Peaches free porn video

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It is a record-breaking 37ºC. The windows are open and the shades are shut. All we can do is sit and bear it till the heat breaks. 

I lay on the floor taking in the small fan that’s working overtime. The spinning blades of the other fans catch the sun as it sneaks through the cracks of the blinds. Lifting my hand to the haze, I feel its heat as my fingers walk through the swirling dust, breaking their patterns.

“These fans aren't working!” 

“They seem like they’re workin’.” 

“I think you should turn it down.”  

Raising my eyebrow, I turn my head to look at her from under the coffee table. “I’m not turning the fans down.” I can only see the bottom of the couch and the outline of her body before the table top cuts off my view. 

“Not the fans, the sun.”

My sigh at the sight of the table turns to a laugh at her request. “I’ll get right on that one. Just a couple degrees?”

”Better make it a few more clicks.” Her leg slides off the couch until only her toes touch the floor. I watch as she points them, stretching, then following the curve of her calf as it tightens and up past the slight bend of her knee. “Oh, and while you’re at it...”

“This should be good.”
“I need something cold.” 

“Something cold?”

“That’s what I said.”

“Sorry, can’t hear you over the heat.” I put my hands up to block the incoming pillow that follows Abby’s muffled giggle. “What do you want?”

“Something cold.”

“We’ve established that, babe.” 

“Something sweet.”

“Ice cream?” 

“Too heavy.”


“Too watery.”

Propping myself on my elbows I look in her direction with my eyebrow still raised, “Really?” But the same brow slowly falls as my eyes wander over her body. 

Her cami is pasted to her skin, outlining the curves of her small yet full breasts. The fabric is raised slightly around her nipples and there’s a light sheen of sweat coating the exposed skin of her stomach. My eyes wander lower to the waist of her boy shorts that are higher than normal from riding up, the bottom of her cheeks poking out. 

Even with the heat sticking to my body I feel a familiar warmth starting to rise elsewhere. I’m unsure how my mind, no my body, is starting to ache for something when I can barely get off the floor to take a sip of water, but then again, my thirst for her is greater.

“Mmhmm.” Her eyes shot open after taking a deep breath. “I know!” A wicked smile washes over her face. “Strawberries.” 

A smile creeps up as the memory of the other morning sneaks in.  

When I walked into the kitchen half asleep I found her sitting on the table, naked. One leg hanging off as the other was propped up, a full bowl of strawberries covered her mound. How the chair sat in front of her, placed there on purpose. The look in her eyes when I sat and the way she said  ‘You really need to learn to start eating breakfast.’ 

Those strawberries, so ripe, perfectly paired with her glistening smooth lips. The sound of the chair as it hit the ground, the table squeaking as it slid forward. Watching her body contort and nails scrape across the wood as the waves hit their peak.

 How easy that last strawberry slid through her puffy lips. Offering a taste and her response was to turn around, hanging her head off the table, her nails dug in my ass cheeks pulling me closer. How I came so hard my knees gave out and finally, that kiss. 

The kind of kiss that’s branded in your memory for a lifetime to come.

“There has to be some left, right?” Her words bringing me back to the now.

“We’re out of strawberries.” 

“Not even one?”



“Do you not remem-?”

“Remember the other morning?” she finishes my sentence then sighs. “Why do you think I want some. Go look.” 

“I’ve melted to the floor, there's no hope for me now, you’re on your own.”

“But look, you’re already halfway up and I’m over here,” she dramatically brings her hand up to her forehead. “Famished…”

“Famished eh?”

“Yes… I need something cold before I... I...”

“Before you what?”

“Too hot… Can’t think…” She manages to tilt her head in my direction, wiping the strands of hair stuck to her forehead and pushes out her bottom lip, “Gooo.” 

“And what do I get from this fruitless task?” Smirking at my own pun. 

“You get to sit on the couch with me.”

“With you?” I sit up fully, “Now how could I pass that up?” 

”You really can’t.”  

She’s right, I can’t. 

So, I peel myself off the hardwood floor and step in front of the fan pointing directly at Abby. It doesn’t take but a few seconds before other pillow hits the back of my knees. 

“Hey now!” 

“You’re blocki- Why don’t we have air conditioning?” 

“Because we live in Canada and this heat doesn't last.”

“We wouldn’t be melting right now.” 

“But then we wouldn’t have something to whine about.” 

“Good point…” 

I lift my shirt to catch the breeze from the fan, “Didn't you live in Hawaii for a year?” looking back I catch Abby staring hungrily.

The last pillow hits me right in the face. “Air Conditioning!”  

I take my sweet time heading to the kitchen, boxers sagging off my hips, the heat pulling at them. 

The hardwood floor was just as hot as the rest of the house making my bare feet stick to the varnish. As I fan myself with my old sleeveless shirt, my overheated brain begins to wonder if it’s the floor sticking to me or me to the floor. 

I swing the fridge door open and a blast of cool air hits my exposed skin sending a wave of goosebumps across my body. Inhaling deep, I lay my head back lifting the front of my shirt, wanting to feel it everywhere as I let out an over exaggerated sigh of relief. 

“Was it as good for the fridge as it was for you?” 

“You know it, baby,” I look over and see her head peeking over the back of the couch with a mischievous look in her eyes. “This could have been you ya know.” 

“And deny you that pleasure? I would never.”

“You’re so sweet.”

