Rub Down For A Rugby Player Pt. 01 free porn video

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Beginning note:

This is not a story full of sexual activity. If you’re looking for a story to get off on, this most likely isn’t the one for you. However, if you like a good story with some soft physical elements filtered throughout then give this short story a try. I hope you enjoy it. It is more a tale of this couples love and their journey together. Thank you for continuing to read.


‘Frankie! Frankie!’ Billy calls upstairs.

‘What babe?’ She shouts back.

‘I’m going to my rugby match now, I’ll see you later okay?’

‘Okay, don’t get hurt ya hear?’

‘I won’t, I swear.’


‘Bye, love you’ Billy shouts before he leaves.

‘Bye, love you too!’ She calls back.

Now Billy is gone, Francesca, or Frankie as Billy calls her, can start planning her surprise for her boyfriend. Two years they have been together and their three year anniversary is coming up. She wants to do something really special for him- he’s supported and cared for her like no one else. When everyone had walked out of her life like her drunken gambling mess of a father, he, was the one consistent thing. He made her smile like no other. He knew Francesca better than she knew herself. So, this surprise for him had to be really special. Now, Billy was quite difficult to buy for- he never wanted for anything and would much rather not have money wasted on presents for him. So Francesca had quite a difficult task ahead of her. She could, and would, go down the usual route of a nice dinner with a thoughtful gift- that was a given. But Frankie wanted more than that. Things had been a little… dry between the two recently, and Frankie was feeling the need for some attention. So with that thought she decided to do a bit of online shopping.

Three hours later and various toys, lubricants and a rather revealing black number bought, Frankie could not help but think about how the night would go. She kept imagining him holding her close, the pair laying on the sofa, staring deeply into her chestnut brown eyes. Slowly, he would dip his head down towards hers (he is head and shoulders taller than her). Her heart racing, the heat between them… Tenderly he would plant his lips on hers. Her heart beats faster… She trembles slightly… He has control over her body. She melts into him. Gently he presses himself into her body, running his hands slowly down her back. Lower and lower, past the swell of her back, gently but firmly cupping her buttocks. His kiss becomes more intense. Passionately he presses into her, her plump soft lips. Then, suddenly, he picks her up. Liplocked, instantly Frankie wraps her legs around his waist- she can feel the bulge in his trousers. He walks her over to the counter in the kitchen and sits her down. Lips tied they undress each other frantically. Frankie tears away at his shirt to reveal his thick chest. He pulls at her black tights. Shirt off and tights removed, they go after the rest- his belt buckle, the zipper on her dress. Trousers undone, she reaches her hand in, grasping his full length. She feels the heat radiating from his fully erect, pulsing penis. Slowly she runs her hand up and down massaging his shaft. He holds both sides of her head kissing her more vigorously as she strokes him. Gently he pulls her hips forward. She directs him towards her, firmly he pushes inside her, in between her wet, puffy hot folds.

‘Mmmm’ She moans.

She clenches around him. The deeper inside he pushes, the tighter she feels around him. Now, fully in, he slowly pulls out. Then pushes back in the few inches he had taken out. She grasps him, arms and legs wrapped around his back. She digs her nails into his back, spurring him on. Faster he fucks her. Glass eyed Frankie moans out: ‘ohhh.’ Faster and faster he enters Francesca’s hot pussy. The familiar ball of heat builds up in her stomach. Pleasure flows through her body. The more intense that pleasure gets with every stroke. Every second that ball gets hotter. And hotter… Hotter… Hotter…

Then suddenly, she’s back at home, alone. Billy is not there to forcefully take her. Disappointed, Frankie continues on with the day, doing work round the house and all the other little bits she needed to get done, while wearing her pyjama’s and listening to the radio.

Eventually Billy returns home after the game, looking a bit beaten and bruised, he is wincing slightly in pain.

‘Oh my God, Billy you okay?’ A concerned Frankie asks on edge.

‘Yeah, nothing serious. Just pulled a muscle during the game. It was a hard one today.’ He replies in a little pain.

