Piano Mom
- 4 years ago
- 44
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[There is no explicit sex in this story. My intention is to elicit an emotional response from the reader. Please let me know with votes and comments how well I succeeded.]
When Josh’s Mom decided her boy needed to learn to play the piano he was seven. She found and bought a used upright, installing it in the family living room. Over three months she stripped the old finish off the wood, sanded and used steel wool to get the surface prepared and then used a marine grade polyurethane to make the older piano look new. She had studied piano for three years when she was young and as she worked on the piano she relived the good memories of spending time with her mother at their piano. Somehow the memories of the tedious hours each week practicing weren’t a part of her reminiscing.
Josh had watched Mom working on the piano as he went about the very important jobs that were a part of being seven and a boy. Mom took time away from her project to do all the mom stuff, cooking, cleaning, reminding, bandaging Josh when he needed it and tucking him in each night.
Josh and his Mom and Dad lived in a small town in Nebraska. There were kids on every block, three city parks, two elementary schools, a middle school that still had the sign on the front that said, ‘Abraham Lincoln Junior High School,’ and a high school named for the town. All the boys Josh knew were interested in sports, all sports and in going fast.
At dinner one night about a month before his eighth birthday Josh volunteered that what he wanted for his birthday was a bike. He was very specific about what he wanted. He handed his Dad a hand written list of specifications including model numbers, color and where this wonderful bike could be bought. His Dad smiled until he got to the price. He couldn’t believe he was asking for a bike that cost nearly five hundred dollars!
Internally he wanted to tell Josh, ‘No, damn way I’m shelling out five hundred for a bike for an eight year old!’ However, he didn’t want to crush the boy. So, what came out of his mouth was, ‘Wow! I’ll have to do some checking into this. That’s pretty expensive.’
Josh smiled and finished his dinner. He believed his Dad would see what a great bike it was and on his birthday he’d ride all over town showing off his new bright yellow TREK trail bike.
After Josh was in bed asleep Barbara, Josh’s Mom, asked his Dad, ‘What does the bike cost?’
‘Five hundred. It’s too much for a bike for an eight year old!’
Barbara was quiet as she did her nightly ritual. She was thinking. As she and Brad got into bed she said, ‘Can I have the page he gave you? I want to see if I can find one used or one like it.’
‘Sure. I think two hundred would be Ok, but not five hundred.’ They kissed, pulled the covers up and Barbara shut off the light.
The next day Barbara called the biggest TREK store within five hundred miles and asked to speak to the manager. She described the bike her son wanted and asked if they carried that bike. He said, ‘Yes, I’ve got three in stock. A dark blue, a white and a yellow.’
‘Do you have any posters of that bike?’
‘As a matter of fact I do. It’s even a yellow one in the picture.’
‘He wants that bike. I want him to earn it. Can I buy the poster? I want to hang it in his room as the incentive for him to earn it.’
‘You want an eight year old to earn five hundred dollars?’
‘No. Better grades, chores without fights, and maybe one or two other things.’
‘Ok, Give me your address. I’ll send you the poster, but you have to promise that when you buy the bike you buy from me.’
‘I promise.’ She gave him their address and smiled the rest of the day. She went to the town library that afternoon and used their computer. She ordered a CD of piano music, making sure the one she bought had the tune she was looking for on it. She also ordered a subscription to a magazine called, ‘Bicycling.’
She got home and went to work. The house got cleaned, the laundry done, a roast went into the oven and she set a timer to go off when school let out. The dryer made soft background noise as Barbara sat at the piano for the first time, to play. She remembered back to when she was seven and her mom had started teaching her. Her fingers remembered. She made mistakes, but after half an hour she could feel she was improving.
That night she didn’t say anything about Josh’s birthday or the piano while Josh was awake. After he was asleep she sat beside Brad and said, ‘I have an idea. Hear me out?’
‘Sure.’ He faced her, making sure she knew he was paying attention.
She outlined what she had learned about the bike. She said, ‘I want Josh to learn to play the piano. I know boys aren’t interested in the piano at his age but I want to give him an incentive. We’ll give him a subscription to Bicycling magazine and a poster of the bike he wants. I’ll give him a CD with a certain piece of piano music on it. When he can play that piece of music he gets the bike. I think it will take him two years to earn the bike.’
‘He’ll be ten when he gets it?’
‘Yes! He’ll be bigger, stronger and he’ll have learned to play the piano too.’
‘Who teaches piano here in town?’
‘I’ll teach him.’ Barb smiled.
Brad sat and thought. The longer he thought the smarter he realized his wife was. ‘Ok! I agree! But, he has to get something for his birthday. Something he’ll like.’