She raises her eyebrow and bites the corner of her lip. “I know.” 

I bite the corner of my bottom lip, mimicking her actions unconsciously, knowing just how sweet she is. 

“You know what would feel better?”


“If you lost that holey shirt.” 

“Now why would I do that? It’s air-conditioned.” I open the freezer door and take a step inwards, cutting off her view of everything but my bare feet. “How dare you talk bad about it.”  

Wrapping my fingers around the hem, I pull it over my head and let out a sigh. A shiver runs through my body, momentarily breaking the heat that coats my skin. I then ball up the fabric and lob it over the freezer door, only to hear her best wolf-whistle in return.

I lean forward looking through the fridge, feeling the last rush of cold on my back as the freezer door swings shut. “Sooo…” I say with my head buried in the fridge, then whisper to myself “Buttons.”

“Buttons!” I hear Abby call from the couch and a smile touches the corners of my mouth.

“What’s left? Are you sure we don’t have any?” A soft moan follows and I raise my head, looking over the door and catch her eyes opening, she parts her lips to take her finger between them. “They were...“ she pauses and I swear I  see the memory that passes through her eyes as she stares into mine, “Juicy.”  

The word pours from between her lips in a way that makes it just as juicy as the word itself. 

Heat rises in my core despite standing in front of the fridge. I shift my stance as the warmth stirs between my legs, knowing it is no longer from the temperature outside. 

Taking a deep breath I can smell my own arousal. I turn back to the fridge trying to focus.  “We have… Grapes?”






“Its a fruit,” I smirk to myself and next thing I know Abby’s shirt is hanging off the door.  

The rush of cool air drags a subtle hint of her into my lungs. Her scent alone is intoxicating, enough that I pull her shirt off the door, bring it to my nose and close my eyes taking her in. 

“Well well, look what we have here.” I spot the perfect treat as I open my eyes. 

“What?“ her tone hopeful. 


“Not as good as strawberries.” Disappointment lingers in her voice.

“They’re not just any peaches.” Grabbing a couple I turn, kick the door shut and then head to the sink to wash them off.

“Oh, you might have to do a little more convincing.”    

“I’m sure I can do that.” Grinning, I make my way back with the peaches in hand. 

Walking back around the couch I place a peach on the table and nudge her leg while clearing my throat. “I’d like my prize now.” 

“I guess…” She lifts her legs up slowly with a smug little smile on her face, allowing me to sit. 

I claim my spot and she drapes one leg over my lap and leaves the other resting on the back of the couch. Then I watch as she runs her fingers down the glossy sheen between her breasts, slightly arching her back.

“Well?” Her index finger traces around her belly button before sliding the tip just under the waist of her shorts. “What’s so good about these peaches?”

“Umm…” My eyes following her fingers, I notice the fabric pulled taut against her lips with a growing wet spot. “This peach…” Dragging my eyes back to the fruit I start rolling it around lost for words, my mind was still focused on her. 

I can feel her eyes on me and I know she’s wearing that grin. 

“This… umm is the good old BC peach, Redhaven peach… I think.” 

“Is that so? And?” 

“Well first, look at it.” I place the fruit on her knee and roll it up her thigh. “You see the perfect shape of this and how you can tell it’s not overly firm,” picking the fruit back up rolling it between my fingers.

“You keep squeezing it like that you’re going to make a mess.” 

“Maybe that’s my intention.” I turn my head looking back at her and without a word, she puts her legs together and slowly starts working off her boyshorts.

“Do you mind?” I break from my daze as she raises an eyebrow and wiggles her hips wanting me to finish the job. Holding the peach in my left hand I use my right to twirl my fingers in the fabric and slide them over her knees and down her calves, dropping them to the floor. 

She places her legs back where they were, exposing herself to me, vulnerable, with that look in her eyes.  

Her brown eyes seemed to lighten into a honey colour, just like the night she read me her favorite poems and gave her reasons why. The passion behind them made my chest clench, as it does again now.

The fan rotates our way and I break eye contact to watch as her hips raise to catch the breeze. 

A delicate moan escapes her lips causing me to squeeze the peach a little too hard. My index slips through the stem right down to the pit, spraying all over. My breath catches as I feel the cold juice from the fruit land on my stomach. 

“It’s okay baby, I hear it happens sometimes, don’t be embarrassed.” 

“I couldn’t help it…“ I lean towards her on my elbow, my hair brushing against her. “I’ll make up for it.” I flick the tip of my tongue over a small drop on her inner thigh. 



Lifting the peach and holding it between her legs, I let her watch as my finger lingers deep inside the fruit and the nectar start to run down. “See, you can tell just how…” Trailing off, my eyes wander from between her legs and up her body till I catch her staring longingly at the peach.

“Juicy.” I watch as she forms the word slowly, almost kissing it as it slips from her lips, setting it free to dance across the heat that sits between us. 

The fans seem to roar louder, deafening the room around us as they work harder, drawing in the muggy air that sits heavy in the room. 

A drop of juice from the fruit or sweat, I can’t tell by this point, rolls down my stomach as I lean further into her, getting closer to the heat that’s now radiating from her. “I don’t think that’s the only thing…”  


“It looks like this peach and you have a few things in common.” 

“Tell me…” 

“Well first of all,” My free hand comes up and I let my index slide down her inner thigh “You both have a little… Peach fuzz. “ looking up at her with a smirk on my face. 

