Cocaine Trash A Novel free porn video

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‘There’s an interminable fog about the place, a fog that surrounds my body at all times, a fog that seeps all the way through into my mind. I can never get it to go, and sometimes I feel like I’m living a solitary existence in a secluded, remote cave in the middle of fucking nowhere. And I don’t even get the sight of a misty coated sea to gaze at, for me it’s just a grey and horrid sight, with a trail of pollution drifting through into my cave in unravelling smoke. I guess I should be glad, really, that I have this cave to shelter me from it all. Yes, I guess I should be.’


The door opens and Lauren and I walk into the room. Lauren is looking particularly nice today, and I notice that she’s put in a lot of effort. ‘You look nice,’ I say as I walk past the wardrobe and over to the wooden desk with the small TV on top of it. It’s a nicer room than the others: a great place to do a bit of coke and fuck a prostitute senseless.

While Lauren takes off her loose black coat, revealing a black and pink corset- one that I recognise from our numerous money-for-sex liaisons before- I take out my sachet of coke and pour some out onto the desk. I then take out my NatWest card and begin separating the coke out in fine straight lines. ‘Want some?’ I say, glancing over my shoulder at Lauren, who’s now walking over to the double bed in the centre of the room.

‘No, I’m fine,’ she says. She gets up onto the bed and lies gently back down on it.

I watch as she leans slightly up on her elbows and watches me with a lascivious, seductive gaze before I turn back to the lurid lines of coke on the desk. Taking out a five pound note, I roll it up and take a hard, quick, spirited snort. Immediately, I feel the buzz. It goes straight to my head, and I feel the highly charged effect of the white, potent powder in all its exhilarating, death defying glory. ‘What a fucking feeling,’ I think, ‘it’s always a great fucking feeling for me, never a single let down.’

I drop the now contaminated £5 note down on the desk and turn around to look at Lauren. She’s lying there on the bed, staring at me sultrily and giving me the look that she knows I want to see: a look of lust, sexual need, and devilish, yearning desire. The coke’s made me feel intense, and I’m staring at Lauren with my own look of raging lasciviousness. And I know she’s registering it as well, I know it’s helping her decide how she’s going to please me with that titillating young body of hers.

Quickly, I take out the £60 that is owed to her from my coat pocket and chuck it onto the mattress, then, throwing my coat to my side, I walk forward over to the bed and get up onto it, my hands and knees sinking gently into the soft linen duvet cover.

We start off with a couple of minutes of French kissing, an act that never ceases to please me. The one thing I love about Sexy horny Lauren is that, unlike other escorts I’ve been with, she actually does French kissing. For some reason, every other prostitute I become acquainted with seems to have reservations about doing it, it’s either because they want to save it for ‘the real man in their lives’, or it’s because they’ve seen Pretty Woman too many fucking times, fuck, I hate that movie, it should be made to burn in cinematic hell and to perish from women’s naïve, impressionable minds.

As soon as I’ve had enough of the sensual French kissing, I back my face away from Lauren’s and watch her undress while she simultaneously looks at me rather cheekily, that womanly grin of hers all too overwhelmingly sexy. Her corset and knickers are soon off, and I waste no time at all in feeling her beautiful, voluptuous breasts in the clutches of my adoring hands. They feel like warm, smooth rubber to me, like soft, durable silicone. ‘You haven’t had a boob job have you?’ I say, observing how similar they feel to some of the dancers at Lace strip club.

‘No I haven’t,’ she says, looking at me as if she’s let me down in some way.

‘Just checkin’,’ I say. I pull a raunchy, witty grin and then, pushing my face right up close to hers, resume with the sexually invigorating French kissing while continuing to fondle with her ever pleasing breasts.

I’m getting really fucking turned on now, and the speedy sensation of the coke is getting to its peak, its pinnacle of pleasure-ruled perfection. I find myself caressing Lauren’s neck with tender, reverent kisses and get even more turned on when she starts moaning all lustfully and girlishly. She knows that’s what I want to hear, she knows that’s what all her punters want to hear, something to egg their desires on even more and to help them fuel the fire of their rampant sexual ardour.

‘You make me so fucking hard Lauren,’ I say, my eyes closed, and my face shoved into the warm flesh of her yielding neck. I can sense her cloying perfume: it smells like all prostitutes’ perfume- that sickly, sweet smell that makes you feel adrenalized and giddy all over, it only enhances my sexual cravings even more and sends me into a frenzy of true, unbounded concupiscence.

