Choices Ch. 05 free porn video

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My thanks to my editor adetaildiva. Without her this would be a poorer story. After her any errors are mine.


I went out with Jean on Saturday night. She seemed a little preoccupied. When I tried to question her, I was rebuffed.

She fixed coffee at her house after dinner and a movie. When she brought the cups out, she crammed herself into the far corner of the couch. ‘Jack, I’ve noticed something.’

‘Oh, what is it?’

‘Last weekend we went out on Friday, the weekend before on Saturday, the weekend before that on Friday. This weekend we’re out only on Saturday even though you knew Rebecca was with her dad all this weekend. Are you seeing somebody else?’

Where had I heard this before? Did my girlfriends run into each other at the mall and start comparing notes? This was getting irritating. ‘Yes. We hadn’t talked about being exclusive.’

‘How could you do this to me? You knew my history with Josh. He cheated on me and I kicked him out. Now you’re cheating on me.’

‘Hey, wait a second! I am NOT cheating on you. I am seeing other people. You knew that I had just started dating again after Kathy’s death. Did you ask me to not see anyone else? Did you expect after one date, you had a franchise on the territory?’

‘Not after a DATE, but you’ve – I’m pretty sure – enjoyed more than a date, or do you EXPECT that as a reward for your company?’

‘That’s not fair! I didn’t pressure you for sex and if you think I expect that just because I take you to dinner, you haven’t been listening when we’ve been talking. And it’s not only me enjoying more than a date, or maybe those sounds from you were pre-recorded.’ I wanted to lighten up this conversation, but that comment fell flat on the floor.

‘I thought sharing ourselves in bed meant something special. If you’re screwing some slut I have to worry about STD’s and other stuff. Plus, how can I let you get close to Rebecca if you don’t think this relationship is going anywhere.’

‘I didn’t say this relationship wasn’t going anywhere. I do think that this can be something special, but look at it from my side. You’ve had four years to adjust to leaving Josh. I’m sure you’ve had other dates and time to think about the qualities you wanted in your next companion. Also, the way you and Josh parted made it easier for you to think about the next person either for good or bad. I lost Kathy eighteen months ago. I still have to adjust to not having her here. I’ve got to get on with my life, but that means making decisions that I thought I would never have to make again. You know as well as I do that those decisions look different at thirty than they did at twenty-two.’

‘As for Rebecca, you’re right. She’s a great kid and I like her a lot. If I have to give her up, I’ll lose something, too. I hope you feel the same about Bobby.’ I could see tears trickling down her cheeks. I started to slide down the couch to take her in my arms. Jean jumped up and went behind the couch, keeping the furniture between us.

‘G-g-get out. This isn’t going to work. You need to leave.’ She began to sob. I stood up and walked around the couch. ‘NO! Leave now. I don’t want you to touch me.’

‘Jean, don’t make any rash decisions. If you want to go back to just dating, that’s fine with me.’ Liar, liar pants on fire, the little head shouted. ‘Look, I’ll call you next week and we’ll talk some more.’

‘J-j-just g-g-go!’

I let myself out. As I closed the door, she flung herself back down on the couch. I heard great gasps and saw sobs wrack her body.

Driving home many thoughts whirled through my brain. Nan hadn’t made any demands the night before. Jean was going to demand an exclusive arrangement.

Sex with either of them was good, but after last night with Nan and Cass, well how could any sane male turn that down. Nan was always active. New things, new places, new activities were always at the top of her list. Jean was quieter. She was interested in new things and new ideas, but the mother role subdued and limited what she attempted.

Nan’s body was lush, padding in all the right places. As that other blond, Goldilocks, would say: not too much, not too little, just right. That wasn’t quite right: her boobs were spectacular.

Jean was slender, with well-defined muscles from working out regularly. She had all the right parts and they functioned well, but if she wanted to go in drag she could easily pass for a teenaged boy. Well, so much for considering the deep, long-lasting qualities.

