Powerball Ch. 01 free porn video

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This story is fairly long so I have split it into two chapters. The story is complete and I will post the second part the day after this one. There is no sex in the first chapter but there is in the second. My intent is to let the reader have a glimpse into the lives and emotions of the characters and the sex is the natural development of their lives and not the point or purpose of this story. I apologize in advance for any grammatical or punctuation mistakes. I was a Poli. Sci. major not an English major.


All in all it had been a pleasant enough evening. Lively conversation and some nice wine. Ever since I had won the lottery big time and retired in order to dedicate myself to more philanthropic endeavors, I didn’t get out much anymore. But tonight I had decided to attend a charity dinner to raise money for helping rehabilitate abused animals. Owning two dogs myself I had a soft spot for animals and this seemed to be a worthy organization. Of course I had thoroughly checked them out before hand and was impressed by their dedication to their cause.

After the dinner was over I went to the bar for a drink where I was joined by the two primary founders of the charity. Over several glasses of wine we talked about some of their success stories. Though touching when the outcomes are a success I still have a hard time understanding how anyone can mistreat and even torture helpless animals. Finally I decided it was time to leave and after being thanked again for my donation I made my way to my truck and headed home.

Okay, I know what you are thinking. What’s this multimillionaire doing in a truck. Well, its a pickup actually and a pretty nice late model with leather seats and lots of the latest gadgets. I had always liked driving pickups and didn’t really need to have the latest hot sports car on the market. I’ve never cared about impressing others and lived a pretty simple life. It was just me and my two dogs ever since my wife had walked out on me.

Yeah, I was married before, back when I owned a landscape company. At the time I thought life was great and really believed my wife was as happy as I was. In fact it was the very day that I found out I held the winning lotto ticket that she left me.

That morning had started out busy and I had just picked up the paper from the driveway and tossed into the seat of my truck and headed straight to a job site where we had a large install going on.

There had been a bit of a snafu the day before with the crew and the foreman had called me to come help him straighten it out. I spent a fair part of the day working with the crew and by around two in the afternoon the job was running smooth again. I told the crew foreman that I needed to get back to my office and make some calls.

I got back to the office about 2:30 and checked with the gal I had hired to be my office manager. There were no major problems that needed to be handled, just a couple phone calls to suppliers to make sure deliveries were made on time. So by 3:30 I had time to take a break and picked up the newspaper I had brought in with me and decided to check my numbers. I bought a ticket for each lotto drawing but up to now I had only ever matched 3 numbers which paid 3 dollars so I wasn’t expecting anything but I still liked to take a chance on a one dollar ticket.

This week I had changed a little and instead of buying a state lotto ticket I had splurged and bought a ticket for the multi-state power ball lotto because the pot was getting obscenely large. I opened up to the page with the winning numbers and reached into my desk drawer and pulled out the ticket I had bought the day before. Taking a sip of my coke I laid the ticket down next to the winning numbers and started comparing them.

When I saw that the first three numbers matched I thought ‘wahoo’ at least I could cash it in for a dollar profit. Then I saw that the fourth number matched too. Even better, this should be worth fifty or sixty dollars. Then I was stunned when I realized the first five numbers matched. ‘Damn this could be worth a cool grand.’ I thought to myself. Then the sixth number. Oh god, it matched too. Now my hands were shaking. This ticket was worth a lot of money. One number left, the power ball.

For a few minutes my vision went hazy and my head started spinning when the two numbers matched. When my vision cleared I thought I had to have made a mistake so I checked them again and then once more. It was no mistake. I had picked all the right numbers. The paper said only one ticket matched them all and I was holding it in my trembling hands. We were rich, my wife and I that is.

For the next twenty minutes I just sat at my desk in a stupor trying to think of what I needed to do. Lets see, hmm. A financial advisor. Yes that’s it. I was going to need some good advice on how to handle this windfall. No wait, the first thing I need to do is deliver the news to my loving wife. Lets see what time is it. A little after four. She would be home soon from her job at the bank. This wasn’t the kind of news to be delivered over the phone. No, I had to tell her in person.

Jumping up from my desk I rushed out to my truck mumbling something to my office manager about needing to take care of something at home and would see her tomorrow. Jenny would be surprised to see me home so early as my workdays were usually quite long. But she would be ecstatic when I told her about the ticket. On the drive home I daydreamed about all the things we could do together. Travel, see the world. Oh yes, she was in for a surprise.

