A Close Encounter Part 3 free porn video

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Homeward Bound


"Well, how was it for you?" My question was directed at my wife's reflection in the rearview mirror. She looked quite fresh considering that she'd just been fucked.


"Yeh, it was good! Pass me a tissue, babe." Sam stretched an arm between the front seats.


"It was certainly different!" Paul's assessment of the last hour's shenanigans raised a chortle.


"Not 'aff!" I concurred in a deep baritone totally alien to my look.


While Samantha wiped some of Ross's cum from her inner thigh, I examined my face in the vanity mirror. It was clear some touching up was to be done. My lips had lost their pink gloss, not surprisingly and my hair required some attention. I was all quite comfortable down below and we were soon on our way to drop Paul off.


We had only driven a hundred yards when Paul leaned over Sam, "That's Ross's humble abode there." Paul pointed out the home of the guy who had just emptied his load inside my wife.


"Wow! Nice!" Sam appeared impressed with Ross's mansion. "He was telling me that he and his wife are swingers."


"Doesn't surprise me." Paul reacted casually to Sam's obvious breach of secrecy, but his move to look out Sam's window brought them even closer together.


"Is his wife attractive?" I could smell the potential of a future dalliance.


"Yeh, if you like gingers. Not my preference. I'd rather fuck you!"


"Why thank you, kind sir." I reverted back to my femme voice and fluttered my lashes at Paul's reflection.


"Speaking of which!" Sam interjected. "That was some show you guys gave us."


I could see both Sam and Paul in my rear view mirror. They were snuggled close together. "Ross really thought Paul was fucking you; of course, I knew he wasn't."


"No! Why's that?" Paul's quip of a question was rhetorical. We all knew the answer was a thick nine inches and currently in Sam's grip, as she worked on Paul's semi.


"And the blow job looked real. Oscars all round!" Sam was unaware that the blow job was for real and I wasn't for putting her straight on the fact. She is also unaware that I'm even bi-curious. When I 'came out' to her and her then-partner almost thirty years ago she asked if I was bi-sexual. I replied that I was a lesbian trapped in a guy's body. She's still happy with that analogy and I've got no reason to rock the cruise liner.


"Yeh, maybe you should start with something more like Ross's size." Sam's statement had us howling with laughter, but in the back of my mind, I was thinking the same.


It went all quiet in the back after a few miles. I was only able to keep tabs on their progress if and when an oncoming vehicle's headlights lit up the inside of my car. My last glance I managed to see Paul's hand up Sam's dress. She moaned softly as Paul's fingers played around the loose wet flesh of her labia lips.


The country road proved challenging as my attention was periodically distracted.


"Fuck this! I'm finding a lay-by." There was no argument from the occupants in the back seat. Just Sam's whimpering as Paul's large fingers penetrated her hole.


I drove the car up a quiet farm road that led to a derelict farmhouse and found a suitable place to stop. I'd used the place in the past, to transform out of my drab and into Judy.


My two back-seat passengers were oblivious to our surroundings. I switched the engine off and turned to observe the goings-on behind me.


"Now that's a cock!" Sam was referring to the one she held in her grip. "Fuck me over the bonnet, Paul. Like you fucked Judy."


Paul dutifully obliged by opening Sam's door. "After you!"


"Okay, babe?" Sam didn't hang about for my answer; she was already walking towards the front of the car.


Paul gave me a wink and said nothing, as he got out to join her.


Sam had already assumed the position and was waiting for Paul to let his jeans drop.


It's hard to describe the feeling you get, when you witness the expression on your wife's face, as she relishes nine inches of solid cock sliding inside her cunt. I just love her love for cock.


The windscreen began steaming up, as I sat transfixed at my view. I lowered my driver's window to help clear the steamed-up glass and could hear Paul's deep grunts as he fucked Sam. This was no simulation. You just couldn't fake the sheer ecstasy that Sam was experiencing.


"Oh fuck, Paul! Fuck me. Empty your balls inside me." I could hear every word through my open window. Not surprisingly my own cock was making it clear that it would like to join the party.