‘Well, go put your stuff away upstairs and I’ll rub it better for you.’ She replies with a small grin on her face.

‘Yeah, I’d like that Frankie. Thanks.’ He says returning that small grin.

After Billy has put his stuff away, he walks downstairs where Frankie, a bottle of wine, two glasses, candles and blanket on the floor await him. Frankie is dressed in her nightgown- the whole scene looks very enticing.

‘Hey babe’ Frankie says smiling at him, ‘come sit’ while patting the blanket.

Billy, smiling like an idiot, sits down next to Frankie. She immediately wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him. Billy taken back slightly lets her have control, running his hands slowly up her back. Slowly Frankie breaks the passionate kiss, looking deeply into Billy eyes.

‘Now lets work on that injury.’ She say softly.

‘Good’ Billy returns still smiling.

‘Where you hurting this time? Groin?’ Frankie asks running her hand up the inside of his leg slowly.

‘Unfortunately, no. It’s my back.’ Billy says a little sadly.

‘Aww okay, come here then.’ Frankie says while moving behind Billy, lightly touching his back.

Gently Frankie begins to massage Billy’s shoulders, pressing into his firm muscles. Slowly she begins to work her hands down his back while pressing her body into his. Her warm breath brushes past his ear gently. He leans his head against hers, kissing her cheek. Once. Twice. Now Billy turns to look at Frankie, kissing her passionately. Turning his body to face her, he pulls her body into his, starting to lay her down on her back. He kisses her more passionately, starting to feel the heat build between them. While lip-locked he begins to undo Frankie’s dressing gown, revealing her soft skin- turns out Frankie was only wearing the dressing gown. Frankie now pulls Billy’s body onto hers, still kissing him. Pressed together- skin on skin- Billy begins to grind his hips, rubbing against Frankie’s soft warm folds (creating a rather large wet patch on the front of his boxers). Frankie’s breathing starts to deepen the more he rubs against her- she’s already very wet. Quickly Billy detaches from the kiss, moving down towards her neck, planting a firm kiss on the left side of her neck. She trembles slightly from his kiss. Now he starts to harden his grinding against her, causing her to arch her back in response, while nipping and sucking hard on her neck.

‘MMMM’ Frankie moans, enjoying Billy’s actions.

‘Knock, knock, knock’ comes from the door, interrupting the pair.

‘For fuck sake.’ Billy, annoyed, grumbles.

‘Just leave it, they’ll go away.’ Frankie tries to persuade him, while pulling him down on top of her again.

‘Knock, knock, knock’ again.

‘They aren’t going away.’ Billy answers in return, still annoyed.

‘Knock, knock, knock’ the door goes again.

Billy looks down at Frankie: ‘Lets go see what they want.’ Then kisses her- a quick peck on the lips.

‘Aww’ Frankie moans, disappointedly- rightly.

He gets up and walks to the door, picking up his jumper and a pair of shorts along the way putting them on before opening the door.

‘Knock, knock, knock’ goes the door again- whoever it is, is very impatient and persistent.

‘I’m coming, hang on!’ Billy shouts, angrily.

Finally he opens the door- the neighbours. They are always causing and having ‘problems’ they involve Billy and Frankie in.

‘Hello Joan, what’s up?’ Billy asks with a fake smile.

‘Sorry to disturb you Billy, but I have a problem and I need some help.’ She replies.

‘Go figure’ Billy thinks.

‘What’s wrong?’ He asks.

At this point Frankie rubs up behind him in her nightgown.

‘Hi Joan.’ She says from behind him.

‘Hi Francesca.’ She replies.

Frankie now wraps her arms around Billy’s waist hugging him, nestling her head against his shoulder.

‘What’s the problem?’ He asks.

‘It’s better if you see it for yourself. I can’t really tell you- too hard to explain.’ Joan replies.

‘Too hard or can’t be bothered?’ Billy thinks to himself.

At this point he follows Joan next door. Frankie closes the door behind him and walks, disappointedly, inside the house. Sadly, she picks up and distinguishes the candles, putting away the wine and blanket.

