Dragon Clans Bk. 01 Pt. 16 free porn video

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Millie heard the helicopter as it swooped over the roof, coming in low to land at the pad outside.

She had only been back for about a half an hour herself.


When Ian told her that Valerie was in an ‘accident’ Millie called the airfield immediately.

The trip to the hospital had only taken about 20 minutes, upon arriving she was taken directly to Michael and Valerie.

‘How are they doing,’ Millie asked quietly to the worried looking woman standing between the beds.

Tera looked up as the woman walked into the room.

‘Michael is in a coma, Valerie is…lost, I think,’ Tera answered.

Millie walked over to Tera, putting a comforting arm around the young woman, surprised by the tenderness and pain she expressed for the people who lay on either side of her.

‘My name is Millie, I’m Valerie’s aunt, is there anything I can do for you,’ she asked.

‘It has been a long day, I only met Michael about a week ago, Valerie…on a country road a few hours ago in the middle of a fire fight. Michael was…called to save her, he, he…,’ Tera paused, Millie could feel the tension in the young woman and pulled her a little closer.

‘…saved us, jumped in front of us, took 7 bullets, shielded us,’ Tera stopped, hiding her face in her hands, trying to come to grips with being the saved instead of the savior.

‘It will be alright,’ Millie told her, giving her a small hug before moving over to Valerie.

Sitting on the bed her hand moving to the coiled form of Valerie, Millie could feel the pain radiating off the young woman.

Bending over her, pulling her into her arms, gently rocking her she whispered in her ear.

‘It will be alright Val, Michael will be fine, you be strong now, everything will be ok,’ she said to the young woman, feeling Valerie pull closer to her, Millie willed some of her own energy and strength be transferred to her.

After holding and comforting Valerie for sometime, Millie stood up and stretched, Tera took her place at Valerie’s side as Millie walked over to Michael.

‘Michael,’ she thought, looking down at his pale face, a thousand images of it, from the past 20 years, flitting through her mind.

She reached out, gently caressing his cheek with the back of her fingers. Her eyes played over the red stained bandages across his torso.

‘So much pain, was it best to bring you here, to start you on a road you have no choice but to follow, would it have been best to simply let life have it’s way,’ she thought.

Her eyes closed as her hand played lightly over his chest, she felt a brief warmth as her fingertips moved over the bandages. Yes he would recover.

She saw Nigel pass before the small window in the door. ‘Excuse me for a moment Tera,’ she said as she moved out of the room

‘Ian will be heading back to the castle within the hour,’ Nigel said to her in the hallway.

‘Thank you Nigel, I should stay here until Michael’s status changes, Valerie is taking it very hard, I should be here for her,’ Millie said, accepting Nigel’s warm hug.

‘Best you are at the castle for Ian, it has been a very…hard evening for him,’ Nigel said to her in hushed tones.

Millie looked at her old friend, saw a shadow of deep concern in his normally calm cool blue eyes.

‘I’ll head back now, thank you Nigel, watch over Val, she is strong but…young, she is not use to this kind of thing,’ Millie said giving Nigel a brief hug and, with one last look through the window into the room at Valerie, she made for the stairs and the helicopter waiting above.


Pulling on her jacket Millie stepped into the cool evening, the sun had set about an hour ago, she was glad that Ian was home.

The floodlights illuminated the black helicopter as the rotor wound down.

The doors opened and men began to filter out. She saw Ian in the front seat, saw him looking over at the pilot then step out of the helicopter.

The men milled around, waiting for Ian.

‘I thank you men for your help today, I know it was not something you were expecting when you signed on,’ Ian said with a sigh. His hands raised, fingers slowly sliding through his hair, he could feel the caked, dried blood break apart as his fingers slid through them.

‘Please follow Paul,’ he said, gesturing to the pilot who just stepped out of the helicopter after finishing the shut down.

‘We have a billet for a full squad, hot showers, clean clothes and hot meals, please stay here tonight and we will get you back to London tomorrow. Again…thank you.’ Ian finished as he turned, slowly walking towards the castle.

