Distant Cousin Ishita Banged On A Rainy Night
- 3 years ago
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"Lattitude 44.21, longitude 71.6, there is a state monument in grave danger of collapse. Resources appropriated to try to protect that object will be in vain. It is so unstable that it will lead to deaths and recriminations, so we are taking it down for you, simply by deep freezing the most common compound on the planet, thus preventing a worse catastrophe. Your money is better spent in restoration."
"Though we disapprove of graven images of any kind, we observe that you adore them. You even memorialized this old rock formation on recently issued specie," opened the next round of lunar contact, "much like you adore the ones at lattitude 41.9, longitude 103.47, and they all have faces on them."
Even before the president ordered it, assistants were scurrying to find any globe or atlas which might clue them in as to what our visitors were referring.
"Got the 2nd one," yelled one assistant breathlessly, "It's Mount Rushmore!"
"Ohmygod!" mis-grasped the president, "Did they take down Mount Rushmore?"
"No sir," corrected another assistant, "That was the second monument to which they gave us co-ordinates... ah, here it is," he continued, "They took down New Hampshire's famous Old Man of the Mountain. It's a natural rock formation that was put on their state quarters."
"Damn!" hissed the president. "That was a republican state, too!"
"Sir, no one was injured. The formation WAS on collapse alert. They just didn't know how long it would hang on." finished the assistant.
The president ordered, "Somebody has to transmit an atlas file to these jokers so they can stop talking in numbers!"
That was quickly done, and as an after thought, the technician transmitted a copy of the Bible!
The president offered, "Why don't you come on down and we'll talk in person, say we give you co-ordinates..."
The president cut himself off so he could get the co-ordinates to the original ground zero in New Mexico where we detonated the first atomic bomb in 1945.
The speakers crackled, "You've seen too many visual entertainment displays. We are not going to be carted off and dissected like you have done before. We want your media to publish our visitor visas so the world may know we have certain freedoms and rights. Then, we will enter your country where so many countless millions did, at Ellis Island, right behind your greatest graven image that invites travelers like us to join you, even perhaps to immigrate."
"Why Ellis Island?" asked the president.
Came the reply, "It is isolated enough for crowd control. You should of course allow media coverage. We wish that every eye shall see us. After all, we are distant cousins. A great deal of this planet's inhabitants you will recognize as descendants of ours."
"Will you tell us where you're from?" asked the president politely.
"Haven't you even studied our erected pentahedron at longitude... wait, make that Giza?" Enoch sounded disappointed.
"Sorry, but it's in another political subdivision, as you refer to it," said the president. "Does it tell us about you?"
"It is a marker for any other of us who chanced to find this planet. It stands and faces true North & South. It's base is a circle squared. If you travel westward along the angle of this planet's tilted rotational axis of 23.7 degrees from the center of the pyramid, as you call it, you will come to another of our markers, which you call 'Stonehenge'," rattled off Eli.
Unable to resist, the president asked them where would going 23.7 degrees in the other direction take someone.
"That would be Jerusalem," said Enoch perfunctorily, "where others from our world chose to go."
"Oh no!" groaned the president.
"The shaft that points out of the southern face of the pryamid points directly to our home world... or at least, it used to do so. Today, some 12,000 years later, this planet's axial deformation has reduced to 23.4, so there is misalignment." continued Enoch.
The visitors transmitted star charts.
The mad scramble began as people raced through charts, only to be interrupted by the NASA connection. The president FORGOT that NASA was receiving the same transmissions.
"Sir, the star SAIPH, in the Orion system, is what they indicated. It is a white hot star, 720 light years away, which could not support life nearby. They would have to be on a planet many billions of miles away, not likely to be in orbit," spoke the space minder.
"Well, Pluto is 3 billion miles from our sun and IT orbits," countered the president, proud that he knew that.
"Sir, let's say 83 million miles is temperate enough for life from our sun at the closest, and Saiph is 60,000 times hotter than our sun. That would mean their planet should need to be orbiting from 5 trillion miles away or one light year!" finished the geek.
The president ordered his ultra secret groups to commence plan "Warren", named after the Kennedy assassination chief justice. He was distressed that these two jokers could press a button and bring down a mountain, no matter how unstable it might have been. He was determined to confiscate their craft, at the very least, and compare it to the parts we had stored near Groom Lake in area 51.
