Life Drawing Disaster (CFNM Story) free porn video

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If you think stripping off to pose nude for an art group couldn't be anymore embarrassing... you ain't seen nothing yet!!! ---------------------------- Disclaimer: Again this is a comedy CFNM story containing all adult characters and any resemblance to real life people or places is purely coincidental!! ~ At an adult activities centre, Helena is in the main art room setting up for her life drawing class, with Lara the other art tutor helping her out, as one by one, the members of the art group arrive ~   Helena: "We are just waiting on our nude model and once he arrives we'll begin"   Lara: "Who is the poor sod that's getting his kit off for us this time?"   Helena: "It's one of our beloved volunteers"   Lara: "Which one is it?" Helena: "It's that guy incharge of the IT group"
Lara: "Oh this i've gotta see! Is it alright if I stick around for a bit as my own art class doesn't start for another half-hour yet?"   Helena: "Sure, but go easy with him as this is his first time and he is a bit shy"   ~ All of a sudden Alex walks into the room wearing a white dressing gown as the group jokingly wolf-whistle ~   Alex: "This is my first time doing anything this, so please forgive me if I am a bit shakey or do something wrong"   ~ Helena and Lara smile and walks upto Alex, putting their hands on his shoulders ~ ~   Helena: "No need to worry Alex, just take a deep breath and try to relax"   Lara: "Yeah, no need to be embarrassed Alex, we are all adults here"   Alex: "Thank-you! Shall I disrobe now?"   Helena: "Oh yes I.T Boy! Time to strip-off and show us your 9-inch floppy"   Lara: "Yes, get 'em off and show us your USB stick"   ~ Helena and Lara smile at Alex as he steps onto the podium and takes off his robe, revealing his naked body to whole art group, who start applauding Alexs bravery ~   Helena: "See Alex, that wasn't so hard was it?"   Lara: "...erm is ...erm ...hard?"   ~ Lara winks at Alex, as the whole room starts giggling, whilst a shocked Helena points at Alex and then points down at his erect penis, then smiles at him ~   Alex: "Sorry about that folks! Like I said it's my first time! ...Don't worry, i'll take care of it!"   ~ The whole room starts laughing because of the "take care of it remark" ~   Helena: "Not in here you won't! Is bad enough cleaning up after my art classes as it is, without having to clean up your mess too"   Alex: "Woah! Woah! Woah! I didn't mean take care of it in that way, I ment that i'll try to think of something unsexy to make it go down"   Helena: "What like thinking about old ladies?"   Lara: "Well that's not going to work with Alex... I hear he prefers older women! Hahaha!"   ~ Suddenly the fire alarm goes off, causing everyone including Alex to start panicking~   Alex: "Oh crap! Where is my robe?"   Helena: "Try not to panic Alex, it's probably just a false alarm or a test"   ~ Suddenly Mandy comes into the art room and escourts the members out of the building ~   Mandy: "This is not a drill, make your way to the fire exit and wait out side"   Alex: "Help! I can't find my robe"   ~ Lara, Helena and Alex are looking all over frantically for the robe but to no avail ~   Mandy: "You'll have to hurry up as this is an emergency"   Alex: "Can I atleast get my clothes from the toilets then?"   Mandy: "Unfortunately you can't because that area is where the fire is"   Alex: "Well what can I do? I can't find my robe and I can't go outside stark bollock naked?"   Mandy: "This will have to do then!"   ~ Mandy throws Alex a small towel, that he immediately puts on, but unfortunately it just about fits round his waist ~   Mandy: "Now follow me to the fire exit"   ~ Alex, Helena, Lara and Mandy head down stairs and make their way to the fire doors ~   Mandy: "The fire exit is just through here, where Barbara is holding the door open"   ~ Alex wearing only a skimpy towel around his waist, follows Mandy, Lara and Helen  through the fire door that is being held open by Barbara, who is Alex's voluntary work boss ~   Barbara: "Oh my god! Where are your clothes Alex!"   Alex: "I was modeling in one of your life drawing classes and then this fire alarm went off... i'm really sorry for any offence caused boss!   "Barbara: "No need to apologies Alex! It's just one of those things that happens"   ~ Barbara then leans over to Alex and whispers into his ear "...and besides, i'm liking what i'm seeing", then she slaps Alexs backside as he walks past her and heads towards the electronic gate ~   Mandy: "Hurry up Alex, we've done the register and everyone is just waiting for you now"   ~ Everyone from staff, to other volunteers, to members are crowded outside of the electronic gate looking on at a nervous Alex, who is wearing nothing but a skimpy towel, in stunned silence, with smiles on their faces as they try their best not to laugh ~   Alex: "Sorry about this everyone! I was posing for a life drawing class and the fire alarm went off"   ~ Just as Alex walks through the electronic gate, it shuts behind him, catching his towel in the process ~   Alex: "Oh shit! Not now! Not out here! Infront of everyone who I work with!"   ~ Alex turns round to try to pull the towel out, revealing his bare bum to everyone in the process, as they all start laughing ~   Stacey: "Swit-Swooooo! Nice arse you have there Alex!"   Norma: "I'm so tempted to go over and smack his bottom"   ~ Suddenly Jackie who's been on the phone the whole time, ends the call and gathers everyone round, whilst Alex is still angrily trying to pull the towel out from the electronic gate ~ Jackie: "The firemen have just phoned to say they are on their way and want everyone to get as far away from the building as possible"   ~ Everyone makes their way to the assembly point that's further away from the building as Alex tries frantically to pull the towel out to gate, but to no avail ~   Jackie: "I know it's unfortunate and embarrassing, but this is a serious fire and you must get away from the building now"   Alex: "But I can't walk around in the middle of a public street in the buff?"   Jackie: "Well walk behind me to the assembly point and i'll cover you up"   ~ Alex gets right upto Jackies back, hiding behind her as the pair slowly walk to the assembly point, which is full of giggling people looking on ~   Jackie: "Ouch! Careful there Alex! You just hit me in the back with your boney knee"   Alex: "...erm ...that wasn't my knee ...sorry"   Jackie: "Look I can't do this if you keep on poking me in the back with your tackle so it's probably best if you go hide behind something else?"   Alex: "Yeah, sorry about that and there is a tree just further up, so i'll go and hide behind that instead"   ~ Alex quickly waddles away from behind Jackie, covering up his privates in the process and hides behind a tree as everyone continues laughing at his embarrassing situation ~   Mandy: "You still need to come further down here Alex"   Janey: "Much further down here computer boy... We all want a closer look at your hard drive! Hahahahaha!!"   ~ Janey and her buddies from the knitting group are all high-fiving each other and then the giggling women all start making a 'come here' gesture with their fingers ~   Alex: "How am I going to get down their without being seen?"   ~ Suddenly Barbara appears behind Alex and slaps his bare bum ~   Barbara: "How about I stand behind you, covering up your cock and balls as you walk down to the assembly point?"   ~ Alex turns to Barbara in shock, cleans his ear out with his finger and tilts his head ~   Alex: "Sorry, I must've miss heard you, but for a moment then, I could've sworn that my lady boss, just said that she wanted to cup my private parts and walk towards everyone else from the very place I volunteer at?"   Barbara: "That's what i've said Alex and unfortunately it looks like you've got no choice"   ~ A reluctant Alex turns round, strugs his shoulders, stands infront of his grinnin boss, Barbara, who then cups his cock and balls with his hands ~   Barbara: "See that wasn't so hard was it? Oh wait, yes it is! Hahahaha!"   Alex: "Yeah very funny! One of your staff members made the same joke earlier"   Barbara: "Sorry I couldn't resist! Anyway, we should probably be making our way down to the assembly point now"   ~ An embarrassed Alex walks upto the giggling group at the assembly point, with his female boss behind him, cupping his cock and balls to hide them from view ~   Norma: "I know you like to get hands on with the volunteers Bab's, but this is ridiculous? Hahaha!!"   Mandy: "Yeah I think that's a tad bit inappropriate Barbara, you'll have to let go of him as you can't fondle volunteers like that i'm afraid"   ~ Mandy then winks at Alex, clearly only saying that so Barbara can stop covering up his modesty ~   Alex: "It's okay! Honest! Please don't remove your hands boss"   Barbara "Sorry Alex! Rules are rules!"   ~ Barbara suddenly removes her hands to a roar of cheers, revealing Alexs willy and testicals to all the volunteers, members and staff at the assembly point, who all start giggling and wolf-whistling at him, as he starts blushing red with embarrassment ~   Norma: "I know it takes balls to be a volunteer, but that is ridiculous!! Hahahaha"   Stacey: "Swit-swooooo! You can model for my art class anyday hansom"   Janey: "Hey nudey-boy! Good job I've brought my knitting with me, as I can cover you up when you get here?"   Alex: "A little late for that don't you think?"   ~ An embarrassed, red faced Alex slowly waddles towards the assembly point, filled with giggling people, as he covers up his private parts, keeps his head down and tries to avoid eye contact with them all ~   Jackie: "Look Alex! I know you must feel really humiliated and embarrassed, but we've all seen you naked now, so you might aswell just run over here because it's taken you long enough already and that building could be burning down at any moment"   ~ Alex realizing that Jackie is right, runs towards the assembly point with his floppy dick bouncing up and down like a yo-yo, much to the amusement of everyone at the assembly point ~   Stacey: "Glad you've made it naked man! Just becareful though because I hear the pub across the street are having a hen party!"   ~ Just as she said that, a group of women come out of the pub and suddenly stop to point and laugh, when they see Alex standing in the assembly line, stark bollock naked, with just his hands covering up his modesty ~   Alex: "Nothing to see here ladies! Move along!"   Stacey: "Oh I don't know about that Alex!"   ~ The laughing and wolf-whistling hen party women come over and start checking Alex's nake body out, then they smile at him and head off ~   Alex: "When can we go back inside as it's freezing out here?"   Janey: "Awww Poor ickle-naked man is freezing his dangley balls off? Don't worry i'll warm you up!"   ~ Janey with an evil grin on her face, walks over to the shivering and embarrassed Alex and hugs his naked body ~   Jackie: "What a good idea Janey! Let's all hug Alex to keep him warm and protect him from hypertermia"   Alex: "No, that's quiet alright thank-you"   ~ Suddenly all the female staff, female volunteers and female members start hugging Alexs naked body, all whilst giggling hysterically and rubbing his naked body ~   Fireman: "When you lot are done squashing mister nudey, you can go back inside  now"   ~ They all suddenly stop hugging Alex and start to back off to the sides forming a pathway in the middle ~   Mandy: "All clear folks, everyone is free to go back inside now!"   ~ Weirdly everyone is just stood still, despite being told that they can re-enter the building ~   Janey: "After you Alex! Don't be scared! We've even cleared the way for you. Hahaha!!"   Jackie: "I know this has been quite the ordeal for you, so if it makes you feel better, me and Janey will hold your hand along the way"   ~ Janey and Jackie surround an embarrassed and humiliated Alex who is still covering up his cock and balls with his hands, whilst everyone else stands on both sides, making a path way so that they can see a naked Alex pass them by ~   Alex: "Okay, you can both hold my hands... oh wait, on second thoughts!"   ~ Just as Alex realized what a bad idea it was, it was too late as both Judy and June grab hold of Alexs hands that he's been covering up his modesty with, revealing his penis that has now shrunk because of the cold weather and shrivelled up balls to roars of laughter from everyone ~   Mandy: "I guess you're freezing Alex, best get back in quick... it's only a SHORT distance from here, Hahahahaha!"   ~Mandy winks after that comment, as a naked Alex, still holding hands with Janey and Jackie, runs past the wolf-whistling and giggling crowd, with his tiny cock jiggling up and down infront of their gaze, but then is stopped by Norma ~   Norma: "Oh nudey-boy! The fireman said that he's put your clothes in the locked draw in the main office... you'll need to use the TINY key on the desk to open it though. Hahahaha!!"   ~ A naked, red faced Alex starts running faster, dragging Janey and Jackie, who are still holding hands with him ~   Jackie: "Slow down Alex! You are bigger and faster than us?" Janey: "Well he is faster, I don't know about bigger? Hahahaha!"   ~ Alex lets go of Jackie and Janey, runs inside quick and gets his clothes from the main offence, whilst all the female office staff laugh and wolf-whistle as they watch him get changed ~   Alex: "Okay ladies, you've had your fun, shows over!"   ~ They all start groaning in disappointment at the sight of a clothed Alex ~   Helena: "So are you on for modelling in the life drawing class next week?"   Alex: "DEFINITELY NOT!!!"   Barbara: "Oh don't be like that Alex, we are only having a bit of fun with you"   Stacey: "Yeah don't worry about it as it's one of those things you'd probably look back on and laugh about"   Norma: "Please don't take it personally Alex because after how well you handled such an embarrassing situation, me and my colleagues have huge respect for you now"   ~ All the staff members nod in agreement and smile at Alex, as they all are starting to feel sorry for him now ~   Alex: "Seriously? After everyone in the whole work place has seen me stripped naked and humiliated like that, you'll be lucky if I show up to run my I.T group next week"   ~ Alex makes a hasty retreat out of the building and heads home ~   ***The End*** Elan Fenix

