Paul/Cadence Ch. 02 free porn video

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Chapter 2: Magic

This story is part 2 to the story. If you haven’t read the first part yet, I advise that you do so you’ll get more feeling, understanding, and enjoyment out of this story.

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‘What? I’m sorry, I missed what you said Gina.’ Paul stuttered ‘Yeah… Yeah… I won’t forget, okay? Four o’clock. Okay, bye.’ He finished with a sigh as he hung up the phone on his desk. He had been staring out his window thinking about Cadence again and wondering when he’d see her again since their group of friends hadn’t officially made plans to hang out this weekend.

Paul quickly straightened the papers that were scattered all over his desk and turned off his computer screen. His wife had just called and reminded him he had to pick up his daughter from softball practice at the middle school at four and it was already three-thirty. He would have to skip drinks with the guys after work again, but he didn’t care. He loved his kids more than anything and he would do anything for them. Heading out to his car he waved goodbye to a few co-workers and informed them of the change of plans. Most of the other guys were married with kids also, so no explanation was ever needed when he simply replied with ‘Something’s come up.’

Paul tiredly strolled over to his blue ford explorer with his keys in hand ready to open the door and finally get to relax. As soon as he had sat down in the driver’s seat he unbuttoned the top button of his sage-colored work shirt so he could get comfortable while his car was warming up. As soon as the car started he laughed quietly to himself at the music coming from the stereo. Last Saturday morning when he had dropped Cadence off at her house after their night together she had been listening to a Billy Squire c.d. he had owned, but hadn’t listened to for ages. The song filling his ears now was ‘My Kind of Lover’, it made him pause, smile and start singing along with the words as he drove out of the parking lot toward the middle school.

After he picked up his daughter from practice he quickly drove home and ate with the rest of the family. If he ate quickly maybe he would still catch the guys at the bar before they all went home he thought to himself. After dinner he cleared the dishes off of the table and said goodnight to his kids before changing into an old t-shirt and jeans and telling his wife not to wait up too late for him because he was going out for drinks with the guys.

After checking the bar he usually went with the guys for his co-workers cars he decided to go to the club his group of close friends hung out at for a drink. The bar his co-workers frequented looked pretty dead by this time of night. He quickly drove to the next town where the bar was and got out of his car. He wasn’t sure if he’d know anyone here tonight, but decided it was a better decision than staying home or going to the other place. As soon as he walked in the rotating multi-colored lights from the dance floor hit his eyes and he was immediately rejuvenated. Something about this place always put him in a better mood that he couldn’t explain if he tried. Glancing over at the bar he noticed that four of his friends had already decided to come out tonight and were slamming shots back like the place was closing in a few. He walked over and greeted Christene and Damian who were making out at the bar and then greeted Karyn and Sam who were both talking to different people for the time being. Christene walked over to Paul and bought him a shot, looking around to make sure his wife wasn’t with him, and then went out to the dance floor. Cadence, who was being ‘entertained’ by two different guys about her age but was seemingly not impressed much, was on the dance floor where Christene went to join her and inform her that Paul was there.

‘Guess who’s here Cady…’ said Christene smiling at her friend.

‘WHO’S ‘ERE???’ Cadence drunkenly exclaimed over the loud thudding bass line of the music.

‘Paul. He’s up at the bar. Just bought him a shot of Beam to ‘loosen him up’ for ya.’ Christene said laughing making Cadence look over near the bar, squinting to try to see him through the smoky film inside the building.

‘Man… I wanna screw ‘im… Screw ‘im right here… Ya think he’d let me?’ Cadence slurred, as she giggled making her friend laugh at her inebriated state.

Christene helped Cadence up to the bar where she stumbled over to Paul and playfully slapped him on the ass and pretended she wasn’t the one who did it when he turned around to face her. Cadence expected him to go back to talking to their friends at the bar but instead he turned around and hugged her.

‘God Darlin’. You’re hot.’ He said after pulling away from her.

‘Thaank Ya Paul!!’ Cadence said grinning from ear to ear.

