Katrina Ch. 05-06 free porn video

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This story is seven chapters long. I am posting two chapters at a time till all are posted. You may want to read the earlier chapters before this one. Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit my story.


Chapter Five:

Jeff called me later during the week and told me he had some bad news. He said when he had gotten back to the base, after Christmas, he had new orders. He was being transferred to Nellis Air Force base just outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. He said he would be leaving the second week of January and would be gone for approximately five months.

He would be seeing me before he left but wanted me to know, now. I was really feeling down, but trying to make the best of it. I worked on New Years Eve and at midnight my cell phone rang. It was Jeff wishing me a Happy New Year.

It was then I told him that I was thinking about him being in Las Vegas. I mentioned to him that I could probably get a couple of days off and go to Las Vegas and visit him a couple of times. I really wanted to be with him. He didn’t say much about it and said he would see me in a few days.

He stopped by the following week and we talked. For some reason he seemed sad. I figured it was because he would be going away for five months. I wore the necklace and ring he had given me for Christmas. I wanted him to know I cared for him.

We went out to a Karaoke bar and listened to the different singers. He seemed sort of out of it and asked me to go up and sing a song for him. I remember him saying that when we were in choir that he loved to listen to me sing.

The song that entered my mind was ‘Loving You’ by Elvis. I went up on the stage and stared down at Jeff in the front row as I sang for him.

I will spend my whole life through

Loving you, just loving you

Winter, Summer, Springtime too

Loving you, loving you

Makes no difference where I go or what I may do

You know that I’ll always be loving you, just you

I was putting my real feelings into this song. I looked over at Jeff who had a sweet smile on his face but still seemed sad, I finished the song.

And, if I’m seen with someone new

Don’t be blue, don’t you be blue

I’ll be faithful, I’ll be true

Always true, true to you

There is only one for me, and you know who

You know that I’ll always be loving you

Jeff stood up when I finished and clapped for me. Other patrons began to stand and clap also. I sat down with Jeff and we talked some more. Patrons at the lounge stopped by the table and complimented my singing, some even said I should sing professionally. I thanked them but hoped they would let Jeff and I talk. It was then Jeff said he had something to tell me.

The look on his face didn’t look good. ‘What is it Jeff?’ I asked.

‘I told you I would never lie to you, but I did,’ replied Jeff.

‘I don’t understand, when and why would you lie to me?’ I was really confused and very nervous.

‘I’m not going to Las Vegas. I will be gone for five months but I will be going back to the Middle East. They haven’t told me where yet, but I’m sure it won’t be the best area. I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry. When you mentioned that you would come and visit me I knew then, I had to tell you the truth.’

I was totally shocked. We finally had something going and life was pretty good and now he said he was leaving to go overseas again. I started crying right there at the table. I was attracting attention and did my best to stop. We left the lounge and he drove me home.

It was cold out so we sat in the car and talked. He told me again how much he cared for me and hoped that I would wait for him to return. He said he had talked with the Detroit police department and was already accepted when he returned from overseas, he was going to go through their training program to become a police officer.

I asked him if he wanted to make love with me before he left. He said he wanted to more than anything, but wasn’t going to. ‘I don’t want to make love to you one time and then not see you for months. When I return and we are together again, I will make love to you day and night, if you wait for me.’

He did kiss me very passionately on the front porch and I cried as he left. When I went inside Mom saw me crying and I told her the story about Jeff going again to the Middle East. As always, she was there for me. She hugged me and told me if it is meant to be, it will happen.


Life went on. I did everything I could, to keep busy. I continued taking courses to advance my nursing career. I was being the best nurse I could be and when not working, I spent my time with my little girl. She was developing her personality, crawling and was just a happy little baby. I often thought about how Jeff held her and changed her diaper, what a good father he would be.

I was asked out by several of the male nurses and interns. I ate lunch with them at the hospital and told them that I liked them as friends but I had someone special in my life that I was waiting for.

About once every couple of weeks a group of us went to the Karaoke lounge near the hospital. It got around that I could sing but a couple of my friends could sing also. Sometimes I sang a solo and other times with my friends.

