Charlie Ch. 09-12 free porn video

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Chapter 9

The bouncer moved the rope out of her way, and Charlie entered the club. Music assaulted her ears. The smell of smoke, alcohol, and bodies filled her nostrils. It was just the distraction she was looking for. She pressed her body between different people to get to the tables in the back corner. Melanie always had a table for entertaining. Periodically, Charlie would have to rub against the back of some random male. One guy actually turned to say something about being rubbed with a pair of breasts, but then stopped. Guess I wasn’t pretty enough for whatever lewd comment he was about to make.

When she finally hit the line of tables, Melanie caught sight of her. The girl practically climbed all over Charlie. A few drinks and Melanie was very friendly with her touching. It didn’t matter if you were male or female.

‘Charlie! Oh my god, you look stunning!’ Melanie shouted above the music. Charlie felt a hand move over her ass. Typical Melanie.

‘What are you drinking?’ Melanie waved her other hand at a couple guys that had originally been seated next to her at the table.

‘A kamikaze would be good.’ Charlie lifted her cigarettes out of her purse and lit one. Melanie yelled to her male counterpart that they wanted four kamikaze shots. Melanie waved off Charlie’s objection and snagged the cigarette from her hand. A quick puff, she put it back between Charlie’s lips. Yep, Melanie was definite lit.

‘So what brings you out of the house? Where’s Nathan?’ Melanie screamed into her ear.

‘Had to get my mind off of the book. He’s at home,’ Charlie returned.

‘Good! Let’s get drunk!’

By that time, the male had returned with the four shot glasses. Melanie blew the man a kiss and handed one of the glasses to Charlie. No time like the present. Charlie downed it in one gulp. Double shot and very strong. The burn of the alcohol felt good as it eased its way to her stomach. The thought of no actual food dinner had dawned on her, but too late. It was going to be a liquid dinner instead. As soon as the first shot was down, Melanie exchanged the empty glass with a fresh one. Charlie downed that one as quickly as the first. The exchange happened until all four the shots had been downed and Charlie’s cigarette was finished. How do you spell trouble? V-O-D-K-A!

It wasn’t long before Melanie pulled her onto the dance floor. Some strange techno beat was pulsing through the club. The various colored lights flashed in different directions. Charlie’s mind began to clear as her body moved with the music. The alcohol had loosened up her shoulders, and she began to enjoy the movement. Melanie pulled her into a closer dance. Arms wrapped around her waist, and she could feel Melanie’s breath on her neck as she grinded Charlie from behind.

Dancing with Melanie was always an experience. The girl could bump and grind with the best of them. Any time some random guy would try to intercede, Melanie would tell him to get lost. At one point, one intoxicated gentleman didn’t get the hint. Melanie spun Charlie to face her, she pulled Charlie into a kiss. One hand drew circles on Charlie’s bared back while the another hand feathered over the top of her cleavage. Melanie intensified the kiss by pulling Charlie even closer. The hand at Charlie’s cleavage dropped lower to cup the entire large breast. Before breaking away from the kiss, Melanie lightly pinched Charlie’s nipple through the lacy tank top’s material. Yes, Charlie was used to Melanie extravagant behavior, but the kiss came out of left field. Charlie inhaled sharply and looked at Melanie with a bit of a dazed stare.

Melanie leaned into Charlie’s ear, ‘If I were into girls, you would be it, chica. Trust me, I’ve wanted to kiss your lips for a long time. Besides, that kiss will get both of us a dick to take home tonight.’

Charlie stood there a bit dumbfounded. Melanie smacked her on the ass, and pulled her towards the edge of the dance floor. Amazingly, there were already drinks waiting at the table again. Dwight, one of Charlie’s periodic flings, appeared out of nowhere. He slide up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist while she downed two more double shots in rapid succession.

Leaning into her neck, he whispered, ‘That was hot! I want some too!’ Charlie, feeling the full effects of now six double-shots was more than willing to accommodate. She turned and pressed her lips to Dwight’s mouth. She got lost in the kiss, feeling his hands move over her hips. The kiss ended with a proposition. Charlie nodded and waved to Melanie. Melanie blew her a kiss and returned to her conversation with three men. Dwight pulled Charlie through the crowd at the club towards the front door. Charlie could only think of getting home and into bed. She wanted a distraction, and Dwight was going to be it. As they made their way out of the entrance, she could have sworn that she caught a glimpse of Nathan’s face. Chalk it up to the alcohol. Shots 6 and Charlie 0!

