Dixie Ch. 02 free porn video

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Loren had almost lost Holly because of hesitating and continuing to deny the obvious fact that he loved her, and his obsession about maintaining his status as a bachelor seemed pretty inane to him now. He had caused his own demise as a man still available to play, but as he sat there remembering the steps in his downfall, he had to smile. It had been his idea to take Holly to meet Sandy and Chuck and spend time cruising on the Skinny Dippin’. He had pushed her to accept the fact that the four of them would be spending a lot of time naked as they wandered Albemarle Sound and the Atlantic Ocean. It was he that had soothed her naked body with lotion that was heated by the North Carolina sun as she and Sandy lay on the foredeck. Of course, in the process of him soothing her body the two of them got so excited that neither of them would ever be the same again.

He had proposed to her and she had accepted instantly, but when he asked her to move in with him, she said only if they would be married within a couple of months. She wasn’t interested in letting life pass by as they cohabitated. She had seen how he could stall simply because he was used to having his own way at his office. They had talked about that very subject in fact, and she reminded him that home was home and office was office, and she warned him about confusing the two. Two separate issues was the phrase she liked to use. Then they made love and she moved in the next day.

Most of Loren’s energy and attention were on his job, and Holly knew that’s how it had to be for a while. Frank Adler, the CEO and Loren’s boss had collapsed and was now in a long term care facility from where he would never leave while he was alive. That meant the board had to decide who would step up to the office on the top floor. But Virginia, Frank’s wife had aspirations of taking over for Frank. She had a chance to do just that with her thirty eight percent of the stock. If she gathered another thirteen percent through proxy votes she could force the board to put her in charge. Loren and others knew that would be a disaster, so they were working on their own strategy to keep Ginny out of Frank’s office.

Even with all of that going on, Holly was trying to decide what to do with her new degree in business and public relations. Loren was well compensated for his efforts and dedication to the company and in fact when she found out how much he made, she was shocked. But though she wouldn’t have to work, she had no interest in just being home all the time and living off of him. She had worked very hard to get her degree and one way or another she was going to use what she had.

Chapter One

Tuesday morning, Loren was summoned to the boardroom and took a chair at the end of the long table. Graham Samson, the chairman, smiled and said, ‘Good morning, Loren.’

‘Good morning to all of you.’

‘As I’m sure you’re aware, we were here quite late last night discussing what options we have open to us, of which there are at least four. We’d like to give you the floor and have you tell us what your thoughts and hopes are. Both as to who should sit in Frank’s office and what you would do were you selected for that position.’

‘Thank you Graham, and ladies and gentlemen for giving me this opportunity. I’d like to start with where we are right now as I see it. Frank devoted his life to his work. His mind was here seven days a week, and he rarely took a vacation. He made impressive gains for the company and was a powerhouse when it came to sales and networking. Of course, as we are all too painfully aware, those accomplishments didn’t come without cost. He paid a very high price for all that he did I’m sorry to say, by sacrificing his health and nearly his life. I’m going to say something that might cause you to think twice about considering me for Frank’s position. He worked far too hard. I could never and would never devote all of my waking ours to my work, and I don’t think anybody should be expected to work like that. I’ll also add however, that I think a lot of what Frank accomplished could have been done with less effort. That was Frank’s way and that’s what made him happy and successful, but that wouldn’t work for most people.’

Loren was making it a point to make eye contact with each board member as he stood there, but he wished he could walk around a little because that’s when he was at his best. ‘Now I’ll get into a little selling of my own,’ and he smiled. ‘I’ve been with Frank for quite a few years and we worked well together. I learned a lot from him and added my own style along the way. You have my file with my curriculum vitae and my accomplishments. In education and experience I’m well qualified for the job and I have no doubt that I’m quite capable.

‘Now to what I’d like to do for the company given the chance. First, I’d make Gordon Streiter my vice president, but rather than have two vice presidents, I’d alter Gordon’s responsibilities and add a position under Gordon. The result would be a chain of command more clearly defined and efficient and save the company a considerable amount of money each year. Frank was a very big advocate of seminars and he made very good use of his time there, but not from the seminar per se. He networked like a man possessed, but he didn’t get anything from the seminar itself. I’d like to investigate some other ways to accomplish the same task for maybe fifty thousand dollars a year savings.’

