My Wish free porn video

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It was Christmas Eve. Another big argument with his wife, Mona. Another night spent in Mulligans bar on Maine drinking beer and shooting pool with his friend, Harry. John Morgan had been married to Mona for nearly ten years and whatever sparkle there had been in the beginning had definitely faded. Mona was a damn good name for her, John liked to think at moments like this, moan, moan, moan! As he tipped the remnants of his fourth beer down his throat,

John looked at his watch: 11.40pm. He’d been out for nearly three hours. Time for me to get going, Harry.” He called to his friend on the other side of the pool table. Harry had also had four beers and looked a little wrecked. “Guess we’d better leave the car here, Harry and walk home, yeah?” Harry had been lining up his shot now for some time; drunkenly checking and re-checking the angle. He held up a hand to silence his friend for a moment, indicating his concentration.

He drew the cue back and played the shot. He missed by some margin.”Shit!” he exclaimed angrily and tossed the cue onto the table.”Fucking’ stupid game anyway!” The evening air was warm and muggy as the two friends meandered their way drunkenly home.”So what is it with you and Mona, then John? You had another fight?”"Bitch has been running round on me again!” John replied. “This time with my junior assistant at work, if you can believe that! He’s young enough to be her son.

She’s turned into a real fucking slut. I think, by now she must have fucked everyone I know -apart from me of course!” Harry looked at John sideways. “Not me either, man. She hasn’t fucked me! But it has to be said, John, She’s a good looking woman.” “Ah, I don’t care anymore.” John slurred resignedly. “You’re all welcome to the little bitch! Here, let’s take a short cut across the park.” As the two friends walked, sobering slowly, the dim lights of the park cast eerie shadows across the grass.

As they neared the north corner exit, one of the lamps appeared to flicker, it’s yellow sodium beam switching itself on and off with irregular hesitancy. Approaching the streetlight, they could hear a small voice from the shadows. “Fuck! Fuck! Work, you stupid fucking light, why won’t you stay on! Fuck you!” The voice, though obviously male, seemed to small and squeaky to have come from an adult, but surely, thought John, no child would speak like that!” “You hear that?” asked Harry in a whisper.

The unseen owner of the voice now seemed to be getting more angry and was kicking the metal pole of the lamp viciously. “What’s going on?” called John, surprised at how loud his voice sounded in the still night air. “Mind your own fucking business!” John and Harry were slightly taken aback by the ferocity of the reply. “Hey, no need for that,” said Harry. “We’re only asking.” After only a few seconds silence, the small figure emerged from the shadows. Harry and John almost burst out laughing when they saw the figure.

Dressed all in green and standing no higher than three feet tall, the man looked faintly ridiculous and not what they had expected to find at all. “What are you fucking staring at shit-heads!” The small man’s verbal assault continued “Hey, cut the crap, you little dwarf!” John spat. “You this fucking nasty to everyone?” I’m not a fucking dwarf, I’m an elf, dick-head!” The two friends could contain their mirth for no longer and both exploded into loud, belly aching laughter. “So what’s so fucking funny? You never seen an elf before?”

John wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes. “Sorry, man….no, I guess we must have both missed that! Except when we last saw santa Clause!” Again, the laughter erupted, tears streaming down both of their faces. The elf looked angrily back at them. “And don’t get me started on Tha guy, either! The bastard! I work for that fat piece of shit, I was a good elf, too until he reassigned me here! Jeez, You fuck One damn reindeer!” John and Harry were now in fits of apoplexy. “Ah, c’mon, guy’s! Give me a break, it’s not That funny!”

Oh, sorry, man! Gasped John between fits of coughing laughter. “So, what are you doing here?” “Here? I’m supposed to be a sentinel. This lamp is very special – if it ever fucking works!” He kicked it again and the sodium glare flickered but quickly died again. The first person to walk under the lamp on Christmas Day is supposed to get one wish – it’s a Christmas thing!” John looked at his wrist watch: 3 minutes past midnight. Well that must be me then. It’s gone twelve so it must be Christmas Day! Anyway, I thought all this sort of thing was supposed to be three wishes, not just


