Best Laid Plans Ch. 10 free porn video

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Okay so this is the final one. It has been a pleasure writing about Callie and I know some of you liked her spunk. Thank you to anyone who read her story and thank you especially to Dave. I will continue trying to improve Callie because I think she could make it.

Please give feedback, it is always helpful!

Chapter 10: Showdown at the Big Bang

I woke up naked and undignified. It was starting to become a trend. For the past few months I had been trying to put the Callie Cronin moves on my boss, Nolan. Last night he took me out on what I thought was going to be a romantic candle lit dinner complete with fancy deserts and a three hour make out session. I had even waxed my down-there area to look like that of my favorite porn stars, Vanessa Hudgens. Tapas were served, sangria spilled onto my blouse, and then Nolan admitted that he was just taking me out to celebrate my winning some employee of the month award. Instead of making a fake plaque and posting an ill taken photo of me, he picked me up in a sexy hot red truck, took me out to dinner, and then, like the gentleman that he is, he took me home.

I had spent months fantasizing about Nolan in between the sheets. I had imagined his Johnson to be the perfect proportion of length times width plus head size that would equal a screaming fantasmagasm. But no Christmas for Callie. No roast beast in my Whoville. I wasn’t the proud head held high Who that went outside to sing praise regardless that Christmas hadn’t come. I was the one stomping my feet and pouting waiting for the Grinch to come to his senses and bring my goddamn presents back!

So like any rational self preserved modern girl, I sexted photos to my ex. Sexting, is a dangerous endeavor indeed. It creates this premise between two individuals, that individual A will willingly and without much effort have sexual intercourse with individual B. I made believe that there was some magical connection between us. He sprang over here knowing he was getting laid and maybe getting breakfast the next morning. I came to the realization that Jeff was entering my life over and over again not because I wanted him there but because I let him. And when you start rolling out the welcome mat, it’s hard to not let people walk all over you. I told him I didn’t want to do it anymore. What I left out was an apology for teasing him by withholding entrance to vagina world, the most magical place on earth second only to Disney World.

To top off my cherry pie of intolerable cruelties, my brother Joe was moving in today. My mother’s attempt at keeping me under her watchful Irish Catholic eagle eye. What she didn’t know was that Joe was more of a heathen than I was. Joe single handedly tipped eighty cows in one night by sneezing and I’ve heard the horror stories of what to expect when dating him. He dumped Hannah Chamberlain because her hips started knocking into things involuntarily. He said it was a sign that she was going to turn into a blimp. He burps, farts, flushes the toilet with the lid up (does he not know about the fecal matter factor) and makes the absolute worst Country Time Pink Lemonade. I felt the bile of self pity rise up and ran to the bathroom.

By three o’clock I hadn’t heard from either Jeff or Kevin. When four o’clock came around and passed I started getting nervous. I had looked at my phone over a hundred times waiting for a text message or an email. Phone calls were a thing of the past with Jeff and Kevin was voted most likely to die from a slurpie overdose covered in comic books and holding a light saber. I was tempted to go into work early to keep my mind off of the lingering truth that I was dumped. Given that I wasn’t technically in a relationship, getting dumped by friends is harder than being dumped by a boyfriend.

So begins the turnaround phase of the antagonist. I could make new friends, start a website that didn’t involve cooters or hand-jobs, and become the power driven smart and sassy working woman with four inch stilettos and a closet full of Banana Republic. Or I could start going to church, get hooked up with a mama’s boy from one of the other large dominate Irish families and pop out a few kids. I choose the former.

This meant cleaning out the second bedroom used to stash a broken futon and three totes of college books I couldn’t sell back and was too lazy to put on e-bay. Becoming a self-driven power woman would involve finding a direction and sticking to it. Not sitting on my fat ass and waiting for fate to find me. This eventually lead to thinking about Nolan and his hold on my affections. Denial is a strong place. I liked harboring there while working my ass off waiting for some sign that Nolan would at least give me a raise, let alone marry me and whisk me off to France for a honeymoon. Last night only proved that he doesn’t want to go with me to France. He doesn’t want to date me. He doesn’t want me. Realizing hopes and dreams were smothered, I bit back tears while pulling apart the broken plywood of the futon. If you’re a woman or have ever been a woman, you know that crying while redecorating is a cleansing process. Women better than myself have torn down tapestries, repainted walls, and erected mausoleums in order to restore order to their lives. I was kicking a POS plywood futon to the curb. Order wasn’t exactly restored, but it was a start.

