Adventures Of A Greenie: Off Planet (Vol 2)Chapter 28: Gray Ghosts free porn video

All the anxiety he had felt over the past months melted away, there before him was his mother, kneeling between vegetation, almost completely naked, covered from head to toe in sod, small cuts, and welts. Her once carefully coifed hair a filthy mop. Yet he recognized her like only a child could recognize its mother, this bond was older than thought and as powerful as psionics. He dropped to his knees, “Mom, it’s me, Roy. Everything will be alright now.”
Martha came to her feet. “Roy, oh my beautiful Roy. “She held his face with both hands. “It is really you!”
He had never seen his mother cry this way. The emotions of her ordeal were simply too much, nothing could contain them or find any other release.
He simply embraced his mother and held her head close to his chest. From the side, he noticed a woman in similar shape than his mother. She too was apparently exhausted to the very limit. She coughed, and her spittle contained blood. “You bastard! You killed Sister!”
The woman, as filthy as Martha went to her knees and with a loving careful motion, she recovered what was left of Sister. Geha was clearly furious, confused and angry.
“Listen, Ma’am. You are some sort of companion to mother, I assume, and I acknowledge this, but you raise that Line Blaster one more inch and I...”
Martha pushed herself away, enough to look at him. “Do not hurt her, this is Geha, my best friend. The other one was Sister. She too had become a good friend. She was not what everyone else thought of her.
The immediate surroundings started to teem with Marines in Destroyer suits. Two Corpsmen switched their suits to Union-White and displayed the blue six-pointed cross of Medical services. One of them approached Geha. “Ma’am you are suffering from severe exposure to a very potent local pollen. We must place you in stasis and transfer you to professional help.”
Geha stepped backward. “I won’t let you arrest me.”
“No one is arresting you, Ma’am.”
The Medic placed her in a stasis bubble before she could say anything else.
Martha held out her hand. “She is a friend and not a criminal, I must hear of her.”
“Right now, she is in a serious condition and we are authorized to transfer her to a Saresii Clinic. We will inform you of her progress of course, but you too need intensive medical care, Ma’am.”
Roy nodded to the Medic. “Please take good care of her, Sir.”
“Of course, Citizen.”
Roy gently lowered his mother on a form field stretcher. It was placed under a force field bubble and both Medics took off like ballistic rockets punching through the canopy and streaked ever faster towards the sky and the cloud cover.
A Marine had the only surviving Kermac in a tight restrictor field. His face was completely obscured behind the camouflaged faceplate. “If that isn’t something? An entire company dropping for a single Paperface. Well, it ain’t me who’s making the decisions around here.”
Another marine said. “Platoon Leader says, it’s back to the Stryker and she is very pleased you caught the fish, Dunn.”
Without so much as a few words of exchange, the Marines used their augmented muscles to jump like gigantic grasshoppers and in enormous arcs. Just like that, they were gone as fast as they had appeared.
Before Roy could even make sense od the situation, a man in a blue APE frame approached. “Pleasant Four-Hour Citizen, I am Police Captain Ruta of the Union Police, precinct Phantas. I assume you are Roy Masters?”
Roy stiffened his stance and said slowly, “Yes I am. It’s about the Forbidden Forest thing, right?”
“Technically yes, Mr. Masters. It is a pesky thing those laws I mean. It’s not even a local law per se but spelled out in detail in an Assembly act.”
Roy shrugged. “I understand Sir, but I would do it again. The life of my mother was at stake and in hindsight, I could not have timed it any closer. It was at the very last minute indeed. So, put me under arrest or whatever.”
“I could do that, but then as the chief of Police around here, I do have a little lean way, perfectly within the law. What I can not figure out, is how you got here. Your Great Grandfather swears you’ve been in his house, just about twenty minutes ago.
While I suspect Teleportation to be the answer, your HPI does not list such ability.”
“I don’t have any significant psionic abilities and I am not a teleporter.”
“That was the first thing I checked. We are quite good at that here on Phantas. I checked your entry information. Your pet was not listed, and it seems of a size that is hard to conceal.” Vince checked his PDD. “It is, however, a lawfully registered pet, listed as “Black Dog” and verified by a Ranger Solomon. So, who am I to argue with a respectable law enforcement officer of a very respectable branch?”
Roy wasn’t sure what to say and so he asked. “Am I under arrest or not?”
“No, Mr. Masters, but I want you to get a check-up from a local medic, you have been exposed to pollen and atmosphere out here. You see there is an actual reason for this place being forbidden and all.”
It was the strangest thing indeed, the special forces troops of the Mata Hari could not execute their mission. Not because of any difficulties, but because everyone was dead and the well-concealed hidden lab complex was completely empty.
Alsa Icante rapped his hand against the console, this little noise made Sam immediately wake up, fully alert.