Either woman was a match for me intellectually. They both liked a variety of music, Jean tending to more classical stuff but lots of pop and rock. Jean also fed my craving for novels. Nan was more artsy-craftsy. She had taken me to the National Gallery and had shown me things about painting that I never understood before.

Despite Jean’s workout schedule, Nan was actually more athletic in the broad sense. We had hiked, she had a mountain bike and had promised to show me some trails, she ran 10k races regularly. She was very flexible, a quality that had proved that the pictures in the Kama Sutra were not just imagination.

Nan would probably want children. Jean might want children. That didn’t bother me. I was still young and had always wanted at least two kids. I certainly enjoyed Bobby.

I always knew there would be a decision. I just hadn’t expected it so soon. I hadn’t expected it or had I hoped I could continue to enjoy the fruits of my labors longer? By the time I walked into my house I was depressed.

‘Jack, you’re home early. Whassha matter? T’ings didn’t go right?’ Linda was unsteady on her feet. Her drink was half full, and I was willing to bet that two, maybe more had preceded it.

‘Last night, Nan asked if I had another girlfriend and tonight Jean did the same. I may have to make a decision and I’m not ready to.’

‘Nan wash consherned about comp’tition, but she let you have ‘nother girl?’ Linda gulped the rest of her drink. ‘Lemme get a refill. You wan’ one?’

‘Yeah, my usual scotch-rocks-splash, please.’

She returned in a couple of minutes not walking any steadier than when she left. As she walked over to the couch, I noticed that she had on a short, nylon gown. It came down about halfway on her thighs and had a deep vee exposing a lot of cleavage up top. Her nipples were erect and I remembered the day I had seen her topless. She handed me my drink and then plopped down next to me, snuggling her back up to my side. I stretched my arm across the back of the couch.

‘Sho. Tell me about Nan and the other girl las’ night. Why ‘s Nan upset about you dating other pipple, ‘scuse me, people?’

‘Well – we had planned to spend the evening at her apartment watching movies. When we got back from dinner, Cass, her roommate, was there after her date stood her up. We started doing shots and, well, a threesome seemed like a good idea.’

‘You sound like you regret it.’

‘God, no! When I was a teenager I read all those magazines that have ‘true’ letters about sex encounters. In college I never had anything close to those letters. I figured local college girls were uptight about hometown gossip. After I enlisted, I got laid on some first dates but nothing that was spectacular. Kathy was spectacular, but we were conventional: private sex with lots of play between us and lots of positions. There was this one that she liked –’


‘Anyway, I enjoyed last night. Fu-, uh, screwing two girls.’

‘I’ve heard the word ‘fuck’ before. Use it if it seems natural. I won’t be embarrassed.’

‘Well, in that case let’s just say that the activities fucked with my mind as well as my body. I should write a letter. But Nan didn’t make any demands about dating others. Just wanted to confirm where she stood.’

We sipped our drinks. Linda seemed to be thinking about something.

‘Dan and I had a threesome once.’ She looked at m
e and smirked slightly. ‘Don’t look so shocked. Parents have sex, too. How do you think we get to be parents?’

She seemed a lot more sober than just fifteen minutes ago. Maybe the mild excitement of our conversation had burned away most of the alcohol. She seemed to want to talk now and I certainly owed her time to listen.

‘Well, I know that, but last night was really wild even for a bachelor like me and you guys just seemed so, so …’

‘Conventional? We were, but everybody has times when the stars align and things happen.’

‘Dan took me on a Caribbean cruise. He had done his homework. We weren’t on a party boat. Most of the passengers were couples, many our age. This was about ten years ago, so they were mid- to late-forties, others in their fifties and above. There was the expected share of single ladies. You’ll learn as you get older that women tend to become and stay single for many reasons. Then they start going out and traveling in groups, pairs, threesomes, foursomes.’

