A Boy's Lust free porn video

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The boy was a typical teenager. Though in his last year of school, instead of worrying about what he would be doing next year in term of going to college or going out to work; ever since his hormones took over, most of the time, all he could think about was sex. In the last year, he had found that he was growing like a beanstalk and was rapidly approaching the six-foot mark. Though still thin, he was starting to fill out but not just his body. His cock had somehow turned from a small worm into a fat slug overnight. And that was when it was soft. Fully erect, it stuck out like some curved pole. He was quite proud that when he had a really big hard-on, his hand could just encompass its circumference. He also managed to measure its length once and found it just came over 11 inches. The kids at school took the mick but he didn't care. They weren't the ones who were going to give a girl shagging of her life (once he had found one to take his damn virginity).

Lately he found that his sexual urges were getting more and more powerful. Not only did he have to wank first thing in the morning, he also started doing the same as soon as he got home from school and, of course, before he went to sleep at night. Not only that but he found that he was steadily taking longer to cum as his experience grew. More and more often, he risked being late for school and it was only his mum banging on the door to tell him to get up forced him out of bed, with an aching erection still waiting to be satisfied.

School had one major problem: it was an all boys' school. No girls at all. Nor did he know any girls of his age. Yes, there were women there but they were teachers. The chances of shagging one of them were practically nil (though there were a few he could easily have a go at).

As time went on, he got more obsessed. He finally got to a point where he was sizing up every female (girl or woman) he saw. No one was safe from his gaze. This eventually included his mother.

For the last few months, ever since his birthday, the boy had started taking notice of her. She was a statuesque woman who was in her early forties. Still reasonably attractive (though a little old for his tastes), he knew that she was not having any sex since his father had died 10 years ago and she had not been involved with anyone since.

However, he didn't become obsessed with her until that fateful day when he came home from school early. He had just slipped into the house when he saw his mother, stark naked apart from a towel wrapped around her head, coming out of the bathroom. That was when he found out what a big woman his mother was. Well-fleshed than fat. He watched how her big milky-white breasts swung heavily as she walked, her large but shapely arse swaying back and forth. Suddenly, the boy found that he had a pillar of granite inside his trousers like never before. Once in the sanctity of his bedroom, he had to wank himself three times before his erection died.

After that every time the boy saw her, he instantly got an erection and every time he masturbated, his mother was the woman he fantasised about. When she was not looking, he would lustily gaze at her, noting how her big breasts jutted against her dress or blouse. Since the weather was hot at the moment, she would often have a few buttons of her top undone and sometimes he would be lucky enough to get a flash of her heavily laden bra.

For as long as he could remember, him and his mother would spend a fortnight each year visiting his aunt and uncle, the aunt being his mother's best friend since childhood.

It was boiling hot on the first day of their visit, so his mother decided to go swimming at the local beach. The boy was only too happy to go with her, eager to see more of her body. As they came out of the water, he could not help but notice that his mother's wet swimming costume was clinging to her body. She wore an old-fashion one-piece suit and the soaked cotton material was moulded against her figure. He couldn't help but take in her big shapely breasts, the large nipples perky like fingertips. Below, between her thighs, a very prominent and bulging cunt mound was sculpted by the waterlogged costume, the very split of her quim visible as the material was tight against her crotch as if drawn in by suction. Immediately, images of his mother naked coming out of the bathroom that day came back to him as the boy stared at the female goodies displayed by his mother. To his embarrassment, he realised his mother had noticed him looking at her and that he had a hard-on which he was trying to hide. She looked away, clearly embarrassed herself.

Nothing was said and that evening, his mother, his aunt, his uncle and himself all went out for a meal. After they had got back to the house, he decided to go straight to bed while the others stayed downstairs for a nightcap (or two).

In bed, the boy felt a twinge in his loins as he remembered the incident on the beach. He had already shot off two loads of spunk into the air and his cock was started to get sore. But he still felt horny.

