Hallelujah Ch. 10-11 free porn video

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Bennie Rich watches me with a lazy irritation. His face is almost neutral, except for a slight narrowing of the eyes that seems to go away whenever he looks at anything besides me. Well, what are you going to do? I give him my best ‘open to suggestions’ look in response. I don’t have a fucking clue what I’m doing here. It’s his show, and I’m happy to let him run the ball.

He taps his pen against the desk, then sets it down and sighs. ‘What am I going to do with you, Jake?’ he asks, a wistful tone to his voice. ‘What am I going to do?’

I grunt. He’s clearly enjoying himself…he really seems to love these little power games…but I’m not going to be the sheepish apologist this time around. ‘You could always start by telling me what the fuck is going on,’ I say flatly.

A small smile flickers across his face. ‘I could, yes. I could do that. Clear the whole mess up, set your mind at ease, etcetera etcetera. I’m not going to do that. But I could.’

I lean back, cross my arms and wait. What a jackass.

‘You really messed things up for yourself with that record, didn’t you Currie?’ he smiles sweetly.

I nod, unembarrassed. ‘Is that why I’m here? So you can gloat about it? I guess I’m okay with that.’

‘Good,’ he leans back, putting his feet up on the desk. ‘That makes me very, very happy. I’ve been looking forward to doing exactly that. Yes, the legendary Jake Currie…the man who thought he knew best…really learned otherwise. He finally discovered that he’s not actually better than everybody else. He’s not blessed. He’s not unstoppable. That’s gotta hurt a little, I imagine. Being taken down a peg, finding out just where your limits sit, always does.’

I nod again. Why lie about it? He’s going way over the top, but the basic truth is there.

‘And now,’ Bennie waves his hand and opens his eyes wide, like a minstrel telling a tale, ‘he’s as confused as can be. He’s confused, because he knows he should be finished. Washed up. Deleted. He didn’t just waste an insane amount of studio time, he didn’t just cost a label a lot of money with no return. Oh, no. That wouldn’t be enough, would it? He also managed to shout at, and insult, the fucking band. The fucking producer insulted the fucking musicians! That’s one for the ages, I tell you. What were you even thinking? Musicians are so sensitive and touchy…hell, half of them are drug addicts anyway…that it’s like walking a minefield with them until you can really win them over with bullshit compliments and praise. If you ever do. Any engineer or producer worth their weight knows to be careful about how they approach the artist. Even the dumbest ones know.’ He tilts his head and shakes it. ‘But not Currie. No, not that guy. He lit into those fucks like it was the Fourth of July. And from what I hear, he still managed to be surprised when they stormed out. Yet another legendary Currie tale that will live on and on for as long as this studio stands.’ He puts his feet down, sitting up straight, and sniffs. ‘Yet, so far as you know, the band still wants you to produce. And, so far as you know, the label will still allow it. And now here you are, sitting in the office of the studio manager who once fired you…a man who didn’t much care for you even before this little fiasco started. And you wanna know why?’


He reaches over to his phone, a big and aging device with rows of buttons, and rests his finger gently on one labeled ‘Front Desk.’ He smirks at me. ‘Because, my dear boy, I enjoy your confusion.’ He pushes the button down, and the phone beeps. ‘Now, please, Jennifer.’

A second later, the door opens and Walter Russell waddles in. From where I’m sitting, the door prevents his seeing me until he’s walked fully into the room. ‘Bennie,’ he smiles, ‘you needed to see…’ he trails off as he notices me, and his smile disappears. ‘What the fuck is he doing here?’ he snaps.

Damn. He stole my line.

‘Shut up and sit down, Walter,’ Bennie waves impatiently towards the adjacent cushioned visitor chair. Russell doesn’t move an inch.

‘Bennie,’ he says slowly, uncertainly, ‘I don’t know what you think-‘

‘I said sit down.’

‘No.’ His face is getting that blotchy look, and he’s breathing harder. ‘If you’ll excuse me, I have a session.’

‘It’s postponed. Doesn’t start for an hour. I already called everybody and adjusted the books so the label can be reimbursed later.’ He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table. ‘You are an adult, Walter. You’re not a rock. You’re not an island. And you do have the time.’

Russell looks at me again, hatred clouding his face, but he walks over and has a seat anyway. ‘Fine. I have the time. What do you want?’

‘I want you to help Jacob fix his session.’

