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America’s Playboy…What’s His Secret? How does an old man get beautiful, buxom, big boob, blonde bombshells?
When Anthony flew out to LA, he told everyone that he was going there because he needed a vacation. Only, truth be told, he went to LA because he owed a bookie, Julio Russo, money, a lot of money and rather than have his legs broken or worse, he decided to go west. He had never been to California, specifically LA, but he begrudgingly went when Julio Russo made him an offer that he couldn’t refuse.
It all started when Julio Russo saw yet another photo in the newspaper again. He threw the entertainment section of the newspaper down on the counter.
‘Look at this fuckin’ guy, America’s fuckin’ playboy. How does someone this fuckin’ old get broads who look this fuckin’ good? Look at these fuckin’ broads. He’s forty to sixty years older than them. He’s old enough to be their father. He’s old enough to be their grandfather. All of them are beautiful, buxom, big boob, blonde bombshells. And it’s been like that with him for fifty fuckin’ years. He’s such a fuckin’ pig. He’s fucked everybody. He’s probably had more pussy than Wilt Chamberlain. I don’t get it. How does he do it? What’s his secret?’
Mario scooped up the newspaper while Vito and Angelo looked over his shoulder.
‘Holy shit, Boss, those are three good looking broads,’ said Angelo whistling his appreciation for the beauty of the women after studying the photo. ‘I’d love to get with any one of them, never mind having the three of them together.’
‘Wow, look at the tits on that one,’ said Vito. ‘Momma Mia! I’d love to rub my face in those big breasts.’
‘Look at her ass. I’d love to slide my dick into that,’ said Mario. ‘Can you imagine being naked and in bed with her? Oh, my God.’
‘Imagine the possibilities of having three women who look like that in bed with you,’ said Angelo giving Mario a nudge while looking at him. Mama Mia,’ he said waving his hand up and down and whistling. ‘That’s the way that I want to die when I die. I want to die with three beautiful, buxom, big boob blonde bombshells in bed with me. Wow! I’d die happy and with a big smile on my face. What a way to go.’
‘You die like that and Saint Peter won’t allow you in Heaven,’ said Vito shaking his head and making the sign of the cross.
‘Won’t allow me in Heaven? Are you kidding me? Saint Peter is a man or once was a man, that is, before he became an Angel. He’d understand when he asked me the question how I died. I’d tell him that I died happy. I’d tell him that I died with a big smile of my face. I’d tell Saint Peter that I died while doing something that I love to do,’ said Angelo moving his hand back and forth. ‘I’d tell him that I died sharing myself with others who were less fortunate and who didn’t have me in their lives,’ he said with a laugh. ‘I’d tell him that I died giving pleasure to the masses of women kind, well, at least to three beautiful, buxom, big boob, blonde bombshells,’ said Angelo laughing.
‘What you just said is sacrilegious,’ said Vito making the sign of the cross again. ‘You’re going to Hell when you die. You’re doomed. Even Saint Peter won’t be able to save you from burning in Hell’s fires.’
‘Well, I’m going to Hell already, Vito,’ said Angelo waving a hand of despair at him. ‘I’ve done much worse than being sacrilegious with Saint Peter’s name. I think I’ve already broken all the Ten Commandments a few times over. The devil and I are pals.’ He nudged Mario with his elbow and said, ‘Hey Mario, the devil is a friend of mine.’
‘Read the article,’ said Julio pummeling the newspaper with his fat, stubby finger. ‘Read the fuckin’ article. Look at that, they all fuckin’ live with him. Do you believe that shit? He’s got three broads who look like that living with him. Let me ask you guys a question. You tell me this, why would three beautiful broads who look as good as that and who can get any man they’d like want to live with someone this fuckin’ old, unless he was their fuckin’ grandfather or unless he was using some kind of mind control shit on them?’
‘Mind control? Nah. Maybe, he is their grandfather, Boss,’ said Angelo winking at Mario.