“Don’t tease, it’s too hot to shave.”   

I trace my finger lightly along her puffy lips, feeling her fuzz as my thumb does a circle on the peach, comparing the two with a smile on my face. “You know I don’t have a problem with a little fuzz.“ Turning my head towards the leg I’m leaning on I lightly kiss her inner thigh, tasting a blend of sweet and savory. 

“There is something else.” 

“This one better be good.” I notice her breathing starting to become more rapid.

“Nothing wrong with the last one.”  I take my hand away and a soft sigh escapes her lips. I hold the peach up and over her glistening cunt and with the free hand I dig another finger in deeper, ripping the peach in two perfect pieces. Juices spray in every direction but most find Abby's mound, dripping over her lips. 

Setting one flesh down just above her slit letting her feel the coolness of the fruit. I watch the fuzz rise, holding tiny droplets as goosebumps line her skin.

I pop the pit from the other side, tossing it on the table and then bring the half to Abby’s lips. She parts them, awaiting the refreshing treat. I slide the corner into her mouth along with the fingertip that was just teasing her. 

Slowly pulling my finger from her lips as she seductively bites into her half, allowing its juices to roll down her chin. I trace through its nectar, leaving a trail along her neck before dragging it across the rise of her collarbone.

Adding my middle one, I move lower over her breast, squeezing her nipple between my knuckles as they slowly pass. Her back arches into my firm lingering touch. 

Sliding my hand over, I place my palm flat on her stomach. “What..“ Leaving it there I feel it rise and fall with her breathy words. “What’s the... Other…” 

“I’m glad you asked.” I grin as my eyes wander from her to the half of peach still laying on her mound. I turn my head and scoot down a little more putting slight pressure just below her belly button. “Wait, are you sure you’re not too… Hot for this?“

“Just...“ She arches her back again but this time she rolls her body, lifting her hips enough that the peach begins to inch forward and a sigh parts her lips. I quickly move to pin the fruit in its place then slide the flesh of the fruit down her puffy hot lips and back up again. 

Her moans grow needy when I flip it over to expose the insides to me. “You should see the blush of the red and the hint of yellow, I’d say, perfectly sun-kissed.” With my other hand, I slide my fingers over her lips and part them. 

“The peach has a juicy golden flesh.” I bring my fingers up from her lips to inspect the meat of the fruit, lightly pressing my finger into it.  “You...“ My fingers come down sticky, once again spreading her open, inspecting her just like the peach. “...the Perfect Pink and from what I see, a little more…” I pause to look at her as the tip of my finger lined up, “Juicy.”  Then slide the tip inside her. Her body tenses and I know she’s trying her hardest not to move as I start to have my way. 

“And…” I notice her closing her eyes trying to focus on the next word she wants to say. “Wha-… which ones better?” 

“Better?” I circle the tip of my finger along the walls of her entrance, before pulling it out and bringing it to my lips, cleaning it off. “The real question is…” I wait until she opens her eyes and they meet mine. “Is it possible to eat both at the same time?” Noticing a drop of peach on her lip and snake my tongue out cleaning it off.  “And who will finish first?” I accentuate the last letter of the word letting her feel the burst of breath that follows the t.

Her leg twitches against me while a whimper leaves her lips. The couch groans as she pushes her hips down into the leather, brushing her peach fuzz against my skin. 

Tracing my nose along her wetness, smiling as the soft stubble tickles. I slide up, slipping the tip between her slit before looking up, watching as she sinks her teeth into the flesh, releasing a drop upon her lip. 

How I crave that droplet, jealous of where it lays. I fight the urge to crawl up and steal that taste as I steal a kiss. 

Instead, I lift my head and sink my teeth around the piece that lays on her, biting it in half and letting its juices slide down my chin. 

Her eyes close and I can't help but wonder what’s going through that mind of hers. 

I hold the peach between my teeth and press the skin of the fruit against her thigh, gliding it gently down towards her warmth. Reaching the crease where inner thigh and mound connect. I open my mouth wider, then close, biting through the peach and nipping her soft flesh. 

Rolling the flesh of the fruit in my mouth then biting down letting it burst as I latch my lips around her clit. Pausing long enough to inhale deep, pulling in the growing scent of her arousal and mixing it with the sweetness of the peach. 
I start to suckle on her clit as my tongue pushes the broken flesh to my lips so she can feel the difference between the two before I let her clit pop from between. 

Swallowing the rest, I adjust myself leaving a foot on the floor as my other tucks under me. 

My core is on fire and the heat makes me slightly delirious but mixed with the taste of her, it’s euphoric. My clit aches, throbbing to every other beat of my heart. 

Hearing her soft whimpers and watching her hips rock against the muggy air wanting more, it adds to the feeling, a deep-seated feeling of want... need.

A craving so profound it almost scares me. 

I shake myself from the daze and look up to find her staring at me, like she knows what I’m thinking, sensing my true desire. 

A bead of sweat rolls down between my shoulder blades and I slip an arm under her thigh, pressing my fingers into her skin. I bring my other leg off the floor, tucking it under with the other. 

Without breaking eye contact as I snake my tongue out and pull the other half into my mouth. Repeating what I did with the first, I hold it between my teeth and run the flesh down her lips and back up again. 

I push the peach to the side of my mouth and flatten my tongue on her puss. Pushing between her lips and dip into her before gliding it up over her clit. 