Loren passed out a one page document saying, ‘This is a list of a few other ways to save money and at the same time improve communications and hopefully to improve sales. I know of three contracts that we lost just because of glitches in the early stages that should have never happened.’ Loren finally gave up and walked around a little as he quickened his speech pattern barely pausing to breathe and then closed his presentation. He shook all of the board member’s hands, and played the role of politician running for office as he talked to each board member and then was excused. He wasn’t one for liquor that early in the day, but he had to fight the temptation to make an exception to his personal rule. He sat there and called Holly and when she answered he said, ‘I love you.’

He could see her smile in his mind as she said, ‘I like that greeting. I love you too honey, how is it going?’

‘I just finished my presentation to the board.’

‘How did that go?’

‘We won’t know of course until they make their decision, but I said what I wanted to say in that short time, and I feel good about how it went. All we have to do is see if they agree with what I shared with them.’

‘Will you be late tonight?’

‘I might be a little late, but who knows.’

‘Sandy and Chuck called just a few minutes ago to see if there was any news. Mind if I call them and give them an update?’

‘Not at all. Tell them I said hello would you? Oh and did they nag you about a date for our wedding?’

‘No, they know things are going to be pretty stressful and busy for you for awhile. Go work your magic honey and I’ll see you tonight.’

‘Okay. It helps just to hear your voice. See you tonight honey,’ and he hung up. He had plenty to do, but he took a few minutes to just stare at the ugly painting on the far wall and let his mind wander. He called those moments, mental naps and felt better after indulging himself for a minute. His mind went to him and Holly being on Chuck and Sandy’s cruiser, and that thought led him straight to being naked with the two most important women in his life. He loved Holly more than he ever would have thought possible, and he loved and lusted for Sandy. His minute of mental nap was closer to five minutes before he pulled himself back to reality and waded into the stack of papers on his desk.

Holly was in the kitchen when he came in through the backdoor a little after six o’clock. ‘Hi beautiful.’

‘Hi honey, how did it go?’

‘We’re limping along waiting for the bo
ard’s decision, but okay otherwise I guess.’

‘Any news about Virginia about her run for her fifty plus percent?’

‘Not a thing and I didn’t even hear any speculation about her chances. Of course there are only a few of us that are even aware of what she’s up to.’

Holly waited until near the end of dinner and then said, ‘Honey, tell me more about the seminar that you went to with Frank and Virginia.’

He had his glass of water to his lips when she said that, and he lurched forward and spilled water onto his plate. She laughed and Loren asked her, ‘Why would you want to know more about that?’

‘I don’t mean about your adventure with Ginny. Who made the arrangements?’

‘Rita, Frank’s secretary.’

‘So all she did was line up the Delta tickets and the hotel?’

‘That’s about it, but what else would she have done?’

‘I’m just curious. So say somebody was in from the east or west coast and they came in early to play some golf or see a play. They would have to look into the golf courses in the area and what plays were in town.’

‘I’m sure that’s right, unless they had one hell of an efficient secretary.’

‘And what if they wanted to bring their wife, would she know what was available for her to do during the day?’ Then she smiled and added, ‘Well I mean other than what Ginny found to do to pass the time.’

‘You are so funny. They’d be on their own I guess.’

Then Holly laughed and said, ‘With their own little buzzing lover.’ He leaned back and had to smile, but he just shook his head and stayed silent as she added, ‘I wonder if Ginny gave hers a name. You know like…plastic Paul the pulsing provider of pleasure.’

Loren sat back and laughed and asked her, ‘Is this something you’ve spent the day thinking about?’

‘No, that part just came to me.’

‘Okay Dixie, what are you up to honey?’

‘Oh, I’m back to Dixie am I? I’ve been thinking about a business for upper level executives. For a fee of course, I could provide a client with about any information he or she might want. For example, theater tickets or golf information and or reservations, or the best hotels, transportation assistance and information or plane tickets. Whatever they might want, and custom tailored to their desires of course. The sweet part of this is I’d do it from right here.’