‘No… I mean you’re burning up. You wanna go outside? It’s a little cooler out there.’

‘Oh…’ Cadence said covering her mouth to laugh, ‘Sssure.’

Paul put his arm around Cadence’s waist and led her up the stairs and to the door. As soon as they got outside Cadence broke away from Paul and went to lay down on a bench near her car.

‘Ohhhh man… this ain’t good.’ She giggled ‘Will you drive my car ta my house t’night Paul? I’m gonna drive yours to your house and we’ll call it even.’

‘Darlin’ I don’t think that would work.’ He said laughing as he picked up her legs and sat down placing them back on his lap. ‘I don’t think you need to be driving either car.’

‘I’m not a bad driver!!!’ said Cadence, whining indignantly, ‘Ya haven’t ever rode in a car with me PAAAUL… Well… Thaa one time, but I sssure don’t think I drove.’ She said laughing, making her breasts bounce underneath her thin cotton t-shirt. ‘SO…maybe I can drive ya home tonight and then you can drive me back to get my car… Wait… thaa won’t work either is… will it?’

Paul reached out to grab her hand, helping her sit up. She was making absolutely no sense tonight and while he thought it was cute he knew that somehow she would have to get sobered up some before it was time for everyone to go home. Paul looked at her for a brief moment and remembered the night they had shared together. Her shoulder-length brown hair was slightly messy and her mascara had began to leave faint traces of dark circles under her eyes, which were showing their tiredness. Slowly she stood up to go back into the bar and lost her balance sending her down into Paul’s lap. He wasn’t sure if it was an accident or planned by her, but judging by her drunken state he’d say it probably wasn’t planned. Immediately she apologized but he told her that there was no reason to apologize to him for it and locked her into a soft embrace – The embrace of two lovers that couldn’t be together as often as should be allowed. Their hands ran through one others’ hair and they sighed. Cadence stood up pulling Paul up with her and they shared a kiss that made their hearts ache for each other even more than they already did.

‘Le’s climb in your car Paul… c’mon’ said Cadence holding his hand and pulling him over to his car which was parked out of the dim light of the parking lot while he laughed behind her.

Paul followed her to his car and helped her up into the passenger side seat carefully making sure she didn’t fall and then walking around to the other side of the car to join her. As soon as he got in the car he saw that Cadence had laid back and closed her eyes to rest. He turned the keys on accessory and turned on the radio for her since he knew she enjoyed music so much and figured it might help her sober up to sing along but she remained silent with her eyes closed.

Paul reached toward Cadence and placed his hand on her thigh making her open her eyes and grin at him. He could tell by the look in her eye that she wasn’t too interested in singing right now and that there was only one thing on her mind and it was the same thing that had been on his since she left his car early last Saturday morning. Paul inche
d his hand up her leg and then toward the zipper of her jeans and unzipped them. Sliding his hand between the jean material and soft cotton of her panties he could feel the heat already coming from between her legs and rested his hand there for a second until he got an approving glance from Cadence. Slowly, as if to remove his hand altogether, he moved his hand back upward and down into her panties and began rubbing her hot slit with his middle finger making her squirm in the seat of the car urging him to go farther. Slowly… Teasingly… He began circling her swollen clit with a finger until she cried out. He then slid two fingers into her pussy and began pumping them in and out rhythmically with her orgasm, matching the bucking motion of her hips grinding his hand. After her tremors had subsided she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm, sitting up when the tingling sensation had left her body.

Paul got out of the car and went around to her side to help her out and into the back where they would have more room. As soon as they were in the backseat Paul unzipped his pants and freed his cock from the tangle of his boxer shorts and began running his hands through her hair as she began teasing it lightly with her fingertips. Paul held her hair back as she bent down to taste the pre-cum that was already forming at the shiny, dark-red, swollen head and took it all the way into her mouth as Paul moaned loudly and pulled her hair slightly making her wet all over again. Cadence bobbed and licked on Paul’s hard rod until she was so turned on again that she had to have it inside her.

