Sisters Ch. 04: Acceptance free porn video

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Thank you to GaiusPetronius for editing this series.

* Donna and Steve had been talking for so long that the waitress kept coming by just to ask if they needed anything. The food was long gone, as were most of the other patrons of the restaurant. And yet the two of them continued to swap stories. That they had much in common made conversation easy. That they each seemed to never tire of the other’s company made conversation enjoyable.

Donna liked the way Steve would ask for more details when she was telling a story. She never caught him looking around the room, though she was sure there were much prettier women about. Even the waitress, with her long, sleek, black hair and perfect-looking svelte figure didn’t distract his attention from her. Maybe Hannah was partially right. Or maybe Steve was a perfectly gentlemanly gay guy. Either way, it wouldn’t take long in this town for him to find a girl (or guy) who really suited him. Especially once he started doing shows. His interest in Donna was easily attributable to her being the only person he knew in town, but that would change soon.

When Steve finally called for the check, Donna assured him, ‘I’ll get this.’

‘No,’ he objected, taking the small black folder from the waitress, ‘I’m old-fashioned that way.’


‘A guy asks out a girl and he pays. That’s my way.’

‘So, this is a date?’ she asked with some hesitation.

‘What else would it be?’ he laughed.

‘You don’t have to do this, Steve. We want to sign you. I don’t need to be…’

‘Donna,’ he spoke her name firmly, cutting her off. ‘I wanted to take you out.’

‘Well, that’s… sweet. Thank you,’ she said, still not sure how to respond. Her inner voice was warning her that a guy like him wouldn’t be interested in a girl like her for very long. Not when he had better options available.

As they walked the two blocks back to Donna’s place, she tried to talk about what he could expect on Monday. But Steve interrupted her. ‘Can that wait? I mean… I’d like you at least for right now to think of me as something other than a… a client, or whatever.’

‘Oh,’ she said, feeling embarrassed. ‘OK.’ Not knowing what else to talk about, Donna pointed out a few of the local places as they passed them. Steve listened with a smile, often watching her face as she spoke.

When they got to her apartment building, Steve said, ‘Like I told you, I wanted to take you out. And I’d really like to again. I don’t know if that makes things weird, but… I’m more interested in you than in your agency, if that makes sense.’

‘Oh,’ Donna said, nodding. It made sense on one level, but she couldn’t really comprehend it.

‘So,’ he said, prompting her. When she didn’t respond, he clarified, ‘Can I take you out again, sometime next week?’

‘Oh! Yeah. Yes. That would be nice.’ Then she stepped towards him and rolled up onto her toes. Craning her neck up, she placed a friendly kiss on his cheek. Steve froze. Donna, on impulse, kissed his cheek again. At the same time, Steve pressed his lips to the side of her face, as well. Then, ignoring the warning bells in her head, she rose up one more time and touched her lips to his. They kissed softly for a few seconds, his hands on her elbows, their breaths rising in little clouds on either side of their faces.

Donna pulled back slowly, then lowered her feet to be flat on the ground. She stepped back, forced a nervous smile at Steve, waved goodbye, and walked swiftly into her apartment.

As she walked the flight of stairs to her apartment, she repeated over and over to herself, Don’t get your hopes up. Don’t get your hopes up. Don’t get your hopes up.


Hannah had grit. She had done many things in her life that required determination and strength. Just surviving her teenage years, until she was old enough to leave home took courage. Making her way across the country by herself took perseverance. Each partner she left behind, each casually discarded cell phone took a measure of resolve that few people possessed.

But by far, the hardest thing she had ever done was to show up on that chilly Saturday afternoon to see Wes.

Easier isn’t better, she kept reminding herself.

Wes was waiting for her. He had reserved a table in the rooftop greenhouse of a downtown restaurant. Because it was mid-afternoon, they had plenty of privacy. Hannah appreciated the foresight that choice of time and venue showed on Wes’s part. It’s easier to trust someone who is looking out for you, someone who anticipates your needs.

They exchanged simple greetings and ordered their food. Hannah had decided that the only way this would work was if she said everything she could think to say while she still had the courage to say it. So while Wes was casually buttering a dinner roll, she took a deep breath and began.

