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All his life, Bradley Kenton had lived in Marickville, New York. He was born there in the summer of 1972, and had gone through his entire school years up until college there. He grew up in a suburban neighborhood with his mother, father, and younger sister.

When he was ten, Bradley could remember his father and mother having a terrible argument. Screaming and insults had gone on for hours. Bradley was sitting in his room, on the floor, playing a game of Monopoly with his eight-year-old sister when he heard the door slam. His father left the house to a mysterious place where fathers go when they don’t want to be near family. Later that evening, Bradley and his younger sister put them selves to bed, their mother stayed in her room crying the whole night. On the afternoon of the second day, Bradley came running home from playing with his best friend and saw his mother in the living room crying. She told Bradley it was because she had dropped her favorite teakettle and broke it, but Bradley felt there was more to it.

‘It’s okay Mom, it’s not your fault Dad left. He’ll be home tomorrow, promise.’ Bradley smiled at his mother, and kissed her cheek softly. His mother returned the beautiful boyish smile with her own, and stroked his hair, telling him she hoped so. His mother hugged him tightly, almost hard enough to hurt him. She always gave Bradley long hugs, sometimes for an hour they would sit together and hug. His mother told Bradley it was because he always made her feel better. At the time it seemed like a small statement made by a boy that wished to make his mother feel better.

On the fourth day after Bradley’s father’s disappearance, miraculously, Bradley returned to his home to find his mother and father sitting in the kitchen together, holding hands. He smiled and ran over to his father, wrapping his arms around the burley man and hugged him tightly.

During college, Bradley had tough times covering his tuition fees, and was forced to work at a pneumatic farm equipment company. While there were large, important jobs to be handled around the warehouse, Bradley was the office janitor, and yard keeper. The majority of the business’s sales were from other cities and states, so there were hardly any customers who entered the office. Bradley merely cleaned because the boss was kind and believed Bradley needed help with money. Along with cleaning the office, he had to clean weeds and prune bushes in the front and back of the business’s large warehouse. Bradley didn’t mind manual labor, and he never worked very hard there. He also worked nights at a cafe in Alfred. He bussed tables and did some light cooking, nothing he was very proud of. But, it got him some small tips, and more wages to save for school. The jobs paid enough for him to scrape through college and get his degree in English.

All through his attendance at Alfred University, Bradley dated a girl named Carol. Carol Bergen had been the best thing that had happened to him since self-independence from his home. She was short, just over five feet, and had long dark brown hair. Her eyes were a soft brown that made Bradley melt every time she looked angrily at him for something wrong he had done. She had a soft giggle that would always make Bradley smile, and her kiss was always soft and warm, even in the freezing New York winter weather. Since his third year in college, until the last few months before he graduated, he thought he would marry Carol. He seemed perfect for him, and he thought he was perfect for her. Six weeks before he was to graduate and go back home, Carol dumped him. Her reasoning was she had found a new guy that was perfect for her, she told Bradley the guy just appeared out of nowhere, and they immediately fell in love.

She had said it so matter-of-factly, and did not even want to discuss it. Two days later, Carol had left the university. Bradley had a hard time coping. For days he sat in his room sulked, had crying fits and his mind slipped into a constant state of depression. Every morning he woke up, it seemed like it worse than the day before, meaning every day was the worst day of his life. He missed almost over a week of every class, and barely even ate any food. Finally his roommate forced him to get up and go to class, literally and physically dragging him out of bed, harping that he would regret it for the rest of his life if he let Carol ruin him.

The tail end of Bradley’s college career was a disaster. He could never get Carol off his mind. Everything he saw and heard seemed to make sense, and add to his misery. Everyone he saw seemed to have a perfect match, except for him. His finals did not go over well, he studied hard, and tried to retain as much as he could, but loneliness slowly crept in eventually, and he was unable to concentrate. He even tried meditation and other spiritual practices, but in the end he still could not get the break up off of his mind. During his final exams he became a nervous wreck, he would shake and quiver while he read the test papers, and would jot down answers, knowing they were only educated guesses at best. When it was finally over, Bradley was unsure if he would even graduate. He had a last minute meeting with his counselor, and found that he had barely inched his way through, and would luckily receive a diploma with his name on it.