Quickly she undressed from the waist down and straddled him, rubbing her wet cunt against the hot-swollen head of his member making him buck his hips trying to drive it inside of her. Slowly she let some of it enter, coating it in her own sex and pulling back up off of it before slamming down hard, impaling herself and making them both cry out. Paul, as horny as he ever remembered being, grasped her hips firmly as she put both arms around his neck and started thrusting as fast as he could, driving his cock into her wetness as far as he possibly could. As her second orgasm began to build Cadence began grinding her hips in a circular motion and meeting every blow that Paul delivered, needing him deeper and deeper inside of her with every thrust.

Still not finished, Paul stood Cadence up and turned her around to lean between the front seats of the car while he pounded her from behind, grabbing her shoulders and driving as far into her as he could. With one last thrust and a loud moan he blasted his hot cum into her and wrapped his arms around her waist sitting down in the seat behind him pulling her onto his lap.

‘Wow, Paul.’ Cadence said, now a bit more sober and exhausted. ‘That was really amazing. How long have we been here in the car?’

Paul looked out the window and sighed thinking to him self. ‘I’d say about two hours from the amount of cars that’ve left already.’

‘Are our friends cars out there or have they left already too?’ She replied.

‘They’re still here it looks like. You wanna go back inside, darlin’?’ Paul said smiling back at her and handing her clothes back to her from the floor of the car.

‘That would be rather nice.’ She said with a fake cockney accent as they both started laughing.

Back in the bar Cadence was greeted by Christene and Karyn who pulled her back to the bathroom. Both had been scared shitless by her disappearance for so long even though Paul had been the one to take her outside.

‘That was fucking AMAZING guys!’ she said laughing as they watched her lean back against the bathroom stall with concerned looks on their faces. ‘What’s…wrong?’ she said losing only a little of her giddiness.

‘Oh nothing… You just had us wondering where the fuck you’ve been girl!’ said Karyn a bit heatedly. ‘You guys couldn’t have came back in here for just a second to tell us where you had gone? Damian AND Sam have been trying to call Paul’s cell phone for an hour and a half and we’ve been trying to call yours for just as long.’

‘God guys… I’m sorry. I didn’t know you’d get so worked up over this…’ said Cadence with a sigh. ‘I’ll remember to tell you guys next time. I’m sorry.’

‘That’s okay.’ Said Christene who was walking out the bathroom door. ‘We just want details later.’ She finished, making the other girls laugh loudly.

When they got back out to the bar Paul was nowhere to be seen and most of the other people had left to go home. Sam and Damian already had their keys in hand and were finishing off their beers before they would all say goodbye to Cadence and go home. The lack of Paul’s presence upset Cadence a little, but she quickly shook it out of her system and asked the bartender, Melanie, for a coke. The first one’s to leave were Sam and Karyn, who both hugged everyone goodbye and promised to see everyone again the next weekend. Christene and Damian stuck around the bar for a little while longer with Cadence though because they knew that their friend was still probably in need of some time to get her head together from all the drinks she had earlier in the evening. After Cadence sat down in her barstool Damian left to go to the bathroom leaving Cadence and Christene alone to talk.

‘God Christene… I just wish he had stayed so I could have at least told him goodbye…’ murmured Cadence into her coke before laying her head on an arm rested on the bar.

‘I know you do, but he probably had something to do in the morning. I’m sure it wasn’t because he didn’t want to stick around and hang out. He’s sweeter than that and you know it.’ Christene said, tucking her friend’s hair behind her ear.

‘I know Christene. He’s almost too sweet. He’s sweeter than I ever imagined really, it’s just that it still tears me apart inside knowing that I can’t have him.’ She said, looking at her friend, not knowing what else to say. Knowing she should be happy to have even a fraction of his life. ‘I just feel so greedy wanting more than I already have.’

‘It’s not greedy Cady. It’s normal. You’re in love with him and you can’t help who you fall in love with. Just go with the flow. It’ll all work out for the best in the end. Trust me.’ Christene said, patting her friend on the back and getting up to adjust her purse before Damian came out of the bathroom to leave. ‘You’ll know when you should tell him you love him. It comes naturally after a while…’ she broke off feeling Damian’s hand on her back.

