Brobdingnag Ch. 02 free porn video

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This is the second chapter of the parts expunged from the published Gulliver’s Travels.

Chapter Two

The author is in peril from Lady Petrova. Griselda anoints him with unguent. The court jeweller makes measurements. Is it a protection or a restraint? The jeweller’s curious contrivances produced. The author ends in peril again.

I was sleeping soundly between the Lady Petrova’s breasts when she turned on to her side.

I was in danger of imminent extinction. Her breasts are so large that when recumbent on her back I could stand between them with my head lower than her aureoles. Her nipples protruded like cairns on hillocks. Now she had moved I was being crushed between her breasts. My whole body was struggling under the massive inertia of the upper breast. I had a passing thought that there had been an antique punishment of being crushed under heavy weights. Now I appreciated the agonies that malefactors condemned to such a fate would have undergone. I was in a similar position even though the object oppressing me was soft and yielding.

It was fortunate that I had been sleeping with one arm above my head and that I was not wearing any attire. The friction between my attire and her skin, smooth though it was by the standards of Brobdingnag, would have prevented my escape.

With my free hand I caught the hem of her garment and gave a prodigious pull while shaking my body as much as her bosom allowed. To my immense relief I gained a few inches of movement releasing my other arm. Using both I was able to extricate my body from its mortal peril and found myself resting on the rounded upper portion of her breast.

I was still in an awkward predicament. If the Lady Petrova moved again I could be crushed under the full weight of her body beyond any hope of release. Holding fast to the hem of her garment I let my lower limbs dangle. I released my hold and dropped to the soft mattress, which cushioned my fall of eighteen feet or so.

It would have been instantly fatal to have attempted to leave the bed. The drop from the edge to the marble floor was fifty feet or more. Yet if I remained in the bed I was in peril from any movement the Lady Petrova might make while she was still asleep. To give myself a vantage point and time to assess such options as were available I used the Lady’s profuse tresses as a climbing aid. Once I had attained the top of her head I scrambled up the pillow and at the peak I sat back against the bed head.

From my vantage point I could see the whole extent of the bed. The Lady Petrova was to one side of the mattress still wearing her daytime apparel. I would not be safe from her involuntary movements anywhere upon the surface of the bed. I could not leave the bed without sustaining serious injury. I felt like the ancient Greek voyagers who had to run the gauntlet of Scylla and Charybdis.

My situation was not improved by my lack of clothing. Between the Lady’s breasts I had been warm and comfortable. The temperature of the room had not been noticeable while I had been at my toilet expecting to dress myself momentarily. Now I was suddenly deprived of that warmth and very far from my own attire that I could see on a side table a hundred feet away.

More as an aid to cogitation than with any serious purpose I walked along the upper edge of the pillow moving cautiously past the Lady’s recumbent head. Beyond it I found her mobcap that may have been displaced by the violence of her movements in her aroused excitement. I hastened towards it and insinuated myself inside its extensive folds. The masses of material gave warmth to my shivering body.

Although the mobcap gave me warmth, the sensations returning to my body were not agreeable. The use to which the Lady Petrova had put me had produced extensive bruising and I was unable to lie comfortably in any position. I dozed fitfully.

I was woken by the Lady calling my name. She may have been calling at a normal level of voice but she outrivalled Stentor to my ears. I emerged from my concealment and endeavoured to attract her attention by shouting as loudly as I could and waving my arms. Eventually she noticed me and caught me up in her hand. I winced as her fingers closed about my body.

She noticed my distress and enquired the reason. I explained that I had been severely bruised by our earlier sportive gambols. She seemed to find my terminology amusing but called for her personal maid whom I shall call Griselda.

The Lady Petrova explained my injured condition to Griselda. The maid left the chamber returning presently with a hogshead containing some emollient preparation to anoint my bruising. The two ladies insisted that this ointment should be applied to my whole person. The Lady Petrova even suggested that they might apply it forcibly if I did not consent forthwith. Reluctantly and because I feared further indignities if I did not comply I agreed.

Griselda smeared the unguent liberally over my whole integument and to my intense distress drew her mistress’s attention to the inevitable result of her ministrations to my private parts. My erection appeared to cause them intense amusement and they whispered in each other’s ears in a Brobdingnagian dialect that I could not interpret.