After college ended, Bradley quit his two jobs, and returned home to his family for a few months. Ever since after the major fight happened when Bradley was ten, his parents were in love like teenagers. And when he returned home, he found it to be no different. They cared for each other almost as much as they cared for their two children. Bradley’s sister had gone off to college herself, and was doing leaps and bounds better than Bradley had done. So Bradley had his parents to himself, which wasn’t completely terrible, but also wasn’t the greatest situation. He found part time work at his father’s industry site, helping out in the office. This time he did the actual paperwork and made phone calls, instead of taking out the garbage and vacuuming floors. A more sophisticated employment for a young man with a bachelor’s degree.

On an early March day, Bradley was walking down 23rd toward home. He liked to walk home from work and people watch while he went through the center of town. Since he got off in the evening, and it was March in New York, he normally stopped to get a cup of coffee and a muffin at his favorite coffee shop called Maestro’s. Bradley had no idea why the owner called it that, although the owner was Italian. He was a large, round-bellied man with balding gray hair. He always dressed in a pair of dark slacks, a white oxford shirt, with a white apron over it. Bradley always went there with a smile on his face, and greeted the owner happily, and asked how his wife was. The man was never tired of talking about her, especially to Bradley. Bradley, of course, was never tired of hearing about her.

Bradley pulled his hands from the pockets of his slacks, and pushed open the glass door to Maestro’s, the small ‘Open’ sign bounced on the glass softly. Inside the small shop was warmly lit, casting a golden reflection onto the cold cement of the sidewalk out front. The shop was very slim, and very long. Like a studio apartment in San Francisco. It was decorated with old newspaper clippings from the early 1900’s, most of them from the New York Times. When Bradley was in the coffee shop, he felt like it was 1920 again. The walls were brown, and the floor was dark brown as well. Immediately to the right of the entrance was a long bar, where the owner stood with a broad smile across his face. He was usually wiping the counter while he talked to one of his older friends who were constantly at the store. The bar had a long leather pad around the front edge so customers had something to lean his elbows on. In front of the bar, there were tall stools with leather seats, and polished wooden legs. Behind the bar, was the wall and counter where
the coffee mugs sit, as well as the coffee machines, cappuccino machines, and every other form of anything coffee. Across the room, to the left of the entrance, there were a long row of assembled tables and chairs for customers to sit. Overhead hanging in the middle of the shop, were large ceiling fans for when New York’s hot summers began to cook the entire state. The store always smelled of fresh coffee, the overwhelming scent of roasting beans. Bradley entered, and looked around, taking a deep breath as he always did. To his left, an older man was sitting at one of the tables reading a newspaper while he sipped his coffee as if it were alcohol.

‘Good evening Tony! How’s business?’ Bradley exclaimed, while walking up the counter. Tony was wiping the bar down with a cloth as usual, and looked up, smiling when he saw Bradley enter.

‘Bradley my boy! Business is excellent, couldn’t be better. How’s your family, son?’ Tony walked turned to the counter behind the bar and began making the same order Bradley had every time he came.

‘They are wonderful Tony,’ Bradley smiled, setting his hands on the counter as he sat on a stool. ‘My sister is off at college, and he is a scholar, getting all straight ‘A’s’, I think.’

‘Excellent, good for her. Good for her.’ Tony had a habit of repeating statements a lot. Just part of his nature. He had never met Bradley’s family, but that wasn’t the point.

‘How’s your wife Tony? Still young and beautiful?’ Bradley asked.

‘Ah! She’s still gorgeous young Bradley.’ Tony turned back to the counter, setting Bradley’s coffee and muffin onto the bar. A bright light in his eyes was showing that he had practically been waiting to talk about her with Tony. ‘She made the most beautiful little crochet last night. She’s been working on it for months. She’s also making a dress for my granddaughter’s school dance next week.’ He smiled and laughed, feeling his balding hair. ‘She’s always working on a bunch of little projects.’ Bradley smiled, and patted Tony on the shoulder, looking into his eyes.