Withdrawing my face from Lauren’s, I lift my black t-shirt up over my chest and let Lauren suck both my hard nipples with her wet tongue. As she nibbles on them with both gentleness and teasing fervour, I feel a compelling craving for her to sink her luminous, candy like teeth into my flesh and pierce through into the torrents of my searing blood. It’s like some kind of vampire fantasy/ fetish. I want to feel the pain, I want to feel truly alive and make the most of this gargantuan cocaine-induced euphoria.

Staring down at Lauren, who’s now licking my chest like some kind of mad Egyptian cat, I glide my fingers through her thick, plentiful hair and notice how she kind of reminds me of a doll: a beautiful flesh made doll with the most perfectly constructed face. I guess it’s because of her voluminous hair, which falls down both sides of her elegant head like heaps of lustrous silk. It could also be because of the soft, graceful shape of her head, which looks intricately carved out of the most magical, blossoming rose. Either way, she couldn’t appear any less doll like to me right now.

Soon down to my waist, she begins pulling down my black denim jeans and white boxers with her soft fingers, her painted nails lightly jabbing the flesh near my groin. Straight away my erect cock bounces up and points up laterally towards her chest. What great intensity I feel throughout my hedonistically overloaded body. I feel the lust run potently wild in my veins, I feel surged with unprecedented sexual power that thrives like soaring, turbulent electricity. I’m going to fuck this woman hard, I’m going to fuck this woman like she’s the only one to fuck in the whole fucked up world.

I beckon to Lauren to turn around, and as she gets on all fours, I stare down at her nude, finely toned arse. ‘That’s right,’ I say, my voice quiet but full of flourishing, sleazoid passion. She’s slowly teasing me by rocking back and forth against my crotch, and it just makes my balls even more determined in their conducting selves. ‘Yes, that’s right,’ I say, my voice now quivering in carnal passion.

Gradually, I move myself forward and, placing both my hands on her arse, slap her quite hard on her left cheek. It’s a downward slap, and I can see the faint red imprint slowly form on the surface of her skin. But she likes it. She always likes it when I spank her like that. You see the truth is that Lauren, like a great percentage of other sex workers, is a sex addict. That’s why she does what she does, she loves the sight of a rock hard, sturdy penis being shoved right in her face, that plus the money.

As I whirl my hands over her enchanting arse, she glances back at me over her shoulder with communicative eyes. ‘Shall I get a condom from my coat?’ she says.

‘No, no need,’ I reply, ‘I’ve got one.’ I pull out a Durex ‘extra safe’ from my jean pocket and hastily open the small plastic packet up. O
nce it’s out, I roll it skilfully onto my stiff cock and prepare to insert it into Lauren’s tight little cunt, which already looks quite lubricous and penetrable. Before I do this though, I place my left hand in-between her thigh and rub at her shaven cunt and clit to get her nice and excited with an upsurge of inflamed horniness. She moans when I do this, and I can tell that she’s trying to get herself even wetter for me. She always does whatever she can to please her dedicated, paying clients. She’s a real fucking professional this Lauren is. ‘Yea, you like that don’t you?’ I say, my fingers becoming drenched in a treacly juice like substance as they gently descend into the moist redness of her cunt.

‘Love it,’ she says, her words slow and soft like a collection of faintly clashing waves.

‘Don’t need to tell me that Lauren,’ I say, my voice slow as well. ‘I know you love it.’

Positioning my left hand on her left arse cheek, my fingers digging gingerly into her flesh, I grab hold of my cock with my other hand and begin inserting it slowly into her naturally lubricated cunt. It goes in quickly, and, straight away, I sense the thrilling warmth of her superlative inner beauty. She moans, and I spank her ardently again, another downward slap.

‘Man I want to fuck your arse. Will you let me fuck your arse?’ I say, starting to slowly thrust back and forth into Lauren.

‘Ha,’ she laughs. ‘Everybody seems to want to fuck my arse. And I always say no. It’s for special occasions only.’

‘This is a special occasion,’ I say, beginning to go faster on her, sweat exuding from my heated skin from the physical exertion. ‘I’m high on coke, and I’m fucking you on a Travelodge bed.’

She laughs again, and I laugh too, accepting that anal is a no-no on this occasion.

I lean myself forward towards her back and wrap my hands around her chest. Her tits feel so ridiculously good, and they definitely remind me of some of the dancers’ tits at Lace strip club. ‘You sure you haven’t had a secret boob job?’ I say. ‘They really do feel fucking great.’

‘My boobs always feel great,’ replies Lauren, stating the obvious fucking truth.