Both of our eyes widen. ‘No way,’ Russell says slowly. ‘No fucking way, Bennie. That little-‘

‘Stop, Walter. Just…stop.’ Bennie looks between us with a tired frustration. ‘This isn’t about you. It’s not about either of you. It’s not about liking each other, or being friends, or holding hands. It’s sure as shit not about puppy dogs and rainbows. This is about a recording session that is in danger of becoming a real disaster. This is about an artist who has just experienced a small commercial break-through, and has commercial potential. It’s about a label that is investing their confidence in the idea that a record is going to be made here,’ he slaps his desk top, suddenly looking just as angry as his contemporary. ‘In my studio! It’s about business! It isn’t about Jacob Currie failing! And,’ he calms down a little, breathing deep, ‘it’s about music, Walter. If nothing else, it’s about that. Help the boy.’

‘No. If you think he needs help, then you help him.’ But Walter’s voice is softer, now, and his face is clearing up.

Bennie sags a little, revealing a little of that sadness that’s lived inside him for decades. ‘You know I can’t do that, Walter,’ he says quietly. ‘I can’t help him.’

Russell has the decency to look embarrassed. He closes his eyes, maybe searching for a way to argue himself free of this whole mess, and then he rubs his temples and sits up straight. ‘What’s the problem?’ he asks.

I look at Bennie, but Bennie just looks back at me, so I answer. ‘None of Teddy’s songs sound complete, or finished, but I can’t figure out what to do to get them there. It’s like I’m freezing up out there. I don’t even know how to fake it.’

He nods silently, eyes still closed, and scratches his chest as he answers. ‘You know, kid, I’ve been working in Nashville a long time. Longer than you’re able to understand, yet. I play ball the Nashville way. It’s a good way. There are clear rules and no questions. Some people look down on it, you know, but a lot more people talk about it with wonder and respect. And well they should. Even now, after all these years, this is still a town that turns out hit records and beautiful sounding albums with a consistency that nobody else can match. Nobody. I’m part of a machine, yes. But it’s a machine that music fans will be speaking about with awe in their voices for years to come. And I do my job well.’ He stops for a minute, and I wonder if he’s done, but he continues. ‘Thing is, Teddy Fields just ain’t a Nashville singer. I don’t even know what he’s doing here. And you, kid, ain’t a Nashville producer. But that’s why you worked so well together. That’s why I couldn’t do shit with that guy. My job is always to take the song and make it fit alongside other artists’ songs as best I can. Make it something anybody can hear and just…just feel, without thought or investment. Make it ready for radio. You, though, made a song…that ballad that was on the radio…that went over for the exact opposite reason. It went over because it was different. It didn’t sound like other people’s records. One listen, and it stayed with you. Two notes in and, if you’d heard it before, you recognized it. It could never be a top ten hit.
..truth be told, I still think it’s a shit song…but it was nothing if not memorable. This question you’re asking yourself…’What do I need to do to complete this song,’…I’d wager that it ain’t the question you asked yourself when you first heard that track. First time you heard it, what did you think?’

I bite my lip, trying to think back. ‘I…don’t know. I don’t think I asked any questions.’

‘The hell you didn’t. What made you treat the drums the way you did?’

‘Well, they were already such a powerful component when they came in that-‘

‘What made you feed so much reverb and emphasize the low end the way you did?’

I blink. He really does remember the song. ‘I…uh…the feel was already swampy. I just…’ and that’s it. Just like that, I know what I asked. I stare at him. ‘I asked myself what made the song unique. And then I emphasized that.’

He nods, opening his eyes. ‘That’s why you’re the guy to work with Teddy Fields. He ain’t no pretty voiced singer, or even some nasally songwriter who happens to write really great love songs. His gift, if you care to call it that, is that he’s so damn different. I always thought that if I could streamline him a little, he could really take off. I mean, if you took his originality and matched it to some of that good old Nashville perfection, it seems like you would have something for the ages. And that’s what I tried to do. What you did to me, on a personal level, was shit Jake. And the attitude you did it with was contemptuous. What’s more, with any other artist it would have been a catastrophe. But it wasn’t any other artist, and it wasn’t a catastrophe. I suppose you are just the producer for Teddy…and Teddy is just the artist for you. So take your fucking question, and make your fucking record, and leave me the hell alone.’ He glances over at Bennie. ‘Can I go?’

Bennie nods. ‘Thank you, Walter. From me.’

‘Yeah, well, you got a business to run, and I suppose you have to work with unsavory people from time to time.’ he stands up shakily, looking old. ‘But you’ve always got me to look out for you. As long as I’m here, you’ll be safe.’