‘You have a choice wife, Tony. I hope I can be as lucky as you when I get married.’ Bradley smiled at the man, picking up his muffin and coffee.

‘Oh nonsense.’ Tony replied. ‘With your young looks you should be having women lined up to date you. You’ll find a wife before you know it.’ On his way out the door, Bradley pointed to the old man, smiling.

‘I hope you’re right Tony. I hope you’re right. I’ll see you tomorrow.’ Bradley turned out the door, and took a sip of his coffee, walking down the sidewalk. He looked across the street, where an Italian restaurant filled half the block. People were outside eating and talking together, smiling and being happy. Bradley smiled, watching for a moment, and continued on his way.

– –

The next day Bradley would never forget. Bradley was on the subway heading toward the factory to begin his work day. He stood alone in the middle of the train car, his right hand clasping a hand hold. The train bumped and rocked along down the tracks, and Bradley’s nose was pointed down at his morning news paper, reading the comics. He smiled to himself, lifting his head slightly as he thought about the Doonbury joke he read, when his eyes spotted an angel on the train. Due to her surprising beauty, Bradley’s eyes were deceived, as he thought the woman had the wings of an angel. He blinked a few times slowly, looking over the woman’s soft features. She was sitting a few benches down from where he was, reading a small book. The book was cradled in her small hands, her knit gloves holding the covers open.

The girl had soft, shiny, short, black hair, her face was like porcelain. She had an over all softness to her that Bradley had never seen before. While the train rocked and clacked along the tracks, Bradley couldn’t help but stare over at her, not wanting to miss a movement of her eyes. She did not notice him, she was concentrating on her book. Whoever she was, she had beautiful style, as well as stunning looks. She had on a black wool coat the reached down to her knees, with a gray shirt underneath, and black pants and boots to match. Bradley lowered the hand that held his paper, no longer interested with what was happening in Pakistan. He had to meet this girl. If he never found out her name, he would not be able to live with himself.

When the train came to a stop, Bradley kept an eye on the girl, and saw she was getting off at 23rd and Richton. Bradley reached into his blazer pocket and fished out his cell phone, exiting off the train. He called his father’s office and told him he would be running late this morning. His father lectured him about how much work needed finishing, Bradley hardly listened. He was following behind the girl he had seen on the train. When Bradley folded up his cell phone and slipped it back into his pocket, he saw the girl turn the corner onto 24th. Bradley noticed there was a rose salesman standing on the corner of Richton. He smiled happily and ran over to buy a rose quickly. Then he trotted to the other side of 24th, and headed off the girl he’d seen on the train. When he turned right to walk back toward 23rd, she was walking right toward him, but wasn’t looking at him. She hadn’t seen him, or noticed him on the train. Bradley straightened his wool coat, and walked toward her. In the icy March weather, Bradley’s palms began to get sweaty, and his heart pounded so hard it sounded like an explosion every time it beat. Bradley sucked in a small breath, forcing his feet to keep moving. She looked even more beautiful when she walked. Like a supermodel walking down the runway of the rural streets of Marickville. Her silky black hair bounced slightly, and her eyes were hidden by a pair of dark purple sunglasses she was wearing. Her glove covered hands were held softly inside the front pockets of her black coat. When she was only a few steps away, Bradley forced himself to take a breath, counted quickly to three, and stepped right in front of her.

‘Good morning.’ Bradley started, the girl stopped and looked up at him. Her slender chin tilted up so she could see his eyes, and Bradley presented the rose before her. ‘I bought this for you.’

‘For me?’ She replied, she seemed nervous. As most any girl would be when a strange man approached her on a busy street. Bradley nodded and handed it to her slowly.

‘I saw you on the train, and…I…Uh’ Bradley began to shake slightly. He swallowed and rubbed his fingertips against his palms, his thoughts screaming for him mouth to get a grip. ‘I just wanted to know your name.’