‘You comin’ outside with us or are you gonna stay in here and keep Melanie company while she closes?’ Damian asked Cadence.

‘Oh… I thought I’d wait to see if Paul’s coming back in, but I’ll go outside with you two. Melanie’s got her friends closin’ the bar with her.’

The three went outside to say goodbye and start their own journeys back to their houses. Damian went to start his car while Christene walked over to Cadence’s car with her to make sure she was fine to drive. As soon as her car, and Paul leaning against his car talking on his cell phone, came into view she got excited and turned to her friend. ‘He’s STILL here Christene! Why the Hell has he been out here for so long I wonder?’

‘Well, it’s only been about fifteen minutes since you came back into the bar after disappearing for two hours, so it really hasn’t been that long. You should ask him why he’s been out here for so long Cady.’ Answered Christene grinning. ‘But I’ve got to go. Call me when you get home so I know you got there okay sis.’

Cadence walked over to Paul, who was still on the phone, and stood against his car with him while he finished his phone call. As soon as he hung up the phone he looked at Cadence and smiled sweetly.

‘So darlin’… Did you have fun explaining to them why you went MIA for two hours?’ he laughed.

‘Yeah… I thought they were REALLY pissed when I went back in, but they were just worried. I didn’t even know they came looking for me.’

‘I didn’t notic
e if they did.’ Paul said grinning.

‘Well, I guess it’s time to go home. I’ll see you next weekend?’

‘Um… I just called Gina and told her I had drank too much and was just gonna get a room here. You wanna join me?’ he said hugging Cadence.

‘I don’t see why not. I sobered up quite a bit earlier, but I still don’t think it would be wise to drive home yet. I’m supposed to be spending the night with Christene anyway.’

Hand in hand they walked up to the hotel room that Paul had already rented. That night they slept in each other’s arms and reveled in the magic that was their own.

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As I ate lunch, I scanned the area in front of my home. The family was spread out in groups of varying size. Everyone was enjoying the festive mood brought on by our return. All the women welcomed Miya and Liya warmly. I could hear laughter from the group. I assumed they were talking about the trick the newcomers played on me. I could see heads nodding. I am glad the girls are integrating into our family so easily. As I walked around examining the 'porch' of the cave, I decided it would be...

3 years ago
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Bus ride to sex

Fortunately there is space for me to move in behind her. I take up a position very close to her. How much can I get by with? How much can I blame on the crowded condition of the bus, the swaying of the bus as we stop, take off, turn? I have no idea how long she will be on the bus so I decide to be rather bold, rather quick! I have a very nice view of her succulent 36C breasts as they are pushed up and are pushing against the restraint of her v-neck blouse as she stretches her arm up...

3 years ago
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Dog Day Afternoon Chapter 11

Dog Day Afternoon - Chapter 11 By Beverly Taff We three lay thus satiated until I was able to declare Billy's knot shrunk enough for me to extricate myself from his possession. This was always a painful task for my bitch pussy had a natural internal sphincter set inside the scabbard. In normal circumstances in a wild pack, this mechanism ensured that further sex was painful and thus as a naturally wild bitch, I would allow no other dog to enter me immediately after sex with the alpha...

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LA FunChapter 16

The morning began smoothly as the two loving women woke up happy and ready for their workout and a new day. I told Jules at breakfast that I had a large check to deposit, and that I wanted her to come to lunch with me so that I could take her by my bank and have her become a signer on my account. Jules was overcome with delight that I would trust her with all my savings. I told her, "It's only right for you to be able to use my money if we're going to be together as...

4 years ago
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On the Side of the Road

I didn’t want to go but then again I did want to. I was looking at myself in the mirror wondering why I was invited to this party. I grabbed my phone and looked at the text I got. It was from the most popular guy in school. When he came up to me that morning asking what I was doing later, I just couldn’t help but think something was up. He really seemed like he wanted me to go, so I gave him my number and he texted me the directions with a smiley face at the end. “Okay, don’t be a coward,” I...

