Discipline Centre 2040 Martha s Penalty
- 4 years ago
- 75
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Alexis was happy… truly, utterly happy for the first time in her life. It was her wedding day, and unlike any other day, nothing could spoil her day. Just as she started to walk down the aisle, noise could be heard outside the cathedral of trees towering over the path she was to take to her soon-to-be husband. She heard swords being drawn, guns fired, people dying all over the place, and she dove to the ground, tearing her wedding gown. Almost as soon as she heard the noises, they died off, leaving a dead silence in the forest. Slowly, she lifted her head, her blond hair a mess, covering her eyes from view, but allowing her golden eyes to see…. a sword pointed at her, sliding under her chin to lift her head up, inexorably drawing her to her feet. Her eyes flashed through her hair, hinting at her dual nature. Iron shackles were placed around her wrists, chains leading from them to men holding her arms outstretched, while another man came up behind her and lifted her from the ground by her arms, his leg sliding between hers, spreading her legs apart. The one that was holding the sword to her moved in closer, his hand shoving her hair from her face, taking in the sign of her dual nature. ‘You will bring in much money for us, girl. Not often you see a demon/angel hybrid. Only one other thing will bring us more money.’ He dropped to his knees, his hand shoving up her dress before his ducked his head, his other hand parting her to his sight. ‘Perfect,’ he said with an evil chuckle, standing up again. ‘Bring her. And no one touches her under penalty of death. Do you understand?’ The men all agreed, dragging Alexis behind them. She stumbled often as she followed them, unable to fight her way free, since her angel side was in full control at the time with her demon side fighting to get loose and wanting to kill.
Slave market day came upon them quickly, Alexis having remained in a cage, chains holding her arms up as she knelt in the cage, unable to stand unless she wanted to be bent over the entire time she was in the cage. She even slept in the same position. Her eyes flashed dangerously whenever anyone came near her cage, determined to fight for her freedom. But soon, men came to her cage, and one opened the door, and they all came in, two of them grabbing the ends of her chains as a third slipped behind her, unlocking her chains from the top of the cage, and then grabbing her legs. The two with the chains headed out first, followed by the one carrying her legs, laying her out flat on her stomach as they carried her to the stage. After getting her on stage, the chains went over a bar, lifting her arms over her head again, and she was forced to her knees. She was once more in the same position as she had been in the cage, but there were more risks to keeping her in this position when she didn’t have a reason to stay on her knees. Kicking off the man holding her legs down, she stood up, tossing her hair from her face defiantly, her eyes glaring at everyone in the crowd. The auctioneer called out loudly. ‘And our final slave today is a spitfire. She is a rare demon/angel hybrid, and she is a virgin. I personally guarantee that no one has touched this one yet, but she will not be an easy slave. She is full of fire, and will need a firm hand to tame her. Let’s open the bidding on this one at 5,000.’ Numbers were called out loudly, the amount rising fast, hitting 20,000… 30,000… 40,000… When would it end?
‘64,000,’ a voice called out suddenly. The human in odd attire wears with weapons walked towards the stage and smiled. His presence reeked of evil intentions and malice. His eyes seemed to send fear into those he glanced at as he slowly stalked closer and closer to her, the bid finally halting on his. His fingers gripping sword on his hip tightly, hoping one would speak a bid higher than his.
Alexis glanced at the male that had just bid, a shiver of fear racing through her as she waited with baited breath to hear the slave master’s words. She didn’t feel fear that often, but when she did, it was for a good reason, and just from the looks of him, she had every reason to fear him.
The slave master looked around at the crowd, seeing no hands raising to raise the bid at all, and called out, ‘Sold for 64,000!’ Turning to the large man, he motioned to the side for payment arrangements, and said, ‘Just take care of the paperwork, and she’s all yours. Oh, and by the way, you might want to be wary of her demon fire.’
Gabranth chuckled softly as he filled out the paperwork and signed a check for her in the amount of money he owed and handed them back to the seller. ‘Demon fire, indeed. Such a weak attack,’ he said to him as he pushed the papers into the man’s chest and walked to her. ‘Well now little one,’ he said to her as his fingers curled to her chin before he slapped her. ‘I own you now and you will listen or you will be punished,’ he said to her his other hand still resting on the hilt of his sword.