‘It’s Jennie.’ She smiled, and lifted the rose, smelling it slightly. ‘What’s your name?’

‘Bradley. Bradley Kenton.’ He scratched his head slightly, and made himself stop, not wanting to show how nervous he was to simply be around her. He caught a soft scent of her hair, and his eyes blinked slowly as a reflex. ‘I thought you seemed like a very nice person, and I was wondering if you’d like to go to lunch sometime. Or dinner…coffee…anything.’ She smiled, looking at the rose, and then back at Bradley again.

‘That’s so sweet of you. I’m sorry, but I have a boyfriend.’ She replied, giving him a downhearted look. Bradley nodded and looked down at the ground briefly.

‘Of course you do, but he’s…’ Bradley stopped himself. Bradley could have told her the boyfriend’s name, where he was today, and how he was cheating on her with a woman he had met at his office. But he knew it would be daft to tell her how her own relationship would end. Bradley himself was unsure how he knew all these things, they just popped into his head when he looked into her eyes.

‘He’s a lucky man. I doubt he understands what he has. Would it be okay if I just left you a number? So you could call me if things didn’t work out?’ Bradley reached into his coat, and pulled out his wallet. He held out a card for her, hoping she would take it. To his surprise, she took the card, and looked at it.

‘That would be okay.’
She said, and tucked the card into her pocket. ‘If things don’t work out between us, I’ll give you a call and maybe you can cheer me up.’ She smiled and told Bradley she was thankful for the rose, and went on her way.

For a few moments, Bradley watched her walk down the sidewalk. He knew in three days she would walk into her boyfriends apartment and hear soft whimpering noises coming from the bedroom. Bradley closed his eyes and swallowed over the lump in his throat, seeing her broken heart through her eyes as she pushed the bedroom door open to see her boyfriend in bed with a much more beautiful woman. Blonde, slender hips, larger breasts, she was everything her boyfriend had always said he’d wanted Jennie to be.

Bradley ran his fingers through his hair and let out a deep breath, making a puff of steam in the cold weather. He turned and made his way back to the train station. It would be another twenty-five minutes before the next train came, but Bradley didn’t mind.

– –

On the third day after he had met Jennie, Bradley’s head pounded all day. He had a headache worse than he had ever had before. Throughout his entire day of work Bradley tried to do things to keep his mind off his throbbing skull. First he tried thinking of Jennie, and what she had said to him when they had met, but he found whenever he brought her into his thoughts, his headache got worse. So he decided to just concentrate on his work, and try to ignore the pain as much as he could.

Just before lunch, Bradley’s father knocked on the door frame of Bradley’s office softly and poked his head in.

‘Hi son, working hard?’ His father asked, his eyes drifting over his son’s office. Bradley looked up and forced a smile to his father, nodding slightly.

‘Yeah, just trying to get a few more orders all ready before lunch.’ Bradley touched his head, kneading the place that hurt the most slowly. His father noticed the pain in his eyes.

‘You okay? Have a headache?’ he asked. Bradley nodded, looking down at his papers again.

‘I met a girl yesterday, and thinking about her has made my head hurt.’ Bradley’s father laughed, leaning against the doorjamb.

‘Maybe you should stay away from her then.’ His father smiled, crossing his arms. His expression grew serious, and he looked over his son lovingly. ‘You used to get those headaches when you were little. I’m sure it will pass if you take something and have a nap. Maybe you should go home early today.’ Bradley nodded silently, thinking for a moment.

‘Maybe I should.’ He replied.

His father left the office, after telling Bradley he was going to Tino’s if he wanted to join. For a moment after his father was gone Bradley stared at the papers arranged all over his desk. He let out a long sigh, and began typing on his computer again. Slowly he worked the papers into a respectable pile, and decided to leave it for the next day.

He got up from his desk, grabbed his coat and gloves, and shrugged them both on, walking out of his office. While he walked, Bradley watched the ground passing underneath his feet, thinking about things that were important to him. Phil Maher greeted him in the hallway, wearing his hard hat and boots. Phil worked in the loading dock, he and Bradley were friends during high school. Not close, dear friends, but they hung around together periodically.

