Distant Cousin Ishita Banged On A Rainy Night
- 3 years ago
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Chapter Four – Tequila Rose
That evening Sabbina once more settled into the bed in the mirrored pyramid. As she sipped her drink and ate the magic mushrooms Peter attached the electrodes to her head. ‘If they’ve registered nothing unusual so far it would seem they are a waste of time,’ she said
‘No way. Even a lack of evidence tell us something. . . . . And have you decided on where and when you will concentrate tonight?’
‘I thought to make it as different as I could and try for the early days of the American wild west.’
‘Good idea. . . . Right that’s done,’ he grinned, ‘Sweet dreams.’
She settled back and closed her eyes ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As Clint went to feed the horses, a brief breeze swept through the door of their sod cabin and struck chill on Rose’s bare, damp skin. With a quick shudder she slowly started dressing, her mind reviewing the events of the past hour – the feel of his warm flesh on her body, his palms weighing her breasts, his finger tips hardening her nipples, his lips exploring the satin of her inside thighs and, finally the tight grasp of her cunni squeezing his seed from him. It had been pleasant, it had filled a need, but what had become of the joy, the ecstasy, she was supposed to feel.
She gazed idly out of the meagre window to where the early morning mist covered the plain, hiding the distant mountains and confined their universe to a few hundred yards. She’d clearly made a mistake. Was it in choosing to marry? Using him as her escape from an overbearing preacher father. But she’d had little option, since he was the best of a poor selection. Maybe, in time, she would come to respect him, even love him, but for now she was unsatisfied. It might, after all, have been better to wait and hope for a real man to come along.
Or possibly her error was in insisting that he whisk her straight from the wedding onto the stagecoach and out west to this isolated homestead. She was finally free from her father’s evangelistic fervour, but at what a price. Already, after only a month, the prospect of a future of lonely drudgery was more than she could bear. She accepted that life was also hard for him, especially compared to the ease of his clerk’s job back east. But he was young, not as young as her, but young enough to adapt. His muscles were hardening already.
She watched him stride toward the barn, the bucket of feed heavy on one arm, the other holding his gun – though he carried that more in hope of a rabbit than any expectation of needing it, cougars were scarce, Indians long gone to reservations, they owned nothing to tempt bandits. He turned the corner of the barn.
‘Hold it! Drop the Winchester. Arms above your head.’ The unexpected command carried faintly.
A figure moved out of the shadows, its Colt a dull gleam. ‘Sonny, get his gun.’ A second figure moved from behind the barn door, reached down, and snagged the rifle.
The one with the six shooter was tallish, raw-boned, with a couple of days of dusty greying stubble decorating his chin. The other, Sonny, was a mere stripling, barely her age of eighteen.
‘Who’s in the cabin?’ The voice was husky from long hours on the trail.
‘Only my wife.’ Clint was nervous.
‘Good. Lead the way. Sonny you help Dan.’ He gestured with the Colt for Clint to start back to the cabin.
As they turned a third figure shuffled from the barn. This one was three or four years older than Clint and, like the other two, covered in trail dust. He carried his left arm in a makeshift sling liberally spotted with dried blood.
‘No sweat Tad. It’s my shoulder that got hit, not my legs,’ the figure said.
Menaced by the gun Clint started back to the cabin. If he hadn’t been so occupied using her, Rose thought, he might have heard their horses. Though she doubted he could have done anything, he was – had been – a clerk, not a fighter.
As they entered she stared at them, green eyes wide, her fists tightly clasping the cloth of her pinafore.
‘Good day to you, Mam.’ The leader removed his Stetson with his left hand revealing grizzled, greying hair.
‘I’m sure sorry to bother you, but Dan here got hiself shot by the posse, and we need to rest a while. Also we sure could do with some coffee and a flapjack or two. If yew would kindly oblige.’ He glanced at Sonny, ‘Take your eyes off her – yew’ve seen a skirt afore. Go find some rope. I can’t stand here all day with my gun on this one.’
‘But she sure is purty. Reckon I can’t wait to get a piece of that.’
‘Yew’ll wait for as long as I say. Now get him roped up.’
