Adventures Of A Greenie: Off Planet (Vol 2)Chapter 10: Tanya free porn video

The view was awesome, absolutely awesome. He could see the entire ocean of trees and far in the distance the shimmering of an ocean, a river meandered in a green valley far below. He saw tiny houses there and on the side of a mountain, he saw tiny dots sliding down that white stuff. On top of the other mountain was a building of sorts. Connected with little gondolas traveling up and down suspended on cables.
He wondered what they were doing and said to Partner. “It’s freaking cold up here and the air is a tad too thin to camp here. Let’s check out what those folks are doing over there, but let’s not freak them out and teleport.”
Partner send him the mental picture to hold on tight and he clamped his hands around the collar and his legs around Partner and the huge animal went straight down the almost sheer slope, its claws ripping deep into the rock, breaking the descent at first but then going faster than ever before. It was the most frightening and yet most awesome thing he ever did. This was much more intense than even the slide down the ice caves.
Every sense in him was fully awake and he screamed out of full lungs, not out of panic, but sheer thrill. He was out of breath and barely felt his cramped hands as they slowed down, the slope eased and they reached grass-covered rocks of the mountain hugging valley.
“We got to do that again one day, Partner. That was frikking awesome!”
He rode to the little paved path that meandered towards the houses he had seen from above. Now he noticed a simple two-directional slide belt was built into the pavement He got down and he chose the one moving towards the buildings at the base of another much smaller mountain and the buildings there.
The houses were made of rock and wood, had slanted roofs with snow. Not far up the slope, the ground was covered all the way up the side of that mountain with snow. People on elongated boards came sliding down the hill. Others used a steep inclining slide belt to go back up, yet others used some sort of hoverboards to jet back up the hill.
He noticed humans and non-humans alike ... Below, one of the bigger buildings had a terrace and there were benches and tables. He was a bit cold and thought a cup of hot coffee would be perfect. Maybe watching a little longer, whatever they did remind him of the ice cave slides on Kappa VIII.
It was obvious the people had fun.
So he found a spot and sat down. Partner sat beside him and yawned.
“What, you are tired after all?”
Partner sneezed and squeezed its eyes, then he saw a picture of the animal in a bed.
“What is it with you and sleeping? But then you did do most of the running today. Why don’t you go ahead? I can come back later. I still want to figure out what they are doing here. When I am done you can come and pick me up or something.”
Partner looked at him as if to say.”Are you sure?”
“Yeah sure go ahead.” Partner liked his hand and vanished.
Roy went up the wooden stairs and sat down at one of the benches. It didn’t take long and a nice looking humanoid waitress came and took his order. He coughed but didn’t say much as she asked for four credits.
He knew he wouldn’t ask for another. The coffee came in a big mug and was hot and he felt quite content, watching the strange sport. Suddenly his danger sense warned him, and he reacted and swatted a thing that came flying into his direction. It was a mass of the white stuff. a strong and tall looking guy had thrown at him.
The guy was human and was accompanied by two others of the same kind. They wore tight-fitting multi-colored coveralls.
The tallest barked at him. “Hey, you looser. Who allowed you to sit so close to my girlfriend?”
Roy blinked as he had no clue what the guy, who was about his age was talking about. He turned and saw the most beautiful girl he had ever seen sitting at the bench next to him. She had a white and red-colored suit, and long blonde hair, great eyes, and the most perfect nose, anyone could ever have. She also about Roy’s age.
She glared at the guy.” I am not your girlfriend.”
Roy shrugged and said.” Whatever this is, I have no idea what you guys are doing. I am just watching those folks sliding down the hill, that’s all!”
The tall boy laughed. “You are a retard. A stupid, dumb retard. Now beat it and leave or I make you!”
Roy was in no mood to fight and said.
“You might want to take it easy on the insults and let me be.”
He knew it was the smart thing to get up and leave, but he had paid for the coffee and he was going to finish it. Besides he didn’t like bullies much. The guy pointed at the girl.