Heading into work early meant running into the employees who didn’t work your shift. I passed a cute blond who’s ass cheeks were perfect hemispheres and I wanted to gag. Of course Nolan didn’t want to bang me when he could have his pick of the ex hooter’s waitresses who applied here daily. Some of which he hired. At least he bought me fifty dollar mozzarella sticks. The Big Bang was banging already and it was only six p.m. During the summer it’s usually quiet for the college bars. A few brave souls out there stay to catch up on flunked classes and to endure the hot-as-balls heat and the next-to-nothing entertainment. Somebody upstairs must really hate me to defy the odds. There are only so many cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon one town can own.

Cody was manning the bar so there were about five girls ordering drinks. At the same time. All wearing tube tops and hot pants. Nolan was nowhere or he was stuck in the middle of the giant blob of dishwater heads. Nolan would be considered blond to a three year old and a strapping hunk to the anyone female with hormones. There wasn’t time to take creatine and make bulging muscles in his schedule, but he did run and I’ve heard fairy tales about his six pack. Lean and handsome whoops roid rage any day. Cody is the loveable Goofus to Nolan’s Gallant. He could probably tickle the pants off of ten women with all ten fingers while singing the lyrics to every Tim McGraw song, but he’s a slacker when it comes to applying anything other than tanning bed lotion.

My partner in crime and fellow waitress, Penelope, was dolling out turquoise colored shots that the girls’ rugby team downed their gullets then shouted, ‘ROUGH AND TOUGH WE KICK AND BITE!’ Penelope faked a yawn and slipped out of the rugby pile up when she saw me. ‘Heard you had an interesting night,’ she said folding the tray under her arm. ‘It was an employee of the month ‘thank you’ dinner,’ was all I could choke out. He thought I was just being nice when I offered to substitute sleep, food, and sanity to help him run two businesses.

Penny gave me a weird look, she could smell fear and loss of dignity three miles away. The butterfly in my stomach flapped its little wings and I felt nauseous. Cody winked in my direction as a sorority girl looked over her shoulder and stink eyed me. Another butterfly flap. Nolan, who’d been speaking Spanglish with the kitchen staff, popped out from behind the double doors and waved his hand at me, saying his platonic ‘Hello.’ I felt like I needed to vomit. Throwing on an apron and slipping the essential bar tools into it, bottle opener, shot glass, and a vuvuzela for idiots. I whisked myself behind the bar before any
one could make a comment on my sappy demeanor.

Cody smiled big like he had something up his pant leg causing him an itch. Penny made some weird hand gesture involving her right hand. It almost looked as if she were auditioning for the Shake-weight infomercial. Hmmm. I ducked behind the counter and hyperventilated for a moment while I thought up an excuse to leave. I’m on my period only works once a month. Family emergency, more suitable now that Joe lives with me, but I promised myself I was going to Pretty-In-Pink this out. Come on Andi. Suck it up and go to prom.

‘Are you alright?’ Nolan’s just-wanna-be-friends voice asked behind me. I stood up gripping a bottle of Grey Goose like I was going to smash it against the counter and bar fight him. I nodded and gripped the bottle tighter.

‘Fine. Just think I might be coming down with something.’ Set it up, Callie. In ten minutes I’ll pretend to have a fever. In twenty minutes I’ll excuse myself to go ‘throw up’ in the ladies room, and in a half an hour, I’ll be faking Mono to hide my shame.

‘Ok. Let me know if you need anything.’ Nolan patted me on the shoulder. I let my mouth do its smiling thing and watched him walk away. Penny slid in to take his place. Jesus, it was like the changing of the guard.

‘Hey there, fat ho,’ she said knocking into my ribs with her elbow. My secret life was starting to bite me in the ass.

‘Hello, white-trash,’ I countered. Penny is black for one. She is also an IIT graduate. Penny gave me a big smile, not even fazed by my poor attempt at irony, ‘I had no idea how nasty you were, but girl, it’s cool.’