When he’s gone, and the door is closed again, I turn back to Bennie.

‘You didn’t have to do that,’ I tell him.

‘Yes I did,’ he waves dismissively. ‘What goes on in my studio is concerning to me, and I won’t have failed sessions involving failed producers impacting my integrity. Now, if there isn’t anything else, I have work to do.’

I watch him go about the business of becoming engrossed in his computer screen. I don’t know much about what it must be like to be a teenager craving the approval of a distant, hard-to-please father, but I think I’m starting to get the idea. Part of me wishes I had something more to offer, some magic combination of words to string together, that would both let Bennie know how grateful I am and at the same time impress him somehow.

But that’s not going to happen, and soon enough it won’t matter anyway, so I quietly make my exit and head for home.

They’re showing some old woman Buck’s apartment when I get there, and the manager feels the need to introduce her to me. She’s overly friendly, probably lonely. She can’t be much younger than Grandpa was. I promise to help her move in, and she puts her hand on my arm.

‘You’re a very sweet young man,’ she tells me. I let her think so.

Jasmine isn’t home…even though I’m pretty sure she was only working a morning shift today…so I have a sandwich and a Diet Coke before calling Kennedy.

‘Hello?’ he answers almost immediately.

‘It’s Jake.’

‘Jake, thank god. I was beginning to think you were gonna do something stupid.’

‘I did. I called you. Why on earth is Teddy still wanting to record with me? I figured it was game over, after the blowup.’

‘Well, it was. At first, anyway. But the news about your loss came so quickly after the…disagreement….you know, that when I told the band they somehow came to the conclusion that you had been stressed out by your only remaining family member’s ill health, and that was what lead to your bad behavior.’

‘You lied to them?’

‘Oh, they drew their own conclusions. I just decided not to correct them when they drew poorly. They felt pretty bad about jumping on you like that, really, and I think they were regretting the whole thing even before they learned about your grandfather. It just gave them an easy way to save face while backing down.’

‘Why would you do that, though? You have to know that the sessions have been a disaster. Why not just let me go and get someone else to finish?’

‘I probably should. But my judgment is clouded by one hundred thousand paid downloads of ‘As Long As I’m Here.’ Say what you will, Jake, but you are clearly the best man for putting Teddy Fields over. And that means food on my plate.’

A hundred thousand? Holy shit. ‘And if I continue fuck it up?’

‘I don’t think you will, but that’s just me. And if you do, well…the label will eat the cost, and you’ll take all the blame. Teddy and I don’t stand to lose a thing.’

‘I can’t tell you how heartwarming that is.’

‘Hey, it wasn’t so long ago that you were one of the least forgiving and most finicky negotiators I’ve ever seen play the game, so don’t go feigning sensitivity now. Remember, I saw you when the kill was fresh and the blood was on your chin.’

‘Maybe, but I guess just don’t like you using my grandfathers death in such a crass way.’

‘I can only hope that when I go there’s somebody around who can turn my passing into something of worth.’

‘I believe that you mean that.’

‘You should.’

I shake my head. ‘So now what?’

‘Now you tell me when you’ll be ready to get back to it. And no matter what your conscience tells you, you don’t say shit to absolve the band of their false assumptions. Simple as that.’ He sounds pretty pleased with the whole idea. ‘Have you talked to Bennie yet?’

‘You knew about that?’

‘No. But I know Bennie, and last I heard from him he was plenty pissed off about how the sessions were going. The guy can’t hardly stand to stay out of something like that.’ He laughs.

‘Oh.’ Somehow, I’m disappointed. And I don’t like Kennedy laughing about it. ‘Yeah, he helped me out. Quite a bit, actually.’

‘Glad to know it. Don’t tell him I said this, but I almost think he kind of likes you. When do we start?’

‘What’s open on the schedule at Blackbird?’

‘I have Bennie’s assurance that he’s keeping Studio A open for whenever we’re ready to start.’

‘Wow,’ I raise my eyebrows again, ‘that’s awfully generous of him.’

‘Maybe it is,’ Kennedy sounds like he’s getting bored. ‘So, again…when?’

‘Tomorrow.’ I want to get this over with as fast as possible.

‘Tomorrow,’ he sounds pleased, probably mistaking my hurry for enthusiasm. ‘I’ll tell the band.’

We say goodbye and I look at the phone for a minute before hanging up, as if I could look through it and see John Kennedy looking back at me. Come to think of it, I’ve still never actually met the guy. He’s like my first middle school girlfriend…a phone call-only affair, no touching.