‘Ok guys, follow me, lets get you cleaned up and debriefed, Nigel should be here within the hour,’ Paul said to the weary looking group as he motioned towards the low building to the right of the helipad.

Millie paused as she saw Ian turn from the men and start to walk in her direction.

As he got closer she became more and more frightened.

While the man closing on her looked like Ian, the visage before her when he came to a stop was no one she had ever seen.

The look of pure anguish on his face broke her heart, the dried blood that was splattered over him from hair to boot provided a glimpse of him and his world she had never imagined.

Ian stared at Millie with flat lifeless eyes for a moment, the last vestiges of his rage and vengeance finally slipping away.

He blinked a few times, watching the play of light in her hair, the concerned look on her face.

He reached out a tentative hand, he watched it go, as it lifted from his side, it came into bright focus under the glare of the lights.

Caked with blood, the dark maroon slashes contrasting by the vivid white of his unblemished skin, Ian paused, not sure anyone would want to touch any part of him again.

Ian looked up, expecting to see Millie cringe away, he was ready to pull back his hand, apologize.

What he found was love and solace in her eyes, pain for what he had been through as he felt her hand slip within his.

Ian’s eyes softened, his body released his last bit of energy as he slowly sunk to his knees, wrapping his arms around Millie, the tears flowing freely as he purged his guilt.

In that moment he understood, understood just what he faced, what would be required to win and knowing that he was simply…not equipped to do it.

They stayed there for some time, Millie simply holding Ian, allowing him the time and safety to purge the demons from his soul.

Ian finally pulled himself together. Slowly he rose, ‘I’m sorry,’ he said in a voice filled with emotion.

Millie placed her hand on his cheek, giving him a little smile.

‘Come,’ she said taking his hand gently in hers, leading him into the house.

‘Let’s get you cleaned up,’ she whispered as they slowly climbed the stairs.


Michael lay in the hospital bed, alone for the first time in what seemed like…forever. The small lamp on the table gave the room a soft muted glow.

Tera and Valerie had left a while ago, he almost had to throw them out.

‘You need to go Valerie,’ Michael said to her as she stood by his bed.

‘I feel ok, I’m probably just going to sleep for the next ten hours, I feel good, just tired. From what Nigel said this place is as secure as Fort Knox, I’m safe,’ he said, squeezing her hand as he finished.

Tera was standing on the other side of the bed, holding Michael’s other hand.

She did not look pleased about the thought of leaving.

He smiled at her and then looked down at her other hand, noting the sling was gone and only the bandage remained.

‘Your wrist is better?’ he asked with a small smile on his lips.

Tera glared at him ‘Yes Mr. Dane, my fucking wrist is fine,’ she responded, her voice held anger and gratitude i
n equal measure.

Her now mended hand slid over the sheet covering his chest, smoothing the wrinkles with a delicate but firm pressure, feeling the bandages below.

He felt the warmth of her hand, it caused his eyes close for a moment. He simply reveled in the unexpected touch.

‘Tera,’ he said opening his eyes again ‘can you…stay with Valerie, make sure she gets home alright…watch over her,’ he finished.

Tera looked over at Valerie for an instant then back to Michael.

‘Yes, I’ll watch over her, if she is…ok with it,’ Tera said, watching Valerie out of the corner of her eye.

Valerie was…more than ok with it, and that in it’s self bothered her.

She had appreciated Tera’s presence on the road, in the helicopter, here in this room as she watched Michael’s lifeless, unmoving form. She drew from the woman’s seemingly limitless strength and had no desire to be parted from that just yet.

‘I think that would be best, I don’t want to be alone yet but…I could so use a shower,’ she smiled as she answered.

Each woman had bent down, placing a light kiss on each of his cheeks at almost the same moment. They were tentative, chaste things but imparted a depth of emotion that Michael definitely shared.

Now, lying alone in the room, he found he missed their company along with enjoying the solitude, it was an interesting dynamic.

Shaking his head he gingerly rose from the bed, his feet feeling the shock as they hit the cold floor.

‘Fuck,’ he said as he stood, bouncing lightly from foot to foot, gauging if there would be any dizziness, he was surprised to find none.