I have to admit that it was nice getting attention from men but I didn’t flirt with them, I would always tell them that I was spoken for. A couple of them who knew about Jeff being in the service would say things like, ‘Do you think he’s being celibate thousands of miles away.’ Or, ‘I don’t see an engagement ring on your finger. Surely he didn’t think a good looking woman like you would just sit back and wait?’

I was hit on quite often. When asked to dance, I usually refused. I was tired of being groped and tired of fighting men off. Even married guys would try and see how far they could get. ‘Not available’ just wasn’t enough for some guys. Luckily, I did have some male friends that stuck up for me.

Most of my girlfriends were married, but they seemed to get hit on also, but handled it quite well. Not every woman that has a night out with her friends is out to cheat. We just wanted to go out for some Karaoke and have a few laughs. One thing I often thought about was, most of my friends had someone waiting for them when they got home.

One evening a man approached me in the parking lot as I was leaving the club. No matter what I said to him, he wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer. I told him over and over I wasn’t interested in him but that didn’t help. I was scared but used a little trick that Jeff had taught me. I let the man get close and as soon as his face was close to mine I kneed him in the balls as hard as I could. When he backed up and bent over, I did like Jeff told me and used my elbow instead of my fist and caught him square on the side of the face.

As he was starting to recover I reached in my purse and sprayed him in the eyes with pepper spray. I was scared shitless and hurried and got in my car and drove home. My adrenalin was really pumping. I told my mother what had happened and she called the police department and said the man most likely would be at an emergency room. Since I wasn’t harmed in anyway and couldn’t prove he started it, he got away with a warning.

The police told me it was my word against his and he was the only one with injuries. The man said that he was just talking to me and I attacked him and sprayed mace in his eyes. They did say that they gave him a stern warning.


It was almost two months before I got a letter from Jeff. He said he was well but missed me and Alecia. He carried a photo of the two of us that he had taken over Christmas. He also said he was being totally celibate and hoped I was too. He wrote about our future together and how much he loved me and hoped all was well with me.

I wrote him back and l
et him know how much I missed him and that Alecia was changing by the day and every day was a new experience with her. I mentioned that I wished he could be here to see her grow up. I told him that when ever I showed a picture of him to Alecia, she seemed to smile. I sent him new photos of both of us. I did tell him that I was celibate and waiting for him and only him. I loved Jeff and was going to be faithful to him. I will admit that at times, I was lonely.

I had to wonder if the man who attacked me was right. Did I unintentionally flirt with men? I was just trying to be nice. I have always had a bubbly personality but maybe I was asking for trouble. I talked to my girlfriends and they told me my personality was part of who I was. My girlfriend Jan told me if I wasn’t so darn pretty that I might not have this problem even though some men will go after any woman who talked to them.

I guess I was always naïve until this past year when I grew up so fast. I liked to look at good looking men as much as the next woman. That didn’t mean I wanted to sleep with them. Being nice to people was just part of my makeup.

A couple more months and hopefully Jeff would return and we could make plans to get on with our lives. A few male friends wished me luck while other said I should have a little fun while I was not formally attached to anyone.

Jeff speaks:

Trina and I grew up together. We were always best friends. In fact we were blood brothers. When she was about seven years old Trina fell on some rocks and cut her finger and started crying. I told her we could become blood brothers and it would help relieve the pain. I told her I remember seeing it on TV.

I cut my finger with a sharp rock and had a drop of blood and pressed it against Trina’s little bit of blood. She smiled and said, ‘The pain is going away. Are we really blood brothers now?’

‘Well, we are blood sister and brother since you’re a girl. I promise to always take care of you. We’ll be best friends, forever.’ She smiled at me and gave me a hug.

She told her mom about her cut when we got home, and her mother made her wash her finger and then put a band aid on it, but I told her, it didn’t change our secret pact. I was always going to take care of her.