‘Sounds pretty ambitious, and if you get a few clients going you may need an assistant.’

She smiled and tried to act casual as she said, ‘It could come to that.’

‘I know, we’ll hire a maid and she can see to my basic needs so you’ll be free to pursue your new career.’

‘Oh no, I’ll be the one to see to your needs honey, basic and otherwise. If we get a maid, I’ll do the hiring okay?’

He tried not to smile but it was futile so he just said, ‘Okay, have it your way.’

Chapter Two

Loren was called to the boardroom just after ten Thursday morning. He took a deep breath, checked himself in his mirror and squaring his shoulders he went down the hall to more than likely learn his fate. Again he shook hands and made eye contact with each board member ending with Graham Samson. Ann Grierson, an attractive and influential older woman with a reputation for taking no prisoners in matters of business, smiled and said, ‘Sit next to me Loren so we can talk.’

Mr. Samson waited for a minute so Ann and Loren could chat and then called the meeting to order again. Once everybody was quiet, he said, ‘Thank you. Loren this body of very knowledgeable and dedicated people have been struggling with a number of issues, so you you’ll have to forgive us for spending so much time on the issue before us. But as progress was made toward a decision, new information would come to us and we would be forced to discuss matters again. I won’t bore you by me blabbering on, but rest assured we’re determined to do what is right for the company first, and fair to all involved as well.

Graham studied his pen as he tapped his notes and then said, ‘Yet more information came to us just this morning, but here is where we stand now. We’re offering you an interim position as the CEO until such time that we can sort out this latest complication.’ Loren was handed a packet with the salary and benefits package they were offering and Loren took it without opening it. ‘This would be a thirty day position and at that time, or before then hopefully, we’ll make our final determination no matter what else we learn. This whole issue has gone on too long as it is.’

‘Thank you Graham, and thanks to all of you for your diligent efforts. I appreciate your many hours of discussion and struggling and thank you for putting your trust in me however temporary this may be. I’ll study the offer and forward my decision within twenty four hours’ Then he smiled and said, ‘However, I’m going to be lighting candles at the alter for this grand effort on everybody’s part to come to fruition.’ All of them at least smiled and Ann put her hand on his arm and said, ‘Congratulations Loren and I want to tell you that I have very little doubt that you are right for the position.’

‘Thank you Ann.’ Everybody stood up and hands were shaken, and Ann kissed his cheek. Eleanor Wood, the only other woman on the board, embraced him but passed on kissing his cheek.

As soon as he could, he called Holly with his good news. ‘Loren honey, that’s fantastic, have you looked at the offer?’

‘Just a minute ago.’

‘Well tell me, are you going to accept it?’

‘I’m sure I will, and now I’ll fight harder than before to get the position.’

‘Is it safe for you to tell me numbers?’

‘Well, there’s a very generous benefits package that includes a nice chunk of company stock along with other things, and for the interim month I’ll make twenty eight thousand.’

‘Oh my God, that’s wonderful. I’m so proud of you.’

‘Thank you, but I can’t get too used to that because in a month I could be back to my old position or even out on my ear.’

‘We both know that last one isn’t likely, and what you make now isn’t exactly embarrassing.’


‘What do you think happened to or is happening with Virginia?’

‘I could only guess, but I doubt she’s very happy right now.’

‘I hope you get a chance to talk to her and maybe get back on speaking terms again.’

‘I hope so too. Okay, I have to go and earn my money and don’t look for me until who knows when.’

‘I’ll be here. Love you hon.’

‘Love you too. Oh, and if you talk to Sandy share the good news with them.’

‘You know I’m going to call her right now.’ He laughed and said goodbye and headed to Gordon’s office, who he was certain had been told, but the two of them needed to talk.

Holly called Sandy and shared the good news with her and Chuck, and they talked for awhile. But Holly had her mind on two other things at the same time, so she said her goodbyes and then she spent the next hour making phone calls.

It was seven o’clock before Loren made it home, but Holly had dinner waiting for him and then they talked over scotch in the living room. There wasn’t a lot more that Loren could share with Holly, but she had things to tell him. ‘Honey, I interviewed two ladies to be our maid.’