But the surprise was mine, for when I pulled up to our house I saw her with another man putting suitcases into the trunk of a car I didn’t recognize.

‘What the fuck,’ I wondered. ‘What’s going on here?’

Slamming on the brakes and skidding to a stop along side the curb I jumped out of my truck. ‘Jenny, what are you doing?’

I will give her credit, she at least looked to be a little embarrassed. I heard her tell the guy she was with to wait in the car. She then walked over to me and said, ‘I’m sorry Michael but I’m leaving.’

When she said ‘Michael’ I knew this wasn’t good. The only time she called me Michael instead of Mike was when she was mad or had bad news.

‘Leaving? What the fuck do you mean you’re leaving?’

‘Michael, I do care for you but, I want more out of life. I’ve met someone else who’s going places. He can give me things you can’t. I’m sorry. I left you a letter inside, I didn’t want to have to tell you to your face.’

‘But Jenny, I thought you loved me. I thought you were happy.’

‘I’m sorry,’ she mumbled and ran to the waiting car and jumped inside.

I stood there totally dazed and watched them drive away. I was so confused I couldn’t even react to what was going on. For the second time that day my vision blurred and my head spun. I guess I must have stood there for a good five minutes looking at where the car carrying my loving wife had disappeared down the street. Shaking my head to clear the cobwebs I turned and stumbled towards my house.

Once inside the door the first thing I did was go straight to the liquor cabinet and grabbed a bottle of tequila and took a big swig. I shuddered as the alcohol burned its way to my stomach. Then I took a second belt, followed by a third. Each one going down easier than the one before. I must have polished off a quarter of the bottle before I remembered she had said something about a letter. By now I was getting pretty buzzed and wasn’t in any shape to read it. It could wait. I reeled my way upstairs and fell into the shower. I just stood there letting the water run over my body until the hot water ran out before I got out to look for my ‘friend in a bottle.’

Not even bothering to dry off I found the errant bottle and fell into bed seeking the numbness of alcohol induced stupor. Finishing off another quarter of the bottle I did manage to do exactly that.

Needless to say t
he next morning I was in no shape to go to work. I called the office and told them I had things to take care of. Being the owner, rank has its privileges. With a spinning head and a queasy stomach, I made my way down to the kitchen where I saw a letter with two rings sitting on top of it. The events of yesterday came flooding back and I ran to the sink and proceeded to heave up what little was left in me.

With an empty belly I found my way to the coffee maker. Filling and turning it on I walked to the kitchen table and sank into a chair staring at the envelope with those rings on top of it. ‘Oh god,’ I moaned. ‘Where did I go wrong.’

Still not being able to reach for the letter I waited for the coffee to brew then filled a large over size cup and once again sank down in my chair to stare at her letter. Two more cups later I finally reached out and took hold of the envelope shaking the rings to the side and opened it. Inside I found her letter telling me that she loved me but she needed more in her life and a set of divorce papers she had already signed. I looked the document over and realized she left everything to me but what she took with her. She obviously thought what we had wasn’t worth fighting for and she was off to bigger and better things.

Well so be it. I hadn’t talked to her about how my company was doing as she didn’t seem to care. That should have been my first clue but I just thought she wasn’t interested in the landscaping business. We were doing okay, my company brought in a decent pay check even if we weren’t living in luxury, and with her job we were doing well by my estimate. Maybe if I had told her about the buy out offer I had received from one of the major national firms she wouldn’t have thought so little of me.

Her letter went on to say that this guy she had left me for had accepted a job as a bank vice president but at a branch in another state. They were leaving that day and wouldn’t be back. This was followed by how sorry she was to do this to me and that she really did care about me but, she had to do this for herself and hoped I would understand.

Understand? What I understood was I had mistakenly married a mercenary cunt that was more interested in material things than the comforts one gets from emotional bonding. Okay, fine. If that’s the way she wanted it then I would do whatever I could to see to it that she didn’t find out about my lotto winnings until it was too late for her to try to change the terms of the divorce she herself had proposed. Or to have her find out and try to come slithering back begging my forgiveness so she could get her hands on the money. That wasn’t going to happen. I would never allow it. She took my love and threw it away then stabbed me in the back leaving me for another man. Hell would freeze over before I would ever consider taking her back.

