Reminiscences About A Teacher’s Pe free porn video

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This is a work of fiction and any resemblance of these over 18 year old characters or situations in this story to anything real is purely random chance. The seed of inspiration for this story came from reading a couple of other stories with similar themes that melded nicely with my own recollections of daydreams and wishful thinking about the assembled array of co-eds as a teaching assistant in college. Alas, none of it is personally true. The story takes a while to build. I put this one in the Romance category because there is a lot of character development and I think it transcends the sex but it isn’t really a classic romance.

Chapter 1 — First Day of Class

Paul Weller strode into the cavernous lecture hall, trying to emanate a sense of purpose and determination that would mask his shear terror. Careful not to betray his shaking hands, he placed the copies of the syllabus on the corner of the podium and began to organize his notes.

As he shuffled pages and made sure his notes were more organized than his adrenalin-charged brain, he was vaguely aware of the parade of students filing past to get the syllabus. Almost unconsciously at first, he gradually registered that the warm weather had influenced the state of dress of many of the students and that most of the students in his class were women.

Panic began to set in with a vengeance. Paul realized that facing a large class of mostly women dressed for the unseasonably warm weather while trying to keep his mind focused on Intro Biology was going to be a challenge. He reminded himself to check the demographic info on the class list and see if the students were generally first timers or repeaters of this course. He knew that Intro Biology had a reputation for being a weed-out course for the biology majors and he hoped he wasn’t faced with a large number of last chance students.

Paul began his introductory comments by introducing himself as a sessional lecturer for the course while he was working on his Ph.D. in cell biology. He reviewed the main points of the syllabus, paying special attention to the details of how the marks were calculated. Right away, several hands popped up.

Turning towards the closest hand he said ‘Yes?’

She was dressed for the warm weather but the air-conditioned lecture hall was playing havoc with her thermostat. Her tank top was stretched delectably over her firm breasts, her nipples clearly sensing the A/C and betraying her lack of a bra. The little desk attached to the seat heightened the illusion that her long tan legs stretched back into some dark and mysterious place. Paul dragged his eyes back to her face and reminded himself to maintain eye contact while listening carefully to her question.

‘Professor, do we really have to pass the final to pass the course?’

‘Yes, Miss …’


‘Yes, Jessica, you do. This course has always carried that stipulation because there is plenty of opportunity to collaborate with your fellow students and yet the university requires that we assess your individual performance accurately. If you work on the assignments and gain a good understanding of the material, you should have no problem with the final exam.’

Just as quickly as they shot up, the rest of the hands went down. Apparently the final exam was already the main source of concern.

Paul finished up his description of the course mechanics and launched right into a review of some basic high school biology. The chorus of groans was noticeable.

‘I know you think we don’t cover course material in the first class but this is a challenging course for some people and I want to use all of the class time productively.’

This statement brought another round of groans but Paul soldiered on for the full class time. To cap off the allotted time, over the rustle of books and backpacks, and chirps from music players and cell phones he raised his voice and assigned readings and practice questions out of the textbook.

The departing students had looks of disbelief plastered on their faces and a few comments bouncing between students filtered back to him from the departing crowd.

‘Do you believe that shit. Expecting us to, like, take notes and do homework the first day. Like, what kind of a fucked up class is this?’

‘That’s bullshit. I wanna hit the beach this weekend, not the books. Like, what the fuck does he think he’s doing?’

‘Man, if I didn’t have to take this, I’d, like, drop this shit in an instant. Fuck, this is nuts already.’

Paul smirked inwardly to himself. Part of his strategy as a rookie lecturer was to be seen as a no-nonsense kind of guy. He figured they wouldn’t walk all over him if he started off firmly in charge of things. As the departing din lessened and he gathered up his notes, Paul noticed that Jessica was lingering waiting to approach him.

‘Yes – Jessica is it?’

She beamed with pride that he remembered her name and then blushing at the realization she was acting like a high-schooler, hurriedly stepped forward with her question.

‘Professor, I’m really worried about this final exam thing. This is my second and last chance for this course and the final is what bit me last time. Is there any way around that rule? Can I do extra credit to show you I know the stuff even if it doesn’t come out on the exam? Please? Anything?’