My spidy senses tingled. Should I play the denial card or admit defeat and move to a different state.

Penny shook her head guessing at my obliviousness and snuck closer to whisper in my ear, ‘There were a few guys in here earlier. They had nudey photos of you on their phone and a video of you jerking off Cody.’

Oh boy. Suddenly the paranoid feeling I had coming into work started making sense. If I had a dime for every time I thought someone saw my vagina, . . .

‘I um. . .’ denial, denial DENIAL, ‘Are you sure it was me?’

Penny roller skated her eyes over to Cody, ‘He’s been bragging that he’s a porn star for the past hour. Obnoxious, but if you think about it, it really is a suitable job for him.’

I have made a lot of mistakes in my life. Regrets on the other hand are few and far between. I didn’t regret choosing Cody as my co-anchor, but I did regret not threatening him within an inch of his life that if he spilled the beans I would chop off his willy wonka. Lorena Bobbit aside, this was serious. Reality came rushing back as shifty glances from the warm bodies in the bar stools turned my way.

One. Take a deep breath.

Two, figure out a way to kill Cody and hide his body in the freezer.

Three, take a Tums because this butterfly feeling might be the three slices of meat lovers greasy pizza I just wolfed down.

Four. I rushed past Penny and threw myself up against Cody about as fast as my little Irish body could go.

Now Cody is six foot three. He wears a size fourteen shoe. And I’m pretty sure he’s made out of a higher quality steel than Superman. Little Japanese girls ask him for his autograph when they see him. My leprechaun ancestry didn’t have a chance.

If a wee little Irish girl is traveling 8 miles per hour and she runs into a stationary, hunk of meat, Italian Stalion, how long before wee little idiot decides to call it quits?


We collided. No. I collided with a wall and probably broke several ribs doing it. Cody caught me and picked me up to throw me over his shoulder.

I got out, ‘You moron. I asked you not to tell anyone about it!’

He fired back, ‘Jeff was the one who sent the photos out and leaked that it was you on the internet.’

‘Firecracker that one!’ I heard below, ‘Fine pair of tits too!’

I was grunting and croaking like an old man upset over someone stealing his newspaper. Penny was yelling at him to put me down. There were hoots and hollers for him to take me to the back and finish the job. He started spinning me in circles and the three slices of pizza came back up a little bit in my mouth.

Then Nolan showed up.


I was back on the floor. My head was spinning. There were laughs and fingers pointed in my direction. My knight on a white horse had showed up defending my honor and for what? So I could tell him I was had a kinky dark side? I ran to the backroom and hurled in a trashcan. Poor trash can.

My knees were jacked up against my ribs. I felt my heart pitch a For Sale sign and head on up to my throat. The cooking staff snickered comments while frying the tatter tots. Not every day you see a girl run away from the big sexy fireman/bartender. Three more deep inhales later and I forgot how to exhale. Nolan shoved passed them, grabbed me by my shoulders and lifted me upwards. Was this a dream? He’s touching me, he never touches me.

‘Callie, are you alright?’ Before I could even nod, he was onto the question I dreaded the most. ‘What was that all about?’

Honesty. Tell the truth, ‘I had a fling with Cody and. . .’

It’s on the internet so everyone can see it. ‘He told everyone about it.’ Close enough. Nolan sighed and prepared to give me the ‘dad’ talk. Oh no, I was going to feel guilty about this later. Stupid God-fearing religious class. ‘It’s not entirely his fault,’ I stammered. I left Nolan feeling about as confused as I was when I found out girls leak blood every month. I could almost hear his internal ‘But. . . but,. . .but.’

A lady never tells, but a testosteronie male with a huge ego spills the beans every time he gets a hand job. Nolan wasn’t showing his poker cards yet. I couldn’t tell if he was upset or not. I didn’t ‘sleep’ with Cody, in the biblical sense, but I’d seen his willy and that’s all that counted in Nolan’s eyes.

‘Are you going to be able to suck it up and work?’ Nolan turned on his business mode. Last night was the last time I was going to get taken out for a thank-you-dinner.

Outside at the bar, back in the seventh circle of hell, Cody was chumming with some co-eds who were feeling his big strong muscles that could pick up weak Irish girls and fling them casually over his shoulder. Penny was at her post, fending off the Japanese school girls.