The door opens, and Jasmine slips into the living room. She’s dressed like someone going in for a job interview, her hospital scrubs suspiciously absent.

‘Hi,’ she says, a little sheepishly. ‘How was your meeting?’

‘Unpleasant, but the results were better than I would have expected. Where’ve you been?’

I immediately regret asking…it’s not really my business. And from the look in her eye, I can see that it has given her a little bit of satisfaction. ‘I asked AJ to meet with me one last time, before the divorce goes through. I guess I just wanted to know that he was moving on, you know? I wanted to see that life was looking up for him, so I wouldn’t feel so guilty about it all the time.’

I think of the
drunk comedian sitting on my deck chair, not so long ago, warning me about Jasmine who always gets her way. ‘And is he?’

She nods, but she doesn’t elaborate and she looks away as she does it.

‘Huh.’ I don’t even act like I believe her.

She looks tired. ‘Have you eaten?’

‘I had a sandwich. I’m not really hungry.’

‘Oh.’ She shuffles from one foot to the other. ‘Are you going to be…recording again soon? Is that what everything was all about?’

‘Yup. Tomorrow. I guess I’m finishing this album after all.’

She studies my face. ‘And then?’

I shrug. ‘It doesn’t change anything.’

Her shoulders fall a bit. ‘I suppose that’s good.’

‘I think it is.’

‘Well. Okay.’ Without another word, she shuffles into her bedroom and closes the door.

I fall into the couch, dropping my head back onto the cushions and sighing. The whole thing makes me exhausted. I can’t wait until it’s over.

A bottle of wine would probably do me good, but I seem to have lost my appetite for drinking lately. Just like I’m losing my appetite for a lot of things. This shifting desire has left me with a surplus I don’t know what to do with. Don’t want it, can’t hardly get rid of it. Maybe I should just drink it all down and walk away.

I yawn. Another time, perhaps.

The band comes in hanging low, a somber procession of floor-gazing children who know they fucked up. It’s an unpleasant sight. I remember what Kennedy said, and I know that the sympathy they feel right now is the only reason we’re even here, but I’m not about to purger myself and invoke my grandfather’s name for the sake of a fucking recording session. It’s a promise I make.

‘Go get setup,’ I tell them immediately, preempting any discussion on the matter. ‘I have a few ideas I want to try out, and we’ve only got about five days left to us.’

Teddy studies my face. ‘Yeah. Sure. Listen, Jake-‘

‘Just go, Teddy. I need for us to move fast. I haven’t had my head in the game for a while now. But it wasn’t about family, or dying, or any of that. Truth is, I wanted to think it was about you, for a while there. But it wasn’t. It’s about me. And right now I’m feeling ready to fix all that, so I need you to get the fuck into the studio and play some fucking music.’

He smiles through the sad eyes. ‘Yeah. Sure, Jake.’ I don’t think he believes me, but who the fuck cares? I didn’t lie. That’s all I can give him.

Brian hasn’t said much since I arrived, but he gives me that half-smile now. ‘Sounds like we’re in for it, today. You look pretty confident.’

‘Well, I’m not,’ I admit, going over to watch the band through the Plexiglas. ‘But at least now I’m asking the right question.’

In the reflection, I see him give me a sideways look as he turns back towards the console. Whatever. Flipping the talkback, I tell the band to start with ‘Open it Up.’

‘Sure thing,’ Teddy says. ‘Are we recording straight up?’

‘Absolutely. But I want to try something. Just humor me, okay?’

‘Okay,’ he doesn’t look like he likes where this is going. ‘What?’

‘See that supply closet to your left? On the north side of that is a row of electric guitars. Fish out something that looks like 1959. Underneath me on the wall your facing is a row of little practice amps. Do you see the one that says Rivera across the front? It’s a maroon color.’

‘Yeah. I see it.’

‘Plug the guitar you use directly into that. Don’t change the settings on the amp…I set them up this morning.’

Teddy looks over at the closet, then at his band, and then up at the control room window. I know what he’s thinking: ‘Oh, shit, the kid’s still trying to change us.’

‘Can I ask why?’

‘You said you’d humor me. Just one run through like this…I want to hear how it sounds.’

‘We have time for that?’

‘Your manager pointed out to me just yesterday that if we go over budget, it’s my ass and not yours. Let me do with my ass as I will.’

He snorts a laugh. ‘Well, when you put it like that.’

