Felicity Ch. 37 free porn video

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Chapter 37. Andrea

I had just finished my freshman year at the university which turned out to be a surprisingly easy year for me. Mom had home schooled me every school year except first, sixth and twelfth. Those years were for social development she had said. I had yet to go into a classroom without already knowing the lesson being taught.

I had found that getting laid was also easy for me. I was tall with a nice smile and easy-going disposition. I played on the varsity baseball team and ran track.

I looked vaguely like a nearly redheaded Asian, which was not surprising, my Chinese grandmother had married a redheaded Texas guy. Mom looked like her mother and had married a tall American soldier and I was what I was.

It was an end of the school year party at someone’s house, I was on the floor, naked, with a pussy on my face and a pussy over my cock. I had reached for both set of tits and guessed I did not know either girl.

They had their orgasms and left me on the floor with my unfulfilled cock straight in the air. Before I got up a woman said, ‘Stay, it’s my turn.’

I thought of her as a woman, she looked to be about three or four years older than me and had a deep slightly gravelly voice that was memorable. She raised her skirt and impaled herself on me with a sigh. She pulled off her shirt exposing her marvelous tits and brought them to my lips. I gently devoured them and she moaned.

‘I know you,’ she said. I know you are polite, caring, and very smart. You are also very handsome and very athletic. You will sire fine children.’

She kissed me and began the fuck but it occurred to me I was in a trap. My expression apparently told her what I was thinking.

‘No, I don’t want a man in my life but I do want a child. You will get me pregnant tonight then never see me again.’

I looked into her eyes and saw she was telling me the truth but I was still uncomfortable about our tryst and pried her off me and stood.

She gave me a small smile and began to walk away until I took her hand and said, ‘Wait. Let’s go get something to eat and talk. You may still get your wish tonight.’

She nodded and we got dressed then I took her hand as we walked to an Italian Café. I had seen her there with some girlfriends almost as often as I had seen her in the education building.

She was beautiful but didn’t know she was. She was apparently very intelligent as she had been summa cum laude in high school and in her undergraduate studies. I had heard her friends call her braniac and kid her about her awards.

Had we been closer in age I would have already asked her out but I had been taught to respect my elders, not ask them for a date.

We sat in a booth and ordered then I introduced myself.

‘I know who you are,’ she said.

‘But I don’t know who you are.’

She looked at me in silence for a while then said, ‘I’m Andrea.’

I already knew her name was Andrea as I had heard her friends call her that.

‘Andrea, nice name. Are you graduating this weekend?’

‘Yes, masters in education. I already have a job.’

‘And want to be a mother. Why me?’

‘You have the best genes and I want the best genes for my child.’

I was sure she had noted my Asian heritage and was not bothered by the possibility of having an Asian looking child.

I liked that and I liked her.

I nodded and smiled at her as our dinner was placed in front of us. We had both ordered calamari in egg noodles and Alfredo sauce.

‘You are a gorgeous woman, why were you alone at the party and why don’t you have a boyfriend?’

‘Thank you. The truth is I prefer women but my girlfriend took off with another yesterday and finding myself alone made me think I did not want to be alone all my life. I decided that a child would be he best way to solve that. You were the first man in me. Do you remember me being here?’

‘Yes, you were with three other girls.’

‘The blonde was my girlfriend.’

I realized she was inexperienced. I mulled things over in my mind then went fishing.

‘But you were OK when your partner left, you did not love her.’

‘Yes, probably true. But she was company and the sex was good although apparently not good enough for her.’

‘She was already cheating on you.’

‘Yes, but she told me we were a couple.’

‘But you did not believe her.’


That conservation seemed to have shaken a gloom off her and her smile turned from polite to real.

After we ate in silence for a while I said, ‘I love this.’

‘Me too.’

I nodded as we finished our food and drank our ginger ales. As we waited for my check I kissed her softly. She smiled and kissed me back.

As we walked to the register we held hands.

‘When are you leaving town?’ I asked as we stepped outside.

‘Sunday morning.’

It was Friday evening.

‘Let’s go to my place and get you pregnant.’

She smiled softly and followed me home. We took a shower together then I made love to her until she had an orgasm then I filled her pussy with ejaculate. I cuddled to her and we went to sleep.