Straight Sex
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Billionaire and the SisterhoodChapter 13 New Office Dress Code and a New Sister

Mark The first hint I had a problem at the office came the Monday after Melanie had spent the weekend with Elsa, Cindy, and me. We had a very romantic weekend, and I apparently had distinguished myself by making love continuously to all three women Friday night, and all day Saturday and Sunday. It wasn’t that I was fucking them and having orgasms all the time; I’m only a man. I did, however, become exceptionally attentive to each of them, displayed my vulnerable inner self to them, and made...

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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 12

Ken walked into the kitchen and caught a slight whiff of the chicken baking in the oven. It didn't smell like it had been cooking for too long and he set his bat and glove down on the kitchen table to open the door and check on it. "Mary?" he called as he retrieved his things and headed for his room. "When did you put the chicken in the oven?" "About a half hour ago," Mary said through the open door to the bathroom. "We should have an hour before we have to start the potatoes and...

3 years ago
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Gotta Break Em All 6 His hard Golden rod ready for massacre

At least those who had seen a Machoke kill people before might not recognize the Machamp with an unusual coloration. The plan involved taking down the guardhouses. Here, Machamp would act as a mentor regarding a useful move. It involved observing the target for weaknesses, before landing a devastating punch. The group went to the nothern gate leading to Route 35. Their leader stood still to the side of the gate, paying no attention to the conflicts of Team Rocket grunts and trainers out in...

1 year ago
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Bicurious no more

I am a 40 year old man, I have a good body and have been bicurious for some time. I frequently fantasise about being with another man when I masturbate.This summer I took myself off to a Greek Island for a short break and a bit of Sun.The first evening at my hotel I felt quite tired so sat in the bar with a beer and just absorbed my environment.  The evening’s entertainment was a karaoke.  Some of my fellow guests at the hotel were good singers and they sang a few songs I quite like.One of the...

Gay Male
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More Hot Sex With My Aunt

True i****t Storyi was sitting at home relaxing doing nothing this past sat night, which is a first for me. now i had sex with my aunt a few weeks ago but have not really heard from her since. i get a shower when i go back to my room i have a message on my phone from her. she said she needed to talk to me come over as soon as i can. now im like oh shit did my uncle find out? or my mother?my stomach was turning. i get into my car and ride over as fast as i can. heart beating fast scared as shit...

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For readers who don't live in Britain or otherwise don't know, I'll begin with a brief explanation on "chav". Chavs are a subculture throughout the UK, characterized by modified cars, bad music and casual alcoholism. The part I'm most interested in is the boys; who always wear tracksuit bottoms and tops, trainers, vests, thin plastic coats, variations of the above and more. As well as acting "well hard, pal", some of the sexiest boys I've ever seen were chavs. And, some of them...

3 years ago
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First Time with Sister

i apollogize for spelling as I was in a mega rush so a little about myself, I am 18, I like to play soccer so I am quite fit, I am 6 foot tall have black hair and blue eyes. I have been crazy about my sister for a long time but ill get into how that happened later. My sister is 24 with long brown hair she is quite small, I guess around 5ft 2in, blue eyes, she doesnt have big tits, they are a C cup and sit perfectly with lovely nipples. she likes to drink and would often get a bit too drunk. she...

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Ricky Daniel A College Hook Up

"Hey, I think I'm gonna go get my stuff from my car." I said "Oh for sure, you staying over tonight?" Playing dumb, trying not to be too obvious. "Yeah, I'm a little tired and don't feel too much like driving back, if that's alright with you of course." "Yeah thats no worries! I'm getting kind of sleepy myself" I said, and gestured for another cigarette. "I have a bit of weed." Daniel says. "Wanna smoke before bed?" "Yeah, my roommate's out tonight. We can smoke in my...