It had almost turned to normal when I heard, ‘Wanna show me those fine tits you’ve got under the shirt? They’re really pretty in pictures but you can’t beat reality!’

My head swung around and I saw Jeff past the red-neck idiot asking me to strip.

Jeff. Jeff. Jeff. I’m going to murder Jeff! As if my body had forgotten all about what happens when it runs at full speed into a non-moving object, Jeff and I collided, this time I knocked him into a table. My fingers formed a fist before my brain even commanded them to do it. I got in one good punch before I was hauled off of him.

‘What? Don’t like your fifteen minutes of fame?’ Jeff asked wiping off some snot from his nose.

‘You son-of-a-bitch! We shared something private and you published it! Fuck you!’

‘Private? Private? Oh Callie Cronin, what we shared was anything but private.’

I kicked and tried to squirm away from the assholes holding me back. I wish I’d thought to rip out his tongue instead of punching him in the jaw. The Bang, on cue, went silent. The music even stopped playing. The tears were welling. Jeff threw me one sly look before announcing, ‘We have a resident porn star in our midst! Callie Cronin a.k.a. Mistress Kink can be viewed on spread wide and displayed for all of your viewing pleasure. And believe me, she is a pleasure.’

Phones were brought out, internets booted up, my videos downloaded. What would Winnie the Pooh do? I searched around for Nolan. Would he be out in the crowd bearing witness to my de
mise? He was next to the bar arms crossed, shaking his head slowly back and forth. Our eyes held for a matter of moments before the rush of disappointment streaked across his face. Okay, plan B.

There are three facts that needed assertion. One, that I am involved in a website where I take off my clothes and masturbate. Two, that I took off my clothes and photographed myself and sent them to my fuck buddy so that he would come over and fuck me. Three, that I wimped out and didn’t fuck said fuck-buddy because I wanted a relationship with solid ground. Now that I’d whistled and Jiminy Cricket came barreling through my love life, it was time to face the music and try not to turn into an ass.

‘SO WHAT!’ I cried out, ‘I started the website so that I could make some extra money. Life sucks after college. I spent so much money on college and when my student loan bills came calling, I didn’t know what to do. I spent five years working my ass off to not get hired by a single company. I didn’t even get rejection letters. I’m not a whore. I’m not a slut. I haven’t had sex in months.’ Okay. Maybe didn’t need to add that, ‘I just don’t mind showing how a girl gets off! And for those of you without a phone with Internet, i.e. myself, here’s what you’re missing out on!’

I ripped off my apron. I ripped out my ponytail holder. I started to pull off my shirt when Nolan grabbed me and pulled me into the backroom. We toppled into boxes and beer kegs. My shirt was halfway off the top of my head, covering my eyes and tits in perfect touch-me-Nolan position.

‘What are you thinking!’ Nolan screamed, tugging my shirt back down and running a hand through his perfect sandy blonde hair. I wanted to make a sweater out of it.

Because now was as good a time as any, ‘I liked you! I thought you were taking me out on a date last night but you just wanted to thank me?! I was so disappointed I called my ex-boyfriend who has nudey photos of me on his phone. When I couldn’t seal the deal, he sent them to everyone. He screwed me over because I didn’t want to screw him, and I’ll be damned if he thinks he can rub my nose in it!’

Nolan crossed his arms and leaned against a wall. He was mentally thumbing through my cliff’s notes. Then he asked, ‘Why?’

Why? Why what? I thought I just gave a decent explanation for everything. I ran out of answers.

Nolan sighed and rephrased, ‘Why would you start a website like that?’

‘I don’t know. It started when my friend Kevin saw me. . .what’s the guy equivalent, jerking off. He offered me fifty bucks to watch. I let him because it wasn’t hurting anyone. Then it got bigger and bigger until we had a website going, I’m making extra dough, paying back my loans on time and my rent.’ I never thought I’d have to explain myself to anyone, let alone Nolan. I’d given up on the idea of a proper relationship long ago. Having a crush on Nolan was like crushing on Justin Timberlake or Ringo Starr. It wasn’t likely to become anything. But him taking me out to dinner to thank me for a job well done was pushing my buttons.

