Shelter Ch. 09-10 free porn video

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For being as free-spirited as she was, Ginger had a few dyed-in-the-wool convictions. One of those was that Christmas decorations were not to be put up until the first weekend in December, anything earlier than that, she’d said many times, was just plain gauche. (She’d said it so often, in fact, that Archie had won $20 off a volunteer at the shelter three years ago, who bet that Ginger didn’t know the meaning of the word ‘gauche.’) So, the first Saturday in December saw Ginger, Archie, Samantha, and a couple volunteers making the shelter look festive. When they ran out of tinsel, Ginger sent Samantha on a tinsel (and beer) run.

Once she was out the door, Ginger wheeled on Archie. ‘Hey, do you need any suggestions about what to get her for Christmas? It’s only three weeks away, you know…’

‘Uh… I don’t know. Are we at the ‘giving each other Christmas gifts’ stage? I mean, tonight will only be our fourth date, though we do talk on the phone pretty often.’

‘Yeah, I know. I’m getting pretty tired of talking to her voice mail… every day.’ Archie blushed at the idea that Ginger knew he talked to Samantha every night, sometimes for hours. ‘But yes, you definitely need to get her something.’

‘Okay. Then yes, I need suggestions. Flowers? Jewelry? What do you think?’

Ginger suddenly got quiet. ‘Archie, I need to ask you something, if you’ll forgive me for prying.’

‘Why should this time be any different from the last 80 times you pried into my life, and that was just last week?’

‘Because this is serious.’ In thinking about it, Archie couldn’t remember the last time Ginger said something was serious. Maybe he’d see if that volunteer would go double or nothing on whether she knew the meaning of that word. ‘Archie, just between you and me — I swear I won’t breathe a word to Sammi. Are you in love with her?’

He could not have been more surprised. The thought had crossed his mind only recently, when he realized how much he looked forward to talking with her each night, how he’d save up things he wanted to tell her throughout the day. How eager he was to answer the phone, and how disappointed he was when sleep started to overtake one of them.

‘Honestly? I don’t know. I mean … it’s been a long time since I felt anything like this. I know that there’s … there’s a part of me that still misses Valerie. But she’s never coming back. Being around Samantha gives me feelings that I haven’t had since… well, you know, but I can’t put my finger on exactly what those feelings are. I … I’m not sure. But I know I’m willing to find out.’

Gently, Ginger took his hand. ‘Archie, that’s the healthiest thing I’ve heard you say in five years. But, that feeling you can’t describe? The fact that you’re blushing as you think about her? Yeah, it means what you think it means. You may not be prepared to admit it, even to yourself, but you love her. And that’s okay. It’s even invigorating, isn’t it?’

‘No, it’s terrifying. What if …’

Ginger cut him off. ‘Don’t. Just don’t. That way lies madness. Revel in this feeling, the excitement and the panic of a budding romance. It really is the best feeling ever. I’m guessing that you haven’t told her yet.’

Archie blushed again. ‘God, no! If I’m not sure myself, then I’m absolutely not going to say it to her.’

‘Good. Because she’s probably going through a lot of the same emotions, and if you tell her before she’s ready to hear it… Well, just don’t.’

‘Okay, so … what does this have to do with Christmas presents?’

‘Everything. Don’t give her jewelry, or anything extravagant. Just give her a piece of your heart, wrapped in a pretty red bow. You know that saying, ‘It’s the thought that counts’? It’s true. Give her something that will show her how you feel, without scaring her away.’

‘Do they have that section at Sephora? Seriously, Ginger, you’re not giving me a lot to work with here.’

‘I can’t help you there. It’s got to come from your heart, not mine. But, speaking of Christmas, what are you guys doing that day? I’d love to have you over for Christmas dinner.’

‘I’d like that. Let me ask her. Oh, she’s back, festooned with both decorations and libations!’

‘Archie, don’t tell her we talked about Christmas gift giving. She’ll want to believe it was your idea.’

‘Gotcha, boss. Mum’s the word.’