Chapter 10

Lights off! Dwight had backed up her up to the edge of her bed with their kiss. His hands steadily squeezing her breasts through the top that still covered her chest. Charlie responded by kicking off her heels. Dwight compensated for the lack of height by lowering his head. Charlie held his face to hers, enjoying that bruising pressure on her lips. A small nudge pushed her over onto her back. A drunken giggle escaped her lips as she flopped on the bed. Dwight climbed across her body and came to rest at her side.

‘Clothes, off!’ Charlie began to unbutton her own jeans, arching her hips in order to peel them and her panties off of her body. Dwight sat up in order to pull his shirt off. He actually got off the bed to take off his pants. Meanwhile, Charlie rolled to her side and flipped on the CD player located on the night stand. The music of Blue October filled the room. Her kind of sex music for right now. She also opened the side drawer to extract a bottle of lubricant and a condom. As she rolled back, she came up to a sitting position. She handed the bottle of lube and condom to Dwight and then moved to shrug out of her top and unfastened her bra. Dwight jumped back onto the bed with her, positioning himself between her legs.

Charlie closed her eyes and felt his hands moving up her inner thighs, coming to rest on her hips. Fate knows the Dwight wasn’t one for all of the romantic foreplay. Tonight was no exception! The sounds were familiar. Tearing of a condom wrapper let her know that he was following the rules. The click of the lubricant bottle top let her know he was finally ready. Charlie closed her eyes and relaxed into the bed. She felt his rough fingers rubbing some of the lubricant across the lips of her labia. A small moan jumped from her lips as she wiggled against his hand. Next, his fingers roughly pushed some of the same lubricant into her. Charlie’s head fell to the side and her hands grabbed onto the bedspread. His fingers disappeared and were replaced with the feeling of Dwight’s cock touching her entrance. With a push, he entered, and Charlie spread her legs wider to give his body room to work. It only took a couple strokes for her to completely grip him, but soon enough her body remembered the feeling and complied.

A small burning developed in her abdomen and reached out to her legs. With each stroke, it grew stronger, and Charlie latched onto the feeling with every fiber of her being. That was what she wanted, and that was the only reason she took Dwight up on his proposition. She kept her eyes closed, willing her body to respond to stroking of her inner walls.

The only problem was Dwight’s grunts and groans told her that he was close. Then, there were the small, jerking movement of his hips, and it was done. The burning that had started for her quickly faded. Dwight rolled off of her, still panting. He ventured into the bathroom to drop the condom in the toilet. No real conversation other than ‘it was great to see yo
u’ as he got dressed. Charlie got off her bed and grabbed her robe. She escorted Dwight out of her room and down to the back door. The kicker of it all was the kiss on the check. Charlie couldn’t help but think this was the perfect end to her day. Fighting with Nathan, still drunk, and no orgasm. Yep, things seemed to be spiraling downward.

Back up in her room, she heard a loud beep. She pulled her club purse out of the back pocket of her jeans and dug out the phone that was making the dastardly racket. Text message.

Nathan: Turn off that shitty music!

The perfect end to a perfect fucking day.

Chapter 11

Don’t move too much. Let the world stop spinning. Wait, stomach is going to revolt. Breathe! Breathe! Okay, it calmed down a bit. Charlie remained still on her bed, wishing to all known layers of hell that she didn’t drink as much the night before. No more vodka! Ever.

Now, it was time to move on with her day. While the idea of coffee made the bile rise in the back of her throat, she knew the water and aspirin were going to be critical elements of her recovery. The only problem was she needed to make it down the stairs to reach the elements of her salvation. She began by dragging herself to the edge of the bed. Teetering on the edge and waiting for the world to stop spinning, she ran her hand through her hair. Clothes were on the floor, memories of Dwight came back to her. Awesome!