You never heard of cut-backs? We can’t afford to go around giving out three wishes to every fucker that comes along! Takes a lot out of an elf, you know – granting wishes.” He kicked the lamp-post again. This time the light came on and stayed. The three men were bathed in a cool yellow glow. “Aha!” cried the elf triumphantly, “that’s fixed the bastard!” For a moment he seemed lost in thought. I suppose, technically you’re right.” he continued. You were the first under the lamp on

Christmas Day, so I guess I should give you your wish. Oh, fuck it! Why not, get it over and done with and I can get back to the hot little pixie that’s waiting for me at home. Trust me, you guys haven’t lived until you been sucked off by a pixie!” He chuckled to himself. Okay, come on then, what’s the big wish?” All this had taken John and Harry a little by surprise to say the least, but John was intrigued. He thought for a moment before answering. I wish my wife would do exactly what I said for a whole day!”

The elf opened up a small hand-book and began flicking through pages. Um…yes…yes…I think we can do that, it’s under the section on Bitch Wives, I think. Yes! Here it is – getting quite popular this section! Now, what do I have to say….oh, I don’t know, er….Abra-fucking-cadabra! There, that should do it. So long shit-heads! Hope you enjoy yourselves!” For a moment, everything went black. A tremor shook through John’s body and then he opened his eyes. He hadn’t really been aware that they were closed.

The street-lamp was flickering again and the two friends were once again alone. The elf had vanished as surely as if he had never existed. “Jeez, what was all that about?” asked Harry “I don’t know, but I think I need a big drink – c’mon Harry, I got a bottle at home. Let’s go!” Neither Harry or John were completely sure what had happened as they walked in to John’s house ten minutes later. Both were still wondering if they had imagined the whole thing.

John poured drinks for them both and they sat in the lounge in silence. “John?” Yeah?” “You know the wish you made? You think….I mean, do you suppose?…..No, I guess not, just forget it!” “What, you mean do I think it actually worked? I’d been thinking much the same thing myself, actually!” John idly tapped the side of his glass with his index finger. Both friends looked at each other a smile breaking across their faces at almost the same time. “Let’s give it a try shall we?” Said

John “She’s in the kitchen, I think.” Oh, honey? Could you bring us a beer each please?” Without a word, a few seconds later, Mona appeared from the kitchen armed with two cold beer bottles. Both men took the proffered beverage and grinned at each other. What about some chips to go with these?” John asked his wife. Again, without any hesitation, Mona silently walked to the kitchen and returned a few moments later with snacks. Harry laughed.

It looks like our little friend was on the level! Anyway, I better be going now, I think.” Hey, Harry, what’s the rush, man? Let’s have a little fun shall we? You did say you thought my wife was good looking, didn’t you. Wouldn’t you like to see for yourself?” Harry looked stunned. This evening had been the single most weird night of his life so far, and things didn’t appear to be getting any more sane now! He tried to make protesting noises with his lips, but only a strangled croak was to be heard and accompanied by a dumb nod of his head in the affirmative.

Good!” cried John, grinning wickedly. “Mona, take your dress off. Show Harry and me what color underwear you got on today!” John’s face lit up as he realized that his wife was completely under his control. For years he had dreamed about this sort of power and, if he was honest, he’d also dreamed about sharing her with Harry. Mona slipped the red dress from her shoulders and let it fall to the ground. Her face looked blankly at the two friends as she stood in front of them in just her pink bra and panties

Get down on your knees, bitch! Crawl like a dog!” Again, without any hesitation or sign of embarrassment Mona fell to her hands and knees and began crawling around the carpeted floor. Harry was still sitting in stunned silence watching his friend’s wife make such an exhibition of herself. He had known for years that Mona was unfaithful to John; he had seen her many times in local bars as she propositioned complete strangers. He’d always wanted a taste for himself but was too loyal to his

He had to admit though, as he looked at the semi-clad woman before him, in just her underwear she looked really sexy. Harry could feel his erection aching hard in his pants. Let old Harry have a look at those big old tits of yours honey!” laughed John. He was really getting into his power trip. Harry wondered how far his friend would let this go – a bit further he hoped!