Over the next week, they came up with a plan. Samantha would come into Golden on Christmas Eve. They’d all go caroling that night, assuming the weather held. Then, back to Archie’s apartment where Ginger was making hot cider. Christmas morning, Samantha and Archie would have a quiet morning together, then go over to Ginger’s for dinner in the afternoon.

Archie’s mind wasn’t anywhere near as settled as the plans were. He hadn’t slept well the night before, so when he stirred awake at 4:30 on Christmas Eve morning, he couldn’t get back to sleep. For one thing, he still had no idea what to get Samantha, thank goodness her birthday wasn’t until April. And Ginger’s ‘helpful’ talk turned out to be anything but. What do you give someone when there’s a part of you that wants to give them everything, and another part that wants to move slowly so you don’t scare them away?

More importantly, the plan meant Samantha would be staying with him overnight. For a couple who hadn’t even kissed yet, that seemed like a huge step. He admitted to himself that waking up beside Samantha on Christmas morning was going to be the highlight of the season for him, but still. Were they going to sleep together, or sleep together? What did she want? For that matter, what did he want? And if getting a gift for her was a struggle to find an intermediate ground, then how they handled the night before was going to be even more of a tightrope to walk. With all that swirling in his mind, it was next to impossible to get into the Christmas spirit. Still though… He had to admit that he was looking forward to Christmas for the first time in a long, long time.


Twenty miles to Archie’s east, a very similar set of concerns roiled in Samantha’s mind as she dozed in bed that morning. She’d already settled on what she was giving Archie for Christmas, in fact, she’d figured that out the night of their blind date. She really hoped he’d like it, though if she were being honest with herself, it was as much for her as it was for him.

And Christmas Eve was shaping up to be a great deal of fun, even if she was a little wistful about not having her parents around. They would have liked Archie. They would have loved the way he treated her, certainly better than the last few guys she’d dated. But she really wished they could have met him. She had a feeling, a dream maybe, that she might be spending a lot of holidays with Archie, and the thought warmed her from the inside out.

But, what did he expect from her? Spending the night together? In looking back on it, she realized that he hadn’t suggested it, nor had she. It just came out during their conversation, as though it was the most natural thing in the world for them to do.

‘Wait. Hang on here. If I didn’t suggest it, and he didn’t suggest it, then…’ There was only one other person in the conversation. Samantha grabbed at her phone, without thinking about whether Ginger was awake or not.

After eight rings, she heard a groggy ‘Hello?’ Yep, she woke her aunt up. Nope, at the moment, she didn’t care, thanks much for asking.

‘Ginger, how do you do things like this? Why do you do things like this?’

‘Oh, good morning, Sammi. Do things like what, dear?’

Samantha’s blood was boiling now, though she couldn’t really explain why she felt that way. ‘You know perfectly well what I’m talking about.’

‘I might, if I’d had my first nine cups of coffee by now. Since I haven’t, you’re going to have to spell things out for me.’

Inhale, exhale. In through the nose, out through the mouth. One more
time, and breathe. ‘I just now realized how you manipulated me into staying the night at Archie’s.’

‘Sammi, I have no idea what…’

‘Save it, Auntie. I know you better than that.’

‘Okay, okay.’ Samantha could hear the at-the-moment insufferable glee in her voice. ‘I confess. But the truth of the matter is that you needed a gentle push in the right direction. As sweet and wonderful as a friendship can be, you both deserve more than that from each other.

‘Sammi, you’re mad at me, and that’s fine. But I know that he wants more than a new friend out of this, only he’s skittish. And I also know you feel exactly the same: eager, but apprehensive.

‘Look, before you start fuming and doing that silly breathing thing to calm yourself down, let me ask you something.’

‘Dammit. And damn you for knowing me that well. Fine. One question, but it better be a good one.’

‘Okay, but I reserve the right to ask a followup: in the time that you two have spent together, has Archie ever, even once, physically touched you in a way that would suggest he wants to be more than your friend?’

