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‘Damn writer’s block! Damn it to hell!’

I sat before my lap top in the large dining room waiting for inspiration. There was nothing. A hundred times, or so it seemed, I had begun to tap in words, and then deleted them.

‘Rubbish, all bloody rubbish,’ I silently wailed. ‘I’ll never be able to write another story, ever.’

Chapter 1.The Mountain Hideaway.

It had started weeks before, this confounded inability to string two words together in an intelligible manner, sod it. I had ranted and raved as I’d paced the floor of the flat, until my flatmate, Ivor, said, ‘For God’s sake Chris, going on like this is getting you nowhere, and to be frank, I’m getting sick of it. You’ve become impossible to live with, I feel like clearing out for good.’

That stopped me in my tracks. Ivor was an easy guy to live with except his girlfriends sometimes got a bit noisy when they made love. In addition, he was a good cook and I needed him to help meet the rent.

Ivor went on, ‘Look Chris, why don’t you get away for a while. I’ve heard about other writers who when they can’t write go away somewhere on their own for a while. It seems that the change and seclusion often gets them going again. Why not try it, there’s nothing to hold you here?’

He was right about ‘nothing to hold me’. Financially I managed on the miserable pittance I got from my publisher for my work. I was with a small publishing company called ‘Eros and Cupid.’ They specialised, as they claimed, in works ‘Erotic and Exotic.’ Ms. Eros was a sort of female-male and Mr.Cupid a male-female.

I had several works published by them and recently Mr. Cupid had said to me as he adjusted a pink tulle bow in his hair: ‘Christopher darling, we’ve been getting a little slack lately, haven’t we? We’ve not been working as we should, sweetie, and Ms. Eros and I don’t much care for that my love. We haven’t written a great novel, have we precious? I mean, my darling, we haven’t exactly written a rival to Tolstoy’s ‘War and Peace’. Thus we cannot rest on our laurels, can we? So, my treasure, we expect something from you very soon or we may have to consider your place on our books. If you need a little help, we can provide a suitable amanuensis should you so desire, the cost of course, coming out of your royalties’ (they liked to use words like that instead of fee or percentage).

I thanked him very humbly for the offer of secretarial assistance at my own cost, and said I would let him know if I needed that sort of help. Mr. Cupid gave a final tug at his bow and dismissed me with the parting words, ‘Remember my sweet, something very soon.’ I left with my metaphorical tail between my legs knowing that if anything could help raise my writer’s block to new heights of paralysis, that interview had done it.

Another factor in the situation was that my most recent girlfriend had decided she preferred the assistant manager of a department store to an impecunious writer. Hence there was no current sexual attachment to hold me back from seeking distant solitude.

‘I think I know just the place for you,’ Ivor said enthusiastically.

He was obviously eager to send me on my way with my wretched unpredictable outbursts. On the other hand, it might have been that he wanted to hold a sex orgy in the flat, and knew I wouldn’t agree because the last time we had one so many things got broken. I hasten to add that I don’t mean hymens got broken because there weren’t any to break, the ex-maidens all being, as it were, well seasoned.

‘All right’, I said, ‘tell me about this restorative place.’

‘You’ll love it’, he said. ‘It’s up in the mountains, a fantastic house built by some eccentric old gold fossicker called ‘Jarvis Bleeby’ who struck it rich back in the nineteenth century and built himself an imitation English Manor House. It’s miles from anywhere and is looked after by an old lady called Mrs. McIntosh. The place is used sometimes by people wanting to ‘get away from it all’, or companies when they want to get their executives isolated so they can brain wash them.’

‘I couldn’t afford anything like that,’ I complained.

‘How do you know’, Ivor retorted. ‘You haven’t even tried asking, and its winter and therefore the ‘off season’. Look, I know Mrs. McIntosh through my mother, I’ll telephone her and ask, if you like.’

‘Mrs. McIntosh? I queried, ‘So the place went out of the Bleeby family’.

‘Oh, the isolation drove old Bleeby mad and he cut his throat.’

‘What! You want me to go up there and commit suicide?’

