to deal with the hotel. Your beautiful home was available and nearby, so here we are. Thank you all for letting us interrupt your peaceful life. We'll be more active tomorrow."

Katie had a conversation with one of the upstairs maids. The woman smiled and sniggered as Katie patted her on her behind and sent her upstairs. The other two maids went upstairs as well to help the first, while the rest of us enjoyed the last of the delicious snacks. The small leafs of romaine with pieces of cheese, fish, or chicken on them were delicious. The fresh carrots and asparagus tips were also a wonderful taste treat.

Kumi asked Jules a question in Japanese. Jules answered in English. She said, "We should speak English in front of Brad and Katie. We will all speak in Japanese when alone after they learn the language. Our morning meal is usually fruit, eggs, and often with bacon. We like to have pancakes once a week or so. Waffles are a good replacement. I should have juice and milk for breakfast, and I can have a mug of coffee or tea."

I got down from my bar chair and stretched. "I'm tired, Folks. That nap I had on the plane isn't any good for longer than now. Let's go to bed so that we can be fresh to check the house out in the morning."

The girls were in agreement as I'm sure the house staff was all for going to bed.

Our clothes were all hung up in the master suite, but some needed steaming or ironing. Jules and Katie would have to clue the house staff on how we like our clothes to be handled.

I lay in bed with Katie and Jules next to me after a quick tooth brushing, but no shave. Willy was trying to use me for a mattress, but thought that I was too bony. She ended up behind Jules, holding on to one of her large breasts.

I told the girls, "I know it's tradition to bust a cherry on the wedding night, but I think we could use a good night's sleep. I'll drill you all in the morning."

The only comment among the group was an 'I hope so' from our newest family member.

The four of us slept very soundly and didn't move around much at all. I woke up holding on to one of Katie's large breasts, and could feel Jules against me. I thought about how sweet it would be when her breasts were full of milk for our son. Whoops, everyone was saying it was a girl, but I somehow knew that this kid was going to be a boy, my son.

I needed the bathroom, so slipped from bed and used the toilet before hunting for and finding my shorts, T-shirt, socks, and workout shoes. I was ready for the day.

The house was super quiet when I reached downstairs, so I walked around a little to get the feel of the place. The room they called the 'big' room, which we called a 'saloon' was about the same size as ours at home. There was a nice full-size pool table, but a really poor cue selection. I'm sure we could improve on that. I went to all the doorways from the 'big' room until I found what they thought must be an office. It didn't have a big boardroom conference table, but it did have a small round table with four chairs around it.

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08 TogetherChapter 99

Present – Jens, Ben and others – The trip The twins no sooner finish talking with Alexi when Gretchen says, “Jens, Liz wants to talk to you.” I ask Liz, “How are you feeling mother-to-be?” Liz frantically replies, “Jens I’m ... I’m ... I’m going a little crazy because Bernie has our wedding setup for three days from now.” I congratulate her, “Liz, that’s great news, I’m impressed that Bernie did everything himself.” Liz confesses, “Well, he did hire a wedding planner but there’s a huge...

3 years ago
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MageChapter 5

With a few blocks more between us and the bar I stopped the girls and said to them, "My deal with Mr. Hatoia was for three days. As I mentioned before I am soft as a marshmallow. If you wish to go home to friends or family you may. You are also invited to spend the next few days with us if that is your wish." It was Ann that moved closer and put her hands around my arm. She said nothing verbally but I knew she wanted to stay. They all wanted to stay and would only like to make telephone...

1 year ago
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ReadyOrNotHereICum Claudia Bavel I Claudia

Perhaps the presence of the Emperor of Spanish porn may intimidate Claudia Bavel a little bit but, once she overcomes this first battle against her shyness, this fleshy Spaniard babe will bring out her inner Empress and use her overwhelming sensuality to rule Nacho’s cyclopean cock. She is Claudia and she empowers herself as she pleases. Sometimes she likes to be submissive and some other times she likes to be in control. It all comes down to something as simple as giving and receiving...

4 years ago
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The Ring of ControlChapter 18

The weekend was kind of nice, more lazing around, getting some attention at poolside, even Mom remarked how good I looked and of course all the guys, myself included, stared at my mom in her bikini. She didn't stay very long on either Saturday or Sunday afternoon. We mostly talked about what school was going to be like and all the neat places in Florida that Ken and his family should check out. You know; just general teenage subjects. The guys gave me all the tips on who in school was hot,...