2 years ago
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late night hotel halls

I am 46 years old and travel quite extensively for businss. I dress in my hotel room at night when i travel. I sometimes entertain in my room. Sometimes I get very bold and wander out to the soda machine dressed sexily. Its about as bold as I ever get. I am quite tall and do not pass in public. But i am very smoooth and try very hard to look fem.Anyway, very recently i wandered into the hotel halls about 3 am at a business hotel I was staying in outside of Indianapolis. The soda machine was...

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The dark corner an untold story3

The entire town was in dark sleep. The moon is trying to peep into the secret world through the clear sky I slowly made my way to the down stairs. I reached the ventilator in the middle of the steps. I can see the very dim light of bed lamp from the ventilator. I slowly crept to the ventilator without making noise. After completely reaching the ventilator I could hear small sounds. I sat on my knees and peeped through the ventilator. Now I could see them. My mom is on the bed. Her blouse hooks...

3 years ago
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The Robot Nanny

THE ROBOT NANNY By Sissy Cindy ([email protected]) The Purchase "Now, I want to make sure I understand your request, Mr. Smith. Here at Living Robots Inc., we aim to please," the beautiful customer service lady named Mona said. "Your desired specs: The nanny model. Tall. Hypno-eyes package. Femdom and girl-training subroutines." She entered the information into the terminal as he spoke. "All right. Here's the picture." She spun around the monitor so Mr. Smith...

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The Geek Gets It

I really should be going. I’m already twenty minutes late back from my lunch break, but the boss is away. I can handle anything his gormless assistant, Doug might throw at me. I’m in the sandwich shop adjacent to our office block, I rarely ever used this place before Cherry took it over. I now find myself coming here every lunchtime, and it’s certainly not for the quality of the food. I’ve put a lot of effort into chatting her up on a daily basis, she didn’t bite at first, but slowly I seem to...

2 years ago
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Rebirth IIChapter 4

The bus trip to Toronto was boring but I managed to get a seat that had some light and I buried my nose in a Chemistry book from the library. When things quieted down, I was able to lean on a metal partition and get some sleep. Surprisingly nobody recognised me. At fifteen minutes after seven in the morning we got into the bus station. I had got my bag from overhead and felt bad because I had to have help to both put it in place and retrieve it. A familiar suit and face was waiting in the...

1 year ago
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Chapter 2 Sir Cy explores Justine

It was a leather wrist cuff. He showed her the cuff by reaching around from behind her and handed it to her and asked her to put it on. She took it from him and the small lock he handed to her, as well, and placed the cuff on her wrist and latched it. She then put the lock in the latch, after making sure that the cuff was snug and closed the locking mechanism. He handed her another cuff and lock and motioned for her to put it on and lock that in place as well, which she did willingly. With the...

3 years ago
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Private Games bisexual female

Bisexual female - lesbian first time – anal sex – anal training female – submissive female – dominant female – buttplug – strap-on male and female1. The GameThey were sitting on the couch watching TV one night, her head in his lap, when she reached over and grabbed the remote and hit Mute. It was right in the middle of a show he loved."What was that for?" he asked.She turned her head to look up at him and with a serious tone said, "Can we talk about something delicate?"Here it comes, he...

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Sex With Office Colleague

Hi, Everybody. My name is Roy ( name changed). I am 36 from Bangalore and married..decent looking with an average size dick. I am a great fan of this site and this is my second story and did get a good response. This happened with colleague …to tell more about her, her name his neeta ( name changed ) she is married with 6-year-old son. She is separated as her husband lives with an another women…she is decent looking..intact looks more than average..wheatish….5.2 and perfect to be a wife We are...

4 years ago
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The Second Time

A few months after, he was more often than not preoccupied with work. A single father trying to pave the way for both himself and his son, I didn’t really understand it then, but now that I look back, it was amazing of him to take on such responsibility. I probably didn’t help much at the time, but that’s beside the point. 
My father never worked normal hours like some people. He didn’t work the nine to five shifts like some, and never really had weekends off. Monday and Friday...

