By Air Mail Ch.02 free porn video

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While Craig is dying to get off Iron Mountain and get back home to the girl that he’s always loved, that girl wants him just as much and more, because she’s finally figured it out.

Not only that, but she’s figuring out the best way to do that, too.

She knows Craig because she always has – even right down to what she knows he holds in his heart, and that means not only for her.

There are a pair of interesting characters in this, who are a lot of fun to write, and this chapter shows what they’d do for someone that they love who is in a bad way as well as to show how one of them is somewhat gifted in possessing a pretty solid ability for foresight.

All characters in this are over 18. Not one is even under 21.



Cascade, Idaho – 19 September, 1946

She drove up Main Street in the old 1937 Chevrolet that her father had given her, idling along as she looked for a parking space. Main Street was only two lanes and there was an allowance made to angle-park forward so long as you eased in until you felt your front wheels against the concrete curb.

She saw one spot open on the other side and she checked her mirrors and looked around quickly. Main Street was deathly still, since it was a little cold for this time of year and the only reason that there were so many cars out there in the first place was because of the movie theater on her side of the street.

She’d already seen the picture that they were showing. These days, Amelia had lots of time to go to the movies alone.

She’d worked late over at the sawmill in the offices the last three days running to get their month-ends all wrapped up in exchange for a day off before she started her week of vacation and one day after. She didn’t mind the hour because it would get her out of there well after the men who hung around for an hour after their shifts ended, trying to pick her up when she left, even though it never worked.

She wasn’t about to do that again.

That was how she’d gotten fooled into falling for a really good actor, only to find out that he was a prick once they were married. That was long over with now, but Amelia was only now coming out of the shell that he’d kicked her into.

Getting out at 9PM also got her away from the place long before the next batch of hoons got off at midnight, though she wouldn’t have wanted to do it every day.

In her heart, she held on tightly to her reason to want the next day off. For the first time in so long, Amelia felt as though she almost knew what she was doing, and she’d dreamt of it for a long time.

She looked over once more quickly. She could get in there as easy as pie if she pulled a U-turn, but that was illegal here and she’d just gotten her driver’s license. Out this far from the big places, all you needed to do to get one was to go to the post office and buy it, since it was almost a hundred miles to the nearest place where there just might be a driving school. And since Marjorie ran the post office …

One more quick look and she was about to hit the turn signal when she saw the state trooper sitting parked a little farther up the street where there were no buildings. She sighed and drove on, making a flawless three-point turn about half a block past the cop. Then she sidled down Main in the opposite direction and nosed in three spaces up from the café.

As she got out and locked the car, she looked up and saw the trooper roll past, looking at her. She nodded and he nodded back and then he was gone while Amelia stepped onto the sidewalk and up to the door of the café. Cascade was a good long haul out from Boise and there was nothing between here and there but Horseshoe Bend – over forty miles, she guessed. You hardly ever saw the law out this far. She pulled out her key and opened the door.

She was here because the café had always been one of the touchstones of her life – since Marjorie owned it and because she worked there often to help out. Tonight, she’d thought about it and it had come down to flipping a coin.

Her father was away with her uncle Deke on a cattle drive down south. So that meant either going home to a likely empty house or just coming here, since dollars to donuts, her mother was here anyway with Marjorie and if she had the choice, Amelia found that tonight, she wanted a little of their company and wisdom.

If she was really lucky, she thought, Rosa might be there as well, but she hadn’t seen Rosa for days due to the hours that she’d been keeping and besides, it was no good trying to call her on the phone, though she’d missed the fun that they always shared.

Once inside and after locking the door again, she turned to look across the empty café by the light of the only bulb left on so that a cop walking by could look in – whenever that happened. Putting the key back into her pocket, she walked slowly, trying to be silent on her way to the kitchen. With any luck, it wouldn’t be too hard to heat herself a cup of old leftover coffee, if there was any left.

As she tip-toed around behind the counter and walked back, she saw the bulk of someone there in the dark and her heart was in her throat in an instant.

Just as she about to let out the dumbest thing that anyone could say as she almost asked who was there, she caught the sounds of the sighs and the wet kisses in the darkness.

