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A promise of more

I drove back home thinking, Briallen was a nice girl, yes she had a fixation on my cock, but she was also good in bed and eager for more. But if I wasn’t careful my mother would have us married, Briallen had long been a favourite of hers.

With Bri gone from the house I found my thoughts returning to Glynda, and our appointment next Wednesday night, my mind turned over ideas of how to photograph her, some of the prints would be a stark black and white, perhaps some in soft focus.

I hoped it would be fine that night, with a good setting sun, I’d like to do some in the woods with her, long focus silhouetted against the setting sun. Wednesday couldn’t come soon enough.

I worked through the week, putting extra hours in to make up the time I’d lost over the past week or so. Glynda was the focus I worked towards, in my mind I was creating time to see her, that way when she intruded on my thoughts with visions of her nude form I was encouraged to work harder.

When Wednesday arrived I was pleased that the forecast was for clear skies, I would have a chance for my silhouette. I re-erected the green screen and brought more hay bales in, arranging them to make a platform.

Glynda arrived just after seven, I intercepted her outside, hopefully without my mother noticing. I jumped in my van and led the way up, my heart was thumping as I unlocked the door and let us in. I could feel my cock hardening, though I’d adjusted it straight up in the van and had a loose top on.

She was dressed in a blouse and a pleated skirt, I showed her to the curtained stall that we’d used last time with a dressing gown inside.

‘If you want you can wear your bra and panties while we do a few warm up shots,’ I informed her, wanting to put her at her ease.

‘Yes, thanks, even though it’s you I’m a bit nervous about this. Bri can’t praise you enough, she’s really pleased about the photos you took of her.’ Her talking like that meant Bri hadn’t shown them to her, I wondered what tale she was spinning.

She walked in and pulled the curtain over, in the stillness I could hear the rustling of her clothes as she stripped, I snapped back to the awareness of what I should be doing, setting up the equipment.

I heard the curtain draw back and resisted the urge to turn and look, instead I continued to turn on the lighting and then turned as she approached the little platform I’d built. She had the dressing gown loose over her shoulders, letting me see the blue lacy underwear she wore.

‘How are we going to do this?’ she asked.

‘I thought we could replicate some of the shots I took of Bri to start with, have you got enough time to do some at sunset as well, I want to take some of you in silhouette against the setting sun if that’s ok.’

‘Ok, you’re the photographer, I’ll take directions from you. I can stay as late as you want, Davyth is out on one of his boy’s nights, and he won’t be home till after midnight.’

‘Is there anything you want to do? Any poses you’d like to try?’

‘Well there are one or two I printed off at home, their only on plain paper but you’ll see what they’re like, ok.’

She walked back into the makeshift dressing room and brought out a couple of A4 sheets, I walked to meet her, my cock pressing against my tummy as I looked at her semi nude form, I prayed the long sweat shirt I’d worn covered me, it had looked ok in the mirror.

There were three pictures, one of a figure curled up with an arm sticking in the air and just half a breast showing, the next was coiled round a stanchion with a full on back view, and the last was with a figure on her back with the legs drawn up and pointing off to one side held by the hands.

I looked around, there was a support beam that would do as the stanchion and the other two would work in the studio setting I had created.

‘Do you want to rehearse these?’

‘Do you want me to undress?’

I was tempted to say yes but just looking at her soft form under the half concealing dressing gown was enough to set my heart longing for the forbidden fruit. For my sake at least I needed to take things slow.

‘No, if we’ve got plenty of time we can do loads of shots first so you can see how they look. Do you want to start with this one first? Over on that wooden beam.’ I nodded in its direction.


She shrugged the dressing gown off her shoulders and catching it handed it to me.

I looked at the curves of her body as she walked over to the post, her slim waist and her pert bottom, her long beautifully tapered legs, she would soon have me dribbling like one of Pavlov’s dogs conditioned on beauty.

I held the pose up as she draped herself round the upright, watching as she positioned herself.

‘Lyn, can I touch you? Arrange an arm or leg to suit the pose.’

She turned and looked at me. ‘If you need to, remember I’m trusting you on this.’

Her easy answer had me doubting myself, the beauty of her near naked body was so tempting that to touch her might drive me to far, she’d be temptation enough even for a saint.

‘Right, let’s try asking first, can you move your left hand a little higher, and curl you left leg around a little more.’