While he’s fishing out a guitar, I turn back to Brian. ‘You know what I hear when I listen to this song?’

‘What?’ he asks.

‘I hear ‘I Saw Her Standing There,’ mixed with ‘Houndog,’ stirred together with The Stones doing ‘Route 66.’ You know what I’m saying?’

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“Wow! What a sweet setup,” Kendra said. We’d finally taken her upstairs to our suite. That’s what we’d taken to calling it. We had a bathroom, bedroom, and studio. All three of us had workspaces in the studio, but it was small enough that we overlapped and shared a lot. “This is where Morgan works on spreadsheets,” Annette laughed pointing at my sister’s desk and laptop. “Hey! Spreadsheets aren’t all I do,” my sister objected. “I’m into event planning, marketing, and communications,...

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Morning Delight

Master, while You were sleeping i noticed that the sheet had slipped down exposing that beautiful cock of Yours to my eyes and of course, as always, a desire to please it...it was soft when i quietly laid down with my mouth only inches away...softly i kissed each of the shaved balls, licking them lightly with my tongue...i watched Your balls move around for awhile enjoying the sight of them heaving...soon i flicked the base of Your soft shaft with my tongue and saw a small response as it began...

2 years ago
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Entrapped Enslaved 1113

Thanks for reading! I bring you the next few chapters. Things are getting a little bit rougher in these chapters. I would like to thank everybody who voted (positive or negative) as it really helps me know if I'm doing any good. I would especially like to thank those that commented. If you have any requests for future chapters, let me know. We have an entire summer to fill with all kinds of fun stuff! ;) Also, you can vote and comment anonymously and without logging in. Gimme some...

4 years ago
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My House My RulesChapter 35

The Tau Ceti Liberation Army flew straight up like a Pixie fountain. Within ten seconds, all twenty of them were hovering in a ragged circle over the hatchway. Pete dropped down, closing the door. "We can use the ruins as a landmark if we stray far." He explained. "Allison, Mary and Lisa. Fly up a few hundred feet and scout around." Allison radioed back, "Nothing nearby except the ruined building, but there is a Quonset hut sort of thing, some cages and a tall fence over there. I'm...

4 years ago
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My old boyfriend

My name is Erin and I live in an apartment with my boyfriend, Josh. I came home one day, because of a half day, and knew that Josh would get home a few hours later. When I saw Josh’s car in the parking lot, I thought was weird, however when I went up to the apartment and I heard some voices. “ Shit, someone is here,” a female voice said. That came from the bedroom, so I went to investigate. Opening the door I found Josh in bed with another woman. “ Oh this is just fucking perfect! Bigger...

1 year ago
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Help The full story

Introduction: A heart warming tale of a young boy who finds himself in a lot of trouble and needs a hero to cum and save him! Welcome to my story. You may have noticed that i have previously posted small segments of this story before. Due to some of the feedback from those parts I have decided that its probably better to post the whole story at once and let you read it as you wish. I hope you enjoy it. *** WARNING: This story contains content of a homosexual nature. If you dislike this or...

1 year ago
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Do As Youre ToldChapter 4

Tommy was torn between masturbating and not doing so during the week in which his cock healed, as both his morning wood and the circumcised dick hurt like hell, and to make matters worse, Brittany and Celeste hadn’t exactly given him any relief from his duties to them. They used him sexually as much as they could, as often as they could. He had gone from no sex life to one that hurt his groin, but also delighted him in some ways. Mind you, they also made him take it in the ass, both from...

4 years ago
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Best Intentions

Dr. Katherine Wells watched the image in the monitor closely while the night orderly filled her in on the reason for the disturbance. ‘Look Doc, he just won’t stop ja– I mean, playing with himself, you know, masturbatin’.’ The orderly shifted nervously. He kept looking at her briefly and then looking away. Katherine was used to this behavior from men by now. At thirty-five she was as very attractive as she’d been at twenty-five. When she was younger and working to build her career in...

3 years ago
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Behen Ki Chudai London Me

Hello indian sex stories dot net friends, aaj jo khahani batane jar aha hu wo bulku sacha hai. Me akash. Me kanpur ka rahane wala hu. Mere ghar me mummy papa behan and me rahate hai. Me delhi me job or btec kar raha hu me hu mujhe office se hi single room mila hua jis meek dining room ek kitchen ek attach bathroom and toilet haime chuti me ghar gaya tha me bhaut 3 saal bad ghar gaya sab bahut khus the meri bahut sawa kar rahe the or sikait bhi kar rehe the meri bahen ka naam rupali hai wo 22...