‘Grandfather my ass. He’s their Sugar Daddy. Sugar Granddaddy is more like it.’ Julio started pacing the room while thinking. He always paced when he didn’t understand something. ‘It’s got to be something more there that what meets the eye here. Only, what the Hell could it be? I don’t get it,’ he said walking while shaking his head from side to side. ‘How the fuck does he do it?’
‘I don’t know, Boss,’ said Angelo. ‘Maybe he’s got a big cock. Maybe his cum taste like cotton candy and that’s why they call him a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Granddaddy,’ he said laughing at his own old ill humor.
‘Yeah, a big, old, soft cock that oozes sugar that tastes like cotton candy,’ laughed Mario. ‘Do you ever listen to some of the shit that comes out of your mouth? Don’t you never think about what you’re gonna say before you say it? Do you realize some of the stupid shit you say? You embarrass me all the fuckin’ time. You should think about what you are going to say before you say it and then just don’t fuckin’ say it. Sometimes, it’s better just to be fuckin’ quiet. Sometimes, it’s better just to listen.’
‘Hey, at least I finished high school,’ said Angelo. ‘At least I graduated.’
‘Yeah, well, just ’cause your educated doesn’t mean that you’re smart. You might have book smarts, but I have street smarts and commonsense, which you ain’t got neither of those. Besides, I got my GED when I was in the Army serving my country,’ said Mario sitting up straight and puffing out his chest. I was staff sergeant of supply.
‘Is that what you call it, serving your country? You were stealing whatever you could out of the PX. The Army couldn’t wait for you to end your service,’ said Angelo laughing. ‘You’re lucky they didn’t Court Marshal you and stick you in Federal Prison. No wonder why we spent so much in Iraq. It’s because you stole everything that wasn’t nailed down. They had to appropriate more money because of all the shit you stole,’ he said laughing.
Angelo and Mario continued their squabbling in the background while Julio pondered how someone so old could get women so young.
‘Hey, I got big salami in my pants and I don’t get any broads who look like that,’ said Julio. ‘Even when I was younger and was better lookin’ than I am now and not as heavy, I still didn’t get no broads who look like that.’
‘It’s probably all for show, Boss. He does it for his image to promote himself, is all. Maybe he doesn’t do anything with them but stare at them all day and all night,’ said Mario. ‘Maybe at night they just spoon and cuddle is all. Maybe, they are even allowed to have boyfriends and to have sex with other men and/or women. Maybe he just likes to watch them having sex while jerking off. Fuck, they probably all sleep in different beds for all we know. For all we know, they’re probably lesbians, Boss.’
‘Nah, I ain’t never seen no lesbians who look as good as that,’ chimed in Vito. ‘Normally lesbians are fat and ugly and don’t shave their legs and underarms. Normally, lesbians don’t like men. Matter of fact, they hate men. They’d rather die than to fuck a man. They’d never be standing there and smiling like that to take a photo like that. They’d embarrass themselves to all their other lesbian friends to look so happy being with this degenerate.’
‘Well, if you consider a woman who is fat and ugly and who doesn’t shave her legs and underarms a lesbian, she could be a Sicilian woman instead of a lesbian. She could be a French woman. The French women don’t shave their legs and underarms. And did you ever see the bush on a French woman? Momma, they have hair as black and as thick as they have on their head,’ said Mario laughing while making a sour face. ‘I’d never be with a woman who didn’t shave her legs and underarms. I’d feel like I was doin’ a gu
‘Hey, you’d be surprised. There are some beautiful lesbians out there who’d you never think they were pussy lickers. What about that big, tall blonde from Texas that died of an overdose recently? She was a lesbian,’ said Angelo. ‘She preferred women to men.’
‘Who Anna Nicole? Nah, she wasn’t a lesbian. She was just another slut,’ said Mario. She loved men and love sucking cocks too much. Don’t you remember we watched her sex video? Now, that was hot. No lesbian I know could make a sex video like that.’
‘Yeah, Anna Nicole, that’s right. I always forget her name. She was a lesbian and she was really beautiful,’ said Angelo. ‘She said she was a lesbian when she had that television show, The Anna Nicole Show. Maybe, she liked both pussies and cocks. Maybe, she was one of those bisexuals who swung both ways.’