In high school I played sports. I wasn’t any superstar but I did hold my own. I worked out a lot and tried to stay in shape. I didn’t date much because I preferred to hang out with Trina. Her mom was really pretty strict and wouldn’t let Trina go out with me or anyone else. She told her there was enough time to date, after she finished high school.

Her mom liked me, but I believe it had something to do with her ex husband who left her with three kids. She did let Trina go to group activities so we both joined everything we could. I even joined the crazy, school choir. I wasn’t much of a singer, but Trina sounded great.

We were always asked if we were a couple, but we would always tell everyone ‘no’, that we were just ‘best friends.’ Every now and then Trina would say we were blood brothers which made me laugh.

Even though I was a year ahead of Trina in school she was smarter than I was. She would always help me with my homework. I treated her like I would a little sister and always protected her. She was friendly to most everyone and some took it wrong, thinking that she might be easy. I had to set them straight.

I knew my feelings for her were strong, but I never told her how I felt. The last thing I wanted would be to lose her as a best friend, so I kept quite and played the good friend.

I did go out on other dates and even had sex with a friend named Lisa. I had often pretended in my mind that she was Trina. Why I never just came out and told Trina I had feelings for her, I don’t know. I enlisted in the Air Force, knowing I had to be away from her for awhile. At the time I wasn’t sure what I was doing. I needed to get my head on straight.

We wrote each other fairly often. Being in war torn areas made me think straight and what was really important to me. I didn’t want to die without telling Trina how I really felt about her. When I was in Paris for some R & R I bought her a necklace and ring. I was going to surprise her and send it to her, telling her I was in love with her. It was then, that all Hell broke loose.

I got a letter and she told me she had been dating. I held back sending her the gift till I found out more. That’s when she told me she was pregnant. I was devastated. I blew my chance of us being a couple. After that I had sex with dozens of women. To be honest, I did have sex with a few when I first went overseas, but now I didn’t give a shit.

I didn’t care what their race, or nationality was, I had sex with them. I stopped writing to Trina after she told me she had a baby girl and the father was Matthew. He was a guy I had altercations with at school. He once said he was going to fuck Trina and I beat his ass. He told people that a couple of guys from another school jumped him. He stayed away from me.

I was surprised when Trina told me that Matt had taken her to her prom. I couldn’t believe her mother would let her go out with that asshole. I came home on leave and didn’t leave her side, till I had to leave for my tour of duty.

After I did all my tours of duty, I was told I would be going stateside. It was then, that I received a letter from Trina telling me she and Matt were not a couple anymore and that she had received her degree and was moving back home. It was like God was giving me a second chance with Trina. I had bought gifts for a lot of my family members and decided to get some for her family as well. I always liked her little brother and sister and her mom was nice to me but just wouldn’t let us date.

After arriving home I went and visited Trina and her family. I honestly didn’t know what to expect. My parents had always liked Trina, but they also knew she had a child now and wondered if I should get involved with her. I told them I had to see how things would go. She was always my best friend.

When Trina opened the door and hugged me and started crying I couldn’t help how I felt. My best friend was still my best friend. Even her mother and sister hugged me. I grabbed her brother and gave him a big hug.

We talked for awhile and then I saw Alecia. She was just a tiny little thing only a few months old. I couldn’t help but have tears in my eyes while I held the little girl, she was so precious. Trina went to get us some hot chocolate and I could tell Alecia needed changing.

Mrs. Whiting offered to change her but I said I wanted to do it. The cute little girl just smiled at me all the time I was changing her. I didn’t have any problems since I’ve changed my nieces and nephews diapers for years. This little baby to me was special. It was just something I felt in my heart and it might sound stupid but, I believe we had a connection.

Trina and I were alone and she told me the whole sordid story about Matt. It was bad enough that she was with him but having a child with him was even worse. He wasn’t even a man, he was an immature asshole whose parents always bought his way out of trouble.

Not that that was bad enough, but he ended up humiliating Trina and having his friends using her. All this so he wouldn’t have to take care of his responsibilities. I know some of this was Trina’s fault for putting herself in this situation but I felt I let her down, by not being there for her.