The experience had felt natural somehow. It was not my most passionate fuck but it may have been the most memorable fuck, sex, lovemaking experience I had ever had. Fuck too or did I already say that.

She was astride my body fucking me when I woke up the next morning. I kissed her tits and caressed her ass until she had an orgasm then I filled her pussy with cum once again.

We got out of bed, showered and dressed then went to breakfast. We ran into some of my friends and I introduced her as my tutor and complained she would be leaving me the next day.

I was not aware we were holding hands until I saw my friends looking at them.

The guys asked her how she could work with me without strangling me and she smiled sweetly and said, ‘That was the hardest part.’

Great line. Our child had a very good chance to be special I thought.

I gave all a mortally wounded act before Andrea and I returned to my home still holding hands.

We immediately got undressed and fucked again. I did not cum that time, her orgasm had come before I was anywhere near ready for mine.

‘I did not know fucking a guy could be so, so, entrancing. Thank you for making love to me and my pussy,’ she said.

‘I like you and your pussy. At what time do you need to be in the auditorium?’

‘At one.’

‘Is your family going to be there?’

‘Yes but they will be leaving directly after the ceremony, they are flying to Venice.’


‘No, it’s a fuck, eat and sightseeing trip. They call it FEAST trips but I figured out that is what they do.’

‘Nice. Have you been on trips with them?’

‘Puerto Rico and Costa Rica. They invited my ex on the last one. I learned I was not in love with her when she stayed at the apartment of a friend and they were having sex but I still wanted to be in Costa Rica with my parents. I rarely thought of her those ten days.

I told her I had spent a week in Costa Rica and we shared our experiences. My trip was with my Mom.

We cuddled silently for a while and I could sense she wanted me to fuck her again.

‘Have you ever sucked a cock?’

‘No. I have heard that semen has a tremendously bad taste.’

‘I was thinking in terms of getting my cock erect so we could fuck again.’

She smiled then slid down my body and slurped my cock into her mouth. A few sets of directions later she was doing an amazing job of resurrecting my cock. I pulled her over me and she was soon in mid fuck.

She was no longer in it for the sperm, she was in it for the orgasms. She had three before I ejaculated into her.

She kissed me and began to get off me but I held her in place and resumed the kiss. She giggled a
nd we just kissed until my cock slid out of her.

She again began to get off me but I kept kissing her so she stayed.

Several minutes later we were both asleep.

Something told me we needed to get up and when I looked at the clock I saw it was after twelve.

‘Get up, you have a graduation ceremony to attend.’

‘No problem, I’m already dressed,’ she mumbled.

‘Sweetheart you are naked draped over a naked guy with your pussy kissing his sleeping cock.’

She giggled and said, ‘Oh, then I better go home and get my gown.’

She dressed and left claiming she did not need a ride so I went into the shower then dressed well. I got to the auditorium with plenty of time and made sure she saw me. She gave me a big grin. I figured out who her parents were and they certainly looked very proud of her. Both were close to tears.

After the ceremony I stood back until her parents left then walked over to her and took her hand. I took her to a seafood restaurant and we ate a late lunch/early dinner before returning to my house for another fuck, no, we made love. There were more kisses than strokes that time.

We slept in each other’s arms for a while.

That night she asked, ‘Do you have any porn videos?’

‘Well I have two that have explicit sex although they are not classified as porn, Short Bus and Nine Songs. I also have two from the eighties that are porn, Behind the Green Door and Insatiable.’

‘Lets watch one of those.’

We remained naked and watched ‘Insatiable’ as she caressed my cock and I caressed her pussy. She had two nice orgasms before my cock became useful again.

She straddled me and sunk my cock back in her but did not fuck right away, instead she watched the movie and kissed me.

I kissed her tits and caressed her ass and eventually she began the fuck.

She said, ‘You got me pregnant on our first fuck last night. This and all the other fucks are because I wanted more, wanted you. You have been even better than I hoped and have treated me as if I was the love of your life. I thank you for that.

Don’t worry about our child or me, we will be fine. I will never forget you.’

She kissed me passionately as she began a wild fuck that had us cumming with great intensity. We panted to a halt and again went to sleep.

When I woke up the next morning she was gone.

It was not until then that I realized I did not know where she lived, where her hometown was or where her job was.