As the world stabilized, she grabbed her panties and slide her feet into the right places. When she stood up, she pulled them to her hips. She reached and grabbed her tank top off of the dresser. Finishing the outfit with her robe from the bathroom door, she made her way down the stairs. At one point, she actually sat down on a step in order to catch her breath and keep the contents of her stomach. Yet, again everything started to settle. She reached out her hand, using the stair rail to drag herself upright. The walk to the kitchen was becoming torture.

Bright light from the windows made her squint. She moved to the cabinet next to the sink to find the aspirin. Houston, we have a problem. The bottle of aspirin was missing. Charlie leaned over and put her head on the kitchen counter. Its cool surface give her a little comfort, but the thought of toughing out this hang over without the aide of aspirin made her want to cry. Then, there was a small tapping on the door. Her eyes shifted to the door, wondering what hellish demon would dare knock so loudly?

She made sure her robe was closed and opened the door. No one there, but the sight was odd to say the least. A bottle of water with aspirin taped to it was hanging in front of her face. Fantastic! The vodka has induced some kind of hallucination. She reached out to grab the bottle. Only then did she realize that the bottle was hanging from a piece of very fine line. In fact, it was fishing line. She tugged the bottle and met with a small amount of resistance. Charlie stuck her head out of the door only to find Nathan standing on the side of her porch, holding a fishing pole.

‘Really?’ she asked as a layer of perspiration was building on her skin. Just what ever girl wanted, sweat the smelled like alcohol. Attractive and feminine to boot. Nathan walked up and took the bottle from Charlie’s hands. He unhooked it from the fishing line, popped the aspirin from their tapped safety, and twisted the top off the bottle. Charlie grabbed the bottle of water first. While it felt cool and slightly refreshing on the way down, her stomach staged its revolt. She staggered to the kitchen sink, loosing what liquid was in her stomach.

As she continued to wretch into the sink, her brain registered the idea that Nathan was holding back her hair. He had gotten a towel out of the drawer next to them. He was wiping the sweat off of her neck. When the vomiting stopped, he turned her face towards him and wiped the sweat off her forehead. The small line of drool hanging from her chin disappeared too. All Charlie could see were the smiling Nathan eyes.

Oh wait! Her stomach isn’t done. Nathan simply stood there patiently, watching his best friend try to crawl into the kitchen sink. She was vomiting so violently, she would actually stand on her tips toes in order to lean further into the sink. He too had had moments like this and knew that last thing he really wanted was any talking or jokes. He simply gathered more of hair away from her face and wiped the next sheen of sweat from her neck. Slowly, he reached over to turn on the faucet. The water washed down the remains of Charlie’s stomach. She also used it as a chance to catch water in her hands. The water splashed her face, she also sucked some of it out of the palm of her hand. Her poor body sank into the counter. Charlie looked so small and fragile as she laid her head on the lip of the sink. Her eyes met his, and Nathan brushed another piece of hair away from her cheek. Charlie drew in a large breath, staring at Nathan. She didn’t have the energy to tell him to get out. She really didn’t have the energy to be mad at him either. It was just easier to give in before her stomach tried to force itself through her throat again.

‘Ready to go back upstairs?’ Nathan asked as he continued to wipe the beads of sweat the perked up on her skin. Charlie nodded and tried to right herself. It was going to be a long trip back up the stairs. Nathan continued to hold her hair, but he opened the cupboard next to his head. From within, he grabbed the largest metal mixing bowl.

‘Just in case.’

He loaded it with the original bottle of water. He also pulled a bottle of aspirin out of his pocket and placed that in the bowl too. In order to finish collecting the necessary supplies, Nathan let go of her hair and told her to hold onto the counter. Things kept appearing magically in her hung over mind. A sheath of crackers. A bottle of orange juice. Charlie did know if she was going to be strong enough to make it back up the stairs.

Oh no!

Charlie reached her head back into the sink and continued her journey into the most outstandingly ugly hang over. Nathan returned to his caretaking duties. Hold the hair, check! Wipe away sweat, check! Quit being an ass to his best friend, check! When Charlie’s knees started to give out, he used his remaining hand to hold her up. It snaked around her waist to lightly hold her, but to put absolutely no pressure on her stomach. Charlie reached for the faucet and turned the water back on. More face washing and more water drinking.