‘We all make mistakes,’ he said brushing the palm of his hand my cheek.

This wasn’t a mistake, I heard little Callie in the back of my head. I didn’t make a mistake. I may have had one shitty ex-boyfriend, but I didn’t make a mistake creating that website and I didn’t make a mistake running it. I wasn’t as embarrassed about my dirty laundry as I thought I would be and damn it, I DIDN’T MAKE A MISTAKE!

I quit the bar. Nolan was dumbfounded and I felt the pressure of a dozen pink elephants lift off my shoulders. Quitting meant I would not be dragging my sorry lovesick ass over to Drunken Donuts at three am every night I worked. Quitting meant I could have normal sleeping hours and move out of this god-forsaken county. Quitting meant I could grow up, and Joe would be stuck with the apartment. He’d find a lab rat to move in with him and they could both figure out how many slices of pizza and cans of mountain dew it took to screw in a light bulb. Best of all, quitting meant I could start all over.

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Besties A man is struck by his girlfriend's best friend's appearance one day. He becomes obsessed with that vision, and it takes him to unexpected places. As I sat down, I caught a glimpse of her dress in the mirror. It was lilac with a subtle flower pattern on it. The dress was sleeveless, but with a boat neck so it did not show cleavage. It was soft and flowy, landing just above the knee on her (a woman three inches shorter than me). Between the hips and the knee, the...

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I watched as Jerry's car pulled away, carrying my wife and her sister off to their planned weekend of playing slave girls for their black lovers, and posing for a new series of slick interracial porn magazines. Not only had it been incredibly erotic to see Jessica and Jodi, two beautiful blond girls being escorted down my neighborhood street by four black men, but for them to be virtually nude, dressed only in white four inch heels and white nylons was really mind blowing. It was only a few...

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Sams YearChapter 9 Adelaide

Sam felt guilty. He’d enjoyed both Gudrun and Karen, but had he taken advantage of them? Or had they been taking advantage of him? He hadn’t taken advantage of Meena or Susan. They’d moved on him. But Gudrun had spoken to him first. And invited him to the party. Perhaps he was a patient, not an agent. Not quite ten. There would be a phone at Tandanya and he’d call Sarah from there. There was. Sam arranged to visit “after lunch.” At the entry to Tandanya there was a display about Dreamtime...

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Best Laid Wives Chapter 1

BEST LAID WIVES - Chapter 1I think the most frequently asked question about our bizarre extra marital activities is about parties. How does a husband describe a swing party to anyone? A bunch of people gathered together for the expressed purpose of having sex with any and all guests, but especially not one's spouse. However, my situation went a step further than normal swinging, since our whole lifestyle was started by my wife, Jessica, and her sister Jodi.Whenever pressed for details (and I...

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Of Well Laid Plans

Daniel was a perfectionist. No seriously!! A perfectionist since birth... An easy birth without complications, did'nt cry though his eyes kept trying to open and was clearly taking in lungfuls of air. He never cried without reason as a c***d, never laughed without one either. He was neither needy nor clingy and expressed his needs in complete sentenses as early as he could. He studied and learned what was taught at school from grade school to high school, always, with the perfect grade, perfect...

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Best Laid Plans Ch 04

Chapter 4: Will work for Mai Tais. Mike Nash was the darkest black man I’d ever laid my eyes on. He spoke in quick successive sentences that I strained to understand, I made a mental note to invest in a recorder so I could play back our conversations and try to pick out what it was he was saying. Mike also wore a shirt a size too small and pants that swished way too loudly. I was sitting cross legged doing my best to appear angelic in a button down oxford shirt and Express skirt I’d purchased...

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Goetic JusticeChapter 8 Best Laid Plans

Ryan awoke alone in the ruined bed, yawning as he stretched his arms above his head. The sweet ache and satisfaction from his romp with Nahash the previous night still lingered as he brushed away stray feathers, sliding out from beneath the sullied sheets. He made his way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee, glancing at his wall clock to see that it was already noon. He didn’t like waking up without Nahash, but he understood that manifesting a physical body did not come without a cost. If...