I knew that was for the best but I was still very upset.

I tried to find her but everyone that would be likely to know her would have graduated the year before. The previous years yearbook gave me a last name and that she was from Houston but did not help at all, I was from Houston and so were another five million people.

Nine months after she left I was numb thinking that she was having my baby. I wanted to see them, hold them.

It took some effort not to cry.

For the rest of my college life I compared all the girls to her and found them to be insufficient. I did fuck a few that just wanted a fuck but I never had a girlfriend. I found myself being somewhat faithful to someone I would never see again.

My nerves were on edge, I felt the need to be busy so I took full class loads and went to summer school. I completed a degree in Education then graduated with a Masters in Biochemistry a semester before the rest of my class graduated with their Bachelors degrees.

I was offered a job with a large pharmaceutical company. The money was good and I got to travel so I took it.

On a Friday morning in early June three years later I found myself at a town on the coast introducing our new improved antibiotic. The doctor was happy to see me as she had a patient with a case of West nile fever that had been difficult to defeat. I left her samples to use then checked in at the beach resort. I was going to take the next three days off and be on the road again on Tuesday.

That Friday as I wandered around the town I was thinking it would be a great place to live. I ate great food and made a few friends. That evening I ended up in a lesbian biker bar that was a lot of fun. I made a lot of new friends there and could have gotten laid had I wanted to do so but I was too tired and needed to rest.

The following Saturday I went deep-sea fishing and caught a ten-pound king fish that a seafood restaurant in town cooked for me that evening. I shared it with all who wanted some. I made more new friends.

The following Sunday I spent on the beach. I was about to settle down on a lounger when a little girl ran right into me causing me to flip right over it. The little girl seemed to be vacillating between terror and laughter. Her expression made me laugh so she chose laughter.

‘Who are you? The town avenger?’

‘No, my name is Susan and I am hiding from my Mom.’

‘Does your Mom know you are hiding from her?’

‘Not yet, she went to get us ice cream.’

‘So your Mom is coming back with ice cream for you and you will not be there. Wont the ice cream melt?’

‘Oh. Right. I guess I better go back. Sorry I knocked you over.’

‘I forgive you this time but if it happens again I will tell your Mom you have to get all your shots all over again.’

‘No, no. No more shots.’

‘Well OK then. Hurry before the ice cream melts.’

She ran towards the town’s beach area and I got my body into the lounger.

About thirty minutes later I decided I needed ice cream and walked over towards the vendor. Susan saw me and walked to me.

‘Are you getting ice cream?’

‘Yes I am. Knowing you had one made me want one. Which do you like better?’

‘The coconut or the rainbow, but the two together don’t taste good.’

‘Good advice,’ I said and ordered two coconuts.

‘Are you moving into town?’

‘No, just passing through. I just brought a new medicine to the clinic and after they try it and if it works they will order more and then I go to the next town.’

‘You travel a lot?’

‘Yes, most of the time.’


‘You seem disappointed. You are gorgeous but I’m not ready to get married.’

She burst into giggles and suddenly ran off. She was gorgeous, a brunette with high cheekbones and an infectious giggle.

I saw her go to her mother who was on a lounger reading. She was wearing a wide brimmed hat and sunglasses but I could see she was a fine looking woman. I walked behind them as I returned to my lounger but Susan ran next to me and held my hand.

‘Oh no, you’re not getting my ice cream too,’ I said.

I had seen her give her ice cream to her mother.

She giggled and said, ‘Mom told me to say thanks and apologize to you for trying to fix you up with her. I told her you got the ice cream for her but she did not want me to invite you over.’

‘That’s too bad, she looks like a very pretty lady.’

‘She is the prettiest Mom in town.’

‘Wow, you must be proud of her.’

‘I am but she needs a boyfriend. Do you have a girlfriend?’

‘Just you.’

She again burst into giggles and ran off.

I got to my lounger and finished my ice cream then went into the sea to get the stickiness out of my hands. That took a bit longer than expected because I was distracted by a woman diving off her husband’s shoulders. Sometimes when she surfaced her tits would be exposed. She graciously took her time enclosing them back up.

When I returned to the lounger Susan was in it.

‘Hey, that’s my seat.’

She giggled and got off then said, ‘Mom told me to leave you alone because I was bothering you.’