1 year ago
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Julie had always wondered what it would be like having two men together. Lying in bed the morning light starting to brighten around the window curtains she felt half aroused and horny. She touched herself slowly, trying to decide whether to masturbate or get up. Turning her head on the pillow Michael was already gone the dents in the pillow and rumpled sheets were confirmation of his earlier departure. Closing her eyes she decided to wait there would be time and energy later in the day,...

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Me and My Step Brother1

Later on in the week my father, his girlfriend and her daughter left for hours and left me, the oldest son, and the youngest home. The youngest went outside to play hide and seek. On the other hand, me and the oldest son went to play a free to play game on my PS3 and then he began to watch porn on his phone. I watched it with him as the first porn came to an end I grabbed the phone and changed it to gay porn. He began to watch it with me and in the corner of my eye I could see his juicy cock...

3 years ago
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gefickt vom freund und seinem onkel

6frankewir waren 18 und schon immer gute freunde. felix und ich haben uns zum ersten mal schwule pornehefte besorgt und sie sofort in seinem zimmer konsumiert.die geilen jungs und kerle habens in allen stellungen gemacht.kleine kurzgeschichten haben die bilder kommentiert. es kam, sie es kommen mußte, unsere jungsschwänze spannten in unseren hosen und wie von selbst zogen wir uns gegenseitig aus.felix nahm sofort meinen harten schwanz in die hand und fing an zu wichsen bis der erste tropfen...

2 years ago
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Stalingrad, December 25, 1942. Winter blankets everything, turning the landscape bizarrely beautiful. If you look carefully, you can make out shapes under the hoarfrost and snow. Burned out tanks and piles of brick and steel that were once buildings litter the frozen battlefield that was once home to over 400,000 Russian men, women, and children. Now the corpses outnumber the living. You can see them as well, frozen limbs reaching out from under the serenity of freshly fallen snowflakes. Ice...

3 years ago
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A Friend In Need 8211 Part III Final Part

This is the part III of my story please read first the part I and II: Me sucking harder on her clitoris and gradually increase the intensity she lifted her upper body up and starts gyrating her hips like a belly dancer. Forcing her pussy on my face and playing with my dick with 1 hand 7 with the other she was holding my head. I wasn’t able to breathe so I lifted her up and said you taste really well, but I need to breathe. To which she smiled and said she loved it. It was her first time she...

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Papa ne sikhaya

Hello friends how are uou? Me last 6 month se ISS ki sabhi story padh rahi hoo aur sabhi ke anubhav padhkar aaj muje bhi mera ek anubhav aapke saath share karne ki ichha hui. Ye mera ek aisa anubhav he jo padhane ke liye to ek sexy story he lekin ek Baap-Beti ke ristay ke liye ek kalank he. Jo aap sab ye story padhoge to apne aap jaan jaaoge. To abhi me apne baare me kuchh batau, mera naam Varsha he aur meri age 29 he aur me abhi House Wife hu mere Husband Businessmen he aur me Pune me rehti...

4 years ago
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Vacation with my girlfriend

Back in the early eighties my girlfriend and I went to the Dominican Republic for vacation. I don’t remember the name of the resort but it was nice and it had a nude beach. I had never been to a nude beach and was anxious to try it out. So we headed down to the beach. We found a spot off to the side and spread our blanket and just kind of looked at each other not knowing what to do. Finally my girl pulled her top off and I followed her lead and took my trunks off. Nude meant women topless men...

3 years ago
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Master Comes Home

Kitten sat in her living room, the weight of the world on her shoulders. The urge to cry was almost too much but she knew her master would be home soon and didn't want to mess up her makeup for his arrival. Though she was ecstatic he was finally coming home, her emotions from the past few hectic months made her...well, emotional. Standing quickly, Kitten fixed her black mini skirt and made sure her blouse still looked good. She stood in front of the mirror in the entry admiring herself. Why,...

Straight Sex
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Memy husband and our ex babysitter part 3 of 3

My husband had come home early after a meeting had been cancelled. He had wanted to grab his golf clubs to have a quick round at the local golf course. He entered the house and saw my bathrobe near the bottom of the stairs and then saw more clothes discarded on the stairs. When he heard noises, moans and groans, he thought I was having an affair. He burst in our bedroom door and got the shock of his life. Our old babysitter was naked on our marital bed with a large dildo up her bum. I had...