‘Don’t be so damned silly, Chris,’ Ivor replied crossly. ‘The old boy spent all his money building the place so he was near broke when it was finished. He wasn’t married and couldn’t afford servants, so he was up there in that great house on his own. He still fossicked but never had another lucky find, he just found enough gold to keep himself alive.’

‘His body wasn’t discovered for more than two months. About once a month he used to ride his horse, the only companion he had, into Wingalila Creek for supplies. When he didn’t turn up at the store one month they were a bit puzzled. When it got to two months the local cop thought he’d better go up and see if the old guy was okay. That’s when his body was found. It had been partly eaten by rats.’

‘Hey, I’m not going to a place like that,’ I objected vociferously.

‘For God’s sake, Chris, it happened nearly a hundred and twenty years ago. What are you afraid of, the old guy’s ghost? Mrs. McIntosh lives up there by herself during the off season. She hires in help when the season is on, but apart from that, well…anyway why is a great lump of muscle like you scared?’

‘I’m not scared. ‘ I mumbled, but I must admit I thought it sounded eerie.

‘Look Chris, just let me ring the old girl and find out if she’ll take you. If she says its okay, go up there, and if you don’t like it after a couple of days you can leave.’

‘Oh all right,’ I agreed reluctantly, hoping the Mrs. McIntosh would say ‘no’.

Damn it, she said ‘yes’. So, two days later I was heading for ‘Mountain Hideaway’ in my ancient and battered Volkswagen.

Mrs. McIntosh had made it clear to Ivor that I would get three meals a day, bed linen and a ‘clean-up’ as she put it, three times a week. ‘All else to be supplied by self.’

It took me five hours to get to the place including a brief stop at Wingalila Creek for a pie. The house was about another hour’s drive along a winding dirt road. I’d almost decided that I’d missed the place when I saw a large sign, ‘Mountain Hideaway Conference Centre and Retreat.’

A narrow track led up a long gully, and there, nestling against a hill at the end of the gulley was the house, an ugly sort of place that looked as if it was a mixture of Georgian and late Victorian architecture. In fact I doubt if an architect had a hand in designing the place. Really I think it must have been Bleeby’s demented concept of what an English Country Manor looked like.

I got out of the car and cautiously approached the huge front door. There was a lion headed bell pull that I tugged on to produce the sound of cathedral bells clanging somewhere in the depths of the Hideaway.

Chapter 2. Mrs. McIntosh

After a considerable wait I heard through the thick doors the rattling of chains being removed and locks being turned. Finally the door creaked open to reveal a woman of considerable stature in, I guessed, her mid sixties.

‘Mr. Dennis?’ she asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice.

‘Er…yes. Mrs. McIntosh?’

‘Yers. Gotcha room ready. Come in.’

I walked into a huge hallway with a ceiling that seemed somewhere up in the clouds and was guided up the stairs by a silent Mrs. McIntosh to a slightly less huge but still very big bedroom with an impressive four poster bed.

‘I’ve put yer in ‘ere,’ she said. ‘Yerv got the use of the small dinin’ roo
m and usual offices. I’ll show yer where they are and yer bring yer own stuff in. Breakfast at eight, lunch at twelve noon and dinner at six thirty, Two ‘undred dollars down na an a ‘undred a week. Orl right?’

I signified my acceptance of the laconic terms and paid up. I was then shown the ‘usual offices’ and the ‘small’ dining room. Actually the dining room could easily have accommodated three large families with room to spare.

Being winter and cold up in the mountains I noted that the massive fireplace was laid ready to be lit with a supply of, not so much logs as tree trunks, stacked on either side.

‘More logs out the back if yer want ’em. Get ’em yerself an id’ll cost yer extra. Orl right?’

Again I signified that I understood and accepted the terms.

‘Leave yer na. Yerv missed lunch so next meal is dinner. Orl right?’

I said it was orl, I mean, all right, even though it wasn’t because my Wingalila Creek pie had hardly served to satisfy the empty space within.

‘By the way, as most of our guests want ter know, I’ll tell yer. This is the room were old Bleeby done ‘iself in, over there at the table. ‘E was sittin’ in that chair.’ She pointed to a throne like seat. ‘Some reckon they can still see the blood stain on the table. Can’t see it meself. Orl right?’