‘My father raped me almost every night for four years,’ she began. Wes’s eyes went wide and his hands froze in place, butter still on the knife. For fifteen minutes, Hannah unloaded her story, speaking of things that she had never before acknowledged to anyone other than her sisters. Her mother’s craven timidity, her father’s savage cruelty, her escape, using her body to buy space between herself and her father, learning to stop feeling anything, learning to fake sentiment, Tim, Ernst, Kyle, Penny, Andrew, Donna. She told him how safe she felt with him, how she didn’t feel deserving of such respite, how she wanted to pretend to be what he wanted, to want what he wanted, hoping it would become reality.

Their food came and Wes still listened. She described the great stone dam that had for years contained her fear and anger, and with them, her capacity to love and delight. She described a dry world, barren of of color and life, yet safe. She told him how each day with him chipped away at that stone wall, allowing cracks of affection to slip through. She described their last night, when, caught between dreaming and wakefulness, she mistook him for her father. The great dam, weakened by the trust and security she felt with him, was no longer sufficient to contain the reservoir of emotions. And in a great deluge, her long-repressed rage and fear overwhelmed the landscape.

‘When I walked into that hospital room,’ she recounted, trembling as if she were living the moment over again, ‘my thought was that you looked as bad on the outside as I did on the inside. And I knew I had done that to you. And I didn’t think it was safe for me or for you if I stuck around. I blamed the… the feelings I had for you. Everything had been fine when I shut down those emotions. But once you opened that door a little bit…’

‘The good and the bad came out,’ Wes said softly.

‘Exactly,’ she said, her voice even. ‘And so I sat there in the hospital, paralyzed with fear. And I did the only thing I knew how to do. I put the walls back up. And I knew if they were to stay up, I couldn’t be with you. It wouldn’t work… for either of us.’

Wes chewed thoughtfully on a bite of food, nodding as he processed Hannah’s tale. Then narrowing his eyes, he asked a question that was bothering him, though he now thought he knew the answer. ‘Hannah, how can you talk about this without even a hint of… of tears, or emotion or something?’

‘I’ve been shutting off that valve for a long time, Wes. I’m pretty good at it.’

‘That’s scary.’


Wes finished chewing a bite, then said, ‘I have no idea what to say, Hannah. I suspected a little bit of that, but, damn. I mean… damn.’

Hannah looked at him and shrugged. ‘So that’s it. You want everything, that’s everything, more or less. You can probably understand why I held that back from you.’

‘Yes and no. But we don’t need to have that discussion right now,’ he said.

Hannah’s face began to harden. ‘And that look you’re giving me right now,’ she said with a hint of anger, ‘that look is on
e thing I hate, one reason I don’t want to talk about this.’

‘What look?’

‘That look that says I’m some kind of damaged goods, some poor broken thing that needs to be handled delicately. That… that pity. I don’t want that,’ she spat out, almost losing her unflinching demeanor.

Wes sighed. ‘I’m sorry. It’s a little bit of pity, yes, but not what you think. I just can’t imagine how you’ve carried this burden alone for so long. Nobody should have to do that.’

‘I’ve gotten kinda used to it,’ she said calmly. Then visibly softening, she added, ‘But I know I can’t keep that up. And that’s why I’m here. I need to be in the kind of situation we had — a place to feel safe and treasured and… and maybe to heal a bit. That’s why I’m doing all this stuff I’ve never done before. I’m a walk-away girl. And now I’m banging on your door in the rain trying to get back.’

‘I wish it was that easy, Hannah. But you really hurt me, and you broke my trust. And… and this is a lot to take in all at once. I need to really think hard about whether or not I’m ready to take on all this.’

Hannah sniffed in derision and rolled her eyes. Her impulse was to brush it off and leave. She fought against that impulse and said tersely, ‘I understand.’

As they got up to leave, Wes moved close, leaned in, and gently kissed her cheek. Hannah never used to like such soft expressions of affection, but in that moment she cherished it, pressing her cheek towards him and longing for him to move closer, to place his cheek on hers, to wrap even one arm around her back.

‘Give me a week to think it over,’ Wes said. ‘No showing up at my house, no calls. Just give me a week. I’ll call you either way,’ he said.

Hannah closed her eyes. Some days felt like an eternity lately. ‘A week,’ she agreed.