‘The first night at dinner we ended up with two other couples and a pair of single women. All of us were over forty, the single gals were the oldest in their mid fifties. We all hit it off, so we started palling around together. We ate together, went sightseeing, went dancing.’

‘The guys were really nice. They danced with all the women. We didn’t sit with partners but mixed around and all gabbed about different things. In the clubs at night, as I said, the guys would dance with each of the women on slow dances. On faster tunes we’d all get up and gyrate in a group just like back in high school.’

‘The third night we’d done a lot of sightseeing that day, had a lot of wine at dinner and the drinks just kept slurping down later in the ship’s club. At the peak of the evening, the club was crowded and the group gyration became a group scrum. The gals were all grinding against the guys and they were grinding back. Bodies were slipping and squeezing around. Suddenly, as I slid off a guy, Elaine was sliding across me and we were face to face and boob to boob.’

‘She put her arms around me just like I was a guy and I put mine around her more from reflex than anything else. Then one of her hands slipped to my butt and she rubbed her sensitive spots against my sensitive spots – all of them. At the same time, her hand caressed my ass and her fingertips ran down and back up my crack.’

‘Needless to say I was shocked, both from what she had done and from the hormones that surged through my body. I had never had any sexual contact with another female although I had considered it. It had never repulsed me nor had it excited me. I was surprised at my body’s response.’

‘She pressed even closer and whispered in my ear: ‘When you’ve been alone as long as I have, you learn to take any contact you can.’ Then she slid away to the next guy.’

‘Dan and I had had sex every day on the cruise until then. With the alcohol and exertions of sightseeing and dancing, we just crashed when we got back to the cabin that night . The next day was a little rough as the ship passed through the tail end of a hurricane. So when we sat down for dinner there were only us, Elaine and another couple. Wine for eight was shared by five. We went to the club, but soon the other couple departed leaving just the three of us.’

‘The dance floor wasn’t crowded, but soon I had enough drinks combined with the wine that I started rubbing against Dan. The fact that I had missed my nightly playtime the day before added to my lasciviousness. Then Elaine sandwiched him from the back. He turned around and I plastered myself on his back putting my arms around him with my hands below his belt. Elaine moved in and rubbed all over him. A few of the rubs were her sweet spot against my hands. Again a surge of hormones shot through me.’

‘Then Dan turned back to me. I rubbed against him and suddenly Elaine was sandwiching me. Her arms were around me with her hands on my tummy. As I ground against Dan I knew she was feeling his cock.’

I was mesmerized by Linda’s story, but out of the corner of my eye I saw her arm moving. I glanced down and saw that she had her hand under her nightgown obviously stroking her pussy.

‘As I turned around to face her, her hands slid to my butt. I put my hands on her butt and pulled her close. I felt Dan rub his cock on my butt and over Elaine’s hands. Elaine moved so that her legs straddled mine and my legs straddled one of hers. We began to rub against each other.’

”I want you. Let’s go to your cabin,’ Elaine breathed in my ear.’

‘What about Dan,’ I asked.

”Both of you,’ she replied.’

‘I leaned back into Dan. ‘We’re going to our cabin now. Elaine’s coming, too.’ I told him.’

‘When we entered the cabin, Elaine took me in her arms and kissed me. It was so different from a man. The first thing I noticed was no whiskers. Then, that her tongue was less insistent and more inquisitive, searching out surfaces that were rarely explored by Dan. She deftly stripped my blouse and bra and then kissed down my neck to nurse on my nipples.’

As Linda related these events, she pushed one of her shoulder straps down exposing a breast. She began to stroke and tug on the nipple. The other hand continued to work under her nightgown.

‘I worked on her blouse as she continued to suck my nips. Soon her bra floated away and I was tugging at her nipples. I wanted more. I unsnapped her slacks and pushed down the waistband. She did the same, but from her position she could pull down my skirt and panties. When they puddled around my feet, I pulled her up to kiss her. Then I knelt and pulled her slacks and panties all the way off.’