Mrs. McIntosh moved off with stately tread leaving a depressed Chris contemplating with little enthusiasm the coming days.

I took a look at the table and failed to see any sign of a residual bloodstain, then decided how to arrange myself.

The dining room seemed the best place to work in. Apart from the main table that was of a size to seat about twenty people, there was another smaller table that would serve to put my lap top on. I looked around and found, to my surprise, a fairly liberal supply of power points, so I lugged what was to be my work table nearer the fireplace, and went out to get my gear from the car.

Having dispersed the gear suitably around the bedroom, dining room and ‘usual offices’, I lit the fire, and I must say it did lend a more cheerful aspect to the room.

There was no desk lamp, so I heaved a standard lamp over to the work table. I looked up and saw suspended from the distant ceiling a massive chandelier. ‘That will give plenty of light,’ I thought, and pressed a wall switch by the door. The result was disappointing. Had it been fully armed the chandelier would have been wonderful. Sadly it was but a shade of its former self, having had about seventy-five percent of the bulbs removed, and what remained of low wattage.

I think I must have started to become inured to the situation, because I gave a mental shrug and thought, ‘Can’t have it all, I suppose.’

I set up the lap top together with its cheap printer and a pile of paper.

Having got that far, I fell into a lethargy that decided there would be no attempt to work that day. Instead I took a look around the rest of the mausoleum and found it impressive in size but hideous in appearance.

I strolled outside and tucked the car away in what must have been stables long ago. I then had a look around the grounds.

Unexpectedly the surrounds were quite well cared for. Being winter the flower beds were not at their best, but a little imagination helped visualise them in summer. The mountain forest pressed close up against the grounds as if threatening that one day it would come storming in to recapture its lost territory.

By the time I had finished my wander around it was approaching six-thirty, and having calculated that it would not be wise to keep Mrs. McIntosh waiting, I retired to the dining room.

Mrs. McIntosh entered promptly at six thirty bearing a tray, and announced economically, ‘Yer dinner,’ and departed.

I looked at the contents of the tray to find three plates. One contained soup, the next a couple of chops and vegetables, and finally a plate containing a sticky mess covered with a yellow substance that I took to be a pudding disguised with custard.

Having all three dishes delivered at once indicated that speedy eating was required if I was to have anything approaching a hot meal. I munched and swallowed at speed, and if the food was not especially appetizing at least it filled an inner void.

Finishing the meal I considered what I should do for the rest of the evening. As far as I could see there was no television set or even a radio. Fortunately I had brought with me a small radio, and retrieving it from the bedroom I settled in front of the fire in the dining room and roamed the radio dial for something interesting to listen to.

I quickly discovered that the surrounding mountains did nasty things to radio waves and when I did find a programme that sounded okay, it crackled, hissed and faded in and out. The only station that came through clearly was one that seemed to consist mainly of advertisements, interspersed by an announcer who sounded like a demented parrot who screeched at the listener, ‘This is a great, great song’. All the songs he presented were ‘Great, great songs,’ sung by ‘Great, great’ singers,’ whom for the most part I had never heard of.

After half an hour of the parrot chatter I surrendered and turned the radio off.

Having noted in the cavernous hallway an ancient telephone, I decided to telephone Ivor to abuse him. I got through to him, told him what I thought about his choice of a retreat, and heard in the background the shrill squeaks of female laughter and chatter.

Ivor, clearly intent on my not returning to the flat in the very near future, was placatory.

‘Stick it out, old boy. Just give it a few days trial. You might get to like it.’

I told him what he might attempt to do to himself, realising that in fact shortly it was what he would be doing to others, and slammed down the hand piece.

I even considered going in search of Mrs. Mcintosh for company, which indicates the desperation I was experiencing due to lack of companionship and entertainment. On second thoughts I decided against Mrs. McIntosh. She seemed to hibernate somewhere in the distant depths of the house, and recalling her terse manner, concluded that conversation with her, would be less than enthralling.

With that thought I decided for bed, a book and if possible, sleep.

Ensconced in the four poster, I went to sleep sooner than I anticipated and slept soundly.

Chapter 3. Came the Dawn.