‘I’ll say it again, Hannah, so you know I mean it,’ Donna said, pouring coffee into her sister’s mug, then walking the pot back to her kitchen. ‘You’re more than welcome to stay with me.’

‘I don’t think it’s come to that,’ Hannah said, looking around at the small apartment. ‘He’ll say yes, I’m sure of it.’ It had been four days since Wes had asked for a week. Hannah was a little surprised that he hadn’t called her yet — Wes was really playing this out to the end.

‘How do you know that?’

‘Because he’s a guy, Donna,’ she answered with the tone of someone explaining something obvious to a child who should know better. ‘He’s alone right now, and I never said no to sex with him. He’s trying to show me that he doesn’t need me, that he has the upper hand, but I’ve got what he doesn’t have and always wants, so…’

Donna paused from scooping sugar into her mug and looked questioningly up towards the ceiling. She shook her head a bit to get the bangs away from her face. ‘Don’t you think you’re oversimplifying it? Is he really that shallow? And if he is, do you really want someone that shallow? Someone who treats you like… like an object?’

Hannah gripped her mug a little tighter at that last question, remembering that the reason she abased herself and went back to Wes was precisely because he did not treat her like an object. But she still had no other categories for thinking of men and her relationships to them. It was a consumer culture, and her sexuality was her greatest commodity.

‘How do you know you’re not overcomplicating it?’ she retorted. ‘Guys want sex. If you give them that, you have power.’

‘Is that what you want?’ Donna asked. ‘Power?’

‘Well, the sex is nice, too,’ Hannah replied, her smile appearing above the rim of her mug. ‘But seriously, yes, I think. Power to… to have them play by my rules, I guess. But, no.’ She put her mug down and sighed. ‘That’s what’s so confusing. I’m finding myself wanting to try the sincerity thing.’

‘The sincerity thing?’ Donna asked.

‘You know, being honest and real, not putting on an act. I had started doing that with Wes, or he kind of coaxed it out of me. Or maybe it wasn’t even that much — I think I was trying to act the way I thought I should. But then it started to make me feel just a bit different. I was scared, but I wanted more. But then he got in my head and I fucked it all up.’

‘He? You mean…’

‘Nicholas. He messed me up good, Donna. And the only reason I’m trying so hard with this guy is just to prove that Nicholas can’t get the best of me in the end.’ They sat silent for a moment, then Hannah added, ‘Like he did with Penny.’

‘And like you think he’s doing to me?’

Hannah smiled gently, condescendingly, though Donna failed to notice it as anything other than kind. ‘He’s got you in a different way. I bet you still haven’t even made a move on what’s-his-name.’

‘Steve… And I did. We’ve been on a few dates.’ Hannah’s eyebrows went up in surprise. ‘And I kissed him.’

‘Oooh, you kissed him,’ Hannah teased. ‘How scandalous!’

‘Shut up,’ Donna said with evident annoyance in her voice.

‘Still don’t think he’s hot for you?’ Hannah asked.

‘I think he thinks he is, but he’s new in town, and I’m the only person he knows so far…’ Donna shrugged. ‘I just expect he’s going to move on to someone else once he gets settled. So I’m trying not to get my hopes up.’

‘Baby, you need to just…’

‘I’m not going to… to… to just have sex with him, if that’s what you’re going to suggest,’ she said angrily. Then softening her tone, she explained, ‘I don’t want to get hurt, that’s all.’

Hannah rolled her eyes. ‘Yeah, ’cause it’ll feel just fine when he moves on.’ Donna’s eyes stared daggers across the table. ‘Don’t be so weak, little sister. He wants you. You’re in control here.’

‘No,’ whispered Donna after a moment’s thought. ‘No, I’m not. Because if I give him that, sooner or later he moves on. I can’t stop it. I can’t keep them from going away. Not looking like this, I can’t.’

Hannah just shook her head and looked with pity at her sister. ‘So. Fucking. Blind.’ she said softly, to herself. ‘I hate him.’


The next night, Donna and Steve were leaving a local theater, laughing at how horrible the play had been.

‘I’m so sorry,’ Steve apologized. ‘I had no idea.’

‘It’s OK,’ Donna laughed, leaning on the arm he had offered as they walked. ‘I guess local theater is like local music — sometimes it’s great and sometimes…’

‘Sometimes it’s the guy in a cowboy hat who sings the same song every week on the open mic,’ Steve suggested.