‘Mom,’ she exhaled, and both women answered yes.

Amelia rolled her eyes, ‘Honestly, you two scared the heck out of me just now, but …’

‘I thought that you might be coming here,’ Marjorie smiled, ‘and Rebecca said that she knew that you would. I still don’t know how she does all that ‘wise knowing stuff’ after all this time, but I wanted to make sure that you’d have hot water for coffee or maybe a tea, or hot chocolate for when you got here.’

‘And I came down because she took too long,’ Rebecca smiled.

‘I was only gone for a minute,’ Marjorie said.

Rebecca nodded with a shrug, ‘Too long.’

Amelia smiled. This was one of the family’s secrets. The two women had been lovers since before Tad had been born in the snowy sunshine out at Big Southern Butte. They were now married to a pair of brothers who loved them so and they shared the same last name, but they still loved each other to death and whenever they had the chance of it – like now – they made no bones about making a few nights of it since they always had. The only thing which was different these days was that Amelia was a grown woman so they didn’t feel the need to hide much of anything anymore.

This – this tie that bound was one of the reasons why all three of the kids had grown up with two mothers and were treated as what they were by the two men – the children of an extended family between them.

It was one of the main reasons why all three, Tad, Craig, and Amelia had grown up close. The two couples didn’t live in the same house, but the kids came and went wherever they pleased to either household at any time.

Exactly two seconds later, Amelia was in the arms of her two mothers and feeling their soft kisses as they welcomed her.

‘You’re naked,’ Amelia said, rolling her eyes, though she was smiling a little.

‘So?’ her mother smiled, ‘The door’s locked and the blinds are down out there and nobody can see in here anyway. We’re not too old and bad-looking yet and we like to see each other like this. Have you eaten? Are you hungry?’

Amelia had to think about it for a moment. She wasn’t particularly hungry right then, but she hadn’t eaten anything all day. Mostly, she was feeling unsettled.

In taking the time to think about it, she found that she’d used up the time that her mothers would wait for her to decide. But before they could set to warming anything up for her, Rosa wandered downstairs in her nightgown and came around the corner into the café’s dark kitchen.

‘What are you doing here?’ she asked in her too
-loud voice because she’d been startled and mostly because she was deaf.

The fact that Marjorie and Rebecca were naked meant little to her. She’s been here with them long enough to know about them anyway and she liked them even more for it.

Rosa had made her memorable entrance into their lives the year that Amelia was learning that being married to a young psychopath was not exactly a bed of roses. It was closer to living in a thistle patch, the truth be told. With Amelia married and not knowing anything about Amelia’s hell, Marjorie found that she needed a bit of help, since Rebecca couldn’t be there every day, though Rebecca had been there the day that Rosa parked her old Harley-Davidson Servi-Car out front and almost stumbled in.

When they asked her what she wanted, Rosa looked for a moment as though she was about to cry.

‘Ma’am,’ she said, speaking a little slowly in a fairly loud whisper, ‘My name’s Rosa De la Hoya and I can’t go no further.

I know I look like a killed armadillo by the side of a Texas road, but I’d work for something to eat and I’d like a glass of water, if I could have one, please. The sign out front says you need help.

I’d do about anything for the job.’

Rebecca and Marjorie looked at her and then at each other before looking at the girl again. She was very thin, though she was just a little taller than Amelia. In fact, it was an incorrect estimation, since at the time, Rosa had been wearing jeans and cowboy boots and she was a little shorter.

She had long black hair that needed a date with a brush very badly from how windblown it appeared and she looked as though she spent a lot of time in the sunshine. Which she did until that day – if it wasn’t raining.

‘Why are you whispering?’ Marjorie asked.

The ready to cry look came back for a second before it was fought down again rather obviously. Rosa looked down for a moment as though to gather strength or maybe curse her life and then she looked back up.

‘I had the mumps real bad when I was a little kid and now I can’t hear much in one ear and even less in the other one. When I talk, it sounds too loud, but I can’t tell. I just see people take a step back. Then I know, but it’s too late then.’

She forced herself to go on, ‘A lot of folks think I’m crazy or stupid.