‘Done’ was the strangled word out of Charlie’s lips. She just couldn’t get her legs to cooperate. Nathan could see how impossible it was going to be for her to get back through the house. Letting go of her hair, he strategically moved his hands in order to lift her.

‘Grab on,’ he whispered as lifted her to his chest. Charlie snaked her arm around his neck. She hated this feeling of being helpless. It was too kidlike. She rested her head on his shoulder. ‘Get the bowl too.’ Nathan leaned her forward, so she could grab the bowl of supplies from the counter. She rested it her lap. Nathan moved through the house, being careful that he didn’t hit her head on any walls or knock anything over with her feet. Considering he had carried her upstairs on a couple instances, he knew what to avoid.

It wasn’t before long she was being placed on the edge of her bed. He removed the bowl from her grasp and placed it on the nightstand. Charlie could only slump forward since the muscles in her body were made of jelly. Nathan gently helped her remove her arms from her robe. As the thought dawned on her that she was only in her tank top and panties, she tried to pull away.

‘Forget it, kiddo. I’ve seen you naked.’ Nathan continued pulling the robe away from her. Charlie couldn’t really argue with him. The first point was that she would probably puke again if she opened her mouth to speak. The second point was that he had already seen her naked. What was the point?
Once the robe was out of the way, Charlie slumped onto the bed. Nathan helped her make sure her feet made it up off of the floor. She rested on her side, Nathan emptied the contents of the metal bowl on the night stand and inserted the metal bowl within the curve of her body. On the space remaining on the bed, he situated himself. His gentle hand rubbed small circle on her back. When Charlie started to moan, he abruptly stopped, ready to help her with the bowl and puking again.

Charlie flipped some hair away from her face. ‘No, feels good. Keep going.’ Her eyes were shut and her breathing slightly labored. Nathan returned to rubbing her back. Eventually, her breathing began to even out and in fact turned to deeper breaths. She had finally fallen asleep. Nathan kicked off his shoes and stretched his legs in front of him. Leaning against the headboard, he grabbed the novel that was on the bed stand and began reading. Yeah, he was holding the book like he was reading, but he was more interested in the woman lying next to him. Oh my god, Charlie!

Chapter 12

Yeah, they had been friends for years. Sure, they spent more of their time with one another. Nathan had never really thought anything about how close they had grown. It was natural and easy to spend time with Charlie. She gave him a sense of peace, yet, she also challenged him with all of his crap too. Periodically, he would see a smile that really caught his attention. When she looked over her reading glasses, hair hanging in her eyes, and sipping from a cup of coffee, it was enough to make him melt. Puddle be me! Then, there was the smell of her hair. She almost caught him sniffing it the other night. Good cover up about the idea of a bug, and she let the issue drop. His quiet lusting was saved for another day. There was no way she was an ugly girl no matter what she said or thought about herself. Charlie referred to herself as a big, plain girl. All Nathan could see had a beautiful, voluptuous woman with an infinitely incredible mind. Some of the things she wrote for her novels, he definitely wanted to try with her in person.

Nevermind, her misgivings about her size. She was a large-sized girl who wore normal clothing sizes. She ate, she enjoyed coffee, and ice cream didn’t stand a chance in her house. Looking down at her body right now, it was a form of torture. The curve of her hip was on display. The way her boyshorts showed off the roundness of her ass was going to drive him insane. Slowly but surely over the past few months, he had noticed how all of those curves added to her charm. Those full hips could definitely fill out a pair of jeans. She had to be at least a DD chest, but it wasn’t like she was out showing off the hounds to everyone and anyone. Instead, she hid most of her endowments behind clothes. But, whenever she wore a tank top, her chest was a glorious sight to watch. Natural and womanly. Mouthwatering.

Seeing her naked in the shower, now that was a mistake he wished he could make again and again and again. At the moment, it wasn’t worth the anger, but later when he had a chance to reflect on his own mental images, it gave him the hardest erection he had ever known. He felt like a 15 year old boy again, holding a fire hose. Using those images, he masturbated. With each stroke of his hand, he remembered her chest wiggling against his, the warm feeling of the water on her back, the moment he rested his hands on her hips. Masturbating to those mental pictures gave his the best release he had had in years. It was all done while whispering her name as he came.