2 years ago
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Gwen a mother and her daughters

It had been almost 2 years, and at my age I was worried. Previously this site for affairs had produced 3 year long periods of fun. All 3 had chosen after a year to end it, two going back to their husbands, the other finding a single man to marry. Now I get a message from an Asian woman of 42 years, who lives within 15 minutes’ distance. The message was private to me and included 3 pictures. She was beautiful, with long hair to the middle of her back and what seemed to be much more than the...

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CHYOO Digest

This is a Digest for writers to organize facts about their stories and links and shameless plugs for their stories or even story sequels. Brought this idea up at the message board and someone said I should do it. So here goes. A author can add his own episode here and then will be a trusted user. That means you can add when ever you want. Will make a map later when I get more people. Lilguy of course under slot 1

2 years ago
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Carrying OnChapter 7

Bryan pulled into the driveway at five minutes past six. Silver was standing there waiting for him. He pulled Amy out of her seat as she was exhausted from all the riding around and slung her sleeping form gently over his shoulder. She looked at the truck and trailer, packed down like a gypsy caravan and gave Bryan a questioning look. "Do you have the news on?" he asked. "No, should I?" she asked. "Yes," he said. They sat down in front of the television and watched as the announcer...

1 year ago
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Seduced Chhaya With A Dart Game 8211 Pt 1My Hot Neighbor

Hello Readers, I live in Pune and am writing this story. Before moving to Pune, I used to live in my home town. In my neighborhood, there was a girl named Chhaya (name changed). I was about around 22 years of age and was studying in college. Chhaya was around 19 years and she had completed her 12th class. She was preparing for entrance exams. She was very beautiful. I used to admire her beauty and always wished to have her. But it wasn’t easy as our houses were adjacent and our families very...

3 years ago
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Sumit ki shadi ka safar

Hi lucknow ki bhabhi logo aaj mein aapko ek pyaari si kahani bhej raha hoon ummed hai aapko pusand aaygi pade aur bataye ki kaise hai yeh kahani plz reply jaroor dena aur sex ki liye plz ko milo na lucknow ya uske aas paas ki koi female. I am waiting for your sexy cunt Jaisa ki aksar kahaniyon mai hota hai ki kahani ka character ke office ki friend ya padosan ya ristedaar wali koi choot (jisko mai pya se muniya kehta hoo) mil jaati hai use turat chodne lagta hai. Par haquikat isse kahi adhik...

4 years ago
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Watch out for the Big Girls

You were working at a work out spa. It was called Weight Slimmer Spa. You were young and not let fully experience when it comes to sex. The work out spa was luxurious and only for women. The women there were very hot. They were big and beautiful and very exotic. Each one was different. They seem to ooze with sex and passion. There were of different races. They all seem very aggressive and confident about themselves. You got a hard on every time you saw them walk by. Clothing was optional at...

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Samantha learns her place

She first noticed the man at cheerleader practice around November, but didn't pay it any mind as lots of horny guys showed up to watch the girls shake their rumps. The only thing was, he seemed after a couple of practices to concentrate mainly on her. He looked to be around twenty-five and wasn't bad looking but much too old for her she thought. She was not going to be one of those girls that took some old dude to prom like she had heard about with other girls. He stopped showing up at practice...

2 years ago
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BohicaChapter 19

I took a deep breath, and looked down. There was somebody bent over in front of me, naked. And I was naked also, my hard cock jutting out in front of me. I reached out my hand and caressed the hip and bottom in front, and I looked closer. It was not an ass I recognized, it was a man’s ass! The hairs on the ass confirmed that. Then I heard a high whining voice say “Please daddy, you said you would fuck me. Please fuck me daddy.” I could not tell who he was, his face was pushed into a pillow...

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Special techniques in workplace administration

During my first three years of grad school, I worked for Food Service in one of the university dorms storing incoming food in the mornings. It was a massive building, fifteen stories high, with the kitchen and dining room on the ground floor and a massive basement. I had to go in at 5:00 every morning, and I worked until 9:00. Most days of the week, the food would arrive between 4:30 and 5:00 and for the first hour I would load frozen foods in the walk-in, then for the next hour or so I would...

Office Sex
3 years ago
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Mikes Journey

Mike's Journey By Stephanie Smith Mike was your typical high school student and proud of the fact that he had a reputation as a ladies man; he seemed to be able to score with just about any girl that he set his sites on. Maybe it was his rugged features; maybe it was his athletic build that did it. Whatever it was he did not question his good fortune with the ladies, he just played the field just like he would a championship game and if she was good he might call her again in...