I awoke to a pleasant winter morning and the distant sound of magpies warbling in the dawn sunlight. I even felt in a slightly cheerful mode in contrast to my previous nights despair.

The cheerful mode was modified a little when, on entering the dining room for breakfast, I discovered that Mrs. McIntosh had already set out my meal. It consisted of a box of cornflakes, a small jug of milk and bowl of sugar, plus what I assumed to be coffee in a mug that was in turn encased in a container that was supposed to keep it warm.

I drank the coffee first while it still retained some semblance of heat, and then filled myself up with cornflakes.

That over I decided on a brief walk round the grounds before attempting work. Half an hour poking into outhouses, sheds, stables and trying to view the house from various angles to see if it had any worthwhile architectural features added nothing to my previous aesthetic decisions about the place. It was simply ugly.

I returned to the dining room and noted that the fireplace had been cleaned and the fire re-laid. ‘Ah, there is some service around here,’ I rejoiced, but decided the day was too warm to light the fire.

I settled before the lap top and waited for inspiration. Nothing! I tried making a start pattering in words that when I read back made no sense. All that day I battered my brain to find a plot, a theme, anything. I typed and deleted over and over again until I was in an even more despairing mood than the previous evening.

At the point of hurli
ng the lap top against the wall, I decided that I would hide my misery in bed. In contrast to the previous night I slept fitfully and awoke miserably to a dawn that revealed the temperature had fallen during the night, and the bedroom was freezing. Wrapped in my dressing gown I peered out of the window to see a grey dawn and a lowering sky.

Chapter 4. An Unexpected Arrival

I hastened my morning ablutions so as to be in time for the arrival of breakfast and therefore coffee still with some residual warmth left in it.

I was in the dining room when Mrs. McIntosh arrived bearing the tray.

‘Breakfast. Id’ll snow before long.’ She left with her customary stately tread.

I swallowed the already lukewarm coffee and ate the cardboard-like cornflakes. Being a student of cereal packets and sauce bottles I noted that one plateful of the packet’s contents would sustain me for hours and ensure regular opening of my bowels.

The dreary aspect through the dining room window and the fact that the McIntosh predicted snow was falling, failed to tempt me into a morning stroll, so I set match to fire and attempted to work.

It was at mid-morning when I finally exploded with my ‘Writer’s block’ wail. I was in the slough of despond, the mire of misery. I saw myself as never writing again, and having to spend the rest of my life as a fettler in a foundry or some such inspiring task.

I lusted for a mid-morning cup of tea, but feared the terse Mrs. McIntosh’s disapproval of such conspicuous consumption.

Then I rallied my scattered forces, what was left of them, and decided on one more assault upon the castle ‘Block’.

‘Something sexy to open with,’ I thought. ‘It’ll catch the eye and interest of the prurient.’

I sat myself once more before the lap top and commenced:

‘The young, lovely and unsullied Wendy lay upon the bed naked. I let my eyes traverse her beautifully body. The long blonde hair spread like a fan over the pillow, her splendid dark blue eyes, with their look of ineffable pleading, the pert nose and full sensuous lips with the tip of her tongue protruding slightly between them, the long neck with a full throat and soft round shoulders above the milk white swelling breasts with their pink nipples. A wedge of blonde pubic hair descended from her mons to the neat tight cleft between her long luscious legs that now parted to entice me to enter her virginal womanhood.’

”Dear God’, I thought, ‘the most beautiful female in the whole world’, if only she was real.’

There was a tinkling silvery laugh right beside my left ear and a soft melodious voice said, ‘That’s a bit of an exaggeration darling.’

I stopped typing and whipped my head round, my nose almost colliding with a face peering over my shoulder. My eyes were at such close range to the face I could not take in the features properly, but the voice went on, ‘I grant you I’m very attractive, but ‘the most beautiful female in the whole world!’ I think you’d better tone that down a bit, Christopher.’

The face stopped looking over my shoulder and withdrew a little distance from me. I could now see that its owner was a young female.

In a state close to shock I spluttered out, ‘Who the hell are you, where did you come from?’

Another silvery laugh, ‘Christopher, that’s not very kind. You just created me and you don’t know me?’