Meanwhile, the lunar duo agreed to enter New York harbor at noon, seven days hence.
All over the world, references to "all eyes shall see them" and their very names gave biblical prognosticators fodder to predict even more dire fates for everyone.
If they were Eli and Enoch from the bible, Elijah and Enoch are the only two humans in history known to have not yet suffered death during their lifetimes, and the bible states that "it is appointed unto all men to die", thus conjuring up end times variations from everywhere out of the woodwork!
Hello Iss fans, this community is becoming really special to me, I never thought that at this age, I’ll be living a secret life and will actually be having my own private circle of people who share their innermost feelings their deepest secrets without any inhibitions here. Thank you all. About me, I am from Mumbai, age 30, live in Lokhandwala work in a prominent multinational, life is now about working hard meeting deadlines, making money, from a distance my life looks perfect, I have a luxury...
IncestIweko took the water bottle and carefully slipped the straw between the cuts in the veil. Taking her time, she took her drink slowly. Looking around her, Iweko saw that she was not alone. Most of her colleagues were doing the same thing she was doing; slacking off, just waiting for the bell. It might not be the right thing to do, but after a hard shift at the factory all the women, including Iweko, needed a breather for the day ahead. The moment the bell rang, everyone stood up and took off....
Everything had gone terribly wrong, and no amount of explanation would change things. That they were fired upon convinced the duo that their freedom was never an option. They would have to go to plan B. Eli had no trouble piloting the craft up the East River under water, the least likely retreat direction, while USAF aircraft made sweeps up and down the bay and up the Hudson River, albeit fruitlessly. When the visitors were ready, they took to the skies so quickly that no craft, no missiles...
"Let's skip sometime...." I said. "Why that!? What happened in the morning?" Alex asked. "Nothing that important....we woke up, talked about the night, had breakfast...I stayed for lunch and then I went home..." I said. "Boooring.." Alex said. "Why do you think I'm skipping time?" I asked looking at him. "Alright...continue.." he said...Mark was probably half asleep....no matter...I'd continue talking anyway...I know how to be mean...
"Who was your first crush?", "First Kiss! Tell us about it!", "When was the first time you jerked?"...I sincerely have no interest on talking about the past....from where I am standing...the past is something unecessary, expendable...after all everything is already gone....I killed several memories from the moment I got here...but of course...the questions were obviously turned to me..and Alex got the chance to ask me. "Who was your first crush? BOY crush..." He asked... Yeah I...
"Who was your first crush?", "First Kiss! Tell us about it!", "When was the first time you jerked?"...I sincerely have no interest on talking about the past....from where I am standing...the past is something unecessary, expendable...after all everything is already gone....I killed several memories from the moment I got here...but of course...the questions were obviously turned to me..and Alex got the chance to ask me. "Who was your first crush? BOY crush..." He asked... Yeah I...
"You look like some cartoon character!" Alex said. "That because you never saw me fighting..." I said. "I've heard that it's worse..." Mark said laughing a little. "Haha..." I said sarcasticly. "I thought brazilians were good in...other sports like soccer and stuff..." Alex said. "Yeah...half brazilians like Samba too...I don't...and I always hated soccer..." I said. "Are you sure you were born in the right place...?" Mark asked. "I have my doubts..." I...
"You look like some cartoon character!" Alex said. "That because you never saw me fighting..." I said. "I've heard that it's worse..." Mark said laughing a little. "Haha..." I said sarcasticly. "I thought brazilians were good in...other sports like soccer and stuff..." Alex said. "Yeah...half brazilians like Samba too...I don't...and I always hated soccer..." I said. "Are you sure you were born in the right place...?" Mark asked. "I have my doubts..." I...
"Mark...hum...why don't you...you know...pull up your pants...?" I asked. "Oh come on, as if I got something you two don't....if you want you can get naked, I wouldn't even care..." he said trying to explain. "yeah but you have a boner, dunno if we could..." Alex said. "Why? Does it impress you?" He said lifting his eyebrow at us. Alex simply blushed and took off his shirt and his pants, his dick was pulsating inside his underwear and he kept facing Mark with a serious...