‘For the first time I thought about Dan. He was sitting in a chair watching us. He was in his boxers but had his cock through his fly and was stroking it. ‘Don’t waste that,’ I admonished him.’

‘Elaine pulled me to my feet and kissed me briefly. ‘Lie back on the bed,’ she commanded. I quickly complied and she stretched out between my legs. Instead of lying down skin to skin she propped herself so that her breasts swung back and forth over mine, our nipples just grazing.’

‘She bent her head and gently tugged on my nipples with her teeth then used her tongue again. I reached between her legs. She was so squishy that one finger slipped right in. The heat there could have boiled water. She licked down to my center. Kissing around my thighs and lightly over my bush, she was trying to drive me crazy.’

‘For one of the few times in my life I began to ask for what I wanted using terms that normally make me blush. I kept thrusting my hips to where I thought her mouth was going but she kept avoiding the ultimate prize. Finally, I grabbed her head with both my hands.’

”Goddamit! Eat my pussy now! Stick your tongue in my hot, sloppy hole! Smear my cream all over your face.’ With those commands, she started going to town.’

‘I looked at Dan again. ‘Get over here and let me suck you and swallow your cum!’ I only rarely did that, but that night I knew I was a slut and would do anything.’

‘He jumped out of the chair and took the two strides to the bed. I reached up and grabbed him, but it was too late. I started to convulse in an orgasm. I heard myself moan and my body jerked in spasm. I finally dropped back on the bed exhausted.’

”I’m sorry, honey,’ I said weakly. ‘You’ll have to fuck Elaine. I can’t help you right now.”

‘She rolled to her back. ‘Get inside’, she said. ‘I want your big prick in my hot cunt, now!”

‘He moved to her and slid between her legs. ‘Fuck me now! God, you’re so big! It’s been so long since I had a big, hot cock in my cunt. Fuck my pussy good and hard’, she commanded.’

‘I watched him take two or three strokes, then I rolled over and sucked Elaine’s breast. I put my finger on her sweet spot and lightly teased it. That was all she and Dan needed. I heard or actually felt the vibrations of a growl start in her
chest as her hips thrust back and forth rapidly. Dan stiffened and I could tell he was shooting into her. The growl rolled out of her mouth as she arched one last time in the air and flopped back on the bed.’

‘The three of us lay there dozing for a few minutes, and then Elaine got up. She pulled on her slacks and blouse and stuffed her underwear into her purse. Dan was lightly snoring as I got out of bed and went to her.’

”That was wonderful’, I told her.

”Linda, you are the sweetest that I’ve ever had’, she whispered.

‘We embraced for one last deep kiss and she left. The next day was as if nothing had happened. We didn’t repeat it. We never saw or spoke to Elaine after that cruise. That was the only time during my marriage that I was sexually involved with someone else. As far as I know, that was the only time Dan was although I’m sure he could have had any number of hot coeds on campus.’

She paused in her speaking although I could see both hands continue their work. I was fully erect. I was trying to decide how to start my own self-pleasuring activities.

‘Jack, I don’t want us to get involved, but tonight I need someone to hold me. Can you do that while I finish myself off?’

‘I will only ask if I can look at all of you while you do it. I won’t touch you anymore than you tell me to.’

She stood and flicked the other shoulder strap off. Her breasts were as beautiful as I remembered. She cupped her pussy but gracefully pirouetted letting me see her from all angles. I couldn’t tell if she was posing modestly or if she didn’t want to take her fingers out of her pussy. I patted the couch and she snuggled down against me. One hand continued the work that it had started.

‘Jack, suck my nipples, please.’

I leaned over to the far nipple. I flicked it with my tongue and then grabbed it gently with my teeth and tugged. When I did the same to the other nipple, she went over the top.

‘Oh god, oh god, oh god! Ooooohhhhh.’