Mona crawled over to where Harry was sitting and knelt up. Her large, firm breasts almost overflowed the tight bra she wore. Mona, you need you’re tits touched, don’t you? You need them groped and fondled, don’t you?”"Yes” Mona replied evenly “I want my tit’s touched.”"Ask Harry to feel em up for you, then.”"Harry. Please touch my tits. I want you to feel them, squeeze them. Please Harry, please!” Harry was having trouble breathing. His throat seemed to have contracted restricting his airway and the pressure in his pants was increasing rapidly.

His hand snaked out slowly and touched the upper slope of Mona’s hot, heaving breast. As soon as his fingers felt the warm flesh, he heard her moan and sigh. She certainly appeared to like having her boobs touched, he thought. “You know what you want.” John continued. “Ask Harry, go on, ask him!” “Please Harry,” Mona whispered as she knelt in front of him, “please let me take my bra off!” Harry thought this a stupid question, even in these very strange circumstances.

He had been told by others who had sampled Mona’s charms for themselves how horny she could be, but until now it seemed that he was destined never to find out for himself. Until now! “Do it!” was all that he managed to coax from his parched throat. Harry and John sat back and watched as Mona unclasped her bra and let the lacy undergarment fall to the floor to join her discarded dress. Harry gasped as her breasts revealed themselves; large, tanned mounds of flesh capped with dark, cherry-red nipples that seemed to throb and pulsate with a life of their own.

As requested, Harry drew his hands back to her chest. Now relieved of the flimsy undergarment the flesh felt warm and smooth under his touch and Harry began to massage the swollen orbs, gently at first then becoming increasingly more urgent. “That’s right, Harry! Give her a good old feel-up. God knows how many other hands have groped those tits, it’s nice to see someone I know having the fun!” Harry smiled at his friend and turned back to his most pleasurable task. As his fingers flitted over her tight nipples, he could feel them harden further.

He heard Mona sigh again and bent his head to lick them. He sucked each pebble-like bud into his mouth and nibbled gently causing his friend’s wanton wife to cry out. He felt her tremble and knew that he had hit a nerve. He was definitely on the right track. Again and again he sucked the womanly nubs into his mouth and feverishly tongued and chewed them. Mona was groaning and sighing almost constantly now and as Harry slipped his hand downwards and into the waistband of her panties, he immediately felt a warm rush of moisture as Mona shook in orgasm.

Time to get her panties off, I think, Harry!” said John openly rubbing the crotch of his jeans. John noticed Harry look at him. “Oh, please. Don’t mind me, Harry. I haven’t had so much fun in years!” Harry’s hands trembled as Mona stood up before him and allowed him to hook his thumbs into the waistband of her bikini panties. Slowly, very slowly he began to peel them down her legs. Her mound was directly in front of his face and he could see the moisture that stained the crotch of her panties and glistened on the lips of her well trimmed pussy.

Further down Harry drew the tiny garment until it pooled around her ankles and bare feet. He watched her pretty feet as she stepped out of the panties and then knelt back down so that she was again level with him. Harry sat and watched dumbly as Mona stared back at him, almost awaiting instructions. “You as hard as me, Harry?” Cried John from his chair. Harry shook the image of the naked woman in front of him from his still confused mind and looked over at his friend.

John had taken out his cock and was slowly masturbating. It did indeed look very hard, thought Harry. Yeah, John. I’m aching in my pants, man!” “Take it out then, my friend. You’re in for a treat!” John seemed to be calling all the shots now and this was fine with Harry. He’d been wanting to release his throbbing penis for some time. As he quickly pulled down his zipper and hauled his hard member out, the cool air of the room wafted gently around his shaft and balls. It felt good.

Very good. Harry sat back and idly toyed with his erection while the kneeling Mona looked at it and silently licked her red painted lips.”Time to show me and Harry what you’re good at, Mona.” gasped Harry as he continued to stroke his tool. “Start sucking, bitch!” Harry held his breath as his friend’s wife bent lower. He watched in fascinated anticipation as her mouth opened wide and descended over the head of his cock. He gasped as he felt her warm, moist tongue swirl around his cock head and held his breath.

He gripped the base of his tool, he didn’t want to cum just yet. John looked on as he squeezed the head of his cock. His earlier thought had been to get rid of his friend and have his newly submissive wife all to himself, but, he had to admit, this was a much better choice. It was much more fun to watch the bitch – his, darling bitch – gobble Harry’s cock for all she was worth. And, at the moment, thought John, she was worth a hell of a lot! He watched as Mona’s lips closed over Harry’s thick cock and dropped inch by inch down on it.

