Adventures Of A Greenie: Off Planet (Vol 2)Chapter 19: The Backdoor free porn video

The Unth had reached Bhrama Port and rested against the long mooring arm. Groghr nu Trrmphka, the Togar shipmaster stood by the open passenger hatch, accompanied by his Kakth Oghr mate. He watched the tall human debark. “Have a nice time on Brhama, Human and thank whatever gods you may worship that we actually made it.”
Sam turned. “I noticed the alarms, but it seems you mastered the situation, whatever it may be.”
The Togar shipmaster brushed over his whiskers. “Turned half my fur gray, that is certain.”
The Unth had a few more passengers and freight. The Togar wondered however where that really tall and massive looking humanoid came from completely covered by a Norian rug.
Groghr asked his mate. “Say where did that monster come from? I don’t recall that bipedal thing boarding anywhere.”
His first mate wondered as well. “I can not tell you, but that Norian rug certainly looks just like one of the loads of rugs we took on at Sin 4.”
“You mean the freight we took on for the Donheer’s bound for Sobody’s Rock?”
“Yes, I think we better stop whoever that is and ask where it got aboard and if that rug might belong to the Donheer load.”
One of the Unth’s crew members just then joined them, he too was a Togar. The cat pointed over his shoulder. “I am sorry shipmaster but our topside airlock hatch had just cycled. Can I check the Tronic? I think there is a problem, that airlock hasn’t been used in years.”
Groghr still looked after the giant completely covered in a very expensive antique rug. “I wonder how it sees, I see no eye holes or anything.” Then he turned to the other Togar. “You go up there weld it to the frame.”
His mate pointed to the giant that now joined the dark-skinned human. “I still think we should...”
Groghr shook his head. “If you want to, go ahead. I for one intend to go to the Motherload and get wasted, too many weird things happened during this trip. Exploding Nogoll, passengers debarking we never took aboard and airlocks cycling all by itself. And don’t tell me a being of that size could sneak aboard and stow away without being seen.”
Sam grinned as he stepped on the simple slide belt that moved inside the long moring arm towards the actual asteroid. “I bet they are wondering where you came from.”
“Once they were docked, I assumed a cycling airlock would not cause the same attention than if it had done so in deep space. Besides, even my adaptive camouflage has its limits in confined spaces.”
“Yeah, that Togar isn’t big enough for you not being bumped into. Speaking of camouflage, where did you get that rug?”
“My Alvor sourced cloak did not survive my rapid launch to catch up with the Unth. Being recognized as a Union battle robot seemed inappropriate, thus I liberated this large piece of textiles from a container in the cargo hold.”
“Well, whatever it is, it will do till we can get you a better disguise. The first thing, however, is to pick up our trail.”
“One is a sophisticated war machine, but I concede to the fact that you are still far ahead in these regards. How are we going to do that?”
“By asking the right questions as we did so far, my sophisticated war machine friend. I am in this RAvE business for a while now and I have been here before.”
“Ah yes, and I shall attempt to assist you with the questioning.”
Sam snickered. “I am glad you are still with me, Charles. You have a certain way with even the toughest guys.”
Compared to all the things he experienced since he left Green Hell, the trip to Sares Hub was about as boring and eventless as could be if one excluded the GalNet calls, of course.
The USS Biscaya had made the trip using the Hyper Highway in no time and was now on its way to dock with Sares Hub. He was told from there he could take a Trans Matter Tunnel directly to Sares One.
The Sentmac officer had called him over Internship and informed him about all this and told him the ship would dock in less than two hours.
Roy did not have much in terms of luggage. All his worldly possessions, at least the things that weren’t stored in a container now on its way to Ribenna colony, were inside his backpack.
He did not really unpack, so there wasn’t much for him to do, but wait.
Roy had passed the time playing games and watching a few GalNet shows. He also tuned in on Channel Three, to watch the news. Until recently, Channel Three and news were for adults and did little to pique his interest. However, the development over the recent months put him more or less square center into the latest developments.