He let the professor thing go by. Students did it automatically and truth be told, he rather liked the title even if it wasn’t true — yet. His mind quickly processed the ‘anything’ but he dismissed that as academic desperation and not an open invitation into her shorts.

Trying very hard to focus just on her face, he said ‘Jessica, why don’t you work hard on the assignments, make sure you come to my office hours if you have any questions and we’ll see how it goes. If you’re understanding the material that way, we can make sure the final isn’t an issue for you.’

‘But I did that last time’ she said with a sense of defeated hopelessness. ‘I did fine on the assignments all by myself but in the exam something didn’t click and it all fell apart. Please, I need this course to stay in college. My parents’ll kill me if I bomb out.’

‘Let’s see how it goes for the first little bit. I’ve put some sample finals on the course website. You can try those and see if the same thing happens. If it isn’t working for you come and see me later in the semester and we’ll come up with a strategy to help you prepare for the final.’

‘Okay, I’ll try. Thanks anyway, Professor.’

Paul watched her departing form with interest. Her butt was beautifully shaped, both globes rising, falling and softly bouncing independently, outlined to perfection by her tight shorts. He couldn’t see any obvious lines and he started to speculate about what color her thong was or if she was even wearing one at all. As he leaned over the podium to pick up his notes, he realized his jeans were uncomfortably tight up front. He groaned to himself at the prospect of an entire semester of that sort of off-limits eye candy that represented a direct route to the end of his short career as a sessional lecturer and grad student.

To add to his problems, he didn’t have a love interest in his life right now. His girlfriend of two years had dumped him a few months ago with the classic ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ speech. His thinking head was relieved because they had been going nowhere and he had been wondering how to break it to her. His other head was upset because the sex had been amazing. In fact, in the sack was the only time they did have something in common. She had been more than willing to try anything and everything two people and an assortment of toys could come up with. After she moved out, he had thrown himself into his studies and his advisor had noted the academic improvement. When the last minute opportunity for the sessional position had come up, it was his advisor who pushed him to try it.

‘Great exp
erience teaching an intro course. Good preparation for a career in academics. Looks great on your resumé,’ he had been told.

With three hours of lectures a week, office hours, monitoring online discussion groups and prep time, Paul realized the ‘great experience’ was also slave labor. With the meager pay scale for sessional lecturers added to his grad student stipend he was sure he probably still qualified as poverty stricken.

‘Oh well, with no time to socialize and no one to spend it on, I guess I don’t need a lot either’ he thought ruefully as he walked back to his office. This term was going to be rough. No girlfriend, no money, no free time and lots of nubile young eye candy.

Chapter 2 — Second class day

Paul strode confidently into class for his second lecture. With two classes each week, they were an hour and a half long and he was shocked to realize once he finished today’s material, that a week of lectures would have already gone by. He thought his nose-to-the-academic-grindstone approach was the right way to go as the students filed in silently like the condemned to their fate. His methods didn’t appear to have created a glut of empty seats so he was probably safe with the administration also.

As he settled into a rhythm teaching new material and reviewing the practice problems he had assigned, a number of students were able to respond with the correct answers. Clearly, some of them had taken him seriously and done their homework. Buoyed by his revelation, he settled into a more interactive style, using the readings and practice questions to get students participating.

The students seemed to respond to this approach, probably because the readings and homework weren’t just busywork but were good for the next class so they could see the purpose. As each student responded he asked their name and discreetly jotted these down, hoping to learn at least some of their names by the end of term. Amanda (three of those), Natalie, Heather, Jenn, Jenna, Jess, Sarah, Bill and so on. As he jotted the names he also recorded a quick shorthand about where they sat and their overall appearance. BSML = blonde, small chest, sitting middle left, RBFR = redhead, busty, front right and so on. For the guys he just noted where they sat since there were so few, the extra memory aids didn’t apply and they weren’t needed anyway.

Although some of the other students were responding to his questions, Jessica kept her head down the whole class, resolutely avoiding eye contact. As the class wound down, Paul once again outlined the reading assignment for the next class. This time, the students were quieter and more of them wrote down the chapter sections he rhymed off.

His list of readings and sample problems in the textbook wound down and the students began to file out. This time there was less grumbling from the departing herd.

Paul gathered up his notes and looked up at an empty room. Surprised no one had stayed behind with questions he finished packing up his stuff and headed back to his office. The one perk the department had given him as a sessional was a private office for the semester so the parade of students for office hours wouldn’t disturb the other grad students he normally shared an office with. He also had more space and a chalkboard to do examples for the students.