‘I thought bothering people was your job.’

She giggled again then ran back to her Mom.

I had about thirty minutes of peace and quiet before she came back.

‘We are going home now, bye.’

She gave me a
quick hug then ran to her Mother that was now just ten feet away from me. I felt like she was staring at me through her big sunglasses and I began to feel uneasy until she said, ‘Good to see you again.’

That voice sent chills down my spine, it was Andrea.

Susan was my daughter.

I quickly got up and asked both to join me for dinner at the Italian restaurant downtown.

‘I understand they have the best shrimp linguini in the world.’

‘Mom, please. I want to.’

‘I’m in sales and just passing through town. I will be gone on Tuesday but would like to have a memory of two beautiful ladies having dinner with me before I go.’

‘Mom, please?’

Finally Andrea said, ‘We both love their shrimp linguini so I guess we could. At about six?’


‘We will meet you there.’

We had to wait for a table but we were soon enjoying our dinners. Andrea and I kept our conversation as if we had just met that day. She was reluctant to give me any information but Susan answered all my questions.

Andrea asked me what attracted me to pharmaceutical sales and I answered, ‘The money is good. That and there were no school jobs open when I graduated mid-term.’

‘You graduated early?’ I thought you would extend the college experience as long as possible.’

‘I had every intention of doing that but an incident at the end of my first year changed it. My nerves became jingly and I used the extra energy to study.’

After a short pause she asked in a low voice, ‘Was it a traumatic experience?’

‘Yes, it was.’

‘There was another longish silence at the table before Susan asked, ‘Did your girlfriend break up with you?’

I thought about it for a few seconds then said, ‘Yeah, she left.’

‘Did you love her?’

I took even longer to answer that, I had never considered my symptoms that way. I suddenly decided to change the subject and asked Susan if she had finished kindergarten.

Andrea had apparently been holding her breath, I heard a sort of sigh/sob but did not look at her.

‘No, I finished first grade. I won the price for best student,’ Susan answered.

‘Well, I am impressed, and here I thought you were just the bothersome avenger. Or are you both?’

‘She is definitely both,’ Andrea said with a smile.

We finished dinner and the waitress came by and asked if we wanted desert.

‘Coconut ice cream for me,’ I said.

‘Strawberry for me,’ Susan said.

‘Coconut flan for me,’ Andrea said.

Then to me Andrea said, ‘They get the flan from the bakery across the street, they make the best everything there.’

Susan finished her ice cream before I had taken my third bite so when the waitress came back she told her, ‘Now I want a coconut ice cream.’

The waitress looked at me and I nodded.

‘Your father is a pushover,’ she said to Susan.

‘Oh, he is not my Daddy yet,’ Susan replied.

Andrea and I blushed but the waitress misunderstood and just nodded at us with a smile. Andrea seemed to have been shaken by that exchange.

We did look like a family enjoying dinner out. I spent my time falling in love with my daughter. Susan did a lot of giggling. Andrea spent her time in Mom mode but it was obvious to me she was holding something in check the best she could.

I had walked to the restaurant and Andrea offered me a ride back to the hotel. When we arrived Susan said, ‘Mom, show him where we live so he can find us when he comes back.’

‘I’m not sure he would want to see us again.’

‘Actually I would. Susan is the first girlfriend I have had in years.’

Susan giggled and Andrea drove on to their home, which turned out to be a patio home in a nice complex.

‘Coffee?’ Andrea asked.

‘I would love some,’ I said.

While Andrea brewed the coffee Susan led me to her room and told me she had decorated all of it by herself with Mom’s help.

She had a soccer trophy for her team winning her league championship and a diploma for graduating from first grade. There was a large picture of her and her Mom in which they both looked just gorgeous.

‘Do you know if there are little pictures like that? I would love to have one.’

‘Yes, I know where they are.’

‘Don’t tell your Mom, she might be saving them for someone.’

‘Oh, OK.’

With the photo secure in my wallet we sat on her patio and drank our coffee as Susan chattered away.

Susan asked me to spend the night and before Andrea had a chance to object I declined reminding her I had paid a lot of money to stay at the resort.

That seemed to satisfy her but when I looked at Andrea she was biting her lip and seemed to be shaking.