"Cum inside me, Paul. I want you to shoot your spunk inside me!" Sam's words were erratic and interspersed with muffled screams that coincided with Paul's strong thrusts.


Now you would think that this would be the ideal time to release my straining cock from the confines of my tight undergarments and bring myself off, but here's the thing... I suffer from the occasional attack of postcoital dysphoria. Immediately after a climax, all thoughts of being Judy dissipate quicker than you can say, 'Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.'


I decided not to risk spoiling such a memorable evening by having a cheap wank and continued to watch Paul fuck my wife.


"Oh my God, Paul! What a cock! I just love your cock." Sam's face contorted in spasms of euphoria, as Paul pushed his full length deep inside her. His strong thrusts were rocking the car and I double checked that the handbrake was on. It was.


"Oh, fuck! I'm cumming... I'm cumming!" Sam gasped her words out, as Paul quickened his long hard lunges. As she orgasmed over Paul's dick, her outbursts became feral.


I've witnessed my wife climax on various cocks a few times, but I'd never seen her cum for as long as this time. Paul kept pumping until eventually, Sam stopped cumming.


Sam lay bent over the car bonnet, totally fucked. She looked straight through the windscreen and nodded her head. "Now that was a fuck!"


I've known Sam to have multiple orgasms in a night. Me? I'm generally a one-cum kind of guy, and by the looks of Paul, who had already shot his semen down my throat, he clearly was in the mood to go again.


Sam pulled herself together and fastened a suspender button that had come undone during her ravishing. She noticed that Paul was still brick hard.


"Aw, babe, bring that over here."


Paul walked the couple of steps while slowly rubbing his erection. Sam immediately crouched down to... she was out of my view.


I decided to test my PCD condition and vacate the vehicle to join the fuck-fest.


"Hey, look who's here!" Paul held his hand out, inviting me to come closer. As I approached I had already begun to free my own hard-on by lowering my pants and tights. I could now see Sam sucking on Paul's cock. I took hold of his hand and moved in closer to the action.


There are no words to describe my feeling when I directed Paul's hand down to take hold of my proud six-and-a-half inches. In Paul's grip, it looked even smaller.


I wasn't entirely sure how Sue would react to Paul holding my dick, as this contradicted my "trapped in a lesbian body" theory, but I hoped the euphoria of the moment would carry her through.


Sam put her hand on my bare backside and pulled me in closer still. She removed Paul's hand from around my stiffy.


"Shit! That'll be that!" I thought. Until she took hold of one of Paul's longest and thickest fingers and directed it towards my man-pussy.


Once Paul's digit was given its orders she gripped my huge clit and began jerking me off. Paul's massive specimen got most of the oral attention as she flirted back and forth between us. I couldn't resist taking hold of Paul's head and ramming my tongue deep inside his mouth. He reciprocated by gingerly pushing his finger up my ass-hole. I wanted to say that this would make a good selfie but I wasn't for spoiling the moment.


I wasn't sure if Sam could see the battling of tongues that was taking place just above her, but I couldn't care. I was grateful for Paul's saliva wetting the inside of my mouth. Suddenly I felt my toes curling inside my heels. My knees began shaking and I began whimpering inside Paul's mouth.


"Oh, I think this naughty girl is cumming." Sam's intuition was spot on. She stuck my hard clit into her open mouth anticipating my climax, while Paul's long thick finger worked on my 'cunt'. As Sam sucked, Paul probed.


"Oh! Fuck!" I managed to splutter. "Ohh! Ooo! Fuck!" I shot my load inside Sam's mouth. Each jerking movement offered up another spurt of my creamy seed. Paul's finger had a hand (pun intended) in one of the most satisfying and pleasurable orgasms I've ever experienced and, subject to an onslaught of dementia, I'm sure it will be one of my most treasured memories as I lie in my death-bed.


Now normally, my post-climax remorse would have kicked in before I had time to appreciate the moment. It really is that quick, but I felt okay. No sign of the anxiety that I usually experience.


Although both Sam and Paul know of my 'condition' they obviously couldn't give a shit! Sam was more interested in Paul's failure to cum so far. She lay back on the car bonnet and invited Paul to take her from the front this time.


"I want you to shoot your spunk inside me."