1 year ago
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But I am NOT gay pt 1

Dan is a very large young man with a very large cock. He was a high school football star and had his way with any girl he chose. Dan loves everything about girls; their tits, their ass, their legs and their sweet smell. When word spread that he was packing a lot of meat, he was swamped with girls wanting to date him. With so many girls throwing themselves at him, he just couldn’t decide on just one. He has always thought of himself as a rugged sportsman. He never had any doubts about his...

4 years ago
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Appearances Belladonna Don Legnani eyes turned towards his secretary as his wife entered the ladies room. His secretary knew he was watching her. Carmen Hightower was always aware that her boss's eyes were fixed upon her whenever he had the opportunity to steal a glance. Carmen crossed her right leg over her left. She smiled as she let heel of her shoe slid off her foot. Don's eyes were transfixed on the metallic gray, 5 inch heeled pump dangling from Carmen's toes. Don heard...

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Blowjob in the bathroom

Alex walked down the hall of his school, 17 and feeling alive.  He had been texting a hot girl last night, and he had made a bunch of jokes about her giving him head in the bathroom.  He knew that she was drunk, and he was joking, but inside he felt that he wouldn’s say no to some good head.   He went to his first period class, and there she was, sitting there with her big ass, DD’s and definetly not a tight pussy.  She was known as a whore, but Alex didn’t care, he would do almost anything...

3 years ago
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England My England

Sooner or later the shock wears off. We know this, Lives go on and those who cope can deal with the aftermath until it becomes commonplace. It started, not in the dark as these things do in novels, but in a light and airy student flat. The plotters, six men and two women, all young, all fired in the belief that they could strike a blow for their religion against its oppressors. They looked carefully at the protest sites using hopefully safe proxy cut-outs; listened to the tales of carnage as...

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My Neighbor Angie Pt 2

From Part I…..I continued to lick lightly all around her dripping slit as if to clean her up for the next round. The sweetness of her juices were like fine wine. My mind began to wonder about the next phase as Angie removed her knee from the barstool and tried to steady herself with her back against the counter. Looking up at her, she pinched at her nipples and gave me her sexiest smile. ‘You know that was just a warm-up don’t you?’ she said slowly and with conviction. She grabbed her beer and...

1 year ago
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BurningAngel Arya Fae Arya and Isiah

Arya Fae’s boyfriend moved out suddenly, saying he needed ‘time to himself’ or whatever THAT means, and had to come collect the rest of his junk! She wore some sexy black lingerie so that he could see what he was missing- but the asshole sent his friend Isiah Maxwell to do his heavy lifting! Typical. At least he’s a very considerate and HOT friend… maybe there WAS something else he could do for her- like stuff her box full of cock! She leapt into his arms and onto...

3 years ago
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Swordswomen Sex and the CityChapter 3 Peak experience

We fear our highest possibilities. We are generally afraid to become that which we can glimpse in our most perfect moments, under conditions of great courage. We enjoy and even thrill to godlike possibilities we see in ourselves in such peak moments. And yet we simultaneously shiver with weakness, awe, and fear before these very same possibilities. Abraham Maslow By knowing what exists, you can know that which does not exist. That is the void. People in this world look at things mistakenly,...

2 years ago
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Nightmare HolidayChapter 8

It was morning before Manuel came again. Renee had lain wire tense all night, waiting. She couldn't sleep--or turn off her thinking. Fran was awake, too. But it had helped neither woman to do any talking during the long night. Manuel entered as silently as he had previously to stand, staring down at them. Renee squirmed. She was overly conscious of her nakedness. He unfastened her hand and foot. "Come!" Silently, he led her out the door into a dingy corridor that was, if possible, even...

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Part three Hitchikers Lift from Belguim Men

We stayed in Monaco for about 8 days, there was lots of abuse whilst I was there, and on the last day,they decided to throw a party, I was going to be guest of honour, (More likely Fucked Guest)..Anyway they had invited a number of friends ,and they were all to be Masked , but nothing else to be worn, so a bunch of both Dangling and semi hard cocks would be on display, how wonderful I thought, that means who ever fancies me can take, and I can assure you ,it happened just like that.. I...

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