The mood quickly changes as that first real taste slides down my throat. I fight to stay in the moment to continue my tease but all my other senses start to blur. A growl rolls deep within as that primal need starts to take over.

I slide my arms around her thighs, slightly lifting her hips off the couch and wrap my lips around hers. I use my tongue to push the peach flesh between her puffy cunt, pressing it against her nub and start to suckle.  

“Oh fuck… Ayla...” Filled the room, followed by a high pitch squeal. Her shoulder blades press into the arm of the couch as my fingers press deeper onto her skin, lifting her higher.

Grazing my teeth along her soft flesh pulling the piece away from her clit. I look at her and see the yearning in her eyes and knowing she sees the hunger in mine.

I lift my head so she can see the piece held between my teeth and let her watch as I slowly bite into it. The juices form around my bottom lip before dripping down my chin. A drop or two slide off, hitting the top of her slit and roll down. 

“Please....” Her voice is soft yet tight. I bite down further into the fruit making more liquid pour onto her. “Don’t … Please.” Her hands gripping her perfect little tits, pinching her nipples hard. 

Everything around us is blurry and faded and her voice sounds close yet far away, her tone drives that essential need to the brink. Her skin heating under my touch and her arousal causing my own to increase. 

“I need y- “  

I devour that sweet peach, along with the fruit, mashing the pieces of flesh against her as my tongue slips in and out. A sharp sting digs at the back of my neck as her nails rake up then pulling at my hair.  

The more I lose myself in her, the more I lift her hips, pushing her up the couch. She arches her body across the armrest trying to push herself back into me, grinding herself against my mouth. 

Her heel presses into the middle of my back, holding me to her as I straighten up. I pull my head back slightly and take a breath before latching my mouth back around her dripping cunt. Her juices flow down my chin, sliding down my neck. 

I drive my tongue deep inside her, pushing until my jaw aches, swirling it around her spongy walls as they contract around, squeezing, pulling me in. My nose flicking over her clit as I shake my head back and forth giving a constant thrum at the back of my throat.   

I feed off her as if she is my lifeline. She squirms into me, fully giving herself over, wanting me to feast. 

My knees hit the arm of the couch she is currently leaning against. Her clutch in my hair slips and she pulls hard. That growl finally bubbles to the surface as I turn my head, biting the crease of her inner thigh, rousing a breathtaking whimper filled with want and a subtle hint of pain. 

The sound of nails rippling over leather cause me to glance up as my lips wrap back around her button. Her body is hung over the armrest, visibly trembling and her clit pulsates between my lips.

“I’m... I’m... “

Barely hearing the words between her moans I dig my nails in, knowing there will be a vast of little bruises left behind. Leaning back trying to hold on, knowing she’s on the verge of cumming, my grip starts to slip from her sweat-slicked skin.

Her cries of pleasure fill my ears as I feel her slip from my grasp, followed by a soft thump as she hits the floor. 

With a triumphant smirk on my face, I sit back on my heels catching my breath, I tilt my head to get a better look at Abby, she's laying there arching her back with a leg still resting against the couch. 

I reach over and grab the other peach, watching as what looks to be another wave rolling through, her fingers surely helping her get there. She brings those same fingers up to her lips, tasting as she turns her head and our eyes finally meet. 

Fuck, the way she looks at me. 

It renders me speechless as her eyes pierce through, like she was reaching for parts of me only she knew how to touch.

“Convincing enough?” I finally manage then take a decent size bite of the fruit, letting the fresh juices roll down. The fan rotates our way, taking notice of the droplet hanging from my nipple, sending a wave of goosebumps through me.  

Slowly, she gets on all fours and crawls forward onto the couch as I shuffle back on my knees, never breaking eye contact. That look in her eyes causes heat to burn in my very core. Not paying attention, my foot catches on a cushion and I fall back onto my ass, dropping a foot to the floor. 

She starts to slowly crawl up my body and I inch myself back, feeling my boxers pull down slightly as it sticks to the leather. The cool material presses against my back letting me know I’ve reached the opposite armrest with nowhere else to go.

The look in her eyes held this intensity, telling me right then and there, I am no longer in control. Little does she know that this moment isn't the only thing I’m no longer in control of. Or can she read that in my eyes?

The delirious state the heat has put me in, mixed with her tongue tracing up my stomach, sends a powerful throb to my clit. 

I take another bite of the peach and try to sit up, but as she straddles my waist she lays her hand flat between my breasts, pushing me back down. I don’t fight it but instead, wonder if she can feel my heart pounding.

She leans down and kisses me so hard I let the peach roll out of my hand and onto the floor. Before I can bite into the flesh she forces her tongue between my lips, scooping out the piece, and pulling it back into her mouth. 

Abby sits up and arches her back, pushing her mound just below my belly button, coating my sweat-slick skin with her juices. Her hand still holding me down as she shows me the peach between her teeth.

The seconds stretch like minutes as we stare into each other's eyes, listening to the hum of the fans slowly fade in harmony. A heavy silence fills the room, the power must have cut out. It doesn't matter, nothing outside of this moment matters. 

Lines of light sneak in from the blinds and glide across her skin, making the sheen of sweat that coats her body shimmer. She starts to grind her warmth against my stomach, inching back, closer to my need and extracting a groan from a depth I never knew existed.