‘Oh, and how did that go?’

‘Okay, I’ve already rejected one of them and I have another one to interview tomorrow.’

‘What was wrong with the first one?’

Dixie smiled and looked over the rim of her glass as she tasted her drink and then told him, ‘She was too damn good looking.’

Loren smiled and leaned back into the couch and asked her, ‘So how good looking was she and how old?’

‘Forty five and good looking enough to worry me.’

‘Okay, I’ll say this only once honey. I love you and there’s no way in hell I’m going to jeopardize our future. Besides, she’s too old for you to worry about.’

‘You wouldn’t say that if you saw her.’

‘Question, will
whoever you select be a live in maid.’

‘Of course not.’

‘Then where is the risk?’

‘Excuse me? You’re sleeping with your former maid right now stud.’

‘That’s different. Now you’ll be here too so that further makes looks a non issue.’

‘So you’re saying you want me to hire her?’

‘I don’t know anything about her, but if she’s well qualified and you feel she’ll be reliable then why not?’

‘I’ll think about it. She has excellent credentials in terms of reliability and culinary skills and references.’

‘You better not tell me anymore or I will be encouraging you to hire her even though I’ve not even met her.’

‘We’ll see. Oh, and I had lunch with Linda Whitehouse, a woman that I met in class, and Jim Maloney, also a former classmate. Jim is close to fifty and owns a manufacturing company. He was in class because he’s always promised himself that he’d go back and finish getting his degree. Linda is younger than me by a few years and is a vivacious powerhouse. We talked for almost two hours about my idea. They were a lot of help too.’

‘Fantastic honey, that’s the power of networking. Get the word out about how good you or your company is. Make people want to come to you so you won’t work so hard getting them on board.’

‘There’s more. I want to turn one of the guest rooms into my office and I want to hire Linda.’

‘Really? Are you that far along with your business plan?’

‘I’ve accomplished a lot, but I need help building a database. You can’t imagine how labor intensive that is. But honey I’ll be spending money and not be bringing any in for awhile. It’s my hope that I’ll be able to bring Linda on board full time in the next sixty days.’

‘You have clients lined up?’

‘One. Jim Maloney.’

‘You’re kidding.’

‘No, he wants to invite a few gentlemen to join him for a golf outing somewhere. He wants me to come up with some suggestions within a couple of hundred miles from here, along with other attractions, accommodations and so forth. He’s paying me a three thousand dollar fee and if I exceed expectations he’ll throw in a bonus and make sure the other’s know that it was my company that made all of the arrangements.’

Sort of like what Rita did for Frank and I.’

‘So much more than that. Plane tickets and hotel reservations are no big deal, but how many secretaries have you heard of that can provide all of the golf courses within a given geographic area along with details of each, and add to that, hotel options and amenities, theater or concert tickets or shopping for the wife if there’s an interest in that, and college and professional sports tickets and…’

‘I get the idea. You really will have to have an impressive data base then.’

‘It will be huge.’

‘You will be a very busy lady so will I see much of you in the future?’

‘You’ll see me every evening I promise. That adds to the reason that I want to bring Linda in on my project.’

‘Sounds good, will she have contact with clients, or will you reserve that part for yourself?’

‘I think she would be very good at it, but I want to work with clients too. We’ll work that out as we go along.’

‘I can see you’re excited about this project.’

‘The farther I get into it more excited I get.’

‘Then go for it honey.’

‘I will. Okay, I’ll hire Melissa tomorrow.’ Then she smiled and said, ‘She goes by Misty, but you have to call her Melissa, because that whole thing is too close to the Dixie slash Holly thing.’

Chapter Three

They were nearing the end of the third week of Loren’s probation as CEO when Graham came to his office unexpectedly. Rita, now Loren’s secretary, called into his office and said, ‘Mr. Samson is here to see you and I’ve cleared your schedule for the next hour.’

‘Thanks Rita, I’ll be right out.’ Loren met Graham with a smiling face and his hand extended and they went into his office. When they emerged twenty minutes later they were smiling and chatting about nothing in particular. Again, as soon as he was alone he called Holly and told her, ‘Well my position is now permanent, or until I do something to get fired.’