Paul was eager to oblige. He lifted Sam's legs up and slid his monster into her dark pink hole.


"Uh...uh...uh..." Sam's gasps coincided simultaneously with Paul's deep grunts, as he thrust himself deep inside her. "Oh, babe, shoot it. Shoot your sticky cum inside my wet cunt." All Sam's guttural expletives could have been heard by anyone within our close vicinity; after all, we were parked in an ideal dogging location.


The thought of someone watching only added to my excitement. No sooner had I pulled my undergarments back up, when my cock started twitching once more. Clearly, the occasion had a positive effect on my PCD, and my semi was proof of the fact. I once again approached the rutting couple, like a gooseberry whose date didn't show up.


I stood close to Paul's side and in the moonlight, I could see his girth sliding in and out of my wife's stretched hole. His long thick shaft glistened with Sam's cunt juice. Paul turned his head to face me. He looked like a man possessed. He grunted into my face. "You're one lucky cunt!"


A fact I could not dispute. What would be the odds of a crossdressing cuckold getting it together with a like-minded and supportive partner? And when you take Paul and his wife Sue into the equation... I am a lucky cunt.


Paul had been pounding my wife for a few minutes when I recognized the sounds of her next climax.


"Go on, Paul; fuck her. She wants to be fucked hard." I relieved him of one of Sam's legs and guided his hand down to my hard-on. Paul gripped the bulge in my pants and rubbed my stiff cock through the lycra.


"Oh God, I'm... I'm... cumming." Sam was enjoying her third or fourth orgasm of the evening.


"I'm shooting my spunk, Sam... Oh fuuuck!" Paul was, at last, filling my wife's belly with his hot seed.


"Go on, Paul; empty your balls inside her." It wasn't like he needed the encouragement, but I gave him it anyway. His head was inches from mine and I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him while he shot his spunk deep inside Sam's belly.


It's not every day you find yourself dressed as a female and kissing your best mate while he jerks you off, as he fucks your wife. But that was what just happened.


Sam slid off the vehicle onto her feet and straightened herself out. Paul released his grip on my cock to pull up his pants and jeans, while I rearranged my own tackle.


We all shuffled back into the car to continue the few miles to Paul's house. Sam was in the front passenger seat, having satisfied her lust for the evening and Paul sat alone in the back, perched forward, with his head between the front headrests.


"Now that was a night to remember!" Paul couldn't be accused of understatement.


The conversation was jovial as Sam relayed her liaison with Ross and we were soon outside Paul's home. He leaned forward and plonked a kiss on Sam's cheek.


"You are one in a million, Sam." He turned and plonked a kiss on my cheek. "And as for you!" Paul shook his head disbelievingly. He never finished his sentence.


Sam gave Paul a wave as we left him standing on his drive.


Instinctively we both looked at each other and waited for a reaction regarding our respective dalliances. Simultaneously we burst out laughing.


"How's your pussy?" I expressed concern.


"A bit tender. How's yours?" The hilarity continued.


Our drive home took us back past the farm road and as we approached close to the scene of our debauchery, I thought about suggesting that I lick her love hole.


"Isn't that where we...?" Sam recognized our location. "My pussy is so hot I think I want someone to blow on it."


I screeched to a halt, almost setting off the airbags, and reversed the few yards to access the quiet dirt road.


"Jump in the back." Sam didn't need to be asked twice. She exited the passenger seat and got into the back seat. I did likewise on my side.


Sam leaned back and opened her legs.


"Have you lost your pants?" I was confronted by her naked pussy.


"I wasn't wearing any." It was not unusual for my wife to go out knickerless. Many an unsuspecting guy would cop an eyeful when she performed her Sharon Stone routine.


Sam spread her pussy lips with her fingers to reveal her dark hole. "Kiss it better, babe."


"Aww, Honey, are you sore?"


"You'd be sore too if he really had fucked you!"


Sam got no argument there. I lay my head between her thighs and couldn't help but notice the off-white blob stains at the top of her black stockings, the result of cum residue that had run down her leg. As I licked and nibbled on her fleshy thigh, I did my level best to remove the stain with my tongue. I wasn't fussy whose spunk I was tasting.