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My CFNM Experience

So one day I was alone at home. You know I am very keenly excited about CFNM opportunities and I keep looking for them. But unfortunately staying at home you don’t get many opportunities. So on this particular day, I was frustrated after trying a lot for opportunities and not getting them. At that time the doorbell rings. I go open the door and there are these two young construction worker women – perhaps in their early twenties. They ask for water in a very apologetic and requesting manner. I...

2 years ago
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Its CFNM Again

It was over a month since I did the party with Mike for Miranda and friends. I thought I would have heard from one of them by now, but I hadn't and was about to call Miranda see if there was something she could use me for. I really wanted to expose myself in front of some women or girls. So, I called her.We talked for a while and said that she hadn't really been doing any parties lately, but she thought it was nice that I called. After a while, she said she had to go, but if she heard...

3 years ago
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Indian CFNM Sex Slave

Dear friends , This story contains cfnm, lost bet and sex slave Well again story revolves around me that is satish, aged around 23 I was working as executive in one company in hyderabad, it was a free environment in the office there were around 5 females working in our office, 2 of the females were married , one of the female name was smita, she was a divorcee aged around 38, her boss was a south indian female, her name was shashikala, she wasa typical south indian female always in saree ,...

3 years ago
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Club Cfnm

Tiffany and her two friends moved excitedly into the club. She was a little surprised they had gotten past the door-guard with their fake ideas. They had all dressed carefully and wore makeup, but they were really only 15, not 22. She scanned the room and was impressed with its elegance. Her eyes stopped on the main attraction. Just inside the door was a line of naked young men who snapped to "attention" when her eyes fell on them. They put their hands behind their heads and thrust their...

2 years ago
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The Spanking Couples Cfnm PartyChapter 3

Bill was still a little perplexed. Both he and his partner in Femdom Slavery, Ron, were in their normal attire — totally naked. Both had their wrists handcuffed behind their backs and shackles that limited their ability to walk on their ankles. Both also had three inch ring gags wedged into their mouths. Both also sported rock hard cocks that were augmented by cock rings that were designed to keep the blood in their organs — thereby insuring an almost permanent hard-on while wearing the...

2 years ago
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CFNM the first story

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, and I was watching the T.V. when the doorbell rang.I opened it to see my wife’s best friend, “Hello Jan, Sally isn’t in, she has gone shopping, and probably won't be back for a couple of hours.”Jan looked a little disappointed, so I said, “If you want you can ring her and see where she is, and when she will be back?”She shook her head, “No it’s fine Jim, I was just passing I called in on spec. If you don’t mind I will just have a cup of tea and go home. That is...

4 years ago
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Avrils Fool a CFNM story

Avril sat on the couch holding her heart in her hands. She wasn’t crying. Sitting next to her, Ted wondered if that would change. Still staring at the damning picture on her phone, Avril asked Ted, ‘You think her tits are fake?’ ‘Not as fake as her nails,’ Ted said, trying to keep things as light as possible. ‘They could be real,’ Avril said, zooming in for a better look. ‘Her boobs or her nails?’ ‘Her boobs. Her nails might be real, too. Ever notice Sally’s nails? Hers are real.’ ...

2 years ago
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CFNM The third story

Jan and Sally were drinking tea as they sat in the cosy kitchen of Jan’s house. It had been a week since they had taken the big step, from selling on the net to organising a successful party selling various sex toys and marital aids to women.The reason they were now together was because Sally had taken a phone call from Sue, one of the women at the party earlier that morning. What Sue said had taken her by surprise, and she desperately wanted to tell Jan. She needed to get her opinion so they...