They all just stood while Sonny found a hank of rope and hog-tied Clint – first binding his ankles together then stringing them up behind him and roping them to his hands. Unable to move he was laid on the dirt floor, against the wall.
‘What about that grub, Mam.’ Tad reminded her as he took off his long leather coat and chaps.
Rose turned to the stove, her auburn hair trailing, still tousled, to her waist. Briskly she fastened it back with a scrap of ribbon, her fingers combing out the worst of the tangles that had been created as Clint took her. Would she have to endure that Sonny between her legs, she trembled at the thought.
The one they called Dan only had coffee – his wound was obviously troubling him – but the other two ate as if they had been on short rations awhile.
Afterwards Tad looked at Rose, ‘Where d’yew keep the whisky?’
‘We don’t. You’ll find no demon drink in this house.’ It might have been her preacher father speaking.
‘Is that so. Well Sonny, I reckon yew’all are due a walk. Go look in my saddle bag. There’s a bottle of tequila I been saving. Don’t yew drink none, it’s for Dan here. We gotta get that bullet out.’ He stretched and meeting Dan’s eyes said, ‘Yew ready fur it?’
‘As much as I ever will be. It’s got to be done, but don’t hurry, wait till the drink gets me.’ His tone was low with an educated slant.
Sonny returned with two bottles. ‘You’re not alone in keeping a spare.’
‘Give one to Dan. Don’t yew touch the other till we be finished. . . . Mam, get me a bowl of hot water and a sharpening stone.’
When Rose took the steaming bowl to the table he was sharpening a hunting knife on the stone while Dan was guzzling one of the bottles of tequila. Sonny sat, his chair tilted back, tracking her with lascivious eyes.
‘Here let me do it. I helped the local doctor for a while,’ she offered, anything to keep occupied and away from Sonny.
‘What yew reckon, Dan?’
Dan mumbled vaguely, the drink had worked quickly on his empty stomach.
‘Sonny, grab his legs. We’ll put him on the bed.’
Tad and Sonny lifted Dan and laid him on the edge of the double bed.
‘Sit him up while I take off his shirt.’ Rose told them. Together they propped Dan against the bed head. Gently she removed the sling and then the black wool shirt to expose the blood-caked wound. Carefully she washed the blood away.
‘Knife,’ she held out her hand. Tad gave her the sharpened blade.
‘Tequila,’ she took the bottle from Sonny, who was looking to drink a few ounces, and poured some over the blade.
‘Why you wasting good licker?’ Sonny demanded.
Rose ignored him as she carefully probed the entry hole till she felt the bullet. ‘Not very deep,’ she observed.
‘Naw, reckon it was a ricochet,’ Tad said.
‘You awake?’ she pinched Dan’s cheek. The only reply was a drunken snore.
‘Right, hold him tight.’ Rose carefully worked the knife under the lead and eased it to the surface amidst a flow of fresh blood. ‘There it is,’ she dropped the bullet into the bowl of water. ‘Now put a pad over the hole and hold it till the bleeding stops.’
Tad lowered Dan to lie flat along the side of the bed and pressed the cloth to his shoulder. Rose collected the bowl of now bloody water and Dan’s shirt.
Sonny followed her and, taking advantage of her loaded hands, pinched her ass then put his arms round her and grasped her breasts.
‘Take your hands off my wife,’ Clint shouted.
‘Come and stop me,’ Sonny taunted the roped figure by the wall.
Tad was annoyed. ‘Sonny! I warned yew. Keep yer hands off her till I say yer can. Now go and feed the horses.’
‘What yew waiting fur?’ Sonny stormed angrily out of the cabin.
‘Thank you,’ Clint said.
‘Yew keep yur mouth shut or I’ll gag yew. She’ll be fucked as and when I say.’ Tad turned to the bed. ‘Come here . . . Rose.’ Together they looked at Dan. ‘He should be able to ride in a few days,’ Tad opined, then turned and studied her. ‘Now take that dress off.’
Rose just stared at him uncertainly.
‘Yew don’t want me to rip it off, do yew?’