He was surprised when he saw the angle of her head alter slightly and the unmistakable shape of his
friend’s cock outline her throat. Damn, he thought, she’d never deep-throated him before! Harry was certainly enjoying himself. Having let go of the base of his cock left his hands

free to play with Mona’s hanging breasts and, as she sucked him off, he pinched and twisted her
nipples mercilessly. He knew that she was enjoying herself as well because every time he squeezed the hard buds she moaned and gurgled around his cock. He could feel the tension building up inhis balls. He didn’t care anymore, he just wanted to have this woman suck him dry.

You getting ready to cum, Harry?” John’s voice was little more than a croak as his engorged cock twitched wildly in his hand. Oh yeah, man. I’m ready to fucking explode!” John jumped up and quickly walked over to join his friend and his wife. His cock stuck out from the fly of his pants like a flagpole. Let’s cum together, man.” he cried as he pointed his tool towards Mona’s face and began tugging his foreskin back and forth rapidly. Harry was not about to disagree. He knew that he was about to blow his load and withdrew from Mona’s throat with a wet, slurping sound.

Both men stood on either side of John’s wife and masturbated like crazy. Mona seemed unable to decide which cock to look at and seemed to decide to just let her head fall back and to open her mouth in anticipation. Both men came almost simultaneously. Mona felt the hot cum sear the skin of her face as rope after rope of thick, wet liquid splashed her face and hair. She couldn’t understand why she felt so horny, she just knew that, deep down, she had to do exactly what her husband had told her.

It was a strange feeling and one that she was unused to, but, she had to admit, it did feel good. She hadn’t felt this way towards John for years and was confused as to why she did now, but all things considered, she was not about to complain! Later that night, John showed a very happy and contented looking Harry to the door and wished him goodnight. Happy Christmas as well, don’t forget!” laughed Harry over his shoulder as he strode towards the gate. Oh yeah, Happy Christmas, old friend.” Harry replied, laughing. “I hope you have a good day. I know I will, I reckon I still got about twenty-two hours of my wish left!”pls i am a call boy if any girl woman need my service pls contact me at madhusudanchaubey at yahoo dot com or call me 9009530932

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Learning through the Night

Learning through the Night This story may be reposted anywhere as long as proper credit is given, you inform me of where it?s being posted, and I am allowed free access to the web site where it is being posted. Learning through the NightBy Sbbe (Stillbehindblueeyes (at) yahoo (dot) com) Thanks to ZebI recommend you read his story before mine for background(Thanks for the Wedding Night story and encouragement)( Amy sobbed into the...

2 years ago
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Wife And The Businessman 5

Mike watches his wife and the businessman enter the elevator leading to her lover’s room. He goes to the bar and orders an old fashioned. He sips his drink and pictures his wife on her knees giving the businessman a blowjob. At least this time he gets to watch. He reaches in his pocket and subconsciously toys with his wife’s panties.Lynn and Derek kiss as soon as they are in the elevator. The elevator stops at the next floor and two other men enter. Derek has his arm around her waist. She is...

4 years ago
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Aw Fuck MeChapter 7 Whats next

As I pushed the button a fleeting recollection of Murphy’s law passed through my mind: ‘Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.’ As I waited, I thought to myself, “Damn!” nothing had happened... A blinding painful flash, then darkness. I must have passed out then as awareness slipped away from me... I came to with pain pounding in my head, colors flashing through my mind, and the loudest damn noise in the world in my ears. As my head slowly cleared, I realized the sound was the...

3 years ago
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My Girl Friend

Hi, My name is Aakash and this is the story of my girlfriend. We had a beautiful relationship but it all came to an end after I was sent a video of my gf getting rammed by 4 of her colleagues. My gf is currently studying in AIIMS she is from Delhi. She is tall, fair, sweet voice, beautiful baby pink lips and pinkish-brown nipples. She has an astonishing figure of 34-28-36. She has brown eyes and long hair.She walks like a real peace of work. She sways her mighty ass to tease on-lookers. She has...