‘Yes! Just like that,’ Donna replied, forgetting for a few minutes to be self-conscious around her date.

‘Listen,’ Steve said, taking a deep breath to calm down. ‘That went later than I thought. I had planned for us to go walking along the Cumberland tonight, but it’s getting cold. Let me just drive you home, OK?’

Donna’s chest tightened a bit. Was he expecting to come up? Wasn’t there a certain expectation for third dates?

‘I can get a cab,’ she said, not quite as nonchalantly as she had planned. ‘It’s fine.’

‘What?’ he gasped. ‘I can’t let you do that. My truck’s right over there. Come on.’ He pulled her gently at the elbow and Donna recoiled.

‘No, really. I’m fine,’ she insisted nervously. Steve stood a few feet away, slightly stunned.

‘Donna… I’m sorry… I don’t know what…’ He searched for the right way to finish his sentence, but nothing came.

Donna sighed and hid her face with glove-covered hands. ‘No, I’m sorry,’ she forced through the barrier. Then putting her hands down limply at her sides, she smiled weakly and said, ‘A ride would be nice, thanks.’

Steve waited for an explanation, but when none came, he turned towards the parking lot and started walking slowly. He didn’t reach out for her arm or hand, and Donna was equally relieved and disappointed. As they rode through the quiet streets, Steve made some comments about the acting, and Donna made polite conversation in turn. But inw
ardly, she was telling herself, He’s just a friend, just a nice guy. He’s just being friendly. It’s nothing more than a fun evening with a friend. He’s not going to try anything.

As they pulled onto her street, Steve looked at Donna’s leg, which had been bouncing up and down nervously throughout the ride.

‘I’m sorry,’ he said, fiddling with the truck’s control panel. ‘Are you cold?’

Seeing what he was looking at, Donna stopped her leg bounce and said, ‘No… I, uh… I’m worried I might have left my coffee pot on. I really want to get upstairs and make sure everything’s OK.’

When the truck stopped, Donna hopped out and stood next to the door. ‘Thanks for the ride, Steve. And, uh, for a fun evening.’

Just as she was beginning to shut the door, Steve hollered, ‘Wait!’ Donna paused and felt herself bracing. ‘I had a really good time. Are you doing anything Sunday afternoon? Can we take that walk then?’

‘Yeah, yeah. Sure,’ Donna hurriedly assured him. Then closing the door and waving, she ran into her building and up to her apartment.

He’s just lonely and looking for a friend. She told herself, fumbling for her keys. Nothing more. He’s not going to hurt you because he doesn’t think of you that way. Finding the right one, she put it in the lock. But why did you have to kiss him? What the hell were you thinking?

Tossing her coat, gloves, and scarf on a chair, she went to the fridge in search of something sweet. After a minute, she was sitting down at the table with a small cup of pudding.

‘Just you, then?’ a voice asked from behind her.

Donna startled, squeaked in surprise, and spun around. ‘Hannah!’

‘I wondered if what’s-his-name was coming in for a nightcap,’ she said, as if it was perfectly normal to be appearing in her sister’s apartment. ‘I was going to stay back in the room and put on some headphones or something.’

‘What are you doing here?’ Donna sputtered.

‘You said I could stay here. And you leave your spare keys on a hook by the door, which is practically an invitation for someone to grab them on the way out.’

‘You are so weird,’ Donna answered, putting her elbows on the table and burying her face in her hands.

‘So… not-so-hot date tonight?’ Hannah fished.

‘Shut up.’

‘I’m just saying, three dates now, right? Isn’t that the longest a guy will wait these days?’ Hannah’s voice almost had a mocking tone as she pressed for details.

‘Steve’s not…’ Donna paused.

‘Don’t say ‘Steve’s not like that,’ or some other nonsense. He’s got a dick, right?’ Donna made a disgusted face. ‘He’s got one, and he’s like that,’ Hannah concluded.

‘Then why don’t you go fuck him and just leave me alone,’ Donna suggested in a tired voice that clearly didn’t mean what it said.

‘Because he wouldn’t give me a second look, I bet,’ Hannah stated confidently. ‘He’s hopelessly infatuated with you, and I can’t compete with that.’