He walked over to the bathroom and turned on the light, the image in the mirror surprised him.

He needed a shave, his hair was a wild mess but he looked…good…way better than he should have, he simply shook his head and grabbed the toothbrush, hopping to get the taste of copper and cotton out of his mouth.

‘I feel too good,’ he thought, finishing with his necessities and, with a last glance at his reflection in the mirror, walked back into his room.

He wished he could take a shower, but the doctor had told him that would have to wait till the morning, after he had looked at his wounds.

Spying his jacket on a chair he walked over feeling for the pack of cigarettes in the inside pocket, smiling he pulled it and his Zippo out.

Looking around he went to the window but it was a single pane of glass that didn’t open.

Not relishing the idea of walking around in the damn hospital gown, he went to the closet finding a set of scrubs.

‘Better than nothing,’ he thought taking off the gown and pulling the scrubs on gingerly over his bandaged wounds.

Outside he was confronted with one of Nigel’s men.

‘You shouldn’t be out of bed,’ the man, probably in his late 40’s, said to Michael.

‘Just looking to grab a quick smoke, anyplace I may be able to do that,’ he asked in a plaintive voice showing the man the pack of cigarettes and lighter.

Shaking his head he answered, ‘end of the hall there is a balcony, be quick about it, a nurse finds you gone and it’s my ass.’

Michael thanked the man and made his way slowly down the corridor. Finding the door, he stepped out into the cool night, surprised to find himself in what appeared to be a busy downtown section of London.

The building was modern, probably built in the late 70’s with a straight, lifeless concrete façade, he found he was on the 12th floor with another 6 above him.

Lighting the cigarette he took that first long pull, reveling in the feel of it in his lungs, trying to get his bearings and figure out where he was. He was surprised by a voice to his left.

‘It’s a private hospital in London, used for… special circumstances,’ the doctor said standing up from his chair in the shadows of the balcony and moving over to Michael’s side.

‘Finish your cigarette, when you are done we will go check your wounds, no sense waiting till the morning,’ he said as he left Michael alone on the balcony.

Watching the city move around him he felt calm for the first time all day.

Valerie and Tera played through his thoughts, both of them were so different, both elicited such strong emotions, he didn’t know, couldn’t fathom what was going to happen with them, he simply knew it was important that they be close to him, that they be…his.

The doctor had Michael lay back on the bed after shedding the scrubs.

‘Let’s see what we have,’ the doctor said starting with the bandages on Michael’s legs.

Michael watched the doctors face, the expressions shifted quickly, from surprise, to astonishment, disbelief and finally, as he removed the last bandage on Michael’s shoulder, resignation.

‘As with your partner the young lady last weekend, you’re healed,’ he simply stated.

He wished he could spirit this guy away to some lab and spend about 5 years poking him, but he knew…that would never happen.

‘I have to say, I’m not really surprised,’ Michael said as he looked down at the new scars patterned across his legs and torso.

‘We really need to talk,’ he thought to Aoife as he thanked the doctor and moved into the bathroom for a much-needed shower.

As he stuck his head under the spray he was sure he heard the echo of a soft, deep, decidedly feminine chuckle.

The hot water felt good. Michael stood there as the strong spray washed over him, clearing away the dirt, grime and other sundry substances that had accumulated over the day.

Finding the small institutional bar of soap he brought up a strong lather and washed his body, his hands lingering over the just acquired scars, still tender but not painful.

He wondered over the changes. More than once in the last few weeks he felt he was surely loosing his mind.

What had, up until Sasha’s death, been a relatively calm existence had suddenly turned into one that was dangerous, holding new perils around every corner.

Michael hated feeling as if he was out of control, and that was exactly how he felt right now.

Whoever ‘Aoife’ was there was obviously an agenda there.

Nigel seemed to have good intentions but then he could not read the man, so his designs on Michael were unknown.

‘Damn it, enough,’ Michael thought as he rinsed the shampoo out of his hair.

‘I’ve had enough of this,’ he said drying off and going back out to the room.

Retrieving the scrubs, his jacket and shoes he made for the door.