Like most universities, his had suffered repeated budget cuts over the past few years. Teaching assistants are expensive so the bean counters had squeezed the previous instructor to devolve the labs into a series of online virtual ‘experiments’ so the expensive teaching assistants could be replaced by a computer. The students would post questions online or drop by his office to cover any problems they had understanding the virtual labs.

That was where he was headed now, to his office and, he hoped, very few face-to-face or web-based questions about the first lab. It was a very basic lab about genetics and he didn’t expect much in the way of questions because this stuff was covered in middle school and high school in this state. It should be review.

Getting back to his office, he was relieved to find no one waiting for him. As he sat down at his computer and accessed the lab discussion board, he found a couple of very basic postings. In one of them, Jessica had posted a simple question about inheritance of genes and several students had chimed in with answers to help her. That was the fun part of teaching with this online stuff now, students can help each other without even leaving their dorm rooms.

Relieved to see there was nothing needing his attention, he turned his focus on preparing next week’s lectures. Time flew and as he finished up with sorting out the problems and readings, there was a tentative tap at the door.

‘Come in’ he tossed over his shoulder as he scribbled down the last of the sample problems he would assign.

The door swung gradually open and, sure enough, there stood Jessica.

‘A-a-are you still doing office hours?’ she haltingly inquired.

‘Yes I am, ah Jessica isn’t it?’

‘Yes, wow how did you remember?’

‘I’m trying to learn some names to make the class more interactive. Usually I don’t do so well with names so we’ll see how it goes. What can I help you with today?’

‘Well, I did the first lab and I had trouble with some stuff. I think it is pretty basic but I just don’t get it and I’m worried about the final exam again.’

‘Okay, c’mon in and grab a seat. What don’t you get?’

That question started off a half hour lesson on inheritance. Paul asked Jessica questions and had her writing on the chalkboard. This afforded him the opportunity to study her in at length and in great detail as she stood with her back to him working at the board. Her long blonde hair flowed like fine cloth over her shoulders, catching the late afternoon sun streaming in the office window to add rich golden hues.

Her cute little butt was working some magic inside that short skirt. As she reached up to write and diagram the answers, Paul appreciated the independence of those two firm globes as they followed the rest of her through the answers.

His gaze slide further south, watching as her calves did some magic of their own, tensing and flexing as she shifted her weight. Her heels gave just the right definition to her fine calves and writing on the chalkboard helped bring out that definition.

He was mesmerized and had to struggle to bring his attention back to her efforts, encouraging and correcting as necessary. Each new concept he asked her to describe gave him the chance to ogle her fine form a little longer and he kept her working through concepts to prolong the view.

Paul realized his appreciation of Jessica was physically manifesting itself and discreetly adjusted himself as he moved over to her left to see the part of the board she was blocking while she wrote. From this angle, Paul quickly noticed the view was even better.

With the sun low in sky, the light from the window off behind her framed her hair in a golden aura. But as entranced as he was with the sheen of her hair, he also noticed that the golden light rendered her blouse almost redundant. As she lifted her arm up and down writing on the board, her bra-encased breasts rose gracefully only to fall back gently bouncing in a hypnotic shimmy that drew all of his attention.

With all of his attention focused on her breasts, he almost got caught when she finished her explanation and looked curiously at him for another challenge. He tried to cover his inattention by rubbing his chin and moving to point at a term on her diagram.

‘What else do you know about gene expression?’ he asked to cover his potential embarrassment.

Jessica launched into another explanation but was obviously on shakier ground. She ran out of steam pretty quickly so Paul was ready with his attention fixed on her face. He provided some additional information about gene expression and had her write the
key bits on the board to reinforce the information.

‘Okay, that’s a great review for today. Are you more comfortable with that material now?’ he asked as he walked back to sit behind his desk to hide his interest in her delectable assets.

‘Oh yes, it seems so easy when you ask about things in little chunks and you help me stay on track along the way’, she happily admitted. ‘I don’t know why I freeze up on exams because I just went through this stuff with you.’

‘Well, exams can be stressful sometimes, even if you know the material. Figuring out what the questions are asking can be the hardest part.’