Meanwhile, Billy, follows Joan next door to the big ‘problem’ she is having. They walk in together and she leads him to her bedroom…

‘Erm Joan, where are you going with this?’ Billy asks while walking up the stairs being lead by Joan.

‘Raymond is upstairs in the bedroom, don’t worry. I’m not that kind of woman.’ She replies rolling her eyes.

They walk into the bedroom where Raymond is sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the wall, with his back turned to them. He has his shirt off and has not moved once. Billy walks over and kneels down in front of Raymond.

‘What’s up mate?’ He asks.

Raymond moves his hand from leg- he has cut himself. Not even a deep cut, just a scratch going up his leg- rather melodramatic to not speak.

‘Okay, well you’ve just scratched your leg mate. Rub some anti-septic cream on it and you’ll be fine.’ He says as he stands up.

‘That’s what you brought me here for? A fucking scratch? I was about to get laid for fuck sake’ Billy thinks.

He walks out the bedroom at this point, past Joan: ‘Thanks Billy.’ She says as he passes her.

‘It’s okay.’ He replies.

Billy now walks back home. When he gets upstairs to the bedroom, Frankie is already asleep in bed. Billy, already angry with Joan and Raymond, is now furious. He did not sleep well that night.

The next morning Billy woke up before Frankie. He just looked at her for a moment, seeing her eyes flutter during a dream- it was rather cute. It made him smile knowing she’s dreaming and so peaceful. Gently, as to not disturb her, he turned over and got out of bed. He went downstairs to make his beloved breakfast in bed, which ought to warm her up on the cold and frosty November morning. He started to prepare her favourite- a full-English breakfast.

Meanwhile, upstairs in bed, Frankie wakes up to the delicious smell of sausages rising from the kitchen. She gets out of bed, following the smell downstairs.

‘Mmm, that smells nice.’ She says, peeking out from behind the door frame.

Billy, startled, let out a slight high-pitched ‘ahh!’ in response, to which Frankie laughed at, walking in and sitting at the table.

‘Damn, you were meant to be asleep upstairs so I could bring up your favourite- full-English breakfast in bed.’

‘Awwww.’ Was Frankie’s response, blushing slightly giving a shy cute little smile.

‘Well it’s almost done now, so give me a minute and I’ll sit with you. Want a drink?’

‘Orange juice please.’ She replies smiling.

‘As you wish princess.’ He says smiling back at her.

Now, Frankie could not help but blush- he hasn’t called her ‘princess’ in a very long time (they had been arguing and on the rocks for a while)- and she was very happy that he had. So, once breakfast was cooked, they sat and talked, just enjoying the others company- laughing, reminiscing and so on. The conversation moved from their first date- a picnic in Woodbury Park with a walk through the forest at dusk during the autumn- to the first time they were intimate with each other. It was about a month after they had ‘officially’ become a couple, they had agreed to meet and go out for the day- at this point Frankie still lived with her mum, simply because she did not have the money to afford her own place. Anyway, because Frankie was still living with her mum she had to abide by her rules, which meant Billy wasn’t allowed to be there if her mum wasn’t there. Well when Billy got to Frankie’s house her mum wasn’t in and Frankie had to get ready, so she invited Billy in. They went upstairs to her room where Billy sat on her bed and waited for her to get ready, but Frankie had other plans.

‘I remember, as soon as I sat down on your bed you took off your shirt. If I’m correct, you were wearing a pink bra with white and orange polka dots.’

‘As if you remember my bra- you haven’t seen that one in years.’ Frankie replies, laughing slightly.

‘Well I do. I remember everything about that day.’

‘Oh really?’ Frankie asks a little cheekily. ‘What happened after that then?’

‘Yeah really. You stood right in front off me, right between my legs, just looking at me. You put your arms around my neck and kissed me.’ Billy replies smiling.

‘Ooo, then what?’ She asks enticed by the recount of their first time.

‘Well I ran my hands up your legs and enjoyed the kiss- a lot.’

‘Yeah? Then what?’

‘Well, if you remember I’

‘You picked me up.’ She smiles, while interrupting him.