Samantha was quiet for a full minute. ‘Okay, fine. You got me there.’

‘My followup: do you want him to?’

She could almost feel the anger draining from her face, being replaced with another, more rare but equally intense, emotion. ‘You know that I do, when the time is right.’

‘Then what you should be saying is ‘Thank you, Auntie Ginger, for putting Archie and me in a position where the time can and hopefully will be right.”

Chapter 10

The calendar said it had only been about a month since Samantha had asked Archie out for the first time, using Bailey as a flimsy excuse. To her, it somehow seemed like both a blink of an eye and a lifetime ago. They didn’t need an excuse anymore, flimsy or otherwise, to get together, to talk, or anything else. Archie made her feel so at ease, so comfortable, that it felt like she’d known him forever. All those phone calls, the evenings spent quietly talking, just being together… It was like a dream come true. But Aunt Ginger was right: Samantha did want more than a friendship with Archie, and she was sure he did too. The only question was: how?

If working up the gumption to not-exactly ask Archie out had been difficult, finding the courage to initiate a physical relationship was proving to be nigh on impossible. But Samantha realized that Archie couldn’t. Or wouldn’t. Either way, she was going to have to make the first move, no matter how far out of her comfort zone it put her. She could only hope that, once he realized what she was doing, Archie would meet her there, maybe even enough to take the next step himself. That would be a relief, pretending to have the confidence that she really wished she had… well, it could be exhausting.

No plan. No strategy. Just play it by ear, and take the opportunity when it appears. Tonight, no matter how she had to manage it, her lips would feel the warmth of his for the first time. And if that led somewhere, if that would mean a night of exploring each other’s bodies intimately instead of another night of dreaming about it, so much the better. With that conviction, Samantha set about to packing an overnight bag. One set of comfy flannel jammies, and something a bit sexier that she bought just for the occasion. You know, just in case.

She giggled like a girl half her age, but since no one was around, she could deny it ever happened.


Archie was too restless to get back to sleep, too worked up about the night ahead. About 37 shopping trips, at least a billion web searches (‘perfect gift ideas for new daters’ was spectacularly unhelpful, seriously, who gives a crotch-less teddy as a first Christmas gift?) later, and he was still no closer to finding the perfect gift. The one that would show her how he felt, that this first Christmas together would, if he had his way, be the first of many.

His apartment was spotlessly clean. He knew it was, because the maid service he’d hired yesterday used ‘spotlessly clean’ as the slogan on their vans. The next step in getting his place ready was cleaning himself. So even though dawn hadn’t broken yet, and Samantha wouldn’t be there for another 9 hours or so, he headed to the shower. Maybe that would clear his head enough that he could come up with the perfect gift in the final hours of shopping. Or at least enough that he could catnap.

Standing in the shower, he looked around to see if it was spotlessly clean too. And it was, all of his hygiene necessities were in their correct places. Wait… Hey, that might just do it! He quickly finished up in the shower, threw some clothes on, and called Ginger to demand that she meet him at Wal-Mart in 20 minutes.

That wasn’t going to fly without a series of protests. ‘Archie, why this early, and why, for God’s sake, are you shopping for your true love’s perfect first Christmas gift at Wal-Mart?’

‘Ginger, you promised to help. So get your ass in gear, and I’ll explain it when I see you.’

This was a side of Archie that had lain dormant for years: the confident, self-assured, but still chivalrous gentleman, capable of making sure decisions quickly. Ginger knew he was still in there, that he hadn’t died in the Accident along with Valerie. And she was so glad to see him again, and so eager to encourage Archie to re-become that person… well, she was waiting for him outside the Wal-Mart in ten minutes flat.

When his bike pulled in, he did just that: explain to Ginger what he needed her help with. At that moment, she knew two things: the Archie she had missed for a long time was definitely back, and Samantha was going to love this side of him.