‘Bradley, what’s happening?’ Phil smiled at him, looking at Bradley passed the brim of his hard hat.

‘Hey Phil,’ Bradley replied, ‘going home early. I have a nasty headache. You’re not working to hard are ya?’ Phil laughed sincerely, as if he seriously thought it funny that he would work hard.

‘Hell no man, working too hard is what makes you old,’ Phil replied.

‘I guess so. Hey, buy your wife some flowers tonight okay? She’ll love it, I promise.’ Bradley said, walking backward toward the exit. Phil thought about it for a moment, and gave a slightly nod.

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Hot Pants BrideChapter 6

Beth's perspective changed when she was sober and not possessed with the hots. She knew she had done wrong, cheated again, and this time with two men at once. It had been a thrilling experience and it made her tingle just to think about it, but she had to control her urges, not let her cunt be her master. Doc wanted her to be a party girl and made no bones about it now. He had dozens of influential clients who required the services of young, attractive women. And she could make a lot of...

2 years ago
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Spying on Hubby

Newlywed Janine Delvittio had a problem. It wasn’t much of a problem for her, but it was a giant problem for her mother who kept bugging her about it. “How could a wife not know where her husband works?” her mother would practically yell at her every time they talked.Back when they were dating, Bruce had told her that he was in a combination of sales and management at a small, family-owned business. When she asked what the business was, he replied, “I’m absolutely sure you have never heard of...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Anastasia Rose She Loves Anal

Pretty Anastasia Rose rubs her extra round ass and winks her sphincter. Pro stud Mark Wood oils her cheeks and slips his cock into her tight pussy, fucking her doggie-style. Anastasia opens her mouth wide to let Mark fuck her throat. He bends her over and stuffs her butthole with his veiny dong, and Remy begs for more. The anal reaming heats up till Anastasia screams in orgasmic pleasure. Her asshole gapes! She slobbers on his prick, giving a nasty, ass-to-mouth blowjob, and Anastasia tops off...

3 years ago
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Rob Jenkins Part TwoChapter 7

I really enjoyed the Lauders' visit. Brooke talked with Lib about the rape and Will talked with Beau and Hub. After we ate the huge Thanksgiving meal, we felt sluggish. While Lib and I walked along the seawall to the Grand Hotel, Brooke and Libby walked through the parking lot to entrance of the lobby of Grand Hotel. Grandfather used the time to talk with Jan, Richard and Ania. Will, Beau, Hub and Jane sat on the porch and talked about banking. Lib and I hadn't walked far, when she said,...

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Lisa AKA Smiley

We called her Smiley, simply because we didn't know her name. She worked in the college cafe almost every morning. She wore a uniform that made her look even hotter. The black pants fit her like a second skin. She had a perfect ass. She also had a very nice rack, they fit her body type perfectly, and while the numbers might not be impressive on her petite little body they looked huge. But by far the her most striking feature was her smile. Always present, her smile made her nose wrinkle just a...

4 years ago
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Not This TimeChapter 25 DoGood

The problem with the tenants’ union didn’t go away overnight. Just as I suspected, I discovered that Briggs had incorporated a non-profit and was still trying to recruit local residents to join his ‘class action’ lawsuit. The actual substance of the suit was still vague. Jim was fuming, but there was nothing he could do until someone actually lodged a formal action. I’d spiked any major motivation for the neighborhood to actually pursue a lawsuit. We continued with the renovation of the units...

2 years ago
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And sister came too

Introduction: My girlfriend gives her sister the ultimate birthday present. Me! It was a weekend we had been wishing for. Verity's parents had gone away to celebrate their wedding anniversary. We had been going out for about six months, and had a healthy, but secretive sex life. We were both 19, but neither of our parents approved of us having sex in the house, so a weekend together was something we had been hoping for, for a while.It was a last minute decision by her parents to go. They...