I turn her around and get her legs up over my utilized, blood-pumped shoulders. Gripping my hands around her knees, I then start thrusting back and forth rhythmically into her and feel, with full force, the pleasure unravel in spirals of ferocious tornados in my mind. It’s as I start going at her hard that we share the most intimate eye contact with each other, I feel more connected with the woman than I’ve ever felt before, and it’s as if she’s the most perfect, definitive lover to me, a woman better than any bland old soul mate.

‘You see how hard you make me Lauren?’ I say, looking down at my cock and watching it go smoothly in and out of Lauren’s throbbing wet cunt. ‘I’m going to fuck you so hard.’ With my hands engulfed around her smooth, hairless skin, I hold her calves tightly and push those divinely soft legs of hers even more out into the air so that they appear like a pair of rippling butterfly wings.

‘Fuck me hard,’ she says, staring up at the ceiling and closing her eyes as her tits wobble around dynamically in circles.

‘Yea, I will fuck you hard,’ I say, ‘I will fuck you so hard.’

I start going faster and faster and, building up a good sweat, feel my heart pound away in my chest like a pneumatic drill. Then, suddenly, not even in control of myself, I stop and pant, my lungs burning from their intense function. ‘I think I’ll have to do some more coke,’ I say, looking at Lauren and nodding in some kind of speed-fuelled frenzy. ‘Fuck me, definitely some more coke.’

Hurriedly, I get up off the bed and jog over to the desk, my cock stiff, hard, and surrounded by latex. ‘You sure you don’t want any?’ I call back.

‘No, no, I’m not into that stuff.’

‘Not into it?’ I say, almost surprised by what I’m hearing. ‘You should be. It’s great you know, gives you a buzz like no other.’

I lean right forward over the desk and proceed to snort a huge line of fine, smooth powder. ‘A buzz like no other,’ I say, rubbing at my nose and feeling that devil’s dandruff hit my bloodstream in blizzard like style.

With the coke now taking strong effect, I turn to look at Lauren who appears like an angel in a series of flashing, distorted images in my vision, she looks absolutely breathtaking, like nothing I’ve ever seen before. ‘Will you ride me Lauren?’ I say, sniffing and experiencing a mild sting in both my eye balls.

Lauren, leaning back on her elbows, gives me a sultry smile and replies, ‘Whatever you want.’

Fuck, I think, this is a great fucking moment in my life. I’m standing here fully naked in a cheap hotel room, high on coke, my cock solid and hard, and I’m staring at an absolute goddess who’s at the mercy of my many sexual needs and demands. Fuck, it really couldn’t get any better than this!

Grinning cheekily at Lauren, I run over to the bed and leap up excitedly onto it. I lie down and, staring up at the ceiling, wait in thrilling anticipation for Lauren to get on top of me and ride the living shit out of me. It’s as her bare breasts traverse over my chest like congenial cushions that I sense the potent warmth of them, they hover millimetres above my skin and cause a beautiful tingling sensation to arise in my receptive body and aid my pleasure.

With her now fully on top of me, I place both my hands on her arse, squeeze it, and spank her right cheek twice so that it leaves a nice, fresh handprint on the surface of her skin. This generates a moan from her, and it’s not long before she pushes her face down to mine and, her rosy scented hair brushing fleecily against my face, kisses me tenderly on the lips. As I feel hers against mine, I think how elegant, how beautifully made out her young 20 year old face is. Her lips are thin but full of suppleness, and her Czech Republic skin feels warmer than a tropical ocean heated by the swarming rays of a fully risen sun. Beautiful, just beautiful.

Soon my cock is in her hand, and she begins sliding it up into her moisture-laden cunt before proceeding to straddle me in the dominant style of an elated female wrestler. I can’t help but squeeze her arse in pure ardour, and I leave my hands there as I gaze deeply into her two piercing sea green eyes. They’re truly gorgeous eyes, and I absolutely adore the mascara she’s wearing today, it seems to have made her eyes bigger, more oval shaped, than they actually are and her irises more profoundly vivid in colour: all a perfect complement to a supremely gorgeous face.

I spank her avidly some more, and I watch as she closes her eyes to display a look of fake, but convincing, orgasmic ecstasy. Her lips part slightly like an opening rose in the summertime, and the tips of her porcelain like teeth are revealed in all their sheer elegance and splendour. Continuing to spank her, I’m delighted when she starts straddling me even more vigorously than before. I can really feel her employed cunt on my cock, and it makes me grip her arse in my hands with wild, feral passion. ‘Oh that’s it,’ I say as I gaze up at her beautiful, bouncing breasts, watching them move about faster and faster. I feel almost ready to come from the insurmountable pleasure. ‘Fuck, you’re so fucking gorgeous.’