‘Yeah, I picked you up. You wrapped your legs round me- oh I loved that- and we kept kissing.’ He continues.

‘You loved me wrapping my legs round you?’

‘Yeah, I thought it was hot. Anyway, I laid you on your back and we continued kissing. You actually hadn’t stopped kissing me the whole time.’

‘Yeah I know.’ She replied with a cheeky look on her face.

‘Well I took off your bra while you were taking off my jeans. Your boobs looked so nice- nice and perky.’ He replies winking at her. ‘And they were really firm. Which is why I just had to play with them.’

‘Yeah I’m glad you did. You kissed your way down my neck, down onto my chest.’

‘I love doing that, the anticipation makes it that little bit better. Plus I like teasing you.’ Billy replies laughing slightly.

‘Laugh all you want, but I like the teasing. And I get you back in my own way.’

‘Yeah, yeah I know you do. If you really want to get me you’ll get me right on the edge and then stop. God that’s painful sometimes.’

A cheeky laugh escapes from Frankie as a reply.

‘But as soon as my hand touched your boob you arched your back and let out little moan.’

‘Well, what can I say? I like my boobs to played with.’ She replies shy smile.

‘Oh I know, I found that out when I tried to stop and move further down the first time. You moaned at me for moving to your pussy.’ Billy replied lightly laughing.

‘Anyway, continue.’ Frankie motioned while rolling her eyes.

‘Yeah, then I chose to do both- playing with your boobs- the way you like it- and gently rubbing your clit. As I recall, you enjoyed that too because you started writhing against my hand.’

‘Well yeah of course.’

‘But we did that for a little while and then you had to get ready. I was so in love with you at that moment. I just wanted to kiss you again and hold you close to me.’

‘Awww babe, that’s so sweet!’

The pair then continued to recount the evening they had after their little intimate moment- a nice meal at a restaurant and then going to see a local band play at a small gig in Epping where Frankie lived at the time. They had such a laugh and a nice time that evening, they could not keep their hands off each other- not in a sexual way, but just constantly hugging and being close. As they continued to reminisce, the hours slipped a
way easily. When Frankie looked at the clock it was two in the after-noon. They had to go shopping before the shops closed at five o’clock. It was a Sunday after-all. They spent the rest of the day shopping, just out and about together. When they finally got in later that evening, they watched a film and snuggled together on the sofa before going to bed.

Only a week to go till Billy and Francesca’s anniversary.

Things were getting a little secretive now between the pair, because neither of them wanted the other to know or see what they had bought the other for their anniversary. Frankie had decided to get her beloved a holiday themed gift- an autographed Harlequins rugby shirt, they were his favourite team. The shirt was signed by all the big named stars- Chris Robshaw, Luke Wallace, Mike Brown, Joe Marler, Nick Easter and so on. It was a very thoughtful gift and one he would cherish until the day he died. And she had to keep the very special shirt out of Billy’s vision until December 8th. Billy, meanwhile, had been keeping his own secrete about his present for Frankie. It wasn’t as big as Frankie’s present but the significance of it was just as important. The pair were busy focusing on getting everything sorted for one another that they didn’t spend a lot of time with each other that week.

December 8th.

The day of their three year anniversary was finally here. Spirits were high because it was getting closer to Christmas, but for the pair they were full of joy and love as it was their day. The most important date shared by the pair. They awoke looking into each other’s eyes- hers blue and his brown. A smile grew on their faces as the realisation that today was their special day together. They shared a kiss before jumping into action- getting ready and doing breakfast. After an hour or so, breakfast eaten and the pair ready for the day, Frankie decided to go get her present for Billy.

Skipping down the stairs she called out ‘Here you go baby. Happy anniversary.’

A warming smile and look of excitement flooded Billy’s face as he took the gift, saying ‘Thank you babe’ and gave his girlfriend a kiss.

Once opened he looked at the shirt and was in awe.

‘How did you get this!?’ He asked in amazement.

‘Because I’m good.’ She replied with a cheeky smile on her face before kissing him on the cheek.