Griselda examined my person intently as she was anointing me and announced that I was indeed sorely abraded and would need repose if my constitution was not to be permanently impaired. This caused her mistress some pangs because she had been the cause of my enfeeblement but she consented that I should recuperate for a couple of days after which they would consider if any further measures would be necessary to aid my recovery.

Griselda very carefully carried me in a fold of her handkerchief to my travelling casket and placed me inside. Apart from delivering the necessary victuals at appropriate times and removal of the night soil I was left undisturbed for two whole days for which I gave thanks. Throughout that period I did little but sleep as best I could.

On the morning of the third day Griselda announced that she had brought someone to see me. She introduced him as the court jeweller and gave me to understand that he had been commissioned by her Majesty the Queen to produce a life size statue of my humble self.

The jeweller had very small and nimble fingers by the standards of Brobdingnag. I could well appreciate that he was an artisan capable of very fine work. His measurements of my body and person were meticulously made with callipers and a silken tape measure. He seemed to take unnecessarily frequent measurements of my torso and head but not being privy to the secrets of his art I made no demur.

I was still grievously bruised but Griselda’s unguent appeared to have eased the pain. While the jeweller was making his precise measurements she inspected me through a magnifying glass. Once he had left the chamber she announced that she would anoint me again and gave me no choice in the matter.

Her fingers were deft and for her size very gentle. Once she had completed the application she informed me that she would be recommending to the Lady Petrova that I should recuperate for a further two days. I signalled my gratitude for I had to recognise that the bruising I had received inside the Lady Petrova had been extensive.

The reprieve allowed me to exercise my body gradually until by the second evening I was able to complete a few passes with my hangar without instantly regretting any injudicious movement.

The following morning the court jeweller returned. I was placed on the Lady Petrova’s bedside table. The jeweller positioned a draped figure beside me and removed the drapery with a swift gesture. To my eyes it was a crude caricature of my person. The dimensions were correct, the attire very precisely copied since both the garments I was wearing and those on the figurine were the products of Brobdingnag but the features were very crudely drawn. Even allo
wing for personal vanity I could not recognise my face in the chiselled physiognomy of the replica. The Lady Petrova and Griselda seemed satisfied that this was indeed a veritable duplicate of my humble self and commended the jeweller to display it to her Majesty the Queen forthwith.

The jeweller left thanking them profusely for their aid and assistance. He had also brought some other parcels that had been commissioned from him by the Lady Petrova. I must admit that I am as curious as any other mortal man so I endeavoured to enquire what was in the packages. Would that I had held my tongue. My tongue did not produce the ill effects, because the contents of the parcels would eventually have been revealed to me, but my enquiry precipitated their use, earlier than might have been the case.

The Lady Petrova intimated that some of the parcels contained items for my accoutrement. She would be delighted to exhibit them to me but I would have to be in a state of nature before they could be utilised. Griselda added her pleas to those of her mistress. Since I had become inured to being naked in Griselda’s presence and even handled by her in such a state and I had been introduced into the most intimate part of the Lady Petrova’s anatomy I reluctantly accepted that my modesty had long since been compromised. I stripped and stood bare on the table.

The Lady Petrova lifted each parcel one by one and peered inside the wrappings until she found the specific parcel she sought. She handed it to Griselda with instructions to fit it to my person.

Griselda unwrapped the package. As she was holding it near her eyes and a long way from mine I was not able, at first, to distinguish what the object was. I heard a distinct click once or twice as she operated some part of it. Then she bent down towards me explaining that this was a device for my protection.

It appeared to be as translucent as glass and yet was slightly deformable between her fingers. I heard the click again. Griselda instructed me to close my eyes and raise my hands above my head. This I did. I sensed something stiff being fitted around my torso then the click very loud combined with a sudden constriction around my chest.

Griselda told me to open my eyes. I looked down. Around my body was a cuirass or carapace of transparent second skin. It was moulded to the contours of my body like a vest or jerkin. I rapped at it with my knuckles. It was hard and unyielding. I pushed it with a finger and it gave slightly under pressure. The material was one I had never met. The closest thing I can equate it to would be finely worked horn.