1 year ago
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Jesus, these hookers are like cockroaches; you just can't get rid of them he thought to himself as he turned on the red & blue lights of his patrol car. Dan thought about calling it in, but decided against it; he wasn't very well liked by his fellow cops these days. Nothing good would come from mentioning this to dispatch. Officer Rosita, his former partner had just been assigned desk duty, pending an investigation thanks to testimony that Officer Dan had provided to...

4 years ago
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First Time CFNM

After about 10 minutes of pretend arm injuries tummy aches and head aches,i was once again the patient and said i had an injured leg.Lauren (my sister) said that i needed to take my trousers down so she could take a look,so before doing so she went to check that nanna was still in the kitchen, and i then stood with my trousers down around my ankles, she then said that maybe i should have a full check up so i took off both my trousers and t-shirt. She did the pretend checks on my chest and arms...

3 years ago
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CFNM Anatomy Lesson

I stepped out of the shower to the sounds of the over-cheerful babysitter my parents had hired to watch my ten-year-old brother Sam, while they went to the opera and some fancy after party that would have them out until practically dawn. Not that this was unusual. At 14, I had stayed overnight by myself a few times, but my parents didn’t trust me to watch my little brother for this long. Not that I minded having Tracy, the babysitter, over at the house. A 19 year-old freshmen at a local...

4 years ago
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Actual CFNM from college days

I was friends with two roommates, Katie and Laura, who had an apartment in a building I lived in my sophomore year. I’ll be honest, neither of them were very attractive. So I never made a play for either of them, but in frank conversations as college students often have I revealed that I had a large penis. (They didn’t believe me (or claimed not to) because I was then, as I am now, a skinny guy.) We all know it’s not the case, but they insisted that a guy as thin as me could not have as thick...

1 year ago
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I Am Given An Opportunity To Launch A CFNM Career

Jo opens the door, and leading me by the hand, walks me to the centre of the room, and onto a small pedestal, about a metre square, and maybe twenty centimetres high. I am wearing a hospital gown, tied loosely at the back. Under this gown I am completely naked. I feel as though I am trembling a little, maybe because I am a little cold, maybe because I am nervous, and maybe because I am overcome with anticipation. I feel my cock hardening beneath the robe. I know that everyone in the room is...

2 years ago
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CFNMENM Adventure

My name is George, in most respects an average 18 year old guy, much to my own annoyance. At 5'8" and 125 pounds, I'm at an average height, if a bit shorter than I would like, as well as a good bit on the skinny side. I keep my brown hair cut short, and my failed attempts at growing a beard left me with a baby face as my only real option. Down below however, I thought shaving would help things look bigger, or at the very least better.

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Robs CFNM Nightmare

Rob was happy to get the first lesson of the day over with. It was a mixed class of seniors and while he had a small coterie of female groupies, most of the 18 year old students found the the delights of the 19th century English novel to be decidedly uncool. The boys were particularly restive since their next period was to be their favourite with coach Collins in the gym. The girls were less keen to join their teacher Alice on the hockey field but that did not stop the two dominant vixens,...

4 years ago
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CFNM World

You get to write about a world where men are required to be naked at all times but women are allowed to remain clothed. You can approach this story in almost any way you want. Perhaps you want men to be nothing more than slaves to women. Maybe men are at a nearly equal standing with them, but still have to be nude. As for the setting, feel free to get creative there as well. Maybe your story will take place in the “real world.” Maybe it’ll be in a fictional country of your own making. Perhaps...

1 year ago
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Monster Girl ENFCFNM

The stories in this interactive can be about two things: Either its about monster girls who, through some magic, happenstance, work of a lecherous adventurer, however it may happen, wind up naked and embarrassed. From there, it follows the pattern of any given ENF story, albeit with a unique touches involving the setting and specific monster girl in question. For instance, maybe the story is about a werewolf who shreds her clothes transforming? A vampire who turns into a bat, leaving her cloak...

2 years ago
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CFNM Adventures

In a few months, Tom would be graduating high school and on his way to University, where he received a full scholarship. Until now, Tom had only focused on grades and high school sports. A military upbringing kept Tom on a very regimented, strict routine. Playing soccer and running track every year kept Tom in great shape. He was considered good looking, decent abs and had an average 7” cock. Despite his good looks Tom had managed to remain out of the dating scene. With only a few months before...