‘Is this ok?’ she asked, adjusting her position,

‘Yes that’s better, but you know what?’


‘I need to move the camera and lighting over first. Sorry, I guess I’m too anxious’

She straightened, turning to face me.

‘Well, you’d better do that then.’

She tried to sound annoyed but I could see the smile playing at her lips.

I spent five minutes humping and shifting, letting my eyes drifting back to look at her too often as she stood there, loosely in the pose so I could see where the shadows fell. All was now ready to try again.

‘Right,’ I said looking at the picture on the laptop. ‘Do you want to hug the beam again?’

‘Are you sure you’re ready this time?’ she asked, grinning broadly with a smile that echoed down the long years.

‘Who’s the photographer,’ I quipped back.

She wrapped herself round the upright again, adopting the same pose.

‘Can you bring your left knee a bit higher please?’ She moved as I asked. ‘Now the right hand over your shoulder, can you splay your fingers a little more?’

She adjusted her fingers, the sun bronzed skin glowing in contrast to the milky white of her shoulder.

‘That’s a bit too much Lyn, can you close them a fraction for me.’

Her fingers squeezed together slightly, like the hand of a lover caressing her.

‘Good that’s it.’

I shot off a burst, four photos with slightly different settings.

‘Ok, come and take a look.’

She came and stood at my side, resting an arm on my shoulder as she bent to look at the four shots.

‘I like that one,’ she said pointing at the second in the sequence. ‘Can we do it for real?’

‘If you’re ready to undress we can, or you can practice the others first if you like.’

We’d straightened up and she was looking me in the face.

‘You’d have to move the lights back again for the others, and I’ve got to strip sometime.’

My heart was beating faster as I watched her thrust her breasts forward, arms stretching round to unclip her bra. Her breasts were fuller, more rounded than I remembered, the little brown nipples coming more erect as the cooler air hit them.

Then she was shrugging down her panties, her breasts swaying as she bent. My hands twitched as I remembered fondling and kissing them those aeons ago. Oh, if I could wind back time.

I looked down at her hairy V as she straightened.

‘It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,’ she chided me

I switched my eyes guiltily to her face. ‘You’re a lot more women now than you were at sixteen’

‘I’ve put on a pound or two since then.’

‘Only in the right places
.’ It was sincere flattery in this case, her figure was better than Bri’s and most of any other girl I could think of.

She gave a mock curtsy.

‘Why thank you kind sir,’ she said with a mock posh accent.

She turned and went over to the post, curling herself around it, assuming the position once more.

‘Glynda, I’m going to take a series of shots with you making small movements, or big if you prefer. After each take, you can move or I’ll say something, we’ll try four or five shots then have a look. How’s that sound?’

‘Ah ha.’

‘Yes ok?’



I smiled at her. ‘Say ready….’

‘… Ready.’

I took the first shot, looked at her and said. ‘Let me move the camera round a bit, two sec’s.’

I took a step to my left, cutting back on the right leg and bringing more of her up-stretched arm into view, as well as the nipple and areole of her breast.

I took my next shot. A secret satisfied smile at the thought of the copies I’d make for my own private gallery.

‘Now can you bend your thigh and put your foot on the beam,’ I asked, glancing up to savour the live view.

‘Um…, can you bring your foot a little lower please Lyn.’ It was too much like a figure four for my aesthetic eye, too angular for the curve of her thigh and calf.

She slid it down a fraction.

‘Perfect. Now, if you can move your hand down and lean back a little.’

She cast me a swift glance before complying.

‘Yes, almost…, just a fraction more.’

I took the third, hoping I’d caught the rich sexuality it suggested.

‘Okay Lyn, Do you want to move, take up a new pose?’

She straightened, stood sideways square to me and squatted, right knee on the floor, left knee against the beam. Hands outstretched and circling it with her forehead rested against it.

‘Slide your foot back and put your knee to this side,’ I commanded, wanting to emphasise the suggestive lewdness of the shot

‘Good,’ I said encouragingly, her shadowed mons just visible in silhouette.

I took the shot and stood to face her.

‘Now do you want to stand and hold the beam chest height, then lean back and taking the weight on your right leg, just folding your left ankle round the post.’

I waited while she adopted the new pose, the session so far felt good as the empathy between us fell into a familiar groove

I took the next shot.