"Hey buttface! What are you listening to?" Alex said putting my earplug on. " 'Moves like Jagger' dummy..." I said. "You must love this music..." He said taking it off. "Yeah man, it's almost like...everyday you listening to this..." Mark said. "Well, you two play MW2 like...everyday...so we're even" I said. "No we're not!" Alex said. "Yeah we are" I said dropping him so he could walk. "Aww...I was liking not to walk..." Alex said. "What was that...
"Hey Alex!" I said screaming at him. "Hey Buttface" He said when I got near. "Got anything to do today...besides homework?" I asked. "Nope...well...after class I got robotics club...but that's only 1 hour or so..." he said. "So we can go home togheter...I got sword club anyway..." I said. "So we meet after 3rd class" he said. "Tired?" I asked. "Yeah... a little..." He said. "You can lean over my arm if you want...." I said joking. "Nah...
"So...what were you doing on the chat...?" I asked. "Just horny...and you?" he asked. "I was curious...and...I was kinda surprised that you had pics of yourself to give away" I said. "Those are old...everybody changes...." He said. "Maybe...but you are still chubby to me...." I said smirking to him. "Ugh...you're actually gonna go there 'Mr.4 pack'?" he said rolling his eyes at me. "Duh...of course I am 'Mr.semi-6-pack'..." I said laughing. "You're a...
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As the craft drifted out to sea. Jason asked Enoch where their next stop was to be. "Dover," Enoch said abruptly. "Dover?" Jason reacted. "What the hell made you think of Dover, Delaware? Has it anything to do with it being our first state?" The craft quickly gained speed and remained less than a hundred feet off the surface of the ocean, but it turned northeast, up the coast, not south! Eli was smiling, waiting for these two geniuses to figure it out, and Kelso caught on,...
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At 0800 we were in the cafeteria eating breakfast with the few men who were finishing up. Breakfast was two groups – those that were getting ready to start the day and those who were ending their day. For the first ones, breakfast was at 0500 to 0600; they had to be at their duty post at 0700, giving them a few minutes for the last cup of coffee and to hit the head. Loures was being run like a military base with BJ and JBG modifications. Since there were three shifts of security guards and...
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By: Guru1bca Hi handsome and beautiful readers of ISS, I’m telling my friend story which has really happened. I’m Guru and my close friend shared good and bad with me. And I thank ISS providing me to submit my friend story. I’m Guru still virgin bachelor. And my friend Raju I’m putting his words as it is. Here it starts. I was in my office at that time. I was so engorged in an experience of ladies tailor that I did not came to know somebody was in my cabin I saw she was my office receptionist...
The first thing you have to ask yourself is, who are you Are you an ignorant boy about to be turned into a little cum slut?But then who was there to show you who you really are?Or did you do it to yourself? Or are you already a cum dumpster about to reveal themselves? Or maybe you want to be a slutty crossdresser that's secret gets exposed,one throat fuck at a time?
TranssexualThis story is a work of fiction, it starts slowly, and involves exploring crossdressing and sexual adventures between friends. If this doesn't sound enjoyable you might want to stop right here. Otherwise enjoy :) Chapter 1 It all started two weeks ago. Charlie's monitor had blown as he was finishing up his proposal. The work was still there. Probably? He had to get a new monitor as soon as possible though, his computer was still running and holding the sum total of his last weeks worth of...
We were in his garden, at the back of his house. Or at least, that's what I thought, but everything seemed a bit hazy. Like I couldn't quite focus properly. "I'm right here Isaac." Came the soft yet masculine reply from behind me. I smiled and turned to look into those intense, dark eyes and there he was; my best friend, the coolest person in the world. To me anyway. Immediately I began to relax, having been reunited with Zack. But something was wrong. There was a passion and a...
Josef Samuelson coughed a wracking cough as he slowly walked to the luxury parking garage on Fifth Avenue on the northern edge of Manhattan in New Philadelphia, nervously looking behind and above him. The smog was so thick he needed his sun visors just to be able to open his eyes without them burning. And burning was what his lungs were doing. I had better get out of this mess, he thought as he plunged through the door. It closed behind him with a cool whoosh and a hum as the air purifier...