1 year ago
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Revenge of the Nerd Ch 27

I worked harder than ever for finals. I might as well. Jeff was completely immersed in studying. Of course we were sleeping together so I did get in some nice cuddle time. Sometimes we stayed awake together and that was pretty special too. But what really stands out about the time is how hard we worked. And even though so much of our time was spent preparing, we were doing it together. We had our individual books and papers and downloads but, somehow, we were a team. We prepared meals...

1 year ago
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Aiden Moore Bukkake

Info: Aiden Moore, 18, of Daytona Beach Florida stars in his first of three gay bukkake films "50 Dicks, 1 Boy". Filming takes place at a privately owned Denny's restaurant in Tampa Bay Florida, with casting having taken nearly 3 months to complete due to strict STD testing. While the title claims to have 50 participants for the bukkake, only 48 arrived for the filming. A secret spilled by one of the participants was that even with 48 men, the producer did not feel there was enough semen in the...

2 years ago
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Her First Anal Sex

How she enjoyed her first anal sexual experienceWe had been together for about a month. The sex was fabulous and only getting better. We had learned things about each other that the other didn't even know. For example, I knew that her ass was very sensitive and that she wanted it to be touched. She'd only idly wondered about anal sex before, until that first time I teased her ass while I was going down on her. She pulled away at first, but then relaxed and didn't withdraw the second time. I...

4 years ago
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Ek Raat Ne Mujhe Bana Diya Shemale 8211 Part 1

Hi, i’m akansha from noida(up) but currently i’m in newyork,its my first story, professionally i’m a fashion designer,age-25, my color is fair, height is 5’6,híp size 34,breast 32,penis-4to5inch basically i’m a shemale. Now i’ve been start my story. Ye baat uss time ki hai jab mein 20saal ka tha or noida mein naya tha kyuki mera admission wha k ek college mein ho gya tha. Maine noida mein rent par ghr liya or sath he Maine ek calcenter mein job karni shuru kardi wha meri shift dophar k 4se raat...

4 years ago
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LimitsChapter 29

Session 42: In the last session, I’d asked Lucy some more questions, fucked her mouth, and then woken her up. She didn’t even question the fact that she woke up with my cum in my mouth any more. I think it excited her. Since then, I’d been reflecting on her reaction to believing that I was responsible for Marcie. I mean, she wasn’t wrong to be scared. What I’d done was monstrous. I’d destroyed someone - and not just anyone, but Lucy’s best friend. I’d slowly stripped away her...

1 year ago
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TMWPOV Martina D I will pay you with my pussy

Juicy blonde Martina enters the car service and informs the mechanic that she has money troubles at the moment and she cannot pay for the current car repairs. But she has a way out of this situation… She offers the mechanic to fuck her to pay off some of the debt. The mechanic hesitates at first, but when she begins to seduce him, he instantly arouses and willingly agrees. Then Martina moves on to sucking his cock. She goes all out on his cock and gets him nice and hard before he fucks...

2 years ago
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Girlfriends 1st Bi experienceMy first 3sum

This is a story about our first time with another woman.It was NYE and we were both feeling pretty good. I had already filled up her pussy with 4 loads of cum during the day/evening. We went over to the bar at the resort where we were staying for the NYE party. As with any party, there was a lot of drinking and dancing. Not long after midnight, an older woman (47) started to grind on my gf. My gf has always been curious about being with another woman, especially an older one. I could tell...

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The hype has been building for weeks, throughout the streets of every city in the world. The promise of owning an artificial intelligence that provides sex has been keeping men rock hard for days, and the women steaming. Some with envy, othrrs with anticipation. Meanwhile, days before final completion. A scream is heard, followed by a naked woman running down a marble floored hallway with blinding white, spotless florescent walls. Metallic drones gave chase whizzing behind her. Rounding a...

3 years ago
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Fucking my cousin Beth

My name is West, and I am now 20 years old, though this story takes place when I was younger. I am 5’11’’ and reasonably well built because of years of both tennis and football. I have really dark brown hair and blue eyes. My athletic talent made me popular, and my resulting body allowed me to get almost any girl… except the one I wanted most: my Younger cousin Bethannie, or Beth as we call her, who is perfect. She is beautiful; she stands at 5’5’’ with brown hair and hazel eyes which usually...