‘Yeah, that could be. I could see her being a bisexual, but not a lesbian.’
‘Oh, and what about that Sharon Stone and the one who played in the quiet sheep movie. Oh, yeah, and what about Madonna. Definitely she’s a lesbian the way that she kissed Britney Spears. Now, that was hot. Oh, yeah, and Britney Spears is a lesbian, too, in the way she returned Madonna’s kiss with a French kiss and then when they caught Britney Spears with those two women exchanging bikinis. Yeah, Britney Spears is a lesbian alright. They are all beautiful women and they are all dykes.’
‘Quiet sheep movie? What the fuck you talkin’ about, Angelo?’ Mario looked at his friend with disbelief. ‘Do you mean Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs?’
‘Yeah, her. She’s a lesbian,’ said Angelo.
‘Maybe so, but all those broads put together don’t look any where as good as these three broads do separately. Are you kiddin’ me? Just look at these three beauties. I ain’t never seen women as gorgeous as these three,’ said Mario.
‘Listen to me,’ said Julio getting agitated more now by the conversation of his knuckleheaded captains than by the photo. ‘That’s what I’m fuckin’ talkin’ about. How the Hell does this senior of senior citizens get three young, beautiful blondes to spoon and cuddle in bed with him? You tell me that,’ he said looking from Mario to Angelo and to Vito while banging his finger on the newspaper. ‘How? I don’t get it. I just don’t get it.’ He threw his hands up in the air and returned to pacing back and forth in the room. ‘It makes no fuckin’ sense to me.’
‘Maybe, it’s like what Mario said, Boss. It’s just one of those, what do you call them, platonic relationships,’ said Angelo.
‘Plutonic my ass. What the Hell does planet Pluto have to do with what I’m talkin’ about here. I’m talkin’ about broads and I’m talkin’ about controlling those broads with your mind, you moron. What d’ya have wax in your ears and can’t hear me so good?’
Julio put his hands on the table and leaned his fat belly into Angelo’s shoulder. He knew to be quiet when the boss was agitated like this, but spoke anyway.
‘Take it easy, Boss. You’re getting all riled up over a photo in the paper. It don’t mean nothin’. It’s just a picture,’ said Angelo knowing not to correct his boss about planet Pluto and knowing not to make his boss appear stupid.
‘Listen to me, I don’t care how old you are, unless you are retarded or a vegetable, if you are living with three broads who look like that,’ he used his index finger to pontificate his point by pounding the paper with it, ‘you’re gonna do more than just stare at them and you’re going to do more at night than just spooning with them. Capice? Definitely, you’re gonna want to touch them in a sexual way and you’re going want them to touch you in a sexual way,’ said Julio waving his fat finger in Angelo’s face. ‘Momma, if I was spooning with these three broads, I’d have an erection that would keep me up all night. And I’ll tell you somethin’ else. I’m gonna find out how the Hell this guy does it so that I can do it, too.’
‘Okay Boss, okay. Calm down,’ said Angelo patting him on the back. ‘You’ll get yourself all nervous like that and you’ll give yourself agita or take a heart attack.’
Julio stood and walked away from the table where his three captains were still sitting looking at the photo.
‘I’m jealous of him.’ There was a long silent pause. His three captains stared over at their boss. ‘When I get old and if I live to be his age, I don’t want to be alone without no broads,’ said Julio suddenly showing a face that appeared sad. Immediately, he looked away from his Captains. ‘I can’t imagine a life with no broads, you know? I can’t imagine not having sex no more. I’d kill myself if I had no broad in my life and if I couldn’t get it up no more.’
‘I can sympathize with your predicament, Boss, but people in our business, especially bosses who have the responsibility of a family haven’t been known to live long enough to collect a Social Security check,’ said Angelo choosing his words carefully and looking up at the receiver of his message to see how his message was taken. ‘That is, except for Whitey Bulger, but he’s on the run. Besides, he’s probably dead already. The FBI probably killed him to keep him quiet and they’ll never find his body unless a FBI agent rats it.’