1 year ago
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Immature Sex With Cousin Priya 8211 Part 1

My name is Arjun. I am 24 right now doing my MBA. This happened 2 years ago when I was in the first year of college. I used to go to my uncle`s place (mama`s house) to enjoy my summer vacation every year. My uncle has 1 daughter and 1 son. This story is about his daughter, my cousin. Her name is Priya. She is 2 years younger to me. And I am her favourite cousin brother, because I always help her with everything and I was good to her. She is very grown up physically. Her boobs are big in size...

2 years ago
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Meister T Hochzeitskleid von Fee

Meister – T – und Voyourismus als Kunstform -Aus dem Leben eines Meisters – Hochzeitskleid von FeeHochzeitskleid von FeeLest - Was bisher geschah: - - - - -Der Fetisch als moderne Form der...

2 years ago
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Weekend At The Lake

After I'd spent time in Illinois and lost my virginity to the nympho next door whose Air Force hubby was in Germany, I went back home and renewed my acquaintance with an old girlfriend, Pam. Her parents and mine, I honestly believe, had ideas that she and I would end up married. Even though we liked each other a lot and had great times together, at eighteen, we really didn't see that in either of our futures.  For one thing, the Vietnam War was in full swing and I had to either enlist or be...

3 years ago
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Christmas Break Part 1

I got to her campus in the latter part of the afternoon and saw a lot of kids headed the opposite way. I knew where her room was so I just went up to it and knocked on the door. No answer. So I pulled out the key she'd mailed me and let myself in. This dorm had shared baths and shower rooms on each floor and though I would have loved a shower about then, I didn't want to go take one without further information from Nancy about which one to use, when to use it, etc. I didn't want to walk in...

2 years ago
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Rekindling an InterestChapter 4

Once the girls realised that I wasn’t at death’s door and, of course, that they’d pumped me for all I knew, they left promising to call around later that day. I rang my work and explained what was happening. Obviously, as my attack was public knowledge at work, it came as little surprise that I’d be taking a few days off, though our beloved CEO thought that I should at least be working from home and it was only me pointing out concussion and pain killing drugs that he accepted that it wasn’t...

3 years ago
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The Older Sister Ch 01

“Keys. Ten minutes?” Jake called, poking his head into his sister’s room.Elena nodded briefly, barely looking up from her phone. She waited until Jake had left before smiling from behind a wall of blonde hair, pleased that she was already dressed provocatively in her hip hugging pencil skirt. She touched the soft grey pattern material that enclosed her fit body and pictured how she might find her brother.Elena spent the next ten minutes brushing her long blonde hair, applying discrete make up...

1 year ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 6

I went right from my office to the pub. I got there in time for a cup of coffee, and some down time before I had dinner. Dinner was also going to be from the pub. Nita agreed to cook me a grilled cheese sandwich. I have no idea why it wasn't on the menu, since she made the best one in the state. They started to drift in about eight. "Brit put all their drinks on my tab but make absolutely sure none of them drives home tonight." "Me and Jeremy will take them home. The SUV will hold seven...

1 year ago
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I Never Knew My Brother Could Love Me This Way

“Need water?” My brother, Jacob handed me a water bottle with a lovely sprinkle of condensation forming on the outside. I nodded, “Yes!” said a breathless Colleen. I would have liked my name if I didn’t figure out a few years ago that my parents named me after an aunt who was later put in jail. No wonder my parents never tell us about her, they are ashamed. Every family has their problems… little did I know my brother and I would be adding to them. “It’s getting late.” Jacob said,...

4 years ago
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a bad day to be a cheerleader

Introduction: jenny was soon to learn that there were worse things that could happen than not getting picked for the chearleadin squad Bang. that was the last thing jenny heard before she blacked out in the street, she had been out at a bar walking home late at night when she was knocked out. Jenny was 16 years old so she had to use a fake I.D. to get into bars she was 58, blonde and had blue eyes. she was thin athletic and perhaps most important a cheerleader at boulder high school. She woke...

1 year ago
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The Sex God

A couple years back, my struggling buddy Napolean began getting all into pick-up literature. His methods with women weren’t rendering any results, so he hit , and he hit it hard. Every new conversation we had brought news of a new book he’d just read and how he was already applying his new methods “in the field.” I’d read a couple books on the topic, but since I was doing fine for myself I didn’t feel the need to invest any more time learning about new pick-up techniques. Napolean sent me these...