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Mrs. Quill timed her well coordinated thrusts with the DJs music downstairs. Her subdued victim didn’t take long to surrender. As his gushing sea of reluctant passion oozed out, she expertly manoeuvred herself to absorb him. He helplessly croaked as his captor wrenched her fleshy walls and moaned in delight. Carefully sapping his strength away. Sowing the seeds of a newfound sexual relationship was truly exquisite. A new relationship with her step daughter’s boyfriend that is. Eugene had...

2 years ago
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My Daughters Seduction

My name is Connie. I'm a single mother with a sixteen-year-old daughter named Becky. Her father was some guy I met at a party and foolishly took back to my place when I'd had a few too many. He never even knew the result of our one night stand. With lots of help from my parents, I raised Becky myself. She turned out beautifully, an intelligent, sweet-natured girl with a delicious sense of humor, lovely as an April morning. Our relationship is very different from that of most mothers and...

3 years ago
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Pigtails and Satin

Pigtails and Satin Janet L. Stickney [email protected] I stood there in the foyer, my hair draped in pigtails and shiny ribbons, a trace of makeup on my face, colored only by the blusher and the pale lipstick. The dress, black velvet on top and white satin below, barely came to mid thigh on me, the white tights accented by the patent leather Maryjanes. Mom stood next to me, holding my hand as we looked in the tall mirror. I was elated and horrified at the same time, excited and...

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Bridgets Days Ch 04

(The West Coast of Africa, 1684) I frantically dug into the soft floor of the jungle, one eye fixed on the growing light appearing in the Eastern sky. My hands scooped dirt, rotted vegetation, fallen branches and anything else they encountered, flinging it in a pile beside the shallow trench I knelt in. The triple canopy overhead was thick enough to filter most of the day’s sunlight. I just prayed it would filter enough. I was out of time. I took the woven mat of branches and leaves I had...

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My Sisters Boyfriend Part 4

Three weeks later I graduated. I didn’t see Matt again that summer, and to tell the truth I didn’t think a lot about him, either. My mind was far more occupied with Shana.Although we hadn’t exchanged numbers or emails over Memorial weekend, I’d eventually asked Kelly for Shana’s contact info. But once I had it, I hesitated to use it, because I remembered her saying that night on the beach, “This is it.”What did she mean by that? Did she mean for that weekend only, that she was open to seeing me...

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Community Service the PrequelChapter 7

Ben woke the next morning to the urgings of Dove. The woman had risen early to tend the fire that had been built the night before down on the flat, and to put a pot of water to boil. She seemed pleasantly happy, and she smiled broadly at Ben, once they made eye contact. “Get up, Marshal Ben,” the woman said. “There’s work to be done, as you know. I was told this morning by Half-Moon that Big Ed wants to speak to you.” “Do you know what about?” Ben enquired out of curiosity as he wiped the...

2 years ago
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Mom taught my br and I about sex

Introduction: I love reading sex stories and I am sharing My personal favourite stories By Brilliant Writers A Story By: MarieL My mother was more like an older s****r than a mother, perhaps her divorce from daddy had something to do with it, but I was just a teenager, and way too young to be hanging out with my mother, not that I thought she needed to as she was all woman and never without a man panting after her. We need to talk sex. My mother looked up from her coffee, Why, she asked, her...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 74

The next morning was a little hectic as we got things ready to have the gatherers go out with the truck and the wagon. The hay people went out to bale up the last of the canyon area and the one tractor and ATV went up to the plateau to rake what we had cut. I had designs to finish, so everyone was pretty busy. I mentioned to Bernita that we would need the hide doors soon so if she needed help she should get busy. I mentioned to Grojan that we should probably look at the hide door panels we...

3 years ago
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Salt and Pepper Sugar and Spice Chapter 13 Jaimie Jaimie Jaimie

Salt and Pepper, Sugar and Spice Chapter 13 Jaimie? Jaimie? Jaimie!? Ronnie had just had one of the worst experiences in her young life, with what Ariane had done. And, in the past two weeks things had gotten back to normal, with school and work. Jason had been wonderful through the whole thing. Her mom was not happy with what Ronnie had done to solve the problem, but had not mentioned much after the incident. One...