Alexis’s head was flung to the side when he slapped her, her eyes narrowing in fury as she kept her eyes averted from him, trying to hide her reaction to his slap. She stayed standing, her hands chained to a bar above her head, though small flames of her hellfire sprang up around her wrists, the chains melting from her. When she was free, she lowered her arms and stood there, flinging her hair back as she glared at him in defiance.
‘Isn’t that a pretty trick,’ he chuckled softly as the butt end of his sword hilt slammed into her gut and he pushed her back to the wall in front off the entire crowd of gathered purchasers to see his fingers gripping what remained of her clothes and striping them off of her. ‘Now you will calm down or I will start doing things your body would rather not have done to it out in public,’ he told her in a frozen cold tone of voice as he sheathed his sword and awaited her answer.
Alexis grunted at his sudden action, bending over her stomach, and then flung back against a wall before he ripped the remnants of her wedding dress from her. She tasted blood in her mouth, and realized her teeth had clamped on her lower lip before he flung her at the wall. She dropped her head, hiding the fury that kept rising, trying to get it under control before she did something more stupid than showing him her defiance. But she was not a meek child to follow along blindly, but rather a grown woman with her own attitude and temperament, both of which came from her demon side. She would refrain from verbally answering him, letting her actions speak for her, and he would be able to read in her body language that she was struggling to control herself.
Gabranth chuckled again watching her struggle for control. He pushed his presence on her. knocking her demonic power out, forcing it to recede as he grabbed her again by her throat and picked her up a little off the ground. ‘Let us leave shall we,’ he said to her as he whispered softly, ‘Elstria hrumina huecnlen,’ and suddenly she felt like she was light as a feather, a boundless weightlessness followed by a sudden and powerful pull and heaviness as they appeared in a large room with white and black marble colored walls and floor a large bed with deep red satin sheets with for long posts and an overhanging canopy of the same red color. He dropped her to the floor her anklet chains still weighted her feet.
Alexis gasped for breath as he picked her up by the throat, wondering what she had done wrong that he was going to kill her. True, she didn’t have herself under complete control, but she was trying to regain her control over herself. She had felt something pressing against her, knowing her demon side on its ass, receding until she called upon it again. His soft whispering of some words was the last thing she remembered of being sold as a slave. Then suddenly, she was in a bedroom, and he dropped her. She lay there, curled up on the floor as she tried to catch her breath once more. Her eyes slid along the floor until she saw his feet, and slowly allowed her eyes to meet hi
s, a question in them.
His appearance shifted before her eyes, his skin darkened his hands grew out long claws, his face became overtaken by armor and horn burst from it, his deep red eyes settling on hers. The sinking evil feeling gripped her as he chuckled. ‘Welcome home, slave,’ he told her as he grabbed her by her breast and forced her to her feet by pinching it and pulling up. It was either stand or have her nipple ripped off.
Alexis watched as he changed in front of her eyes, fear filling her as she realized he was a LOT more powerful than she was, and this was not just a bad dream. She could sense his evil, before he reached for her, but the way he pulled her to her feet was just nailing the coffin shut on the case of how evil he was. She let out a whimper as she rose to her feet, trying to prevent more pain from racing through her.
Elsar snickered at her, ‘Aww, what’s a matter, weak one? Never faced a real demon before?’ He slapped her again as a long red flesh thing burst out of his skin and wrapped around her neck it was slimy and covered in what smelled like blood as it held her up and his clawed hand took her breast and griped it painfully. ‘You are mine, you understand and you will do as I say.’
Alexis’s head snapped to the side as he slapped her again, her fury at his treatment of her flaring to life, though she fought it down, her back stiffening for a moment before relaxing again. Something wrapped around her neck, holding her up as he gripped her breasts painfully, making her fully aware, if she wasn’t already, of who was in charge between them. She had yet to say a word, preferring to keep her tongue in her head, and not wanting to piss him off any further than he already seemed to be, and nodded her head, hanging it low, letting him know she understood, and was lower than anyone else, being just a slave.
He smiled. ‘Good.’ He dropped her back to the floor. ‘You will feed and take bath and drink. And then we will see if I can find a use for you,’ he told her, his voice unlike before, it was deeper, eviler. As he vanished, food replaced his place along with a jug and a large wooden tub full of steaming water.