As my despair began to turn to anger my mind began to work again. First thing I had to do was make sure the ticket was protected until the time came I could cash it in. So I went upstairs and prepared myself for a trip to the bank to place the ticket in the safe deposit box I kept there. While there I closed our joint account and opened a new one in my name only. I did the same with our credit cards. Better safe than sorry. She could have a change of heart and try to clean out our accounts.

My next stop was to see my lawyer. Though he practiced business law and not family and divorce law he did tell me that as long as I was satisfied with the terms as laid out he would file the divorce papers for me. I then told him about the offer I had received from the national landscape chain company and that as long as we could agree to a few stipulations I had, my intention was to sell. He agreed to represent me in the process.

My third stop of the day was to a Realtor to list my house for sale. I had no idea what I was going to do once the dust from this calamity had settled but I did know that I had no intentions of staying in that house to be haunted by the memories of my now failed marriage. It was no longer a home to me, just a house that had once been filled with happy memories from a time when I foolishly thought that my life was perfect.

Satisfied that I was on track to start my life on a new path, I made my way home to a joyous welcome from my dogs. At least I knew their affection for me was real. I fed my pets and then took them out for a long walk. I will admit that the smaller of the two was my favorite. She would scamper from side to side sniffing at everything, barking at butterflies before running back to my feet looking up for approval. I couldn’t help but smile at her antics. At least for a while I could pull my thoughts away from my troubles and enjoy the company of my dogs.

Returning home I went to my home office and checked my e-mail to see if there was anything urgent that needed to be handled. Satisfied that I could wait to later to answer the couple of more important ones I decided to call it an early night and turn in. I was still feeling somewhat hung over after my bout with the bottle from the night before. I stripped down and slipped between the sheets and surprisingly fell quickly asleep.

The next few weeks passed fairly rapidly for me, what between running my company and dealing with negotiations with the company who sought to buy me out. In the end I was satisfied with deal after they agreed to keep my employees on for six months while they evaluated their performance. I felt the majority of them would retain their jobs as they were hard workers and well trained.

I stayed on for a two week transition period to help the new company and my employees become adjusted to each other. The change of ownership did go smoothly and even though I needed to start a new life the final day was one filled with mixed emotions. My employees held a going away party for me that was filled with many sad eyes accompanied with heart felt handshakes and several hugs. I had grown to think of many of these people as more than just employees, the were friends as well. It warmed my heart to know I would be missed.

All in all this had taken almost three months to sort out. In the meantime I had accepted a bid on my house and had agreed to vacate within two weeks of the time I closed the deal on my former company. Now there was only one major issue that remained and that was the divorce. I went to my lawyer to see if the proceedings could be sped up. He told me he didn’t know but could see what could be done. He started by contacting the attorney who had prepared the divorce papers for my wife who in turn contacted my soon to be ex by phone. He said that she was willing to push for an early resolution to the divorce as well. So both attorneys petitioned the court for an early hearing. As it turned out the presiding judge was one who I had done work for, upgrading his landscape. I had even thrown a couple extras at cost which he appreciated. Hey, you never know when the good will of a judge might come in handy.

The judge listened to both sides agreeing to seek resolution to the petition. And then ruled that considering Jenny had abandoned the marriage and left the state he would grant the divorce to be final in one weeks time barring any further requests for changes to the terms laid out in the divorce papers. In seeking to be rid of me, Jenny had given up any rights to lay claim to any more assets than those she had taken with her. Big mistake on her part.

Now I did have an ulterior motive for seeking to end my marriage as soon as possible. You see I only had six months within which to claim my lottery winnings and normally a divorce in this state took six months to be resolved. Being that the lottery drawing was approximately one week before the papers were filed with the court meant that I would have to cash in my winning numbers before the divorce became final. If my winning made the news, which it would likely do considering the sizable jackpot, and Jenny heard of it she would most likely try to change the terms
of the divorce seeking a large share of the winnings or worse yet, return here begging me to take her back.

A week later with the final decree in hand I breathed a sigh of relief as I felt that a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders and I could now get on with my life. That night I made a phone call to my sister. Mel, short for Melinda, was the only close family I had, my parents having been killed by a drunk driver while I was away at college. Even though she was a couple years older than me, we had always been close growing up. Until now I had avoided calling her as she knew me well enough that she could tell when something was wrong. I didn’t want to worry her about something she couldn’t fix or change.

‘Hey sis, it’s me,’ I said when she answered on the other end.