Immediately he cuddled her and squeezed her tight.

‘Babe I love it. I love you. Thank you so much.’

‘I love you too babe, I’m glad you like it.’

‘You ready for your present?’ Billy replied with a coy smile.

‘Yeah.’ Frankie replied with a giddy excited look.

‘Ok, go get ready. Wear something warm but comfortable and I’ll meet you back down here in twenty minutes.’

‘Why? Where we going?’

‘Just trust me please.’


‘Now go get ready gorgeous.’

At this point Frankie bounded upstairs and got dressed.

Twenty minutes later the pair were ready to go. Billy drove as only he knew where they were going. Frankie had no idea what was in store for her today.

First they visited Woodbury Park- the place of their first date. Billy walked Frankie to the exact place they met and the path they walked along that day.

‘Awww babe, here’ she said pointing in down at the ground, ‘is where we had our fist hug.’

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Rugby Club

Let me tell you about a party at the local rugby club. It was many years ago, I had been to several parties there before, so knew it would be a pretty bawdy night. It was in the summer and I was wearing loose fitting dress. All was going well, food and drink flowing freely. One of the guys decided it was time to play a game. It was very simple, he spun a bottle, when it stopped, whoever it pointed to had to answer a question, if you got it wrong, you had to remove an item of clothing.I was...

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Another Rugby Club Visit part 1

You may have read my previous story about the party at the rugby club. When, after losing a game I ended up getting screwed by several guys while the other party goers looked on.That was my first time for both a) being gang-banged and b) being watched having sex.I found that I had enjoyed both – very much! It was a huge turn-on to me when I thought about, which was often!So the next obvious step was for me to do it again. That, I was to find, was not as easy as it sounds. When you go to a party...

3 years ago
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Rugby Club

"Yeoh!" I wish that fucker'd get his prick out my ass, it bloody well hurts. "Yeoh!" Still it's my own silly fault, I had to insist on coming hadn't I. Even though my sister warned me what would happen. I didn't believe her did I. "Yeoh!" Now some fucker is trying to get his prick into my pussy while the other bastard is still reaming my ass. "Yeoh!" For weeks I'd been pleading with her to take me to the rugby club and for weeks she'd been refusing. "Do you have any idea...

1 year ago
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Rugby Players Find Accomodation Part 4

It was the strangest thing to try to resume where I had left off in my work the previous day. Since about 6 pm the day before my whole life had changed and here I was at 9 am the following morning trying to organize my mind around work! It wasn’t as if it was first thing in the morning and I could think of yesterday as just some fantastic dream. Barry and I had just fucked each other’s asses in the shower less than an hour ago! When I settled my account with the B&B lady she had casually...

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Gang banged in rugby dorm

It was a quiet mountainous area of central Europe and the youth hostel was a good central point for cycle rides to various beauty spots. Sammy and I had just left school that summer and taken the train from a Channel port to the nearby town. There were two large dormitories with bunk beds and each of the showers was big enough for about six people. Us two seemed to be the only guys around at least for the first couple of nights. It was on the third day at about 4pm, Sammy was fixing something...

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Miss Downey Meets Her Form Class For The First Time Chapter Two

This was it. The time had come.Helen Downey walked down the corridor of the Sixth Form block with the Head of Sixth Form, Nicola McNamara. The older lady was the Head of St. Katherine’s Girls’ Sixth Form and had spent time during each of the previous two inset days helping Helen sort anything out that she needed.“They’re a lovely form class, Helen. All nice girls who are generally high achievers. You’ll get no problems from them and they will look after you, I’m sure.” Mrs. McNamara looked back...

1 year ago
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The Rugby Do

Simon’s story The disco was rubbish. Held in the function room of a pub hotel it was about as festive as an undertaker’s reception room. I’d been sitting there alone, quietly drinking my beer, whilst resentfully watching all my mates on the dance floor. I couldn’t believe their behaviour, taking every chance they have to get a quick feel and what’s more I couldn’t believe the women were letting them get away with it. I knew my feelings were born in jealousy. Despite my good looks and rugby...