Please Ma’am, I need the work, but if you don’t want me, then … could I please have that glass of water? I’m flat broke and I’ve only got a little gas left. I’m outta bullets too, so I can’t even hunt for something to eat.


They were stunned but Rebecca was quicker to recover as she walked around the counter. Rosa jumped back a little and said hurriedly that she was leaving and didn’t need to be thrown out. As she’d said it, her natural speaking voice came out of her and they understood what she’d said about her voice, but it only made them more determined.

Rebecca smiled and reached for Rosa’s hand as she spoke slowly, not being loud or anything, just trying to see if Rosa could read her lips as well as it appeared that she could.

‘Please come with me, Rosa. I want to talk to you and you can have anything that we have to eat on the menu with water, coffee, tea, or hot chocolate. Please come and sit down. I’m paying.’

Rosa was shocked, but she was starving – literally, since it had been days since she’d eaten. As she ate slowly a little later, closing her eyes often just out of the feeling of having a meal such as this, they learned a little of her astounding story.

‘They used to call me by many names in Mexico, mostly puta,’ she said a little uncomfortably, ‘but my name is really Rosa De la Hoya. That’s what it said on the ripped little paper that I found the afternoon before I left. I always knew that, but I hadn’t heard it in a long time by then.

The man I was with because I’d been sold to him was passed out drunk and I was tired of getting kicked around. I found that card and I knew that I could go back home – not that there was anything or anybody waiting for me there.

My mother was a whore living on the Arizona border to Mexico and she was killed when I was maybe eleven. I went to get help, but a man grabbed me and took me to Mexico and it was years before I got free.’

She looked down for a moment and then lifted her face, ‘I ain’t gonna tell how I did that, but I took his money and I started to walk. I walked all the way from the Gulf of California to the Arizona border. From looking at that old card, I was twenty when I crossed into the United States and the first thing that I did was go find me a government office, but it took me a while.

I had to get a ways north of the border because every time I found a cop, he threw me back across. I ended up going across at night and then a day later, I found a burro who liked me enough to walk beside me for a couple of days before she let me get on to ride. I called her Jacinta. I don’t know if she even had a name, but she seemed to listen to me when I said it.’

She shrugged, ‘Then again, I talk loud.

It’s not hard to cross over there because there are no roads if you’re in the right place and only Tohono O’odham people like me can travel there without dying. Finally, I got to a place with a tribal office and agency and I got me a new card, since Indians are American citizens by law. That’s what they told me in every little place I went through on my way across the reservation.

They asked me if I could drive and I lied and told them yes, to they typed me out a driver’s license while I was there and they gave me some food because they looked up my last name and they found my mother’s death record and it said that she had a daughter, so they recognized me as belonging there.’

‘What are you also?’ Rebecca asked, ‘Your mother was Indian. What is the rest?’

Rosa shrugged, ‘Damned if I know. I just remember that I’m lighter than she was so maybe he was white. My mother never talked about him – whoever he was. But I know O’odham from my mother, English from the school where I was before I got stolen, and I learned Spanish by picking it up.’

‘Go on,’ Marjorie nodded, her chin on her hand as she listened closely and looked at the girl, ‘How did you get here? That’s not a burro out front.’

‘When I got out of the office place, Jacinta was gone,’ Rosa said, ‘I looked all over for her, but nobody that I asked had seen her. I hope she made out alright. She was the first friend that I had in a long time.

I walked and walked but along a road this time until I came to a store in another little pace and I bought something to eat and I saw that motorcycle three-wheeler outside. I’d never seen one like that, so I looked at it some and a man came out and told me that it was for sale. Well I had enough, so I bought it, but I made sure that he gave me the papers for it and taught me to work it some.

Then I bought me an old pistol and ammunition. From there, I rode to Casa Grande and I asked around until I got to the place where they sell license plates and I had it put in my name.

Mostly, ever since then and it’s been two years, I’ve just been traveling, working where I could and hunting when I had to, and I can tell you that it ain’t exactly easy to hunt with a pistol, but I’ve got no place to put a bow even if I knew enough to use one. My grandfather taught me a little when I was a kid, but I think that mostly I just amused him. There’s no room for a rifle either. Everything that I own’s gotta fit into a couple of feet square.