4 years ago
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In Hand

The air brushed over her overheated skin, lifting a long line of goosebumps from her shoulder to knee. Swallowing hard, she tried to relax into the position he’d left her in; bent over the couch, hands flat on the cushions, standing on tip toe with her ass high in the air. Her dark hair spilled over on to the cushion on either side of her face, leaving her back bare. She was a ball of trembling need before he’d finished adjusting her legs wide enough apart that the air caressed damp lips. He’d...

2 years ago
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Wifeys Panties

Our phone sex is always so hot; you egg me on in so many ways. My wife has no idea how much I wear her panties not to mention her lingerie, stockings and dresses. We talk about what I'd wear when we get together as I suck your cock. You always have me send you pictures of me dressed in panties, stockings and high heels, telling me how perfectly stunning my penis looks in silky panties and you tell me what a hottie little sissy bitch I have become. I tell you when I'm lucky and find a perfectly...

3 years ago
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Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes

FAIRY TALES AND NURSERY RHYMES My name is Colin. I am a single man and, as I have to travel around the country in connection with my work, I seize any opportunity I can to explore local nightlife. On the occasion about which I am writing I was working in Birmingham. It was a substantial project and it looked as though I was going to be staying in Birmingham for at least three weeks. I was delighted to be staying put for a decent amount of time as this would enable me to really get...

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Magic Kingdom At The Character Breakfast

Long title, realtively short story. Another quickie for me. I decided to experiment and try to stretch my meager writing talent by doing something new. I tried to write a story in flashback. I usually write, for the most part, in linear time. I need it for another story that I'm working on. Tell me if it works Raven Captain Webster's the Magic Kingdom: At the Character Breakfast By Raven I watched my Husband Geoff parade around the restaurant in the Polynesian Village with...

2 years ago
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Policewomans Peril

The Fairlane came to a stop and a tall, dark haired man wearing a black suit got out. An older, stockier man was there to meet him, flanked by two more thugs. He was the Mafia crime boss Salvatori Dolmio, who owned the warehouse, and used it as a base of operations for many of his criminal enterprises. “What the fuck happened out there Baroudi? We didn’t do all that planning for a fuckin’ blood bath.” “I’ll tell you what fuckin’ happened!” came the agitated voice of another man...

3 years ago
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Gang bang changing life

his chick really loves being fucked by numerous cocks, the more cocks cum all over her, the happier she is. Read this wonderful story and get hot as never before…Cocks, cocks, cocks - again and again. I can see them all round, hanging in front of my face, still hard, some are limp and semi erect. I lost count on how many times I got them deep throat and in my holes. Pain and fatigue turns into carnal pleasure and passionate lust. All wanton desires mix with one ultimate passionate fever. Oh,...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 321 Obtaining Our Next Home

Sunday, October 1 to Sunday, December 31, 2006 The Democrats were having so much fun seeing the massive trouble that Majestic Countdown was causing the Republicans that they didn't want the scandal-creating leaks to stop. The Federal Government's paying us $36.8 billion required an appropriations bill this time, giving the Democrats an easy opportunity to derail the settlement process. [[The previous $18.4 billion had been paid out of spare money the Government had lying around! It came...

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How Melissa made it in the music industry

I've seen them all come through my office in my time. All the wannabe's desperate for their 15 minutes of fame. And with my position in the talent company deciding who we signed up and who we didn't I have the ultimate power over them. All their hopes and fears, their dreams and aspirations in my hands. Which is cool for me, but not so cool for them."This is Melissa, Mr. Howard."The announcement was from my sexy PA, Jade, who I hired for her exquisite Asian bone structure and long glossy-black...

3 years ago
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Fat FarmChapter 29

Day 255 Wednesday Denise stopped by Dale's office rather than return straight home. She didn't want a repeat of the events of the previous evening. Claire heard her enter and stuck her head out of her office door. She said, "Come on in, Denise." Denise entered the office and sniffed the air. She said, "It smells like pussy." "Joye just left," Claire said with a grin. "That explains it," Denise said with a laugh. "So how is life in the program?" Claire asked. She was always...