Alsa gestured toward the main screen. “We just left the Nuran condition, Sam, we are here. Next stop the Planet of Universal Peace.”
The big black man stretched, glad to be able to stand up again soon enough.
At the same moment, Charles spoke over wrist-com. We are connected to GalCom, Sam. There is an active connection here.”
That was the best news Sam heard lately.
The Norkana sighed. “I guess you are good as home now.”
“Alsa, if you stick around for a little. I think I can add more Iridis or Polos to your load.”
“It was sure fun, Sam. Your mysterious friend and his amazing magic saved our bacon twice. First Emon and the Vanux, and then the Terror Scream of that nasty pirate Toph we encountered a day back.”
“You know you could do a lot of traveling inside Union space, anyone can apply for Union Citizenship at any Checkpoint and in your case, I would sponsor it.”
“You are serious? You mean even a Norkana could do that?”
“Norkana, Plato, Shiss, Poho, heck even a Kermac or a Dai could. The Union allows everyone to immigrate. All that is required is completing Union school and a core motivation assessment.”
Charles chimed in, there is a community of 50,000 Norkana on Free Norka, just 1500 lightyears Galactic East from here.”
Alsa sounded very surprised. “I am crisscrossing Freespace for decades, know about the Union Enclave and the location of several outposts, yet never knew about that.”
“It is part of the treaty and can not be advertised,” Sam explained.
“Would that not open the door to every spy and anti Union terrorist?”
Sam shrugged. “I think in some way it does. We are a free society and once you committed to becoming a Union Citizen, you have a lot of liberties, but also responsibilities towards Union law.
I never did it myself, but the Union does this for a long time, and the core motivation assessment seems to be very good at weeding out spies and such.”
Alsa announced their intentions and was cleared for landing.
As the small Norkana ship descended, Sam looked over the very large and somehow truly ancient spaceport. The sandstone colored mushroom-shaped Hall of the Galactic Stage dominating the skyline to the planets north.
Alsa put in words what Sam was thinking. “Most Unions have never heard of this place, but it exists for almost a million years, Sam. It is here the First Galactic Council came together. Back then your Earthers lived in caves and used the first stone tools. The Sarans, the Ult, the Nul, Shiss and many other so prominent species were at the very beginning of their civilizations.
Many of those who came together on this world for the first time after the Alliance of Sentients had fallen, have been forgotten today.
It was not always a Kermac façade, but yes the rise of these cursed white-skinned meddlers changed everything. Well that and a certain very aggressive species of primates that arrived here, not meek and quietly like most of the newcomers that discovered FTL. Earthers came with a Thunderclap, that still reverberates in the ears of many who can remember.”
There were about a dozen ships, to his great delight, a majestic Saresii ship, shaped like a bulbous plant leave and in an iridescent carnival glass orange so distinct to Saresii ships.
Alsa, the ugly Norkana turned his alien face and asked. “Would you let me tag along?”
“Yes, Alsa. Please do. However, I am not entirely done in Freespace yet. Yes, I am RAvE, and since I could not rescue Martha Masters. I will avenge and execute.”
Alsa twisted his alien face and it took a moment for Sam to realize the Norkana was smiling. “Maybe I can help? I know Freespace well, and I must confess I like the Avenge and execute part.”
Geha had to be transported to Sares Prime as even the advanced clinics and med centers were unable to provide Geha with the necessary care she now needed.
But the Saresii Med Specialists, consulted via Avatar assured Martha and Roy, that everything would be done to get her friend back to full health.
Martha herself had been released from Phantas hospital, her medical needs were of superficial, physical nature and could be addressed and corrected in only a few hours. While she too was exposed to the complex pollen molecules at a very high density, all med scans and tests confirmed that she had not taken any ill effect.
Neither had Roy or Partner as both had been scanned and tested as well.
Aaron her grandfather had picked her up from the clinic and now they were all sitting in the villa’s main lounge, with a spectacular view over the wind-tossed surf, several hundred meters below.
Roy stood by the door and stared at his mother. He still had a hard time believing it was over, there she was in flesh and blood. Clean, wearing a simple gray pantsuit combination. Her hair now masterfully styled to a sassy short hairdo.
She gave Roy a very thoughtful look. “My son, you have grown so much since I saw you last. There is so much we have to talk about, why don’t you sit with me and Aaron?”
Roy’s face changed to a deep smile. “I have grown up maybe even a little more. I told Partner to get her, as soon as she is close enough for one jump.”
Martha looked puzzled. “Get who?”
A sharp pop of quickly displaced air was the answer. The huge black beast had teleported in along with a tall and utmost beautiful young woman. To Martha, she appeared to be about the same age as Roy, but as it was so often the case, she appeared a little more mature.