Donna rolled her eyes, ‘Well, you’re right that one of us wouldn’t be able to compete, but it’s not me. Besides,’ she continued, swallowing her last mouthful of pudding, ‘I was going to say Steve’s not into me in that way.’

‘Bullshit,’ Hannah laughed. But before she could continue, Donna changed the subject.

‘What brings you here anyway? Wes didn’t give you the answer you expected?’

Hannah sat down at the table, grabbed the empty pudding cup from Donna’s hands, and scraped her finger around the side. Licking her finger clean, she said casually, ‘No word yet. And I’m feeling…’



Donna’s eyes widened and she put up her hands. ‘No, no, no. Don’t look at me, sister.’

Hannah sighed and slouched. ‘I didn’t mean that,’ she said, spreading her arms out on the table and putting her head down. When she spoke again, her voice was muted by the table. ‘I don’t trust myself to wait one more day for Wes. I’ve been waiting for weeks already. I keep thinking about him and he’s driving me crazy.’

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Sisters Completed version

Sisters (Completed Version Parts 1-2) By Princess Pantyboy Me, Chris, Chrissie 10-year-old boy Miley 4-year-old little sister Beth 17-year-old twin sister Cathy 17-year-old twin sister Part-1 I am just a normal boy like most 10-year boys, and my name is Chris. I am the only boy in our family. I have a younger sister who just turned four. I also have twin sisters that are seven years older than I...

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sisters Get Gangbanged and Bred

Sharon was desperate. She didn't know what was happening! Her petite young body was rigid. Her small breasts were so tight they were hurting. Her nipples were harder and stiffer than she'd ever seen or felt them. Her groin was rock hard, her pussy lips swollen and red, and her small, tight ass so taught it was rippling with spasms. Both her vaginal and anal openings were tingling. Her breath was coming in short gasps and pants. Even as she stood in front of the mirror, looking at her naked...

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Sisters in Slavery

Chapter One The capture of twin sisters and beginning of their training as sex slaves. Megan thought back to how this had happened and wondered if there was anything she could of done to have prevented this. Granted when something bad happens to anyone that's the first thing that goes through their minds. Still she had to wonder if she could of prevented what that woman did to them. Megan and her twin sister Molly lives hadn't been perfect but to have this happen was...

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SistersChapter 8 Fugitives

Linda awoke with a start, sitting up in bed. Someone was screaming in the hall. It was Mom. Nikki woke up too, still bewildered from sleep. Nikki lay in bed next to Linda. Last night they hadn't made love, only sweet cuddling, arms intertwined, feeling the warmth and softness of each other's bodies. "What the hell's going on?" Nikki asked, trying to snap out of her groggy state. "Dunno," Linda said, getting up and slipping on her robe. "I'm gonna see what's happening in this crazy...

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Sisters Pantyhose Christmas

I’ll start by explaining the situation. My parents divorced when I was 1 and my dad got re-married and had two daughters with my step mum. So they where really my half-sisters but we were so close that I always thought of them as my actual sisters. They lived with my dad in Scotland whereas I lived with my mum down in Sussex, so I might only see them twice a year. I was always closer to Chelcie who was the older of the two. This story happens at Christmas when I was 18 and Chelcie was...

2 years ago
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Sisters Drug Trouble

My story begins with a discussion I overheard one night, it was my mom and my older sister Cindy, she had just turned 18 at the time, from what I could hear it was something regarding drugs and a good for nothing boy friend. No matter how much I tried I couldn’t hear very well, after some screaming and crying everything went silent and finally I went to sleep. The next night during dinner my dad told my sister Jennifer and me that Cindy had left the house and was going to be living on her own...

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Sisters an evil friend and pantyhose tf part 1

Anna, Monica and Claudia lived with their mother in a suburban home. Anna and Claudia got along better because they were of similar age.The oldest of the sisters Monica did not understand them a bit, sometimes she got nervous, they often argued, but they liked each other so much.One day, Anna brought home a boy she had been dating for some time. The other sisters were surprised that she was the first to find a boyfriend. The boy's name was Martn and he was 23 years old just like Anna.Everyone...

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Feminine Acceptance

Feminine Acceptance My best friend from childhood and I shared an apartment. We had been roommates since high school graduation. Mark and I probably would never have been friends if we did not meet at such a young age. He filled out, and grew into a fine strapping man as was his father. I, on the other hand, stayed very slender and had a slight build. My mother and father were both pretty small so I never expected to be anywhere near the build of my male classmates. It bothered me in...