‘You like to be ridden like this?’ she says, her voice sounding more feminine and erotic than ever.

‘Fuckin’ love it,’ I reply, her flesh now the only thing on my deeply lascivious mind.

Sensually, I place my hands on her tits and feel myself on the brink of orgasm. ‘I’m gonna come in a bit,’ I say, ‘mind if I come on your tits?’

‘I’d love for you to come on my tits,’ she responds. She gazes sultrily down at my face, her eyes truly stunning in my arbitrary cocaine-fuelled haze, and lets her lips pulsate slightly in rhythm to her lustfully cathartic moans.

‘Alright, I’ll come on them in a minute, just going to enjoy this feeling for a li
ttle bit longer.’ As I take alternating glances at her tits and face, I feel myself ready to shoot my oncoming load, a load that I know is going to come in huge spurting heaps. ‘Right, you ready for it?’ I say. ‘I’m gonna come fuckin’ hard on your tits.’

‘Ok,’ says Lauren, still absorbed in her energetic straddling. ‘Say when.’

The sweet, orgasmic feeling sharpens, and then I, at the very point of my immitigable orgasm, leap up off Lauren and grab my cock audaciously with my right hand. Getting on her knees, Lauren stares up at my face, anticipating in pure engagement the hot, creamy jizz that’s going to come spraying out in huge bursts onto her rubbery tits at any moment. She’s waiting for it, and it’s as I clasp my left hand around the back of her head that I proceed to masturbate vigorously in the direction of her- soon to be absolutely fucking soaked- chest.

A spray of hot cum ejaculates from my cock, and I moan and grunt in intense, out of control pleasure. I watch as the sinewy strings of semen shoot out onto her tits in several hot spurts and then pant heavily as my orgasm slowly begins to die like a fading, subduing star.

‘Fuck me,’ I say, taking my hand off Lauren’s head and collapsing down onto the bed. Laying there, breathing and sweating heavily, I watch as Lauren falls down next to me, the cum slowly trickling down her breasts like mucky condensation on a window.

‘Well,’ I say, gazing at her rosy face, laughing lightly as she gives me this sultry, kinky look. ‘Was it as good for you as it was for me?’

She returns a cheeky, almost devilish, smile and continues to look at me as I avert my gaze up at the white ceiling, my balls feeling virtually empty and drained of all their fluids. ‘So, what do you want to do now?’ she says. ‘We’ve still got some time.’

‘Mmm, not sure,’ I say, pondering. ‘Think I’ll do another line of coke maybe.’ I nod, a little pensively, but nearly fully decisive. ‘Yea, another line of coke will do this all justice.’

With my erection still far from limp, I leap up off the bed and jog over to the desk to do another line of the most exhilarating white powder.


I’m standing in the sunshine and everything’s so fucking cold man, it’s so fucking cold, even though I’ve got sweat trickling down both sides of my face like swift, rapid cascades. I need warmth, but my body can’t attain warmth in its present state. It’s feverishly cold from my coke and alcohol comedown. A couple of bottles of water should do the trick.

It’s much later, and I’m in this nightclub. I’m lying on one of the long sofas, loud music pumping out from the speakers above in one heavy, distorted haze, and I can see one of the bouncers, a big hefty fucker with tattoos trailing all the way up his left forearm, he’s giving me a real hostile look like he wants to smash my fucking face in, though I’m so fucking out of it by now that I don’t give a shit. All I’m focusing on is the salty taste that’s formed in my mouth, and I’m wondering when the vomits going to come spraying out. Man, I’m dreading the headache, I’m dreading that nausea that comes with it too.

I get out of the nightclub, fortunately unharmed or roughed up by the bouncer, and manage to stumble up towards the local KFC on the left of the rather astir street. I stop and lean against the wall. Then, before I know it, a load of yeasty white and purple vomit comes gushing out of my mouth. I can practically feel my stomach contract as it repeatedly purges more and more vomit up. I’m spraying the shit all over the wall, and I can hear the groups of young lads coming down the pavement to my right laugh at the sight of me purging. If I was them I’d be laughing too, but I’m not, I’m really fucking not.

I fall right into a cab and immediately smack my head on the opposite door. I can hear the driver moaning in the front, he’s a right cunt, but I’m so fucked that it really doesn’t matter. I’m actually grateful that he hasn’t thrown me out and driven off in a callous, contemptuous rage like a lot of drivers.