Charlie began to stir in her passed out state. Nathan went back to his gentle back rubbing and her fidgeting stopped. He let out a long exhale and used his palm to push at the ache in his groin. Her panties had ridden higher up on her hip and her shirt had edged its way up her body. God, this woman was completely gorgeous and the best part was she had no clue about it. This only made Nathan want her more.

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3 years ago
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Im Nightshift

Die Stadt schlief nie. Ihre Bewohner schon, aber zwischen den Häusern, in den Strassenschluchten bewegte sich immer etwas. Es war jetzt etwa 22 Uhr und da es inzwischen Oktober war, herrschte eigentlich nächtliche Finsternis, aber die zahllosen beleuchteten Fenster der Häuser, die Lampen, Signale und Autolichter liessen die Stadt im Dunkeln funkeln. Von einem Flugzeug aus wirkte das Lichtermeer hell und freundlich und einladend, aber in den Strassen zwischen den Hohen Gebäuden herrschte meist...

2 years ago
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Tim And Abbie 72 Brians Matchmaking Patti

Meanwhile, next in line is Patti and this interesting George at the church. Patti has poo-pooed all of George’s attempts over the past few years. It appears that he thinks Patti is a desirable woman and that her husband was not worthy of her. Since he finally died, George has patiently waited his time, but Pattie has not shown any interest.George has known the family for years since the children were little. George and his wife would sit a few rows behind them most Sundays, and George envied...

3 years ago
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First Gay Massage part 4

As we had discussed the evening before about meeting again for a day of sex, Greg text me that he had cleared his entire day, ready for me to come around. I grinned wildly at the thought of spending an entire day pleasuring each other, my cock stiffening instantly. I finished my coffee and headed out the door, eager to get to Greg's.I soon arrived at Greg's house, heading around to the side door as always. As I got to the door, I saw a note saying "come in, lock the door and find me!" I liked...

4 years ago
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BBC Only if I can Watch PT4 Blacken

After Amie had been alone with Dwayne for that one night and I had my fun with Ezzy it seemed that Amie was finally satisfied and didn't mention him or having more black lovers for a long time. Maybe the way Dwayne treated her at the end had changed her tune about him, he didn't seem so wonderful.For several months we never really talked about it but gradually the subject worked itself back into our lovemaking in the form of dirty talk. As we made love I would say stuff like, "You really liked...

3 years ago
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Wedding Anniversary Passion Part 2

After a quick clean up, we grabbed our sports bags and headed down to the spa. We’d never been to a spa before, so were unsure what to expect so we each brought a towel, not that I expected to need it given the prices, and I had brought my usual loose swimming shorts and Marina her black one-piece swimsuit.The girl on the spa reception was very nice and explained that there’d been a slight mistake in our booking and that they couldn’t accommodate our treatment for a further 90 minutes, but we...

2 years ago
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The First Ninety DaysPart 10

Day 37 "Ahh, Jon," said Dr. Polkiss. "What can I do for you. What's this you got here?" "Uhh ... My two weeks' notice," said Jon sheepishly. " ... Oh," said Dr. Polkiss. "I, umm. Well, technically it's 13 days' notice, because Dr. Chandakar wants me to start Monday after next, but I wasn't able to get in touch with him until yesterday, so..." Jon shrugged. "I got it together as fast as I could. I've actually never written a two-weeks'-notice before, I hope it's...

1 year ago
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RestorationChapter 3

I awoke the next morning to the smell of coffee and the sound of the shower running. It’s early, just a little after six. That’s about the time I always wake up. I wondered how long Kelly has been up. That’s a pretty skinny mattress on that hide-a-bed. I doubt if it was very comfortable, even for a little thing like her I got up and put my robe on. After getting released from prison I quickly returned to my habit of sleeping in the nude. But due to the lack of privacy in a motorhome I wore a...