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My Girlfriends Mom

This is a true story!When I was 20 years old, I moved to a shore town on the east coast because my 19 year old girlfriend wanted to be closer to her mother who had just remarried and moved there to be with her new husband.My girlfriend and I had been together since she was 15 and to be totally honest, she was my first everything. At 15 when I met her, she had huge tits and they kept getting bigger as she aged and as much as I didn't want to leave my friends and family, I would have followed...

2 years ago
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Daughters Slut Trainign 13 Sister Gets Gangbanged

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Thirteen: Sister Gets Gangbanged By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Leyla Umayyah A nervous lust tingled through my pussy and electrified my body as I posed with my three friends before the horde of hungry boys crowding the bleachers of our college's gym. Naked, my round, dusky breasts quivered before me. On my right, my blonde friend Kimmy already had cum staining her thighs, leaking out of her pussy...

1 year ago
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The Spot

My name is Jeremy. I am currently a senior at an out of town College,set to graduate in a few weeks. A couple of friends from home came out last week to celebrate. We had a great night at bars and then we went to what my friends thought was a strip club. It turned out to be a sex club and the night was unforgettable. Back when I was a freshman, I had an English teacher named Ms. K. She was smart and gorgeous and I fantasized about her all the time. She was about 5 foot 6 with black hair, 34 C’s...

2 years ago
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Public Sex Experience In The Train

Hi this is my first story here in ISS. My name is janvi. I finished my college a year ago. I am basically from Maharashtra. But my family settled in Tamil Nadu few generations back. The story I’m about to narrate happened in my first year of college. I was a virgin until then, even though I had boyfriends, I hadn’t had any physical relationship with a guy before that. This incident changed my life and attitude towards sexual relationships. So here it goes, my public sex experience. For any...

1 year ago
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Nympho Club Chapter 1 A Very Anal Customer

Amanda Brown was being escorted down a hallway in a large, 6-bedroom house by another woman. She was a beautiful young lady, only 23 years of age, with silky black hair that flowed all the way down past her shoulders. Her features were pretty and distinct, and she stood at a reasonable height of 5'6". The house was located on the outskirts of Los Angeles, although Amanda wasn’t sure exactly where. She was completely naked, except for a blindfold covering her beautiful green eyes. Her slim,...

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Fooling around with her sisters boyfriend

I guess I was a bit of a late bloomer; I didn't have my first orgasm until I was eighteen years old. I had never been particularly interested in boys and sex and all that. My family wasn't well off, and if I was going to get into a decent university (unlike my sister Valerie who was still living at home and going to community college), I would have to get really good grades. I had tried masturbating before. Everyone said there was nothing wrong with it, that it's totally natural, etc etc. It...

2 years ago
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Seeing Ben

I had been on dating and meet-up apps before, and had several accounts on various websites. It was always more an intrigue than a craving or a need, but I still wanted it. I had girlfriends before Ben and after, and I had some experience with men, but nothing like him.One day while scrolling through one of these apps I recieved a message from an older man named, the only name I ever knew him by was his screen name, Ben. I read his profile and found myself strangely wanting to know more so I...

First Time
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Valentines Lingerie Gift part 2

I wanted to reward my husband for allowing me to fulfill my fantasy as my Valentine’s gift. He stood in the dressing room with Amber and me. We were both naked and if she was half as wet as I was, she was ready to fuck. Steve was fully clothed, but Amber and I had just finished my first experience with another woman. He knew how much I fantasized about it, and had arranged for me to meet Amber while I tried on new lingerie. I enjoyed every moment of it and was ready for more. I unzipped Steve’s...

Group Sex
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wife fucked on hubys fault

I am 40 years old and my wife is at 35 now. I am working in a private company. This incidence is almost one year back. There was one man prem of around 45 years old working under me but he was much senior to me in this company. I found some fraud in his records and according to rules of the company i suspended him after issuing show cause notice. Prem was very fat heavy built and it was heard he was criminal type. Many times he has gone to jail also for fighting with his neighbors. After...

3 years ago
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EverywhenChapter 16

[Monday, June 23nd, 1986] I got to Kim’s house right after 7 am, as requested. She had made french toast for all of us. Her mom was still in a nice comfortable robe, but her dad was dressed in a suit for the office where he worked. We all enjoyed the food, and Kim and I left for the mall right after her dad headed out for the day. Our day of shopping went very similarly to the first time, with a couple of notable changes. Kim modeled almost a dozen dresses for me. After she decided on the...