"Lick me, babe."


I put my mouth close to her gaping hole and gently blew around the loose skin. Sam grabbed the top of my head and as she pulled me into her crotch, she thrust herself forward.


"Lick my cunt; lick it clean." Sam ground my face into her pussy.


"Paul's so fuckin' big. And thick! His cock is so fuckin' thick!"


"Mm...mm," was all I was able to utter.


"I love his fuckin' cock. His big hard fuckin' cock." Sam was rambling in the euphoria of having Paul fuck her... twice.


I had Sam's clitoris dancing on my tongue. She wasn't as wet as she'd been earlier when her juices were oozing out around Paul's dick. I thought that was only to be expected, considering...


Sam threw her head back against the rear headrest. "He... He... shot his cum inside me!" She was showing signs of an imminent orgasm. She jerked her lower torso against my face, forcing my tongue to go deeper into her cunt.


"Can you taste him? Can you taste Paul's spunk?"


I was definitely tasting someone's spunk. A slimy stream slid onto the surface of my tongue.


My wife appeared to have forgotten that her pussy had also been the recipient of Ross's sticky man-cream.


"Mm... mm." I was probing for more.


"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! I'm cumming." Sam came over my face. Suddenly her juices began flowing and flowing more.


We'd had a similar experience of Sam shooting pussy juice out like piss, on a couple of previous occasions, when her libido levels had rocketed through the roof. I continued to lick and suck throughout her climax. As I drank her vaginal juice I could feel thick globules of what I assumed to be a cocktail of Ross's and Paul's semen slide down my throat, flushed out in the sudden flow of Sam's excess fluid.


"Oh, babe, that was incredible." Sam complimented me on my work. She pulled herself up on the seat and immediately put her hand up my leather skirt. I raised my backside and assisted her in pulling down my pants and tights.


One blow job later and with both our bellies full of spunk, we were back on the road and heading home.


"A 'quiet drink', you said."


Sam burst out laughing. "You look like you spilt most of yours!" Sam was referring to my damp state.


On the twenty-minute trip home, we recalled our evening and laughed hysterically at our antics in the bar, in the car-park and in the country lane.


All in all, we had a night we'll both never forget. And we met a new friend.


"I'm assuming you have Ross's number?"


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Introduction: Wife Encounters a Donkey Our Stories in Succession: 1. Bree1 Kate, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 Girlfriends Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains, when sequins to: 4. Bree 4 -Wifes Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 Shannons Encounter with Jake the Donkey 8. Bree 8 The Reunion (a standalone story that references Bree 1 7) As a reminder, you are encouraged to read these stories in succession...

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Redemption with Jerry 1st and 2nd encounter

My story with this guy starts like a year and a half ago. Maybe two years ago. I was posting ads on Craigslist looking for guys to suck off. At the time I was watching rough porn... facefucking type stuff. So I think my ad probably asked for somebody to “fuck my face”..Little did I know... I wasn’t ready for that at the time. A guy... let’s call him Jerry... answered my ad and said he had his own apartment and he would turn me into his sissy. And it turned me on. He seemed different from a lot...

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110 Louisersquos First encounter

110 Louise’s First encounter. Louise, looked out of the car window, rain tricked down the glass, as they waited the lights, a dreary Devon day. She was going to stay with her aunt and uncle again, mum and dad having to go off on another business trip. Luckily it was just across town so she could still continue at the school she loved and with her friends, but she hated leaving her room and all her treasured possessions, 14 going on 15 now, puberty just upon her, she valued the little room and...

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Anonymous Encounter

Well it was a boring day. It was fairly hot outside,somewhere around 93 degrees. The sun was shining, there were very few puffy clouds in the sky, and I was home alone. As usually happens when I am bored and home alone, I was horny as hell. I wanted to jerk myself off, but I wanted to do it to something different than the normal porn that I usually watch. I figured since no one would be back at the house until tomorrow, I would take the time and dress up and do my makeup and hair and really go...