Reluctantly she unfastened her pinafore, reached behind her and unbuttoned her gingham dress, then pulled it up over her head.
‘Now yur shift.’
Slowly she also pulled that over her head. He moved close and gently swept her long hair back over her shoulders exposing her ripe young breasts. Taking one and weighing it in his palm, his thumb traced its upper curve and then its large firm point. He felt her nipple rise and harden. His hands dropped to the string of her drawers, untied them, and pulled them down to her ankles.
Naked she stood shivering before him. It was wrong, she had a husband, she should resist him. But Clint was only half a man, this Tad might be a villain but he was also a real man – her body lusted for him.
He lifted and placed her, naked, alongside Dan who snored drunkenly, the pad on his wound held in place by his belt. She watched as Tad slipped his suspenders from his shoulders and lowered his pants. Clint, unable to intervene, closed his eyes.
As Tad mounted her, she eagerly raised her knees and opened her legs. With one hand she traced the lips of her cunni to check that she was wet enough to accept him, with the other felt for his tool to prepare him. As he sucked her buds and his unshorn cheeks prickled her tits, her hand closed round his shaft. She was surprised how small it was – it made Clint’s cock seem big. She rubbed him until she felt he could grow no longer then guided him inside. She took all of him yet still felt half empty. As he slid in and out she clenched her pussy muscles without avail. He seemed barely to have started when his sperm burst within her. All too soon he pulled out and rolled off. She felt cheated and unsatisfied, after all her expectations of a real fuck she’d hardly been aroused, she’d had no orgasm – was this the best she could expect?
As he stood pulling up his pants the cabin door opened and Sonny returned.
‘Please, not him,’ Rose begged.
‘Tough, Missy. I can only control him a piece. Anyways his bite ain’t nearly so bad as his bark. He only ever hurt one skirt that I knowd of, and she be somewhat young and don’t tell him he’s her first.’
He looked at Sonny. ‘Those horses awright?’
‘Yus, I turned them out to graze. They be all tuckered out, but I reckon they should be right for that job tomorer.’
‘We’ll have to talk about that. Be tricky without Dan along. Anywise yew get your oats first, then we’ll plan. She be really something that one, ain’t enjoyed me a skirt so much in years.’
Sonny sauntered to where Rose lay, a blanket wrapped round her. He started to pull the cloth from her, but she gripped its edge tightly. After a brief tug he let go and lightly slapped her face, ‘Don’t yew make me angry, yew can’t win.’
Rose realised she couldn’t stop him, better just to go passive and let him do what he wanted – get it over with, if she fought him he could hurt her even more. She relaxed her grip and he swiftly stripped the cover from her.
He contemplated her naked form for several long moments, ‘Dang me if that aint the purtiest pussy I ever did see.’
Without taking his eyes from her body he shed his chaps and pants, then forcefully pinned her to the bed and climbed on top of her. Instinctively she clamped her long legs together, but he gripped her knees and pulled her thighs apart, knelt between them and nudged her entrance with his cock. He pushed her legs wider then, heedless as to whether she was wet, held her spread and forced his way in. Rose cried out at the sudden pain.
‘Like it, don’t you bitch?’ he asked as he pulled part way out then quickly thrust home, completely filling her. Fortunately she was still damp from Tad. Soon he built up a rhythm, sheathing and unsheathing his whole length in her. To her surprise she was enjoying him, his cock did feel good in her cunni, she moaned and pushed back at him on each stroke.
Tad leant back in the rocking chair. ‘Ride her cowboy.’
‘Oh, God. Yes, yes, yes.’ Rose was moaning now as she approached her climax, while Sonny rammed her harder, his breath coming in short gulps. Fervently she tightened her cunni, grasping and squeezing his tool. Suddenly, noisily, they came together.
He lay on top of her for a while recovering. She wanted to thank him, it had been better than anything her husband had given her, but she kept quiet, it might encourage him and would definitely upset Clint who, though trying to ignore her ravishing, must have heard her cries of pleasure.
Dressed again Sonny sat on the side of the bed .