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Best Laid Plans Ch 09

Chapter 9: The one with the Sexting We sat staring at the front of my duplex for a good minute. Throats were cleared, thumbs were twiddled. Jeff was either attempting to ask me to go steady or he wanted his jacket back. I wasn’t giving in to either. We have a complex friendship. We’ve had the casual sex thing, we’ve had the monogamous relationship thing. He’s made me cry, he’s made me wet, and if I’ve watched a bad ro-com, I have nightmares about getting married to him. What ticked me off the...

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Bestiality Dreams Night 1 The Cat

It had been mere hours since the appearance of the first symptoms and already the family doctor had given orders restricting me to my bed. Under normal circumstances, I would have been thrilled at the thought of missing a few days of school, but, given my extreme fatigue, enjoying my time off was impossible. No matter what I did, be it watch TV or read a book, I kept nodding off. And it was still quite early. In a final attempt at resisting sleep’s inviting embrace, I did something I knew...

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Bestiality Dreams Night 1 The Cat

Introduction: A young woman dreams of having sex with a cat! Modern medicine cannot explain what happened. Many doctors tried, but none could identify the ailment that afflicted me. Their only recourse was to identify my symptomsextreme fatigue and deliriumand suggest extensive bed rest and a high fluid intake. They were equally dumbfounded by my miraculous recovery. I remain similarly uncertain as to the nature of my peculiar illness, yet I will forever cherish the memories of those ten days I...

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Sagging Boobs Ugly NipplesChapter 4 The Best Laid Plans

"Have you been to his house yet?" Norma blurted when she returned to work. Sherrie smiled. "Yes, don't you just love the stairs?" "I love the whole thing. It's a man's house, no doubt, but with a few touches here and there, a woman could be quite comfortable." "Norma!" Sherrie gasped in mock surprise, "Are you thinking about volunteering? You'd loose him in that big ol' bed." Sherrie was even more surprised at her response. "No I wouldn't! I wouldn't let any dead space...

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Bestie Sex Is The Best Sex

Hello, friends, this is Krish again here with my new sex story, I am 22 slim looking guy with a good length of 7inch and from Vijayawada.This is my 2nd sex story.Please excuse me if there are any mistakes in my sex story. My first sex story is “Mutual seduction of cousins” (https:www.Indiansexstories.Net/incest/mutual-seduction-cousins/) please read it from the above link and you are gonna love it definitely and also give me feedbacks on my email id: I just completed my engineering in another...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now. I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it’s thin enough that when my...

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Bestfriend to sexfriend

My name is Amy. My bestfriend, who also happens to be my new recent ‘fuck buddy’, is Joey. We have known each other since the 7 th grade. All through high school we were quite flirtatious with each other, but never once acted upon it. Until now.I’m 18, and he just recently turned 19. On his birthday he asked me to go to the beach with him. So I made sure I had a nice clean shaven pussy, and then I put on the sexiest bikini I own. It’s skanky, and hot pink, and it's thin enough that when my...

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Claidia IncarnataPart III

Moons hurry to be born And race to their decay. - Horace, Odes. L’Accademia di Santa Cecilia di Agrigento… 11am. “Ah yes, here it is.” Claudia smiled as she read the polished brass plaque to the right of the heavy iron door. The door was nestled in an old arched stone doorway in a quiet side street off Agrigento’s Via Atena. The sheer scale of the doorway suggested to her that it had been the entrance to a grand house, little of which was visible from the street. She found...

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The Initiation into Elaidas BDSM Coven

Please read, and if you enjoy, at least give it a thumbs up.  Comments are VERY appreciated and are what keep me writing!!  So if you enjoy and want more, let me know!! ~~~~~~~~~ The chrome chain fastened to the wide black leather collar that not only encompassed my throat, but held my chin stiffly up while riding snuggly on my shoulders was unnecessary to say the least.  I would have submitted to Elaida had she simply raised a well-manicured fingernail.  Yet their presence made her smile and...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 2

The Hasebury Road For the buzzard scouting the air currents over the Radway ridge, the sight below on the Hasebury Road was something not seen before. A convoy of four steam traction engines, belching smoke with their efforts to climb the hill, was being driven along the road towards Hasebury. Caravans and trucks were coupled behind each engine. The whole road train, over 100 yards long, moved forward slowly at little more than walking pace but relentlessly. The convoy breasted the top of...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 3 The Hasebury Nag

The White Horse Inn by Hasebury Green had been known as “The Hasebury Nag” for as long as Jennifer could remember and she had lived in the village all her life. It was small, though large enough for the village’s needs and though the building’s twisted wooden frame made it look ramshackle it showed every sign of standing for as many years as it had already. Jennifer was standing at the bar, enjoying a pint of the landlady’s own beer, along with three of her friends, Janice, Aimee and Nisha....