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Sisters Part 2

Note: I have been asked by several fans to continue this story so I am putting Sisters Part 2 out there for you to enjoy I hope. It has been over a year and a half since I added part one so I added a few paragraphs from the first part. Thanks again for all your support. Hugs, Princess Pantyboy Sisters Part 2 By Princess Panty boy Me, Barry, Carrie 10 year old Miley 4 year old little sister Beth 17 year old twin sisters Cathy ...

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SistersChapter 2 Kiss And Tell

Linda closed her eyes, pulling her hair back once more, getting annoyed with her constant struggle for keeping her tresses away from her eyes and mouth. She had already thought about cutting them shorter, shoulder-length. But Mom and her sisters - especially Nikki - insisted she shouldn't. They all said she had such beautiful hair, long, shiny, full of golden curls, the envy of her female classmates, and one reason why she was so damned popular with the guys... But at that moment Linda's...

2 years ago
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MAU Slayers Acceptance

Previously on MAU - Slayers... Laura and Jordan were two ordinary people, until the MAU entered their lives. Now they are Buffy and Faith the Vampire Slayers. They soon found themselves hunting their friends Mike and Chris, who had become the vampires Angel and Spike. After the deaths of their families, the two Slayers joined the Agency, a group tasked with tracking down the MAUs and stopping any dangerous user of the devices. Faith has recently become aware of how much she...

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Megan an Acceptance

Megan, an acceptance Janet L. Stickney [email protected] "Hi Janet, this is me. Listen, I want to come home, but you know how they are, they won't let me in the house. I guess they think that because I don't dress like a banker or something and lead what they call a hippie type lifestyle that I don't measure up or something. I need a favor, can I stay with you for a few days until I can persuade the folks to let me come home?" "Mark, you know how uptight the neighborhood I...

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Sisters in seduction

SISTERS IN SEDUCTION "I'm bored," remarked Primrose Campbell, "it's ages since we were in New York, I feel like Paris." "Who?" her sister Poppy asked. "Not who, where. I said I feel like a trip to Paris." Primrose stirred. "Why can't something interesting ever happen in this God forsaken hole?" At twenty two, Primrose was the older sister by almost exactly two years. Their mother died when they were quite young, and their father had made it up to them by indulging their...

4 years ago
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Sisters broken III

Kelly was so frustrated, she had no idea how to cope with this loss and was feeling helpless. When suddenly she heard a chime notifying her she had a new email. She got up wondering if it could be a new lead in the search. But she found that it was actually a video attachment with an email that said only; "Watch your daughters." Kelly nervously opened the video and began to watch. But what she saw broke her immediately. Her youngest daughter Krista hitting her elder sibling with a hammer....

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Sisters and the little brother Part 2

Sisters, and the little brother Part 2 By Princess Panty boy Characters: Me/Nick/Nikki: 10-year old son/brother Lori: twin/she calls herself my big sister Andrea: 5-years old little sister Mom 31-years old, single Aunt Linda: 21-years old (not a relative she is just good friends with mom) Author's Note: It has been a while since I wrote Part 1 of this story so I am putting a couple paragraphs from the end...

2 years ago
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Sisters in Slavery Chapter Two

Author's note to readers. Nothing about this story is meant to portray any of the characters as under eighteen years of age despite the obvious sexual naivety of the main characters. Also this story also features themes of rape, slavery, and bestiality. It is intended as fantasy and nothing else. If you do not like such stories STOP reading now. Also don't fill up the comments section with posts about how sick the individuals in the story are or about the people who read or write this style...

1 year ago
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Sisters an evil friend and pantyhose tf part 2

Martin was alone for many hours, sometimes someone would come in, take something or put it away, and he would be alone again. He wondered if he'd done well without speaking to Marlene, only she could hear him. Now for Monica, he will be just a pair of tights like the others in a drawer.Monica returned after work, ate dinner with her sisters and mother. She took a quick shower and went to the wardrobe. She began to look through clothes in the closet.This one will be perfect, she said and took...