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I knew it was wrong. I don’t trust anyone who ever says otherwise. People don’t really lose their head and become overwhelmed by lust and lose control. We all know exactly what we’re doing. And we make a decision to do bad things, even when we know we’re crossing a line. It’s not that we can’t help ourselves. We just choose to act and worry about rationalizing our behavior later. I can come up with excuses. Just like everyone else. It had been SO LONG since...

3 years ago
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Night School New Semester

Of the dozen middle aged students who showed up for my new painting class, a thirtyish Swedish woman named Alin stood out.Although I was careful not to stare at any of the women to remain innocent of any inappropriate behavior, she caught my eye immediately because of her honey blond hair, slim body, and full breasts.I was able to gauge Alin’s figure as the evening’s instruction went along, noting that she had a tiny waist, rounded firm ass, and fully rounded breasts capped with large erect...

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Fantasy ENF

Welcome to a world of high fantasy. A world where Elves, fairies, orcs and humans all coexist, along with countless other creatures. A world of magic and steel, kings and castles, dragons and maidens. Despite how different this world may seem, many things are still the same. For one thing most women of any type still have powerful senses of modesty. In this story we will follow different women in this fantasy setting as they are stripped and revealed to the world. Author's note- feel free to...

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I wasn't looking forward to going home.  Don't get me wrong, I love my fiance (she's just as warped as I am)., it's just that ever since her sister moved in with us, our lives have been a living hell.  She is the biggest bitch I've ever, ever had to deal with, a true hapa princess, sweet sixteen and as sour, sarcastic, and foul as any girl or woman I've met.  Her mother and father, while treating my fiance like the proverbial worthless daughter they wished they had killed at birth,...

2 years ago
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Sonia and Sylvie in Toyland

I was living in a committed relationship with my partner Sylvie, whom you may have met in my previous Courtship stories. I was 4 months pregnant by Sylvie's brother Phillipe. We had spent a week in Lyon at a family wedding, and then had driven to Paris for a vacation stay. Sylvie and I arrived in Paris on Thursday evening and registered at a small, elegant hotel just off l'Etoile, that great web of streets radiating from the Arc de Triomphe. Aside from tourism, dining, and promenading Parisian...

3 years ago
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Innocent Mistake

Laura was having a hectic day. She had lived in New York for only two months and was already finding it hard going. From a small town in Texas, she had worked her way up through college, specializing in public relations, and finally got the chance of a lifetime, with a highly sought after career in New York City. Laura had just been promoted to marketing director for North & Central America and was in charge of client relations of the hundred plus companies that partnered with her's in one...

2 years ago
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Strict and Loving Aunt Hazel

This Fictional Story is written by Jennifer and contains explicit sexual material and situations involving consenting Adults No reference to u******e persons is intended or implied. No reference to real Persons dead or alive is intended or implied. I had been visiting my Aunt Hazel every summer for as long as I can remember, but this year would be different because now that I am 21 I will be traveling by myself and my parents will be staying home. When I told my Aunt she said that would be...

3 years ago
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A Girls Story aka A Sluts Story

So... the guy I'm with really liked the idea of sharing me and seeing me fucked by a group of guys. I'd never done anything like that before, but thought of it alone made me soak my panties, so after talking about it for a while, we decided we would try it. We didn't specifically decide on when or with who or anything, just sometime in the near future. He decided to surprise me. Two of his friends loved the idea of gangbanging me and a couple of days later, they came over to play some games and...

4 years ago
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Chocolate Fun part 2

Introduction: Part 2 of Chocolate Fun! yea the first part was bad, but i think i did better on the second one. please read both and tell me if i did better Part 2. Sorry everybody that read part 1 and thought it was shitty. I took peoples advice and I think this one is going to be better. Maurice shouts out at Monique What are you doing you dumb bitch! Im tanning you moron! Monique shouts back at him. Why dont you have your clothes on? Asks Maurice. She replies with Im trying to get rid of...

2 years ago
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Starship TravelerChapter 4 Gaining Knowledge

"What did you do to pass all that time as you traveled?" "I studied the worlds I discovered. I reviewed information gleaned from thousands of worlds. Travelers do not meet often in the expanses of space but when we do, we exchange what we have learned. When I return to my home planet, I acquire vast amounts of information and download it into the ship's data banks. When I was on your planet I recorded as much of your world's history, art, natural wonders, and scientific knowledge as I...