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Trailer Park TrashChapter 2

Mister Hamilton was well-aware of Tammy’s improvement in the matter of conversing in complete sentences with proper pronunciation. Her usage of slang words and outright obscenities was curtailed to the bare essentials. He was so satisfied with her improvement and her dedication to following his program of better conversational skills that he gifted her with a diamond bracelet that did a lot more to impress her than his skilled rimming of her hindquarters performed with great gusto underneath...

3 years ago
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White TrashChapter 4 Paybacks A Bitch

Stinky Pete stood in front of me while I caught my breath. Fuck, he smelled like Mount Trashmore, a city dump I was once familiar with - don't ask. He smelled worse than the fucking hog house I worked at. Guy never bathed or washed his clothes. Way he was headed, I figured it wouldn't be much longer before his homeboys'd be calling him Maggot. He had a thing for his teeth though. Perfectly straight, whitened and brushed to a gleaming pearliness. Freaky as all hell. Then there was P-Tat,...

2 years ago
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Trailer Trash Treats

At first, I just sat in the singlewide combing through ads in search of work, but soon I felt restless and pinned in behind these thin compressed walls. I begun to hang out on my new covered porch, enjoy the bustling community in the park from afar. that's when I met Janice. She was struggling to get her baby carrier into her house while carrying a heavy load. I offered to help her since Janice's husband never seems to be around. She worked hard, two jobs, but never seemed to afford be able...

3 years ago
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A Worthless Filthy Fucking Smoking Trash Cunt Whore chapter 3

Charlie had had a productive day, by his standards. He had finished sequencing another song, and was now sitting at his desk in his study sorting out some sundry paperwork. He was surprised Tracy was wasn’t back yet – it was nearly five o’clock. And after all she had been fired from her last job, hadn’t she? And it was just a job interview this morning, wasn’t it? Oh yes, she’d been in a bad mood first thing, hadn’t she, about her smoking? (Charlie had almost forgotten.) “Girls,” muttered...

3 years ago
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Trailer Trash Teen Ch 11

Chapter Eleven: Rough and Gentle (M+/f, F/f, blackmail) ************* Tina awoke screaming. Ice cold water was spraying down on her body. She lashed about, trying to keep the water out of her face, but strong hands restrained her. She gurgled as water rushed into her mouth. She couldn’t move, couldn’t get up from her sitting position. Her strong slender legs flailed about helplessly as someone laughed gleefully at her plight. She was in the shower, at home at her trailer, she...

1 year ago
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Trash picker

Thrown out like yesterday’s garbage, sat a young blonde girl mixed with the rubbish of the beach trash. Her body covered in bruises and deep cuts, I gently woke her up. Miss what happened? Idk where am I?Hawaii Oh ok Where do you live?IdkName?IdkShe passed out, I scooped her up and carried her to my bungalow. I laid her down and looked her over. Her vagina looked like a elephant banged her, so swollen and bruised. 2, cuts on her leg that a bandaged up, no signs of broken bones. I covered her...

2 years ago
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Fat Trailer Trash gets DP

I worked on a road construction crew and spent a lot of time away from home. On one occasion we were put up in this small town, my buddy Javion and I were in a scuzzy bar drinking and playing pool. There was this woman in there who joined us, her name was Amber. She was about 32 Long dirty blond hair, Big Fat Ass Belly with massive Tits, she was wearing very tight jeans & white t shirt that left nothing to the imagination, she was what you would call Very Curvy with a Skanky look to her. It...

3 years ago
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Taking out the Trash

This is an old story my husband wrote on Literotica after we did a roleplay. Hope you all enjoy it.._____________________________First off, I'll be polite and I'll introduce myself. My name is Rick. I live in a little dingy floating on the banks of the Seine. I used to work as a trash collector in my thirties and now I'm pretty much unemployed after I was fired because one of the guy's who's thrash I used to clear had me fired for doing something that him and my employer both found pretty...

3 years ago
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Taking out the Trash

First off, I'll be polite and I'll introduce myself. My name is Rick. I live in a little dingy floating on the banks of the Seine. I used to work as a trash collector in my thirties and now I'm pretty much unemployed after I was fired because one of the guy's who's thrash I used to clear had me fired for doing something that him and my employer both found pretty unforgivable.Years back, when I was around 38 or so, I worked around the villages around Lyon, going from house to house collecting...