I was unable to absorb what she was saying properly so in my bewildered fashion I said, ‘I thought I was the only one in the house, except for Mrs. McIntosh. Who are you?’

‘There was only you and Mrs. McIntosh until you made me. Look at me Christopher and see if you can recognise me.’

I stared at the figure before me, and I must admit she was worth staring at. Long blonde hair, dark blue eyes, pert nose and…my God, Wendy!’ The girl whose details were on the lap top screen right in front of me was standing before me!

‘I’m going mad,’ I said out loud. ‘It’s this place, this bloody awful house and its lousy food, it’s getting to me.’

‘Well of course, darling, it is dreadful place but after all, you can change it.’

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Dear Readers, I love David and Emma too much to finish this story in 4 chapters as I had originally planned. However the next installment might take a couple weeks to finish because I decided it would be fun to enter the Halloween story contest. So please be patient, and check out my story for the contest while you’re waiting. Vote for me! As always, I love hearing feedback so tell me what you think Hope you like chapter 4. honey28 *********** I was even more nervous than I had been on...

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Trivandrum Super Fast

By : Johntvm1990 Hello friends am John aged 23 from Trivandrum. Hope everybody is fine. After reading this story please leave your comments at Any mature ladies, aunts and young girls from Kerala can mail me for secret sex chat . Privacy is assured. It was a long day after my hectic works I decided to go trivandrum to finish my project works in the afternoon. I reached Ernakulam bus station and waited for the bus. I sat on the bench and my eyes roamed around for my bus. Just then an aunty of...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 172 Try To Do Something Nice

I figured Chrissy’s horny little friends weren’t going to keep their mouths shut after all. Chrissy needs to get better friends who can keep their mouths shut. I was going to let Chrissy decide if she is going to rat the girls out to their parents, unless they already found out through the parent’s grapevine. It isn’t like any of the girls here today could get my average six-inch circumference dick inside them. Even though this was primarily for teens to hang out naked, we don’t need much...

2 years ago
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New FriendsChapter 2

Saturday was pretty uneventful, Keira went off to a girl's night, no doubt to get up to date with all the gossip that she missed from the night before and I watched a movie with Mom and Dad. She ended up sleeping over so I didn't see her Sunday morning when I went for a dive. After I was done I decided it was time to check out the scuba store and see if they had a club or anything. I had heard there was one close by so I just drove around aimlessly until I found it. The first thing I...

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From Cam to Real Life

After I finished university, I struggled for a good-paying job and money was tight. But I couldn't face living back at home. I managed to find a room to myself in a house-share with two other guys and three women. We were mostly in our early twenties and doing various entry-level jobs. One guy, Pete, was older. About 45. He was on a temporary assignment in our city and didn't want the hassle of renting somewhere unfurnished.At home I had shared a bedroom with my brother and uni I'd been in a...

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Sexy SisterInLaw And Rainy Encounter

Hi guys, this is Rahul, and I am back with recent encounter. I am very thankful for the responses I received for . Happy that people like my story. This is about the recent encounter with my favorite and cute my sister-in-law Sruthi. It all started with a marriage function of my relative. Let’s move to the story folks. It was my distance relative’s marriage function and it was a must that someone from my family should attend it. As my wife had left with the kid, everyone decided it should be...

1 year ago
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Sex With A Raddiwala

By : Incognitodream Hi I am Pinky, 27 years old and a figure of 36-30-38. I weigh about 58 kgs and I am 5’2″. I am married and having a child. My husband is a small businessman and is mostly out of town for 10-12 days a month. I stay in a suburb in Mumbai. I am inclined towards sexual fantasy right from my childhood, mostly directed towards my cousin brother Karan. He is a doctor now. I am a housewife. As my husband is out of town mostly, I find it difficult to contain my sexual urge. My cousin...

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Two weeks With The Aunts

This was going to be a long summer', I thought to myself as I carried my small bag into my aunts small cottage home. The view was great, the beach not far off allowing the ocean breeze to lift my hair and cool my hot skin. Still 6 weeks spent with two old women just did not seem fun to a young girl of 16. I wanted my friends and shopping and Internet for goodness sake. But with my mom and dad going through a bitter divorce I was forced to stay here with my aunt Carol and Lindy. The two...