‘Do you want go for another pose?’

She answered me by letting go with one hand and letting it dangle while half turning her head up from the lens, giving me a quarter view of her face.

I took the last shot. ‘Right do you want to look at what we’ve done? Then if you want we can move onto the next scene.’

I became aware that my hard on had softened considerable, and that awareness caused it to harden again as she walked toward me.

She came and stood beside me, I handed her the dressing gown back, and she slipped it over her shoulders as we viewed the shots.

After watching the slide show through she commented. ‘They’re quite good, I’ll have to look again to choose a favourite though.’

‘That’s fair enough, shall we do the next?’

We ran through the two others and I did some playing with the lighting. We had one incident that was memorable, she was trying for a figure ‘S’, perched on the edge of the bale when she nearly fell, to balance herself she flung her legs open, I had just pressed the button.

I had four shots of ever widening legs, her pussy on full display and a look that turned from surprise to panic. I made sure I kept them, while she recovered and settled herself I cut and pasted the group over into my ‘Stars’ folder.

After we’d finished the shoot, she redressed and I remembered the sunset, opening the door and seeing the reddish tinge to the thin wisps of high cloud.

‘Glyn, could I do one more shot of you, a silhouette of you, please, I nearly forgot it.’

‘Oh, Gar, I’m all dressed again, and you’re all packed away. If you really want I’ll come up another night, I’m all ready to look at those pictures now.’

The words ‘another night’ flashed through my mind, being this close to her had felt good. I had enjoyed connecting with her again, even the ‘hands off’ agreement hadn’t dinted the rapport that grew between us

We drove back down, her following me back to the house and upstairs to my bedroom, where I set up the laptop to view the pictures we’ve just taken. She brought up a bottle of wine up with her.

‘It’s to celebrate, a private topping out ceremony, it’s actually a nice rosé,’ she declared.

‘Well this is the boring bit, selecting one from each group of four, I thought we’d do this the same way as Bri’s photos. Then we can start the real work, culling the ones we like, we’ll aim for about half, judge for a top fifty classification. Then if we’ve still got time we can cut that again to a hypothetical top ten,’ I told her as she sat on the bed and opened the bottle.

‘That’s ok, plenty of time yet. You can go through and make the first choices if you want, I’ll just lay here and drink my wine. I deserve it after the day I’ve had.’

‘There are glasses in the bedside locker if you want to use those, save you going downstairs.’

‘Mm, thanks.’

I dragged the laptop over and propped a pillow up against the headboard, lying back against it. I was using it in dual screen mode, on the laptop I manipulated the files, while on the big screen I viewed the pictures.

In the half hour I took to make the first cut she had finished the bottle, I still had half a glass left which she took when I offered. I wondered if this was her usual way to unwind, finding solace in a bottle, I hoped not.

She was sober enough when we viewed the slideshow of my initial choices. She cuddled up to me, her elbow on my shoulder, her hand on my knee, making her picks with conviction. She made most of the choices, well it was her wall.

‘Well that went easy enough, now we got to cut it down to ten,’ I commented, leaning back against the headboard, it was only when she moved her hand up to brush her hair back that I noticed the pale stripe on her ring finger, she’d taken her wedding band off.

‘Before we start on the next lot, have you got anything to drink?’She asked.

My mind was caught between divining the meaning of her absent ring and answering her.

‘Yes, tea or coffee?’ I finally answered.

‘Could you borrow a bottle of wine from your folks?’

‘A-Ah,’ I said. ‘You’re driving, and you’re probably over the limit now.’

‘Oh, ok then, coffee.’ A tinge of disappointment colouring her voice. ‘I’ll just pop out to my car while you make it, ok.’

I’d just about finished, I had a kettle and mini fridge in my unofficial adjoining study/guest bedroom, and was walking back in with the tray when she re-entered carrying a shopping bag.

I put the tray on the side of the bed and sat next to it. She had pulled out a box and was unpacking it. I looked over at what she was doing.

‘It’s a vaporiser, it evaporates the THC off so there’s no smoke, it’s a cool way to smoke it, have you tried before?’

‘No I never smoked it, but I ate cakes and biscuits yes.’

‘You’ll like this then, you get a pure hit. I’ve got a better one in the house and no one can smell it.’

I watched as she plugged it in and prepared it. She handed it to me.