‘You got it?’

‘I got it honey.’

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The two men decided it was time to get up. They packed their gear up outside the tent. Ty started breakfast while Vincent started pulling the tent down. Vincent looked at his relaxed cousin, “We should do this more often, Ty. I have really enjoyed this week.” Ty smiled at Vincent indulgently, “I have too. I miss our camping trips as well. You have come a long way from the skinny little kid, frightened of his own shadow.” The two men smiled at each other both remembering the first time Ty...

2 years ago
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Clean Yourself Up

"Alright, boys, you're done. Go on and hit the showers!" The coach yelled. All complied. Many of the boys in the locker room weren't shy about getting naked at all, and Jeremy secretly liked that. He could sit there, in the showers and secretly size up all the boys' cock sizes. He would fantasize about sucking them dry, having them brutally shoved up his eager asshole. Suddenly, Jeremy's 8 inch cock sprang up, and he quickly edged closer to the wall to conceal...

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My first time swallowing cum

I had a buddy that I used to play with until we finished high school. (see my story "My first time sucking cock") After we lost touch, I had a couple of brief encounters with guys, but was mostly with women. When I turned 36 I began fantasizing more and more about sucking cock again. I missed the excitement and thrill of getting a guy hard and making him cum.I placed an ad on an internet site and chatted with a few guys. I agreed to meet with one guy, but when he showed up I didn't feel turned...

3 years ago
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Going Down Ch 06

Author’s Note: Thank you all so much for your feedback, and most of all your patience! I know I always say this, but it means so very much to me. I couldn’t keep doing this without the support you have shown. That being said, here is the usual disclaimer. This is a romantic story with erotic themes, story being the key word. If you are looking for a quick fix, then I suggest you read elsewhere. If you like a little romance and a little suspense, then read on! If you like the story, please...

3 years ago
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18 summers

The summer I turned 18 I was working as a tow truck driver before school started up again. One late night I was dispatched to a call for unknown car trouble more than 45 miles from town.Arriving on scene, I recognized the big station wagon as belonging to our neighbors and there was Mrs. Z standing beside it looking frazzled.She couldn’t see me at first because of the glare of the headlights, but rushed to hug me as soon as she recognized me. Mrs. Z was trembling a little as she clung to me and...

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Morning Tension Successfully Relieved

The clock on my bedside table taunted me. It read 5:45 a.m., but I’d been wide awake for at least 30 minutes despite it being the first day of my “staycation” away from work. Why couldn’t I ever sleep in? Waking up early wouldn’t have been so bad if there had been a prospect of a morning quickie, but that day it seemed unlikely. My wife, Anne, hadn’t moved in the last half-hour. She had to work that day and, after almost eighteen years of marriage, I knew her well enough to know that nothing...

1 year ago
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Summers End A Loss Of Innocence Part 2

A few minutes later, Steven got up and kicked his shorts off. He walked down the beach and into the water. He was standing at the water’s edge looking out at me. His body was the same body I had seen years ago just filled out and more muscular. It was my moment to pretend I was Halle Berry. I was going to slowly walk out of the water with a sexy bikini, dive knife and gorgeous figure. Except I was nude, wet and still washing cum off my stomach, but it was going to be perfect. It would be a...

First Time
2 years ago
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Aarti ki chaahat

Hi, everybody, mai ek baat clear kar du, ye ek real stori hai , isme koi 8 ya 9 inch lamba organ nahi hai ya 45 min tak ka shot nahi hai, a pure Indian stori jo aapke dil ke karib lagegi, Mai prash It professional from Mumbai, meri marriage 2004 feb me sheetal se hue, hamari luv marriage thi, sheetal thodi chuuby gal hai, aur shayad isliye mai attract hua tha, hamara physical relation shadi ke 18 saal pehle se hi tha, uski bahot hi close friend aarti jo ek slim and perfect gal thi, uska looks...