He had been tossing and turning in bed for about half an hour and when a light tap on his door and his mother peeped in. She wore a flowered dressing gown and her reddish brown hair was unpinned to hang down over her shoulders. Immediately, he felt his penis starting to stir back into life. Sitting beside him on the bed, she asked what he was reading, how he was finding the holiday and other small talk. Her scent filled his nostrils and sent his head spinning, such the fairness of her face, sprinkled with attractive freckles, that her full soft lips seemed red as cherries. He could also smell the drink on her breath and seeing the slightly gazed look in her eyes, he realised that she was slightly drunk.

"Are you too old for your old mother to still kiss you goodnight?" she asked.

Well, she hadn't kissed him goodnight for several years and he eagerly lifted his head up for her to kiss him, his cock now a huge thick pillar throbbing painfully under the bed sheets.

The boy couldn't stop himself, as his mother went to kiss him on the cheek; he found his mouth on hers. He was surprised that she didn't pull away. Instead, the kiss lingered for a long moment, her lips soft and sweet. When he heard his mother mutter "Oh!", still making no attempt to move away from him, he found himself putting his arms around her; pushing his tongue to her lips and feeling her mouth slowly open, her body trembling. Their kissing continued, getting more and more passionate. The boy now on automatic, driven on by his huge throbbing hard-on, he slipped his hand inside her dressing gown and cupped and squeezed one of her big heavy breasts.

"Oh, honey," she moaned and he saw her glance at the tent in his sheets made by his rampant hard-on.

Suddenly she pulled away from him.

"Noooo! This is wrong!" she cried out.

"Mum?" the boy said, all bewildered. But his mother tore herself away and fled from his bedroom. He never felt so horny, so frustrated. Though still a virgin, he had kissed and fondled girls his own age, but his mother's kisses and the feel of her body was the best he had ever known. Now she had left him with a raging cockstand. It never felt so huge or hard. It was if his cock was made out of granite.

God! He wanted so much to fuck her, fuck her so badly. Even in his lust-driven mind, a small voice told him that it was wrong to do such a thing, that the chances were his mother would throw him out for daring such a thing. He could lose everything and what if his uncle and aunt heard? But he had wanted her for too long and his need to fuck his own mother overpowered everything else.

With his erection throbbing painfully, he got up out of a bed and tiptoed along to her room. Not wishing to risk announcing himself with a knock at the door, he went in to find her sitting before her dressing table brushing her long hair.

When she turned, her eyes were wide as she glanced at the tent raising from his groin. Her large breasts tits jutted out against her nightie.

"What are you doing here? You should be in bed."

Ignoring what she was saying, the sex-crazed teen moved across the room to where she was now standing.

"No, you mustn't. It's not right!" she protested as he took her in his arms. His body pressed into her yielding flesh and his upstanding prick pressed hard against her plump cunt.

"I'm your mother. Oh! This is so wrong …(umph) " She gasped as he forced his mouth onto hers. The boy could feel her resolve weakening as he started rubbing his thick stiff shaft up and down against her cunt mound, which pressed back then began to push back meeting his thrusting.

He guided her across the room and lowered her over the bed, her legs dangling to the floor.

"Let him see you, I want to see you naked," he said, pleadingly, desperate to see her fully naked.

As he pulled at her nightie, he could feel that she actually raised her bottom and lifted her arms so that her lovely body was quickly revealed. Before him her big heavy breasts hung down and he buried his face between them, clasping each globe and sucking hard at the nipples.

She fell back so that her opened thighs were directly opposite his face. The cunt hair on her mound was a ginger bust, curling about a parted slit that pouted and showed the dew of aroused lubrication. The boy put his mouth to it and sucked the lips, his tongue piercing the warm wet recess.

His mother raised her knees, gripping his head and pushing her cunt against his face, muttering, murmuring and sighing, aroused beyond caring as the boy sucked and chewed on her cunt lips.