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Ronnies mother part 2

“This is Charlene,” I heard the horny voice of Ronnie’s mother. At least now I knew her first name. “Where are you?” she asked. “In the schoolyard,” I tried to say as offhandedly as possible, which wasn’t really easy for me since I was very nervous. “Is Ronnie near you?” I could tell from her tone of voice that the idea that her son was in my close proximity, aroused her in some weird way. “He was a moment ago, but I walked away. He thinks I’m arguing with my father, but he can’t hear me...

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The Triplets

My name is Mark, and I am not like normal people, I have the rare honour of being one of three; I am a triplet. My siblings, born on the same day as me, are the two most beautiful girls I know - besides my mom, of course.We were born over the span of six hours; my sister Lisa is the oldest and I the youngest, a fact my sisters keep letting me know. We have always been really close, and mom and dad made sure of this by giving us all the same bedroom.“If you all sleep in the same room, you can't...

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Female AnimalChapter 5

That night they talked about visiting the pride. "I want to see them, Evan. And I want another taste of a tiger fuck. It was absolutely incredible." Gina had said that about five times, and he was getting a little jealous. "You don't have to come if you don't want." But he had to see this. Both beauties getting it on with those animals. Shit. They turned in early, and Tawny made them both wear their pants and long sleeved shirts when they set off into the jungle the next morning,...

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ProeliatorChapter 6

My questions about the grandchildren allowed me to learn that they were not infants at all but grown men and a woman. The four of us went into the house and Bernadette looked around in wonder. This was not the mansions made of marble but much cruder. It was still very good especially for this time period. Bernadette though was used to only a hut or a sky above. I said to her, "You deserve a home like this one day. It will not be me giving it to you but somebody will." It was a sexist...

4 years ago
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Seduction Of My Aunt 8211 Part IV

This is the part IV of my story please read the part I, II and III first: I knew she was feeling shy and is waiting for my first move, I decided to start the flirting straight away while eating the idli, I stared her with a naughty smile and put my left hand under the table and started caressing my hardened dick over the Bermuda, she noticed the movement of my left hand and smiled at me and she sat down on the chair and was crossing her fingers staring at me. I told her that bhabhi today is my...

4 years ago
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I Was Sitting At My Wedding on a Friday NightChapter 6

The alarm went off at 4:45AM and I untangled myself from my soon to be wife. I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, taking care to wash my face and mustache. This was the first day of the rest of my life. I looked back to see ‘She’ looking at me with a wan smile. After pulling on my coaching staff polo shirt and my sweat pants I kissed Kendi and went to the kitchen to toast an English muffin, with a little crunchy peanut butter. I filled my water bottle before stopping to look...

3 years ago
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Further Madrid Adventures

Professor Maurice Kershaw and his newly-installed mistress Bella were enjoying an evening aperitif on the balcony of his Madrid apartment. "Where would you like to go for supper tonight, my love?" he asked."Oh let's go to the cafe bar at The Ritz, shall we? I'll wear my new black pencil skirt and a semi-transparent black silk blouse if you like.""With no bra?" the elderly man asked expectantly."But of course not, darling. One always gets better service when the waiters can ogle your titties!"He...

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The Pool Party

Friday, May 26, 2000Heather had just finished her first year of teaching, and she was exhausted.  The everyday grind of a school year had taken its toll. As a student, she had never even come close to understanding just how much work was involved in teaching.  Working through lunch, staying at school past six o’clock in the evening, taking assignments home to grade, staying up into the wee hours of the morning just so she’d have something prepared for the next day—she’d done it all. On top of...

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The Gods’ tears fell in streams, bouncing of the street and soaking my boots. Even the short distance from the taxi to the front door of the large Georgian house left their leather dull and wet. I was glad I’d worn them and had my court shoes in my bag. The door was answered almost as I banged the huge brass knocker shaped like a ship’s anchor. Gina opened it. ‘My God, Emma, what a night. Come on in before you drown.’ I was late, as always. Gina was celebrating her fortieth birthday with a...