“You, are with me now. I think you look nice. I am Bart Richmond the third!” She said.” I don’t care who you are. Would you please let me be?”
“I can’t do that. You see I would be very disappointed. My friends here said I could never get you, I will not be disappointed and I always get what I want.” Roy said in a friendly but firm tone.
“I think you and your friends leave now. Let the lady be, and let me finish my coffee.”
The lead guy kicked against the table and send Roy’s coffee flying and laughed. He made a threatening approach towards the girl and said. “I am not denied, you will come with me and we have fun.”
Roy got up and said.” Now you owe me four Credits and an apology. “Roy, despite being a hunk of almost 6’2” he wasn’t as tall as either of them. They looked well-toned and athletic.
Bart stepped close to Roy and looked down
“I am going to make the snow red with your blood, retard!” He swung his fist, but Roy evade the hopelessly slow punch with ease and with a forceful stomp of his All terrains stepped on the guy’s boots.
Bart’s face suddenly got torch berry red and yelped in pain. Now the one on Bart’s left tried to hit Roy with a clumsy haymaker. He was laughably slow. Roy caught the wrist of the boy pulled hard and buried his knee in the guy’s stomach. sending him to the wooden floor where he was getting green in his face. That gave Bart time to hit Roy in the stomach. Roy wondered what kind of guys they were. He barely felt it. Not thinking about the fact that his muscles were toned under much higher gravitation and that his stomach muscles were as hard as a rock.
Bart, however, realized very fast that they bit off more than they could chew. He backed away and hissed.”, I am going to get you for this retard!” Then turned and left, leaving his two friends behind.
The last one looked a bit surprised to be suddenly the only one left facing Roy and backed up as well, helped up his very sick looking friend of the ground and they too followed Bart.
Roy sat back down, wondering if he should leave or get another coffee. At four Unions better not.
The beautiful girl however said.
“Thank you so much, stranger. that was quite amazing how you dealt with those slope bullies. Can I say thank you and invite you to a cup of coffee or hot chocolate maybe?”
“Oh no problem, Ma’am. They weren’t very pleasant. I would gladly say yes to a cup of Coffee but at those prices here. I rather not accept it.”
“No worries. I would like to very much.”
She was drop-dead gorgeous, not even Cara could compete with that girl and she was perhaps his age and friendly so he said.
“Alright, I guess one cup would be alright.”
“Wonderful, what can I get you? Coffee, Latte or a Hot Chocolate?”
“I don’t know what a Hot Chocolate is, so I guess a cup of coffee.”
She had the most charming twinkle in her large eyes.”Trust me you like it. It seems you never have seen skiing, where are you from if I may ask?”
He blushed a little as he didn’t want to out himself as a total hick, but he could not come up with something slick so he said.
“I am from Green Hell.” He already expected her to laugh or something but she simply ordered two Hot Chocolates and then said.
“Oh, how fascinating. I heard some things about your home. I wonder if they are all true.”
She didn’t say something derogatory and even questioned what she had heard.
“Very little, I think. from what I hear folks say about our planet is mostly wrong.”
She also had the most magical smile. Little dimples appeared in her rosy cheeks.
“I can imagine. I bet it is a warm world though so all those Jungles can grow and that’s why you never have seen skiing.”
“We don’t have much snow on Green Hell and yes it is much warmer than here.” The waitress came with the cups and Roy tried and was surprised.
“That is good!”
“So what’s your name?” She wanted to know.
“Roy, Roy Masters, Ma’am.”
“Oh quit calling me Ma’am. I bet I am not older than you. I am Tanya.”
“That’s a nice name!”
“Thank you! It is old fashioned I know, but my Dad is old fashioned and likes old Earth names.”
“Mine was too He liked everything Pre Astro Earth and that’s why I am named Roy. It’s also an old Earth name.”
“Your Dad sounds a lot like mine, but he doesn’t like it anymore?”
Roy pressed his lips together.
“No, he died recently.”
She leaned forward and put her hand more out of reflex on his.” Oh, I am sorry!”