Alexis fell to the floor when he dropped her, and lay there for a few moments, catching her breath as he spoke, then nodded her understanding of what he wanted her to do. When the tub appeared, she climbed into it, sighing in pleasure at the hot water surrounding her aching body. Her eyes closed as she soaked for a few minutes before opening again as she looked at the food and drink. Her hand rose from the water, and the food and drink rose in the air, slowly moving towards her. She started eating ravenously, almost like a starved wolf, the meat disappearing from the plate faster than anything. Then she took a drink from the jug, before sighing again, sinking slightly further into the water. She slipped under the water for a few seconds, her hands running through her hair, trying to get it wet to wash it as well. Pushing herself back up, she emerged from the water, and washed her body thoroughly and then washed her hair. After rinsing off her body, she washed her hair a second time, making sure to get all the dirt out, and rinsed it carefully, getting all the soap from her hair, then stood up, feeling the water sliding down her body. She stepped from the water and looked for a towel to dry off with, and, finding one, dried herself off then wrapped it around her hair.
When he appeared again with her dried off but still naked, he smiled, uttering his pleasure at the sight of his naked new slave, ‘Mmmm.’ He was in his human form again but he too was naked his body nothing but muscles, iron corded muscles that twitched with need to be used. As he moved behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back to his chest, his shaft pushed apart her ass cheeks as it rested there. He was large, but not huge as most demons are noted for. ‘You have two choices, pleasure me willingly… or be taken,’ he told her as his finger slipped around her nipple, his other resting on her sex. The scene would be romantic, if there were any emotions were between them. He pinched her nipple softly as he waited her answer.
Alexis shivered as he held her close to him. His body felt so strong holding hers, yet she had never been with a male before, and she needed something a little more than being taken, but she didn’t know how to pleasure him. For the first time since he bought her, she spoke, her voice soft and, keeping to her status of a slave, full of fear. ‘Master, I have never been with a male, so I know not how to pleasure you, but I do not want to be taken against my will. I beg your forgiveness for my lack of knowledge on this, and would beg of you to be patient with me while I learn what you like, and how to pleasure you.’ A low moan slipped from her as his fingers pinched her nipple, his other hand so close to her core, resting just barely above it as she leaned herself back against him, leaving herself open to his hands and desires as her eyes closed some.
Gabranth chuckled at this. ‘Good,’ he whispered into her ear as he pulled on her nipple a little, his fingertips squeezing the bud harder and harder till her skin was all that separated them. ‘Virginal demons are rare to come by,’ he whispered to her. ‘It only seems fitting that a demon take that innocent passage from you.’ He leaned a little more into her neck and bit into her skin softly sucking on it before letting up. ‘And have no worries I’ll educate you, in all forms of pleasure.’ She would feel something slimy and cylinder shaped slid around her waist and pull her body harder into his.
Alexis groaned as he pinched her nipple harder and harder. Shivering at his words, she let out a small whine as he bit her neck and sucked on the spot. The suddenness of something wrapping around her waist, pulling her firmly against him, caused her to let out a startled squeak, her fear starting to build inside her again.
Gabrath’s skin started to shift, becoming dark and red, bleeding to the deep crimson. It over took his skin and long claws slipped out of his fingers. The tentacles slipped up and around her breasts and squeezes them hard. ‘Don’t fear, little one, just tentacles.’ He bit harder into her neck, then let his lips go of her.
Alexis glared at the air in front of her, trying to take back control of herself, but his comment about not fearing… it just sent her over the edge. ‘I’m not afraid of the tentacle. I was startled. But I am afraid of what you want to do to me,’ she said as his mouth again bit her neck, causing her to cry out. She pulled away, spinning from the tentacles as she stood defiant in front of him, her hellfire springing up around her, almost like she was covered in it. ‘I’m more scared of the act than the tentacles. And I… I’m sorry, but I can’t be all that willing today. I’m just not that into losing my virginity today.’
‘You have little choice,’ he roared, his full demonic form appearing before her as he shot demon fire at her using it as a projectile. ‘A true demon uses demon fire as a base attack for it is weak.’ He told her as he fired a second volley at her stalking closer and closer.
Alexis flung her hair away from her face, not willing to back down from him, she moved closer, her hellfire seemingly fed by his demon fire missiles, the fire around her getting bigger. She never let on when something got through her hellfire to actually damage her, so it was hard to tell if he was striking her or not. ‘But for me, it protects me, and gets fed from more being thrown at me. I may not be a full demon, but I am a true demon on that side of me.’ Gods how she wanted to hide from him, to go back in time, and hide on her wedding day so that she had never been captured and sold as a slave. But wishes had never come true for her before, why should they now?