‘Thank you for working through this with me. Would it be possible to do a review like this each week before I do the online experiments?’

‘Yes Jessica, you can drop by this office hour slot each week if you like. So far, office hours have been really quiet so you might be able to get more one-on-one help each week.’

Chapter 3 — The Semester Unfolds

Paul settled in to the semester, finding teaching getting easier as he gained confidence and established a reasonable rapport with the class. The students felt safe answering his questions because, even when they got the answer obviously wrong, he did his best to rephrase the wrong answer into workable statements he could expand on.

Jessica settled into a routine of visiting his office each week for what was usually an hour-long review session of the week’s ‘experiment’.

After several visits, Paul realized he had been paying more attention to what Jessica had been saying and not as much to her fine form. Not that he hadn’t looked, of course he had. That day she wore a soft black sweater that molded perfectly to her exquisite curves, highlighting the fullness of her firm breasts. As she made a diagram to explain meiosis, in her enthusiastic rendition of the prophase, she had pressed her right breast firmly into the chalkboard leaving a white circle of chalk dust on the sweater. Paul’s imagination effortlessly made the transition from the white circle to her areola and he almost groaned out loud at that image.

But he had been just as drawn to her cute little mouth and even white teeth as she described and verified what she knew about meiosis. Even her deep blue eyes sparkled with new energy as she realized her understanding of the subject was growing more and more.

As her collection of questions for the week’s experiment wound down, Jessica’s tummy growled. ‘I missed lunch,’ she said as her cheeks reddened slightly.

Paul realized that he had been too busy to eat also. ‘I’m heading to the student union to grab a bite, would you like to join me?’

‘Yeah, that would be great. I have a night class tonight and I won’t last if I don’t get something.’

While Jessica was gathering up her things, Paul managed to stammer out ‘y-y-you’ve got a chalk s-s-smudge on front of your s-sweater.’

Jessica’s blush quickly returned as she surveyed the smudge and hesitantly brushed the chalk off her sweater. Paul silently appreciated the way gravity bounced her firm tit around under her attempts to remove the dust.

‘Th-th-thanks, wouldn’t want to w-walk around covered in d-dust’ it was her turn to stammer in embarrassment.

Their walk over to the student union passed in a tense silence. Even though it had started innocuously enough, they both realized that this was the first situation they had been in that wasn’t an instructor-student scenario.

As he held the door of the union open for her, Paul caught a whiff of her subtle perfume as her hair wafted by his nose. Barely stifling his groan, he caught up with her delightfully swaying backside and they headed to the food court. They met back at a table after filling their trays.

Jessica had gone for the light vegetarian thing but Paul, being the devout meat eater that he was, had a fully loaded personal pizza. They chuckled nervously at the contrast. Conversation was very stilted between them. Neither one knew what to talk about without the specter of Intro Biology hanging over her.

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Freaky Teachers

Kayla has always had an interest in being a teacher, maybe from both her mom and dad being teachers, but it was her dream job. She was 21 at the time and she got a job at one of the island's top most respected high school. It was like a dream come through to land this job straight out of college. Kayla thought she had at least a year or a few months to play with before getting tied down to a full time job, but she was still grateful to be making her own money and good money at...

2 years ago
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A Love of Two Teachers

“Spit it out,” Mr. Miller said roughly, “You know it’s true.” Mr. Lee sighed. “I already told you, I wasn’t flirting with Palmer! I mean really now, Bill, this is getting ridiculous. You think that I, a teacher, would think about any student of mine like that?” Bill Miller laughed derisively. “Well, that explains why you, Eric Lee, single, is around him like ninety percent of the time, eh?” “That’s not true!” Eric said frantically. “He’s just a good student, that’s all.” “Come now, that won’t...

Gay Male
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I fucked both my teachers

Hi I am Ravi & I like to read the sex stories of Kerala Erotica. I too did sex with my teachers. Their names are jannu & Rupa. They teach us two subjects. I never had a bad thought for them. I use to go to tuition at jannu teacher. She was very beautiful & maintained a very sexy figure. Her age was 27 & mine was 18 running. I have 15 good friends. All of us use to go to the tuition at her house. She was with her mother who was a heart patient. But their family is very rich. Once I got fainted...