2 years ago
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Chain Gang WomenChapter 7

"Angelina and Lilly are going to be at the market in ten days, Mr Marcilenus. Karl has something arranged. Don't ask me what - he's not saying anything! But he wants you to organise a departure from Port Bemba on the following day. I shan't be able to concentrate on their fight! If we do all get away, what happens to you?" "I'll be fine, Marina. I am more or less immune from prosecution. My family are too popular for the government to touch us. I'll be put under house arrest if they...

1 year ago
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Night in Amsterdam

We had checked into city centre hotel and asked the front desk about good clubs where we could eat and they said there was one just outside the rear entrance. We changed and my wife was looking good without being tarnish. We entered the club and the waiter showed us to a table booth the cost included cabaret shows whilst we ate and drank. The waitress came for our order and was dressed in a mini skirt and see through top with no bra she was very tasty and my wife said put your eyes back. The...

Group Sex
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Hannahs Secret pt 2

PART TWO: Two years later I hadn't seen or heard from Hannah since the last time I was in New York to do a poetry reading at the public library. That was two years ago and now I was back to do a reading at Barnes and Noble from my recently published book, Morning Songs. Hannah had been careful not to tell me where she lived or give me any information about her, so I had no way to let her know. I try not to have expectations and have learned that when I don’t have expectations, I am never...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Confessions of a serial swinger Origins of a sex

"ORIGINS OF A SEX ADDICT" Chp. II ********************************************************************************"Aunt Nancy are you sure this is ok?""Don't worry, everyone is asleep, it will be fine. Just keep rubbing my pussy. Now slide two of your fingers in and slowly twist and rotate them in and out of me," she said. I complied with her instructions working my fingers in and out while slowly twisting. "Mmmmm that's good...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Aidra Fox Kali Roses School Nurse CheckUp

School nurse Aidra Fox is in her office looking at some papers when she receives a knock at her door. She tells the visitor to come in and student Kali Roses enters. Aidra greets her and asks how she can help. The student tells her it’s her free period, and she just wanted to come in while she had some spare time and ask Aidra some questions about tanning!, Kali says brightly. Ok, is this about the health aspects of tanning?, Aidra asks. Oh yeah totally! Kali wanted to ask Aidra what the...

2 years ago
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The Grim Reaper Adventures in Southern Law EnforcementChapter 10 Late Night Exercise

Kelly called me about fifteen minutes after she got my text message. “Grim, what’s up? What happened?” My text had been a simple ‘911 no danger’, signifying it was important, but I was safe. “Hey, babe. It’s not me but my folks. Dad’s in the hospital. They think he had a heart attack last night.” “Oh my God! Is he all right?” I shrugged, though she couldn’t see me. “I saw them this morning. They sounded positive, but I don’t know.” I explained what my mother had told me. “So, what happens...

1 year ago
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Bud Louise cut school part 4

That night Louise arrived home at around 7:00PM. She had missed dinner and had a lot of explaining to do to her mother and dad! She had a cold sandwich and a coke and went to her bedroom exhausted! She called Bud who was also pissed because he was wondering where the hell she had been since 3:30PM that afternoon. She told him Mr. Ray had kept her in his room until 6:30PM. He had licked her pussy clean and fucked her in three different positions! She had just gotten home! Her parents were pissed...

3 years ago
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Snowed in at the Ski Lodge The First Day

The idea was for us to spend new years at my on and off girlfriend Melinda's father's ski lodge near Idre Mountain way up in the North of Sweden, not far from the Norwegian border. It was Melinda, me, Davina, her boyfriend Alex, as well as their shared lover Martin. Tina and Jill were there too. We arrived at the lodge late on the 29th and would thus have an entire day to get started on preparations for the party on the last day of the second decade of the 21st century.We were all pretty...

Group Sex
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HandsOnHardcore Liya Silver Shalina Devine Liya Silver and Shalina Devine Close a Deal in a Wild Anal 3some

To be stuck in traffic chaos is something we all hate, and it can be quite a trouble if you are supposed to meet with your business partner. Shalina Devine is giving her best to get home on time, but fortunately, she can rely on her assistant Liya Silver to welcome her business partner Kristof. Liya is willing to help her boss in trouble, and she’ll entertain Kristof until Shalina gets home. She decided to stall his departure by giving him a nice blow, and he is more than happy to stay...