3 years ago
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Helens Big Black Cock

Helen is in her fifties, petite, slim, and a redhead, with nice boobs and superb rounded bum. She and I met around 4 years via an internet site for swingers - we live 30 miles apart and I meet her only once every couple of months when we both feel the urge and can get away (we are both married but not to each other).Sex with Helen is urgent, she demands cum almost as soon as she has cock inside her. Helen admits to loving cock, and has had numerous lovers over the years. Since we met, I have...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 508 Unpacking Bags

No more fucking! I need to get home to find out what extra baggage came with Rosie and Ariba. A guy was waiting outside the conference room and told me, “Man, thanks for getting her juiced up and well fucked. She can say what she wants about me, but I’ve been trying to fuck her. She always dries up when I put my cock in her slot, and being dry makes her tense up. Now she can’t say she is a virgin, even though I don’t think she has been in years.” The girl wouldn’t be the first that couldn’t...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 667

At the Castle Six weeks earlier continued. ...”It seems to be just what we are thinking of, but not for the first trip. We need to get back into everything before we go that far,” Dessie replied. “Well, if we can help, just let us know,” Karl said as both he and Glenda came to their feet. When they had gone, Phillip looked over at his wife, both seeming to realize that they had just made friends, probably good friends, and sex wasn’t even part of it. “I like them,” Dessie said...

2 years ago
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SHORT PIECES Gay Tales Volume 2

SHORT PIECES (Gay Tales) Volume 2The BearsIt was a lovely day in the forest as Michael’s group had left the tents and continued where they had left off the day before. The purpose of the team was to cut the underbrush and assemble it in piles along the old path. This area had been saved for selective cutting by a major lumber company. Michael’s team was one of five groups of 6 men each spread over the entire forested area. The cutters were seasoned woodsmen, their age ranging from 35 to 60...

1 year ago
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Maa ki aankh

Hi,main bahut dino se tum randiyon aur bhadvon ki stories padh raha hoon.Kuch achhi lagi par 90% bakwaas thi.Aaj main jo kahaani sunane jaa raha hoon wo ek comedy story hai.Mujhe aasha he aap sab khubh hasenge. August ka mahina tha.Lalu ke school ki pehli exam khatam hui thi.Lalu ghar aaya aur bell bajai.Par darwaza kisine nahi khola.Lalu ke pita mar gaye the.Wo apni maa ke saath rahta tha.Bahut der tak darwaza na khulne par lalu sochne lag gaya,”are ye meri bhosdiki maa mar to nahi gayi...

1 year ago
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The Pact A Master PC TaleCast

The Parents Lawrence (Larry) Childers, author of children’s books aka L.C. Compton Alyssa Childers, ex-wife, mother of Stacy Bud Wilson, owner of second-hand store/traveling picker Sara Wilson, redhead, mother of Belle and Casey; Brazilian heritage Chuck Arnovsky, weather computer geek/hacker for hire Joanie Arnovsky, also brilliant computer mind Dr. Mitchell (Mitch) Harris, general practitioner/emergency room physician Arianna Harris, mother of Angel, formerly very conservative and...

1 year ago
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The Unexpected

Sure as you thought, the familiar noise turned out to be a dog, and a large one at that. It makes no qualms about staring you down, tongue lolling out in a manner that rakes over your nerves like nails on a chalk board. The staunch beast presses it's cold nose straight into your tender sac flesh, swooping its tongue up behind it and dragging a long lick up your cock. Despite your best efforts, the fear combined with the adrenaline has your member at full mast, and the well built canine takes...

2 years ago
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Darcys Younger CousinChapter 4

I discovered the fact that my live in maid sent over by Darcy’s generosity was with child in a most unusual manner. I was humping her in our standard doggie style with her palms flattened against the ceiling high book case. Her feather duster stood nearby and she could claim to be dusting the books with me standing behind her searching for a long lost item if one of the other servants should happen upon us. It was obviously dangerous to even contemplate due to the fact that my spouse was...

4 years ago
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Hottest reality ever

Kalpana is my chemistry professor.She is 30 and she is the hottest milf i’ve ever seen. No one can cross her without noticing her tanker sized boobs and tight curved ass. She was married and divorced twice. This proves that she was not sexually satisfied. Always she used to wear saree and her dressing used to be so sexy that we used to attend the classes just to admire her beautiful hip and navel. I used to dream about her and masturbate every night. Everyday my college gets over only at 8.30...