She sank limply into the couch. I held her for a few minutes and then reached over and turned off the light. We stayed in the dark for quite a while. Linda finally got up. She didn’t say a word, just leaned over and kissed me lightly and walked up the stairs. I heard her door close and I went to my room.

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Have You Ever

Chapter 1 I was young when my mom died but I still remember parts of it like the funeral and how there were so many people there and that they made a big deal over me. I knew it was sad and even that my mom was gone, that she wasn't coming back but I really didn't fully know that it might mean that my father might eventually bring home a new wife. Well, it did happen, not right away, it even took quite a few years but when I was thirteen, he introduced me to a woman, Carol, that he had been...

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I was drunk She was pregnant

Years ago I was just eighteen and my friends and I had been hanging out with a couple in their early twenties.We would get booze and go there to drink it and party with them.The female was Angela and her man was called Rick.They seemed a close couple until after about a year he had to get a job out of town and would be gone for weeks. We would still go there and party with Angela but after a while she wouldn't drink or smoke anything but said that she didn't care if we did.As time went on we...

Drunk sex
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 245

At our evening meeting I filled the girls in on my conversation I had with Eric. Marcy's response was, as I thought "If they send us something to look at we will evaluate it 100%, just like everything else we do." The discussion moved on to the other more pressing things at hand. We spent the next couple hours pouring over the 80 rape prevention seminar dates and scheduling people, places, times, planes, hotels, and mixing in MAAR audits. I wanted to include spot audits - the eight...

1 year ago
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A Super Heros SlutChapter 4

While Peter waited for Kraven to return with the brochure of the Kraven The Hunter Wild Life Foundation he wondered if maybe he wasn't over-reacting. Kraven's aims were good ones and the man did sound sincere. If it wasn't for the Spider Sense he could have bought into what Kraven had said. On the one hand his Spider Sense had never been wrong, but that wasn't to say that there couldn't be a first time. What if the man was sincere and prison had turned him around? What if the Spider...

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Like a Rolling Stone

A dark chilly night. Mark was in Ceridan's red light district, looking to bone a sexy babe with huge knockers. He'd just won 5 grand on the lotto and decided to withdraw it all as cash. Feeling horny and a little reckless, he'd stuffed it all in his pockets, intent on a banging good time. Two whores caught his eye. Tina was a tanned brunette, with a slim waist and pendulous baps. Rachel presented herself as a well rounded blonde with possibly the biggest boobs Mark had ever seen.

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Bedside Luxury

Sammy rolled over in bed, and snuggled down deeper under the covers.  "Just a few more minutes of sleep," she thought to herself as she felt her feet scoot into a cool section of the sheets.  Her eyes opened briefly as she tucked everything tigher under her chin before closing again.Seconds later, Sammy sat bolt upright.  This wasn't her bed, and this wasn't her room.  She had no clue where she was, and had no idea how she'd gotten here.  Another surprise was that she was sitting in this weird...

1 year ago
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Too Soft Of A BedbyMany Feathers©I had gone into the service straight out of high school, primarily because there was no way at the time to further my education by going to college. My younger sister Janice had done much better in school than I had, given several scholarship opportunities, and upon graduation which was only a couple of months away now for her, would be able to take advantage of going back to school where I had not. Already eighteen, she was an attractive young woman with long...

4 years ago
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Making the bestPt 4

The rest of the week ended up being pure hell. I was overjoyed and exhilarated from the experience of my first threesome and couldn’t believe how lucky I’d been. Unfortunately, life insists you ride the roller coaster and just when you’re at the peak it takes a sharp dive back down. Nicky and Jess we’re out of state visiting some of Nicky’s cousins, Maggie had to work every evening and night, and while Michelle had been anxious to hang out again, I was afraid of her getting attached to me...