3 years ago
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They screamed at each other, just to be heard over the crashing waves. Everything they did was in complete abandonment, it was pure and animal as they growled and howled beneath the full moon. Johnson thought that a man never really felt like a man until his woman, with his cock buried to the hilt inside her, screamed as loudly as she could that she was coming, coming because of him. "I'm coming, I'm coming," Christine said, "Will you hold your horses. This is Detective Miller, can I...

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Mom and Daughters special bonding

My mother, Jessie, a cute and tiny framed women. Maybe 5 foot 3 and 105 pounds. Shoulder length blonde hair and beautiful innocent blue eyes. Me, Shannon, her daughter, A plump considered gorgeous by by woman. Firm C cups breast, thick thighs with a rather large and round ass. Long brown hair and big brown eyes. Considered by many to be innocent and shy but in actually couldn't be farther from the truth. Our long term friend, Bret. A kind and gentle man. Strongly built, 6 for tall and a...

2 years ago
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Pretty Please pt2 loyalsock

, can't I." she said under her breath. She moved herself a little, seeming to change the position of me inside her. It must have been effective, because she started rocking herself, making little incoherent noises."It's for you love. Enjoy it.""It's mine, Its's mine, Oh, shit, Oh God, Oh Fuck!"I will not guarantee that these were the exact words she used, as her movements and obvious excitement was rapidly driving me to ejaculation. I tried to think of other things to prolong my performance,...

4 years ago
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The ElectricianChapter 18

Adam stood outside near where Kara’s and his cars were parked, watching the front door. He saw it open and Kara emerged wearing denim shorts and a sleeveless blouse. She locked the door, dropped her keys into her bag and trotted toward him. “Sorry,” she said, “Mom called.” “Which car should we take?” he asked. “I like riding in yours.” Adam dug his keys from his pocket. “Would you like to try driving it?” Kara’s face brightened. “You’d let me?” “I will if you tell me you know how to...

3 years ago
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Nix worked late Friday, just keeping the scuds from crashin' the bar. Nix is extremely strong, that's why he was hired. Being a bouncer wasn't all that bad. Sometimes he could hook up with a groupie or two. Then it was party time. Nix did have a girlfriend. Rhan was tall and willowy. Nice set of knockers. They were close to 42DD, tight and firm though. She had nipples to die for, at almost an inch long when she was excited. He made sure they were always excited. Often when they went out,...

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Waiting 20

I published the start of this as a story on its own, but I only wrote the start because I wanted to write the end. So here it is in one piece. It is best read slowly, take your time. I hope you enjoy it, and my other stories, please comment, Vix. I walked through the door, following your instructions to the letter. I sat on the chair you had left in the middle of the room, put the mask over my eyes shutting out the light. The chair was wooden, with a spindle back which lowered and came round...

2 years ago
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My Journey Into Serenity Chapter 23

This is a continuation of an ongoing series called, "My Journey Into Serenity." I'm in heaven. I'm swimming in a sea of one-hundred dollar bills. Naked women, like feathers, started floating down from the cloudless blue sky. With their soft hands, they started rubbing me in every possible spot while saying, "I love you, Jimmy," at the same time. All of sudden, the sky turned red and the sea caught fire. The women disappeared into a thin smoke, and I could smell bacon and pancakes! --- My eyes...

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Maisie Williams and the Perils of Partner Swapping

She did not take it well at all, and it nearly caused our relationship to crash and burn. It survived, but I didn’t stop trying to convince her. She stayed hesitant but I made sure she knew that we would have a set of rules. We’d be honest with each other and could veto anyone we didn’t like. It took months of this cajoling and convincing before Maisie - very - reluctantly agreed. I made sure she knew that I loved her more than anyone in the world and there wouldn’t be anything romantic in...

4 years ago
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Tonights the night cucky

I got home from a normal day at work and found my hot wife dressed like this:There was also a half empty bottle of Amaretto next to her on the table. "Remember that fantasy you told me about of you watching me seduce and then fuck another man. Well saddle up cucky wannabe, tonight's the night we make that come true. Take me to the Ritz so I can find a stud to fuck I already reserved a room there."My mind was racing and my cock was stiffening as the realization that this was actually going to...