I’d been through a few states before I figured out that I can’t just ride forever. I gotta get parts for my machine and tires too, and …’

She sighed, ‘And now I want to BE someplace and not just pass right on through.’

‘Well when you get done with eating that, Rosa,’ Marjorie smiled as she held out her hand, ‘I’ve got a sink full of dishes for you to start in on because you’ve got a job now. I can’t pay
you much, but I’ll do what I can. The first week, you’ll be doing that whenever I start to run low on plates and cups, and I’ll teach you how to cook the way that folks’ll want to pay to eat. You’ll be bussing tables and we can try you out on waitressing if you think you’d want to.

Have you got a place to live? I kind of have my doubts the way that you showed up.’

Rosa didn’t know what to say and so she did something very uncharacteristic for her.

She finally burst into tears.

As she tried to force herself to stop, Marjorie finished her when she smiled, ‘I’ve got two sons. One is up on fire lookout and won’t be back til the fall, and the other one has been gone for years, flying for the army, though I expect he’ll be coming home one day. Until at least September, you can stay in their room.’

Rosa nodded and tried so hard to say thank you that Marjorie waved her hand and told her that it was alright, ‘If you really need to say it, I can wait for another time, Rosa. In case you’re wondering, Rebecca and I know what it feels like to go hungry and not have much of anything.’

‘We had plenty of snow,’ Rebecca smiled hopefully, ‘so it wasn’t like we had absolutely nothing.’

Rosa stayed and in a little time, she met the husbands of Rebecca and Marjorie and after a few more days, she met Amelia.

Amelia had her own troubles, but they became friends and liked to talk when they could. Amelia would wait patiently as Rosa spoke and she tried to teach her how not to blow anybody over when she said hello, though it was a long and difficult thing for Rosa to manage.

Before the summer was out, Deke arranged for a tutor for Rosa and she began to learn the now-difficult art of sign language at an age when it was a hard thing to do, as they all struggled with it, to that they had a more practical way to communicate with her than only reading lips. It was a struggle, but Rosa proved herself to be quick on the uptake at it – well, at anything, really.

When Craig came home at the end of the summer, he met Rosa and they found that they shared an interest in motorcycles while he helped her move to a spare room in Harry’s house where she stayed and helped Rebecca and Harry in anything that she could.

When Amelia finally couldn’t take any more of her husband’s abuse, it had been Rosa who was there for her along with her mothers as she cried and cried, since at first, Craig wasn’t there, being back on the mountain again.

Now, all of that was in the past was Amelia was finally getting better.


Rosa looked past Rebecca and Marjorie and she saw Amelia. ‘Where’ve you been the last three days? I haven’t seen you once.’

‘I’ve been working late so that I could have tomorrow off. Craig comes home tomorrow,’ Amelia smiled.

Rosa nodded with a smile, knowing how those two had been kids together. She found that she envied her friend a little bit. Rosa knew what was in Amelia’s mind and she liked Craig. But she still had baggage of her own and even if she could ever find a man to ever trust again, she knew that she wasn’t a beauty like Amelia.

Besides, she told herself, she had a place here in Cascade and to her, it was enough – at least for the moment.


Fifteen minutes later, Amelia was eating some warmed-up roast beef on a platter and sipping hot tea as she sat at the small table in the large kitchen talking quietly to Rebecca and Marjorie.

Rosa said goodnight and went to bed, telling Amelia that she’d leave the nightlight on for her. Rosa knew that she liked to sleep in Craig’s bed sometimes. She didn’t understand it much, but it made a little sense to her if she thought that maybe Amelia did that to try to give herself some courage or something.

‘A long time ago, I – I waited too long,’ Amelia said as a beginning, ‘and I missed my chance, and instead, I made my big mistake and married Bobby.’

Amelia paused as she remembered not being able to go on and going to the café one day instead of to her job while Bobby was at work, and once they got her alone, she told them of how bad it was being Bobby’s wife and she showed them the bruises that she hid from everyone.