‘Mike,’ she exclaimed. ‘Oh, it’s so good to hear from you. I thought maybe you had forgotten you have a sister.’

‘Ah gee whiz sis. I’m sorry. It’s just things have been a little hectic around here lately and are just now settling down.’

Like I knew she would, she immediately sensed that not everything was right. I sometimes wondered if she didn’t know me better than I knew myself. But, at the same time I could always tell if something was wrong with her just from her voice.

‘Okay baby brother, out with it. What’s wrong?’ she asked immediately voicing her concern.

‘Guess you could say I have good news and bad news.’ I paused to let that sink in. ‘The bad news is that Jenny and I have divorced.’

I heard a gasp through the phone. ‘Oh no, Mike what happened?’

I then proceeded to tell her about coming home to find her with another man preparing to leave, the short conversation we had and then then the letter with the divorce papers she had left me on the kitchen table. I left out the part about my tryst with the tequila.

Finally when I was done telling my sad story my sister spoke up. ‘That bitch. If I ever see her again I’ll claw her eyes out.’

For the first time in a while I had a real chuckle. Knowing my sister and how protective she is about the ones she loves I could just picture her doing exactly that.

‘Mike I’m so sorry. I know you really loved her. But you said you had some good news. What would that be?’ she asked.

‘Before I tell you I have to ask you to swear to keep it a secret and not mention a word about it for now. Will you promise me. Don’t even tell George for now, please.’

George was her husband and father to her two precious albeit oftentimes precocious daughters. Theirs was a relationship that I now envied very much. It was obvious to everyone how much in love they were and how they adored their daughters.

‘Mike, you know I don’t keep secrets from George,’ she stated flatly.

‘I know that, Mel. But this is a secret about me, not about you. It will all come out shortly, I just want to keep this quiet for a little longer. Please Mel,’ I begged.

With a sigh she replied, ‘Okay Mike, I’ll keep your secret. But you know that I don’t like you making me keep it from George.’

‘I know sis. But it will be for only a couple days. Anyway I guess you heard about the big powerball jackpot about four months ago?’ I asked.

‘Sure I remember. I even bought a ticket for that one. Seems as I recall only one ticket matched all the numbers but I never saw where anyone cashed it in.’

Pausing for effect I replied, ‘Hmmm, I guess that’s because I had to wait for the divorce to be final before I could claim the prize.’

‘What? Are you telling me that you have that winning ticket,’ she shrieked.

Then in the background I heard George’s voice. ‘Is everything okay honey?’

‘Yes and no dear,’ she said. ‘It’s Mike on the phone. I’ll talk to you later about it, but for right now he needs a friendly ear.’

‘Oh, alright. Tell your brother I said hello.’

‘He’s gone back into the other room now,’ she said in a lower voice. ‘Mike I can’t believe you have the winning powerball ticket.’

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Hired Gun From Santa FeChapter 20

No sooner had they passed through the impressively high front gates of the fort than Sam saw the change in the trooper’s attitudes. They were back in their environment and they did their best to avoid contact with the civilians or the Indians in front of the other resident military personnel. It was almost as if they felt direct contact was demeaning in some way and was entirely unprofessional unless they were ordered to by higher authority or were in civilian clothing themselves and either...

1 year ago
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Kittens Monday

It was a Monday As with all Mondays the chores were easy, scrub the bathroom till the chrome gleamed and not a stray hair or anything was out of place, make sure the good whiskey was brought up from the cellar and all of the leather polished and oiled so it would stay fresh. The clothing laid out for her today was the thin sheer french maids outfit with the kitten tail ass plug, bra with the tiny pin pricks at the nipples the kitten collar with the bell and the ears. This of course meant that...

1 year ago
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A gynecologist

I've been a gynecologist for several years now. I love the female body, and all it's splendor. The curve of flesh riding over muscle, and the sweet aroma that a woman gives off when she is at her sexual peak. I love the sensual and sexual arousal that women give me, and most times, it's not so hard doing my job, but other times, it's down right cruel, unjust and tough to be who and what I am. I stepped into exam room 4 on a hot July day. Our air conditioning system had failed and the whole...

1 year ago
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Discipline Correspondant 02

The Discipline Correspondence School. Chapter 2. At 2.50pm Ray (Tammy’s master) arrived and took a seat close by the War memorial in St James Park and waited. With only one minute to go he spotted Tammy walking quickly towards the memorial, where she then stood with her back to him. Quietly he stood. Formed his right hand into an imitation gun and silently approached. Sticking the finger into her back he said “Don’t Move!” She froze, and did not try to run. She had no idea what her master...