‘When the green light comes on suck it all in, ok,’ she instructed me.

I did, there was no taste or anything, and I held it a few seconds and then exhaled.

I knew from experience it would take a little while to feel the effects, I’d mostly steered clear of drugs at university. Nice though cannabis was, getting caught would put a stop to my plans if I had a record.

Now, the mellow mood it brought would, I hoped, help in distracting me from the fl
esh of my beloved and sharpen my focus on the artistic nature of the photos. We had thirty seven to work with, I would let her choose again, only if one was too good to pass would I vote for it.

She made one for herself then, and, after inhaling it, came and lay back on the headboard next to me. I held the coffee tray up till she was settled, and then passed it over to her.

I straightened up, laptop ready.

‘Now remember, this is for your top ten.’

I clicked through the slideshow or rather I shuffled back and forth a few times to compare choices till she eventually got it down to twelve.’

It was time to give it a rest, I shut the laptop off, she was making another ‘bong’ each for us, I could see that she was happy and relaxed, we’d spent a nice friendly evening together.

‘So,’ I asked her. ‘You going to tell me why you want the pictures?

‘Oo, there are lots of reasons, number one is to poke a stick with satire, I’m going to put three in my office, they won’t know it’s me. It’s a subtle protest against all the ‘girly’ pictures in the men’s canteen,’ she explained. ‘I want to make sure they can’t see my face, I’ve been choosing for those, and I notice that you’ve covered up my fanny in a lot of the shots, with just a tantalising tuft of pubic hair showing. Clever.’

‘If you want to mask the face, how about we use a whirlpool effect, you now, her identity being drawn down, being stripped from her in her nakedness.’

‘Yeess…, that sounds nice, you can show me next time.’

Those nice words again, ‘Next Time’, she still owed me the silhouette shot.

We lay there a while longer, as we’d twisted and turned during the slide show her skirt had ridden up and was more around her hips now, so when she stretched and slid down it slipped right up, revealing her blue panties. My cock, flaccid until now, took note and started to swell.

She brought her legs in the air and did a mock run. My eyes instinctively followed her legs up, watching her feet cycle in the air even as her sexy blue panties became the focus of my mind

‘Oh, I can’t wait to see their faces.’

She giggled.

‘My art will trump theirs.’

She rolled to sit up.

‘Right, I’d better be on my way home, can we finish this off on Thursday?’

‘No can do Thursday, I’ll be over at the uni then, I’m back for Friday night.’

‘OK, that’s ok, seven be alright again. We can look at the final twelve and you can get your sunset shot.’

‘Yes, thanks I can.’

‘Can I leave the ‘bong’ behind for next time too?’

‘Yes, I’ll pack it up, it shouldn’t be a problem.’

I saw her down and out after she’d used my toilet, standing waving from the door as she drove off. The wine she’d drunk earlier should have partly worn off and I hoped she was like me, I drove with more care and caution when I was stoned.

I walked back upstairs, the bong on the floor next to the bed, left in trust till she next came, setting me thinking about our next ‘date’. I was to get another delicious dose on Friday, we could look at the twelve, and still have time to get to the woods, weather holding of course.

Friday saw a westerly and a build up of cloud, turning to rain by the time I got home around six, just after I’d eaten and was headed up for my shower my phone rang, it was Bri.

‘Garry, could I come and see you?’


‘No, it’s not about sex, I’ll keep the bargain we made. This is about the photos, honest you can trust me on this, they like them and want to do a shoot with me. But there’s a condition, I’ll tell you about it when I see you. So can I come over…, please?’

‘Ok, is it urgent, I’m going up to the observatory soon, I could see you tomorrow, mam’s out all day?

‘I know, she’s coming to see my mam, their going over to Bridgend to do some shopping, will you pick me up about ten then? I’ll explain when I see you.’

‘Ok, see you tomorrow.’

That was another mystery, I wondered what sort of ploy this was, and there’d be no sex this time. I’d have to put my foot down if necessary.

The hour passed too quickly, I was still drying myself when I heard Glyn’s car pulling into the drive. I just threw on an old track suit to go down and greet her.

The first thing she did when she got up to my room was ask for the bong.

‘I hope you kept it safe, I’ve got a nice skunk home grown, it’s a really dreamy intellectual one. I’ll leave you some if you want.’