‘What the Hell does that mean? You don’t think I’ll live to see my retirement? You know somethin’ that I don’t know? You lookin’ to be the boss of this family? You lookin’ to take me out? I ought to plug you full of holes right here and right now,’ said Julio pushing a chair out of the way and putting his hand on his gun.
‘No, no Boss, I was just making an observation is all,’ said Angelo. ‘Gees, take it easy. I didn’t mean anything by it. I wasn’t even talkin’ about you.’
‘Angelo meant nothing by what he said, Boss. He’s just a stupid fuck, Boss. He always says stupid stuff,’ said Mario looking at his friend. ‘Right Angie?’
‘Yeah, yeah, Boss, Mario is right. I always say stupid stuff. I meant no disrespect to you or to this family. I’m sorry.’
‘Maybe he hypnotizes them, Boss,’ said Vito. ‘Maybe he uses some kind of mind control to get them to do whatever he wants.’ Now it was Vito who had Julio’s focused attention.
‘Yeah, yeah, that’s what I was thinkin’, Vito. It’s got to be somethin’ like that,’ said Julio.
‘I had a friend who could give hypnotic suggestions. He started hypnotizing girls to put them in a trance so that he could feel them up. Then, he graduated to hypnotizing girls so he could get them to give him a blowjob. He even had a women strip naked once right out in the middle of the street. She was the mother of a kid I used to play with. It was so hot to watch this woman remove her housecoat, her panties and her bra and stand there naked with her eyes closed and her head forward until my friend gave her the command to come out of the trance.’ Julio, Mario, and Angelo listened to Vito in stunned silence.
‘Yeah, so what happened when he woke her up,’ said Angelo.
‘She couldn’t believe it when she woke up. He was laughing his ass off and she was so embarrassed. She didn’t know what to cover first. We were just kids. I don’t know how the Hell he did it, but he did.’
‘See? That’s what I’m talkin’ about,’ said Julio. ‘Mind control and hypnotic suggestions is probably how he gets all these broads. He probably hypnotized them to think that he is a young stud.’ Julio looked at Vito. ‘Where is this friend now who hypnotizes women? Maybe, he could show me how he does it, so that I can try it, too.’
‘Oh, he moved away. I have no idea where he is, Boss. This was twenty years ago.’
‘Hypnosis. Yeah, yeah, I never thought of that and now that you mention it, it makes perfect sense,’ said Julio. ‘That hypnosis shit is very powerful stuff, very powerful. Sure, sure, it could be that. He could be a master of hypnosis. That could be how he gets all these beautiful broads. How else could he get them?’
In the next chapter Boss Russo is determine to find out how an old man has so many young, beautiful girlfriends.
Thank you for reading my story. I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. Please take a moment to vote, make a public comment, and/or give me feedback. Your support is why I write. Your feedback will motivate me to write a better story the next time.
If you haven’t already, please take moment to add me and/or this story or any other of my stories to your list of favorites. Thanks, Freddie, Bostonfictionwriter.
To be continued…
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All the lights were out, the dinner dishes still on the table, and the movie still running on mute. None of this did we pay any attention to, just each other. I was laying on my back, my arms around your neck as you laid on top of me with one hand caressing my side, the other rubbing gingerly at one of my breasts through the clothes. Your hand at my side crept up, poking up my shirt and the other followed suit. You kissed my neck a few times as your fingers continued to crawl up...
Hi I am Kahif. Aap sab ka buhut buhut shukria aap nay meri story Foji say gand marwai pasan ki aaj jo main story sunany ja raha hun bilkul true story hai aur foji say gand marwany kay kuch time baad ki hai. Foji kay moty lund nay meri gand zakhmi kar di thi aek hanta tak main rozana apni gand par cream mallam lagata raha. Hoa yunaek din mai school say ghar aaraha ha jun ka maheena tha garmi buhut sakht thi achanak aek honda accord car mery pas akar ruki main nay car kay andar dekha tao aek koi...