I told her where I would be stationed and that we could keep in contact and I could see her now and then. I left her house and let her know I would be back before Christmas to see her and her family.

I was confused about Matt and his friends. It upset my stomach every time I thought about how she was treated. I couldn’t get over it. I knew I had to do something about it.

As I told Trina, I had a day off so I asked a pilot friend of mine if he would take me to the university to see an old friend
for a couple of hours. I leased a car and drove from the airport to the university. My friend said he would wait at the airport for me. He had some friends he said he would hang out with, while I was gone.

I wore a hooded sweatshirt that said Michigan State University and a mask over my face when I approached the cameras. I went into the football locker room and started breaking into lockers. I grabbed wallets and looked at the drivers licenses and threw them into a gym bag. I didn’t want any of their money, I just wanted Matt’s wallet and cell phone.

I wore gloves so I wouldn’t leave any prints. I came across two wallets with the pictures of Brad and Tony in them. It was then after seeing their pictures that the two assholes came into the locker room and headed straight for me. I can’t tell you the rage that came over me.

I hit ‘asshole Brad’ in the jaw and he dropped right to the floor. I kicked Tony in the balls and he went down. I yelled at him to tell me which locker belonged to Matt. I kicked him in the ribs a good four times and stood on Brad’s neck, cutting off his air supply till they told me which locker belonged to Matt and I took his wallet and cell phone.

I wanted to kill these two assholes and probably would have, but heard someone coming. I kicked them both one more time before leaving out the back door. I dropped all the wallets except for Matt’s, in the dumpster. I opened Matt’s phone and took out the sim card and threw the phone in the dumpster.

I drove through the nearest slum area I could find and threw out Matt’s wallet. I waited and saw a group of guys pick up the wallet, they acted like they’d won the lottery. If Matt would have walked into the locker room, I would probably have come close to killing him. At least he would have a major headache trying to cancel his credit cards and getting another drivers license and other documents.

Hopefully the cards would get maxed out before Matt could get them cancelled. I drove back to the airport, ate lunch with my buddy and his friends and went back to base. It all went pretty good but I do wish I could have gotten a hold of Matt.

According to Trina the two guys spent a couple of days in the hospital and didn’t recognize their assailant. All in all, it was a good day for me. I just wish I could have met Matt, face to face.

I got the lousy news that I was to go back overseas for a few months. I told Trina that I would be stationed in Las Vegas until she told me she would come out and visit me. I had to tell her the truth then and she cried. She asked me if I wanted to make love to her.

I wanted to more than anything, but I didn’t want it to be a one night stand and told her so. I let her know that when I got back from the Middle East, we could be together if she still wanted to. I kissed her passionately and told her I loved her.

Chapter 6

It had been four months since Jeff has been gone. He had sent me letters telling me how much he missed me and Alecia. Other than studying, going to work and doing things with my family, I went out to sing Karaoke with my friends every couple of weeks. I no longer drove there by myself, since the incident.

A couple of my male friends would joke about hitting on me but never tried anything after I would shut them down. I made sure they knew I was waiting for Jeff. I think they stayed around just in case either Jeff or I changed our minds.

On one Saturday, that I had a night off, I felt really sad. I thought about Jeff and how much I missed him. I had to wonder if he still felt the same about me. After all it had been four and a half months that we’ve been apart. In his letters he said he still loved me.

My friend Eric and a couple of other nurses convinced me to go to Karaoke. They said I needed a night out and it might make me feel better. Mom agreed with them and said she would watch Alecia for me. My friend Jen picked me up and said the others would meet us there. We arrived at the lounge and Eric got us a front row table. There were six of us in all, four girls and two guys.

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Babysitting for my Uncle part 4

“Shhh” Jace whispered as he continued. I laid back and enjoyed the moment. I kept glancing at the kids to make sure they were distracted. As I neared orgasm, I stopped him and ran down the hall to the bathroom. Jace followed and threw me on the counter. Shorts came off and panties slid to the side as his mouth made contact with my pussy. I gasped so loudly and gripped for bearing. I knocked some toothbrushes off and the soap into the sink. He continued to lick me and eat me out. It only took...