‘Time to find a bit more…control,’ he thought as he moved quietly down the hall flashing the guard his cigarette pack as he passed quickly down the corridor.


‘What the hell is going on,’ Valerie said in a strong voice the moment Tera slid behind the wheel and closed the door.

‘What do you mean,’ Tera answered with some reserve, not sure where this was going.

As Tera pulled the Land Rover Sport away from the curb, accelerating smoothly into traffic, she waited for the young woman next to her to continue.

‘Nigel works for my uncle, he has been around for as long as I can remember, but it seems Michael is now his full time job. I’ve heard stories of terrorist cells, random attacks, now I hear you were shot and saved by Michael last weekend. Your broken wrist is no longer broken and it seems that Mr. Dane is in love with both of us.’ Valerie said in a stream of fast words with no pauses.

Tera looked in the rear view mirror, merging onto the M40 towards Oxford.

‘I work for Nigel, we were assigned to protect Mr. Dane, there was an…incident on his flight over and Nigel thought it best that we stay close. There was an attempt on Mr. Dane’s life here, after he met with you and the security was increased. When Michael saved me last weekend…most of my team was killed, I was shot, the only thing he could think of was to protect me, I have n
ever encountered anyone quite like him,’ Tera said, continuously scanning the mirrors for any sign of a tail.

‘My uncle ordered Nigel to protect Michael?’ Valerie asked.

‘I honestly don’t know, I don’t think I have ever met or heard of your uncle from Nigel,’ Valerie answered, slipping over to the left lane just in case she needed to get off the motorway quickly.

Tera was quiet for a few moments before talking again.

‘Why were you there today with Michael,’ she questioned.

‘I have been…,’ Tera began, pausing and taking a deep breath before continuing, ‘…living with Michael in his flat for the past week, since the incident, Nigel said that it was necessary to keep a close watch on him, but I was drawn to do it, to try and keep Michael safe, even without Nigel’s prompting,’ she finished.

‘You love him.’ Valerie’s statement hung in the air for only a moment before Tera responded.

‘As much as you do,’ was Tera’s response.

The women made the rest of the trip to Valerie’s flat in silence. Neither wanting to go further down the road of their now stated feelings for the man who had become so important to both of them.


Millie watched Ian sleep, it was a deep restful sleep, the kind you fall into when you simply have no reserves left.

Her fingertips slid over his strong chin as she placed a light kiss on his forehead before slipping from the bed.

She had taken him to their bedroom after he came back to the castle, he was quiet and tentative, still reeling from the realities of the day.

Millie had gently removed his blood stained clothing and then her own. Ushering him into the shower she lovingly bathed him, watching as the remnants of whatever had happened swirl down the drain in a gentle red tinged whirlpool.

They stayed in the shower a long time, simply touching each other, being there in the heat and warmth, loosing themselves in the steams warm and comforting embrace.

When all traces of the day were gone and both of their bodies were flushed pink from the warm water, Millie turned off the water and stepped from the shower.

She returned in a moment with a large warm towel which she slowly and sensuously used to dry Ian’s near immobile form.

Quickly drying herself she lead him to their bed.

The only light in the room was from the fireplace, it provided a muted orange glow that allowed her to see Ian as almost a simple silhouette, but a silhouette she would know…anywhere. The flickering light played over his body, giving flashes of skin, the curve of his shoulder, the slight bob of his Adams apple, all bits of him that she new so well.

She lay with him, her damp head resting on his chest, his arm across her shoulders pulling her too him, trying to get closer even though they were touching.

Millie’s hand slipped over his body, felt the tension slowly leaving his thighs, heard his heartbeat begin to take on a softer calmer tempo.

Her hand played over his member, it was semi-hard and he moaned softly as her nails teased over its length.

He moved against her palm, she felt the heat rise, felt him harden in her embrace. His arm around her shoulder pulled her tighter against him, willing her closer to him. She heard his heart rate increase as her hand slowly began to travel over him, his cock now like silken steel in her hand, a bead of wetness forming at the tip which she slowly massaged with her thumb.

His breath caught as she slid down his body.

She pulled back the sheet covering them both as she went, exposing his body to her eyes.