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Hi, I’m Sarah, married to Ted who has posted several Tales of our exploits, with my permission of course, however with me having lots of time on my hands, due to the current situation, I thought I would start telling a few of my own and compile a “Sarah’s Stories” series. Obviously these will be written with Ted’s permission and a little help. Enjoy!!xThis story isn’t related to our swinging exploits as it happened way before I even knew Ted however we have been reflecting on our sexual past as...

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A white married slut for Blacks

On that warm spring time, I felt particularly attracted to a black man.He was in his late thirties; he had a smooth dark skin and his name was Peter. The handsome black guy worked in the men's clothing department at a store that my loving Victor and I often frequented. I became acquainted with Peter while shopping for some things for Victor.At first, I just flirted with him and stopped when I began to feel aroused. But then came the time when I wanted to go further. One Tuesday afternoon,...

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Catherine My First Victim

I’ll always remember the first time I raped a girl. It was the senior year of high school, and as everybody approached their 18th birthdays, they all seemed to become adults. The girls all filled out in the right places, with large but tight asses and large but firm breasts, and the guys all became taller and more muscular, including myself. I wasn’t anybody important at high school, but I was hardly unknown. I partook in my fair share of athletics, from shot-put to high jump. However,...

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CHAPTER 58: HELEN HAWKINS (… OR STILLSON?)It was full minutes later before Helen even began to shift. With the monitor muted, the stead white line moving from left to right on the screen, Stella was gone, finally separated from the pain and the agony of her end. But, Helen didn’t stop whispering and kissing, even longer than those minutes. When a nurse came to the other side of the bed and touched her shoulder, she looked up at the doctor, and then dropped her head back to Stella’s shoulder for...

2 years ago
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Future Perfect Chapter Three

Back at the commune, Cassie, Bethany, and Amanda worked on putting together a supper from leftovers and other things that they found in my cupboards. Celeste and Faith helped me with some chores that couldn’t wait.We checked the garden and harvested what was ready, then watered my two horses, along with the cows, goats, and chickens. At this time of year, I didn’t do a lot of feeding, but I liked to give the animals attention and make sure that they were all healthy and happy.“So, what did you...

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A Night at OMalleys

A Night at O’Malley’sHey, Hun…wanna play tonight? Just your text got my blood pumping fast.Sure, handsome…what did you have in mind?Head over to O’Malley’s tonight…10…and get a drink at the bar. Wear your black bustier, that gauzy red top and your little black skirt…NO panties!Where will you be?Oh…I’ll be nearby…watching…picking you up…playing with you on the dance floor.OMG…I’m wet already…see you there!I dressed to thrill that night. Smokey eyes…scarlet lips to match the top he commanded I...

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A Night at the Luau

The night air was heavy with the sounds of drums, lightened by the flicker of burning lanterns and tiki torches, and voices floating on the air with the scents of roasted pig and fruity cocktails. It all mingled together to create an atmosphere as exotic as the colorful flowers that were centered upon each table in little coconut-bowl vases. The dried grass bundles hanging from tiki booths and the corners of tables fluttered and rustled as the breeze wound its way through the private courtyard,...

1 year ago
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Demon GateChapter 2 Painted Doll

Satou tossed and turned on his sleeping mat, images of the beautiful red woman flashing through his mind. He couldn’t stop thinking about her, about the way that her red skin shone in the sunlight, about how her hair looked as fluffy as a cloud. Those golden eyes, her alluring body... He didn’t care what Nagao said, he had to see her again, he would go crazy if he didn’t. He felt like there was a hot coal burning in his belly, as if the only way to quench the fire was to gaze upon her one...

2 years ago
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New Years

New Years funWe had a small party New Year's Eve with a few people, 3 cpls and 4-5 singles, nothing big. I had a alternate plan for late that night and this was a great way to get it rolling. My wife gets a little wild when she drinks, so my plan was to feed her drinks all night and as the night went on I started adding some Molly to her shots. So by the time everyone was leaving (12:30ish) she was drunk and a little high too. I told her she and I needed to do a shot for the new year, just us...