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Accidental Encounter With An AC Inspection Officer

There are some encounters which you don’t plan but it happens accidentally. This is one such encounter where I met a middle-aged ac guy for repair work and it turned out repairing work for our bodies. Well it happened around last week when there was so much dust storm and thunderstorm was happening in north of India. So because of that my ac stopped working as it is an old one. This ac I got installed using my office connection and because of that voltas guy sent this ac inspection guy to check...

Gay Male
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Whilst travelling back to my ship whilst in the navy 30 years ago, I had my first stranger sex encounter.The last train was usually full with Sailors returning from leave and other passengers, I was sat reading a book and every time I looked up I noticed this older woman kept catching my eye. I was 20 at the time and she must have been early 40s, Suddenly out of the blue she sat next to me and started talking about the book I was reading. General conversation ensued, after the first stop, the...

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A Hyderabadi HR 8211 Sexual Encounter With A Sales Girl

Hi myself shank….27 male….Name changed…. I am from Hyderabad and a hr professional, so you can understand the encounters occurred in my life….I am 6 feet and can take any female for ride and I prefer women and matured girls for sex as experience counts. I had good responses to my last story especially from young girls and aunties for “a hyderabadi hr…..Sexual encounter with fellow female colleague”. This is the story how I had and sexual encounter with a sales girl of a company which is...

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My Mom8217s Sexual Encounter 8211 Part I

Hi to all friends and this platform has given wonderful sexual stories. I have been a regular reader of the stories. I am going to tell real stories about my mom’s sexual encounters with an uncle living under our apartment, with his friends and also with my friend. Let me tell you about my mom how she is look in mid 40’s in 90’s, she is lovely lady with heavy figure but sexy) and lady of 2 pair of nice boobs heavy and huge ass. This by now is understood it’s an old story. She was a housewife...

2 years ago
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Third Encounter 8211 Part II

This is the continuation of my second encounter. Please go through my second encounter before reading this. I was posted to a place near Ghaziabad from my training center. I was told to go one particular room where 12 persons accommodation is available. Since the strength of the unit is more, I did not get any accommodation immediately. So, I used to float here and there, i.e. I used to sleep in a bed which is vacant. Some or the other, out of 12, will be on leave always. So it was not a...

Gay Male
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Encounter Number 2

Encounter Number 2 Hi Sex stories readers. I am back with another scintillating experience of mine. People have sent me accolades and praises about my first story entitled “MY FIRST GANG BANG”. Please read it. “GOOD AND GREAT SEX IS SOMETHING THAT CAN CHANGE A WOMAN’S LIFE IN ONE OR MANY WAYS” – Anonymous Sex should be enjoyed the way it is. It shouldn’t be taken as an opportunity to screw some one or get a woman to bed but as a way to explore a person’s inner feelings rather. People reading...

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Closed Encounter

Closed Encounter Copyright Don Abdul ©2008 Darnell had discovered the adult bookstore quite accidentally a week ago, inside he’d seen a couple of erotic story books he’d been trying to find for ages. Since he wasn’t carrying nearly enough cash on that visit, he planned to return later to buy them. He had planned to close early and go to the bookstore for those books, but right after lunch break, things got very busy. He didn’t get to leave the office until 8.00 p.m. that night. As he stepped...

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Public Restroom Encounter

This story is entirely fictional. All characters in this fictional work are over the age of 18. This work is intended to be consumed by adults, 18 or 21 years of age, depending on your location. Please ensure that you are not living in a community that forbids reading material with sexual content. This work is NOT intended to cause any harm to existing human beings, either due to being featured in this work or by consuming it. The appearing characters should be treated with respect, whenever...

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Encounter in the Lab Part two

"I sure will, Jim," she responded. "I'll be there in a few minutes." "Mr. Andrews isn't upset about the reports, is he?" asked a worried Cheryl. "Oh, no," responded Carol;. "I just need to get with him and square some of the reports' findings before they are submitted" Carol smiled inwardly to herself. In reality, this was an alert provided by one of the men committed to relieving her hypersexuality problem. Although Dr. Carl Stevens, an MD, was the Pathologist and...