"(Oh God) this is so wrong," his mother moaned, "But it's been so long. Oh do it, honey. I want it so much. Do it, do it. Fuck me!"

The boy felt a shiver as he realised that his mother was actually asking him to have sex with her, and to use the word fuck. He'd never heard his mother even say damn before. He went between her legs and groaned as he felt her grip his stout shaft between thumb and forefinger, guiding it to her quim.

The sensations the boy felt as he slowly pushed his aching penis into his mother's vagina almost blew his mind. He could feel the rippled walls of her wet sheath slide tightly down his engorged erection as he slide inside. He couldn't believe it, he was finally fucking.

The boy's mother groaned as if in great pleasure and moved her pelvis forward to receive his full length, feeling the knob enter her womb.

"(unnngh) Christ! You feel enormous!" she gasped, making her son tremble even more.

Finally he had penetrated her up to his balls, her cunt channel was tight yet comfortable, moist and warm.

"Oh Mum, " the boy moaned, "This feels so good. I do love you. Tell me you love it up you."

"(oooh) Oh my God! I do, you naughty boy," his mother whispered back. "(oooooh) Oh it's so lovely, but terrible what we are doing! We mustn't, we shouldn't."

All the same, her legs locked behind his knees and her buttocks lifted from the bed in great heaves.

"Oh Jesus Christ! It feels so good! Oh my baby, you feel so good. So big and hard."

Getting more turned on by the minute, the boy started returning his mother's thrusts, first pulling halfway out of her hole before ramming his entire erection back into her up to the hilt.

"Oooh! I'm cumming, CUMMING! Push harder, baby. Shove it right up!"

Such was her frenzy, he felt she was going to buck him off her but clasped tight by her hands and legs. Unable to hold back, he thrust his thick erection into her up to the root and held himself there. He listened to his mother groan as the mouth of her cunt stretch impossibly around the base of the boy's huge shaft, and unable to hold back anymore, he started squirted his potent baby-making sperm into her cunt, her womb again and again.

Finally, with both of them gasping, they both rolled apart.

She pulled a sheet across her nakedness as if ashamed to let him see her breasts and vagina.

"Oh my God! What have we done?" she said terrified, "You must leave at once! What if we were heard?"

With the lust gone, the boy realised what he had done. With a sob, he ran out of her bedroom back to his own.

In the darkness, the boy just lay there in his bed. His mind was at war. A part of him was disgusted at what he had done. He had raped his own mother. The other part enjoyed it. Not so much the actual raping but the fact he had finally fucked someone. His own mother in fact. Finally after what seemed like hours, exhaustion overcame him and he fell asleep

When he woke up the next morning, he remembered what happened the night before. He could not believe what he had done. He had fucked and came inside his own mother. The same mother who had looked after him all his life, especially after his father had died. How could he have done it? Sure he had fantasised about her but he was sure a lot of boys his age did that. Doing it in real-life was something altogether different. At first he blamed his mother. She did come into his room after all and allowed him to kiss and fondle her. But that was no excuse. She was his mother and he should respect her, not lust after her. Besides she had been drunk.

He lay there in bed thinking what had happened last night. He could not help but to picture her underneath him as he roughly fucked her. The feeling of her cunt wrapped tightly around his cock. The more he thought about it, the more aroused he became and the less guilty he felt. He suddenly realised that more anything, he wanted to fuck her again, despite the dangers, despite her protests.

Trembling with lust, he pulled back the bed covers, he quickly fished out his now aching erection and started to fondle it. As his passions mounted, he started to stroke himself harder and harder, reliving the moments when he was lustily fucking his parent. With a large groan, he came, shooting large spurts of white cum into the air.

As soon as he felt sated, the guilt returned.

Getting washed and dressed, he went downstairs for breakfast and found his mother wasn't there. His aunt informed him his mother was a little under the weather.

It was obvious that his mother could not face him after what he had done to her. Feeling ashamed, he decided to spend the morning down at the beach.