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Gujarati Bhabhi Ko Choda Mail Se

Hi pahle to me iss ko thanks bolna chahuga. Jisne meri pahli story cousin ke sath sex ko pulished kiya.Ab me app logo ko apni dusri story jo real nahi he.Meri imagination he vo batane ja raha hu. Umid karta hu ki app logo pasand ayegi.Agar koi lady ya aunty mere sath chat karna chahti ho to muje mail karo om Chalo ab app logo ko gyada bor na karte hue story par ata hu.Age ki kahani gujarati me.Maru nam satish(change) chhe.Hu rajkot(gujarat) ma rahu chhu.Hu dekhav ma handsome chhu.Ane jim pan...

3 years ago
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Mistress By Mail

Mistress by mail? I would like to tell you an interesting story of sorts. My wife requested that I accompany her to a marriage counselor in an attempt to save our dwindling relationship. "Of course" I said I would be glad to go if she thought it would help! She had selected the counselor, the time and even the place. All that I had to do was show up with my willingness to participate and the check book of course. After several hundred dollars and many wasted hours it was decided...

4 years ago
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The Missing MailChapter 3

"Does it now? You say it's been going on for a couple of days?" "Yep, but its really getting bad today." "You been running a fever too?" "I think so," he said. "I haven't actually taken it or anything." "Any discharge or anything else coming out of your penis?" He nodded. "A little bit of blood in the piss and there's some white stuff that kind of oozes out. What do you think is wrong with me?" "Well, I'm not a doctor, but it kind of sounds like you have a STD." "A...

3 years ago
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Incoming Mail

Chapter 1 As I have over 200 stories posted on 'Stories On line' you can imagine I get a lot of mails from my readers. Many just require a one line reply of thanks for their nice comments. Others get me thinking about new stories I could write. Some readers tell me things they have done and even others say that my stories remind them of some events that have taken place in their life. Every mail I receive gets a reply of one sort or another although there are a few, two I believe that have...

1 year ago
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Hypno Mail

Miranda couldn't believe that people posted crap like this to the internet.It was obviously just spam, posted to the targeted audience of one of the webpersonals sites. It was posted in the category 'Male seeking Female' with theheadline 'Submit yourself to me'. When she opened the message, it seemed tooridiculous to take seriously. The poster claimed to have a subliminal hypnosisprogram that would work through the monitor of any computer. ' Complete every session, and it will turn you into a...

4 years ago
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Mail Room Girl

Mail Room Girl By Felicity Adams I had been obsessed with the pretty young girl that delivered the mail each day to my desk for months now. She must have been about 20 years old and to say she was simply beautiful would be to make a devastating understatement. She had an incredibly pretty face with bright green eyes, a milky, clear complexion and thick, pouty, ruby-red lips that were always smiling. She had luxuriant, long black hair that flowed like silk down to...

3 years ago
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The Mail Room

When I found a job as a mail room support staff, at a international car leasing company at there main office I was happy. It had been a long time since I had a job. Though I graduated from college 22 yrs before. Now I am 43 and happy with any type of work.After filling out the paper work I was taken to the mail room where most of my duties would be. When we arrived there, 4 mail bags sat on the floor waiting to be sorted and distributed, this was my first task. Also my duties included keeping a...

1 year ago
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I Fucked a MILF MailLady

It was the summer after my senior year in high school. I was just sitting in the house with nothing to do, it was a blazing hot day in my small town and I was super horny. It was just about mail time and no one was home. I'm looking out the door just waiting for the mail to come when a sexy, long, 36 DD, blonde phat ass, substitute mail lady. She was so beautiful, wearing her "short" mail shorts and her mail shirt with the button undone showing her cleavedge, sweat dripping from her perfectly...

2 years ago
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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 17 Bloody hell took me a book and half to get here

Thursday, August 13th, 2015. Asim’s house. Back in Riyadh, Asim and I fell back into our normal routine, almost like a married couple. He filled his calendar with appointments with other layabouts, discussing business deals that were far too much work to ever carry out or comparing their latest unearned trophies. I prepared to spend my days making numerous trips to supermarkets and dry cleaners, in between serving a largely ignored breakfast and a hastily scarfed, though not unappreciated...