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Wifes Encounter with Jake

1. Bree1 – Kate, the prequel to: 2. Bree 2 – Girlfriend’s Big Surprise 3. Bree 3- A Trip To The Mountains, when sequins to: 4. Bree 4 -Wife’s Accidental Encounter With The Donkey 5. Bree 5 – Bree and Suzanne Go To The Mountains 6. Bree 6 – The Awakenings 7. Bree 7 – Shannon’s Encounter with Jake the Donkey 8. Bree 8 – The Reunion (a standalone story that references Bree 1 – 7) As a reminder, you are encouraged to read these stories in succession so you will gain an understanding...

2 years ago
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The Chance Encounter The Love That Is Found

* * * The Chance Encounter Part 1 * * * She had been sad for a long time and had been afraid to open her wounded heart to anyone in ages until he came into her life. She longed for his embrace every night until one night he surprised her with a visit. She opened the door and saw him standing there. She was shocked for a moment then wrapped her arms around him and cried in his arms as he handed her a bouquet of wild flowers as he kissed her cheek and her neck and wiped the tears away from her...

3 years ago
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Surprise Encounter with the Boss Part 2

Kelly had been a wreck ever since the encounter with her boss Stan.  She simply couldn’t get the encounter out of her mind.  She was filled with a rollercoaster of emotions ranging from confusion, shame, fear and the most surprising and persistent to her… lust!  The encounter with Stan had been the best sex she had ever had and she hated herself for it.  Kelly didn’t know what to do about it either.  She knew she couldn’t tell her fiancé, Mark, but should she quit her job?  How would she...

1 year ago
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First MM encounter a fantasy

Hi all, this is my first attempt at a story for Xhamster, so please bear with me.It is a fantasy about a first real encounter with a Xhamster contact. Other than the possibility of meeting we haven’t discussed details at all, this is one version of that first encounter as played out in my head.Paul, I don’t even know his real name, said it would be easier to meet at his house as his wife was staying away with family. I had his address and a time to meet, instructions to park the car around the...

4 years ago
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My Encounter With Sexy Aunty

Hi My name is Raj (name changed) from the South Indian city of Bangalore. Interested aunties and matured ladies can contact me on As I write this story which is 100% true, my memory dates back to 1990 when I was a 1st year Engineering student with raging hormones. I had a very strong sexual urge but did not know how to or where to release it. In those days, we did not have sites like Indian sex stories but our access to sexual literature was limited to books which were sold in some book stores...

1 year ago
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My second encounter with college junior

Hi All of indian sex stories dot net, If you are a new reader of this story, I kindly suggest you to go through my first encounter ‘ Introduced to the world of sex’. After the end of my first encounter, days passed by with few quickes and bjs when ever I catch up with Preethi. I was jobless for almost a year, then decided to do my masters so moved to Bangalore in one of famous college. Until my first year never had any girlfriend, almost for one year everything went always with handshakes. The...

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Special Encounter

Special Encounter, an erotic story as told by photo model Julie Starr.Julie: Okay, so this wasn't my first bi-sexual encounter, (remind me to tell you about that one some other time though, hehe) but this one was surprisingly exceptional for a variety of reasons, as you will see.I am a happily bi-sexual girl and thoroughly enjoy the best of both worlds. This story was an experience that was one of those wonderful adventures you remember for a long long time. It has already brought a smile to my...

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My First Sex Encounter

Hi, let my name be Hardrocky. As I don’t like to show my identity. To say about myself I am a 23years old bachelor living in Chennai. And now I am going to say about my first sex experience which happened today. As everyone says any woman in Tamil Nadu mainly in Chennai, Bangalore or Coimbatore feel free to msg me @ hardr coming to the sex story still now I have not yet fucked any woman and today I was very much eager to lose my virginity after a 23year time. To begin, I am same like other boys...

1 year ago
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Encounter With Big Spanish Girl Latisha 8211 Part 2

Hello Everyone, This is Rohan, back again with the second part of my encounter with big Spanish women Latisha, a bit about me again, I am 27, 6’1″ tall and athletic. I suggest you read the previous part to enjoy the current story even more. Here is the link Well after our encounter in the kitchen and in the sofa, we both were exhausted and sweating, it may have been a short session of 20 mins, but it got us both very horny and we both came like never before, our face was wet with each other’s...