1 year ago
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Teachers Take a Field Trip

This is a continuation of Teachers Morning Duty She wore exactly what I had asked her to wear. She had on flip flop sandals, a short denim skirt, and a tight t-shirt. Of course, I told her not to wear panties or a bra. She crawled into my truck and leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. ‘Good morning you sexy hunk of man!’ she said with a grin. ‘Good morning to you too,’ I replied. ‘Shouldn’t you be in class right about now?’ ‘Not dressed like this, I shouldn’t,’ she replied as she leaned...

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A journey into the unknown

A journey into the unknown – What I am about to relate is a work of fiction but based around a real events from my formative years embellished and expanded when looking back to create images and experiences I would so have loved to enjoyed maybe given half a chance.As I grew up my own sexuality was a mystery to me as sex was not discussed ever at home.I had from a very young age enjoyed slipping into various items of my mother’s from time to time whenever an opportunity arose, but as for why I...

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Sacrificed on the altar

The smell of church pews lingered in the air as Tabitha sat quietly praying. The first week of the honeymoon seemed to shout out to her that she was much less of a woman than she thought. Her long brown hair draped down covering her head like a hood of shame as she prayed asking God to show her how she could be a better lover. Joseph had imagined their love making to be so much more passion filled than it was. He blamed himself really for the clumsy attempts to please his wife. He thought...

Love Stories
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My Cabin of Solace Part 6

This new game was something I had never played before. To be honest, I had thought of bondage and the different aspects of it but never thought I could even be part of it and have such a willing subject. The candles brought a whole different aspect to the term 'erotic'.I was admiring the lines Red was tracing on Maple's body with the drying wax, when she brought me out of my stupor when she said, "Ready to take this to another level?'I thought she was talking to me, but Maple excitedly said,...

Group Sex
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Sneaky Wife

I came home from college after my freshman year to see friends for a month before traveling for the rest of the summer. I went over to my best friends house a couple blocks away to see if she was home. Her mom answered the door in her bikini. She had caught her daughter and I having sex many years ago, and had seduced me when my friend wasn’t around. it turned into a beautiful friends with benefits relationship whenever she was home alone, which turned out to be often. She taught me a lot about...

2 years ago
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High School Whore

It's hard trying to explain to a child that you don't know who their father is. It's already hard enough when they get old enough to start wondering things like why they were starting school just after you had graduated high school. The mere 14 year age gap starts becoming obvious to them after a while, and by the time my son was in high school and I hadn't even hit 30 it was impossible to get around questions. So, I had to explain it all to them. The problem was that pretty much any guy...

4 years ago
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Crossroad cove

Our hero looked out onto the front of their yard here in the small town of Crossroad cove. A small sleepy coastal town, founded by Franciscan monks a 2 centuries and change ago the town was originally one of hundreds of little East coast towns that dotted from Maine to Florida. Small town but with a lot to offer. Crossroad Cove had started out as the name suggested as a crossroad to bigger towns North and South as well as a well worn road west. The town almost died when the interstate made it...

1 year ago
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Wife with her bro

We had spent the day around the pool and in and out of the hot tub. That evening after a few drinks while in the hot tub we decided to strip down and enjoy the water in the buff. That was the first time my wife ever saw how huge her brother was. His cock was at least 10 inches long limp. I could see the look in her eyes and knew she was intrigued. It was late and our daughter and the wifes brothers daughter were in bed in our daughter bedroom. After some time we got out and sat around the hot...

2 years ago
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Last Friday in the Month

The last day in the month was a very special day at St Jude’s Preparatory School For Girls. St Jude’s was an exclusive school for the daughters of very wealthy people. The parents were anxious that their daughters should be brought up in a strict, sheltered environment so that they would grow up to be model citizens. The school was in an isolated location in the moors of Scotland, somewhere to the north of the Solway Firth. On a clear day it was just possible to look south from the upper floor...

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