4 years ago
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Amy Jo Johnson Fantasy

The first girl I ever masturbated to was Amy Jo Johnson on The Power Rangers.She had the most amazing butt and amazing legs I had ever seen. I remember the very first image I masturbated to ever in life was of her wearing these tight pink spandex shortsThis was the first image were I realized that I wanted to put my mouth on her vagina. That was a thought I never had before. I began to wonder... did Amy shave her pubic hair? Did she wax it all off? How tight was her vagina? Or did she trim it?...

1 year ago
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Help in the Library

What a stormy winter's day it was, the cold wind blowing relentlessly and the rain not abating one bit. On the bright side, she had noticed how handsome the friendly techno repairman looked with the water running down his face. That smile he always glanced at her made her think there might be some spark there. Maybe she was imagining it, perhaps the only sparks that day would be the lightning dancing across the bleak sky.He had certainly caught her eye before, a long time friend of the family....

3 years ago
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Emilys Turn

Introduction: What an 8 year old girl wants, an 8 year old girl gets. And when she wants more attention from her daddy, shes learned a few tricks from her 15 year old sister on how to get it. This story was inspired by a suggestion. The only part of the suggestion that made it in here was the age of the youngest child. It was interesting to write, and I am interested in hearing how it was to read. This will be 2 chapters long with the bulk of the most explicit content being in the second...

1 year ago
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BandittiChapter 5

In his room, Bob called Bear’s Best, Mountain Bike Rides and signed up for the ride at 10:00 the next morning. Then he called The Sunset Cowboy Trail Ride and signed up for tomorrow’s trail ride. That made him think of the lady cowgirl again. Maybe she’ll be on that trail ride. It’s been years since he’d ridden a horse. Surely the horses in Nevada haven’t forgotten how to handle an old cowboy who hasn’t sat on a saddle in years! He had built his confidence up after all this, that he knew as...

3 years ago
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The Lottery Winners ChallengeChapter 1 Getting acquainted

I asked the receptionist where the remains of Sizewell Abbey were before breakfast and were reliably informed that they were a mere twenty minutes walk away up the footpath directly opposite the hostel. After a meagre breakfast of cereal, orange juice and toast I visited the toilet and made tracks at quarter past eight. The footpath, despite being predominantly uphill wasn't too tiring and I reached the top just after half past. I was the first one there and sat on top of the hill, from...

4 years ago
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The Wishing Box

Long ago, the Demon Lozengar terrorized the world with his incredible magical powers. He was a cruel tyrant, with an endless appetite for all things foul. He fucked a hundred women a day, drank a lake of wine in a week and engaged in all sorts of other foul debaucheries. He was a black-souled villain of the lowest order. He terrorized the kings of the Earth for many years until one day, a collection of powerful priests, mystics and wise men banded together and tried to defeat him. They were no...

4 years ago
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Becoming Bride of My Brother

Becoming Bride of my Brother My name is Raj and we are two brothers and sons of a rich father. My brother, Sameer (His nickname is Sam) was married to Seema, my Sister-in- law (In India, we call such a relation as Bhabhi). My parents wanted a second child as a girl but as God would have had it, their wish was not fulfilled and thus was born a male that is I. My mother didn?t try to make me a girl but she always used to express that and whenever my cousin sisters used to come to our...

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A House DividedChapter 2

I know what I want and this ain't it! After I had dropped Jo off at the airport, I went back to my office and called the home catering service again to make sure our first meals would be delivered tonight. I'm no cook and it wasn't likely I'd have the time or inclination to learn in the next months. We couldn't eat at restaurants every night, so, at Jo's suggestion, I called a home catering service and discussed a series of menus for our evening meals. We could cope with breakfasts and...

2 years ago
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Gorgeous MILFs are offered as gangbang trophies on the locker room

“Of course, your wife doesn’t have to participate, Mr. Biddle,” said Geoff Stanley. Geoff was the owner of Stanley Farm Machinery, the small town’s biggest business. He was a forceful and conservative gentleman in his 50’s. His wife, Janis smiled loyally as he continued. “But it would enhance your career and social position in Beaver Hill a great deal. Everyone would be grateful. Everyone who counts, that is.” My own wife, Karina shifted in her seat and...