Elsar chuckled at her. ‘Not demon fire. Something stronger. Interesting.’ He chuckled and vanished. ‘I’ll let you win with this parting gift.’ Someth
ing burst from the floor, living lighting, and it lunged at her trying to electrocute her, to knock her out, to overtake her.
Alexis felt the lightning penetrate her hellfire, shooting through her, short-circuiting her nervous system, and causing her to collapse to the ground. She fought to stay aware of what was going on, calling out to the air, ‘My hellfire was a gift from my father. He knew I would need something stronger than demon fire. My father is…’ She passed out before she named her father, leaving him to wonder what she was about to say, her hellfire dissipating as her control on it slipped into nothingness, leaving her laying naked on the floor.
Elsar sighed as he let his body slowly recede back to the body named Gabranth. ‘Grrrrraaach’ he yomped, his finger curling into a fist as he hit the wall and dusted back to her, in his Gabranth form and lifted her naked, appealing body off the floor and moved some of the dust from his leaving. Not that she would notice such a thing.
Laying her down on the bed he looked at her. ‘I could have stolen your innocence now, but I have not,’ he whispered into the darkness of her dreams before walking over to the small sweeping of dust, collected it and reusing it to vanish. He put himself many miles away from her, in the mists of a bloody battle in the planes of hell, one thought to be Valhalla by Viking souls but there was no great hall only blood battle and death but you die here there was no coming back. Taking up his spear and sword, he rushed into battle, seeking to avenge himself fully of his failure with the demon girl.
Alexis moaned softly as she heard his voice in her dreams, telling her that he could have taken her while she was out, but for some reason he hadn’t. Slowly, she woke up, finding herself on the bed, wondering how she got here when she remembered collapsing to the floor. She looked around, and slowly got up from the bed. She wondered if she could leave the room, or if the door was locked to where she couldn’t leave.
Thrusting hard with his spear, Gabranth roared out in anger, in pride, in wrath bound rage borne from the lack of sex, the sex that his new slave denied him. He slashed hard cutting a man from shoulder to hip and panted softly as the area around him cleared. He chuckled softly. ‘I’m finished here,’ he whispered as he dusted away letting the winds carry him back to his room and into his bed, which was draped in soft silk and warm covers. ‘Hmmm, it’s good to be evil,’ he murmured to himself.
Alexis could find no door, no window in her room, though there was a series of small vents that pumped in and out air from her room, too small for her to slip through. She grumbled about not being able to wander the place, to find out the lay of this building. Still confused about why he didn’t take what he wanted from her, she was more than grateful that he hadn’t. Granted it had started out feeling good, but then her fear took control of her, and kept her from being able to do anything other than fight back against him, unable to let him take control over her body. It was her body, and she would find a way to make him woo her before just giving in and letting him use her for sex.
A small feast appeared suddenly along with a table and chair, silverware, all the fixings needed for such a feast, including a decanter of wine and a pitcher of ale. When the table, chair and feast arrived, she sat down quickly, ate as much as she could, seeing that he was trying to feed her well by offering so many choices to her. She poured herself some wine, and drank it, then poured another, and carried the glass and decanter to the small stand next to the bed, drank it, then laid herself on top of the covers, falling back to sleep again.
Alexis woke a while later with a heady hangover and a half decanter of wine left. The mess and food gone from her room and replaced with a steaming bath and a steaming tea kettle and a cup with a pair of aspirin waiting for her, but no clothes this time. Apparently she was to take her meds, get a bath and wait for him nude, or in her towel.
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It had been an easy decision for Cindi, but a tough one for Majestic Woman. «Too bad for her, » thought Cindi as she loaded up her field pack. Normally when she went home, she just flew there. It was a long trip, but she always enjoyed the scenery. There had been one time when she was too exhausted to fly herself, but then she just took a commercial flight to Athens as Cynthia Royal. That was fine too. But now she had orders to follow, and she didn’t want to waste the transit time....
The Discipline Correspondence School. Chapter 5. Saturday. I woke next morning, around 4.30am, with my usual morning glory (hard on), as I turned to slide out of bed, Tammy stirred. She looked up at me and smiled. “Morning , what do you have planned for you’re cum slut today” she asked. “You have to clean the carpet in the living room!” I reminded her. “Oh yes master, I forgot!” she replied. Her eyes then roamed down to my erect penis, they widen and her smile became a grin. “Oh master, you...