3 years ago
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An Afternoons Entertainment

Maddie arrived home from the bus stop and began her now common routine: strip out of the god-awful khaki skirt and powder blue polo shirt that comprised the school uniform, borrow her Mom’s Louboutin pumps and double pearl necklace, and parade around the house feeling sexy. She’d preen in front of the full-length mirror in her bedroom, imitating the poses she saw on Instagram and TikTok, and narcissistically enjoy the alluring nubile body that had magically appeared over the last year. The boys...

1 year ago
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Campus Life Spring BreakChapter 3

Friday evening, the week before Spring Break Week--Dee and Aaron. "Oh, God! Yes!" Dee's whole body shook as her third orgasm of the evening washed over her. Her eyes were closed and her mouth hung slightly open as she attempted to catch her breath following the intense orgasmic blast that had swept her entire being. Dee had begun to climax again just after she felt the swelling in her cunt of Kyle's wonderful cock, signaling his pending ejaculation inside of her. She had wrapped her...

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Futile Resistance Ch 11

French’s mood was the best it had been in days, she felt as light as air and imbued with a wonderful positive energy. This time she would make sure she stayed happy. She sat in the backseat of the black Mercedes-Benz® taxi and drummed her fingertips on her thigh. Parisian cab drivers were known for their speedy driving, but she was impatient and willed the driver to go even faster than he already was. She wanted to hurry back to Aidan. He was exhausted from his trip and had been deeply asleep...

2 years ago
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Blonde college girls fucks with old man

I had been lucky and retired early from my own business. A divorce 5 years earlier had not been that messy. We both decided that the marriage was not working. She had her own career that was time consuming and it came to an end. No alimony, no kids, reasonable settlement on money issues and we split. Having lived in Florida for over 20 years I had the toys that go with the lifestyle. A condo in a marina community. A 45 foot sail boat with everything a sailor could want in the way of gadgets. It...

3 years ago
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Two Fridays Part 1

One day, my uncle Ben, who is my mum’s brother, was staying over, and I heard him saying to my mum that my dad must have hardly given her time to get her pants back on after she had me, before he knocked her up a second time, and my sister came along. Uncle Ben probably didn’t mean for me to hear him saying that, but when I think about it, the comment probably had a certain amount of truth in it. There was less than a year between my sister, Tina, and me, so we were pretty close as kids.   ...

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Flight Fantasy part 2

Flight Fantasy -FinaleI awoke slowly that Saturday morning after a long night of passion. Cheryl had been insistent in her desire, not only urging me to take her to higher and higher places of sexual pleasure but in her seeing that I was equally pleased. There was nothing of herself that she held back and she demanded everything from me in return. It was the most incredible sex I have ever had. It was almost as if she thought there would never be another time for us. That thought gave me a...

Love Stories
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Bhaiya8217s Gang Gangbanged Urvi

H I this is chaitali again. Presenting one more exciting, erotic, ecstacy for you.The people who read my previous stories must be remembering how much I like being banged by more than one cock. After that day I began to develop a new passion, that’s about being lesbian. Yes I began to play double role. I spent most of time with sapna and pooja. We went 3some. And enjoyed with fingerings and sucking. This was all going smooth, while bhaiya was planning another great bang. Let the story...

1 year ago
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My sister in Law Cums Around

My sister in Law Finally Cums AroundI have long been infatuated with my sister-in-law Barbara. She and I are the same age and even before I married her sister I was attracted to her beautiful body and personality. Through the years I could not help lusting for her and fantasizing about having sex with her though I knew it was not possible. She was the forbidden fruit that haunted my dreams. We have always got along well and had some great conversations over the years. It did not help that...

2 years ago
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Pegged by Helena

Friday evening I came back home from my office, finding my sweet Ana waiting for me with an early dinner.“Tonight I have a date, but you are not allowed to stay at home…” Anita told me as we were having a coffee after the meal.I asked her who would be the lucky one this time; but my sexy wife looked at me serious and told me it was not my business…So, before ten o`clock I grabbed my laptop and kissed goodbye Ana, telling her I would be at my office again until she would call me to come back.I...