That afternoon, when his aunt and uncle were out for a local race meeting in Blackpool, he tapped at her bedroom door. The guilt was still there and he was also worried that he may have hurt her.

"Who is it." A voice said softly on the other side of the door.

"It's me." The boy replied.

There was a pause and then she told him to come in.

She was lying in bed, her face wet with tears. On seeing him, she pulled herself up so that she was sitting upright. Immediately the boy's gaze fell onto his mother's breasts as they swelled out against the fabric of her nightdress. He groaned inwardly as he felt his prick lurch within his pants. Tearing his eyes of her boobs, he sat next to her on the bed.

She looked at him. "I am so sorry." She said and then she burst out crying again.

His lust forgotten, the boy took her in his arms.

"Why are you sorry?" he asked.

His mother suddenly stopped sniffling as she said: "It was so wrong we did last night, what I allowed us to do."

Hearing the angst in her voice, the boy pulled her head to his chest, his remorse suddenly overpowering his feelings of desire.

"It's not your fault. It's was mine. I r-r-raped you." He said.

On hearing that, his mother pulled her head back and looked straight up at him.

"No! Don't ever say that!" she said with force, "You are young and could not help yourself. I have forgotten how lusty boys – I mean young men your age can get." Then she added "BUT you never raped me."

With a surprising show of strength, she pulled the boy's head against her bosom.

"Please, sweetheart. Please don't ever think that. It was my fault! I should have never have gone to your room."

"But Mum, "protested the boy, "If I didn't come to your bedroom after and…"

"No darling, "interrupted his mother, "You did not rape me." She pulled his head tighter to her chest. "It is not if I put up much of a fight."

They said nothing for a few moments. The boy felt his mother's large chest against his face. Images of her breasts naked appeared in his mind and he felt his arousal starting to overpower his feelings of guilt.

"Oh, Mum. I-I-I know I shouldn't say this." And then he paused.

His mother lifted his head up. "Yes, honey." She said, looking into his face with concern. She had stopped crying by now.

He looked at her. Christ! She looked so good. So horny. So fuckable.

Taking a deep breath he said: "It did feel so good. I-I-I never thought it would feel so good."

Seeing his mother's mouth in surprise, he quickly added "But if I hurt you in anyway…"

She looked at him for a few seconds before replying.

"Oh my God, No," she admitted, "You did not hurt me. Not at all. In fact…" she caught herself before she said anything further.

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Night of Lust

I wanted her the moment she walked in the bar. I had been driving all day on my way to visit some old friends in western Massachusetts. It was late and I decided to get a drink then head back to the sleazy motel just down the road and get up early. The shabby bar was empty except for the bald headed bar tender with a pot belly and an old guy by himself at a back table with his head down on the table, holding a shot glass; the head of a buck with huge antlers hung from the wall over the bar. We...

2 years ago
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Married woman finds lust

Kara was brought up in a church going environment where she was taught that her body should be saved for the man she was to wed. When most girls her age were off exploring their sexuality by giving up their virginity, she was saving herself for the man of her dreams. She did give in to a few exploring hands and roaming fingers on occasion but kept her maidenhood intact. Most of those same girls who were considered sluts in school ended up settling down to be good little wives and mothers. ...

1 year ago
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Spreading Seeds Chapt 4 The Clusterfuck

Andre came past us and said “Now Astral may be washed and we can start this Clusterfuck for real.” Astral turned to me and hugged me. I took her hand and noticed Audrey standing looking at me. I reached out and took her hand, “Come you can help me wash Astral,” I said. So the three of us went to the duck boards. I moved the bench off and several girls sat on it and watched as I washed the last of the Bahia. I had to make this fast but I also had to get Audrey back up to at least simmer...

1 year ago
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Love or Lust

We were making love. Well, that’s not quite true. We were having sex, wild, uninhibited, blow your mind, sex. I don’t know at what point it was transformed from making love to this erotic lustful adventure. All I know is it started with an innocent kiss, a little peck the on the lips, a little fondling of her breasts, my semi hard dick rubbing against her ass through our clothes, her hand against my crotch, my lips on her nipples and finally ended up with my tongue in her pussy while she sat on...