4 years ago
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Masishen EvolutionChapter 8 Scapegoat

President Stinson leaned heavily against the soft cushions of the richly-upholstered leather chair in his private quarters. His wife had retired to their bedroom an hour before and was soundly asleep. He had peeked in through the door, barely cracking it open, and even through that tiny opening he could hear her labored snoring. Drunken fat sow, he mumbled to himself, easing the door closed again. He had returned to his chair and motioned for his chief of staff, Jonas Barnes, to...

2 years ago
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Spanked BabysitterChapter 11

Vicki's voice caught in her throat as she thought of taking all three dildoes at once. As hot as she was, she was ready for anything. Carol continued, "Robert told me to teach you how to deep- throat, so that's what we're gonna do. The first thing is to get your head in the right position." She unlocked the headrest, then lowered it, making Vicki's throat a straight line down her gullet. "Now, number one is to keep your throat totally relaxed. You have to concentrate hard, and...

2 years ago
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No It Is Not Cheating

Some incidents that happen in our life, change us for ever. The way I look at things now, It wasn’t always like this. My name is Bobby. I am 34 years old Entrepreneur. Happily married. Living with my parents, wife and a son. The incident that I’m going to narrate here, happened just last week. Its about a lady called sonal. She is my wife’s kitty party friend. Sonal visited our house very frequently, almost everyday. I always kinda wondered why she would come home every time. Gradually sonal...

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The Sisters

As i slowly fall in love with one girl, her sister falls for me.... Ill start this off by telling you the description of the main characters, Rob is the main Character, 14 years old, he is 6'1", 130 pounds, dark brown "beiber"-ish hair as it is called that by everyone except him, and hazel eyes that could melt your soul. He is more of a twig, but a LOT stronger than he looks. He dresses more of the skater type, always rocking some DC or Osiris shoes, black jeans and a T-shirt most of...

3 years ago
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Knox County Ch 01

KNOX COUNTY This will be a long story set out over a series of chapters. There will be many characters, and not all of them will be getting some in every scene. Actually, as currently plotted, some of them won’t be getting any for quite some time. I hope you will give the story a go and let me know any suggestions you may have. The fun part about creating characters and maneuvering them through a story is allowing them to be themselves and, to a certain degree, be normal while still allowing...

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Kevin and Denise Naked in SchoolChapter 30 Program Week is Over but its Just Beginning

On our way out of class, Linda Grover, our website content guru, rushed up. “There you are, Kevin, a bunch of us’ve heard that the feds are trying to locate and shut down the site, you know?” “Yeah, I heard that at lunch. Any news since then?” “Not about the feds, but the media are trying to find the site too. There’s going to be something on the six-o’clock news about it and the kids who did the website and server setup and some of the others will be watching. They wanted me to find you...

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My Journey Book 1 CollarsChapter 25

Monday morning was as perfect a day as I could have asked for from August. It was hot and sunny without a cloud in the sky. I longed to go to the beach, but today was my first day with the program officially. It was the most important day of my life. I just didn’t know it yet. I sighed and put my laptop and a couple of notepads and pens into the backpack I’d gotten from the Harvard bookstore after breakfast and the girls assured me that they weren’t going to be out in the sun either. They...

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Pehli Mulaqat Me Aunty Ki Chudai

Hi dosto kaise ho aap sabhi?? Mai rahul aaj pehli bar aap logo ke samne hajir hu apni life ki 1 sachhi ghatna lekar jisne mujhe pehli bar sex ka maja diya,,aur uske bad se main sex ke liye pagal ho chuka hu isliye apni kahani aap logo ke sath share krne aaya hu.. Bat un dino ki hai jab 1 bar mai kuchh dino k liye delhi gaya tha chhutiya bitane.Delhi me meri bahut dur ki 1 relative rehti thi jo sayad rishte me meri chachi lagti thi.Infact mujhe unke bare me kuch pta nahi tha,jab ghar walo ne...