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School Teachers

He’d ridden miles. His horse was tired but he knew he had to find her. Having worked for her father on the ranch, he knew having become an entrusted friend that she had to know just exactly what had become of her father 6 months back. Angus rode into Triply, a midsized town in Northern Texas, and once he could find her he could sit and tell her just what had happened. See, Libby’s father, had become a rancher, and at that time was running a woman’s ranch back in 1846. It was aptly named the Bar...

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School Teachers

He’d ridden miles. His horse was tired but he knew he had to find her. Having worked for her father on the ranch, he knew having become an entrusted friend that she had to know just exactly what had become of her father 6 months back. Angus rode into Triply, a midsized town in Northern Texas, and once he could find her he could sit and tell her just what had happened. See, Libby’s father, had become a rancher, and at that time was running a woman’s ranch back in 1846. It was aptly named the Bar...

Group Sex
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An 18 year old and two of his former PE teachers

It is the summer after I graduated from high school. I am 18 and half and using a fake id to get into a gay bar. I am chatting up a handsome guy in his mid 30’s when I am pulled away by two of my old high school physical education teachers, Mr. B and Mr. J. Mr. B is in his late 50’s and Mr. J is in his early 40s. Both are physically fit. They know I am not old enough to be in the bar. They threaten to tell the bar manager that I am only 18 unless I go with them to be punished. They include...

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sex with three teachers

Hi everyone, I am raj from Visakhapatnam. I am 18 years old. I am a regular reader of from my early sixteen’s. Now I will narrate u my story which happened in my schooldays. When I was studying my ninth class I am very poor in Hindi and English. So I always used to come class first from the end [I mean I get last ranks] I have a most beautiful sexy and gorgeous English teacher. Her name was Priya. She is about 5’6″ in height and her bra size is 34d. I was a mischievous...

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Annie and the SchoolTeachers

To be honest, I was feeling pretty fed up that Wednesday afternoon. I had twisted my ankle the day before, and although it wasn’t that serious, it meant that I wasn’t able to go on the usual cross-country run with the rest of the sixth form. I liked cross-country. Although I wasn’t much of a long-distance runner, the chance to get off the school premises for an afternoon made it good for a laugh, especially as my best friend Helen and I usually managed to have a bit of a chat on the way round....

2 years ago
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Watching The Teachers

He was just settling down in an old armchair that looked as if had last done service on Noah’s Ark when he heard a noise from the room next door. He jumped up guiltily; perhaps someone had come to check on him after all, and he got ready to look busy before they looked into the room he was in. The two rooms were actually one large one, but at some time in the past had been divided in two by a sort of partition wall, with a pair of sliding doors to allow them to be opened up if needed....

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Coward Little Housewife 8211 Part 7 Fucked By School Teachers

This is a fiction story, so enjoy it. Let me introduce myself. I’m Geeta Singh Anant, age 21, fit body, slender legs, especially curved thighs especially thicker than normal. Firm and straight boobs as especially noticed by everyone, fair skin, height 5 feet 5 inch. Four days after the reception incident, I decided to start dropping and picking Komal from school. I went to drop her on the next day itself. I went to drop her. After dropping her I was about to return back when a male teacher...

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The Private Life of Teachers

I set them off on a practical where they were making carbon dioxide by mixing HCl with limestone chips. everything was going fine, I was being pulled in a million different directions with students all asking questions at once, some not wearing goggles and others that just were not on task at all, all that is usual for a practical but then I see Connor fill a 100 ml beaker with HCl then start running back to his desk, right past me. "CONNOR!!!!" I yell about to admonish him for carrying...

3 years ago
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A Love of Two Teachers

“Spit it out,” Mr. Miller said roughly, “You know it’s true.” Mr. Lee sighed. “I already told you, I wasn’t flirting with Palmer! I mean really now, Bill, this is getting ridiculous. You think that I, a teacher, would think about any student of mine like that?” Bill Miller laughed derisively. “Well, that explains why you, Eric Lee, single, is around him like ninety percent of the time, eh?” “That’s not true!” Eric said frantically. “He’s just a good student, that’s all.” “Come now, that...

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"Excuse me, Mr. Deeson?" Kevin Deeson looked up from his computer at the sound of the voice and focused on the startlingly beautiful woman standing in his classroom doorway. "Are you Kevin Deeson?"she asked. " Yes, I am," he answered the woman. The woman said, "I"m Amy Jo Miller, the new biology teacher, and I will be in the classroom next door." "Please come on in I'll be with you in just a second, I have to finish entering these last few items on this purchase order." "I'm sorry, did I come...