Later there was quiet for a space as, temporarily satisfied, Tad and Sonny drowsily drank and rested, Dan gently snored while Rose, wrapped in an old, woollen robe, busied herself tidying the dishes before preparing another pot of coffee.
With a deep groan Dan stirred and opened his eyes. ‘Hades, my head,’ he said.
‘That’s the tequila,’ Tad told him. ‘Some of Rose’s coffee will see yew right. . . . How’s the shoulder?’
Dan carefully moved it a fraction. ‘Sore, but no great pain. Give me a couple of days and I can try the trail.’
‘But what about the plan for tomorer?’ Sonny asked Tad.
‘Don’t knows as if we can have one,’ he replied. ‘Timing would be ideal. Hit the bank agin while the posse’s still out hunting us. But it’s a three man job. Two inside and one to hold the horses and keep watch. But Dan here aint fit to ride so there’s only us two.’
‘I could hold the horses.’ Clint said.
‘You’ll do no such thing.’ Rose was furious. ‘You think you can rob a bank and come back here as if nothing’s happened. They’ll catch up with you anyway.’
‘Wouldn’t come back here. I’ve had this farming shit. Reckon I’d take me to the West Coast.’
‘And what about me?’
‘And what about you? You can come if you wish. If not I can find me another gal in Angeles, you’re all the same in the sack.’
‘You’re no great catch yourself. Look at you, roped up like some steer. You’re just bitter because I didn’t struggle to stop Tad and Sonny having me.
‘Whoa! You two,’ Tad intervened. ‘I haven’t said we would take you.’
‘Why don’t we?’ Sonny said. ‘It’s simple enough.’
Tad considered Clint for a while. ‘Okay, you’re on. Once Dan’s fit to ride he can meet up with us at . . . Redtop Rock.’ He turned to Dan ‘Reckon yew can find that?’
Dan thought. ‘Guess so.’
‘But the horses aint rested yet.’ Sonny said.
‘I knows that but if we take it real easy till dark, then come the morning they should be recovered, and we only have a short ride to town. Means we can get there early and scout the bank for a whiles.’
Tad went over to Clint and untied the rope. ‘Yew’ve got time for one for the road, if you want her. Dan keep your eye on him, see he don’t back out. Cummon Sonny, lets go and saddle up.’ Without a backward glance they left, slamming the door behind them.
Clint rose stiffly to his feet. As he stretched his cramped muscles he reflectively looked Rose up and down.
‘No you don’t.’ She said. ‘You go with them, then you don’t get to jump my bones
‘Who wants to? You never were much good in the sack. Reckon I’ll find me one that’s nice and tight when I gets to the coast.’ He paused. ‘On the other hand that could be a whiles, so I reckon I just might give you a going away present.’
Still tight muscles making him a little clumsy he stepped toward her. Rose backed away toward the stove and clutched an iron skillet. As he got close she raised it threateningly. With a sudden lunge he grabbed and twisted her arm causing her to drop the heavy metal. Still gripping her he dragged her to the bed and pushed her onto it.
Holding her down with one hand he unfastened his belt and dropped his jeans. Lifting her robe he forced her thighs apart and positioned his cock at her slit. As he drove into her she reached beneath him, grabbed his balls and squeezed hard. He shrieked.
Keeping a tight grip she slid off his cock and wriggled out from under him.
‘What the Hades?’ Dan exclaimed.
‘You keep out of this,’ Rose told Dan.
She looked at Clint whose face was grey and contorted with pain. ‘What an apology for a husband. Get another woman. Huh, you’ve no idea how to treat one. Not once have you satisfied me. Get out, I’ve done with you.’
She dodged the half swing he threw at her and squeezed his gonads harder. He whimpered with pain. Abruptly she let go. ‘Get out! I never want to see you again.’
Gingerly he crouched and pulled up his pants. Dan looked at him and picked up his Colt. ‘Don’t think of it, just get going.’
All was quiet following Clint’s departure, Dan just sat nursing his sore shoulder while Rose stared into space and wondered what she would do now she was alone.
After a while Dan said, ‘Some food would be nice.’