2 years ago
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Daffy Finally finally some BBC

I was under orders from my Master G to become a BBC slut that very same day. I was heading to the gym for my yoga class, some laps in the pool and a nice sweat in the steam room. My part of the world isn't exactly full of black men, and the two I'd sucked off in my life had pretty small cocks. But my gym usually had a few ebony gods making their bodies even more perfect. It turned out that the only black guys were in the steam room, and I stumbled on them mostly by chance. One was skinny...

4 years ago
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First time Selena and Roxy

She walked back into the house and I asked someone who she was. That's when I found out her name was Selena but she was married. My heart sank when he told me she was married because I could never see myself having an affair with a married woman. I finished my beer and then left to go to a bar that I always hung out at. I hung out at the bar for several hours but couldn't get her off my mind. I was dating a woman that I was having fun with and our sex life was exciting but I couldn't quit...

2 years ago
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The Club part 8

"I'm home," she called from the front door. "In here," called Bobby back to her from the kitchen where he had just finished his study. Ruth walked in to see her son, thinking his voice sounded a little strained. "You OK," Ruth asked her son. "S'pose," was his reply. Now she knew there was something wrong with him. "C'mon, out with," his mother ordered. "Out with what," Bobby asked in all innocence. "Something is bothering you. You can't fool your mother," Ruth...

2 years ago
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When I went back to the swingers club

Last week after much persuasion I convinced the owner of our local swingers club to allow me back in.i was so horny and with each passing day I was getting more and more excited! The owner is a very horny man who just does it for me.when I went before he would fuck me and not seeing him for over a yr I made it my duty to have him again.babysitter arranged to stay all night and outfit bought ,with the said stockings and no panties i was set to go ......as I came up to the club I could feel...

2 years ago
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Escort Girls Part 2

After that first weekend at Jean's lodge, Monique and I became very open in all things sexual. She revealed that she was an escort, by that meaning a woman who is available both for sex and social engagements. Many of her 'clients' liked to be provided with what she called a Girlfriend Experience, or GFE. A GFE meant a date that could involve dinner and dancing, afterwards followed by sex. She showed me her website advertising her services. The site contained many photos of Monique in all kinds...

4 years ago
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Hot Pursuit

Chapter 1: Ric It weren't mah fault. It abso-fuckin'-lutely weren't mah fault. OK, I had alcohol on mah breath, but it were just two lousy beers. Awright, so maybe it was eight or nine, I'd lost count. An' maybe I were speeding in mah little two seater rag top, but what the fuck would you expect at two in the fucking A.M. on a deserted road marked with a lousy 25 speed limit. An' so what if I wuz wearin' mah Daisy Mae cut-offs and mah scoop-neck blouse with mah bare tits showing for...

3 years ago
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Forbidden Sex on Public Transport

I had a mail from a guy who is fanatical about women being sexually assaulted on public transport. He wondered if it happened, and had it happened to me and if so pleaded with me to tell, so I know he will be stroking as I write, because it has, and yours truly indulged this pervert, as he relieved himself on my nude warm flesh, in public and with my help.I travelled every day by tube to my first job after graduating. I was in my early twenties and soon fell into a routine that saw me rise and...

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A Romantic Night

After that evening in the love nest created by Corporal Higgins I was, as you can imagine elated. It was hard to act normal the following morning going about my duties, being of a quiet shy nature helped me hide my feelings and at times like that I was glad. I thought that I’d overcome my attraction to females, and in joining the service made me think I could be more normal away from Emma’s influence. I obviously under estimated how living in a world of women in a way would not let me forget...

3 years ago
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The Old Mill Pond

The old mill pond had been our summer meeting place for years. The mill had been closed for years now, but the pond was still there. It made a great place to hang out and swim. There was a big oak tree next to the water. We would tie a rope to the limb and swing out over the water and drop in. Next to the tree was a large rock. It was perfect for diving off or just laying on to get some sun.It was the summer of my sixteenth birthday. There were nine of us that made skinny dippin’ a daily...

First Time
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My Slut

This is a true story detailing the nastiest, kinkiest night of my life. This is a very dirty story, containing very dirty, rough and degrading sex.  If this bothers you in any way, then I suggest not proceeding.   MY SLUT   I glanced around nervously as Mya dug through her purse, searching for her keys.  “What time is your boyfriend coming home again?” I asked, waiting impatiently as she continued rummaging. “Stop worrying about it?” she chided, pulling her keys from the purse, fumbling...