Roy smiled deeper than she could ever remember as he said.” Mom, meet Tanya. Tanya is my fiancée.”
The statuesque girl had a natural supermodel beauty to her that elevated her far from the average. Martha could tell that this was not the result of any surgical or cosmetic enhancements but all-natural.
The blonde wore a very fashionable black and white minidress and knee-high boots. Her left hand rested on Partner. “Pleasant Sixth Hour, Ms. Masters. I am so glad Roy was indeed able to find you.”
“Much has happened since I have been abducted, I am surprised, pleasantly surprised that my son has committed to such a friendship. I am Martha. Why don’t you both sit down? There is so much to talk about.”
Aaron the old man had his head on his chest and was gently snoring. The local son was already well past the horizon on the way to the zenith as Martha and Roy had finished their respective stories.
Tanya, the beautiful blonde was not sleeping but had both her arms crossed on Partners back and looked quite comfortable.
Roy just said. “You know, of course, that father also made it and is back on Ribenna right?”
Martha frowned. “Yes, I placed a com while I was in the clinic. We decided to separate and annul our partner contract. I always knew about his true personality and was blind to it, as much as I was blind to the fact that I am indeed a mother. This ordeal has removed the last vestiges of patina and I have seen the real Paul Masters.” She sighed. “Let’s just leave it at that.”
Roy sighed. “I also decided to limit my exposure to him, I am turning eighteen in less than two weeks, Mother and then I am an adult. Union law gives me the right to divorce myself from my parents. I am not sure how the legal status is with Uncle Sam being my legal guardian, now that you are bot alive and back.”
Martha kept sighing. “I made terrible decisions and in a way, I am as guilty as Paul. I can not even begin to understand the emotional damage I caused to you over all those years.”
“Maybe you can’t understand it, dear Martha.” The old man was suddenly awake. “Your father and your mother haven’t heard much of you and you never bothered to even call me. Green Hell is not that far away for a personal visit once in a while.”
The old man’s voice was getting harder. “I know you are eager to follow my path into the hallowed halls of the Hive of Minds, but you will never get my endorsement, Granddaughter. To become a member you need more than intellect, you need wisdom. Leaving your son behind to chase some science dream clear across the galaxy is not only cold and uncaring, but it is also foolish and lacks common sense. Having a child is more than the result of carnal pleasure. It is a commitment you accepted when deciding to take the child to term.”
The old man now got up. “I am indeed a Member of the Hive, I am the managing director of Venus Zoo and the Dean of Venus University. In academic terms, you won’t find appointments with much higher acolytes. Yet I took a long break to be close to Moses, my son and your father, family comes first Martha. Why haven’t I ever met Roy before and in person or received a Com? The only time I got a com from you is when you wanted me to endorse in the academic community.”
Martha listened to the verbal barrage of her grandfather and tears dropped from her chin as she looked at him with sad eyes. “It all became clear to me in the slave pens of Alvor’s when it was too late and I knew life had ended. I can never make up for what I did, but I have a clear idea of what I will do going forward.”
That was of great interest to Roy so he paid the closest attention.
Martha sniffed and said. “I will return to Green Hell, I have talked to the Institute, the outpost we used as a house is still available. I am going to purchase it, but I no longer will I be a scientist alone. I will write about my ordeal and become an activist. My sole goal will be focused on the condemnation of slavery and finding ways to help former slaves.”
Roy said. “You going back home?”
“Yes, Roy. I come to realize, that the institute and my friends in Ant Hill are my home indeed.”
Martha gave Tanya a look but asked Roy. “Now tell me about the both of you.
The news of Stahl’s sudden illness had pushed all other news to a distant second.
McElligott was summoned with the highest priority and now he stood on the Focus and addressed the Assembly.
“Our beloved hero was attacked by a sentient society, unknown to most until very recently. A species known to the Leedei and called the Utenrra. A sentient species vile, evil and beyond redemption. The Tri of Science, the First of the Saresii and even the elusive Narth Supreme have warned and addressed you only recently.” He paused for effect. “These vile entities apparently used a strange and unusual psionic attack. Something experts tell me is a form of Chorus attack, tightly focused with unknown psionic technology lashed out against our mightiest warrior. As beloved and as war has proven Admiral Stahl is, he is a relic when it comes to these modern forms of war.
I call upon the Leedei to open their arsenals and share their psionic weaponry and warfare knowledge. I call upon the Saresii Gray Cats to consider the same and let Union engineers see what you are guarding since the First Age of Knowledge.
Let Ariglou’s wisdom guide the development of new weapons.
This is not entirely new, the Piostla used psionic means to attack. We defeated the Piostla with the help of Saresii, Ariglou, and Urilliua. Not with Translocator Cannons.”