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Hyderabadi Angel On New Year Night Part 8211 2

Hi friends, your Night Rider is back with the new encounter, firstly let me thank you for your lovely responses, I am thankful to Indian Sex Stories , for creating such a nice platform to share our experiences and to meet new friends. For new readers, let me introduce myself, I am Night Rider (nightriderforhornybabes) from Hyderabad. Any unsatisfied Ladies from in and around Hyderabad/Vijayawada want to have a secret relationship can contact me at , I am just a mail away for you.   This is...

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Trip to Mushroom Castle

Disclaimer: This story depicts teenage recreational drug use, and only as an ironic yet relevant plot device. If drugs or drug usage scares you or you disagree with it, please read no further. As usual, there is strong sexual language. Fun tip: I wrote this story while high. Trip to Mushroom Castle By Zephyrus Pete boringly marched his usual route home from school, not paying attention to much of anything around him. Not...

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The Call Girl

My job had taken me to a new city for a few weeks, I had just finished off a huge contract and felt the need for a good fuck. I was tired though, was staying in a hotel and didn't want to drink so I pulled up the local ad pages, filtered through the scam sites and found a listing for a local girl advertising for paid sex. The ad said 'Cute blonde, slim, 36DD and up for anything.' I was a little wary that it didn't include pics but I thought 'fuck it' and figured if she wasn't good...

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the unforgettable dance

gym...dark lights, crepe paper streamers, kids huddled in close, sweet embraces. I was more interested in who was dancing with who than I was in finding a partner of my own. I wasn't really sure why I even went. Habit, I guess. Something to do. It's not like I was in demand or anything. As far as dances go, I'm Mr. Sidelines. I came to the dance alone, like I always did. Occasionally, I'd get my nerve up and ask some girl to dance with me -- usually some shy but acceptable...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 237 University Visits

I can’t help it that I worked out so much that I look like this. I wonder if I can get into the jock gym to see if there is someone that can spot for me while I do some bench presses. I need to start working out again. “Do you think the president can pull some strings so I can go work out at the gym used by the athletes. I can’t find any gyms at home that have people strong enough to spot for me,” I asked. She smiled when she said, “This time of year, you are more likely to find guys to...

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Olivias Office

Spending every night with Rachael and Andrea over the past week had put me behind on my work. When Rachael left on Saturday afternoon I had returned home and spent Sunday relaxing alone. Monday morning came too quickly and it was Thursday before I was caught up. Andrea had no plans for me during the week, explaining she was worn out from all of our recent activity and needed a break. My Thursday meeting with her changed to a meeting with Olivia, the dark-skinned beauty from Production.Ryan...

Office Sex
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Whatever Gets You Through the NightChapter 2

“Oh, tell me, why was it always you who, through the changes, you who always sang and played while the green vespers rang in the heart of the hillside. It’s a sad song that we always seem to be singing to each other. You and me, sweet and slightly out of key. Like the sound of a running-down calliope.” -Warren Zevon, “Tule’s Blues“ Helen Parker made her way through the snow along the side of the road. A few houses down, illuminated in the streetlights behind her, Wade Parker...

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Just a Coffee Morning

JUST A COFFEE MORNING? It started when I was eleven and looking forward to going to secondary school after the summer holidays. I was at home with mum as my older sister Helen was working prior to going to college. Yes there was a large age gap and my sister always joked that I was a mistake but I knew mum and dad loved me regardless of whether it was true or not. I was having breakfast as mum was clearing her things up. "Nicky, grandma is having her coffee morning for her friends...

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Obedience Training

OBEDIENCE TRAINING ? "How was Dubai?" asked Benny Price, as Nora made herself comfortable in his living room. ? Nora grinned. She'd been dating Benny for three months, ever since she'd met him at a singles mixer for dominant women and submissive men at the PainCafe. After their initial dates, Nora had put Benny in a chastity device. She pointed out to him that if he really liked her a lot, then he could expect that she'd want some fidelity in their relationship. But then, after locking him up,...

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Danny Misbehaves and Must be Taught a Lesson

Danny’s mom had still not picked Danny up a few weeks later, and my wife was getting more impatient with her. Danny, now working full time, had let things slide around the house. My wife detests clutter and this was causing more problems at home. “You cannot clutter up the rest of the house just because you have a job now,” my wife yelled. “You are not my mother, you cannot make me clean house,” Danny shouted back. “You are ONLY a guest here girl, you are abusing that privilege,” my wife...