Griselda explained that it would protect my body from over rough handling. If I were to be squeezed immoderately the corset, for so she described it, would resist the pressure and protect my fragile ribs. Equally I would be defended from the claws or teeth of a cat. She demonstrated by picking me up between her thumb and forefinger. The pressure was indeed distributed over my whole body and did not incommode me at all.

What did concern me was its fastening. It was hinged at one side and clasped at the other. It would be far beyond my strength to operate the clasp so that it could only be removed by a person of Brobdingnag.

As I examined the corset I noticed two half circles on each side of the corset. I enquired their use. Griselda agreed to demonstrate. I was too intent on the items to notice the smile that passed across her face until my arms were placed into the half circles and she snapped the clasps circling my lower arms.

I opened my mouth wide to protest this indignity only to be nonplussed by another translucent contrivance that Griselda introduced into my open mouth. It was a ball with a hole through it, attached to a wide circlet that snapped tight around my chin and lower head. I was able to breathe through the hole in the ball but unable to emit any sound other than a faint grunt totally inaudible to Brobdingnagian ears.

Griselda and her mistress were vastly amused by my attempts to release myself from the muffling gag and the pinioning of my arms. Lady Petrova held a looking glass before me to reveal the devilish ingenuity of my transparent constraints. I could see them clearly but I realised to my horror that they would be totally invisible to Brobdingnagian eyes except by the closest inspection or with a magnifying glass. I was restrained effectively and mute yet to outward appearance I was unrestrained and my mouth free to express myself clearly.

The final insult was a set of transparent gyves for my ankles.

Then the Lady Petrova announced that I had been sufficiently prepared for the revelation of the other items commissioned from the court jeweller. She opened one of the larger packages and withdrew an item that at first I could not recognise. It was the scale of the thing that dulled my understanding. It stood about fifteen feet long and more than a yard and a half in diameter.

When she held it in an upright position and mimed a thrust realisation was forthcoming. It was an item that I have seen but rarely. I understand that such things are much in use by the ladies of Japan who call it a harigata. In my country I understand that more homely expedients such as a cowcumber or a carefully cleaned large carrot are more usual but the man made objects are known as dildos. This was a splendid, if to my eyes gigantic, model of an erect male penis complete with a circumcised tip. It was slightly bent along its length and details of the veins were included. Its colour was a close match to the colour I would expect. Its base, held in the Lady Petrova’s hand, was set at an angle to the dildo and appeared, oddly, to have provision for a second dildo to be attached.

The second package revealed a translucent replica. This puzzled me immensely. Why should such a thing be produced in a translucent material? That this was possible was self-evident but for what purpose? The Lady Petrova displayed its differences very carefully to me. The head was rock hard and totally rigid. The stem was made from a similar material to the corset I was wearing. The part that inserted into the base was as hard as the tip and had an external screw thread. For a couple of feet above the screw thread several rows of holes had been drilled through the material.

I was still ignorant of the purpose of the translucent dildo until it was too late. The Lady Petrova rapped the base of the dildo on the table. From within it a coiled spring and perforated disc emerged. Grasping me in her fingers she inserted me head first into the translucent cylinder. She inverted it so that I slid down the tube until my shoulders sat against padding on the join between the rigid tip and the yielding shaft. My head was free to move inside the rigid head and observe in all directions. I felt the perforated disc dropped against my feet and the spring placed against it. I peered upwards past my feet to see her screw the base onto the thread.

I was now confined within a translucent dildo. I could not move, or shout. The reason for the perforated disc and rows of holes around the shaft were now apparent. They were breathing holes so that I would not be suffocated. Even the Lady Petrova could not insert so monstrous a device wholly within herself. A portion must always remain outside and that portion would provide air to support my respiration.

The Lady Petrova lifted her skirts, divested herself of her nether garment and thrust me deep inside her privy parts. As I entered I was aware of passing from light through a roseate area into utter darkness. I fainted away from trepidation of a repeat of the injuries I had incurred on my previous expedition to the inner regions of the lady.

End of Chapter Two.

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Monday morning meetings are the worst. You step out of the elevator onto the floor of your office, and move past the receptionist into the hallway where your fellow attorneys walk between rooms lethargically. You stride past open doors under fluorescent lights until you reach the door of your own small office. Outside at a cubicle is your assistant, a promising hire about to enter law school, about five years your junior. "Remember, Laura," he says to you as you walk past, "you've got a...