FetishThe Discipline Correspondence School. Chapter 3. Dear master, Saturday started really strangely for me, I woke up from dreaming about our meeting. I trembled at the thought of being in your presence and must confess nearly did not turn up, However I did show and was glad I did. I Selected the clothes you demanded I wear, took a shower making sure to clean not only my pussy but I had three enema’s, self administered of course, to ensure my arse was clean for you. I took my time in shaving my...
FetishThe Discipline Correspondence School : Chapter 4. Monday. Slut Slave Tammy, I want you to make any arrangements you need to make for being away from home for next weekend. When you will present yourself at my home at 6 pm on Friday night and stay till 7 am Monday morning. Here are my requirements, for you to bring with you. Bring with you, your hairbrush, ping pong bat, any sex toys you own and one item of your choice to sleep in. This I should point out will be, if you choose PJ’s would be a...
FetishThe Discipline Correspondence School. Chapter 2. At 2.50pm Ray (Tammy’s master) arrived and took a seat close by the War memorial in St James Park and waited. With only one minute to go he spotted Tammy walking quickly towards the memorial, where she then stood with her back to him. Quietly he stood. Formed his right hand into an imitation gun and silently approached. Sticking the finger into her back he said “Don’t Move!” She froze, and did not try to run. She had no idea what her master...
FetishNude Paintball Target That Monday at work when Charlotte asked me why I was walking funny I told her that I was sore all over. She asked me what I had been doing so I told her that I had played paintball all weekend. Finally I just took her into the lady’s room and took off my loose fitting dress. I didn’t have any underwear on either. Charlotte saw the big black and blue bruises on my tits, pussy, and my inner thighs. She said that they looked gross but at the time it seemed to excite...
“So Susan, the month is up. How are you getting on with David?” Lesley and Susan were chatting in Lesley’s office over a cup of coffee. “I’ve spanked him so many times I can’t remember. The toe rag deserved every one though.” “You have at least enjoyed spanking him though.” She smiled. Susan licked her lips smiled sexily at Lesley and said, “Not nearly as much as spanking you.” Lesley laughed. Susan had been spanking Lesley for the last few weeks as well as David, although theirs was invariably...
SpankingSaturday morning I was reading the newspaper at home after having breakfast. Ana showed up; she kissed me and said we needed to go buy paint for the painting job at the living room.Then she made a phone call and lined up for a couple of painters to come over and start the job on Monday. Suddenly I felt getting a little aroused. I grabbed my wife’s boobs from behind and kissed the soft skin at her neck. She twisted her sexy body and pushed my hands off of her sweet tits…Ana laughed and told me...
Labatt’s Guest House 5:22pm, Wednesday, November 14, 1979 “My mom said Lisa is gonna have to stay until Thursday morning. Dr. Candice wants to make doubly sure her depressed white blood cell counts aren’t from something else besides that flu bug,” I said as the four of us stood around the kitchen island getting a snack before we started our last practice session before our Friday competition. “I can’t believe that Dr. Wellend has taken such an interest in Brick,” Cano replied as she put...
The first time I found out that some women liked being spanked on their buttocks was when I had to discipline my own secretary.It wasn’t official company policy of course, but for years female employees got corporal punishment at my mid-sized law firm of Cromwell, Bartleby, Stevens and Yates. They could get it for making serious mistakes or for bad behavior on the company premises.It didn’t happen that often; maybe a few times each year. After the annual Christmas party, where a lot of drinking...
SpankingI remember so well that late Autumn, in the heart of Italy, with the musicsurrounding us like blown leaves. The air was cool and sweet. The calamattaolives were ripe and rich and the sweet tastes of gelato pure upon the tongue.All these memories still come to my mind's eye as if it were yesterday. I remember sitting on the plaza, a breeze circlinground us endlessly as we drank the steaming espressos outside the small café.The looming landscape of Rome silhouetted behind her head was a regal...
I’ve spoken at some length about Greg Wolfe. Let me take some time to give a brief eulogy of that selfless, courageous woman, Annette Wolfe. Annette Jolie Dubois was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, in the USA. Later in life she was fond of telling people of her hometown, “It’s pronounced just like it’s spelled: bah-tawn roozh, loo-zana.” At age 8 she met her best friend for life, Julia Charlotte Crosby of Falkirk, Western Australia. They met in their first Jovan Farmer Trust...