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Taking Out the Trash

Taking Out the Trash By Rosie Sarah took a big gulp from the pint her mother had placed before her. For a minute, she felt that the feel of the beer flowing down her throat had cooled her anger but after a while, it fueled it to even higher levels. She was determined, more than ever before, to go through with the plan she had devised for her husband, when he came back. "If he comes back, you mean," her mother interjected. "When he comes back," Sarah repeated with an eerie calmness...

4 years ago
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Sexy Sista Likes Her Trash White

© copyright 2002 by Stormbringer "Keep it real girlfriend. It ain't that bad," said Monique out loud to her reflection in the mirror. She practiced smiling quiting as the crow's feet appeared again. She had just detected this sign of aging today, two weeks after her 33rd birthday. She sighed and arched her back thrusting her bare breasts upwards. Was it her imagination or didn't her hard nipples reach as high as they once did? Monique stepped back and turned around still proud of...

2 years ago
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Trash Bash

Damn it! I wish whoever is throwing their garbage on my roof would stop it! What gives them the right to do whatever they want? This is my home, my castle, my love nest, my family's abode... not someone's trash heap! Here I was in the middle of intense love making, just about ready to give my mate all my seed and I heard a loud crash over my head. Boy, when you're suddenly startled like that, everything shrinks pretty damn fast. I was pissed. This was not the first time something had landed...

3 years ago
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Buckman Tales Trailer Park TrashChapter 5

“Hey, I’m looking for a Dan Logan,” a rather luscious black teenage girl approached Jeff Bob Chutney out of the blue as he sat just outside his trailer next Sunday morning while most folks in town were in church. “Dan Logan ... did he knock you up, sweetie? That’s usually my department with the young’uns. He tends to go for the married pussy, you know. I’m the local chicken licker,” Jeff Bob grinned and showed his remaining teeth while spitting out his chaw. “Not me ... my mother. He’s my...

1 year ago
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Trash your bra

“Ray, just throw this away for me, would you?” His eyes widened as she continued twisting buttons. She couldn’t look up but she could hear his breathing. She pulled the front of the blouse open; pushing it back from her shoulders, she let it drop to the floor, behind. She moved a step closer. “Please, Ray. Don’t say anything. Just throw this out for me.” Her hands went behind her back. The cups sprang forward and the cool air hardened her nipples. She slide the straps down and she bunched up...

3 years ago
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Trashed Basil Hell Nite

TRASHED BASIL TRASHED BASIL As Lindy moved her crotch around, trying to get her young lover, Hugh to stick his dick in her harder, she noticed a little face peeking in the door. ?Oh, you bad boy, Basil?are you being nosy?? Lindy smiled at the chubby husband of hers, wearing blue eye shadow and an apron. Basil sighed. It had been quite an evening. Basil and Lucinda had had a big fight earlier in the week, because he was weary of her bringing lovers home in front of him. So Lindy had cut...

4 years ago
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Dirty Bitch A Novel

1 ‘Do you Darren Speck take this beautiful fuckin’ fine-ass piece of cherrypie to be your beautiful fuckin’ lawful wedded wife, booooooy,’ said the geezer of a priest, doing some hip thing with his fingers at the end. ‘Booooy!’ he repeated, and straight after that he did a groovy little moonwalk across the stage, his gleaming black shoes gliding smoothly across the floor. ‘Yes I mother fuckin’ do,’ I said. Man, I was fuckin’ out of it by then, pissed up to the bone on Blue Moon Ale. And on my...

3 years ago
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Spaceship Visual Novel

Chapter 1: Hospital "So.... today's the day." I say, sadly. My name is Gene Taylor. I'm an orphan, who may be saying goodbye to my only friend. "Yeah... ten more minutes." Samantha replied. Samantha Hunter. She's my best friend. My only friend. We grew up together. Just us against the world. Her ginger hair framed her pale face, as she looked at me blankly. It's one of those things everyone knows. When you know someone, you know how they're feeling, regardless of what they're showing. "You're...

4 years ago
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Jenny and the special clinic Full long novel

(Taken from my blog posts and combined into a single story)Jenny woke up earlier than usual this morning as her husband was showering. She could not fall back asleep like she normally does listening to the water fall in the next room. The promise of the new day as well as her anxiousness of her upcoming appointment was very much on her mind.As her husband finished up, hearing Jenny shift around multiple times, he came back in the bedroom and kissed her on the cheek. "Love you -- it will be a...