1 year ago
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Loving My ExGirlfriend

This is a true story from my life when I had a great time with my ex girlfriend years after break up. I was dumped by her for a reason that she found somebody else in her life. But we were still in touch as friends. I always loved her and spent some great time when we were together and we never had made love or talked about it. A year later we broke, I got married to another girl and she was engaged with the guy for whom she left me. One night when I was away from my family, I forwarded her a...

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its impossible to forget your first orgasm

Im Sophia. A young, but mature, 21 year old, with long brown hair, perky breasts and a bubbly ass that can get any guy to stop and stare, no matter what age. It started as a typical Friday night for me and my friends. As usual, we would pregame, go to a party and see where the night takes us. However, this Friday night turned into one of the best Friday nights, and one of the few Friday nights that I would actually remember. The girls and I started the night at my house. We tried on all...

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Fetish Network

FetishNetwork is a pretty great name for this network, since it is comprised of tons of fetish sites that cover a wide variety of topics from usual to spooky to super hot and taboo. There are more than 40 sites in this network and they are always adding more, which is unusual for a network. There are even different categories of sites for you to pick from that all keep it really kinky. There are about 20 BDSM sites, a couple hypnofetish sites, spanking sites, female domination ones, smoking and...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
2 years ago
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my first threesome with Best friend and his girlfr

i was 21 or 22 and my best friend (james) since 5th grade and he had a gf. She was about 6' and red headed and small tits but an amazeing ass. James and me were drinking and playing cards. when his girlfriend came in. he cooked us something to eat and as we were eating i noticed that she was under the kitchen table giving james a blowjob. i sat back from the table a little. her ass was towaeds me and she was fingering herself. She had a small piece of dark redhair at the top of her clit. I...

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Kellys First Time 5

Leann, Kelly, and Steve had long since settled into their three-way relationship, with very few growing pains. Each had their own job, and all were contributing to the household. And boundaries? There really were none. The only rule was that, if one didn't feel like participating in sex, he or she could opt out for that time, and the other two were left to themselves. Needless to say, that happened very infrequently. At home, they rarely wore clothing, and none of them had any problem with the...

4 years ago
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When Sex Doesn8217t Involve Talking But Only Passion 8211 Part 2

Whenever Shiva is drunk he will msg me, i need to be there or else no sex for me for the next one week, he is the bottom who loved to get sucked, loved to just make me hold his dick, never kisses me apart from occasionally during the regular fucking sessions. Event though i wanted more i liked the way he treated me, we started hanging out a lot together meaning with his friends but never ever spoke about what’s happening between us to each other. I just used to stare at him when he talks his...

Gay Male
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Obsessed with panties

At this point Im pretty sure I was obsessed. Panties were just my thing, and at 16 all guys are thinking about is pussy so this activity made the thoughts even stronger. I was a teenager and a horny one at that, and smeling and stealing panties was just a thing I did. And I was always looking for a chance to get a pair of soft underwear in my face, on my cock, and in my thoughts. It was a sunny day, a perfect day to be outside and no one was home at my freind Tims house. Especially his...

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new house

Years ago I decided to try going to a different bath house, it was bigger, they claimed it was also better more men, more variety, supposedly hotter guys, what did I have to lose by trying right. So I headed in, the place was big, not as clean as the other one I usually went to, I took a locker and slowly stripped, I had about three guys watching me get naked, me not being shy, gave them a show, I took my time to remove all my clothes, anticipation will drive a man crazy.I think the one guy...

1 year ago
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BewitchedChapter 10

There it was. I had popped the question. Sort of. It had not been planned. It's not like I got up that morning and thought, "I'm going to ask Valerie to marry me today. How should I go about that?" She hopped off the machine, gracefully. Her breasts bounced as she landed on the balls of her feet. There was no trace of submission as she stalked up to me. There was defiance on her face. "First you fold me in half, making me helpless. Then you tell me you're going to get me pregnant. Now...

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