Rose stirred and began unthinkingly to tidy the cabin, feed the stove, and fill the coffee pot. ‘There’s only flapjacks, or maybe a plain omelette,’ she told him.
‘Doesn’t matter. Anything to fill the hole behind my belt.’
She watched him as he struggled one-handed to eat the food. Should she help him? Cut it into bite-sized pieces he could easily spoon up? No, he had his pride. Though he didn’t seem as rough and simple as Tad and Sonny. ‘How come you ride with them two?’ She asked.
‘Long story,’ he said. ‘I was doing okay playing the tables on the river boats back east, when I made the mistake of cleaning out a high rolling gambler called Duke O’Leary. He took it bad and with a few chums rigged a game, then accused me of cheating. I was lucky to get away in one piece. I rode west, but my stake was soon running low since no-one wanted to have a hand of cards with me – reckon they had me pegged as a professional. Which, of course, I am. Then I met up with those two and it seemed they offered the only way to recoup my fortunes. Hasn’t turned out too well.’
‘Didn’t think you was quite like them,’ she said. ‘You can stay awhile, if you wants. With that apology of a husband gone I’ll need a man around the place.’
‘Not my scene. The Good Lord made me a gambler. I need the kick, the excitement. I’ll take it kindly if I can rest up a day or so then I’ll head out to the West Coast. . . . . You can ride along if you want.’
She suddenly realised he was offering her a way out of the toil and drudgery that a few hours ago was all she had to look forward to. ‘What other choice do I have?’
‘Can’t promise you high fashion crinolines, though I’ll do my best. Perhaps having you as my woman will change my luck. . . . Is there any of that tequila left for a toast to us?’
‘You know I don’t believe in it?’
‘I understand, but don’t get extreme. It’s all right in moderation. You need to know thine enemy. Come, just one won’t hurt you.’
‘If you insist.’
‘Good, that’s my Rose, my ‘Tequila Rose’. Now let’s see how well we suit each other.’ He put his good arm round her, his hand on the back of her neck and pulled her toward him. His lips found hers, gently at first then with increasing urgency. Instinctively she parted her lips and felt his tongue enter and explore her mouth. He felt a need in her, a desire not just to be entered but to be loved and reassured. He plastered her face with little kisses, the damaged arm in its sling pressed hard against her firm boobs.
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Chapter Two – Serena and the Duke Carefully Sabbina lays back on the bed, it wouldn’t do to tangle the wires from the electrodes taped to her head. The mushrooms are already clouding her vision and making her disorientated. Incoherent images float in the peak of the mirrored pyramid which encloses her. She feels her consciousness dissolving into the fog ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The morning was bright, hot for the time of year, a lovely day. But still Serena was despondent, could not join in the...
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The party was in full swing, with a modicum of celebrities from the sports world and the entertainment industry, and unfortunately also, their cadre of hangers-on, which included a few drug pushers. Cocaine was the optimum drug choice for two main reasons: it didn't emit aromas that might serve as probale cause, and only a "consumption amount" was there, easy to flush, if necessary. Stuffy neighbors are more likely to rat out these types of parties when they are not invited, and they...
As the craft drifted out to sea. Jason asked Enoch where their next stop was to be. "Dover," Enoch said abruptly. "Dover?" Jason reacted. "What the hell made you think of Dover, Delaware? Has it anything to do with it being our first state?" The craft quickly gained speed and remained less than a hundred feet off the surface of the ocean, but it turned northeast, up the coast, not south! Eli was smiling, waiting for these two geniuses to figure it out, and Kelso caught on,...
The Saudi Arabian government, whether being progressive or just wanting to show up the American President, or both, gave permission to use their air space, but not during Ramadan. That aside, Kelso and Jason were told that they needed to remain anonymous this trip because there was no offer to inseminate, and they weren't able to act like subjects of Islam. But this part of Enoch's & Eli's trip backfired. Not that they didn't know how perform a hadj, they never got the chance. The...