She lowered her long lashes and left her hand on his.” Can I ask how it happened?”
Roy nodded. “The Explorer ship my parents where on got attacked by pirates and they both died as the ship exploded. Now I think they might be still alive but far beyond Union space”
“Oh, my dear Lord. You are all alone!”
“No I still got Uncle Sam I love him like a father, but he isn’t my real Uncle. Then I got a real Uncle on Terra somewhere but he doesn’t count, because he hates me or something and then there is this Saresii Woman who’s taken custody so I can learn on Sares.”
He then smiled. “And I got Partner, my Animal!”
“How long will you be on Odenworld?”
“I think for two or three days.”
“That’s great. We can hang out a little together if you like.”
“Are you serious? I mean you would hang out with me?”
“Yes, I am quite serious! If you want we can go to the beach party tonight together. They have fireworks and there is live music and all that. I was invited but I rather go with you than the other girls.”
Roy could not believe the girl was asking him on a date. She was a dream and she asked him!
“I never been to a beach party and I sure don’t want to embarrass you showing up with a Greenie who’s away from home for the first time and all that.”
“There is nothing you need to know about a beach party. Why would I be embarrassed showing up with a handsome guy and I think it is cool you are from Green Hell, who gives a hoot what others think?”
She had still not moved her hand and he liked the touch very much.” Will you go with me?”
“Alright, I guess I could!”
“Splendid! Come on Roy let’s go to back to Odem City and I show you where it is and all.”
“Okay. I guess we better get started. That slideway isn’t very fast.”
“I got my flyer right here.”
She got up and he followed her. She had not only the most beautiful face, but he also found the behind looked very attractive in the tight red and white suit.
She turned. “You don’t have to walk behind me.” She held out her arm as if it was the most natural thing and he took her hand.
“I didn’t mind walking behind you. It was kind of nice.”
She laughed. “You are so different from the guys I know. I like that very much and she leaned closer and he could smell her faint perfume and Roy always wondered how girls managed to smell so good.”Your behind is kind of sexy too you know.”
He blushed to his ears and as she went straight for a real Lamborghini Infinity he stopped.
“You are kidding me? This is your Flyer?”
“Well yes. I know it is a little flashy but please don’t feel intimidated or anything.”
She looked at him. “I liked you from the first moment I saw you, that’s why I sat close and hoped we would start talking. My dad has a little more money than others, but that does not change who or what I am.”
“You’re right. I still can’t believe my luck.”
“Do you want to fly it?”
“All I flew before was Ma Swenson’s Armored Dodge and Uncle Sam’s old truck.”
“Then you won’t have a problem with that one.”
The luxury flyer recognized its owner and the doors swung open. As he walked around it to get behind the controls he noticed the three guys not far next to a flashy red and gold Narcuda with painted flames and an extra-large turbine housing.
Bart pointed his finger at Roy and made it as if he had a gun and shooting then laughed.
Roy pulled his TKU just enough and smiled back, then got inside. The flyer even smelled expensive and had almost flat reclining seats. The controls came to life and the joke extended. It took him a moment to familiarize himself with the controls and then he pressed the start sensor and the twin turbines came to life with a very satisfying deep howl
“Wow, that sounds nice!”
She nodded.” It does.”
The doors closed and he took off. The thing handled like a dream. the Computronic came on the same time his danger sense warned him and said:
“Shields activated, pursuing craft activated a direct energy weapon.
Roy glanced at the rearview screen.”We are being followed by Bart and an armed Narcuda.”
She cursed.”It was play before but now they are going a step too far. They go to jail for that, armed flyers are not allowed here.”
“I think they don’t think that far right now. All they want is revenge or something. It seems I am a trouble magnet.”
“No, it’s not you. They are after me all day and he is one of those who will never accept a no.”
While she made a call as a shot peppered the shields of the Lamborghini. Roy didn’t wait and gunned the engines to the max and pulled the incredible fast flyer straight up, leaving the customized Narcuda far behind. The shields showed little strain and he looked over the very advanced readouts.

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