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An Apocalypse Rising Ch 05

The party moved on as the first rays of dawn peeked through the thickening blanket of clouds. The wind found some force and bite as the front drew nearer to them. Neral knew there would be rain sooner rather than later and she shivered in anticipatory dread. She conceded to herself that it was likely a combination of things. There was always that tension when she knew they were heading into a fight instead of away from one. Not that she shied away from battle, but she was also not afraid of a...

3 years ago
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Turning her Husband into a Cuckold

An ad caught my eye one time that I could not refuse to answer. A woman had caught her fianc?posting in the personals in an attempt to meet women. The email I sent her included a picture of me and details on my ideas for getting back at him. In her reply I learned that she actually found pictures of him with men! After a few email exchanges she sent one picture of him with his face covered in cum. She also sent a few pictures of herself that were quite impressive, so I was...

3 years ago
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Dadrsquos away on business

This is a story and all the characters are over 18 and it’s a mother son taboo story.My name is Jacob Fans and I’m 18 years old, I live with my super sexy mom and my dad who are both in there 50’s and yes I’m an only c***d, my mom and dad meet in college and on their graduation my mom got pregnant with me, they got married after I was born and they both got jobs to pay for food and the home we live in, my mom always wanted a second c***d but my dad is and always has been to busy for her,...

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Random Meet

Hey all,someone just mailed me, asking whats the dirtiest, kinkiest thing I've done. Thats a tough question, but because of the way it happened, I reckon this is pretty close. It was random, scary, dirty... kinda got the lot :)Would love to know your thoughts :)sooo....I was very close to my house, in a quiet closed off area, usually for dog walkers to park up and enter the nearby woods. I use it as a changing area... leave the house, park up take off my top layer of guy clothes to reveal girl...

2 years ago
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The WolvesChapter 69

Menseio Station, orbiting Veria Jonuth Kidravia’s Ship - Abi 14:09 Ship Time September 11, 2019 When it came time to look over Oya’s initial sketch of Mason’s design, I was both surprised and intrigued. Surprised in that he didn’t meet or exceed the six million cubic meter limit I had imposed--he didn’t even come close, using a little over half--and by the overall design of the ship. The design was that of a yacht, and not a space yacht, but of an actual water yacht that you might find...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Sara Luvv Cadence Lux The Faces Of Alice Part Three

Alice (Sara Luvv) wakes up from the weirdest dream. She fumbles for her glasses trying to see, but her vision goes in and out of focus. Her head is aching and she fights to keep herself from blacking out. But the strangest sensation seizes her, and she feels herself being pulled under and out of her conscious self. Alice gets out of bed, struggling to stay in her body. But something is competing for that space. Another personality is trying to break free. She calls herself Al, and makes herself...

3 years ago
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Dildo delights

Our sexual tension is huge, every nerve tingling with desire. We are away at last; a few days of indulgent pleasure awaits us, a chance to fulfil our desire to please each other while tempting and teasing. We have a fucking good plan. Well, good fucking - that’s the plan! We’d booked these few days break months ago and finally we’re off. We’d had an early night in preparation for things to come, but held back on orgasm, allowing the desire and frustration build. I haven’t cum at all in the week...

1 year ago
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Dawn of the Federation Book I Tomorrow Never KnowsChapter 7 Anticipation

"How long, Travis?" the captain asked. "At our current speed, 2 days, sir." "Okay," Jon continued, addressing the whole assembly of officers. "According to Admiral Gardner, we'll have to stay in orbit around Earth for about 10 days. The space dock is occupied by Columbia – they had a less than friendly encounter with a Klingon warbird." "Can't we get a break at least once?" Trip groaned. "First the Xindi, then human Augments, Vulcan terrorists, then Klingon Augments. I'm...

1 year ago
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Midgets Like to Pork Too

My wife and I went to have a beach vacation. We rented a nice condo right on the beach. My wife's sister and her husband was to join us but they had had a big fight and only my sister inlaw showed up. My wife, Lucy, was 43 when this story happened. She has black hair, big blue eyes, 5ft 6inches tall. She weighs about 130lbs, nice 32c tits. Her sister, Sandy, was 37, 5ft 3inches tall. Blonde hair with the dark roots, big blue eyes and 32c tits. Both women are fairly attractive. The first day...