2 years ago
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Swallowing Cum Blindfolded The Taste of Lust

His eyes can't see a thing. His complete body is submerged in darkness, the same pitch black from where the odd faint noise gently bursts into distant echoes; footsteps in the kitchen, glasses clinging, the door opening? Closing? She had told him to undress, very kindly she had said it, almost with a smirk, and fully clothed, she had watched him first take off his shirt, then unbutton his pants, pull them down. It was night outside; he had felt naked. His bare body and the beginning of an...

3 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 1 Rogues Sultry WomenChapter 17 A Fatherrsquos Lusts

Sven Falk “There were a good dozen of them, Ava,” I said as I parted the rosy thighs of the princess’s proxy. Like she had every night since we’d left Cheyvn, she’d inhabited her proxy to hear about our progress. And to enjoy my body. I felt terrible for Kora, having to wait outside until I finished with the princess, but Ava couldn’t know about my incestuous affair with my sister. She wouldn’t understand. I loved them both, but I couldn’t have them both. “A dozen!” she gasped, her quartz...

3 years ago
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Boys Brigade Femucation Chapter 3 Piano Lesson

Boys Brigade Femucation Chapter 1 - Discovery From a very young age I was aware that I am a pretty boy and have experienced the pleasure of being dressed in my elder sister's clothes for the entertainment of family members - although not when my father is at home. My sisters think it is great fun and my mum goes along with my aunt who is the main protagonist in making me look so sweet and girly. From around the age of four, I enjoyed these sessions, however I became aware that it...

1 year ago
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Kate and Dylan Twins in Lust

I was concentrating on three different female butts just then and didn’t catch who he was talking about “Huh, which one?” “Kate. Look at her man, she’s so awesome, I would pay to get her hot for me.” I looked across the floor to the girl he was talking about just as she leaped off the floor, her long lithe body stretched as graceful as a leaping Gazelle from toes to fingers as she spiked the ball down to the opposite side of the net. If a photographer had been able to catch her while...

2 years ago
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Wendys intimate night of lust

*** The sequel to " Wendy's night of lust " please read that first ***It's now been a couple of years since Wendy started her own business venture as a strippagram. Although that business now booming especially given her one customer guarantee which she set from the beginning, FULL STRIP GUARANTEED!!!! Meaning no matter what gear she started in like a slinky evening dress, sexy pvc outfit basically any outfit requested by her clients, she always ended up COMPLETELY NAKED everytime! She felt...

4 years ago
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Faith Trust and Pixie Lust

Toby's head swung around when he heard the shriek come from somewhere above him in the tree. He and Riana had come to the village for the weekend to relax and visit with the other fairies there. But what he saw happening in the air above him seemed to be anything but relaxing. Riana was hovering in midair and seemed to be slapping another sprite as hard as she could. Not just one indignant slap, either. She was slapping the hell out of the other fairy. Toby was horrified and flitted up to them...

1 year ago
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Boys cant play basketball a tribute

Note: This is my third story and although English is not my fist language, I chose it anyway to reach a broader audience. I hope it works out in the end and the grammatical and spelling errors don?t distract too much. I?m not telling this because I want to be corrected via the reviews, but warn people who get distracted by these things so much that they can?t appreciate the storyline itself. This story is based on a phantasy I once had and only is written down, because Wyrdey...

2 years ago
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Introduction to Lust

My wife and I have been swinging for nearly ten years. My wife has always openly lusted for bigger or better eye candy. Events early in our marriage had led to joking about considering an open relationship after fourteen years. Joking and considering gave way to meeting and teasing and a few pleasant experiences - for her. Too often I have pointed out that a woman on the internet has a thousand guys to choose from, while a guy on the internet has to compete with thousands. I suggested swinging...