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Akhil gets by wife and maids

Hi Readers this Akhil here. I am Male 30 yrs and married to Archana 26 yrs. She is a dominating woman and she humiliates me to the core. We are south Indians.If you had not read my earlier story on wife humiliation please read that as well.Now coming back to the story. Let me tell you we live in a separate bunglow house and no one else stays other than me , wife and servant maid valli (18 yrs old).Other maid servants come and go for washing etc and my wife prefers to have only female servants...

3 years ago
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Things arent always what they appear

My name is Kristen and my best friend Matt is the prime example that things aren’t always the way they seem. Matt was as gay as they came, or so I thought. I never expected what was going to happen. I was sixteen and Matt was seventeen. We had been best friends since the first grade and our friendship took a drastic but amazing turn. “Oh, my god Matt, really!” I replied to my friend matt. “Yes Kristen it’s true. He stood me up.” He replied “Matt honey I am so sorry. Do you want to come over...

Love Stories
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Seducing Muslim Friends Sexy Wife Part 2

Thank you for all your feedback. Please read the first part of this story about my friend’s sexy wife to understand the situation better. I’ll try to post the following parts as soon as possible. Also, the following parts would be a little more elaborate. This is neither a fictional story nor is she a roadside slut to just plunge my dick into her pussy. It took a lot of time for us to overcome everything and express our love for one another. She was standing exactly opposite me, leaning on the...

1 year ago
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my sisters

With mom being out of town a lot that meant that we’d have to take care of ourselves more. Do the cooking, cleaning, and make sure we were all safe and whatnot. However my loving sisters didn’t feel the same way, instead they felt like I had to do all the cooking, cleaning, and fulfill any wish they needed of me at the time. I was ordered around like a slave and I hated it everyday. Guess I know how Cinderella feels now. I stood in front of the door of our light green two-story house, my...

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In Public With A

We were to meet at a coffee shop slash cafe. I told the the cute young hostess that I was there to meet A_. I use the letter A_ here as a courtesy to my own privacy as much as anything else. I had become madly infatuated with A_. I barely knew her but I was in that heightened state where you want to do everything she suggests; the crazier the better. I trusted her completely. Or perhaps it was that trust had been replaced with testosterone. Our previous encounters had been casual. A...

2 years ago
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The niece 4 Feeding the baby

The pool incident ended with my niece asking me if I could be her stud (as it were) during her husband’s absence. 

There were only three days left before she and my sister went home and while I had enjoyed, no wait, I was overwhelmed by the events, (the campfire and the pool), I had not really had good sex with her. Both events were quick, hidden, in fact almost clothed. I really felt like seeing her fully nude and doing things with her that an uncle really should not be thinking about. 


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In the summer of 1997 I often entered competitions for all sorts of things and spent lots of hard earned cash on post cards and stamps, but outside of a food blender had never won much so I was absolutely gobsmacked to receive a notice saying I,d won a holiday for two to the Costa Brava in Spain for two weeks all expenses paid, flights, hotel, food, etc. Couldn,t believe it at first, but the vouchers were there and when I rang the number on the letter enclosed it finally began to get through...

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Garys Golf Outing Chapter 14 Ladies Favorite Pasttime

Gary's Golf "Outing" Chapter 14 - Ladies' Favorite Activity I finished all of my work assignments and my home chores by Thursday. I had chatted with Kay a few times and was surprised when the phone rang on Thursday evening. "Hi Gabrielle, this is Kimberly. Are you all set for Saturday?" "Hi Kimberly, what's happening Saturday?" "Don't bull-shit me, you bastard. You know what's happening as well as I do and I'll bet you've been thinking about it all week." "I have...

2 years ago
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The Kitten Club Part Two

Note from Karen: I'd like to thank everyone for their kind comments about Part One, and indeed my previous story, Jail Bird. They've given me a big boost to the confidence, so thanks for that. I haven't written any other TG stuff; it's all here. There will be four parts of The Kitten Club, unless I decide to divide it up further. The Kitten Club, Part Two From now on whenever I went to the Kitten Club, it was off with my T- shirt and on with the top and the biker shorts. I called...

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