3 years ago
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Mail Boy

I had just graduated from high school and my nineteenth birthday was a little over a month away. I was getting ready to go to college, and I had no job and no money. I had been fired a day after graduation, mostly because the coffee shop I had worked at only liked to hire people in high school. I had been job searching for almost two months, with no luck, besides an occasional babysitting job here and there. I had just started a babysitting job in a classy part of town, watching a little nine...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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The Mail Lady and Me

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon and I had absolutely nothing to do that day. On days like this I typically get up in the morning, take a shower and then relax around the house nude. That day was one of those days. It was late afternoon and I had my large windows on the front of my house wide open as I lay nude on my recliner alternating between watching TV and playing video games. I was in full view of anyone passing by either on the sidewalk or their car. I cared nothing about that and just...

2 years ago
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Iss Pe Story Read Karne Ke Baad Bhabhi Ne Mail Kiya Or Sex Karwaya

Hellllo mere pyaari bhabhio unsatisfied aunty and my sexy hot girls this is vikas khanna again from delhi/ncr apke samne ab apni fifth story likhne ja raha hu jo ke last week he mere saath hui to bhabhiosubse pehle to mere mail id hai jis bhi bhabhi ,ayunty or girls ko sex karne ka mun hu extreem pleasure wala wo mujhe mere mail id pe mail kar sakte hai to ab jayda bore na karte hui main apni story pe ata hu Ye story last week start hu main ghar main betha hua tha tabhi mere email id pe ek...

2 years ago
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Iss Pe Story Phadne Ke Bhabhi Ne Mail Karkar Seduce Kiya

Hellllo friends, bhabhi sexy hot girls divorce ladies and all my dearest female main. Vikas phr apni story leke aya hu jo mere saath last week hui or uske baad se hum daily sex kar rahe hai and thanks subko khas kur shilpa bhabhi ko jinhone mujhe mail karke contact kiya or shilpa bhabhi ke alawa bhi mujhe bahut main aye sune mere story koo instresting bataya asha karta hu ye bhi achi lage mere email id hai Any unsatisfied bhabhi girl divorce widow and girl who from delhi/ncr or any city near...

1 year ago
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Alistairs Beard

Alistair's Beard, a Her TV story. Characters: Alistair/Cybill a 6' red-headed Scotsman, 175 lb 58 years when we first meet him but 28 in reminiscence Ingird, Alistair's present day wife, 2nd marriage. Iris and Amaryllis, his daughters, 5'10", both tall redheads, 31 and 28 years Prudence 5'10" brunette, slightly overweight 32 years Diana her lover, 5'11" slender brunette, athletic 34 years Henry/Harriet 5'8" mousy hair, 165 lb 33 years Joanna, his wife,...

3 years ago
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The Mail Girl

This is one of my older stories that I never got around to posting… ***** It was another hot sultry day by the lakeshore, and the late afternoon sun was glinting like a million diamonds on the surface of the calm lake. I had been lulled to sleep by the droning sound of powerboats way off in the distance, and the heady scent of a summer lake. I had lived there for a few years, in a small rustic cabin surrounded on three sides by mature yellow birch and hemlock. It was a nice quiet place, with...

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The Mail Lady

When I was younger in my 30s I rented this house that was the last house on a dead end street. One of the first days I lived there is when I noticed the mail lady. I was pulling in to the little spot where I parked . As I was getting out of my car she was walking towards my place. The first thing I noticed was her red hair. I have always had a thing for red heads. She might have been 40 years old or close to 40. She had on those blue shorts and her blue button up mail shirt. She had nice long...

1 year ago
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Mail lady

Delina the mail lady was a hot mess she didn't just deliver mail she also did sex she would walk down the street in tight black stockings , and a short shortsor a dress that would ride up her ass , you could see her cumming as she walked down the street with high heel shoes on to give men the mail and umm sex. Her boobs hanging out of her tight shirt she was a hot mess so sexy and nasty delina wanted to fuck the men on the street in there houses she would go to the houses with men waiting to...

Erotic Fiction
2 years ago
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Mystery EMail

Just as I always do, I sat down at my desk after dinner and logged on to my personal e-mail account. I had been separated from my wife now for about 6 months, and the divorce was taking forever to get done. And, after living on my own for a couple of months, I had decided to start dating again. So, I was on three different on line dating sites, two that were “vanilla” and one that was very much adult oriented. My nightly routine was to see if I had any e-mail from someone on the sites, then go...