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The Rugby Club

It was something I, who had lived in the town for years, was completely unaware of. I knew there was a Rugby club in town of course, and that they had a club house, but I didn't know about the annual “stag” nights that took place. At least I didn't until my mate Tony invited me to one. This was a few years back now, before we were both married, and I remember Tony being a bit vague about the whole thing. He and I had visited London strip clubs and had a good time in the past,, so he knew I...

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Well dean picked us up at 8o'clock, from Carlisle as arranged. Emma jumped in the front, me in the back, sitting in the back was an older guy I'd not meet before called Dorian, he was in is 30‘s dean explained that he was a prop in the team, but we had to drop him off on the way as he had to get home to the wife. We'd only been driving a few minutes, before i felt Dorian hand sliding up my leg, and into my thong, and without hesitation, slipped a thick rough finger into me. He told dean to pull...

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Rugby Team Parties hard on a slut wife

You read stories about total sluts, but how often do you just happen upon one? Well the lads and I at the local rugby club just did. Our club isn't very big, but we have a members bar and a function room separate from it. Well the other weekend we were down there socialising and drinking (obviously) and there was a party on in the function room. No idea who it was or what they were celebrating. Through the night you'd go the toilet and see some of the people from the party, the young women...

2 years ago
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Ericas Adventures Rugby rematch

It was a steaming hot Sunday morning in the little village of Great Tyteslove, home to the famous (or at least notorious) Cock & Ass Tavern. The sun was shining down on the playing fields, where some of the local lads were just finishing up a friendly game of rugby: farmers vs postmen. They had played a hotly-contested match, and by the time the whistle blew and the farmers were declared the winner with a narrow victory. Sweaty and exhausted, the men all shook hands and congratulated one...

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Lisas DilemmaChapter 7 The Rugby Trials fiasco

At 12.30 pm Ted drove his van onto the drive way of Sally's house; leaving the engine running he leapt out and rang the door bell, less than two minutes later Sally and Jenny dashed to the van, dressed up to the hilt as though going to a debutante's ball. The both waited by the passenger side door and were disappointed when Ted slid open the side panel door inviting them in to the back of the van. When then clambered in, he joined them and again upset them by demanding they strip off as...

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The Bass Player

The concert was everything Leah was expecting, the usual good time with her best friend Veronica, some tasty drinks, music she liked, and hot band guys. The band played their usual crowd pleasers, and as usual Leah had pulled Vee to the front of the stage, placing them right in front of the bass player, Chris. He was 5'7 or so with dark, dirty blond hair. His eyes were a light brown and he had a strong, thin face with a chiseled jaw line and pink, pouty lips. Leah, like so many others, believed...

Straight Sex
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Rubi The Gorgeous Lady

Hi friends this is vinay from indore (m.P), this is my first and real kamukta story. I hope you like it and also enjoy it. First mai aapko apne bare mai kuch batana chahunga meri body slim wt. 67 kgs. Height 6 ft age 29 hai mujhe bachpan see hi married bhabhi and aunties bahut pasand hai meri ek girlfriend ( shaya ) bhi thi jiski ab shadi ho chuki hai or mene uske sath wo bahut sex enjoy kiya . Ab mai aapko apko apni real story sunata hu :- Ye 18 july 2014 ( 3 year pahle hi baat hai ) mene...

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iBod a life changing music player

WARNING!!! The following story contains sexual acts between consenting adults. If you are below the legal age (18 most places) to read such matters, or it is illegal where you are, stop it right there! Also this isn't meant to be fine literature, so there are mistakes and errors in there somewhere, and the writing is not meant to be airtight. if you're looking for revolutionary fiction, look elsewhere please. iBod by Potrzebie "Son of a bitch!" Aaron swore as his music...

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VLC Media Player

You have to have been living under a rock if you haven’t heard of VLC Media Player. Either that or you just never bothered to have a good experience with your digital life. How many times have you gotten angry with your media player because it can’t play a certain file? Many times, right? Well, VLC is here to change all that and you can get it on Now, before we get into how you can use this tool and what the benefits of using it are, let me just tell you that I’m not gonna...