2 years ago
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Abu Ghabir

Chapter 1 – Abu Ghabir Please take note! Adults Only Literature The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewingthis file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-storynow. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc. Copyright 2004 **** "Where are you hiding the weapons?" Major Nancy Trevor...

4 years ago
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Getting Lucky in Kentucky Ch 04

I woke up earlier than usual today, well before the alarm, thinking about my planned dinner date with Sharon. I’d laid out a bit better-than-usual clothes for today, and decided to trim my beard before going into school. The beard wasn’t quite over-long yet, but I wanted everything to be right for Sharon today. She hadn’t actually said ‘yes’ to the dinner date, but was going to give me a thumbs up (I hope) or a thumbs down (that part worries me) this morning at the coffee shop. I hit the...

2 years ago
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Highwaymen Ch 11

They ate a light meal in their room early that evening, and played cards for a while after. Joanna was relieved that Terence’s arm seemed not to be troubling him over-much. Often he caught a curious smile on her face. He assumed it was after this afternoon’s play, which had been awesome indeed! He was beginning to overcome the awkwardness he had felt concerning that particularly attention and his own wanton response to it. He was not a prude, and was prepared to learn any new tricks of love if...

1 year ago
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Lara Jack to Melissa the beginning

Introduction: my first story, hope you enjoy it Hi, my name is Lara. I am a 24 year old girl with long black hair always worn in a ponytail or a braid. I`m not tanned so my skin is white almost as white as snow and I have big green eyes. For my 5ft and 9 I have really long legs with almost 3ft 7 length. I have a nice round and perfect formed ass and I am very happy about my 38D. I started masturbating really early at the age of 10. At the tender age of 13 I had my first sexual experience with...

2 years ago
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Puzzle Box Genie 20Chapter 5

We spent most of the afternoon “practising” releasing my excess energy. To practise, we first had to refill my internal reservoir. We put my ability to maintain an erection and my endless supply of cum to the test. I passed with flying colours. But practice makes perfect as they say. When we finally stopped, we were both covered in sweat and each other’s cum. Amara did her thing, and in an instant, we and my room were clean. I can’t imagine how many bed sheets we saved and showers we...

3 years ago
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Displaced 2 of 2 Filly

***WARNING - This story contains elements of unconventional sex. If such things make you uncomfortable maybe skip the Epilogue *** Author's Notes: Thanks to all who read and reviewed the first part. After this foray into fantasy adventure I'm going to return to princesses and fancy balls. Enjoy and comment! So, by this point I'm sure you have a few questions, not the least of which is "so if you were trapped in the body of this bosomy centaur filly in a parallel world, how am I...

2 years ago
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Family RaidersChapter 2

Cutter watched as Wendy struggled, tried to cry out, and said, "I guess you can have one of your doctor friends sew it back on, can't you? He then went over to the supply cabinet and took out a large square bandage. Tearing it open, he approached Wendy and taking her bloody breast in his hand, he pressed the bandage over the wound. "That will have to do for now my dear, we don't have time to wait around. How will you get o your knees and do as your were told or do I have to cut off the...

3 years ago
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Sarah Part Seven

Sarah and I walked into the hotel ballroom to a crowd ofpeople, all dressed up, mingling, eating and drinking; the event was definitely well attended.We walked around the perimeter of the room, and then Sarah went off to look for the lady she was interested in and any clothing designers she could find.I made my way to the bar. The bartender did not take cash, and I had to buy a ticket for a drink. Each drink ticket was $10.00 or five tickets for $45.00.I knew that I would likely have two...

Group Sex
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Tea For Two Families part 8

Part Eight Beth stood at the foot of her bed, fumbling with the snaps of her house dress. She looked longingly at the bed, the covers still thrown back from her nap. It would feel so good to slide between those sheets, close my eyes and sleep. But I need a bath, a warm, bubbly bath. Scratch the bubbles. No time to soak. Maybe just a little. Beth slid the yellow dress on the hanger, laid it over the foot of her bed. She slipped the straps of her slip off her shoulders, letting it...

1 year ago
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Truth In Marriage

Truth in Marriage B Like U As I sit here about to write of the events of the past weeks, I am hindered by the constant stimulation of my ass and balls. You see, my loving wife and Mistress has my cock and balls tied in a devilish manner. She has this knot that I don't know how she tied, and so I can't release myself till she allows it. She has tied me inside her panties in such a way that it is soft yet infinitely restrictive. I can't get hard. There isn't enough room. I can...