She loved to look at him, the curve of his chest where it met his lightly muscled stomach, the slightly whiter skin below his belly button to the center of his need, which now lay pulsing in her hand.

Her hair left a damp trail from over his heart, down his abdomen, providing a heightened sensation of connection than if she had simply lifted her head.

Millie knew his need, it was not so much one of lust or love or passion, but one of simple connection and caring, a physical manifestation that he was…worthy.

Millie was happy to provide such a small, but so very deep token of just how much he meant to her in this, his most vulnerable moment.

Gently her tongue replaced her thumb, just as another shimmering drop of his essence issued forth from the now throbbing tip of him.

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Dragon Ball Z Universe Tournament Saga Onwards

{{{AUTHORS NOTE: THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY TO BE CONSIDERED DISCONTINUED, AS THE CHARACTER IS NOW IMPLEMENTED AS A SECONDARY PROTAGONIST AND MAIN CHARACTER IN DRAGON BALL: THE SON OF KARKOREAN! PLEASE SEE LINK BELOW FOR STORY:}}} THE LINK:!:!!:!!: https://chyoa.com/story/Dragon-Ball%3A-Son-of-Karkoraen.15638 Craiger was the Grandson of Cruegiuse, and a Pure-blooded Saiyan who was considered Royalty by all the Gods of Destruction, but since Cruegiuse sacrificed himself to Wound Goku Black and died...

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Dragon Lady

DRAGON LADY PART ONE A good looking American girl takes the opportunity to visit a college exchange student she befriended in the states.  Offered an extended vacation in Tokyo, even plane fare, she begins her sexual, erotic odyssey almost immediately on arrival. Chapter One        Just out of the shower, Lynn’s colorful dragon and tiger ornamented white bathrobe loosely covering her still damp body, she’s drawn to the large black set of binoculars mounted firmly on a tripod and locked in...

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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 15

Chapter 15 ‘Damn it,’ Nigel said under his breath. The thumping rotor noise of the Lynx Mk8 drowned out his words to the other 5 passengers of the helicopter as it moved smoothly 50 meters above the ground. The explosion just over the hill surprised him and left him with a sense of dread. ‘Open the god damn door, deployment alpha, get us the fuck down there!’ he yelled, as the tension grew exponentially in the cabin. All of them could see the flames and dark ominous smoke billowing up from...

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Dragon ball

(All dragon ball and all its characters belong to akira toriyama not me) You create your own dragon ball character and their race or play as a already existing dragon ball character. Oh and btw some characters may not act the same as the are in the show after all this is a erotic story we can't make these characters completely innocent *cough* goku*cough*. All characters in this story are at least 18 years old.

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Dragons Hole

I had just gotten off of an Internet chat with Joe and Dragon where Dragon had told me her idea of opening a kinky hotel. I made a mention of making it kind of like a FWB&B. Dragon, myself, and Joe all tossed around ideas about what we could add to the new business idea running through our perverted minds.The hotel, Dragon's Hole would be someplace secluded, middle of the forest in Oregon would be perfect, I think. As our visitors approach the hotel, they arrive through a wrought iron...

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Dragon and Tiger Chapter Two Adjustments

Dragon and Tiger By Darian Deamos Chapter Two: Adjustments Jason Drake had just been through a rather traumatic experience. He had been out with some of the guys from work, celebrating his engagement to Christine Felix. Then things got annoying. He was kidnapped by an insane sorceress named Morganna, a bitch with a grudge against all men, and an obsession with controlling Chris. She had taken him, and had started to work her will on him, turning him into a petite bimbo without...

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Dragon Ball Z Alpha

So in this story you will choose the role of a Dragon Ball character, and they will be sexually superior to every other character in their story. This will mean they can do whatever they want or whoever they want. Alot of the time everyone will be more than happy to comply with their demands if it means pleasing the main character, and even if they don't they will bite their teeth and and bear it. You can set your story in any dragon ball era or timeline as long as it uses a canon character as...