1 year ago
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Youre My Christmas PresentChapter 3

“You’ve never seen a Bond movie in your entire life,” I whispered. “Adele sings the song this time, don’t worry so much – see you!” she said slipping out with a grin. I guess now the choice is; go back to bed – or go downstairs to breakfast. Mom’s cooking; I can smell the bacon from here! I put some sweats on, and pulled on a t-shirt. I was following a cute young lady in a t-shirt, and a pair of PJ bottoms. Her butt looks so good... “My goodness, everybody’s awake already?” mom said,...

3 years ago
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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 7 Summation

The courtroom sat after Judge Hernandez took her seat. After reviewing some papers on her podium, she turned to the two lawyers, “Are you ready with your final arguments for the jury?” Both men nodded. Brad James said, “We are, Your Honor.” “Please begin.” Brad James stood and casually walked to near the front of the jury box. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I am the prosecutor for this case. The charges are not trivial: spousal abuse and attempted murder by way of inducement of that...

3 years ago
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Tennis Girl

Tennis Girl ? by: JaneDoeNY It was spring and I was 15 when my parents died. I didn't have any other family, really, so I went to live with my good friend Natalie and her mother in Florida, because she went to St. Joe's, one of the top prep schools in the country, and the board agreed to cover my tuition. We had a lot of fun when I first got down there that May, and being with Natalie really took my mind off my parents' death. She and I both played tennis, so it was fun...

1 year ago
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The StormChapter 25

After Phoebe bounced out, Caroline took Anita’s arm and led her towards the bathroom. She opened the shower door and turned the hot water on, then began to pull Anita’s robe off her shoulders. “In,” she ordered. “You need to wash the cum off.” Then she stripped her own robe off and stepped in with her guest. “And so do I!” Anita was surprised but too embarrassed to say much more than an “Ohh.” While she did not suffer from any false modesty concerning her own looks, her only experience with...

2 years ago
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Blythes Machine 3 the Chinese MenaceChapter 2 Back to the Police Station

In the Custody suite of the police station Susan was arguing with the arresting officer. "How the blazes can this Jack Adams be the one responsible for the murder? He reported it. And what is he supposed to assault?" she demanded. "We did a ballistic check on the gun he gave Brice, they match up with the bullet in that Professor Blythe bloke. His gun, his bullet, he's guilty." The officer replied. "Okay then, what about the assault? Who did he assault?" She pressed the second...

3 years ago
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Cassie brushed a stray strand of hair back behind her ear, before taking a deep breath and picking up her cell phone.  She was afraid of what he might say, but she knew it was now or never.  They had decided years earlier that, their lives being what they were, they would remain friends, but their romantic entanglement needed to end.  He had a family and she needed to have someone who was there for more than stolen moments.  Over the years they had remained in contact, but lately, their...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Toms AdventuresChapter 21 Homecoming

It was almost a week later that they stood in the valley to the East of the village. Fighting Hawk suggested that they take a deer home with them, and Big Owl nodded his head in agreement. They set off to track a deer. Big Owl found his prey, and he was about to strike when Fighting Hawk stopped him. He pointed out that it was a doe and if they wanted to keep hunting deer they needed to hunt only the bucks in spring. Big Owl nodded his head and quietly left to find another deer. As they made...

1 year ago
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First time

Hello readers, this is your one and only JJ back with a lesbian erotica it’s amazing to have got so many feed back for my last submission Tantra of Lesbian Love, the feed back is what keeps me going to post more and more. Anyway thank you very much. Going back as submitted before this is also a lesbian set in the back drop of the temple town called Chindambram few hundred kms form Chennai obviously this is the first lesbian experience of the English tutor Malathi who works at the university she...

1 year ago
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The Lamia

Upon the bleak Scottish moors in winter a single wanderer seeks solace from the storm. What he stumbles upon looks to be simple good hearted assistance but there is more to this refuge than meets the eye. *** It is in the bosom of a woman that the ray of the Divine splendor will receive human form. (Vedangas). Empty Moors. --------------------- The Scottish moors are bright with purple heather in the late autumn. Two months later the color is gone and the cold grips the huddled hawthorn and...

3 years ago
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PandoraChapter 5

The Park Regency Towers was one of the newer skyscrapers in downtown New York. By that I mean it was constructed in the mid 70’s. It was one of those steel and glass things that went up fast and are a nightmare for their architects because the plans keep changing as the building was being built. If you bother to really count from the outside of the building you will notice there are 66 floors not 63 as listed on the filed blue prints, the index hung in the lobby, or on the elevator buttons...

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