I watch the juice coat her bottom lip as she bites into the fruit and lets out a moan that rivals my own. The sound of her piercing the ripe flesh mix’s with the melody of her sweetness sliding against my skin causes a shiver roll through me. The need for release building with each roll of her hips.

Unable to catch a breath as my mind melts and the heat takes over, not only from between my legs but the thump in my chest.

She has me, all of me. I clench my jaw to stop the flow of three words from bubbling up on their own. 

“I recall there being Popsicles in the freezer.” She grins that mischievous grin once again. 

‘She’s the one.’ 


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Weekend with Mistress and Master

This weekend we were at home. I have been in chastity non-stop all-week. I don't usually stay locked up that long but Mistress has been gone. I have been with master and we have been fucking. Normally I will cum from anal every couple of days or so but I haven't at all this week. Mistress thought she had a plan. After she put me in a cute babydoll, she blind-folded me, handcuffed my hands behind my back and led me through the house.She hand led me to and put me on her sybian. She put a collar...

1 year ago
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A Different Kind of Heaven Ch 01

The following story is purely fiction and bears no resemblance to any actual life events. Characters are a work of imagination and do not reflect anyone real, living or deceased, or fictitious, and all are 18+. Please feel free to leave any questions, comments, of concerns, as they will be greatly appreciated. ***** Caroline woke up to the sound of an unfamiliar alarm going off. She reached up to turn it off, only for her hand to hit nothing but air. She looked around to find herself not in...

1 year ago
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1993Chapter 12 Taming Mrs Collingworth

Returning home from Florida always required an adjustment to the system. The change in outside temperature was one thing, but on this day there was also light snow to contend with. It was quite late on Friday night when I drove Ned's car home and put it in the garage. Finding my answering machine flashing was expected. It was the number of messages that surprised me. I returned the last one first. "Sammy, are you at home? Did you just get there?" "Yes, Mom, I'm back." "Good!...

1 year ago
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Carmine strolled carelessly into the clearing. It had been years since she had been here, but not much had changed. The track she was walking on meandered vaguely across the open area, and disappeared in the woods again on the other side. She was a striking young woman. Tall and a healthy sort of thin with tanned long legs. Jet black short straight hair, barely tussled by the breeze; large expressive but dark eyes; small firm breasts confined within a tight bright red tank-top atop a pair of...

3 years ago
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The First Noel

Angela sat on her empty bed and did her ritual of missing her husband, who had died a year ago, before bed as she did almost every night since. Everybody said it would be better in time, that time would heal, she'd soon find the will to move on, but it seemed that the only thing time did was make it worse. She found herself missing her husband more every passing week. Dating again was only a thought she flirted with. And for a woman of forty, with signs of how she'd look when she was sixty...

4 years ago
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Cookies Cream Ch 08

‘Mallow Cup’ Now, in this chapter, I want to focus on Eleanor and her fantasy man, Father Alexander O’Sheehan. Now this was a humorous story and at the same time very cute. Now to exception to it, there were some bits that were really sexy to me. The thing about the story was this is a two-sided story…sort of. Eleanor told me most of her ordeal. On the other hand, Father O’Sheehan thought nothing of the attraction until they met. So, with this in mind, this is their first meeting… The day...

1 year ago
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Well, I guess everybody knows what they'll find at Taboo Porns? Have you ever fantasized about fucking your step-sister? How about your stepdaughter? Maybe you’ve verified Freud’s theory and have always dreamt of fucking your mom (ya sick fuck). If so, there has never been a better time for you to be alive. The adult industry is ablaze with taboo videos. In fact, if you aren’t into taboo “incest” porn, then you are kind of shit out of luck.This genre of porn has quickly risen to prominence and...

Incest Porn Sites
2 years ago
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Stories of the students teachers and parents who attend a school dance

Mike smiled at the girl on the couch. She returned an inviting smile and he took a seat at her side, touching her from shoulder to thigh. He had always thought that Susan was the prettiest girl in his class, but he had never worked up the courage to tell her. He turned his face sideways and her face was right there, waiting to be kissed. So he did. He kissed her softly at first and then he moved his lips on hers and then he slipped his tongue in her mouth. He slid his hand across her flat...

2 years ago
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The Dragons Of ArborChapter 17 The Anvil of the Dragons

The knowledge that Durin's body wasn't in the crypt built for him here in Peloi was one of those details that slipped past us in our rush to get here, I guess. Like Sid's not being aware of what could happen to an unattached Wizard. I shared the general dismay over the lack of new information here as well, but everything now was colored by my efforts to resist the call I was feeling from the ocean nearby. It called to me in a way no body of water ever had. That it called was exciting...

1 year ago
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BruceStory from the perspective of a college boy who is abused by a dom master and turned into a sissy faggot pussyboy whore, who learns to love his abuse.This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs,with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face andbarely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I didhave a few experiences with other guys when I was young.I dated and slept with girls and was straight in appearance and...

2 years ago
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I made another mans wife my cock hungry whore pt 2

I decided to move forward and test this girls limits. Let me introduce you to Mel.Mel is 50 years old, has been married for 30 years, has two grown sons and wears the pants in her family. Frequent FB selfies, check-ins at the gym, manicurist, hair stylist, etc.... Works as a consultant in one of those makeup companies. Does not sleep in the same room with her husband and does not enjoy sex with him. She states she tries to avoid it for as long as possible. She does LOVE watching gang bang...