It was the night before their flight to Florida. Deana and Jeff were lying in bed talking about the cruise. Jeff pulled her into his arms, looked into her seductive green eyes, and said, "I can see you now baby, lying in the sun in your hot pink swimsuit working on a tan. Mmm, you look so scrumptious in that outfit that I might just ravish your body all night when we get back to our room." "Ooooh darling, is that a promise?" she purred while snuggling up close to his naked body. Deana...
"Hi" I said shyly as she opened her eyes and looked up at me, Her head was on my chest, where she'd slept for most of the night and what a night it had been, we'd made love in the shower hurriedly, frantically as if we had an itch that badly needed scratching, then we'd got into her bed and made love again, she was the most utterly uninhibited woman I'd ever known, she adored being eaten and shimmied round on top of me so that she could suck on what she called my big lollipop as I...
[This story would best fit in a category called Poly family stories. Since Lit doesn’t have such a category I’m posting a warning here. This story is fiction about a magical polyamorus family. Yes, they share sexual experiences together and with others. No, to my knowledge, if a Peterson Family Trucking Company exists, it is not this family. As always, constructive comments are encouraged.] The two phones in our suite rang at seven. Five people woke up and two said, ‘Damn!’ Danni answered...
For a moment they just stood there looking at each other; it was almost as if they were waiting for one another to open the conversation. It was Brian spoke first. “Been reading my Kindle then, hey?” he said with a smile. “Yes, I was cleaning the bookshelves the other day and just opened it out of interest. Why?” Brian shrugged his shoulders. “Nothing,” he responded. “Just curious, that’s all.” Sara stepped past him as she went to the kettle. “You like the cuckold stories then, do you?” It...
CuckoldBefore dinner, Gilleena and I took Spencer on a tour of the caves and introduced him to Hithfaeron, Engrinil, Faenel, and whomever else we ran into. The Ennahai’s uniformly tall stature and exotic beauty pretty much dispelled any doubts that may have been still lingering in his mind. By the time he drove out the gate to go home that evening, he was a true believer and committed to our cause. As we watched him drive away, I put my arm around Gilleena’s waist and said, “That’s a major issue...
So, Curse old pal; Seems there exists magic in this world. We need protections! What say we try to find someone attractive and knowledgeable in the ways of wards and protective amulets and rings? I pondered. Being wealthy and at loose ends, I had relinquished my apartment, a very interesting Man would be one who traveled around learning skills and cutting edge latest discoveries, not one who had an address. I got a P.O. box for a forwarding address, and had my lovely lawyer Bess send an...
At this point Ken Carlson asked Jerry if he could have the microphone for a few moments. The bandleader was startled but immediately complied. Having watched Jerry, Ken knew where to hold it so he started right in. "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. First, on behalf of my wife, Kathy, and myself, I want to thank you all for this warm tribute. I would also like to make a few remarks on the evening of one of the most remarkable days of our lives. "First, I would like to comment on the...
After window-gazing Gia’s (Gia Derza) incredible after-hours show, Codey (Codey Steele) is hell-bent on convincing her to allow him into the store. Gia reluctantly relents and opens the door. The two get to talking and Codey drops a not-too-subtle hint that he saw everything and asks, “how do you do with the real thing”. Gia, being an insatiable, still-horny slut, needs little convincing and the fun begins. Codey rams his rod deep down her throat and proceeds to destroy Gia’s asshole. It’s a...
xmoviesforyouRough sex-loving American pornstar Samantha Rone is back giving up all her holes to Erik Everhard and David Perry in today’s extreme hardcore anal and DP premium porn scene by DDF Network. The two studs have a meeting at the office and can’t help but notice the boss’ hot blonde daughter Samantha. The horny babe hits on Erik immediately and gets him to sneak off with her so she can work his shaft with her hands and mouth. It doesn’t take long for David Perry to join them...
xmoviesforyouI lay naked on my back staring at the textured plaster ceiling of the hotel room. I had a cold beer perched on my stomach. The chatter of the television rode faintly above the humming drone of the air conditioner. "Not sure if I was a hero or a son of a bitch," is what Jennifer's father had said to me when I had met him earlier in the day. He said he wasn't sure which, but his "gut feelings" were to give me "thanks" for having "his little girl back". He had shaken my hand and I saw...