The Assembly had declared war, after what happened on and around Green Hell. All the events happened right there with him closely involved.
Roy met Cara, believed his parents to be lost to a pirate attack. He met the actual president of the Union, Pandar Strong.
Subsequently exposed to be a Kermac agent, the president had been arrested. His public execution transmitted over GalNet just recently.
He had learned about a proposal of the Saresii representative to eliminate the office of president entirely. It had gained much momentum.
No new president had been elected so far, and the Assembly was working on new acts and laws to replace whatever the president’s office did with something the Assembly could do instead.
When the latest news coverage of an Assembly session focused on the Leedei representative he paid close attention. The Leedei mentioned that an unprecedented new level of cooperation was about to dawn and spoke about a team of Leedei scientists and engineers arriving on Sares to prepare for an exciting new experiment with the promise of great advances in psionic research and technology.
The Leedei representative fell short of mentioning Roy by name, but he knew these news were indeed and again centered around him.
Just as he was about to change to the recommended science channel to see if he could understand the details discussed wen his viewing was interrupted by another GalNet connection request.
The caller ID logo instantly dismissed his hope for a call from Tanya, the ID displayed the logo of the Union Fleet and a representation of a 5-star general rank pin.
The logo was replaced by the distinct angular features of the likely most prominent being in the known galaxy. Roy stared into the face of Admiral Stahl, the one they called the Eternal Warrior.
Even though it was only a field screen projection, Roy could not help but get goosebumps as he felt the eyes of the Immortal admiral on him. Even though he was a civilian and had no military background as of yet, he instantly straightened and took on a somewhat rigid posture. “Roy Masters here Sir.”
“I know you are there Roy. I am not using my GalNet connection randomly to see who I can reach and annoy.” While Stahl delivered thus with his usual deadpan stern voice, there was a sparkle of amusement in his piercing eyes. “I am checking on you, to make sure you made it to Sares.”
“We are about to dock at Sares Hub, Sir.”
“Very well then, looks like my Ariglou friend kept word and made sure you get your behind to Sares without any more delay.”
“Sir. I didn’t plan on these delays and it wasn’t my idea to...”
Stahl interrupted with a wave. “I know, Mr. Masters, some of it happened because of over-eager spooks, forgetting that you aren’t one.” He frowned. “I don’t like them either. Mr. Masters but wars can’t be won without the work of intelligence gathered by spies and their ilk.”
“I guess, not Sir. But I don’t think I want to be one.”
“As it may be, Mr. Masters I didn’t call you to reminiscence about the unfortunate need for spies and clandestine operations. I just wanted to make sure you did make it to Sares because your presence there has become quite important. I am not sure if you know about the Leedei addressing the Assembly and thus the entire Union.”
“I did watch that, Sir and I hoped I could return to obscurity, preferably back on Green Hell. I had about enough of all that galacto important business.”
“I hear you, son. Now I need to go back to all that galacto important business if I want to or not and you have an appointment with the Leedei delegation.”
Almost all the major systems had a so-called hub. There was Sol-Hub, Ult-Hub and there was Sares-Hub. A very large space station parked in an apex or nadir position of the planetary system with spaceports and a variety of long-distance and local connections.
Roy knew about the unique arrangement of the Saresii home system. There weren’t any moons, asteroid belts or gas giants. but there were nine garden worlds at the same perfect orbit with the same climates and environments. Legends spoke about a time the Saresii called the First Age of Knowledge, when their society had reached an incredible technological advanced stage. That age ended over a million years ago and it was back then the Saresii combined all their psionics and re-arranged the planets of their system.
This incredible and unbelievable feat was evident in the unnatural and perfect orbits of the nine worlds.
Roy had spent some time reading up on Sares, as it looked like he would have to spend quite some time in that weird, female-centric society.
Everything he knew about their culture seemed over the top frilly. He elbowed Partner with a sigh as he debarked. “Boy, you and I are in for a ride.”