4 years ago
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CFNM Nature Walk

The summer usually brought in many tourists into the state park, which consisted of forest and beach. I wore many hats on the job: tour guide, lifeguard, ranger and sometimes trash collector if I ever slipped up. I joined the company a few months ago after graduating college and every so often we changed positions. On this particular day, I was a lifeguard at the pool. Our park is usually closed around 5:30pm with the pool closing at 5 so I'm looking forward to leaving a little before everyone...

3 years ago
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CFNM Witch

*This story is based on the above picture by XenaStorm from DeviantArt. Credit for the image goes to her: Jack was walking home from the gym after an amazing workout. Although most people tend to work out earlier in the day, Jack much preferred to exercise later because he loved the nighttime and the feeling of the brisk, cool air against his skin. Little did he know, he’d really be feeling that air against his skin in just a...

3 years ago
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New Horizons University of Female Supremacy (New Horizons for short) was founded by a group of rich and powerful women who were fed up with the chauvinism and toxic masculinity that permeated other tertiary establishments especially the Ivy League. So to ensure that their daughters would have bright futures and that their sons would not grow up to be misogynistic assholes they banded together and created New Horizons a school where the power was stripped away from the males (both literally and...

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Historias CFNM y ENM

Empezaremos esta historia presentando a los protagonistas que vivirán todas aquellas vergonzosas, eróticas y muy desnudas aventuras: Jonas un chico muy inteligente, que con 19 años sigue siendo virgen, no a tenido contacto con ninguna mujer además de que duda de su sexualidad, su cuerpo no es muy grande, es pequeño y delgado con muy poco vello en el cuerpo, pero a pesar de no ejercitarse la adolescencia hizo frutos en él, haciendo que tenga unos cuantos abdominales marcados; cuenta con cabello...

2 years ago
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Susan helps me get back into CFNM and then some

So far, in my relations with Susan, only she has been the exhibitionist. This continued shortly after our return from our holiday down the coast. Since I was going back to work after a three week break the following Monday, I asked two of my male reports to drop by after work on Friday to brief me on issues that had arisen, or had continued, during my absence. When they arrived, before I opened the door to them, Susan rushed off to the bathroom and dipped her head under the shower. I then...

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mom and son cfnm

Mrs. Carrington's eyes opened softly into the morning light. A warm breeze wafted through the slightly opened window, causing her sheer curtains to dance slowly as she watched.She loved the early morning, just at sunrise, on a summer day's beginning. Especially with the warm muscular body of the young man lying nude next to her. Her nephew Thomas had just turned 18 and she hoped that he would be accepted to the Larraine Institute in the fall, as did her sister Jane.Her mind wandered as she...

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The summer I was sent to Mountain Farm, I was in my late mid-teens. A had for a couple of years already been soiling the sheets with my nightly juices almost every night and my attention to schoolwork and helping out at home had become more and more distracted by my growing and constantly aching cock and balls. The actual trigger was when my mother surprised me twice one afternoon when I was happily stroking my member in the family bathroom but had forgotten to lock the door. It did not help...

1 year ago
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Girl examines my big cock and massive balls CFNM

I was 19 when this happned. I lived with my step dad and step sister, Bashi, my mom was abroad. I was very fine in dealing with my step sis and we wer very friendly.She was short and a little fat and just my taste but I never thought any dirt of her. 1101 in binary was how much years she had lived.One day she has said her dad that she hasn't ever seen a man's penis and would want to see it to clear doubts in her mind and science lessons. This was the turning point as the dad requested me to let...

3 years ago
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PREMED CFNM II School Female Bathroom

It was a pretty goodnight sleep, I said to myself as I slowly open my eyes and slowly stretch out all my limbs. I turn my head to look at the clock. “Oh my god!” It was 20 mins before our meeting time. I definitely going to be late.I forgot all about the event for this morning and had to run to be there as fast as I can.I made it and saw them all in the end of the renovated hallway. I was late for 10 mins.Mindy: I thought you are backing off.Susie: Relax Ray and take a rest. Our professor has...

2 years ago
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PREMED GIGS CFNM in Medical Uniform

As a premed student of a well known university, the journey to graduate was a tough road. Thick medical books are regarded like a small regular pocketbook to be finish reading every long chapter and an immediate exams the next day before discussion of the topic.At the end of the semester our grades are terribly low and we needed additional points to turn everything around and be more or less reach the appropriate level to pass.Finally our professor announces a challenge for each group to come...

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