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Dragon Roost Trap

The wind roared at the top of Dragon Roost Island, a high mountain with the great Valoo perched on the very top of it. Valoo was a mighty red dragon, that was a god to the Ritos, and the Rito Children have to collect a scale from him to make them adults and to grow their wings. The Ritos are the people who inhabit the island; they are human and have bird. They have beaks as noses, their feet are bird's claws and their arms can turn into wings. Valoo let out a mighty roar of pain and anger...

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Dragon ClanChapter 12

When Aldren returned to their quarters, he found Ameni awake and waiting for him. Rather than explain it all to her then, he told her the bare basics of what he found out. What he didn't say was that it could mean his life. She accepted his explanation and helped him get undressed for bed. They held each other for a while, just enjoying the closeness of the other. Eventually, their hands began to roam over each other's bodies and their passions started to rise. Aldren moved between...

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Dragon ClanChapter 13

Aldren awoke just after the sun had started down the west wall of the canyon. Ameni was getting dressed quietly in order to let him sleep. He rose up on his elbow and greeted her. She came to the bed and gave him a kiss, telling him to take his time getting up. He considered doing so until he felt hunger pains in his belly triggered by the smell of breakfast being cooked. When he arose, he felt a difference in his body. A feeling that his limbs were lighter yet stronger than they had been. He...

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Dragon ClansChapter 15

"Damn it," Nigel said under his breath. The thumping rotor noise of the Lynx Mk8 drowned out his words to the other 5 passengers of the helicopter as it moved smoothly 50 meters above the ground. The explosion just over the hill surprised him and left him with a sense of dread. "Open the god damn door, deployment alpha, get us the fuck down there!" he yelled, as the tension grew exponentially in the cabin. All of them could see the flames and dark ominous smoke billowing up from just...

4 years ago
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Dragon Queen Ch2 Part1 The Festival of Death

Introduction: turning the tides we see through the eyes of the dragon Chapter 2 Part 1 The Festival of Death I broke off my dangerous words as my kid brother Sunbeam appeared at my side. Seeing through the shadow that he created, I reached my hand in and dispersed it. I was met with a pouting frown. What did you do that for sis, I was just trying to have some fun. I put my hands on my hips and scowled down at him. It is not called fun when you take the shape of a ghoul, I could have killed...

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Dragon Queen Ch 1 Part 2 Fallen Star

Introduction: Here you go guys, this part wont have any sex but be patient, sorry its so short I discovered a cliffhanger and decided to make use of it Here is part 2 guys, enjoy. Comments and Suggestions are welcome Every night it was the screams, then the sobs, then the pleads for mercy, and finally the silent whimpering of a broken will that crossed the realm of sleep and into reality. We were all exhausted, and high-strung. Its been a week now since I rescued the girl and none of us had...

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Dragon Blood

I was a surf, from the time I was born to when my life changed I belonged to the Stone Military Academy. The empire was huge but in and around this city it had no power. The city had a hundred mages and other magic users. There was even a mage college where magic was taught to those with the gift for magic. The Stone Military Academy was for sons of nobles and rich. They learned the ways of weapons, tactics, strategy and supply. There were main guild halls in the city that also taught the...

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DragonChapter 12

Hunter checked the GPS coordinates again. The tag hadn't moved in over three hours, which meant it had settled into a safe place, it's nest probably. His mood was strange however. Although he had hunted more than ten times in foreign cultures, everything felt different this time. He wasn't after a Child but its mother. He also wasn't a lone operative. He had Katie with him and a second line of defense behind them. His heart told him to tuck Katie away in a safe hideout, but his instincts...

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Dragon ClanChapter 10

Aldren had Mirgan sit next to him at the table. As soon as the others had taken their places, he got their attention. "Friends, we were trying to decide what to do about the siege against the dwarf kingdom. One of my younger captains brought to my attention a plan of action that I find might suit our purpose. Mirgan, will you give us your thoughts." He then motioned for Mirgan to stand and speak. Mirgan started to speak. While he had been present for the entire conference, he had spent...

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Warrior Cats Sex in the Clans

The queens in your clan gather around your small body as you slowly blink your eyes open for the first time. The dull light shining in through the den hurts your eyes and you turn your face into the fur of a she-cat laying beside you, letting her block the light from your face. You purr at her familiar, comforting scent, and you know this is your mother. Then you hear another cat enter the small den, but this one has a different scent than the warm smell of the nursing she-cats. You slowly...