3 years ago
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The army secretary Russian grotesque novel

The gloomy Russian winter day. The city of Tambov. In street was -20 ° C and the huge snowdrifts. In the streets Russians in felt boots ran wrapped in their thick fur coats. The monument to Lenin in the central square was half-covered with snow. Fifteen minutes ago by a huge icicle that fell from the local KGB building was killed a passerby. The place where fell the deadly icicle already was cordoned off by Cossacks and militia, the Russian police.The room with the dirty shabby walls in one of...

2 years ago
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Ek Pyarisi Novel

Dopaharko 1.30 baje mai airport pe utra aur sidhe hotel ki taraf taxime baithke rawana hua. Waha pahilesehi mere naam se kamra book tha. Ek bahut hi sundar Receptionist ne muskarate hue muze welcome kia aur room ki chabi mere haath me thama di. Mai use dekhta hi reh gaya kya qayamat ki bala thi. Usne maroon scirt aur white top pehna tha aur red color ki tie bandhi thi. White top se uski white bra dikh rahi thi aur usme chunchiyoki golai gazab dha rahi thi. Sunahare baal gora chitta badan, sudol...

1 year ago
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Trailer Trash1

Trailer Trash It all started when my wife asked me to take Sue Johnson her payroll check. Sue had called in sick that day but had said that she needed the money to by food with. So my wife sent me to deliver it to her in person. I had to drive out of town about seven miles to an old rundown trailer park. Number twenty-seven was right at the very end of two long rows of broken down cars, barking dogs, and kids that looked like they needed a bath. The men that I saw were all shaggy...

1 year ago
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Reddit Trashy Boners, aka r/TrashyBoners! What is it about Reddit that brings out unique, slutty content? There is a subreddit for nearly everything, but when it comes to smut, Reddit always fucking delivers. That’s proven when you visit – the destination for confused boners you’re still not sure about the next day. If you’ve ever watched daytime television and found yourself with a confused boner when the big tittied blonde bitch in sweat pants cursing her man while...

Reddit NSFW List
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Black Magic Novelties

The website is a bit of an urban legend. People deeply desiring a change in their lives will stumble upon it when the time is right, but most who intentionally go searching for it never find a trace. Outside of online rumors and the questionable experiences of the lucky few who have been able to use their products, there isn't any information that can be found on them. Those that have been lucky enough to purchase from the site received items with no return address. Even when people went...

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There was a time when you would go to a special bookstore to browse the erotic novels on the shelves. However, now it is a more modern age and you don’t need to do that at all. You can just go online to Novel Trove and find some of the sexiest stories online. This site is probably more for women than it is for men because most women prefer to read their porn versus watching it. So, here you will find an awesome collection of hot stories to read at night when you come home from work and want to...

Sex Stories Sites
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Novel Crow! Sometimes, ordinary porn just won’t get the job done. You have been there and you know what I am talking about. Sometimes, you just have to read hentai and XXX comics to really make you jizz out your eyeballs.When ordinary porn or even these new dang-fangled things calling ‘moving pictures’ – or ‘videos’ as the kids call them these days – won’t get you off, leave it to Novel Crow to provide the pornographic illustrations that will drain your balls. There are all kinds of comics to...

Porn Comics Sites
2 years ago
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A Trashy Little Thing

Cheap perfume wafted through his nostrils, so thick he fought not to gag. A subtle cough relieved the pressure in his throat, timed with the music muffled the sound. Ugh. A furtive glance gave way to the offender, a trashy little thing; Her appearance as cheap as the perfume.Cold assessing eyes appraised her as she passed by, taking in the sweat stained white halter top and typical tight, too short jean skirt. Halloween make up plasters her face, a heavy paint of eye shadow and liner to bring...

2 years ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 12

If you find shitting pissing and farting a turn on, or even somehow mildly amusing, then please read on and enjoy, but if you totally dislike the thought of anybody ingesting excrement for sexual pleasure, please go elsewhere. Kathy and Ivan. (A seriously filthy scat story.) Kathy finished her shift at the hospital at 10pm and was in the changing room when she checked her phone. She had a message from Ivan, explaining that he and his wife were not on speaking terms and he was staying...

1 year ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 11

She also told him to wait up for her. It was only just after 8pm and he was sitting on the sofa in his bath robe, watching T.V. when she came home. She stood in the living room doorway, her messy red hair falling on the shoulders of the black leather jacket, which was open down to her waist perfectly framing her firm and ample boobs. Jeff loved her to wear jeggings; the skin tight denim look really showed off her legs and backside, and the knee high, black leather, full laced boots,...