2 years ago
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The Rogues Harem Book 2 Chapter 5 The Queens Good Boy

Book Two: Rogue's Wicked Harem Part Five: The Queen's Good Boy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Chapter Thirteen: Royal Command Sven Falk – Faerie “Fuck my daughter.” The command that the faerie queen gave me shocked me. I expected to be ordered to eat her pussy, to make her cum. I was here to pleasure her, to show her my prowess in bed. Did she not think I was worthy to fuck her? That I wasn't good enough to bend her over and fuck her hard from behind? The urge to stand up, throw...

3 years ago
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Annias story

Annia's Story Before the written word, people shared stores by way of oral tradition. Sometimes these were fairy tales, or morality plays, but sometimes actual history was shared by one person telling another, passing the story down through time until some bright person finally writes it down. Many of those stories have sadly been lost, so it's not impossible something like the tale I'm about to share really happened. You young ones want to hear about Annia do you? I'll tell you...

1 year ago
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A game that changes

This is an inspired project that I think can be fun. The following links are what inspired my direction, but please feel free to own your own direction for this story. The Game that Changes is fluid, and the game master can change play of the game on a whim i.e. if a master feels the player needs a Sims like game then the mode will feel like the Sims, but this player needs a fighting game, an adventure game, sports game, etc then the game shifts to manipulate the player, so the player will...

4 years ago
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Awesome Threesome

I had shared in my earlier stories, how my wife had expressed her deisre to have a threesome with her and one of her friends. This was after i ended up having sex with her friend and she had no problems with it. I was back from the place where I work and was on a 15 day vacation. As usual, I reached home late on Friday night and straightaway went to sleep. My wife was already asleep when I got into bed. My eyes opened around 3 am and noticed that my wife was not in our bedroom. I thought she...

4 years ago
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Next Door Neighbor Part II

Next Door Neighbor — continued The following weekend Carrie asked if I could help her clean out the garage at her boyfriends house. I had no plans so I was glad to help her. It took about an hour or so to move some furniture around and clean out the garage for the garbage department to pick later that week. Carrie looked at me and said, ‘now we have all day to continue where we left off last week,’ I smiled and we headed to the bedroom. We didn’t waste anytime as we got undressed. Carrie opened...

3 years ago
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Natalie heaven sex storyrsquos slut holiday Uk and Eur

Hey it’s Natalie again with a nother off my real life sex story’s I touched on this story a little in one off my last story’s fucked for a job so thought I would put it out there the story is off me whore my ass around some parts off the uk and Europe for all inclusive stay Very long story hopefully not to long for yous I was 19 at the time off this story Story keys So ( M 1 ) and ( M 2 ) stand for Manchester guys ( L 1 ) and ( L 2 ) stand for London guys ( Fr 1 ) and ( Fr 2 ) stand for french...

4 years ago
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Curious in the big city

After high school you did a year of community college before getting into the University you wanted. You have already got hired onto a coffee shop close to campus, and found an apartment online that is close to campus, and relatively cheap. You move what little you have into your tiny apartment, you got a two bedroom since there were not any singles available. The two bedroom apartment is still really small, and smells like sweat and ass. You are doing the best you can to clean up and air out...

1 year ago
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Sausages and Spatulas

This story only available on Lush Stories. If you are reading it elsewhere, it has been stolen.She watched him across the kitchen.He was naked and bent over the table, filling in the crossword in his newpaper.Keeping one eye on the pan, she sneaked over and smacked him with the hot, oily spatula.SLAP!"Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed his ass with one hand, whilst scratching his forehead with the pen in his other.She grinned."Just lubing you up for some playtime." She went back to the hob to...

2 years ago
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Help My girlfriend is a Unicorn Chapter 7

Help! My girlfriend is a Unicorn! Chapter 7 Despite the fact no one at school remembered the "food fight", I discovered that there were some changes in people the next day. Boys especially, were looking at me differently, but even some of the girls seemed to be more aware of my existence than before, even though I had returned to a more "tomboy" look. But the biggest change was internal. Once I had relaxed, there had been something freeing in being "pretty", although it was...

1 year ago
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Brutal Dog Sitting

Day 1 A few years ago, I was living with my parents who lived in a fairly nice urban home. The city we lived in was in the prairies, and there were a lot of farm lands not too far away from the city outskirts. So on a nice summer day, when the wind is going east, you can smell the wheat from the farm lands. Of course the city it's self was not very large, so everyone in neighborhoods knew each other. As for me, I lived in a generally quiet neighborhood that was closer to the outskirts. So we...

3 years ago
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My first anal

My knees sank into the sand.My chest sinks into the sand.He held me by Christian's ankles at shoulder level.I couldn't lift my hips any more; I couldn't offer it more.His hands were on my buttocks: He opened them anxiously, as if he wanted to enter my body completely.His testicles like two heavy steel balls hit my swollen clit. The moisture of our sex splashed with each blow, more and more, growing like the a****l madness displayed in his screams and in my moans that were a tool for me to...

2 years ago
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Megyn Kelley Dancing Melons

Prior: Megyn Kelley - Surprise Sex Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible fate Prior: Megyn Kelley - Terrible journey (Broadcaster Blonde MILF Bitch has been nabbed and is being held by Pro Football player Michael and other players at a rural location. Michael has her strung up and is working over her legs with a power washer.) Michael laughed at her struggles. “Wait til we get to your cunt and your tits. You are going to be red as a beet all over. “ Michael watched with...