There we were two people on a subway train, no other person around. I looked him up and down and I knew that I wanted him with his tired face and a scruff of beard coming in his curly hair tossed upon his head in disarray from running his finger through it. I wanted to run my fingers through his dark brown locks.His eyes droop with weariness and it makes me want him more. His soft brown eyes slowly shut and his head drops to his chest. I rise from my seat and walk towards him I lick my lips in...
My brother and I were total opposites. In school he was always popular, and athletic, and admired. I was just the younger sister. I was the smart girl, the one who got good grades and stayed out of trouble. My brother is only eighteen months older than me. We always fought like cats and dogs, but I knew that he loved me, and I thought of him like a God. Everything came easy to him. People liked him, and he was always comfortable with them. I had friends of course, but I was more comfortable...
IncestIt was a hot summer, one where everything seemed to be at its best. Wayne's family had gone on holiday to Dorset in the south east of England. They had booked into a small rental house with a pleasant vista overlooking the town. A few days into the holiday he had quite a pleasurable surprise! One evening Wayne couldn't sleep so he went for a midnight stroll along the seafront. As he drew near to a lifeboat house he started to hear splashing noises, as if someone were in the water. As unlikely...
She walked Chrissy out to her car, accepted a hug, and watched with barely concealed amusement as Chrissy attempted to lower herself gingerly into her seat without appearing to do so, with the result that she still sat down faster than she wanted to and was unable to control the grimace of pain which followed, and which Jane politely pretended not to see. She could certainly understand how Chrissy was feeling, being more than a little sore in the same place herself. I’ll just have to play...
February 2001 It began snowing on Friday night. It was just after midnight when the police called, asking for Brian. "Your name and phone number were found in Mr. Brown's pocket. Edmond and Edith Brown were killed in an automobile accident. Do you know their next of kin?" At first, Brian blamed himself for not checking on his neighbors when it started to snow. Where were they going that was so important? He didn't know if the Browns had children. He drove his truck next door, cleared...
Ye kahaani us raat ki hai jab main boht horny feel kr rhi thi. Mera boyfriend out of country tha aur main yahaan akeli thi. Main apne bf se boht pyar krti hu pr 7 mahino se meri chut ne kisi lun ke darshan nhi kiye the. To maine craigslist kholi aur personals pr jakar ads dekhne lgi. Finally ek insaan ka mujhe reply bhi aa gya. Main bachpan se hi ek submissive banana chahti thi par mera bf boht cute tha aur vo manta nhi h. Jis ladke ka mujhe message aya tha vo bhi bdsm boht pasand karta hai....
Club Night It’s strange how things happen sometimes. I went out with 3 of my gf’s and we were looking as good as any hootchie mama‘s could. I wore a pale green sleeveless top and a very short denim skirt. Short being that if I wasn’t careful my butt cheeks would show. I stood admiring my figure in the mirror. I had just turned 30 and I was feeling sexy and sassy. One last look and I was ready. We called a taxi because we were on a mission to celebrate my birthday. We got to” Michael’s “ a...
Hi to all the sexy readers of ISS I am a 22 yrs old guy from Delhi. This is my first time I am posting a story. This incident happens 5 years back. When I took admission in some engg coll. I used to go by college bus .on the 4th day when I reached the bus stand from where I took the college bus I saw there was a man standing with his sexy daughter. After sometime my college bus came and we both boarded the bus till now I don’t know that she has taken admission in my college. In the bus while...
Originally written by 4Play and modified It had been two weeks since our wild weekend with Rachel and Jerry. They and my wife Chris had turned me into a total sex slave, using me for their sexual pleasure. I was made to dress like a woman and be sexually used as a woman. My ass had been dildo raped by both women as well as Jerry’s actual near-rape. They made me lick pussy for hours, often while filled with semen. I lost track of how many times I’d been forced to suck Jerry’s cock; sometimes...