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Fictional fantasy 6

I am on vacant in Central America. My wife has gone shopping in a near by town and I find myself walking alone down an empty, expansive stretch of beach. Walking just above the shore, up and down some small, rolling sand dunes. I stumbled onto to two, younger nude sun bathers. I was shocked and embarrassed and looking away saying, "Sorry, sorry." However, before I looked away, I noticed how tan and fit both boys were. Their tight flat stomachs leading to thick dark pubic hair and dark skinned...

2 years ago
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Aunt Seduced At Her Home

Hi, my name’s is Abdu (name changed) from south Karnataka doing my final year engineering with a 6″ dick.My email id is I started reading this Indian sex stories site 5 years back and I loved it I must have read almost all the stories here. I’m a great fan of this site. So finally decided to share my experience here. So coming to the story this happened between me and my aunt who is the wife of my dad’s brother. Her name is Arshiya(changed) a short fair woman with the right amount of flesh...

3 years ago
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Homelands Pt 2 Ch 03

All of that flashed through my mind, inperfect detail, in a matter of moments. At least, I knew it had to be mere moments. It felt like it had been hours, or days. But Mom was still sitting in my lap, Brie still standing behind her playing with her hair softly. For a moment, I thought Mom was riding me, Brianna yanking her hair and fucking her ass hard, the way my father had been doing. Except, that was years in the past. It only felt like it had happened just a few moments ago. "So?" Mom said,...

2 years ago
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Touched by an Angel

Somewhere in the city there was a piece of hardware that could locate the small slice of moon peeking in through the Westerly clouds. No human eyes could have found it, were any looking. In the old days, these final hours before the dawn would've been blacker than death. As it was, street lights lent humanity a measure of control over the darkness. To add to this, a warm, welcoming glare began to spill out through the windows of coffee shops as their owners eagerly opened their doors just as...

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Red Dollie

RED DOLLIE I was broke and needed money bad so I was looking on Craig's List for a job when I came across this ad. Model needed for Latex shoot must be able to wear latex for extended period of time. Must have a small frame and be at least 5'5" tall. Shoot will take place over a weekend. Great compensation. Call for more details. Ask for Brianna XXX-XXX-XXXX I had to call I was the perfect guy for the job. I called the number and a woman answered and I asked about the...

1 year ago
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A Shower with My Secretdesire

A Shower with my Secret Desire I check my watch, I know I am late, bloody trains, then the traffic. I know you’re going to be getting ready, and I wanted to see your transformation with my own eyes. From tracksuit to queen, ready to walk confidently on my arm. I get to the door and I know where you keep your spare key, so I simply get it and open the door. Once inside I can hear the shower running and your music playing. “Bugger!” I think. With that I hear you walking around. “Oh I’m not to...

1 year ago
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Drenced in boss8217s cum

Dear Iss readers this is one of the most incrediable stories I have heard while collecting stories about wives sleeping with men apart from their husbands.A housewife called Namrata who is married to a big surgeon narrated this story. Nammo even in her thirties is an extremely attractive woman and this happened when she was a young just married housewife.”When Deepak told me about his predicament I volunteered to help. We were a newly married couple in mumbai and Deepak was working as a junior...

2 years ago
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The Gathering Book 1Chapter 22 July 22 1999

Sitting in his office, Dutch had his feet up on his desk and was alternatively reading the San Jose Mercury News and munching on a corned beef sandwich. His eyes read one of the day's headlines: "Hewlett Packard boss, Carly Fiorina has encountered a rough road to new ground internally. Fiorina has had difficulty winning over many of HP's 93,000 employees, some of whom accuse her of destroying the company's entrepreneurial, engineering culture in favor of a top-down style that...