Mind Control
4 years ago
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Getting off the Seesaw Chapter 4

Brian cooked lunch and Diane ate it still wearing her chastity belt. After they had eaten they moved to the sitting room. “You are a darling,” she said. “You cook like an angel and you had me buzzing at the same time. Can I have the rest of my entertainment now please?” “The point of the belt is to wind you up, but I wasn’t sure how fast it worked.” He knelt in front of her unlocked the belt and opened her labia. “Does it get sore being filled all the time?” “So far no problem,” she said,...

Wife Lovers
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MommysGirl Kenna James Sofi Ryan Gia Derza A Familiar Match

Sofi Ryan is a divorced woman ready to get back into the dating scene. But since she’s nervous, she’s working with Kenna James, a matchmaker, to find her the perfect match right from the start. As Sofi meets with Kenna, Kenna assures her that she’s found Sofi’s soulmate. She’s even asked the mystery woman to come into the office so that they both could meet on neutral grounds. Then after she’s sure everything is going smoothly, Sofi and the mystery woman will...

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ExploitedCollegeGirls Gaby Jerk it I Like to Watch

We’re going to spice things up this time around with a gorgeous Columbian Latina that’s as hot as they come. Meet Gaby, an ex-Webcam model who’s decided to broaden her horizons with some professional cock which Tyler was pretty excited to hear! She’s only been with ten guys since she lost her virginity at 14, oh and some girlfriends to round things out, but she likes the dick the best. Make no mistake though, this one knows what she’s doing and it doesn’t take long to see her kinky side. One of...

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Cathys Examination

"Hi Cathy," called out Prof Tomas. "Hello Professor," she said. He was not one of Cathy's favourite Tutors for she felt his eyes stripping her naked whenever she sat in his classes. She wouldn't have minded so much if it was that new Professor Blunt in Media Studies for he was quite cute. Professor Tomas was everything but; he was fifty at least and quite horrible. "Must make time to see you Cathy," he said staring at her bust, "your end of year exam is due in a few weeks and I must...

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My Neighbours Daughter

Our neighbours are a middle-aged married couple, dull and unremarkable (church going, Volvo driving etc.), with an 18 year-old daughter, Kim. There is nothing unremarkable about her. She is tall and slim like a model, with a tanned and toned body and blonde hair. We had only said hi to each other a couple of times, and this was the first time that I had seen her at home during the day. Anyway, as I was saying, I was clearing out our summer house, having taken a few days off work to settle...

1 year ago
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Mausi Ki Gaand Maari

Aur jin mausi ki me kahani aap logo ko sunane jaa rha hu unke saath mera honeymoon abhi tk zaari hai..Abhi 2 din pehle hi unke saath poora din vyateet karke aa rha hu… Aaj usi din ke baar me sochkar badi tharak chad rhi thi to socha kyon na apni kahani aap logo ke saath share karke thode maje le lu.. Baat 2 mahine pehle ki hai, pehle to mein aap logo ko bata du ki ye mausi me khaas mausi nhi hai aur door ke rishte me mausi lagti hai mere ghar se kuch 2 km ki doori pr rhti hai kareeb 48 saal ki...

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One Crazy Night

Man, was I hung over.  And horny.  The night before was my birthday party, and we had all stayed up far too early and drank the whole night away.  I finally crashed in the RV around sunrise...Jay was a good friend.  He'd set the whole thing up.  We were at his mom's.  A bunch of friends and coworkers were there.  We spent the whole evening playing games (drinking games, of course,) and I just kept getting more and more horny.  It was tough being single and drunk, especially when I had a huge...

1 year ago
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Pleasure Island The Bikini Chapter 2 Alternate Story

Chapter 2 Alternate Story Stranger Danger Going with the "lighten up" theme you decide to go back to the room to catch Wendy before she leaves. You drop the lost and found box off hurriedly with the pool guy and head toward the main hotel on the beach. There are a lot of well lit paths on the way, but it's a tourist trap so they tend to wind toward every where imaginable to get you to spend your money on little key chains with your name on them along with millions of other worthless...