Useful Software
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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 58 M Noirtier de Villefort

We will now relate what was passing in the house of the king's attorney after the departure of Madame Danglars and her daughter, and during the time of the conversation between Maximilian and Valentine, which we have just detailed. M. de Villefort entered his father's room, followed by Madame de Villefort. Both of the visitors, after saluting the old man and speaking to Barrois, a faithful servant, who had been twenty-five years in his service, took their places on either side of the...

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The Count of Monte CristoChapter 74 The Villefort Family Vault

Two days after, a considerable crowd was assembled, towards ten o'clock in the morning, around the door of M. de Villefort's house, and a long file of mourning-coaches and private carriages extended along the Faubourg Saint-Honore and the Rue de la Pepiniere. Among them was one of a very singular form, which appeared to have come from a distance. It was a kind of covered wagon, painted black, and was one of the first to arrive. Inquiry was made, and it was ascertained that, by a strange...

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Knockdown the lockdown with a sexy model

Hello friends. My name is Aditya. I am 22 years old and I am going to share a wonderful experience that I had during this precautionary lockdown. You too can enjoy this period filled with boredom, lethargy, and convert the atmosphere from lack of excitement to full of sexual ecstasy. Do you want to know how? Read this erotic story to find out! During the first week of the precautionary lockdown period, I was breaking my record of masturbation performed in a single day! In the second week, I was...

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The Magic Tape Player

Saturday, July 8, 2018 Caleb and Kaitlyn were twins. They’d turned 16 years old in March. Caleb was born 9 minutes earlier, and Kaitlyn reluctantly accepted being the younger sister. She liked being Caleb’s little sister sometimes. “I can’t believe you found these. I can’t believe Daddy even has these.” She held up a pair of VHS tapes. “ ‘Cocksure Housewives, and ‘Everything Sue Wanted to Know About Sex’? Really?” She laughed, huskily, appalled and delighted. “Ew, Caleb! Ew-ew-ew!” Caleb...

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K4 Niece Katy is a Team Player

K4 Niece Katy is a Team PlayerBy billy69boyAfter dropping my wife off at the airport, I was downright giddy with excitement. My darling niece Katy lived only a few minutes away and I had arranged to stop by and visit with her. As I waited for her to answer the door, I wondered if she would be in a playful mood. I knew her boyfriend Jimmy was out of state on a training session, and wouldn’t be back for a few more days. Katy’s daughter was down South staying with her father for the month, so...

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The Star Player

"Hey! Mikey!" Sammy shouted across the street. "Are you coming tonight?"Mikey waved and then quickly ran across the street. "Hi, Sammy. How's your summer going?" he asked. "Enjoying the rest?"Sammy had been the star player in the reserves team last season. At only eighteen years of age, she was stepping up to the first team this term. Mikey had taken over coaching the first team last season when they were rock bottom, rooted to the foot of the table. Through some daring tactics and some blind...

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The Real Stepford Wives Lizzies Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Sophia, along with some of the characters in the other two stories make cameo appearances here. *************************************** I...

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The Real Stepford Wives Vickys Story

The Real Stepford Wives - Vicky's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This is my third entry in the Stepford Series. This story is a prequel to my prior story, "The Real Stepford Wives: Lizzie's Story". Both stories are based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Lizzie, along with some of the characters in the original two stories make cameo appearances...

2 years ago
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The Real Stepford Wives Sophias Story

The Real Stepford Wives: Sophia's Story By Emma F Author's Note: This story is based on Sarah Barndt's original story "The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies" and "The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy" written by VI several years later. Some of the characters in those stories make cameo appearances here. ********************** I was four years into my career as a Big Four accountant. Two years ago, I had been promoted to senior associate and was hopeful about...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

Introduction: Harry, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron get lost in the forbiden forest and finaly let their feeling for each other show. Ron and Hermione were strolling around the black lake, they werent actually dating but they were doing all the normal couples stuff except for the kissing and sex. They saw two people in the distance walking towards them. Is that Harry and Ginny Hermione asked. The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were...