First Time
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Boys Will Be Boys

My family moved to a small town in Scotland during the 1930s. On my first day at the local secondary school, I met Peter, who had also recently moved into the area. We’d both had relatively sheltered upbringings, so this all-boys school was a significant shock to the system. The final year class that we joined comprised of twenty unruly and rowdy eighteen-year-old lads who’d grown up together and were in no mood to welcome strangers into their midst.Teachers enforced discipline in the school...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book1 Chapter 4 The Monsters Lusts

Chapter Four: The Monster's Lust By mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Acolyte Sophia – Shesax, the Kingdom of Secare My heart beat with excitement as we crossed the Merchant's Bridge over the Melkith River that flowed through the sprawling city of Shesax. Behind us, the Lone Mountain thrust up like a rock spire to pierce the fluffy, white clouds drifting across the sun. Ahead, the sun rose, shining golden light in our eyes. The Merchant's...

4 years ago
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The Festival of Carnal Lust

"Say after me," mayor Linden prompted. "I am saving myself for the forest." "I am saving myself for the forest," Jenny Linden repeated together with the others assembled. She and around fifty other girls stood in the city hall in front of the mayor. "Once more," mayor Linden said. "I am saving myself for the forest," they said again. After who knows how many repetitions none did stutter at the words, but mayor Linden had no real trust in his eyes, just worry as he watched the...

4 years ago
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Mother and Son and the Scent of Lust

The science regarding the existence and effects of human sex pheromones is not well established. There have been some studies that show how women’s menstrual cycles are affected by the presence of either male or female pheromones, but none seem to be conclusive. But the roles of these pheromones have been well-established in some other animal species.In theory, males and females have special olfactory senses that subconsciously detect the odors emitted by sexually mature members of the opposite...

3 years ago
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Dr Strangelust

What began as a flight of fancy for 21-year old English student nurse Emma Davis was fast developing into a dangerous obsession. No sooner had she finished reading the latest instalment of Dr Strangelust’s ongoing saga than she was busily firing off an e-mail, sloppy cumstained fingers slipping all over the keys. ~Oh gosh, Dr Strangelust, Chapter IV made me the wettest yet…I’m literally trembling with desire~ The cute redhead paused momentarily, reading back over the words, her words, yet...

3 years ago
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richboys love 64

Yesterday I was going about my normal day with my tasks like always, when in the middle of Long Beach I seen Harvey and Edvard. My first thought was to turn around and hope that they didn't see me but unfortunately I was with Brit "isn't that Harvey and Edvard?" she inquired. I turned to look at her and said "yes! can we go?" Brit looked at me and said "don't you want to talk to him?" after a short pause I said "of course I do! I want to go hold Edvard in my arms and I want to kiss...

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richboys love 63 the ending1

so I woke up 2days ago in the morning and I had some breakfast with my parents, as we was eating breakfast my ladies maid said to me "Leon you have a phone call its Harvey" I didn't really want to speak to Harvey so I told her "tell him I'm in the shower and I will call him back" so my ladies maid did that and then my cell rang, it was a message from Harvey saying "liar...man up and call me back" I excused my self from the table and I went outside to my car and drove off. I drove...

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richboys love 63 the ending0

so I woke up 2days ago in the morning and I had some breakfast with my parents, as we was eating breakfast my ladies maid said to me "Leon you have a phone call its Harvey" I didn't really want to speak to Harvey so I told her "tell him I'm in the shower and I will call him back" so my ladies maid did that and then my cell rang, it was a message from Harvey saying "liar...man up and call me back" I excused my self from the table and I went outside to my car and drove off. I drove...

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richboys love 57

when it was just me in the apartment i felt so all alone but a part of me was telling me its for the best and a bigger part of me felt numb with pain. I wanted the pain to go away so i took the bottle of jack daniels from the living room and i drank it and did somethink i never thought i would do i got my car keys and i drove to harveys moms house when i got there bella said "he doesnt want to see you leon and i dont think he wants to see you drunk!" harvey came to the door and said...