4 years ago
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Narrating My Threesome Encounter

After having a wonderful sex with my beloved Sujata mami, we were laying on the bed holding each other’s body. I was narrating her about my threesome encounter which I had experienced before. My classmate Ajit lived in the far away part of the town. He had an elder brother who was married and was working in gulf, while his wife stayed in the city alone near my locality. One day, while I was with Ajit, he took me to his sister-in-law’s house for his work. He introduced me with her sister-in-law....

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Shreya Raj8217s Sexual Masseur Encounter

Hi guys, this is Shreya raj from Bengaluru writing my first sexual encounter with a masseur. As it is my first story here please forgive me for my mistake suggestion for changing my narrative style are most welcomed. I am 24 years old 54 height with stat 34b 32 36 fairer side and my friends always compliment me that I look like actress shreya sharan that makes me expose my beauty to the world. I am here to narrate my sexual adventures to all you guys. This is my first story here which happened...

2 years ago
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My First Sex Encounter

Dear ISS readers, my name is Manish, from Bangalore. My family, relatives, friends call me by nick name Munna. I would like to share my first and recent sex encounter with you all. Ok. Let me introduce myself. I am an engineer working in it fiend, staying in Jayanagar. I am regular reader of ISS and after reading many stories I too had a dream to have sex desperately and finally it happened this year in the month of June 2015. Let me explain the true story how I got a chance to have a sex. On...

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Awesome Encounter With A Lusty Young Wife

Hi viewers.. This Raj it’s actually the first story of mine on ISS. But not the first experience of my life…. Let me describe myself first.. Me age of 28 … good height of 5’11” and my chotu size will be known and remembered to all you has seen it. As its my first story please do bear with me if any mistakes and please do reply and send me the feedback so as to motivate me to write more stories. Please send your feedback on Myself a young energetic and good physic guy from Hyderabad, I was...

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My Second Lesbian Encounter

Sorry for making you wait for such a long time!! I hope you guys remember about my first lesbian encounter with Sanjana . For those who don’t, I’m Natasha and it will be great if u read my earlier post https://www.indiansexstories2.net/lesbian/first-lesbian-encounter/ My first encounter was really very special; everything was so new to me. The feeling that u get is too amazing. Girls who have not tasted another girl are surely missing a lot .The touch, the feel, everything is super amazing!!!...

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Encounter with an older man

I read my email and sure enough, an email fromTrelane was waiting for me. My heart started to poundas I read it, then it was pounding even faster!Trelane told me that he had a friend, another top, whowas wanting to join us for a threesome. I had oftenfantasized about being with two men at once, and herewas my chance. I sent a reply stating that I would behappy to meet his friend, but being sexual with himwould just depend on what happened at our firstmeeting. A couple of days passed,...

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Unexpected Encounter With Bhavika

Hi readers, this is Atul once again with a brand new encounter, which has happened early December, 2011.It was Friday 2nd December, 2011 as usual I went to office. I always love Fridays since the next two days are holidays for me and when I reached office my boss called me in his cabin. I was not even settled on my seat, but once I got his message, immediately I went to his cabin. He told me that I am going to Pune within next 4 hours. He had made arrangement to book my Volvo ticket also. I...

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The Case Files of Cindy Masters Dyke DetectiveThis Episode A Chance EncounterPart 3

The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three This Episode: A Chance Encounter - Part Three Masters is the name. Cindy Masters. I'm a detective. I get $50 a day and expenses, $75 if I can get it. I lay back on the weight bench and placed my feet behind the leg brace for a few chest flies. My eyes darted about the room like a fly looking for a warm beer. The Case Files of Cindy Masters, Dyke Detective This Episode: A Chance...

1 year ago
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First Encounter With Pretika

By : Shon Hey I’m a guy 18 years old who will let you know about encounter with a woman who I wanted to fuck. My name is Shon and her name was Pretika. Well the story starts off by the day pretika came to my house. She was a married woman who has had two children. Firstly let me tell you she is short not very tall, has black skin.She was a family friend. She was good looking so before you ask me why I was interested, you should know the answer. Pretika was doing the dish when my dick started...

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