2 years ago
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SRU Turnabout

Spells R Us: Turnabout By Morpheus ([email protected]) 26 Jan 98 Matt wiped the whipcream out of his ears and eyes feeling embarrassed to have been caught in the latest prank of his roommates Chris and Steve. The three of them often took turns playing pranks on each other. After all, what else was college for if not for fun and pranks. Going to the mall Matt hoped would give him some inspiration for his revenge. He needed something big to get back at those two and even...

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Dick van Dyke 1 If They Had Made a Movie Based on the Book Turnabout

Dick van Dyke 1: If They Had Made a Movie Based on the Book "Turnabout" By Ron Dow75 ([email protected]) "Rob, do you *have* to watch this movie?!" Laura said, upset. She was sitting up in her twin bed, trying to ignore what was on the bedroom TV behind her book. "What's wrong with this movie? It's a comedy!" Robert Petrie said from his bed. "It's going to give you nightmares! I just know it." "What?? This silly thing?!" "I know how suggestible you are, Rob. You...

4 years ago
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A Turnabout Party

A Turnabout Party Chapter 1 You are kidding me? It was Monday. I had just finished cooking dinner and my wife had just walked in the door from work. She set her things down and just said, "You may get your wish." "My wish?" "Yes. Your wish for us to go out with you looking like a woman." You see I'm a work at home husband, doing on-line editing of technical books, papers, and the like. My wife is a high end professional woman. I...

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Turnabout Part I

6:30 AM. The alarm buzzed. I slammed down the sleep button, with every intent of going back to sleep. Five minutes later, I had to go to the bathroom and got up to go. I turned on the light. I looked in the mirror. My wife looked back. I screamed. "What's wrong, Dan?" I heard myself say, from the bed. "Come here, Jessica," I heard my wife's voice say. "Come here. NOW!" I saw myself walk in. "What's wr....DAN! What's going on?" "How should I know? I woke up... and I'm...

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Test Subject Turnabout Angelas Story

Test Subject Turnabout - Angela's Story After receiving some negative comments on a previous story I put up (Test Subject Turnabout which focused on a young man who knowingly dated a pre-op transsexual, did some very bad things to her, fell in love, apologized, and tried to win her back), I contacted a well known tg author with a question about dealing with that bad thing. The response I received prompted this alternate viewpoint which has more character development. You may want to...

2 years ago
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RoundaboutInhaling deeply and sharply, I could feel you behind me before you even touched me, like you were giving off some sort of electrical charge. I held that breath in anticipation of your touch, my whole body tingling, blood rushing straight to my nipples and pussy. As I turn to look at you, you gently but firmly put one hand to the back of my head to hold it straight, and one to the small of my back. Slowly you run your fingers down my long, wavy hair till you reach my waist. A shiver of...

Quickie Sex
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I had to write this because men get a bad rap that we dont eat enough pussy so i had to break it down so that it was forever and correctly BROKE. Men love eating pussy ive seen men in strip clubs eating stripper pussy (nasty). First lets talk about the pussy. It is nasty as hell and you should that the heavens men even want to put their mouth down there. Yall pee thru it fuck with it men cum (big loads) inside of it, Babies come out of it, discharges, yeast infections, bladder infections, yall...

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All the Teachers

How’d this happen, she asked herself as she lay naked beside the younger man. Ohhh my god, I can’t believe I did this she told herself while his warm and seemingly muscular arms wrapped her up. Regardless, she felt more loved then ever in her life as he held her affectionately against his body. She went on and thought about it all. Oh god, the guy kissed me like I was a princess. I mean it too. He kissed me soooo passionately she thought as she lay back against him. Regardless, she couldn’t...

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Annie and the Schoolteachers

To be honest, I was feeling pretty fed up that Wednesday afternoon. I had twisted my ankle the day before, and although it wasn’t that serious, it meant that I wasn’t able to go on the usual cross-country run with the rest of the sixth form. I liked cross-country. Although I wasn’t much of a long-distance runner, the chance to get off the school premises for an afternoon made it good for a laugh, especially as my best friend Helen and I usually managed to have a bit of a chat on the way round....