3 years ago
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Secrets and Lies

Secrets and Lies By Cassandra Morgan (To readers: I found this old file in my computer that I wrote (with feedback from Vickie Tern) a while ago. It's rough, but I thought there was something there. Forgive me my flaws. Cassi.) He felt, pretty much, like a Christmas tree. He ought to be able to communicate with the planet Zefron. Elijah Dawson, E.J., was lying on a small cot in the psych department, and all sorts of wires were running out of him. There were...

4 years ago
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The Goldbergs Control Anyone Get A HeadChapter 9

FLASHBACK: Lainey and Erica are on their fourth day of Concession week – as told by Erica Goldberg I changed into my concession skirt that morning so that my parents didn’t notice. I would have been mortified if they found out what I was doing. I was sure my mom would have never let me follow through with any of it. Lainey was able to walk out of the house without panties wearing the skirt and a slutty red top with a bandana. Her parents were going through a rocky time in their relationship,...

2 years ago
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Hot Time With Muscled Sir

Hi, I am a fair guy, who did not know what a gay is, but was interested in shirtless men, always had a fascination to see shirtless pictures of men, specially their nipples, which still fascinate me the most , I use to watch images of shirtless men when alone and enjoyed it…I am a regular reader here and for the first time I am writing a story, hope you enjoy it… This story is about how I fell in love with my tuition teacher, he is a hot and sexy man, muscular fair body. He sometimes wore tight...

Gay Male
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It was my first year at Havershem University, and I was so excited. After finishing high school, I couldn't wait to be on my own. I never had a problem getting guys, since my body was a total knockout. I am 5'5", with 36c tits, and a perfect round ass. My hair is a deep red and sits just my below my tits. I was head cheerleader at high school, so I was in great shape. When I arrived on campus, I quickly unpacked my things and waited to meet my new roommate. After about an hour, she finally came...

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June Autumn and RogerChapter 29 The Gangrsquos All Here

June arrived at school early Friday morning. After parking the car, she got out and looked around at all the kids standing outside. She spotted the group of boys she was looking for and started to walk in their direction. June picked these boys solely because of their reputation among the students. She had talked to other girls who have dated most of them and who had sex with some of them. These boys never went steady with any girl but rather “played the field” using their term for a quick...

3 years ago
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The Surrogate Species

Standard disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. It is for entertainment purposes only and intended exclusively for adults. If you are not legally of age according to the laws of your land, please go away. Special disclaimer: Some people may find this story-- well, kind of yucky. Please beware that it contains extreme body modification, acts of non-consensual sex between men, and male pregnancy, all set in a galaxy far, far away. If this is not your cup of tea, go back now....

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Tori and Jack

Tori stepped off the plane in the lobby of the Texas airport and drew in a deep breath. She was here to meet Jack, a guy she had been talking to online for the past two months. Tori had exchanged pictures with Jack and was nervous with built up anticipation at finally meeting him in person. They had discussed the first time they actually met in person and the possibilities of taking their relationship to a more intimate level. They had become very close in the two months they had been talking...

Group Sex
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Just so you guys know, I got the idea of this story from Fallout 4 so if you're getting a sense of dejavu at points, that's why. "Come on. I want a turn!" Groans your friend who is talking about the toy car in between your small hands. "No. It's still my turn." You groan back and carry on playing with the car. You then however look up and see her face which is covered in sadness. "I'm done now..." you say unwantingly whilst handing her the car without making eye contact. "We have to go. Now!"...

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A Switch to the Right

A Swing to the Right     "General, the city is ours.  We have captured thePresidential Palace.  It appears El Presidenteescaped, but we have found his sister, his wife, andhis son and two daughters, and we have them incustody."     "Good, we can use them as hostages.  If he does notsurrender or go into exile, we will publicly torturehis family."     "My general, there are many Communists still ready tofight, and there are other countries to consider,diplomatic relations.  I suggest we structure...

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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 177 Remembrances 12Harsh Fight

Enishi: Huh? (He stands at the doorway of the hut, now empty.) Enishi: Tome? Tomoe... ? That's strange. Where could she have gone? (thinking) She couldn't... she couldn't have passed me on the way into the forest? (Kenshin charges through the still-falling trees.) Sumita: He's chosen one of us as a target. After he's settled him, he'll go for the other. Mumyoui: But that's exactly what I wanted! The space above his head is clear! (He leaps from tree to tree and stabs downward...

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