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richboys love 52

so me and harvey woke up and i said "baby can we go baby shopping please" harvey looked at me and said "baby its to early to go baby shopping" i looked at harvey and said "umm okay baby i understand" after i said that i looked down. harvey put his hand on the left side of my face and said "you really want to go shopping for the baby dont you" "no baby its fine" harvey got out of bed without any clothes on and said "get your sexy ass up and dressed and we will go do some shopping"...

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richboys love 49

so on the plain back me and harvey was enjoying first class i looked over at my hustband and sore him feeling his dick up i said "harvey stop feeling your self up in public" harvey looked at me and said "i cant help it i get weird erection when im on a plain" i started laughting and harvey said "it isnt funny babe its embarresing" so we landed back in la and harveys eretion had gone down we cleared customes and and that stuff and drove back to are apartment when we got back to the...

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richboys love 40

there was a knock on the door and another officer entered the room "his attonry is here" when my mom entered the room i went to run to her but the officer loudly shouted at me to sit down having one hand over the top of his gun so did as he said my mom handed the man a white envolope he opened it and read my certifate of birth and a few other documents the man looked at me and said he was very sorry and im free to go i ran to my mom and said "thank you so much" when i got outside...

4 years ago
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richboys love 38

when i walked in i dint use any manners at all i walked into the dinner table room and said oright and took a set next to harvey as i walked to my set all the guest looked at me. harvey leaned over and wispered "what the hell are you doing" i wispered back "acting out every loves the bads ones by the looks of it" we ate are meal and i burped really loud and my mom breathed out loud to sign she was getting angry at me i spoke to one of the guess and said to him "so what bitch you shagging...

1 year ago
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richboys love 36

so a few day after me and harvey moved into are new apartment we went shopping for some new furniture because my parents dont exactly have the same taste as me so we are in the mall and we see harveys dad harvey lets go of my hand and said i need to talk to him babe i looked at harvey and said "go ahead but baby remember dont exspect to much from him i dont want you getting hurt again" so harvey walked over to his dad and they started talking but every so often harveys dad looked over at me...

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Dr Strangelust

The cute redhead paused momentarily, reading back the words, her words, yet words it was almost impossible to believe she had just typed. Her mind must surely have blanked momentarily, for never would she have mentioned that sort of thing to one of her most trusted lovers, let alone a virtual stranger. And not only was he a virtual stranger, judging by the stories he posted, Dr Strangelust was possibly the nastiest, sickest. filthiest and most deranged sex fiend on Planet Earth. Despite all...

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I woke up slowly my head hurt oww so much pain throbbing through my head i had the feeling i was being watched. I opened my eyes wide and there was my kidnapper his eyes not moving watching me. I swallowed the lump in my throat i was in a room i tried to move i couldnt my arms! They are handcuffed ! " You sick freak!" I screamed he laughed softly under his breath he reached for me. One of his hand ran over my naked breast! Oh my god im naked he undressed me! I trembled as my body flushed i...

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Poolboys Lucky Day

Last Friday afternoon, I somehow managed to have sex with a lady who hired me to maintain her pool this summer. Yes, yes, Jason the poolboy managed to fulfill the cliche and seduce the lonely wife as I cleaned the pool in only my shorts and flipflops. It’s not what I set out to do as I pulled out of the driveway that morning, it’s not even what I set out to do as I was doing my job at her house, but it did happen, and I’ll tell the story. I’m 20 years old and a scholarship athlete at a small...

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Fantasies of Ilustoria

Welcome to The Library. Not a Library like any you've known, no. This one deals in certain stories pertaining to the Legends of a specific realm--Legends that delve into details unfit for the prudent public. But they are no ordinary tales. These tales are much like the tree their paper was cut from, branching out at every possibility their Heroes meet. But enough of that, there are Fantasies to be had! The Heroes of Ilustoria are not many, but of the few, those whose tales are befitting of this...


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