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PornWorld Asia Vargas Blackhaired Colombian Hottie Asia Vargas Pussy Pounded before Dinner

Mesmerizing black-haired Colombian MILF Asia Vargas is chef today, and she has decided to cook for her date. When Erik Everhard came to her house, aperitif sounded like a tempting solution before dinner is done. There is no better aperitif than sex, right? Slutty Latina tasted his cock in her mouth, and that was her intention from the very beginning. Erik just can’t resist, and he stuffed her pussy and asshole with his thick cock. This kind of dinner was the perfect way for satisfying...

3 years ago
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Jaymies Road to Ruin Part 3

PART 3 - BACK TO THE SCENE OF THE FIRST CRIME After a few weeks had passed since my encounter with Frank, I felt like maybe I should try to make contact with the man that had started my path to ruin. Since it was still winter, I could do a lot of things without people noticing. I continued to shave my legs, chest and underarms and paint my toenails. In preparation to meet John (I really wanted to make a good impression) I got a pair of red panties and red thigh high stockings and...

4 years ago
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Have Your Way with Me

I have always fantasized about a woman taking me captive and having her way with me. Now, at 50 years of age I still thought it was a wonderful dream but was very aware that it wasn't going to happen, until... She ran by my house every afternoon somewhere between 4 and 5 PM. The first few times I noticed her I was working at the computer and saw her go by my front bedroom window. After a week or two, I finally determined that she was on some sort of a schedule so I started going out on the...

3 years ago
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Good Things Comes to Those Who Wait Chapter 1 All My Girls

I have three wives today—Clarisse was first, Julie was next, and then Carol Ann—well, they really aren’t my wives, but I treat them as if they are. They use to be my foster family, Clarisse was my foster mom before I turned eighteen and foster care stopped paying her for my support, Carol Anne and Julie were my foster sisters. We saw very little of our dad, he was a member of the Teams and was always rushing off on some Special Ops to save the world, for a while I dreamed about signing up and...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 381 Witches and Power

Now to show that I can be a god! When Eve, the weather witch, could stop laughing, she was sitting where I told her. I had distracted her to the point that she stopped pushing more energy into the hurricane she sent toward the island. “Thank you, Eve,” I told her. “Relax. You are done for today. If you piss me off, you will be done forever, destined to look your age as you wait for eternity, unless someone kills you first.” “You arrogant little bastard, David, do you think you are a god or...

1 year ago
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Meri Badi Didi K Sath First Sex

Hello guys my name is deepak N m aaj aapko mere first sex experience k baare m btaane jaa rha hu. Pehle m aapko baa du ki meri age 18 h ,colour fair h aur mera lund ka size 6 inch h. Meri didi b bilkul msst maal jesi h Unka fig exactly to pataa nhi prr samjh lijiye ki unke boobs oor gand ese h ki kisi kaa b dekhte hi lapakne ka mann krr jaaye Ab m story p aata hu Ye isi year summer holidays ki baat h ki m apni didi k yha chutti mnaane gya tha meri didi mujhse sirf 2 saal hi badi h isliye...

1 year ago
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Private Talia Mint The Horny Lifeguard

The stunning Talia Mint has come to Private Specials, Vacation Sex and after this sexy lifeguard resuscitates Alberto Blanco back to life he wastes no time taking her back to his mansion to express his gratitude. The excited Talia gets everything she was hoping for as she enjoys mouthful of big cock outdoors by the pool, drooling and deepthroating before spreading those legs for a good fuck. Watch the gorgeous Talia in action as she rides and screams in all her favourite positions all the way...

2 years ago
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Seasonal Dates a Simple Christmas StoryChapter 5

In the morning, I woke and went in to work. It was a good morning. At a quarter before twelve, I received a page. I had a guest up front. I went up to reception and there was Lois looking really good. I gave her a quick hug and kiss. We went to the back and I introduced her to Kathy and Mack. The four of us went to lunch. It was delightful. When we finished and were back at the office, I walked her out to her car. She said, “I enjoyed meeting your friends. They’re good folks. Now, I want the...

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My 2nd time with a transexual Escort

It had been a year since Isabella had ripped my anal virginity from me (see my rough treatment story) and life had gone on as usual. I was still in a relationship with the same girl and had continued my usual routine of of work and weekend benders with my noisy mates. I may have outwardly appeared butch and masculine to my peers but my session with isabella had changed me and i found myself masturbating regularly over the memory of my domination at the hands of my transexual tormentor. I wasn't...

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Always on GuardChapter 22

Eslada steadfastly avoided thinking about the contents of the box Jorgarn had brought back from Domita. The fact that insects seemed to be attracted to it was enough for her to understand what was inside. She was not surprised that Jorgarn and his soldiers were eager to return to Emertland and hoped to leave by the morning tide. She had barely had enough time to pack the belongings she wished to take with her, given the amount of time she had to spend assuaging Wenta's fears about the...

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Extra Credit

I stood frozen outside of my professors office, my hand raised to knock at the door. I knew I didn't have a choice at this point, it was time for me to face the music. In the last quarter I'd really let my focus go, especially in English (usually my favorite subject). I just couldn't seem to think about work. I kept getting distracted by my professor. Watching his mouth while he lectures and the way he smooths his tie when he's sitting at his desk. I was supposed to be finishing the final draft...