1 year ago
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Edie Adventures in Panties and Dresses

"Edie:" Adventures in Panties and Dresses (1-5/5) by Princess Pervette When I was eleven, I was the toughest kid in the neighborhood. The one who came home with black eyes (but who gave more black eyes than he got), the one who was always ready for a fight, a real scrapper. What nobody knew was that this young neighborhood tough liked to wear girls' panties. It had started one afternoon when my sister asked me to get a handkerchief out of her dresser, and while I was looking for...

4 years ago
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Aunty Ke Saath Wild Sex

Hi guys,sumit here height 5 feet 11 inches, age 25 from delhi. Ye story aaj se 3 year pehle ki hai. Tab mai job dhund rha tha aur apne parents ke saath rehta tha. Mai pehle 2 ladkiyon ke saath sex kar chuka tha, unme se 1 virgin thi aur ek ne pehle sirf 1 baar sex kiya tha, isliye maine unke saath gentle or romantic sex kiya tha. Iss bar maine bahut aggressive or rough sex kiya. Mere parents ko 2 din humare rishtedar ke yahaa jana tha and mai nhi jaa sakta tha coz mera job interview tha. Vo log...

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A Peril at IshtarChapter 13 Training and Waiting

Well, the trip had now become a bit of a nightmare of routine and training. Ruth and her minions continued to roam the halls, but as the other households remained locked up in their pods, frustrations seemed to boil over, and fighting broke out in the hallways more than once ringing out and being heard even through the pod doors. The AI reported that no permanent injuries were inflicted, but fear hung over the inhabitants of the blue and green rings like a cloud. For those of us under siege...

4 years ago
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OpportunitiesChapter 4

Saturday morning I hit the dining hall at seven thirty. As I walked out the door of the dorm Kenny joined me. Surprisingly, Misty and Cherry were already sitting with four other cheerleaders. Kenny and I went through the line, loading up with lots of food. Misty and Cherry made room for me between them, while the other girls made room for Kenny. Kenny was grinning, “I’ll have to eat with you more often Chuck, you seem to draw a nice crowd. I like your crowds.” We ate with lots of joking and...

2 years ago
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Adultery Mexican Style

Adultery Mexican Style by VIProffri was living in a small town in western Mexico by the sea for a few years and I decided I wanted to try a mature Mexican pussy since I had already had a few teens and marriageable candidates. It was pretty simple. All the local women over 25 were married with c***dren and plenty were expecting. They all went to church regularly with the k**s and husband and you would never think that you had a hope of nailing one of them. I was feeling...

4 years ago
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Mind the TimeChapter 29

"Do we have a leak?" Vee asked. Wendy blushed, "What makes you think that?" "I keep hearing dripping water," Vee said. "But the bilge pump hasn't run." Wendy blushed a little harder. "Umh..." Vee turned to look, there was a wet spot on the teak deck ... Wendy was standing on it. While Vee looked a drip fell from under Wendy's Tee Shirt. Wendy was looking at the nude beach ... looking? Standing on tip-toe and craning her neck looking. There was another splat. Wendy blushed...

3 years ago
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Me Myself and I

I thought it might be fun to write a personal story about myself for a change, if this get's a good response, I'll definently write more!I have long, almost black hair that hangs past my round, DD tits. My skin is a light coffee color as I am mixed (half black and half white). I am relatively tall with long, toned legs. I have a nice round ass that I keep nice and tight from working out.I am also a complete nympho and masterbate as much as I have the chance too. Sex is something that is always...

4 years ago
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Canadian Wild Girl

It was a boring Sunday night, and Jenny had nothing to do. She felt like going out, so she put on her modest red dress. As a classy lady, Jenny wasn't a fan of dressing like a slut. However, Jenny wanted to be ready for action, so she wore her little pink g-string as well. So she went to The Globe, the local bar. When she got there, there was a camera crew for Canadian Wild Girls, a Girls Gone Wild style show where they film amateur girls and give them stickers or t shirts. "God, you must be...

1 year ago
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Rude Games

My first awareness of sex came through playing rude games with my older brother Colin and often his best mate Dominic.I can remember it was during the summer holidays and we were hanging out at home, both mum and dad were at work. My friend phoned to say she wouldn't be over today so I went to see what Colin and Dominic were up too.They had been looking through some cupboards adnd had pulled out a first aid kit, which had allsorts in it, a stethoscope, bandages, a thermometer etc.Before I knew...