2 years ago
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Skin Deep Episode 3

Skin Deep ? Episode 3 By Noel Lexicon Plot suggestions from Janet Ashworth ?What the hell has Janey gotten me into?? I wondered for the umpteenth time in the last two days. I was deep in thought as I walked and the echo of my heels on the sidewalk only exacerbated the unreality of my situation. And shortly after that thought another popped into my mind. 'How could Janey even afford this...

4 years ago
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Allison and the PrimdalesChapter 24 An Early Christmas Present

It was almost a shame that the date had to end. If he didn't already have a girlfriend, he had to admit he would seriously consider getting involved in a more permanent relationship with Crystal, despite the difference in their ages. After all, were their ages really all that important? If they were ten years older, he wouldn't think twice about dating a girl two years younger than him. He mainly thought of her as a little girl because, as he had mentioned, she reminded him of Brit, and he...

2 years ago
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Leaving a Mark

The patrol car rolled up silently, unnoticed by the scruffy man leaning against the parking meter. He was engrossed in a conversation he was holding with another man, this one neatly dressed in a suit and tie. A young police officer in the passenger seat leaned out of the open window and said, "Hey fella, there's no panhandling allowed." After straightening up from his resting position against the parking meter, the man turned to face the police car behind him. His relieved partner in the...

4 years ago
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Jayne and Laurent The Red Dragon Social Club Cha

It was a balmy early summer evening when Laurent’s convertible drew up the long drive leading to the Lomas’ home. The gravel crunched under the tyres as it rolled to a stop by the front door, and Laurent saw the curtains twitch. Seconds later Jayne was at the door, waving to him with a flirtatious smile. Awkwardly, he waved back, uncomfortable with the level of intimacy displayed in her smile. As she walked towards the car he looked her up and down. She was wearing a tailored white blouse,...

2 years ago
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Family Sucks A LotChapter 3

Tess and Jeff fucked every chance they got, which wasn't too often. One day their mother came home earlier than she had expected and heard a commotion in Jeff's room. She tiptoed down the hallway and peered past the open door. "Jeff!" Dianne screamed when she saw her older son naked on his bed, pounding his cock. Their eyes met in a frozen stare. Dianne put her hands on her hips and shook her head. She couldn't help but feel her pussy tingle with delight as she gazed at her son's...

2 years ago
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Returning Home A Love Story

My driver was waiting in the reception area at the airport, just out of the Customs. He helped me with the large bag I used for my two week trip to Europe. He set the large bag and my small laptop carrier in the trunk. The elegant gift-wrapped large box I carried with me. I settled in the leather back seat. On the other seat there was a large bouquet of camp flowers my wife’s favorite. ‘I took the liberty of purchasing the flowers,’ said my gray-haired driver. ‘Thank you, James.’ I looked...

3 years ago
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Loss That Was A Gain

A soft story that builds up the heat! It was my twelfth birth anniversary and my father had brought some gift for me and asked where I would like to go for dinner. It was usual because he was the only parent that I had. My mom died in childbirth, thereon I was raised by my father with the help of a widow Neelam, who was in charge of our house and had arrived with my mom as a ‘dowry’. She was the only dowry that my father had accepted. Till he lived he used to call her ‘Dahej’ (the Dowry). My...

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Netball Balls V2

A trans sissy’s return to school.Vince brought his car to a halt outside the school railings on its carpark with his sexy little femboy faggot sat in the passenger seat, excited and nervous at the same time.‘Thanks’ Vince for dropping me off’ Anna says as she gives Vince a cheeky kiss on his lips, she lingers her mouth a centimetre from his and rests her scrawny hand momentarily on his lap with a dirty grin. ‘I’ll pick you up as well once you’re done and we can engage in our own activities...

3 years ago
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Fucked my neighbour girl 2

Hahat hui aur hum alag ho gay tab wo lafi garam ho chuki thi face pura laal ho gayatha par tab kuchnahin karpaya wo chali gai 1month pehala ghar par sirf ma tha baki sab shadi ma gaytha usko patanahin tha uska cd player kharab ho gaya wo lekar mera paas aayi ki isko kal market ka theek karwa dena meri lajpatrai market mahi shop ha uska andar aatahi maona usko firsa pecha sa pakar liya isbar bhi wo usi dress mathi maina firsa pehala jaisahi kiya wo isbaar jyada garam ho gai uski chut na pani...

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