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Dragon Clans Bk 02 Pt 05

Blood was pooling in Nicholas’ palm, slowly running in rivulets down his wrist and across the wooden tabletop. He sat in an excellent reproduction of a Louis XXI chair while the elegant period table was slowly stained crimson. Peter Styverson’s lifeless body lay at his feet. His chest rendered open with a fist-sized hole just under the sternum, his heart dropped haphazardly on the floor before his open, sightless eyes. Once again Michael had slipped through Nicholas’ fingers, once again a...

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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 10

The dappled afternoon light was distinctive outside the car window as Valerie drove down the tree-shrouded lane towards Nogardshire. The light, she noticed it as it was diffuse, not the gray light of the so often leaden sky. This light glowed with the luminous texture of a pearl caught by the sunlight. Michael Dane, the name danced across her thoughts, never far from the surface, never far from her own growing desire. Looking up at the sky, that ethereal glow, Michael came to the forefront...

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Dragon Clans Bk 02 Pt 04

Valerie screamed as Michael swerved the car into the right hand lane, dropping into third gear and accelerating hard he watched the headlights of the Mercedes fade somewhat in the rear view mirror. He had not sensed the deadly intent coming from the quickly closing Mercedes but was simply moved by a gut instinct and had taken action. The bullet meant for the driver side window smashed more or less harmlessly into the rear taillight. Michael moved through traffic smoothly, luckily the flow of...

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Dragon Age Origins

Loghain has lost his life fighting the dragon. The hero, {firstname} did not take her up on her offer now he has finally caught her. He will punish the witch for trying to leave him, he will either break him or she will. Or you are Alistair in the final battle you manage to save the Queen Anora in the final battle instead of releasing you, she has another punishment for you, to punish him for there past. Or you are now King Alistair and have not yet going to execute queen yet and it is year...

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Dragon Ball Son of Karkoraen

{{{AUTHORS NOTE: THIS STORY IS CURRENTLY TO BE CONSIDERED ASS THE SPIRITUAL SUCCESSOR FOR MY DRAGON BALL Z UNIVERSE SURVIVAL SAGA ONWARDS STORY!}}} (Home of Karkoraen and Tights) Gorten was the Second Son of Karkoraen, younger brother of Garten, and Older Brother of Taurè, like His Siblings and Cousins he was a Human-Saiyan Hybrid, and could become a Super Saiyan. He and his Older Brother had a...........Difficult Relationship between them, due to the Frequent Brutal and Cruel Training sessions...

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Dragon Quest Sluts All Across Time

The world of Dragon Quest is a big and sprawling one, though many people pass on, one thing remains consistent. The Monsters. Throughout time many heros live and die to be remembered, and while that specific Slime or Platypunk won't be remembered, the species will live like nothing changed. This is a collection of when heroines of legend had some 'intresting' encounters with monsters. What story do you wish to follow first?

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Dragon Prince One Shots

This will be less of a story and more a collection of short tales, a few chapters long of dirty deeds going down in The Dragon Prince universe. All characters are assumed to be aged up to 18+ if they're involved in anything sexual.

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Dragon Age Origins The Pearl Adventures

The world of Dragon Age is a world on the brink of death as the Blight begins. You and Alistair are the only Grey Warden survivors of the Ostagar massacre. You are joined by Leliana, a Bard and spy born in Orlais, though she considers herself Ferelden as her mother is Ferelden. Also accompanying you is Morrigan the Shapeshifting Mage from the Korcari Wilds. Her mother Flemeth, the famed Witch of the Wilds, saved you from the Tower of Ishal...though you don't remember how. Who are you?

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Dragon Age Queens Fall

Dragon Age- Queen's FallBy lilguy [email protected] teaches Anora a lessonA Commission I did. Not my characters.Drax was a female warrior and Gray Warden. She was the one of the few left. The Dark spawn had wiped out most of them sense she became Gray Warden. Sense then she swore to end their plague and save anyone who got into harms way. It had been a long journey. Many friends were lost and gain.It was coming to the final battle. The Lands meet was coming up and it was time to...