3 years ago
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Party for Claire

I considered myself to be a good lover and she agreed. Nevertheless; she had had numerous affairs and she had left me several times for other guys. She eventually would grow tired of them or the other way around and she would return to me begging for forgiveness and I would always take her back. Why did I take her back? Because in bed; she could bat your balls right out of the park. You know what I mean. Claire loved to drink and party. It didn't take much booze to really get her in the...

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Wandering MindsChapter 15

Back home in his own bed, Seth woke up to the feel of his sister sliding up next to him. She wrapped her arms around him and looked at him with a mischievous glint in her eye. "What?" he asked sleepily. "I was visiting with Mom," Sarah said. "So?" Seth asked, a little more gruffly than he had intended. "So - things have changed a bit around here since we went off to school," Sarah said "What kind of things?" "Things having to do with sex," Sarah expounded. Despite his...

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Shopping for my pregnant wife

Just the general attitude of the day had been pretty shitty so I was not happy to be out running errands. I got to the mall and it was not crowded. Thank goodness for that. Getting a parking spot up front was a nice bit of icing on a shit cake of a day so far. I made it to the maternity store and there was no one in there as per usual really. I walked in and was greeted with a very pleasant “Hello sir, welcome and if there is anything I can do for you don’t hesitate to let me know.” “Thank...

3 years ago
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RetirementChapter 5

Daphne wrapped her arms around her friend and let herself be held for a while. Maybe everything would work out. Maybe she was just in the dark before dawn. Maybe. She was starting to actually feel better when she suddenly became aware how erect Amy's nipples were -- they were poking out through the sheer material better than a quarter inch. "Uhm," Daphne said, pulling herself away. "Thank you. I *do* feel better." "That's my baby," Amy said, brushing a strand of hair back out of...

1 year ago
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My First Time The Final Chapter

I awoke the next morning to Freddie stroking my tits and kissing me softly on my neck and shoulders. When I opened my eyes she was smiling down at me and I couldn’t believe that she could make me so happy or make my pussy so wet. She asked if I slept well and how did I feel? I smiled up at her and said that was the best time I ever had in my life and I felt simply wonderful and when were we going to do that again? She laughed this throaty little laugh she had that was sex as hell and started...

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A good anal sex with Dirk

Monday afternoon, while I was shopping at the mal, I received a message from Dirk confirming that we were still on for Tuesday and that he had booked a little guest house in a nearby area for us.I replied saying that it sounded perfect for me…Dirk continued sending messages; asking finally what we would need for the anal sex he was planning to have with me. Then I replied back saying we would need only some lube…I added not to worry; I would bring some lube with me.After that last message, I...

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The Kings Temporary SlaveChapter 8 The milkers

A week after leaving the clinic, I sat in Sapphire's office typing my account of the whippings when the king stopped at my desk on his way through. I'd been working with my breasts exposed but I loosely covered them when I saw him enter the room. I don't know why I bothered because his first words were, "Let me see what they're like now Carol please." They were still multi-coloured and tender and I certainly wouldn't have wanted to wear a bra even if it was allowed but I could gently...

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Hotel Maid

Dedicated to Xoffie. When I was twenty-eight years old, I was working as an assistant marketing specialist at the Moscow's office of a big western company. I was alone in the world, and had nothing to depend upon but my intellect, ability to work hard and a good reputation; but these were setting my feet in the road to an eventual career, and I was content with the prospect. I dedicated my days to work and study and never paid any attention to the political situation in the...

3 years ago
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Stocks BlondesChapter 19 Whore Corners

When someone asks me “How much?” I just naturally respond “How much what?” I never thought I’d come to regret that. King of Prussia After thawing out the family jewels, I called Grover. He was surprised to hear from me. In fact, I don’t think he remembered at first who I was. Oh, dear. “Grover, I need to know about a piece of jewelry,” I said after we’d finally established who I was and he’d caught up. “It’s a necklace of Georgia’s that has a large square-cut amethyst pendant. Do you...

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My unexpected festival highlight

For the first 44 years of my life, I neither had, nor had considered any sexual liaisons with anyone of the same sex. This was until the following took place: Just to give you an idea of me, I am a tall slim (but not skinny) man, with short brown hair and blue eyes. I was in the car with my wife travelling to a music festival, we were having a row. I won’t bore you with what it was about (as it’s not particularly relevant) but it was getting quite heated and my wife’s driving was becoming...