1 year ago
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A Tale of Two Lovers

Sarah sung out the last note of ‘Love Song’ in the musical ‘A Tale of Two Lovers’, London’s newest west end musical. Benjamin sang his last note and the song ended, the show ended, Sarah’s fifth performance ended. Yet something was about to begin. The cast walked forward and bowed, Sarah and Ben in the front as the leads, their cheeks rosy red with pride and make-up as the crowds stood up and cheered them endlessly. Eventually, the noise died down, the curtain fell, and Sarah heaved a sigh...

2 years ago
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sexploits vol1

i was sixteen when i lost my cherry. my best friends family had arranged to go to a nearby holiday camp and had invited me along. my best friend had already lost his virginity a few months earlier and he was adamant i was to lose mine. it didnt take long before we met 2 local girls who were both the same age. we paired up with them but i soon realised i was out of luck as mine confessed she had a boyfriend and wasnt prepared to go all the way. my friend then politely suggested that i could have...

2 years ago
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Night Time

Ann was asleep when her dad came naked to her room. He took her nightie and panties off her and began to rub her pussy. He whispered "You need to let daddy feel real good and daddy needs to play with you." He spread her legs and watched his finger rub her clit and pussy hole. He then kissed her small tits and licked them. Then he put his mouth over her pussy and first licked slow but the more he licked the faster he went till he was really licking her fast. He loved the taste and smell of her...

3 years ago
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Super Mommy

My son came home, reeling with exhaustion from a hard day's work down at the ranch. He removed his hat, his forehead glistening with sweat and his black hair a mess. He walked over to the counter and poured himself a glass of cool water, guzzling every last drop. Hugh was 18, he had just graduated and was such a hard working boy. He was handsome, a chisled face atop a strong frame, his eyes a piercing hazel. Though he had his go around with girlfriends, he was still very shy and reserved, very...

3 years ago
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Glorias Daughter Ch 02

This is the middle installment of a three-part novella. It picks up right where the first part left off, which may make it a bit hard to follow for those who haven’t read chapter 1. As a recap: Our narrator is Dennis, a three-times-a-month regular to forty-ish prostitute Gloria, who works out of the renovated garage of her house. When he accidentally met Gloria’s college-age daughter, who hates her mom’s occupation, he became smitten with the younger redhead’s looks and verve, and asked Gloria...

3 years ago
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Doctor In Training

Lisa Zodrow sat in the doctor's exam room waiting somewhat impatiently for her physician. She was here for a physical, and always felt a sense of nervous anticipation about the check up. Her doctor, Richard Stapp, had been her physician for several years now, and was also their family doctor. He was very good, and always gave her a thorough and lengthy examination. They had been going to him ever since Lisa's husband had become acquainted with him at the golf club. Dr. Stapp was a very...

3 years ago
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Great Pleasure With Narmita In Agra

Hello my all lovely friends. I am Prince from Delhi and work in a MNC company. I also work as a masseur individually. I use to roam in the parts of North like Delhi NCR, Chandigarh, Jaipur, Sirsa and the enroute towns. I am 5’11 in height with 70 kg so you can imagine my body structure. By God’s grace my tool is sufficient enough to satisfy any girl or lady. To connect me drop me a mail at I am a regular user of Indian sex stories and here I would like to share a true sex experience of mine in...

1 year ago
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Shower and the new squirting orgasam

I was looking at some stories online, and found this one, it is not to different to an experience I had with a girlfriend once.Enjoy-------------------------------------------What is happening to my body? I feel crazier than I did when I was nineteen. It's ten years later, and I'll just come right out and say it, I'm hornier than a desperate teenage boy jerking off to his internet porn stash, and I'm now picturing that eerie LED glow that illuminates a darkened room in that telltale signal that...