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 4

In The Outhouse Two nights before, Tim Farragut had just finished work for the evening. The chairs had been stacked on the tables. The glasses were all clean and set back on the shelves behind the bar. Miss Adams had long gone to bed and now it was time for him to do the same. As he made his way across the yard at the back of the pub towards the outhouse where his own room was, he heard a noise coming from the stack of barrels in one corner. The figure of a woman, a long cloak reaching the...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 5

Henderby Hall The gates of Henderby Hall were perhaps two hundred yards from the Hasebury Nag but it was a world away in every other respect. The Hall was by far the grandest house for miles; a Tudor brick mansion built into the ruins of an abbey that was at least as old again. Alicia Vance, fifth Lady Henderby, felt it had been a great good fortune that her forebears had been unable to remodel the house in more recent times. The house retained its small rooms, open fires and twisting...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 6

Tim & The Cage Van While Alicia and Adelaide were talking, Tim Farracut was helping to shut up the pub for the night Looking out across the village green, he could see the lights around the vans. As the landlady grunted and headed off to her room he stared at the warm glow of lights from the vans, wistfully. He turned the last of the bar stools upside down on the tables. The floor would be swept and new sawdust put down in the morning. His work done, he felt himself drawn to the cluster...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 7

Alicia’s Discussion At Henderby Hall, Alicia was anxious to continue her discussion with Adelaide. She waited until her husband had left the room, turned towards Adelaide and leant forward with a conspiratorial air. “I need to confide in you,” she said, her voice at once breathy and tense. “Can I count on your discretion?” “Of course,” Adelaide responded. The two had a long history of shared confidences from when Alicia had been studying at Cheltenham and Adelaide had started teaching...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 8

The Girls In The Van In the performers’ caravan, Christa, Ginny, Sophie and Eleni were playing cards, resting before it was time to get ready for the show. Vesta was sitting reading. Two of the Gimps, Henry and James had been brought in to provide such services as the girls might need. The van was comfortably equipped. Though not as elaborately as Adelaide’s, the couches were well stuffed, thick curtains hung at the windows, engraved mirrors adorned the walls and a three-jet gas lantern...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 9

The Performance Adelaide counted the last of the day’s takings into the cash box. She locked it and slid the box into the safe in her caravan. She was pleased. The tent would be full again tonight and that was good for the audience, for the performers pockets and for the Gimps too; she knew how they hated to perform in front of a half-empty tent. She turned to the wardrobe. It was time to get ready. In their own van the other performers were already preparing. The show was, they knew, as...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 10

After The Shows The second night’s performance was no less successful than the first. Word had got around and the audience turned up from nearby villages too. Finally, though, the applause for that show too had faded. The audience, for the most part, had gone. A few, specially invited patrons remained or returned, the guests of Mistress Adelaide for a celebratory drink. Alicia two other local landowners and the chair, vice-chair and clerk of the village council were seated at a tables set...

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Mistress Adelaides Travelling Gimp CircusChapter 11

Departure It was the morning after the final show at Hasebury. The girls had taken the Gimps from their cages. They worked together to strike the performance tent and take down the ticket booth so that all could be put back into the trailers. Somehow it all came down much more quickly than it had gone up. It was a cold morning but they were used to being exercised in just their harnesses and hoods and were happy to make the most of the chance to move freely before, as they knew they would...

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It’s a new age, and new technology has allowed us to venture into porn possibilities that have never been seen before. Specifically, we’re talking about VR and AR porn. Most of you have probably seen VR porn, and maybe you even tried it out yourselves with an actual VR device. But what about AR porn? Well, claims, at least in the title of the website that they have it here. Do they? And what do they actually have going on with this site? Let’s find out.The AR porn gimmick is a hoax...