Despite all their machinations, Eli and Enoch were convinced that their Earth experiment was a total failure - that no amount of apparent foreknowledge could change the minds of those that were already closed permanently. Religious zealots of every ilk had made sure that the conflagration predicted by some ancient works would definitely come to pass, sooner or later, and nothing was going to change it. There was no preventing anything from destroying the Earth - plans A and B were...
Meeting of the Minds Part One: The IntroductionHe watched her for months, he knew what stores she shopped at, where her friends lived, he knew more about her than he should have. He couldn't help it, he was obsessed, and the more he knew about her, the more intrigued he became, and the better his plan at abducting her developed. He calculated the steps she took every Tuesday morning from her car to the entrance of Curves. Her bi-weekly one hour work-out with her best friend Beth. He knew...
Meeting of the Minds Part One: The IntroductionHe watched her for months, he knew what stores she shopped at, where her friends lived, he knew more about her than he should have. He couldn't help it, he was obsessed, and the more he knew about her, the more intrigued he became, and the better his plan at abducting her developed. He calculated the steps she took every Tuesday morning from her car to the entrance of Curves. Her bi-weekly one hour work-out with her best friend Beth. He knew...
AF Changing of Minds by Lorna Samuels Prelude: Interaction with the Medallion of Zulo inevitably wreaks havoc on otherwise mundane lives, each of whom must deal with its consequences in their own ways. This is the story of how one young couple coped. After an early morning feeding, the new mother detached her sleeping newborn from her breast and settled the 5-month-old baby girl into her crib. She paused and watched as little Carrie slept, sighing with a deep soul pleasing...
This is is a compilation of stories about the TV show Criminal Minds. The Characters aren't mine and these stories have nothing to do with the show.
Changing Minds by TGBear "You are such a slut." It was an old argument now. I tried not to rise to the bait, no matter which "button" she pushed. "I can't believe you're actually going out dressed like that. It's obscene." I looked across our bedroom at her, my face expressing my inability to understand what was pissing her off so much. "Are you trying to get laid? No, that's not right. How many times are you going to get fucked tonight?" "One less that you want." I...
“Dad? Hello?” I found myself being pulled out of my daydream by the voice of my daughter. “Huh? I'm sorry sweetie, what were you saying?” “God dad why do you always zone out when I'm talking to you? You shouldn’t be thinking about the waitress and her huge tits, that's what mom is for.” “Watch your mouth Elise, I'm your father! You're not supposed to talk to me like that.” I retorted to the girl sitting in the booth with me. As you can obviously tell, this is my daughter Elise. She just turned...
Incest“I still can’t believe you managed to convince me to do this.” She frowned at him slightly. “You know I’d never normally wear something like this.” She gestured towards her top, a thin white shirt that clung to her figure, with a deep plunging neckline, over which her black bra could just be seen to be peeking out, and a decorative edge. Sleeveless and only as low as her navel, it afforded little protection, but that was exactly why he wanted her to wear it. “You didn’t take much convincing...
ExhibitionismMarch 23, 1997, London, England After Jiang made her request to walk with me and said I could buy her an ice lolly, I stole a quick glance at Pippa who showed only a hint of a smile, but her eyes gave away the fact that she’d told her ‘best friend’ about our encounter. To me, mentioning an ‘ice lolly’ was tantamount to a declaration that Pippa had done exactly what I suspected, and Pippa’s look confirmed it. And I had the sneaking suspicion that inviting Jiang had been, in effect, a...
Fantastic. This is a short, quick... what's the definition, "suck and fuck"? Anyways, read the tags before you read just in case. I don't want anyone flipping their shit. Sherlock fanfic. Holmescest. The gayest thing I've written yet. (In the good way, of course.) This monstrosity is based off of BBC's Sherlock written by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. And that is based off the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. --- Mycroft Holmes was commonly referred to as the British...
Introduction: When Sherlock is crashing down, his brother is always there to save him. Woah, probably the most controversial thing Ive done. Fantastic. This is a short, quick… whats the definition, suck and fuck? Anyways, read the tags before you read just in case. I dont want anyone flipping their shit. Sherlock fanfic. Holmescest. The gayest thing Ive written yet. (In the good way, of course.) This monstrosity is based off of BBCs Sherlock written by Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss. And...