2 years ago
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Mailroom Slut

Mailroom Slut By kimmie oh It was nearly half past noon. I glanced nervously at the clock. I always got butterflies before he came. I pushed my chair away from the desk, crossed my office, and quietly shut the door. The lock clicked. If I had only listened for that click a week ago I wouldn't be in this predicament. I reached under the desk and slid out the overnight bag I had brought from home. Then I quickly undressed. When I was completely naked, I pulled a tiny...

1 year ago
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The Mailroom

       Deidre Simmons gets a lot of attention in the office. A lot of . . . inappropriate attention. It's not uncommon for her to find a pair of amorous eyes zoned in on her tits or ass, or have a superior whisper something in her ear that would have him out on his ass faster than he could blink. But it doesn't bother her, either. In fact, she welcomes it—revels in it, and will even get a little piqued when someone ignores her.       Her friend, Samantha, chalked it up to the nasty divorce...

Straight Sex
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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 6 Something in the Air

Monday, July 13th. Gatwick Airport. What the hell was wrong with me!? Why had I worked so hard to get here? How did I not realise that pretty much the last thing I ever want is to be away from my family, particularly my little boy? Why the fuck was I going to a country where I’d be practically illiterate, dependant on the good will of the very people I was going to spy on to speak English with me! And how in the world was I going to be a spy when I had a sodding Wikipedia page and an IMDB...

2 years ago
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By Air Mail Ch05

********* Just who ARE the strangers in town? Meanwhile, back in the Beechcraft, Emmy finds other things to love. 0_o ********** Bea’s Café, 6:35PM, Cascade. Idaho They walked into the café and it was packed with many of the people that they all knew, so it turned into a bit of a party where nobody could get anything because Marjorie and Rebecca wouldn’t let Craig go for a long while. Rosa and Amelia looked at each other and started serving just to keep everybody at least a little...

3 years ago
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My Mail Carrier

In my life, things always happen when I least expect them particularly with sex. I am an average guy average build with an average cock (6”) and definitely not a player. About three and half weeks ago, I am sitting at my desk as I work from home and travel a couple of days per week for work. The doorbell rings around 11AM, it is my mail carrier Cindi asking to use the bathroom. This is very odd as she delivers mail like clockwork around 2:00 – 2:15PM everyday for the last 14 years – never...

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Relationships 103 The Misdirected Email

Copyright© 2007 by DB. It's the classic mistake of the Internet age. Perhaps it's classic because sooner or later it will happen to you, either as sender, or recipient. I was that recipient. Minor details are disguised to protect the privacy of those involved. Hi D... thought you'd find this interesting... this is from a man I knew in the -- club. I met him the same night I met J-- so he never had a chance. I have never been attracted to him in any way but he has always be ga ga...

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The Goddess Of Chainmail Bikinis

Earon chuckled to himself. Which certainly was quite normal given that he was a young trickster god. But today his chuckling was a little more profound. He was sure that today's prank would be his best one yet. Not that it was hard to prank mortals. But still, he tried to beat his previous best. That is what trickster gods do. He really had to stifle his chuckling as mortals drew near. A group of adventurers. Two of them women. Perfect for his goals. As they drew nearer Earon checkes...

1 year ago
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Maira Matters

The glow in my genitals which had been slowly growing finally reached its peak and that wonderful pulsing of my penis throbbed out a small amount of man juice. Being in my 70s, I didn’t shoot too much anymore which made cleanup easier but didn’t give my partner as much of a thrill feeling it spraying on her insides. I removed my mouth from her nearest breast and gave her a long and tender kiss. She was on her back and I was on my side with my legs under hers. After about 10 minutes of...

2 years ago
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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 7 Miles from Home

The last time I was at Hamad I had been escorted off the plane soon after landing. This was much better. For some reason we didn’t use a jetway to get into the terminal building, so I was treated to a blast of the familiar heat of Doha. It felt strangely comforting, for some reason. It’s not quite the same as the heat of Los Angeles, or Las Vegas. Maybe it was because we were so near the sea. For the first few seconds it felt a bit like a warm hug. Isn’t that odd? An airport bus drove us to...