3 years ago
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sisters have to share

A true story from years ago.I had been seperated from my wife about a year, and decided it was time to go dating. I met a lovely girl from work I asked her out and she duly excepted. As i dropped her off I kissed her softly and stroked her smal tit her nipple reacted as she gasped with excitement, she asked me in for a coffee, I refused but said next time as I had to be at work early and said night.On the way home my cock was throbbing i got into the house and went to bed I rubbed my cock until...

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Sisters panties

Note: this story is completly fictional.. It's been months since Bobby has seen his sister Karla, and now he can't wait to see her this weekend. Bobby is a masculine guy he wrestled for his high school and became state champ. Bobby couldn't wait to see Karla he planned to do so many things with her like take to kings dominion to have fun. What Bobby didn't realize is that Karla was visiting to tell everyone that she was pregnant. Bobby was happy and sad at the same time because he wanted to...

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ExtramaritalDiscovery and Acceptance

Robert couldn't believe his own eyes. Jayne was positioned between the legs of a younger woman, eating her pussy and licking her ass. They were both enjoying themselves, and why not? This woman Jayne was with was hot. But who was she? Jayne never mentioned a female lover in her talks with him, only Zach. Strangely enough, Robert not only found their lovemaking interesting, it was starting to excite him. He had encouraged Jayne to take on different sex partners, but he only wanted her to supply...

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A Kind of Acceptance

Another year had gone by and it was Christmas again. Samantha pulled her red coat tightly around her as she ran lightly to her car. She turned the engine on and sat, waiting for the frost to clear from the windscreen. She couldn’t believe where the time went. It seemed so long ago since she had seen James, yet, as she checked her hair and carefully applied makeup in the rear view mirror, the memories of their last meeting came flooding back, causing her to pull her breath in sharply as her...

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Ultimate SpiderWoman Issue 5 Acceptance

Issue 5: Acceptance After the guards came and took Krystal away I crawled back to bed and pulled the covers over myself, mainly cause I felt like crap. Physically and mentally. I wanted to hide from this prison and from my thoughts. The nausea and aching was odd. With my spider powers I'd not really been prone to much illness. In fact I'd felt pretty invincible. I could shrug of injuries that would have killed normal people or taken them months to recover from. But I was not a...

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The Week I Turned Into Erin Chapter 6 Acceptance

When I got home, I was still in an utter state of shock. I opened up my computer and started doing some research for Dr. Fry. Nothing on the web. Nothing on facebook. Nothing about the clinic. I couldn't find anything. It's as if the guy and clinic never existed. A bad feeling started to grow in me. This got me worried. Dr. Fry admitted to me that he was working for the government. What happened? Did someone get to him? Will they come for me too? Was this all in my...

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Sisters in their Fifties Wrestle

How my wife Beverly came to wrestle her older sister Carla in the nude is a very interesting story. I'm Beverly's husband Andy. The whole thing started when Beverly and Carla were talking on the phone three months ago. I could hear the conversation because Beverly had it on speaker while she worked in the kitchen. "Yeah," Carla's husky voice said over the phone. "I'm going to start a weight training program. I'm gonna drop this fat and build some muscle. I just turned 54, and I'm gonna get...

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sisters boyfriend

There I was trying my sisters panties on when I here'd a voice say "hahaha I knew you would look good in panties faggot" my hart snack I turned my head to see my sisters boyfriend standing there with his huge cock in his hand with a look on his face I have never seen before. I said "what the fuck are you doing here dean" he said "I think the question is what the fuck are you doing with your sisters panties on" I was so embarrassed I had no words to say. I went to walk out the room so I could...

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Sisters Randiya Or Mere Friends Bilal Shahid

Hi friends may saad agar apko meri story pasand ai ho to mujhe is emai par massage kariye ga saad ho karachi ka rehne wala ho meri papa safdar out of country hay. Mom zubaida housewives hay figure 36 38 30 hay age 45 Sisters 1:rafia age 25 hot hay yar hamesha jeans or tit shirt pehenti hay 2:sadia :age 24 figure 34 28 32 hay dono sex bombs hay Dono parhai se farigh hay or gasht karne may lagi rehti hay ghomna phirna or larko ko seduce karna inka kaam hay.Mere friens aksar ghar atey hay jis...