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Waylaid by Highwaymen

Miss Emily Maitland and companion Jane Flanders were on their way to Derby. Miss Maitland a spirited and largely uneducated girl, daughter of a self made man from the lower orders had been to York to “See the Minster.” They had stopped at my parents house en route as Miss Flanders professed to know my sister from their time at the girls school though my dear sister could not place her at all. Father was delighted. Miss Maitland’s father was very wealthy by all accounts and had but three...

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Waylaid Traveller Chapter 1

WAYLAID TRAVELLER CHAPTER 1 Travelling the United States on a shoestring is possible, believe it or not. It does limit your eating and accommodation options at times, but you'd be surprised who you meet and what you see. I was making the most of my long service leave from work by driving and flying around the US. I had driven from Miami a month ago, great city, full of style, Cubans, art deco. Orlando was Disneyland and universal studios, also good. After that, it was the open...

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Waylaid Traveller Chapter 2

WAYLAID TRAVELLER CHAPTER 2 The combination of sunlight streaming over my face and a familiar vibration from inside my pussy woke me up from my slumber. It was my third day as Bianca here, and I had learned more about being and pleasing women than I ever thought possible. As I stirred against Alicia, she wrapped her arm around me and had me squirm closer to her. Collared with my wrists cuffed behind me, I couldn't do much else as I was also naked and secured to the behead by a chain...

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Waylaid Travller Chapter 3

Joni, quite a review, and true. The mistress is both caring and harsh, caring only for her own needs, I made her this way on purpose. I didn't visualise her as quite so evil as you saw her, but, you need not worry, she will get what she deserves. All my stories have happy endings. The bdsm world is all about conscent, I truly respect that and want to keep my fan base happy. I experiment to a degree, but if an idea doesn't work or is too unpopular, I rework things or cut it out in the next...

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Waylaid Traveller Chapter 4

WAYLAID TRAVELLER CHAPTER 4 Before I put in anything, I want to say that im surprised at the negativity against my captor, I don?t see her as any different than any other one my character has been taken by in other stories ive written. If the negativity continues, this will be the last chapter on this story that I?ll write. Here goes. My heart was pounding as I was driven home from the club. Sitting in the back, I traced my fingernails over my leather miniskirt and toned...

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Besties with Bennies

I would like to enclose that this story is fictional but based off of true events. All characters are over the age of 18, and nothing written exploited any person/persons. I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear some constructive criticism from you. Thank you for your time. ***** It was just a casual night with Netflix and dinner… or so I thought. I invited Michael over after work so than we could hang out a little bit and catch up. We had both just graduated and hadn’t seen each other...

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The Strawberry Patch Book 3 Life On The SavannahChapter 20 Thanksgiving Day Plans

“We need to start getting things together for Thanksgiving. And we need to work on Christmas travel plans.” Blossom said. “Do we want to do it here or go out?” Erin asked. “Do it?” I asked. “Thanksgiving dinner, you goof.” Lynn lovingly punched me in the shoulder. “Oh! Ouch! Hey!” “Sorry Lover. I’ll kiss it and make it better.” “Kiss it?!” Punch! “Ouch!” “Back to the subject. Are we going to have Thanksgiving dinner here or are we going to go to a restaurant or have our meal...

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North Adelaide Toilet Block Suck

This happened in the summer of 2004. I went to the toilet at the shopping centre in North Adelaide and while I was getting my cock out I heard a noise coming from one of the stalls. I’m ok with guys wanking off in toilets, no big deal, but this time I just felt a need to check it out. There were 4 cubicles and I sat down in the one next to the guy making the noise, by now he quietened down a bit. Anyway I was a bit stiff myself leaned back and started playing with my cock getting it harder....

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The Desires of the Goddess Adelaide Part 2

The two girls walked hand in hand through the orchard, their short white dresses exposing the flesh of their arms and legs to the fierce heat of the sun. Their feet were bare to the dusty earth. As they approached the orchard wall one girl pushed the other ahead of her, playfully laughing and teasing. Their breasts and buttocks bounced in the confines of their tight dresses as they ran. “You’ve been a bad girl Angel,” the first girl taunted. She pushed Angel face first toward the wall and made...


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