1 year ago
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Insurance Can Be Fun

As usual, I was running late with my auto policy premium. It’s not that I can't afford it, I just consider (probably unjustified) insurance as a necessary evil. So, the day before it was drop dead due, I decided to go over to my agent's office at lunch time and make the payment. And besides, he had a good-looking secretary. I came downstairs to his office on the lower level of the building, turned the corner, and discovered a sign posted on his door: Hours 8:00 - 12:00 1:00 -...

2 years ago
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In the Service of the Mother

It was odd, damned odd, and very wrong, Sara thought. She could lose everything if she were caught, and she couldn’t even say why she was doing it. She’d found a small statuette near the dig site in Turkey, and she had slipped it into her pocket and not reported the find. If she had, it would have been researched, identified, and likely placed on display in a museum. It was a lovely piece, appeared undamaged by weathering or time or any of the hundreds of other reasons that had cracked,...

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Sex With North Eastern Friend

Hello everyone, My name is Rocky(name changed). I am 6 feet and 1 inch tall. I live in New Delhi. And I love having sex. I am here to share my another story with you all.. So this incident happened with me in the starting days of 2015. The date was maybe 5th January. This story is about how I had sex with my north eastern friend Whom I met while I was working in a BPO. Let me describe you about the Girl. Her name was Nangmei and everyone used to call her Nanny. Her figure status was 30-26-32.....

4 years ago
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More Than A StretchChapter 29

Miguel and I spent a few minutes studying the lights on the Stretch maintenance console and the Reaper console, and I asked Steve, "What was going on in this program?" "Well, several things. First of all, it's all running out of the fast memory, and using it for data storage as well. Beyond that, the Stretch program is reading from the fast tape and storing that data into the fast memory. Finally, I'm using the new programming technique that Sarah showed us last month to use more...

4 years ago
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A Fresh Start EpilogueChapter 6 Aftermath

It really became official that I was going home the next day, Tuesday, when General Talamani showed up. Talamani asked me privately if I thought Naftani was good, and when I answered positively, he smiled and pulled out a pair of lieutenant colonel’s epaulet boards. I smiled and nodded, and we found the major and let him know he was out of uniform. The major had always known that this was the likely outcome, but that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy hearing it. The general made it official, pinned...

3 years ago
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Verka Booth Wali Aunty Ko Choda Part 8211 3

Mera naam Jimmy hai aur main Chandigarh me rehta hun. Mera email address hai ‘’. Koi b lady mujhe is email per contact kar skti hai. This is a continuation to my previous story ” Verka booth wali Aunty ko choda”. Pehle to aap sab ka bohat bohat thanx jo aapne is story k pichle parts ko itna pyar diya, bohat saare fans k mujhe mails b aayi, shukriya bohat bohat. Ab der na karte hue story ko aage bdaate hain and I hope k ye part b aapko bohat pasand aayega.   Ab aage ki story per aate hain…....

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NikNaks and other DoDads

Nik-Naks and Other Do-Dads. By T.G.Frogman Here is a a collection of short stories. Some have references to R.Kanes Nik-Naks, my previous post. I had several stories that were too short by themselves but clumped together with a few new ones they make an interesting collection. By the way there are things in these stories that are anatomically impossible but don't let that stop you because magic gender change is something that is considered impossible by most people. Can you smoke...

2 years ago
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Pratyusha FatherInLaw8217s Whore 8211 Part 2

(This is based on purely fantasy, dreams of Pratyusha. She told me that she is my biggest fan so she wanted me to write her fantasy story. We discussed her guidelines. I wrote, sent to her for approval and am publishing after making changes as she suggested. Please send comments/ suggestions to ) Pratyusha’s story ….Sushma is right about my horniness. If my Mom didn’t watch over me 24×7, I would have been fucked by many cocks. She caught me once masturbating and after that she never stopped...