3 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 83

Laura wanted to avoid sex with anybody else for about a week after her wild night with Rob and Camille. For one thing, she was exhausted. She knew they must be too. They had fucked like crazed, rutting animals, over and over again, taking each other to the limit, their bodies flailed and scalded by fierce spasm after spasm of sexual rapture. Only a few times, mainly with Karen, had Laura ever exceeded the limits this way. It almost scared her, though the memory of it made her throb excitedly...

2 years ago
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Young Life of White TigerChapter 36 Game 5

Friday had come around again, so we had another game tonight. Karl had a twisted ankle so was out for at least a week, my replacement Rich from last week got to stand in again. I was bizarrely please about that, I had heard through the gossip grapevine (Ben), that Jeff Nobel’s dad had been in to see the principal, wanting Jeff reinstated in the team, Coach though had held firm and left Rich in. After the loss and the injury, I wasn’t sure that coach wouldn’t have capitulated under the...

4 years ago
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Lauren Gisal II In South AmericaChapter 44

Lauren knew that her right arm wouldn't move even though she issued all the right commands. She had more luck with the other. The carpet was there, warm, silent, pushing against her knotted stomach. Her heart beat furiously and further inventory revealed a headache of mammoth proportions. She turned her head slowly, her neck screaming abuse as her nose rubbed into the carpet. Skin. Smoke. She coughed painfully, the sound inside registering but traveling nowhere. Her heart leapt, adrenaline...

1 year ago
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Tammy and I meet mary

After work I would get home about 1 in the afternoon. One day after lunch Tammy announced that she wanted me to help her work on her tan. She stripped, and we went out to the backyard, where I found out that she had already laid a blanket out on the grass. On the blanket was a bottle of tanning oil. She had also pounded 4 tent stakes into the ground, with ropes attached to each. She pulled my cock and balls out of my pants and sucked until it was hard, which took about 5 seconds. Then...

3 years ago
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Lightning Does Strike TwiceChapter 4

We arrived home at 1:30. Mike was the first one out the door to welcome us home. "Hi Mom, did you have a good time?" Mike reached around Mel to give her a hug. "Mommy had a wonderful time Mikey. Daddy really surprised mommy this weekend." "Good, I knew you were going to be happy." He gave me a hug as I came around the car. When we went inside the house where Becky greeted us happily. Robbie was busy on the phone. It seems that his girlfriend was more important. Oh, to be 16 again. I...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Desire 2

Carries continued defilement by a group of lesbians continues and we now join our poor heroine about to be subjected to even more lesbian perversions. Krizzy Carrie lay trembling her tears rolling down her cheeks, her anus and pussy burned with pain from the rapes inflicted upon them earlier, she had tried all night to loosen the padded cuffs that held her pinned to the mattress,”Please God help me to get out of this disgusting mess alive…I promise that I’ll do whatever you want,just...

4 years ago
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This work is the copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re- post this story must contact the author for permission. Fictionmania.tv By Paul G Jutras After taking his evening shower, Paul sat down before his computer and started to scan the Internet for new web sites. Most of what he found was on-line stores and people in chat rooms trying to sell things he had no interest in. "Great." Paul thought to himself as he starred at the window in front of him and saw...

3 years ago
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Learning Together 3Chapter 11

“Is everything done? Russell and Lucille will be here in about twenty minutes.” Kathy asked. Carly looked around the kitchen then said: “Yes, Ma’am. I pulled out the roast and put in the buns. The table is set. All that’s left is plating the roast and mom making the taters.” “You two are spoiling him.” Carly shook her head and said: “Nope. We already told him. Once the baby is here, there’s likely to be a potato famine for a few months while it gets settled in.” “What did Kevin say to...

1 year ago
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Pay Back

So that, dear friends, is why the President and I both hope that you will support him as he tries to pass the all important spending cap legislation now before the House, thank you for your time, good night." Jennifer Boyle, the wife of the president, made her way through the clapping throng on her way to the rear exit of the grand ball room in the Century Towers Hotel. A limo with a phalanx of Secret Service agents were waiting to escort her back to the White House, while she and her body...