2 years ago
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Surprise Part 3

Friday night had come fast. I’m uneasy, but excited for what’s going to happen. I glance in the mirror, grab my keys and head out to my car. I leave thirty minutes early to beat the crowd, and to get a look at what’s in store for me. I arrive at the club, and park in the back so I can go in unnoticed. I walk through the side door by the alley, and weave my way down the narrow halls to the main part of the building where the parties were held.   People are already staring to trickle in, in hopes...

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CindyChapter 10

The next day I walked into the park office to find Helen and Cindy chatting. I waved a set of keys at her. "It's time," I said. "Time for what?" she asked with a puzzled look. "Time for you and me to go fire up the Starship Enterprise. Or a 1968 model Cessna airplane. Something like that." Squeal. Hug. "What?" asked Helen. "Mechanic called me today. He finished the inspection on my airplane and it's ready to fly again." "Oh, yeah. You told me you had a plane over there."...

3 years ago
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Zugzwang Part 1 ZonersChapter 8 Airborne

We sat in the back of the plane, next to a blonde German businesswoman who looked like a Barbie doll dressed up like a librarian, complete with her hair pulled back in a bun and glasses. She typed furiously on a laptop. Edward elbowed me and gestured at her, waggling his eyebrows. I let him sit next to her, so at least her typing would be safe from any violent seizure of mine. Then I leaned over Edward and said to her, "Hello, I'm Eric." She looked at me, confused. "Hello. My name...

2 years ago
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Scenes from a mall

I slouched down in my plush couch and studied the numerous bright video monitors around me. They showed scenes of the shopping mall around me, scenes of young, old, men and women all walking around happily, entranced by the sights and sounds around them. I saw them through the video feed, but even without that, I knew what they were feeling, I could feel it like a warm breeze slowly pushing at me. It was intoxicating, I could feel their stimulation, their desire, their greed for the sights...

3 years ago
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Her Fantasy

It never seemed possible for me to love two people at the same time. There was Charles, the guy who had my whole world; we lived together, we were thinking of starting a life together. And then there is James, the guy who came into my life, loved in all the ways Charlie did but it always seemed more. The passion when we talked was so high that my pussy got wet when he would say hi. The passion for Charlie was different, the love of your life passion, my heart flutters when I see him, I...

2 years ago
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Cletus Tucker4Chapter 5

Dakota Territory, September, 1867 Over the course of the last few years, Cletus had accumulated 10 "Army Brass" pistols. He didn't carry them all; he kept four in his pack. He decided that these pistols would make great gifts for his new clan, so he took them to his next council meeting. He gave one to each of four war chiefs who were there and explained the advantages of the pistol over the rifle for close combat. He offered to demonstrate the next day. The next day, about midmorning,...

1 year ago
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Awakening by ariel emms (if you enjoy this story, please feel free to let me know or to distribute it to others)...and she collapsed to the floor, nearly unconscious, unable to speak in more than moans and nearly unable to control her limbs  - and never to be the same again.________________________?Do we have to go now?? asked Ariel, in a mock-whine.  She giggled. ?I only just got my pillow fluffed the way I like!?  She was sitting next to Ayla, the taller woman’s arm around her shoulders,...

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Doctors Visit

I had an appointment for the doctor today, and I wanted to arrive early. When I arrived, the secretary had asked me to fill out these forms thoroughly. She asked me what kind of insurance I had. I gave her my Empire card out of my wallet. I had a seat, and started to fill the forms out to the best of my knowledge. About five minutes later I was done. I got up and gave the secretary the paper work. ‘Okay no problem, you can have a seat again Steve.’ I sat down and began to look at the new...

4 years ago
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Apni Virgin Cousin Ko Jam Kar Choda Aur Uski Gaand Aur Choot Phad Dali

Hi…Mera naam ashu hai (not real name) mai jammu mai rehta hun aur meri height 5feet 6″ hai aur handsome hun hamary ghar mai hum 2 brothers and mum dad hai…Mai iss ka bohat purana reader hun infact 12th class se hi mai iss ki stories padhta aaya hun..Maine m.A complete kiya hai aur aaj b stories padhta hun…..So aapko zyda bore na karty kuay mai story pay aata hun…. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mera 1st year ka exam khatm hua tha aur mera result first class first tha mai bohat khush tha mere saray...