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Harry Potter and the teachers

Elizabeth felt a pair of calloused hands roam her body and she moaned. Merlin, the lad had magical hands. They knew how to touch her and where. They then cupped her swinging breasts and she groaned. She was on her hands and knees with Harry in back of her thrusting in and out of her gushing cunt.“Mmmm, Harry” she moaned.“Yes professor?” Harry asked.“Harry, you know you should call me Elizabeth during your tutoring sessions” Elizabeth chided gently.“Sorry, Elizabeth” Harry said.“No problem...

3 years ago
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Good Medicine Sophomore YearChapter 62 Wise Teachers

March 27, 1983, West Monroe, Ohio “I told Mom I’d make you dinner tonight,” I said to Liz when I arrived home. “How does penne pasta with arrabbiata sauce and a salad grab you?” “That sounds good! I could invite Mindy and Maggie?” “It’s up to you,” I replied flatly. “I have enough ingredients and there’s plenty of penne in the cabinet.” “Is something bugging you?” “Not bugging me, per se, just making me think. I had a long talk with Tasha and the last thing she said was very, very...

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Summer Walkabout

As i lay on my bed looking out of the window i counted down the minutes until you arrived. I had the day planned and after being apart in such a long time i had decided to make the most of the short time together. I wanted to take the pure chance that i was about to be given. Loud noises of passing cars flew past the window and i was surprised t notice how unbeliveable hot i had become. i Jumped in to the shower glancing at the time to make sure i didnt miss your arrival. As the water bounced...

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Swingers Roundabouts

Hiya I have never really considered myself as one of those people that is happy enough to lay back and ‘think of england’ during coital relations. On the contrary, I also try not to put the blame of an ‘average sexual encounter’ on just one side. It is an experience to be shared on both sides, each person should do what they can to both enhance the others pleasure and also to make it obvious that they themselves are actually ‘enjoying’ something. It shouldn’t be a guessing game, with all the...

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An Unusual Walkabout

An Unusual Walkabout By - Anna Feie I work out of the home most weeks that suit me just fine. I can wear what I like, act like I want to and in simply English - live my life as I want without public scrutiny. All we, guys and gals who are transgendered (hate that word) is acceptance. Enough of the soapbox. Some years ago, I had the opportunity to go ?walkabout? so I went. I have a great deal of experience being one of the ancient crones to still walk this realm, aka Earth. I...

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Terry and Jo, a female friend he met three weeks before, sat in the Hogs Breath Saloon watching the tourists. He was more or less looking for his next pussy and she was making fun of the sluts and dumb cocks as she called the young and not so young drinking and trying to hook up. It was still late mid afternoon so no one was totally smashed as they would be later in the evening but several of them had a good load on. Jo snickered and said, “Wonder how many of these sluts get the shit fucked...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 2

The paddleboat ride along the Darling was interesting, but noisy. I wondered whether folks brought unruly children in the hope that they’d fall in, but this was too far upstream to think they’d be eaten by a giant cod, like Ken in “Love Serenade.” But that took place far downstream, along the Murray. And it was just an idle fantasy. (The Murray Cod, which can grow to about two metres, is not really a cod in a Northern Hemisphere sense, but a giant freshwater perch.) But it was interesting to...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 4 Cameron Corner to Epsilon Station

I topped off my diesel before leaving the hotel. I didn’t want to be stranded short of Cameron Corner. [Before I go further, I ought to remark that there are five places where there are surveyed right-angle state border intersections. Cameron Corner, surveyed by John Cameron (NSW) and George Watson (Queensland) in 1879, where the east-west border hits South Australia; Haddon Corner, where South Australia ends in the Channel Country; Poeppel Corner, where South Australia, Queensland and the...

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Gordy on WalkaboutChapter 5 Epsilon Station to Nockatunga Waterhole

The next day I had breakfast at 6 with several hands and then read in the morning sun for a few hours. Then, in mid-morning, I asked the “girl” about laundry. “You gibbit me, I do good job.” “That’s not necessary. I can do it.” “Not job for nungungi.” “I’m not nungungi.” “Nungungi dad’s nungungi.” I had clearly lost the argument. I appealed to my hostess. “Not a chance,” she said. “Better give in graciously.” So I did. Underwear, shirts, pants, socks. It was a decent-sized...

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