Beth was sent to America. She was just ten years old. For a couple years she lived with a married couple and loved the household. But then things changed and she had to go live with Frank. It was ok there but she did not like it as well. Frank was older but very handsome and he brought several pretty women to his house. Beth used to peek and watch them naked in the hot tub. The women were so pretty and so sexy. They all had big firm tits and nice asses and shaved pussies. She hoped she would...
Monsignor Bernard was having his mid morning drag. Unfortunately outside The Rectory attached to St David’s Cathedral. The do-gooders had finally had smoking banned inside. The late autumn fog was still thick around the local hills and gliding in tuffs down the river valley. He was interrupted half way through his lingering pleasure when Father O’Flaniggan came puffing out of the diocese office to his right. “Bernard…Bernard… you are required at” …he needed a breathe …then continued… “At St...
DISCIPLINED - guided into a life style By Nicci Knox Chapter I: Correction Needed - exhausted patience. "I'm tired of giving you second chances," my aunt snapped, in far more steely tones than any she'd ever used before. "I'm fed up with telling you that your behaviour is unacceptable but seeing no improvement. Just because your mother did everything for you and for your father as well, I have to admit, it doesn't follow that the same applies here. Just because there are three...
David walked in to the office still feeling sore from his caning the day before. Susan had had control of him for just four days but had found three separate occasions to spank him, and the caning yesterday was the worst so far. He had to tell himself the worst so far as Susan made it clear she will step up the severity of punishment if his behaviour didn’t improve. David got to the office at 8 O’clock which is well before anyone else arrived to try to settle himself down before he had to face...
SpankingWith resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...
With resolve in my heart and mind, I quickened my pace, ready to prepare my dungeon once more. Tonight would be delicious, yet simple, so long as my plaything was obedient. I got to work as soon as I brushed the last grains of sand from the arch of my foot and crossed the threshold to my domain. ------ Hours later, I surveyed my work: The St. Andrew's cross had been coarsly sanded, the leather shackles inspected and oiled to retain their suppleness. Long ago, I'd attached the whole cross...
Supergirl - PainslutBy Greg All comments are welcome at [email protected] kicked Supergirl, causing another cry coming from her mouth, as she fell down on the floor with her hands tied behind her back with shining, green cuffs. Her costume was tattered in many parts, she was also barefoot. Her blonde hair was in mess. Her left eye had dark mark around, her nose was probably broken and blood still trailed from the corners of her mouth. "Move over, slut", said villain, kicking her one more...
Hello Readers, This is my second story after I received an overwhelming response for my first story named “ Awesome babes of Ahmedabad”. Introducing myself I am engaged in serving females of Ahmedabad, specially from upper middle class and esteem class , who have unsatisfied erotic desires. Currently I am into their service and they are really satisfied with me. Today I am going to share one of my real experience, with ISS readers…I am 30 years old guy with 5’10 height, fair complexion,...
The Anything Controller By Zedd I bought the little box in an old antique store down the street from where I live and brought it home to check it out. "Cool!" I exclaimed as I opened it up and found a small controller, very much like a game-boy inside. I picked it up and noticed that, except for the size, it wasn't really much like a game-boy after all. I noticed several small controls and levers, each having a small window next to them, and an enter pad at the...
You are a male grad student doing ancient resarch for a term paper on ancient Sumer. In the labyrinth of books you find a Sumerian translated tome. After spending a great deal of time deciphering it, and reading the entire book. You realize that you have read and developed the ability to contol the minds of others. Sweet now what
BDSMPAINTER LOVES PANTYHOSE SEXWhen I was sixteen my parents hired a painter to paint rooms on the first floor of our house. The night before he was to paint I had gotten an insane migraine. The next morning, at 6:00 a.m., when I should be getting up for school, Mom told me to stay home and rest because I still looked a little off. I rolled over and fell into a deep sleep. I didn’t hear my parents leave or let the painter in.I’m not sure when the painter arrived but at approximately 9:45–10:00 a.m....
Hi! I’m Anand, back with the next part of my story’ A Painter And His Muse’. For those who haven’t read the first part, please do so. Now coming to the story. Ananya was still in splits with the request made by Kailash. She was giving it a hard thought but was unable to fathom the fact that if she agrees to it then she’ll have to sit in front of her brother-in-law ‘nude’. In her bedroom when she was going through this over and over again. At the same time, Aditya came home and wanted to have...