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The Blind Flower Man Part2

By Dina PetroContinuation of part 1 of the storyI did not object or resist as I wanted fucked by then so bad, all I wanted was to feel his cock sink deep in me and satisfy my hungry pussy, I was screaming and moaning as loud as I could, he was ready to cum when he pulled out of me lay down on his back while I took his cock in my mouth and started milking it taking each and every drop of his thick white cock cream.While trying to suck his dick clean I lifted my head up towards the door to be...

1 year ago
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Hotel Fun


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The Beginning Of My Panty Fetish

To begin with, growing up I was that short, skinny, scrawny kid that everybody picked on. Even in my late teen years I was only five feet tall and weighed approximately a hundred pound and even that was on a good day. So needless to say, I didn’t have a lot of dates, and sex was only something I read about in books, or if I was lucky enough to ‘find’ one…an adult magazine. Usually I bought those cheesy magazines like True Detective or something similar. You know the type, the ones with the...

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A Christmas Story

About twenty years ago, when I was in my thirties and had moved to Florida, I started attending a very traditional Anglican-style church. I became actively involved, to the point where about ten years ago I became the head Verger. A major part of that job is coordinating and choreographing the various aspects of the Mass, particularly the Masses celebrating the major holidays. The music program is a big deal at church, especially at Christmas. However, because the choir is largely volunteer,...

Straight Sex
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Main Huyi Bhai Ke Lund Ki Diwani Pt 2 Dare Liya

Hello doston, main aapki Navya. Kasie ho aap log. Ye meri dusri story hai. Agar kisine meri pehli story ‘Main huyi Bhai ke Lund Ke Diwani’ nahi padhi, to woh jake padh le. Ye story main main bataungi ki main kaise main mere bhai se shart haarne ke baad enjoy ki. Agar accha lage, to apna review mujhe email karna mat bhulna. Meri email ID : . Meri pehle kahani main maine batayi thi ki kaise main apni bhai ka 8 inch ka mota lund apne me sama li aur Maje lene lagi. Bhai ke lund ke wajah se meri...

3 years ago
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Ye Sab Itna Jaldi Ho Jayega Pta Nahi

Sabhi “ISS Readers” ho humara “Hieee” WRITE TO ME : Ye humari ISS pe 1st story he. Plz avoid mistakes and errors. WRITE TO ME : Talking about me: I am a 21yr Engineering guy. If we meet, i’ll tell u more. This story is about 3months old. Hum na clg me thode se popular the, because hum sab se acche se mix ho jate the. and hum na sare college events me participate karte the. Isi mixing and chating me, humari frndsip 1 humare batch ki grl se hui. time k saath frnship thodi c deep ho gai....

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Elen Million Double Anal Troublemakers

Glamorous Elen Million flaunts her fit body in revealing lingerie. The tattooed MILF strips and pokes her holes with a glass dildo. Charlie Dean and Mr Longwood provide the cocks for an intense threesome, starting with a sloppy double blowjob. One dude drills her rectum while the other fucks her throat, and then both massive pricks simultaneously stuff Elen’s flexible asshole! Hard double-anal penetration leads to slobbery, tasty ass-to-mouth fellatio. Finally, Elen opens her mouth wide...

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Thoughts rushed through my mind as if they were in a race where the winner takes all. Every thought wanted to hook their long talons into my brain. I also struggled with my moaning and groaning body. My bottom cheeks were unhappy sitting on a hard rock and my back strained itself to keep my naked boobs pointed into the wind. Even my folded legs that were knotted in the Lotus position, were complaining about their situation. Only my arms were happy where they rested on my spread legs. However,...

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My Naughty Sister

  John was 25 years old. He had a small loving family with his parents and his elder sister. They had a small house and he and his sister used to sleep in one bed with him. His elder sister's name was reena. Reena was 28, very fair, white skin, 5’5”, 36 - 24- 38 and roundish faces with dimple cheeks. She had beautiful eyes and wore skirt and T-shirt. She had boys chasing her day and night.One night, around 12:30, John suddenly got up from his sleep, as he was feeling something heavy...

2 years ago
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Starting a life together

Let me tell you about once in particular. Right after we got married we began seeking a new apartment to relocate to. Let me tell you , my wife is about 5’6” 140 lbs 36C’s, long dark hair and she was and still is a good looker. We spent the weekends looking and settled on a newer one in a nearby town. The manager didn’t show up to show us a unit so we ended up walking around the unit. One man about our same age came by and asked if he could help. We explained that we would like to see an...