Arlene tried to pretend her husband was merely away on business, but her mind refused to be tricked. She felt empty and lonely. Hal was in jail. She couldn't imagine how he was coping with the situation. Such a proud, upstanding man. Did he exchange friendly talk with the other prisoners? Or did he simply keep his eyes cast low and never speak at all? These thoughts pained Arlene so much that she forced her mind to wander to images less disquieting. She forced herself not to worry about...
Chapter 1 – Abu Ghabir Please take note! Adults Only Literature The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly writtenfor adults only. If you are an underage minor or offended by such material -or- if viewingthis file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-storynow. This is a work of fiction, any resemblance to persons living, dead or otherwiseis purely coincidental, etc. Copyright 2004 **** "Where are you hiding the weapons?" Major Nancy Trevor...
The Will - Part Four Just about three and a half months now into my PTP. My weight is still going down nicely. Mother is so proud. I know it was planned this way, but I rarely think male thoughts anymore. Why would I want to? My life has become immersed all things feminine. Though I am still outwardly a male, I still wear male clothing. I wear no makeup, my hair is still that of a long haired male dilettante. But inwardly Mother has succeeded in placing the world of femininity into...
I was at home alone, my parents were on vacation, and my older brother who was supposed to be watching me, was staying at his girl friends house, I was busy playing with my pussy when the door bell rang. I pulled up my thong bikini, that’s all I ever wear, I love my body, and I love showing it off, and I answered the door, it was Jim looking for dad, he was in the neighborhood, and decided to drop by. I told him dad was on vacation. Jim was and still is a damn fine looking guy, whenever my...
I'd been nagging Mrs O for weeks about a promise she'd made a while back when she'd agreed to a long overdue outdoor sex session and on Sunday when the weather brightened up for the day she surprised me by suggesting that we took the opportunity there and then. She went upstairs to change while i went out to warm up the car and when she appeared she was wearing a long coat over a short cotton summer dress and calf high black leather boots that were more suited to a night out than they were to...
Hello all Indian sex stories readers.I am Sam from Mumbai. I am 25 years of age and currently doing masters.This is a story that happened 1 year back.My aunt is a mother of 2 and she is one of the most sexiest lady I have ever seen. Her stats are 34d-30-36.She looks like an angel but she eyed me for a very long time.Any lady from Mumbai divorced or married who needs sexual satisfaction can contact me on She is a housewife and her husband used to stay in Dubai.Now she has moved on with him to...
IncestI was among the first of our soldiers to march into Berlin, I didn't expect to be welcomed with open arms, but what we were greeted with was worse, far worse.It was total apathy; these people had endured everything over twelve years of tyranny, twelve years of being careful of what they said or who they said it to!Occasionally, we saw bodies still hanging from lampposts where the last few fanatical S.S. men had hanged them or dogs gnawing at the rotting corpses lying in the streets. The dogs...
HistoricalThis new game was something I had never played before. To be honest, I had thought of bondage and the different aspects of it but never thought I could even be part of it and have such a willing subject. The candles brought a whole different aspect to the term 'erotic'.I was admiring the lines Red was tracing on Maple's body with the drying wax, when she brought me out of my stupor when she said, "Ready to take this to another level?'I thought she was talking to me, but Maple excitedly said,...
Group SexChapter 1 Cum Right Over I’ve always enjoyed house sitting for my friends and it is nice to have a change in the setting and a break in the normal routine. My name is Jennifer and I am married to an amazing man named Cyrus. We wanted to spend the weekend together, so we decided to house sit for our friend Amy. It had been a very long week, so we sat down under the gazebo and drank a few beers, okay, quite a few beers. Feeling spontaneous, we decided to go skinny dipping in Amy’s jacuzzi....
Jenny was one of the sexiest college girls around in Private Specials, 5 Eurobabes in Mini Skirts and armed with perfect natural tits and tight little ass, she put on a show with Sabby that we’ll never forget! So watch this blast from the past right here on as Jenny shows off her cock sucking skills in her skimpy outfit before offering up her sweet pussy for a taste. Then enjoy this incredible blonde in action as she spreads her legs for a breath-taking fuck that has her pounded...