4 years ago
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Seduction In Bunny Pyjamas Ch 02

Chapter 2 – Things can only get better after they’ve got a damn sight worse! An unexpected blast from the past rocks Alex’s world, in more ways than one… Note from Buzzlegirl – this is part 2. Things start to heat up now and get moving. please do vote and leave comments, I’d love to hear what you think about how things are developing! With lots of thanks to luvtaread for her superb editing skills. ‘So how come I haven’t seen you in here before’ Justin shouted over Nicola’s warbling karaoke...

2 years ago
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Nurse Deana Chapter 1

His name was Jack Powell, a tall muscular man; age sixty-five, with a prominent chin, long broad nose, blue eyes, and black hair speckled with gray. In her mind she was thinking, “For an older man he is quiet handsome and sexy.” Deana quivered clear to the center of her womanhood, hoping this time she would remain calm, because she’d always went beyond regular care and relieved many of the men’s sexual urges, after all they were suffering. She tapped on the door and heard Jack as he...

1 year ago
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Cervical Sex with Squirting Orgasms

(This story is fantasy)Knock. Knock. Knock. She tapped on the door. She was running a few minutes late she was nervous he wouldn't see her. Her back was in knots after a long week at work and he was the best around. Jenni has only had a few massages in her life, but it had been a few years since her last one.After a few seconds the door opens. She sees a tall good looking man blue eyes with long blonde hair reaching down his back. He had also had a short beard but the second he saw me a huge...

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Donnas Halloween

Donna Anne's Halloween by Lisa Elizabeth in conjunction with Donna Anne Any resemblance of characters or situations to those of real persons or situations is purely coincidence. This is a work of fiction. ********************************************************** I had done it! I had won the costume contest at my school. It had been wonderful and I was very happy when I had gone to sleep last night. Now it was morning and I woke up in my bed holding on to Raggedy Ann. Today...

3 years ago
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Teachers Pet Ch 13

DISCLAIMER #2: Themes of this story revolve largely around humiliation, black mail, and voyeurism. If you are not interested in these themes, please do not read. Of course, in real life much of what is portrayed in this story is despicable, and should not be tolerated under any circumstance. Hence, why this is a story of fantasy, and should not be taken seriously. DISCLAIMER #3: While themes of the story certainly can be dark, I do try to keep things light with a certain "comic book" style....

2 years ago
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06 HomeChapter 49

Present – Jack – Firefight at the cabin I'm thankful as hell Alexi grabbed Ivan and hauled ass into the cabin and I need to make sure to thank him and his two sisters. I check that Ivan and Masha are okay then I look out the window and declare, "Fuck! We have two of the team down I need to get back out there and fight!" Masha comes over and threatens, "Jack don't you dare die or I will kill you!" I fight back a laugh and reply, "Honey don't worry, I've fought bigger dogs than this...

4 years ago
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Face Fucked By A Thug Painful But Good

Oral Sex: Its 4am and i am awaken by Jay, my sexy thugged out fuck buddy. Jay is horny and ready to fuck. He says "wake up i wanna bust one". As I lay on my back he props a total of four pillows against my head and back. I didn't understand why, this is during the first stages of our fuckship. He climbs on top of me to where his dick is in my face. He's on his knees right above my chest/neck. By now i get the picture, he was about to face fuck me. If you have read my other stories you know that...

3 years ago
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Couple Swapping

Hello friends, Do you remember Amit & Amrita and their friends, Sanjay & Sunita? Here again we are going to tell you one more good experience of our life. Indeed we had much good and bad experience but this one is better than others. We had other couple friend (we will tell them Kanti & Kavati) almost same age as of us. Kanti was a normal man with good business while Kavati was a housewife but very shy lady. But we were good friends. After our first experience at Daman with Sanjay & Sunita, I...

2 years ago
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Female Doctor

About two months ago I had to make an appointment for my yearly doctor's checkup, so I called the hospital. The receptionist informed me that my regular doctor was on vacation, but I needed to get the appointment out of the way so I asked if another doctor was available. She told me that the only doctor available at the moment, Dr. Baumer, was a woman, but I figured this shouldn't be such a big deal. It might be a little weird to be examined by a woman, but since I didn't have any...