3 years ago
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Son Of Cupid Chapter 2 Flying To Corte Beach

Matt Coleton: A 19 year old country boy with short dark brown hair with a 6"0" height. He is well built and works out 4 times a week. Matt has a 6 pack and a inee belly button. He has a completely smooth chest except for a small happy trail and very little hair on his arms a legs. In terms of looks he is a pretty boy. Currently he has been dating a 21 year old bartender for 2 months. He has dark blue eyes and is a well tanned white guy. His penis is 6 inches long and 2/3 inches wide when...

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Night Out With Negroes

By: Anahitagarwal Hi ISS readers. After my trip to Delhi, where I was forced to have sex with 60+ year old men, I was kind of disappointed with myself. Getting the small cocks of my father-in-law, the old ministers had left me wanting for real big cocks. I was happy to be back in my home town, after my father-in-law was done pimping me out for free. I was now looking forward to receive calls from Rohit (my brother-in-law and my first pimp) for assignments. But I found out that he was busy with...

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My First Oral

As a college student, it was very hard to believe that I was still a virgin and it didn’t help that I looked pretty hot. I had waist-long, golden-brown hair, baby blue eyes, firm D cup breasts and a round ass which I got from my Latin grandmother. Nobody believed that, at 19 years of age, I had never masturbated, given head or been given head. I grew up with the strictest parents and the male anatomy was one area I feared to tread. After a lonely first week in college, I met a very handsome...

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Innocence Lost Ch 30

In Which Kedi rediscovers Innocence by choice, Chastity by circumstances, and meets Honore who is herself reunited with Innocence. Kedi knew that Innocence was soon due to arrive to spend a few days with her, but she wasn’t exactly sure when she’d arrive. She had been quite surprised to hear from her, although they’d kept in touch all the months since they’d lived together with Chastity and Mouse in Wonderground. Innocence didn’t say why she felt the urgency of the visit, nor why she felt it...

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In Germany

You have the perfect hair color-the color is a hue between magenta and blood red. Your black leather jacket looks great on you. I see you as a very handsome woman. Usually I don’t get turned on by masculine figures, but you are an exception. I met you on a trip. It was a student exchange program. You were the mom of my exchange student. The student himself looked like a sissy. I understood why it was like this, because your son smoothed down your own manliness. He brought balance in your...

1 year ago
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Parent Teacher ConferenceChapter 10 The Evening Alone

For the next week, our journey seemed rather uneventful. Lara was my constant companion while Oliver ran the ship. I hadn't realized that not only was he their prince, but also the ship's captain. I never heard anyone call him by any formal title, unless that was the clicking sound I heard, but it all sounded the same to me. Everyday Lara showed me different parts of the ship so that by the end of my second technical week on board, I'd seen the entire ship and met most of the crew members....

1 year ago
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Teasing Elderly Neighbour the BeginningChapter 7

Hi again xxx I thought I would give you all an update on Frank my neighbour, and our recent naughty fun we have been having. Due to the really bad weather Mike had been stuck away from home, unable to get back, and had to spend a couple of nights in a hotel. This left me alone and I was also unable to get to work on a couple of days as well. Frank kept an eye on me, so to speak! and he was very keen to see I didn't get too lonely... On the first night that Mike was snowbound, Frank...

1 year ago
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Exploited Jessica part 2

After being ass fucked by a man that Jessica was sure was her father her captor took her to the shower, washed her up, and carefully shaved her legs and the sparse patch of hair from her pussy. It felt a little weird to be bald down there but she had to admit that it did look somewhat sexy. He gave her some new sexy red panties and a matching bra to put on under a very cute pink sundress. Finally, she was allowed to do her hair and get ready for her trip to Panama. Waiting at the end of her...

2 years ago
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The DefencemanChapter 26

Waking up alone was a real drag I thought, as I shut off the damn alarm. I never slept well when the twins were gone. I reluctantly got up and, after dressing and grabbing a couple of granola bars, left for the arena. Most of us were semi-catatonic as we dressed in silence. The morning people, a group that I usually was one of, kept quiet rather than face the stares and growls of the zombies. We finally got out on the ice and got our bodies and minds going as we skated and shot to warm up....

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