1 year ago
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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 18 Teach her a Lesson

I suppose it’s only normal that you take on the English accent to which you are most often exposed. In my case it started when BBC 1 and 2 were made available on the Dutch cable network. I loved almost every show they put on and that shaped my theretofore rather unremarkable Dutsj Ekssent. Well, Lexy grew up watching shows and films like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Beverly Hills 90210, Clueless, The Twilight Saga and related TV trash. Not every character on those shows speaks Valley Girl, but...

2 years ago
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Mother and son grow closer through EMail

I was a typical teenage male. All I ever thought about and all I ever wanted was SEX. Although, the object of my infatuation at the moment, to achieve my goal of having sex as much as possible, was my wonderful big titted, big assed mother. Every time I masturbated, all I could think of was fucking my mom. I loved her, like any son does, but I was also in love with her.I was slowly getting obsessed with wanting to fuck her. I started taking her dirty panties and absorbing the wonderful smell...

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I being the typical teenage male, all I ever thought about and all I ever wanted was SEX. All though the object of my infatuation at the moment to achieve my goal of having sex as much as possible was my wonderful big titty, big ass lovely mother. Every time I masturbated all I could think of was fucking my mom. I loved her like any son does, but I was also in love with her. I was slowly getting obsessed with wanting to fuck her. I started taking her dirty panties and absorbing the wonderful...

3 years ago
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Mail boy to Secretary girl

The lunch room in our company was small but not tiny. So when the presidents secretary sat down at my table where I normally sat alone I looked around for someone holding up a camera. You see I was the mail boy, pranks as the others called them, or hazing as I liked to call it were a daily part of life. She on the other hand was the type of secretary porn tries to capture. I had never seen her in anything but a black suit and skirt that was as tight as it was short. Her hair wasn't always up...

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EMail Sex Slave

CHAPTER 1I have become, in the course of a few short months, a sexually charged submissive trampy, sluty, sex slave. There really are no other terms to describe how I now feel about myself and I think that, for the first time in my life, I feel sexually fulfilled. I have never been particularly submissive but, for some reason, having my sexual activities directed by someone else, in fact a stranger, whom I have never met, is a particular turn on for me. Over the course of these months I have...

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Unexpected Mail From Unknown Lady

Hello every one. This is Ajay 24 male from Hyderabad. Interested girls married unmarried widow unsatisfied women can contact me at my mail id Coming to the sex story as usual I woke up in the morning. I had a glance on my mail id.Got a mail from a woman saying that she like my encounter with my widow aunt. We introduced ourself. She told that she is married but unsatisfied with her hubby. So she needed me. I accepted. We texted each other for 2 days via mail .She told that one fine day we can...

4 years ago
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Mail Order Bride

Permission granted for copies for personal noncommercial use. No other grants or permissions allowed to archive elsewhere. MALE ORDER BRIDE by nanomage I was cruising through the web when my attention was caught by an interesting link at the bottom of the page at freebie titty site. MAIL ORDER BRIDES. Amazing, I thought, A nineteenth century idea, in a twenty-first century medium. Clicking on the site, I was rewarded with a page full of full of lovely ladies from all...

3 years ago
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MailOrder Slut

Plastique Surgery 2: Mail-Order Slut Mail-Order SlutBy Darqside  Perhaps it had been because he was ignored by most of the girls in college, or even that none of them were interested in him, but John was sick of it.? He needed something to stave his appetite, his hunger, his NEEDS. Something he could be able to predict, something he could control.? A wild beast tamed by an incredibly sturdy leash. He?d tried online dating services before, but none of them seemed to work very well,...

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Clair Dee and the Visit

Clair, Dee and the Visit Clair hurried to Dee's home, feeling anxious. He had been told to arrive before ten. He has been ordered to be smooth and hairless, wearing his sexiest lingerie under his drab, male clothes. He was very keen to ensure that he prepared exactly right and had spent ages with depilatories, razors, lotions, creams and perfumes to ensure that his skin was as glossy and fragrant as he could possibly get it. He had managed to avoid too much onanism, saving himself for...

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