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Dragon Age Origins ScenesChapter 2

"Alistair?" "Oh, good, you couldn't sleep either?" He pulled her into a tight hug. "I would have come to your room, but with all the sisters and Templars about, I didn't want to be seen 'fraternizing'. Why did you think me being King was a good idea, again? I liked it better when I was an anonymous nobody, and could do as I liked." "We need to talk." "Nothing good ever comes out of a conversation that starts like that." "Yeah, I suspect you won't like what I have to...

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Dragon ClanChapter 4

Aldren's concentration was broken as he heard a scream coming from above and behind him. Before he could react, he felt something hit him in the back, knocking him from the saddle and sending him sprawling on the trail. He felt a severe burning sensation as the creature's claws dug deep into his back, snapping the chain mail links. He tried to roll away to escape and managed to stagger upright, but the creature sank its talons into his calf, tripping him back to the ground. Ameni pulled...

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Dragon ClanChapter 11

When the horse that Peryn had been using returned to the stable without him, a party of seven men was sent out to find out what happened to him. Bronas was the first to spot where he had fallen, but all that remained in the trampled dirt and grass were hoof prints, bloodstains, and some prints that Bronas could not identify. When the rest of his companions arrived at the spot, they were just as puzzled. Searching around, they found the tracks leading off into the woods. They were like the...

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Dragons and Coal CindersChapter 6

The next morning passed in a whirlwind of activity, partly because Alfred stepped on the grounds at the same time as Dr. Rootstein arrived for work. I knew when I returned from the pub that Alfred would be caught. The hospital ward was small and an empty bed would be noticed. I also knew Alfred didn’t care, and I couldn’t blame him for sleeping in his wife’s cottage. “Perhaps my rebellious nature rubbed off on him,” I had thought. The ward’s night nurses had checked with me when he wasn’t in...

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Dragons vs DC Universe

Mount Everest, Earth The highest mountain in the World lay quietly within the ranges of the Himalayas. The clouds themselves bowed to its size and hid the top of the mountain. Only a few had ever managed to conquer this mountain. Hundreds had died trying to reach this peak. But the mountain rarely revealed its secrets. Again, and again the bodies of expeditions that had failed on the way were found. Although the mountain was the most famous mountain on the planet, nobody knew its true secret....

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Legacy universe story by: Set3 Tobias Marshal was following his partner, Phil Dunwhich, down the hall. Both were clad in swat gear, as they should be, as they are part of a larger team that was currently clearing out an old apartment building that housed a group of white supremacists. They had received a tip that they were going to carry out an attack on a local minority church. Not willing to take a risk, SWAT was called in. The building was quickly surrounded and after a quick fire...

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With a start, I woke up on an unknown floor. I went to wipe my eyes, when suddenly the little hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. ‘Hello? Is anybody there?’ I asked of the inky darkness. There was a strange shuffling noise like something was moving about. ‘Hello? I know you’re there ’cause I can hear you moving around’ I said. There was a quiet chuckle, then the ground shook as if something very heavy landed. Then the ground shook again and again, as if the footsteps were so heavy the...

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Dragons PactChapter 4

There was a sound like an explosion and Pae turned and shoved Little towards the back of the cave as half of the front of the cave came down. Several large rocks hit Pae in the back driving her to the ground, pinning her there as she blacked out. It took some time before Pae woke up enough to call out to Little, "Little, are you all right?" "Yes, I think so. The cave is completely blocked. It's too dark in here. I can't see anything." "I know. Are you hurt or trapped or anything like...

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Dragon Ball Z Paying the rent

But she never expected to have to live in a house with an old pervert like Roshi. "Repeat what you just said, now." 18 massaged her forehead with one head, feeling a migraine because of Krilin's foolishness, again. "I owe Master Roshi a few months of rent." Krilin scratched his head, trying to not get nervous under the piercing gaze of his girlfriend. "I have to go find some part-time work to do so I-..." "Just go." The blonde interrupted the man before she lost her cool. The monk...

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