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Juicy Judy

“My sinuses are killing me! Damned allergies! I’m taking some antihistamines and going to bed. Maybe Benny will help you clean up the kitchen.” Those were my words to my roommate Judy as I got up from the dinner table and headed to the bedroom. We just been living together for a month after dating for almost a year. Our feelings were getting pretty serious and before we went any further she wanted to see if she could cohabitate with a male. She’d grown up with a single mother and younger...

2 years ago
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My Wife8217s Sexy Friend Sexy Neelam

Hi friends and this is the story of my life from where my appetite for sex was increased. Let me tell you about my body physique first. I am tall 5’11”, white, with muscular body leaving happily with my wife Jagriti. Both of us married since almost 1 year and having good sex life. We almost have sex every alternate day during week Mon to Sat and two times in weekend Sunday. Jagriti is real sex bomb and like to enjoy new things both of us working. Let me come to the real story and it was about 6...

4 years ago
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Spring time cuckolding

My wife wears the pants in this family , or I should say the garter belt and stockings , either way she has 100% of the pussy and she knows it. I work hard at my own business and this allows my wife the life of a stay at home wife. She has a closet full of sexy cloths and a rack of high hills from low to the tallest made. This woman loves being a woman... perfect nails on her fingers and toes a perfect tan and beautiful straight blonde hair. Her 34B cup tits are nice and round , they never need...

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Brads Miracle Cream

Brad's Miracle Cream by ~ MojoFu ~The buzzer sounded James walked over to hit the intercom button."Hello," called out James ."It's me," came Linda's voice back through the static filled box.James pushed the button to let her in then unlocked the door. He shuffled over to the couch and plunked himself down in front of the baseball game that was on. A few minutes passed until Linda came inside and shut the door behind her. She wandered over to the fridge and found a bottle of water. Opening the...

1 year ago
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Retirement Group Sex

Retirement Group Sex This is a story of three couples Jan and Dean, Alice and Ted, and my wife and I. I am sixty-five and retired like everyone else in this story. My wife is sixty-two. My sister Jan is sixty-one and married to Dean, who is sixty-three. My wife’s brother is Ted, age sixty-four. Ted is married to Alice, who is sixty. We all have grown children that are married and have children of their own. Retirement has startled us all. We have entirely too much time...

2 years ago
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The Older Neighbour

* Pt2 after Sauna Dark Room*The days following the sauna I was still shocked, there’s no way he was in there with me. I’d known him for years, we weren’t exactly close but my family had always been friendly with his. I could see the back of his house and two rooms from my room window. I decided to try and make sure it was him, discreetly. I had pretended to play football in my back garden for the first time in years, so I could kick the ball into his back garden. I went over and knocked on...

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The ArrangementChapter 2

"You want to what?" Kevin exclaimed. It was later that night, Mineena having been put to bed some time ago. "It isn't what I want to do. It's just that right now with our finances so tight..." "I can't believe you'd actually agree to..." "Honey, I haven't agreed to anything. I simply told Max last week that I needed some temporary work -- something that would pay well. Since I've been out of the business so long, I can't expect top spots or salary. He has this friend at...

4 years ago
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Viking Fucking

Viking FuckingIt's a mild Spring morning in the golden fields of Scandinavia. New life bursting at the seems all around.The sky is clear blue, with white fluffy clouds painted on the bright canvas of the day.A king is striding along through the tall grass, with wooden carved bow in hand, hunting for wild boars or rabbits or reindeer, or any kind of tasty game he can find and claim for his own.He is a powerful man.Literally.Tall, and strong, and big. Like a man-mountain made out of unflinching...

3 years ago
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Wife servicing in Africa

As you will all know well, it’s an extremely common fantasy amongst white women to have sex with black men, and that many white men (including myself) love watching our wives or girlfriends be fucked by African men.The reason why I’m writing is that my wife and I returned to the States in 2017 after four years of living in Lagos (we had a villa off of Bishop Olunole Street on Victoria island, not far from the Villa Angelia hotel there). I worked for an oil industry logistics company.For...


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