4 years ago
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How many can she take

My husband Steve describes me as a very pretty shoulder-length redheaded MILF; I am in my early thirtys; 5’4”, with natural 34F breasts with sensitive pinkish-brown nipples, a nice round silky smooth bum and a tight partially shaved pussy. My husband loves to create all kinds of sexual encounters with me as the center of attention. I have been in many situations with girls, boys and big groupd.. He even had me perform like a prostitute at a downtown Manchester hotel once. I have really enjoyed...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Enjoying My Teacher Wildly

Hi and hello to one and all, this is Ricky and am coming up with a real story that happen with in recent past. I was doing my bachelor’s degree in a well reputed college in south as my college was at hill station it always remained cold and made us search for warmth in form of liquor or girls. Now coming straight to what I am really up to. I had sex encounter with my class in charge Renuka. She wasn’t beautiful at all but should compliment her structure she had 36-30-32 she had a very curvy...

2 years ago
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Seductive Dreams Ch 05

What a great conference this was. I thought to myself as I was relaxing on the plane sitting next to Sandy just knowing that this conference was a great opportunity for us to spend some quality time together. I asked for a couple of blankets as Sandy was a bit cold and I had other things in mind. We got the blankets, put them on then buckled up like good passengers, and the slide myself over to her as close as possible, and she laid her head onto my shoulder. I took my hand and reached over...

3 years ago
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County Cork Cock

True Story!My ex wife Emily and I were travelling Europe in 2004 when we made out way to Cork, Ireland. We did the usual touristy stuff, kissed the blarney stone, and of course took in a lot of the local drink..One night walking around downtown we came across a bit of a sketchy part of town.. nothing too bad, just off the beaten trail a bit from most of the other tourists. We saw a few adult cinemas and spank booths. A common sight in our travels. Being that it was often difficult to find...

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The School Bookstore

At the high school I attended we had daily study halls with the option of going to the library instead of the main commons which was located centrally within the school.It was my sophomore year two months into the new school year.I had been going to the library and reading a few of the more interesting books that were in a school's library.The librarian Miss Daniels was a curvaceous red head around thirty-eight years old.Whenever I went to the front desk to check out a new book,she always...

2 years ago
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The Taylor family 6

Sunday morning came and once more the girls slept late behind a closed door.Standing at the door to the garage meanwhile, Ann watched with a wan smile as her husband backed his big sedan out. He had his clubs in the trunk of the car and was on his way out to the course to meet some friends for a few rounds of golf, not expecting to return until some time late in the afternoon.Quite frankly, Ann was just happy to see him go, knowing that something really special was due to happen once she and...

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Deepa Aunty In Blue Saree Part 1

Hi readers this is Ashok writing my first story. I am an aunty fan and the most tempting thing for me is aunty navel, especially when aunty removes pallu. Our family moved to an apartment when I was on ninth standard. I am the only son of my parents; father is a businessman, and my mother a housewife. Our neighbours were Telugu people a widow and her son named Suresh. After some time Suresh married Deepa, a Telugu native from Chennai. Deepa is my crush and heroine of the story and myself...

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Housewives and Cheerleaders Chapter 14

It was getting toward evening on Friday, and Jessica sat alone by the pool with her first cocktail of the night. She was anxious to get things underway; she had a lot of big plans for the weekend. The time was now, she thought. This whole situation with the cheerleaders seemed too fraught to last long, especially in light of what Kelly had told her about Kat and her lack of discretion. Young women could be awfully unpredictable, and this was one reason why Jessica usually stayed away from them,...

1 year ago
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Daddy Teaches Paige

Note : This story is completely fictional! Paige awoke to the sound of her alarm beeping, it was 7:30, a nice, warm Saturday in May. She hastily stumbled out of bed and headed towards the bathroom down the hall, in between hers and her father’s bedrooms. Yawning, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her blonde hair was dis-shelved from her nights sleep, and her eyelids still looking heavy. She admired the blue eyes under them, they being her favorite feature, because they reminded her so...

4 years ago
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5 December 2008Chapter 11

“The girls will definitely be proud of you when we tell them about tonight,” Dan said pointing the Mustang towards home. “I had a lot of fun too, Daddy. It’s been a long time since it was just the two of us out for a night of fun.” Entering the front door, Cathy was met by the keen noses of Sarg and Major who could smell the stale odour of sex emanating from her pussy. “They’re excited to see you,” Dan teased. “I bet they want more than to smell me.” “Are we glad you’re home, Jessica...

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Your Wrestling Story

(Make sure to press "start game") You pinch yourself to make sure you aren't dreaming. For the 500th time, nothing happens. The cheap car you rented only gets hotter the longer you lounge in it, but you can't bring yourself to start the engine and head back to the airport. You can only sit there and lay back, looking up with the biggest smile on your face. You look over out the window at the WWE Performance Center. For those working inside, it was just another busy day. For you, however, it was...

3 years ago
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Joey and his Bullies 3

Introduction: A party takes place at Joeys house. Daddy comes to visit Joey and his Bullies 3 By Mathew Elizabeth By 1 oclock in the afternoon on Saturday, all eight of the 16-year-old skater boys had already cum on Joeys mother in the master bedroom and decided to pay attention to Joey himself. He had already groveled to a beating while his mother got titty fucked by the smallest boy there. So now they wanted to see something funny. A girly boy older than them being sexually humiliated. ...

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