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SistersChapter 12 To Die For

Nikki and Zoë waved good-bye to Pete. Nikki found it amazing how different Pete could be when he was away from the rest of the gang. He was more patient, and instead of behaving like an asshole trying to impress them with smooth moves on the surfboard - far too difficult for beginners - he made sure you knew the basics before attempting something more daring. Nikki and Zoë were discussing this when they got home. "Hi, Nikki," Linda greeted them as they came in. "Hi,...

1 year ago
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Sisters8217 Wonderful Birthday Gift 8211 Part I

Hi every incest lover…. My name is Sanjay. I am from Hyderabad. I am an average looking guy, studying B.Tech final year. I come from an upper middle class family. My father works as an Executive Engineer. Mother is a house wife. I have a beautiful sister Sanjana, who is 2 years elder to me and she is pursuing her MBA in US. She is a beauty with sexy figure 32-28-32. This story which I am, going to share with you had happened after my EAMCET exam, before i was joining engineering. At that time...

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sisters friend and sisters

Mikayla and my sisters name is Shayna. So one night very late me and my sisters friend were sitting talking to people on the internet. She was asked if she'd ever fingered her self and she said yes. I kinda got exicted but it didnt go anywhere that night and she walked out the door and shook her nice round ass a bit. She has 32 Cs a nice ass and a gorgous face. So we'd all play board games every friday of the week. But one night it was different Mikayla had brought a friend...

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Being married for more than twenty years, I thought I had heard heard all of the stories from my wife's sexual past. It turns out there are many still to be heard.A recent visit from her sister brought to light a little more detail about Marg. Her sister let slip a comment about men who like sisters. I thought it was a reference to the same man who wanted to date them both. It became a something else.There are three sisters with my wife being the middle sister. At one point all were living at...

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Sisters By Karin Roberts What is it about sister's one moment they are fighting like cat and dog the next you would be hard pushed to break their bond with half a ton of dynamite? I first met Allie in a pub, I was out celebrating a friend's 21st birthday, to be honest it was actually her sister I met first. I walked to the bar and shouted up a round of drinks 3 vodkas and coke 4 pints and a bottle of cider. "Hey meat head stop jumping the queue." I turned to my left an...

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Sisters This is the sequel to 'Virginity Lost'. In that story I told of how I lost my virginity to my English teacher Mrs Patricia Diamond when I was 16 years old in 5th form of High School. In the six months following my first sex session with Mrs Diamond I learned a lot about how to have good sex. I learned how to pace myself so that even a first fuck would last long enough to bring satisfaction to my lover. She taught me what brings pleasure, where to stimulate with cock, tongue and fingers....

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Eric and his sister Kate had been pretty close since they were k**s. At 21 Kate was very attractive, and could have any guy she wanted, but unfortunately for her she always seemed to pick out the losers that broke her heart. She had her own place, and that came in handy when Eric her younger brother needed a place to stay. He was attending the local junior college, and was heavy into partying and drink too damn much. His parents had kicked him out of the house after getting arrested for drunk...

1 year ago
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SistersChapter 3 Danger

Linda slowly opened her sleepy eyes and began listening attentively to the sounds of the night. She heard a rustling sound in the hall, perhaps the sound that had woken her. All at once she sat up and gently but firmly made Nikki roll off her. "What?" Nikki asked, snapping out of her lethargy and becoming scared. Linda made a motion for her to keep quiet. Because of their mad, crazy lust for each other, they had forgotten to close the door of their room. Linda wrapped herself in her robe,...

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Sisters of the Cincinnati

Baby, if you’ve ever wondered, Wondered whatever became of me, I’m living on the air in Cincinnati, Cincinnati, WKRP. Got kind of tired packing and unpacking, Town to town and up and down the dial Maybe you and me were never meant to be, But baby think of me once in awhile. I’m at WKRP in Cincinnati... Theme by T Wells and H Wilson The hands on the wall clock reached six o’clock, marking the end of afternoon drive time and the work day for most of the staff at WKRP. Bailey Quarters,...

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SistersChapter 15 Of The Mighty And The Weak

Linda entered the imposing room with its paintings by old masters hanging on oak paneling, and its bookcases of old law books. Randolph West was writing, comparing files and documents, looking left and right and then right and left, a caricature of the man of success in his field. He looked up at Linda over the top of his glasses, and waved at her, "Come... come..." as if she were a dog or a little child. "Sit down," he said, with a commanding voice, still busy with his papers. A few...

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