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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 10

She felt complete and free of guilt; At last she was the person she wanted to be. Jeff too, was enjoying his new role in life; striving to be the perfect husband, and revelling in the pleasure he derived from submitting himself to his wonderful wife’s desires. Neither of them had engaged in any sexual activity outside of the marital home for several days, but it didn’t concern either of them. They spent a great deal of their time together talking about sex and learning more of their...

3 years ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 9

They lay in bed naked, holding each other; a hand on each others buttocks pulling them close. “I love you so much Kathy” “I love you too.” “I never realised you were so open about sex.” “I think I’ve got a few things to learn about you too Jeff” “Oh Kathy, I am so sorry; I hope you will forgive me; I feel so guilty for cheating on you.” Kathy opened her mouth and kissed him, pushing her tongue between his lips to find his. They could both still taste the sperm in each others...

2 years ago
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Kathy White Trash Whore Part 8

She was naked and lying on the mattress, partially covered by a blanket, her lower half being exposed to the guy sitting with her. She was aware of the sound of voices and the clinking of glasses and plates coming from the kitchen as her eyes focused on July enjoying coitus with two white guys on the sofa. She propped herself up, resting on her elbow, “Good Morning” her mattress mate greeted her. “Morning?” she questioned. “Yeah, it’s just after two thirty…………….most people have gone...

4 years ago
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Kathy white trash whore part 2

Contains a mild scatology theme. If thats really not for you then please don't read. If you are mildly curious or just simply love it, then go ahead and hopefully enjoy. Constructive criticism and comments would be gratefully accepted Kathy woke up and felt the empty space in the bed beside her, then heard the front door close as Jeff left to go to work. She pulled off the duvet and felt the chill autumn air from the open window cover her warm naked body. She closed her eyes and lay...

3 years ago
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A Fathers trash is a Sons treasure

It was the 15th November 2008, there is a lot of rain here in South Africa during this time of the year especially thunder storms. The time was 20:10 we were having dinner. That was mom and I, my younger brother went to visit a cousin of ours and my younger sister was with her boyfriend for the week end. It was a different Saturday for me because normally by this hour I’m out with my friends or with one of my lady friends for a drink or under covers working the register but, for mom it was...

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trash part 5 the finale

After that, Earn beats up Mickey. Mickey tries to kill him, but Earn shoots her five times in the chest. Mickey falls down the stairs dead. Julie is heavily turned on and fucks her father. Johnny gets the baby. He tries to calm it down. It doesn’t stop crying. The baby actually got HIV from breast milk. In order to trick the baby he lets it suck his nipple. The baby doesn’t buy it and screams. He goes upstairs and finds Julie and Earn having sex. He joins in. Earn has a larger penis than...

1 year ago
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trash part 3

Now having sex frequently, Mickey and Earn are interrupted by detective Wright. Wright had a prosthetic leg now after being shot by Shannon. Wright was investigating Johnny’s disappearance. Wright snooped around the house. He went downstairs and found Johnny uncontrollably urinating while sawing off his infected strong hand. Wright called on his radio. Earn stole the radio and stomped it into the ground. Mickey takes his gun and shoots him in the jaw. Wright’s teeth are exposed. The blood...

2 years ago
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Trash part 4

Johnny points the gun at his own head. He wants to pull the trigger. But he can’t. He realizes he wants to live and doesn’t want to kill anybody. He goes to his parents. They are shocked to see his ghastly appearance. They force him out because he is freakish looking now. While he’s walking out, Tarea hits him with a bag of oranges. She chains him to a wall and slices off one of his ear lobes. Then she punches him in the stomach. Then she breaks his ankle and says that he is going to be dead...

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trash part 2

She takes Visala home one night and pours candle wax on her. Visala pisses in her own mouth. Her cervix is gooey and Julie licks it. She feeds Visala chicken shit with a spork. Then Julie chops her up with an ax. Julie hits Visala in the pussy first, and then hacks off her arm from the root, then hits her in the back, then slashes her face, then her knee, and then she chops through her torso. Visala screamed the entire time. She is still alive for a while. Julie raises the ax once more and lops...

1 year ago
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Trash part 1

Julie is a twelve year old girl experimenting with her sexuality. She invites her Visala Maninal over frequently to have sex. Julie hates her mother but loves her dad and fantasizes about him raping her while she’s in bed. She will have sex with anyone. She loves ass. She has a huge ass which is three feet across. She sticks a peanut butter and jelly sandwich up Visala’s ass with a lacrosse stick and eats her toe nails. They get into anal 69 position. Then Visala pulls out the sandwich and...

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