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Note : This story is completely fictional! Hello friends i am just too tired of reading the regular material so i would like you to test my abilities.if you dont like it criticise openly but if you enjoy it keep on enjoying. nNow i live in newzealand with my father is on a hectic schedule almost everyday and that my old mother needed her for some comfort but he was too busy and me a loner too was just jacking off yearning for a lady to look after me and my needs and i coudnt do that...

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Out of Africabyhappenstance©I was in the kitchen preparing dinner when my husband called me from his office and said he would be coming home early as he had something important to tell me.Worried that it might be bad news, I asked him to tell me right away whatever it was but he calmed me down and said, "Don't worry, it's not bad news," and with that he hung up.By the time he came back from the office, I, along with my 18-year-old son and 19-year-old daughter, were nervously waiting for him in...

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NFBusty Skylar Vox Come When She Calls

Skyler Vox is a hotblooded young thing who can’t wait to get herself the climax she craves. Decked out in sexy red lingerie that highlights her big titties, she indulges in a slow self seduction. Her hands are everywhere as she relieves herself from her bra and jiggles her boobs. Her hands slide lower, tugging her thong up to put pressure on her tight pussy. By the time she takes that thong off, she’s dripping wet and oh so eager. Although Skylar is perfectly capable of taking care...

3 years ago
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What a Surprise

Recently I started seeing someone, a fuck buddy which I had hoped would turn out to be more, why? he had a gorgeous above average cock and knew how to use it :) He called me and asked me to come round, said he had a surprise for me, he lived 15 minutes away so I threw on a mini dress and pair of heels and decided to walk over, on the way my dress kept riding up exposing the tops of my stockings, I must admit it kind of turned me on a littleI arrived at his house and he opened the door, we said...

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InnocentHigh Krystal Orchid To Cum Or Not To Cum

Krystal has been struggling big time learning her lines for the schools rendition of Romeo and Juliet. Good thing her drama teacher came right to the rescue! He saw how tense and nervous he was, so first he helped her relax with some breathing exercises. When she felt calm, she tried again. She still couldnt nail it. What she needed was a real life Romeo to play off of! Her drama teacher laid down on the desk and hoped it would help. She still could not focus on her lines though because she...

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A Blast From The Past

Hi again all, I’ve been thinking about what to write. I’ve decided to go back in time 16 years, to a time when I was a young, 20 year old nymphomaniac. Things were different then. I was living with my parents, didn’t have any tattoos, my ass was rounder and my tits were firmer. I loved to party, and I loved to fuck.   I was early summer, and I had just gotten a job as a clerk at a large department store, in the hardware department. My department manager was a handsome, 27 year old young man...

2 years ago
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Get a Handle on It

Mummy, I had this idea for a fantasy. I hope you like it. I couldn't help but put on some pink panties and lipstick whilst writing it. Enjoy. Get A Handle On It By PinkyPanty It was another lovely summer's afternoon. I had just got home from school and was looking for something to do. I saw the sun shining outside and decided it had to be tennis. I would have loved to be able to play football, or something cool like that. But at 15, my thin 5ft 9inch frame did nothing...

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The Accidental EscortChapter 12

The days and the weeks were flying by. The weather had turned cold and most of the leaves were already off the trees. Ron had continued during the fall doing things with Beth and her children and remembered the fun time a few weeks earlier he had with them picking apples and stopping for ice cream on the way back from the orchard. Besides picking the apples seeing Beth in the tight jean she wore was an added attraction. Being honest about it, Ron knew that most women with average figures if...

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Angeliques experience with cock size

My wife and I recently were talking about dick size. She said she didn't understand why guys were so hung up on size. "Size doesn't really matter" she said. I said, really guys weren't the ones hung up on the size of a damn cock, but it was the women who were fascinated with it. I said "the women not hung up on size are the one's that haven't had a really big dick yet." "What do you mean?" she said. I said, "Angelique if you ever had a bigger dick, you would probably go wild as shit." "I think...


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