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Another Rugby Club Visit Part 2

After about an hour and a half of constant fucking, I felt I needed a short break, if only to get some feeling back into my legs which had been wide open for so long! I also need a drink to wash down some of the cum.When the current two guys had finished with me, I sat up, much to the displeasure of the next two who were waiting to mount me. I explained I needed a short break, but not to worry, I would not be long. Although disappointed, I think they understood and returned to their drinks. I...

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Rugby Players Find Accomodation Part 3

As soon as I had taken my seat I saw that Colin had taken Danny and Gary over to the other side of the room where it was obvious they were having a heated argument. “It’s not their fault!” I said to Darren who was sitting next to me and I decided to go over and try to explain things. “Stay where you are! He’s just jealous, that’s all!” He and another guy called Ken, who was sitting on my other side put their big hands on my shoulders and held me down. Presently Colin and the others returned to...

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The Real Stepford Wives Sugar Plum Fairy

The Real Stepford Wives: Sugar Plum Fairy By VI This story is based on my favourite piece of TG fiction, which was written by the author Sarah Barndt. If you have never read 'The Real Stepford Wives: Only Women Have Babies' then please do so, as it is an imaginative and well told story. Thanks very much Sarah. ************************ I had been performing ballet since I was eight, and for the last six years had been with one of the American ballet companies. I think the fame...

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Forbiden fruits in the forbiden forest

The red hair was unmistakeable and ten minutes later they sat down on the bank as Harry and Ginny (who were dating) walked up to them. "Hey guys" Ginny said in a bouncy giddy voice she always used now it got even giddier when she was with Harry. "Hey" Ron replied "we were just heading back to school for lunch" "Bah that's dull" said Ginny almost actually bouncing now "come with us we're going to the forbidden forest" "You know the forest is forbidden for a reason" Hermione...

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11th Grade Chris the Player

“Hurry up! Or you’ll be late for school!” I roused myself from my deep slumber and wiped the sleep from my eyes. The rising sun cast a warm beam of light onto my blanket, warming me, and tempting me to drift back to sleep. To keep myself awake, I yelled back. “You tell me this every day, and yet I’ve never been late!” “That’s because I tell you every day!” I pulled off my blankets and stood up, completely naked. I went into the adjoining bathroom, and quickly took a shower, letting...

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The Player

THE PLAYER'S S+EP-DAUGH+ERInspired by true events(This story was told by a friend who wanted me to edit and post it for him. He is the "I" in the story, not me.-FredLake) I had always been something of a player. During school, I never had a steady girlfriend but was never without pussy for very long. Back in high school I had more money and a better car than most guys, so girls were willing to go out with me. I always made it clear that I expected them to give up their pussy and that I wasn't...

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The Player

The Player. By Her Revenge Roy Taylor was a player in the biggest way. For as long as he could remember he had held an almost hypnotic grip over just about all the women he met. Unfortunately for him he also believed that he was, in fact, god's gift to women but unfortunately he treated them like dirt. Although not the most handsome guy in the Brad Pitt mould Roy and a way about him that just drove the women wild. Most nights he spent down at the local night club "The Cage" in...

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The Chelmsford Stalker

The Chelmsford Stalker By Michele Nylons The man sat at a corner table in the coffee shop surreptitiously eyeing off the woman sitting on a stool at bar. She was dressed in a navy blue suit; her jacket was open, revealing well-formed breasts swelling her white satin blouse, which opened to the second button so that a hint of lace bra was displayed. Her legs were crossed and her skirt had ridden up revealing most of her well-formed thighs atop long legs encased in sheer...

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The Stepford Children

Once upon a time.... All my life I had always feared God. Growing up I thought he personally stared down at from Heaven watching my every move, listening to my every thought. It was this fear that has always kept me on the straight and narrow and given me my morale courage. My only sorrow is that I was unable to pass this fear down to my children and from this, there will be no retribution. I am surely damned as if I had spent a lifetime of murder and greed. With this knowledge I don't...

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