3 years ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 11

Chapter XI   Once inside the bedroom Carol walked across the room to the sliding glass doors and closed the drapes, casting the room into semi-darkness then she turned around and walked over to the king size bed in the middle of the room. ‘Anybody have anything they want to do first?’ Carol asked facing the other three.   ‘I think we need something to drink before we get started?’ Don said excusing himself and heading for the kitchen. ‘Don’t you all start without me?’ He laughed as he left...

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Little Sis isnt Shy

This story is completely fictional!!!!! Our parents spend most of there time out of town. So I'm home a lot with my sis. I'm eighteen. She's also eighteen, she's never had a boyfriend, and is still a virgin. Her name is Maree. She has the prettiest long strawberry blonde, with striking blue eyes, also she is a 32d natural boob, and she has the most pert round ass. Growing up I'd never thought of her as anything more than my sister but one day things changed. It was just after her seventeenth...

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Three Square MealsChapter 8 Can John and Alyssa save the troubled Latina

The Invictus followed the course laid in by Alyssa, making quick and determined progress towards Port Heracles. The communications officer who contacted them sounded surprised that the Assault Cruiser was a civilian vessel, but such things were not totally unheard of. He granted them docking clearance for docking bay four. The Invictus stalked closer, before gliding into the docking bay under Alyssa’s careful hand. It was a tight fit, but with her skilful guidance they avoided any mishaps....

2 years ago
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The Watchers

I met Karen at a pasture party. She was shy and quiet, a little sheltered maybe. I could barely get her to look me in the eye the first few times we went out. Brunette and short with hazel eyes and a porcelain complexion, I thought she was a little boring or bored with me honestly, I couldn't tell. I was shy and inexperienced too. I liked her, so I wasn't about to criticize. Still, things were moving slow. We only walked around the parties holding hands. One night I was tired and didn't feel...

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Impregnating her

Our hands are warm clutching each others'. My grasp is firm, and she likes that. I guide her inside my kingdom away from the wild world outside. My chamber awaits to provide her with the pleasure and satisfaction she's been seeking for so many months. There's no talking right now, we're past that. Still smiling, anticipation, eagerness mixed with some anxiety on her part, I'm good. No stress, no nerves, this is my time to shine. I'm in my comfort zone, my happy place, my area of...

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When a Wizard Walks By

When a wizard walks by, an exercise in the return of the gods and magic. I'm Tony. I was a dumb self-absorbed son-of-a-bitch when I graduated high school. I was about six feet tall, 180 pounds and flabby. I spent my time reading books. I was the guy that broke the grading curve, so the bullies did their best to fuck me up. I carried a fillet knife and several cable ties, the kind that the police carry in place of handcuffs. I'm afraid that I left more than one back alley a mess. That ended...

1 year ago
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Tim and Jane Naked in SchoolChapter 6 Sunday

Jane and I slept in a while, getting up around nine; we went downstairs, where Aunt Beth had breakfast ready. It looked like she was feeding an army. Susan and Steve got up shortly after we did. After we finished eating, we cleaned up the kitchen and went into the living room to read the paper. As I was reading the paper, I noticed the posting of Saturday's lottery numbers. I figured I might as well check; it couldn't hurt. I got the ticket out of my wallet, and compared the numbers. I...

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The Slut Within

Introduction: Mom welcomes her son home from a war. I joined the Army out of high school, was going to make a career of it. Two tours in Iraq, herding civilians, wondering whether I should shoot the sonabitch walking up to me with a smile put an end to that. Re-up was a few months away. I wrote my Mother and asked her to find out if I would be pulled back in if I took a discharge. She had worked for lawyers and knew how to get info. She sent back a copy of a letter from a politician saying I...

2 years ago
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This Most Unusual Sister Ch 03

Chapter 03a Hungers ***** Another big thank you to my editor, AsylumSeeker! As ever, I’m grateful for your suggestions and advice. The story so far… Angela and Gwen, best buddies from San Diego, California, are on holiday in Fuerteventura, staying at a timeshare owned by Gwen’s parents. Less than twelve hours ago, Angela awoke to find she had a fully-developed and completely functional, though as yet sterile, penis and testicle between her legs, replacing her womanhood. Angela and Gwen...

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