"It's alright, Teddy. You go right ahead and tell, Mr. Brian." Brian smiled across from the two ladies in front of him. He had already met Mrs. Katarine a few days ago. She had told him everything already, but Brian wanted to hear it firsthand. It was an interesting situation. Mrs. Katarine was beautiful, but her husband put her to shame. He was a blond bomb-shell. His make-up was delicately done in a 50s style. His wig gave him an appearance of a blonde Bettie Page. His...
Part One: The Introduction He watched her for months, he knew what stores she shopped at, where her friends lived, he knew more about her than he should have. He couldn't help it, he was obsessed, and the more he knew about her, the more intrigued he became, and the better his plan at abducting her developed. He calculated the steps she took every Tuesday morning from her car to the entrance of Curves. Her bi-weekly one hour work-out with her best friend Beth. He knew which brand of...
I want you. I haven’t seen you in four days, seventeen hours, and approximately thirty-nine minutes, and my body is craving your touch. I’ve told you, via the all-too-convenient resources of the internet and the phone, how I’ve spent the week torturing myself. Sure, I attend classes, but you can bet that my mind has constantly been elsewhere. I’m always imagining what would happen if I came home from my sociology class and found you lounging on my futon, or what would happen if I happened to...
EroticI’m sitting in my car, nursing a super-size diet soda and eating carrot sticks when I see her walk out of the main entrance of the mall. She’s in the dappled shadows of the fancy lattice portico for the first thirty feet or so, delaying my efforts to evaluate her suitability. As last she breaks out into the late morning sunlight of this cloudless July Saturday. Decades of serious girl watching allow me to size her up quickly through the heavily tinted windows of my nondescript sedan. She’s the...
Part One: The Introduction He watched her for months, he knew what stores she shopped at, where her friends lived, he knew more about her than he should have. He couldn't help it, he was obsessed, and the more he knew about her, the more intrigued he became, and the better his plan at abducting her developed. He calculated the steps she took every Tuesday morning from her car to the entrance of Curves. Her bi-weekly one hour work-out with her best friend Beth. He knew which brand of feminine...
Fetish“Warren, you have been fucking our daughter. I want a divorce.” Audra Blake turned back to the stove and turned the eggs. He looked at her fat ass outlined by the tight drawn robe. He stared at her bloated, fish white body and wondered for the hundredth, perhaps the thousandth time, What’s going to kill her first, her insanity or all that fat? I don’t have time for all this shit. “In the first place I have not fucked Leila. The most we have ever done is fool around a little. She likes it...
It starts sometime that morning. As you stumble out of bed to the noise of your alarm clock, you wish that it would just shut up. To your surprise, it stops mid-tone, not continuing like it usually does. You brush it off, thinking that it's probably just a malfunction. "Great, John, looks like you'll have to get a new alarm clock soon," you think, stepping into the shower. The water starts and stops when you turn the knob, despite the fact that you've paid your bills. It's not a great part of...
Mind ControlWith help from the neighbors, the rubble left after the fire was gone by the end of the week. All that remained was a large cement slab with a ten-foot cement brick wall on one side. Cade had no idea how to rebuild a structure like the one he had lost. The garage had been there for a long time, and his property looked barren without it. He began to realize as the days passed, that he would need to figure out a way to deal with Drake Pennington soon, before he lost something else. Cade...
by Robin He padded into the room, paused and glanced at the people, who stared back at him with baleful looks. The room held three strangers; his mistress and a fourth, shadowy figure in an alcove that he couldn't quite make out. His olfactory senses informed him of the charged atmosphere. Mingled with the familiar aroma of sex and pheromones was apprehension, even a little fear. The perfumes worn by them did little to hide the musk of sweat and aroused glandular activity. His nose told him...
“I still can’t believe you managed to convince me to do this.” She frowned at him slightly. “You know I’d never normally wear something like this.” She gestured towards her top, a thin white shirt that clung to her figure, with a deep plunging neckline, over which her black bra could just be seen to be peeking out, and a decorative edge. Sleeveless and only as low as her navel, it afforded little protection, but that was exactly why he wanted her to wear it. “You didn’t take much convincing...