IncestThe temperature was 30 degrees, her naked body was hot but you can still notice the chill bumps, her nipples as small as her breast were, puckered out like darts. Her pussy was aching to be demolished by him, her juices dripping down her leg. He stood there looking down at the naked woman that kneeled before him, helpless and begging to be beaten. He had his 2 dogs Tyson a German shepherd and Jaxs a pit bull tied up behind him deciding what he was going to do first. Beat her back into...
I’d never known or even met my father and when I was young my mother always told me he was working overseas. I later found out from a friend of my mothers that he’d come to work in Fort William at the aluminum smelter in 1958 and had met my mother at a dance. They’d gone out together for a few months but when my mother had become pregnant with myself, he’d simply disappeared, and nothing had been heard of him since. I’d grown up in a small crofting community and had attended the local primary...
The MacDonald croft was on the edge of the village in a spectacular elevated spot, set back from the road and looking out to sea. I had just started walking up the long track leading up to the croft as a Land Rover appeared from one of the fields and turned towards me. Iain MacDonald leant on the door and smiled a greeting to me. “Young Angus! Fine day it is! You’re up and about early for being on your holidays, are you not? I thought young lads didn’t see much before early afternoon surely?” I...
Chapter #2 I halfway expected Jennifer to join me at some point in the shower, but to my temporary disappointment, she had apparently decided this event would take place solely in bed. As I opened the shower door to reach for a towel, I realized that at some time while I was washing, probably while lustfully rubbing my cock and trying not to blow the whole evening right then and there, Jennifer had slipped into the walk-in closet at the end of the bathroom. I could see her silhouette behind...
Chapter #5 I seized the opportunity to afford her some level of discomfort, given the fact that she had just finished abusing my asshole, by biting down on her left nipple. It didnt have the desired effect as she moaned in agreement. Thats right, bite me! With her hand still on the back of my head she pressed my face into her breast and writhed as I chewed on the fleshy pink nub in the center. I reached up with one hand and started to roll her other nipple between my fingers. Mmmm&hellip,...
We have been dating for a while. I knock at your apartment door, and you immediately open it. You give me a quick peck on the cheek, then, "I'm ready! Let's go!"You start past me, but I pull you into my arms and back you back into your apartment."Karen...?" There is a question in my voice, wondering why you are rushing us, but I pull you against me as I lean back against the door to close it. I look down at the top of your head, then gently pull your hair to tip your face up to mine. I kiss you...
SpankingThe MacDonald croft was on the edge of the village in a spectacular elevated spot, set back from the road and looking out to sea. I had just started walking up the long track leading up to the croft as a Land Rover appeared from one of the fields and turned towards me. Iain MacDonald leant on the door and smiled a greeting to me. “Young Angus! Fine day it is! You’re up and about early for being on your holidays, are you not? I thought young lads didn’t see much before early afternoon surely?”...
I’d never known or even met my father and when I was young my mother always told me he was working overseas. I later found out from a friend of my mothers that he’d come to work in Fort William at the aluminum smelter in 1958 and had met my mother at a dance. They’d gone out together for a few months but when my mother had become pregnant with myself, he’d simply disappeared, and nothing had been heard of him since. I’d grown up in a small crofting community and had attended the local primary...
Chapter 1 The bell sounded, marking the end of second period. Mitch Bowen packed away his books and notebook, then slung his backpack on from behind his desk. Classes had so far been fairly difficult, and he was already looking forward to lunch, which was, unfortunately, several periods off. His thoughts about the rest of the day were suddenly interrupted by a chime from the PA system. ?Mitchell Bowen, please report to the headmistress’s office,? said a pleasant girl’s...
I was out with one of my guy friends that night. I wore a short skirt and tiny lace panties to tease him. I was still a virgin, but I loved to tease guys with my tight young body. Things had gotten hot and heavy with my guy, but I wouldn't even let him finger me. My panties were soaked by the time I told him I had to get home. I crept in the door quietly, hoping my daddy would be asleep. I took off my jacket, revealing the tight V-neck t-shirt I was wearing. I turned the corner into the...
Now Cindi was back home for the day, a driven slave determined to make me proud. But she was a bit surprised at how she found herself. She was in a great-dane-sized dog bed in her own bedroom. At first she had a warm feeling thinking that I had not sent her home after all, but then she realized that it was, in fact, her bedroom, not mine. Besides, this dog bed was a different color and a slightly different shape than the one at my house. Looking up, she saw an envelope taped to the bedroom...