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FullOfJOI Cassandra Cain A Foot Full Of Cum

I did not know that you were home, but I must admit, I am happy to see you. With the whole place empty, your dad gone… it has me thinking. Things like, how horny I get when I catch you looking at me. You may not think I notice, but I am human, too. I have desires like everyone else. I may pretend that I am surprised to find you perving on me, but I secretly love it. Just look how hard you get when you stare at my body. It turns me on! I want to see you jerk your cock for me. You are so fucking...

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A Spy Too FarChapter 10 The Journey Home

The trip to the coast from Brussels was most boring; the escort consisted of two elderly Wehrmacht soldiers who were not inclined to talk, and seemed to resent being made to chauffer him. It was noticeable that he had no additional escort, and Tony was fairly sure that the Governor himself had been rather remiss in not providing a stronger escort for him, and if anything happened to him someone he would surely pay for it knowing the Nazi hierarchy. They were just outside Bruges, on a lonely...

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Boundaries: Charlotte had always seemed a submissive wife. Ok she liked to put her bra, knickers and negligee on me when we made love but I was the breadwinner and she was the homemaker and that was only in the bedroom. I should have realised what she was doing to me as I had come to think of making love dressed as a woman as normal. We lived in northern France, just outside Lille although she came from Grenada in Southern Spain. We had two daughters called Celestine and Martine...

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BackroomCastingCouch Alexis 02262018

Alexis kept her live-in girlfriend at home so she can explore the world of straight porn. Business is slow at the strip club she grinds at but instead of requesting to audition for lezzie porn, Alexis is willing to suck and fuck a dick in hopes of landing those high paying Boy/Girl scene jobs. Spoiler Alert: her pussy is so tight because “nothing ever goes in there!” that she actually suggests to Vince to “put it in her butt, or somethin'”. And so he does. Painal ensues...

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diary pt2

The doorbell then decided to ring. I walked to the door, frowning in wonder as to who that may be, since no one I knew lived around and I didn’t know anyone from around. Looking through the peephole, I saw a sweet looking blonde woman with sparkling green eyes, standing with her hands tucked into a tight pair of jeans, waiting. I smiled and straightened out my clothes. I didn’t mind getting to know that cute blonde though. I opened the door and smiled in greeting, ‘Hi. May I help you?’ I...

4 years ago
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Red Ribbons in Her HairChapter 5

Gabe got the call as he was getting ready to leave his office for the evening. He'd been sitting and staring at his murder board. The eyes of those girls, now including the photos of Devon Basset, seemed to be staring at him, accusing him of missing something, some integral part of the puzzle that he should know. Some tiny part of the killer's identification that should be right there in front of him if he'd only just reach out and pluck it. And along with those eyes, he could see...

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Moms Secret Ass Fucker by fbailey

I am s*******n years old and out of school for the summer. Dad helped me get a good paying job on a construction crew. I wanted a car but dad wanted me to earn it myself. I had to save enough money to pay for my own insurance too. Dad said that if he gave me a car that I wouldn’t appreciate it, but that if I bought it myself that I would. I had the car already picked out too. That’s why I was so depressed when the boss sent me home early today. Sure I had screwed up today but not as bad as some...

2 years ago
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My mother the famous author part 3

I crawled out of bed and stretched myself, wondering whether I was going to take a shower, because I didn’t smell too well. I noticed a scent around me of dried champagne, semen and sweat and female bodily fluids. In spite of all that I decided not to take a shower for a while, if only because this rancid scent was testimony to the fact that last night hadn’t been a dream. I walked out of the room and decided to look for mother. I wondered what our relationship would be like from now on. Had...

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The Cure

THE CURE Chapter 1: Sissy In The Lingerie Store I worked for a dress shop in a local mall and was moving up the ladder until one day I was offered a job at corporate headquarters as the fashion buyer for the company. I quickly accepted and moved to the city. I worked for months and through my efforts was soon doing quite well. I then got another promotion as head of the entire women's fashion division and even took charge of the home store! It was different working in the huge...

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