You hear the ding of the elevator as you reach your floor. As the doors open, you eagerly take in the sight of what is now the office you'll be working in. You were excited when you were notified of your assignment to the BAU, because of how unique the job was, but also because it was known throughout the Bureau as an elite team of crime fighting experts. The opportunity was impossible to resist. You step into the room, gazing out at your surroundings. Four agents sit at desks in the middle of...
You awoke and saw a plain letter on your desk. Feeling groggy as if you had a tiring dream, you get up anyway to investigate the letter. "To whom it may concern, Congratulations! In a random selection of people, you have become the lucky successor in receiving the power to inhabit another living person's body. Use this power as you wish. In order to use this power, you must first have a strong desire to enter the person's body and then have any sort of physical contact with them. To leave, all...
FetishI was visiting one of my best friends, Mike. He was a skinny guy like me, with very long hair. We were school mates, nineteen years old tough guys. Problem was, he was a d**g addict and I went over to make sure he was ok once in a while. And usually he was fine. He shagged all the sexiest girls in school, and looked like prince. But a bit, or very androgyne ... I loved the guy. As I arrived at his house, I spotted this perfect, big black Chevy Stingray outside. I thought it just was one of his...
The sun filtering through the windows warmed the air inside my bookshop. I had always loved this time of the year. It brought back good memories of my childhood. The sunshine helped to lift my mood and to shake off the winter sadness. Anyway, at this time in my life, I was feeling really quite good about everything. As the day wore on, the volume of people visiting the shop increased in volume. Through experience of the retail trade, I had noted that the earlier times of the day were usually...
He padded into the room, paused and glanced at the people that stared back at him with baleful looks. Three strangers, his mistress and a shadowy figure in an alcove who he couldn't quite make out. His olfactory senses informed him of the charged atmosphere. Mingled with the familiar aroma of sex and pheromones were undertones of apprehension, even a little fear. The perfumes worn by them did little to hide the musk of sweat and aroused glandular activity. His nose told him of these things and...
WAYNE: I slowly lowered my cock to my wife's waiting lips. I held my breath, hoping that this time she would not shy away, but would accept my throbbing member into her mouth. As my cock hovered just above her lips, she slowly opened her mouth and extended her tongue for a quick swipe at the tip. Even that little bit felt so very good and made my cock jump just slightly. She looked up at me and smiled. "You really like this, don't you?" How could I tell her I had been waiting 20 years for...
When the four women met in Toni's office, they settled down quickly, opening sacks and handing sandwiches around. Toni said, "Okay, who's in charge?" Jenny spoke up. "I want to talk about something else. Either now, or later, but I don't want to miss it." "Go ahead..." "Get it off your chest..." "Do it now, might as well." "Well, I want to talk about what happened while you guys were gone. I started telling Dana, but she suggested I wait and we'd all talk about it." She...
There was a woman I would encounter with some regularity in a free party line, who would go private with me and get into some amazingly HOT play. She was a 'switcher', that is she could be very submissive, and very dominant. We were not into the so-called abusive play, but into the sensual instruction type. This woman would get her videos on, typically of lesbian sex, get her toys out and call the line, and spend hours masturbating with people. Every time we played, it was lengthy, seductive,...
John Decker woke gradually, but at a certain point unease gripped him as the new reality came flooding back to him. The world was now run by Them. They were all sweet and friendly and said they would take care of him and the others who weren't part of Them. They would just read their minds to figure out what they needed. His job had disappeared, but what he needed would now be provided without regard to money. He could pay at a restaurant if he really wanted to, the waitress would tell him...
Always Keep an Open Mind“Do you ever get that feeling that you just need to find someone for a good, hot fuck?”Kate froze at the coffee machine, hand on the lever. Had she really heard what she thought she’d heard? Turning in place, she directed her best cold glare at the customer on the other side of the counter. “I beg your pardon?” she drawled slowly.The guy gave her a big, unapologetic grin. He looked normal enough: fairly young, average height, slightly shaggy dirty blond hair, in decent...