3 years ago
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Super Bimbo

SUPER BIMBO by Throne Jim Marlow got the alarm on his wrist communicator. Robbery in progress. Old warehouse district. The Cerise Comet shed his civilian clothes and stood revealed in the skintight outfit that identified him as the quickest man alive. He pulled the hood up in back and fitted it over his eyes. A quick check in the mirror assured him that he looked perfect, his slim, lightly muscled figure shown off, the stretchy material he wore bright red and shiny. He smiled at...

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Be Gentle

My dearest friend Beth came by last week and wanted to confide in me a secret. I was so excited to see her as it had been 25 years since we last saw each other at our high school graduation. I had always had a crush on Beth as she was a raven beauty and her seductive smile was so radiant. As I watched her pull in my driveway, I experienced butterflies like I did in school. She could always take my breath away.As she was getting out of her Lexus I felt myself getting wet; feeling the hotness...

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The Tainted Rose Club

Finally a night out! Nyx sighed and squared her shoulders. What a week full of idiots and dull work, but now and here... Yes this was her real me: She had a long inspecting look of her apperance in the huge mirror at the wall of the ladies room of the "Tainted Rose Club". As always when Nyx was attending a place like the "Tainted Rose" she wore an all black outfit. This time she wore a glossy PVC mini-skirt that barely covered her nice firm butt. In addition to the skirt she wore a pair of...

4 years ago
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DeAnns Submissive Weekend Part

DeAnn's Submissive WeekendPART 8================================================================Junior took my hand and walked me back to the elevator and as we ascendedhe used his other hand to hold me by the throat and french kissed me as histwo brothers reached out and grabbed a tit each. Just squeezing and pinchingand enjoying the elevator ride.I kissed Junior back and when the elevator doors opened he said, "Youdidn't disappoint baby. You definitely didn't disappoint and the next time I...

3 years ago
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Seduced by New Neighbor

It all started a few weeks ago. I was walking home from school when I noticed a moving truck in the driveway of my neighbors house. I didn't really pay much attention to it since I didn't really know the previous neighbors all that well. I was more so curious to see if a cute girl might be moving in. To my disappointment it appeared to be a middle aged couple. A little about myself. I'm an 18 year old senior in high school. I was held back in the first grade so I was older than most high...

1 year ago
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Alina Part 1

I showed up at my twin brother’s place unannounced. When I rang the bell, there was no answer so I figured Adam and his wife, Alina, went out. I stooped to get the key they kept under the floor mat and let myself in. I throw my bag somewhere and sat on the couch trying to find the remote to the TV. As I was about to turn it on, I realized that someone’s in the shower. I walk over to it. The door was ajar and I could see my sister in law’s hot body in full view. The water running down her body...

Cheating Wifes
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Do Saheliyon Ki Ek Sath Chudai

Hello dosto mera naam Harish hai, aaj apni life ki ek sabse khoobsurat ghatna aap sab ke liye le kar aaya hoon. Jise padh kar aap bhi shayad ek baar mast ho kar apne lund ka pani nikal hi loge. Aur mere female dost apni choot me ungliya dal kar apni choot ka pani nikal legi. Toh chaliye main kahani shuru karta hoon. Maine pehle bhi apni kuch kahaniya aap sab ko bta chuka hoon. Jiske liye mujhe aaye din 4-5 mails apne kuch dosto ki aati rehti hai. Sach kehun toh aap ka pyar par kar andar se ek...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Eliza Ibarra Office AssIstants

Eliza Ibarra is doing her best at work, but she can’t help making mistakes, which really upsets her boss, Tyler Nixon. He warns her that her job performance better improve, and walks out of the office. But as much as Eliza wants to do a good job, she’s so turned on by Tyler that she can’t focus, rubbing her little pussy underneath her desk. Later that day, Tyler comes back in. Horny out of her mind and eager to make up for her poor performance, Eliza bends her juicy ass over...