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9 more of the party

Peter's phone chirped a few minutes later to say that Dave and his wife were running a little late."Soooooo it looks like we have some time on our hands" he said.Mick and I might have made suggestions. We were both sitting with rock hard erections sticking up. I desperately wanted to cum and the temptation to just bring myself off was very strong. When my hand had drifted to my cock a little while after John left, Peter had told me not to waste it and so I sat uncomfortably, with the biggest...

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The Fountain of Youth Ch 00 Prologue

I deleted this a while ago. Was a bit frightened. Now I’m putting it back up with some changes. This is (likely) a three part series of stories. ***** The year 2016 was an extraordinary year. It was a year of chaos and confusion. Fear and fervour were the emotions of the time. Bombastic and hardline attitudes became the norm of politicians. Common people entrenched themselves within their own worldviews, clashing with those who differed even slightly. To an outsider — and many insiders — it...

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Ed BiggersChapter 6

Following Shadow, Ed walked into the IRS office and stopped at the receptionist. She looked at Ed and then glanced down at the cat. Smiling at Ed, she asked, “Who are you here to see?” “The person in charge,” replied Ed in a very casual manner. Very calmly, she picked up the phone and called security. Looking at Ed with a smile, she said, “Let me let him know you are here.” The sour tone of her voice let Ed know that she was lying to him. He reached in his back pocket as the woman said,...

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It is what it isI am what I am what are you

The most wonderful thing about the truth is that it does not require our belief order for it to exist. You will NEVER hear me whine when someone says "I don't believe you" because I don't tell tales to be believed, I tell truths, and it's of little consequence to ME if you choose to believe them or not. No lie can change it, it's immune to cynicism, and it certainly doesn't give much of a shit what anyone thinks of it.It is what it is.With that being said, let me begin the first truth:I am...

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Death and a Life in Emerald CoveChapter 12

Bryant was on an airplane, headed to Columbia when the reality of the situation hit him. The young woman had overheard his conversation with the bartender and set up Mayfield. A guy like Mayfield could probably take a lot of ribbing but to have an attractive female question his sexuality would provoke a response. Her companion obviously knew how to take care of himself. He had risked an assault conviction to help him put Mayfield in prison. Jan was incredulous when Bryant had phoned her. She...

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SusanChapter 4

Sometime later, while Susan was wandering around looking for someone else to be acceptably social with, she came across Mark and Jackie Gravengood, who somehow she'd missed earlier. Maybe they'd shown up late, she thought, but that seemed unlikely; it was more likely that they'd been a big help to her mother and father in the work of setting the open house up in the first place. While there were people in attendance who were there mostly because they were friends of Susan's parents and...

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Tais Story Chapter Eight

Chapter Eight So with the opening night getting closer, we brought all of the staff in for a training and familiarisation day. Ginger turned up early which was good to see, it also gave us a chance to have a quiet chat. I made her a coffee as we chatted she seemed effusive and chatty. I was dying to ask if she had been seeing Alex but couldn't find a way to ask. As we were chatting Talia and Samantha turned up and I introduced them. There was a bond between them almost immediately and...

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Lucy Fucks The Neighbours Part 2 of 2

It was a couple of days after the fateful party before I got together with Jane for a coffee. She seemed excited about something and barely waited until I'd sat down before she started. 'Remember how Martin was going on about Adam and Zoe having a threesome? Well, it's true. Zoe told me yesterday when we went out for lunch!' she blurted. 'Really?' I said, 'so did she go into detail then? Did she shag the other woman?' 'We were in a cafe at the time so she couldn’t go into detail. She did...

Group Sex
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Fucked Khala My Virgin aunt 4

"I kept on sucking her nipples and pressing her boobs with one hand and caressing her back with other hand. Her back was also very smooth. Very soon due to my pressing and sucking Her milky white boobs turned pink and then red, there was a fire in her whole body. Her body shook , there was a boom in her body and she experienced her first Orgasm she looked at me with a blushing smile". I asked her Is It your First. She blushed, nodded and then smiled at me. And kissed me and said It...

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