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MommysGirl Cherie Deville Scarlett Sage Ivy Wolfe Spitting Image

Ivy Wolfe is wearing a brand new dress and wants to show it off to her stepmom, Cherie DeVille. When she asks her if she likes it, Cherie doesn’t even bother turning around. Ivy is disappointed and points out the fact that she’s not even looking. Cherie glances at her and nods as she gets up to leave. She stops at the doorway and tells her stepdaughter that her friend Scarlett Sage could improve her social standing – she should definitely make it a point to hang out with her...

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Weekend camping trip

We had planned a camping trip away with Nadia , Michael Jo and I ,down the south coast on a friends property , so we had 100 acres all to ourselves on the edge of a lake , We set our camp up overlooking the lake and started gathering firewood etc . We settled around the camp fire after dinner with a few drinks and started chatting , it was soon very late and we turned in for the night Jo and I in our tent and Nadia and Michael in theirs . When i struggled out of the tent in the morning Jo had...

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The Diversion Part 1

Jerome Halleck was a powerful captain of industry, with some 34 companies in his comglomerate of petroleum interests. He even owned some natural gas companies, and was looking ahead, investing in alternative fuels, so that his family would be ready for the change of fuels when oil ran out. He was 76 years old and 4 times divorced, with a track record of womanizing a mile long. Since he had warned the women in advance that he would sleep around, he did not much like their jealous reactions to...

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Pelle the CollierChapter 18 How Pelle Rises in the Barons Service

"Come in, friend Collier," the baron invited Pelle. It was six weeks after Pelle's weeklong stay in Birkenhain. He had just delivered coal when the chamberlain found him and ushered him into the castle and into the baron's study. Pelle could not quite shake the apprehensions when around the baron. After the weeklong stay and the baron's return Pelle had to stand in another time with a drunken Lieselotte kneeling on the bed. It had been awkward too, but this time Lieselotte was warned....

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My Journey Book 3 BowsChapter 12

The next day, we were all awakened by the alarm. Dawn was eager to go out and was waiting for us by the bedroom door, whining softly. I dressed hurriedly and blew out the candle while the others slowly got their bearings and started the search for clothes. I took Dawn upstairs and got her outside in record time. I put her on her tether in the backyard and she wasn’t as picky as usual in finding a spot to go. While I was out, I flexed my shoulder experimentally and it felt okay. I cleaned up...

4 years ago
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This is why 2 cocks ar better than one

My story begins after the pictures end. If only I had a camera man to keep shooting...I began by tying him up spread eagle to the bed. Just for fun I deiced that I would tie him down unable to stop me from taking my pleasure from him. Before I tied him down I put the pump on his cock to keep him big for me, teasing him. This way he would still be big & hard while I was switching back and forth between his two cocks.Poor thing had no idea how long he would be tied down and teased hard. I...

1 year ago
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Niece Goes To College

By ReebChapter I I’ve watched my niece, Erica grow up over the years into a beautiful teenage woman. She is the oldest daughter of my younger sister who has raised my niece alone after a divorce when Erica was very young. I’ve been there as sort of a father figure for my sister’s daughters over the years. Erica was getting ready to graduate high school and she was looking into several small local colleges. The colleges she was looking at were all over the Pennsylvania countryside. My sister...

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She Cuckolds Him

They had been married now for 20 years. Jerry and Nellie were typical suburbanites. They lived in a cul de sac with 2 other houses around the circle. Then their entry street was short, with 2 houses on each side before it entered a surface feeder. That is, a major route to and from other major feeders. So there were 7 houses on their little street. Each house had a couple and various numbers of children, except for the couples who were childless. That described Jerry and Nellie. They had tried...

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Mistress J

It was nice to be out. No kids or cooking for the night. Just hubby and her together for some well deserved play time. Things had been a little stale of late, not enough time or energy to keep things fresh and vibrant . Lately her “vibrant” came in the form of a vibrator or her own skilled fingers! For some time the heat had been turned down on the sex life. If not for masturbating to her fantasies and surfing the web she couldn’t quell her desires. She was exceptional in her cunt...

3 years ago
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BDSM Games

BDSM GamesSynopsis- There is several BDSM games which can be played by the Masters with their slaves.Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity.? If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.Author- This is my first attempt of story writing so please forgive me if there is any mistake in the story.Please e-mail comments to...

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