At the bottom of the ships, boarding ramp were two of these statuesque Saresii beauties waiting for him. To his surprise, he recognized the one in the white catsuit. “You are Doctor Seniie are you not?
“Indeed I am, Roy. I am glad you remember me. I was asked to be your guide for now until Cara can make it.”
The CMO of the Gayimeera put her long finger before her red painted lips. “I am not PSI Corps, and what Cara does right now is classified. I don’t want to know. However, if you recall, the idea of using that Leedei device was born in my office, so I hope to be present when it is actually used.”
Roy had to remind himself that not all of the supermodel-like female beauties were indeed biologically female as well. He remembered that Dr. Seniie who looked as hot and beautiful as a woman could be was actually male. He was certain it would take him forever to get used to it, and perhaps a lifetime to understand. He knew about the reason, the centuries of an era called the Anti-Male Hysteria and all that, but like all history lessons, they weren’t all that relatable,
He did also recall that it was indeed Dr. Seniie suggesting the Leedei device. “I hope it works. I just recently had another one of those PSI dreams.”
“Well, if there are any answers to the psionic side of things, you are certainly at the right place. We have the finest Psi clinics and now with the Leedei here, discussing Psi tech with our experts. I think you kicked off a new age of technological innovation and scientific discovery.”
The other Saresii, a slightly shorter and somewhat older looking woman said. “Maybe they even name a test or device after you.”
The doctor made an apologetic gesture. “I am sorry, Roy. I almost forgot to introduce you to Erma. She is Cara’s mother. I think Cara mentioned that you would stay with her parents while you are on Sares.”
Roy nodded.”Yes, Cara did mention that.: He then introduced himself and Partner to the woman who at a closer look did share facial features similar to Cara. Not that it was very easy to find enough differences to keep them apart. Other than maybe hair color and length.
He and Partner followed the two onto a slide belt that carried them away from the landing field and towards the Main Concourse of the immense station.
While Roy had no real reference, he knew that Sares Hub was many times larger than Belle Station.
A uniformed officer of the Union Border Control checked his CITI and let them pass.
The place was busy and there was lots of traffic going in every conceivable direction. And not just Saresii, but members of pretty much every Union member society.
Erma directing Roy to another Slide Belt which terminated about one hundred meters ahead of them in a huge hexagonal portal of sorts. It was completely and reflectionless black.
“The doctor must have sensed his unasked question. “This is a Trans Matter Tunnel portal. The other end is on Sares One.”
“I never used one.”
“There is nothing to it. It is completely sensation free. The actual trip will take a second, but your senses will think it was instantaneous. I am not too fresh on the actual technology but I think it works on a similar principle as Space Trains. It creates a short cut in space.”
The actual transition was as about the same as a teleport with Partner, he noticed nothing but the change of scenery.
For some reason, however, Partner kept sneezing excitingly and flooded his mind with joyful emotion. Apparently being teleported somehow without teleporting was something very exciting to him.
The scenery greeting Roy was quite amazing. He just arrived on one of the oldest continuous occupied planet, Shaped and groomed for millions of years by one of the most advances societies of the entire Union,
While there were jokes aplenty about the frilly and sugar-coated civilization governed by long-legged, fashion dolls. Even Roy knew better, especially since he did try to deepen his knowledge regarding the Saresii. He didn’t delf too far or too deep of course, The Saresii were an important member, and while they certainly did not share all their advances in technology and science. It was in no small part thanks to the Saresii that Union Tech had just officially reached Tech Level 8.
It was big news when the Science Council made this announcement only a few years ago.
Saresii were perhaps not the greatest weapon engineers, but then who could compete with Terrans in that regard? However, they were quite advanced when it came to other science especially medicine and psionics.
The TMT had transported him from a busy space station over eighty million klicks away to this meticulously groomed park of white marble pathways, gargling fountains, trees and bushes shaped and dipped into great works of art and thick green grass spaces without a single blasé of grass out of line or taller than the other.
White Sky Tumblers winged across the cloudless blue sky,

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