The Urilliua delegate, only perhaps a hand-width taller than the dwarflike Ariglou, a species they were closely related too jumped on his seat so the visual sensors could see him better. “We want to know how he is? The Eternal Warrior is no relic and all Urilliua love him!”
McElligott spread his arms concealing his disdain masterfully with a concerned smile. “So do I, Representative Xunibi. Stahl has been transported to our most advanced clinics and will get the best care. The prognosis is still unclear, as he is the first Immortal affected by a psionic weapon we know little about.”
The Urilliuan clenched his fists. “ I call for war against these Utenrra. Let not one of these cowardly things escape. Urilliua will make our Psionic technology available without restriction.”
The Ariglou was next. “This is unprecedented indeed, the Urilliua, like us, are not... , are not from here. We accidentally fell into this space so to speak, but our esteemed and so highly admired friends did not come here by accident. What they have achieved in terms of psyonology is beyond that of the Saresii and easily on par with that of the Leedei and our Union will soon have weapons and means to wage terrible war indeed. We Ariglou are not nearly as advanced in terms of technology, but we are easily superior to most when it comes to natural abilities. “The little green, bald dwarf now sounded very sad and concerned. “We are Union members because of the Eternal Warrior, the Glou himself will travel to the here and seek to help Admiral Stahl.”
The session went on and it became quite an exercise of will to McElligott to remain openly concerned. It was unbelievable just how popular and beloved that Buffon was.
Almost six hours later he left the Assembly and his disgust and disdain for Stahl made way to a feeling of triumph and success. “What no one had achieved before was now his. Devices and technology that would catapult the Union into a new age, able to counter and sweep away all enemies of the Union with ease.
Why could this simple Marine not understand this? Sometimes you had to go a different route than open and direct force. McElligott had tried, Sweet Mary of Scots he had tried to make that stiff-necked jarhead see. This was the core philosophy of the submariner. Silent, unseen and deadly.
The Old Admiral felt thirsty and went to a Serve-Matic to dial himself a drink when he stopped himself. An idea had suddenly formed in his mind. Yes, that what was needed, a modern deep-space version of a submarine, a deadly fish. Equipped with the best, able to disappear, crewed by the most cunning crew.
NAVINT had the right idea almost 400 years ago. A Pirate ship, officially hunted by the Union and others, roaming freely in that cursed Freespace as a bane of Merchants, Slave dealers and other pirates alike.
A woman stepped into his way, at first, she appeared to be Saresii as she had similar features. Statuesque body, long silvery-white hair framing her exotic not quite human face of great beauty. She too chose to wear the so very popular one-piece catsuit, which was the first choice of dress of the Saresii. Her velvet suit was as tight as can be, obscuring little of the forms and shapes beneath the thin material. Unlike the many colorful designs chosen by the average Saresii, her suit was midnight black, and void of any decorative adornments, except for a small silver pin above her left breast in the form of a stylized human brain.
Before him stood Alycia Lichfangh, the Commandant of PSI-Corps. No one could tell him for sure from where she really came from. Alycia had been with the Eternal Warrior when he came back from his Exile.
McElligott cursed silently at that fact, for all he cared Stahl should have stayed missing.
The woman before him was a complete mystery. Deepa called her a witch and was a little afraid of Alycia. The NAVINT Admiral believed Lichfangh came from a place hidden deep in the Igras Expanse and was not really from this plane of existence.”
Cherubim, who was afraid of no one and nothing, Cherubim who was the oldest of all Immortals from Earth, roaming Earth since the times of Gilgamesh, was afraid of Alycia. Of that, O’Brock was certain. The Council of Saresii Elder declared Alycia to be the most powerful psionic talent of them all. Some claimed she moved a small moon via her telekinetics all by herself. Reports existed claiming she teleported thousands of light-years, being at Pluribus one moment and by Stahl’s side the next.
The most disturbing attribute assigned to her was the rumor that no one could lie in her presence.
Her face as unreadable to most, but McElligott could see deep-seated anger in her large eyes. Inhumanly large black pupils with an unusually bright red iris. The Old Admiral could almost feel the invisible flames of heat.
“Admiral McElligott, I am sure you know who I am. We met a few times in official meetings before.”
“Of course, I remember General Lichfangh. You are an Army General of a small psionic reaction unit encroaching in on NAVINT-PSION jurisdiction. If I recall, there was a discussion before the Assembly Armed Forces committee suggesting to abolish that redundant department of the Army. I personally think the Army in its entirety should be made a Department of the Navy anyhow. In itself a quite useless branch if I may say so.”
Alycia smiled, but her smile was as cold as that of a cobra. “And yet that Armed Forces Committee disagreed with your recommendations and increased the funding for PSI Corps.
As a matter of fact, the Union Security Council is in session right now, Admiral. Why don’t we go in there together and you explain to them what NAVINT and you cooked up under Project Permeation Red?”

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