3 years ago
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Learning CurveChapter 9

The following morning, Alena flipped through a psychology text, trying to concentrate on the pretentious jargon, but she was distracted by having to ask Ellie if she wanted to take part in what had to be a massive orgy with them as centerpieces. After a few more minutes she tossed the book aside. It's useless, she thought, I can't get any real work done until I resolve my problem with that couple. Alena pulled on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt and headed out to grab a quick sandwich...

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"Hello?" ...[pause]... "He can't come to the phone just now, Ginger; I'm making his lunch. Can I help you?" ...[longer pause]... "Oh, yes, I remember, he mentioned it last week. This Saturday, you say... What time does it start?" ...[pause]... "Oh, that's much too late, Ginger; that's almost his bedtime. And when does it end?" ...[pause]... "Oh, good gosh, no! He won't be able to keep his eyes open. And he can't drive. How would you two get there? And how would he get home?"...[pause;...

1 year ago
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08 TogetherChapter 34

Flashback – Jack and Ben – The trip to hell ... Ramadi I couldn't believe my phone call with Masha - she sounded terrible and cried the whole time. It was so bad I actually considered going to Colonel Maggie and telling her the truth about the MRI and my back. However, I also realized that my medical retirement pay would never cover our expenses: Yeah, I was up fuck creek without a fucking paddle. When I got back to the room, Banzai took one look at me and asked... Jack looked like hell...

2 years ago
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The Fathers Day Gift

We pull into the driveway and I breathe a sigh of relief. We’ve been away for two weeks…a wonderful Florida vacation to kick off the summer, but our eight hour drive home turned into eleven due to some ridiculous traffic in Atlanta, and I am completely exhausted. My only saving grace is that the kids went home with my parents, so at least we’ll have the rest of the night to ourselves. We unload the essentials from the car, vowing to finish the rest in the morning, and drag our tired bodies into...

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Addicted To Wild Sex

Nenu mummy sister and daddy, this is my family. Nenu 12th class chadivetappudu first time oka nallati madda nu chusanu. Nenu na friends tho kalisi chaduvukuneki na friend veena intiki vellanu, veena daddy maaku maths lo doubts vaste cheppevadu, nenu uncle pakkana kurchoni problems chestu unte uncle lungi gaaliki paiki lechindi koncham, nenu chussi chudanattu alage unnanu,malli koncham lechindi appudu chusanu,, uncle madda chinnaga nallaga nalla tolu kappukoni undi, nenu uncle maddane chustu...

2 years ago
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Der Sklave meiner Sekretarin Story in German

Der Sklave meiner Sekret?rin (Muriell 2007)FF/m, Humliation, Femdom, Feet, Stockings, Socks, Spanking, AgeplayGedankenverloren stand Peter Kaiser an der Strassenecke Maximilianstrasse, Lindenstrasse und betrachtete die noble Fassade des neuen, grossen Gesch?ftshauses. Es war sein neuer Firmensitz, der vor wenigen Wochen erst fertiggestellt wurde. Es war sein Werk, sein ?Kind?. Wohl das, was man eine klassische?Juppykariere? nennen k?nnte. Peter Kaiser war mit seinen 23 Jahren bereits eine fixe Gr?...

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Below is a description of a few girls you can play as, through out the duration of the story. Blair Flannigan-18 years old. She had a crush on Jaden until she found he was dating, one of Alexis's bestfriends named Vivian. Serenity Wheeler-She is also 18 years old and never has had been with anyone. When she was 15 she had lost her brother Joey to the shadow games. Jasmine-She is 19 years old and has been all alone. Until age 5 when Chancellor Shepard took her in. When she was six she met Alexis...

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The New Daughter of the Magai Syndicate

Author's note: This story is set in Mexico, but due to not knowing any Spanish (and not trusting google translate for a literary piece), all dialogue should be assumed to be spoken in Spanish unless specified to be anything else. Now, on with the story! *-*-*-*-*-* The De Nada Diner was as quiet as always. It was to be expected, since there were only four tables in total. Lucas Soto was currently the only person in the establishment, and was having his usual dinner of steak...

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