They agreed on a skateboard. Barbara ordered one the next day. Three days before Josh’s birthday the poster came in the mail along with the CD Barbara had ordered. The day before his birthday the first issue of Bicycling arrived in the mail. The UPS truck delivered the skateboard later that day. Barb got them all wrapped and hidden before Josh got home from school.
During dinner she asked Josh what he wanted for his birthday dinner. He picked pizza and a lemon cake with vanilla ice cream. Josh had trouble going to sleep that night. When the alarm woke him the next morning he bounded out of bed and ran into his parent’s room and said, ‘I’m eight!’ They acted surprised and asked if he was sure. He wanted to know when he got his presents.
Brad said, ‘Presents are given after dinner.’ He said it so sternly that Josh didn’t even attempt to convince him otherwise.
Rather than make a pizza at home Barb had one delivered, with everything. Josh ate bell peppers, tomatoes, onions, pepperoni and sausage that night, without a fuss. He had two big pieces. Barb brought out the cake and they sang ‘Happy Birthday’.
Barb explained to Josh that she wanted to make a deal with him. He wanted to know what kind of deal.
‘The bike you want is expensive. We want you to earn it. You still get a good present right now but as soon as you earn the bike, we’ll buy it. What do you think?’
‘I don’t have a job!’
‘We’re about to give you a job. You’ll work for me and earn the bike.’
‘How long will it take?’ He worried they would make it take forever.
‘That depends on how hard you work.’
With visions of spending the entire summer on his knees in the garden pulling weeds he asked, ‘What do I have to do?’
‘You have to play my favorite song on the piano.’ Barb smiled at him.
‘What? I don’t know how to play the piano!’
‘So, you learn. When you’ve learned enough to play my favorite song, you’ve earned the bike.’ Barb got the package with the poster in it and said, ‘Here’s the first of your three presents for today.’
He looked at the package. It was almost three feet long and three inches in diameter, a tube almost like it could hold a baseball bat. But when he held it it was too light to have a bat in it. He moved it around like maybe it was a light saber and he heard something jingle and move around inside. Josh carefully unwrapped the package and found the poster. Brad helped him unroll it and they looked it over.
‘That’s the one!’ Josh sc
reamed. ‘That’s the exact bike I want!’
‘We cam put this up on your wall tonight if you want.’ His Dad offered. Josh nodded, his eyes still taking in every detail.
When he thanked them Barb handed him the second present. She had put the first issue of Bicycling in a shirt box and wrapped it in paper with drawings of bicycles on it. He quickly tore the package open and saw the first issue. He noticed that the subscription on the cover had his name on it. Dad said, ‘You get an issue every month.’
Five minutes passed while Josh looked through the issue, checking every picture. After he thanked them both Barb asked him to get her what was under his bed. He ran to his bedroom and found the skateboard, wrapped and hidden right under his bed.
He carried it back to the dinner table and asked, ‘How long has it been hiding under there?’
Dad said, ‘We knew you never clean under your bed so we knew it would be safe.’
Mom asked, ‘So what is it?’
Josh tore the package open and said, ‘A skateboard! A great skateboard!’ He got it completely unwrapped and discovered in the center of the deck was a sticker from TREK, the makers of the bike he wanted.
Josh agreed it was a great birthday. Mom and Dad watched him ride the skateboard for twenty minutes and then they went back in the house. The next day Josh rode his new board to school. In his back pack he carried his books, school supplies and his Bicycling magazine.
After school that day and after he had done his homework, he had lesson number one. Mom showed him how to find middle ‘C’. She had him run outside and come back in and show her which key was middle ‘C’ . She gave him a sheet of paper that showed the names of the lines and spaces between the lines on sheet music. She told him, ‘As soon as you have learned that you can have lesson number two.’
The next day when his homework was done he showed her he knew where middle ‘C’ was and identified all the lines and spaces on the blank music sheet. She gave him lesson number two.
Day after day she gave him tiny pieces to learn. She made sure she praised him along every little step of the way. By the end of the second week he could easily hit Middle ‘C’ and could hit and name all eighty-eight keys.
Between the end of homework and bedtime he had free access to the piano. At the start of the second month he was playing chop-sticks. By the end of the second month he was playing five different two-finger songs. Barb was beginning to remember the practice sessions she had done as a child and why she hated ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.’
The weather got warmer, the days got longer and the boys of the world wanted to play baseball. Josh let the lessons slide for two weeks. Mom didn’t demand he practice. She didn’t remind him.
When two weeks had passed without the keyboard cover being lifted Mom got a blessing. It rained one day. When Barb saw her boy coming home from school she sat at the piano and played a song as he came through the door. He stopped and watched. When she was done she said, ‘Remember what you played last time you sat here?’
‘Yeah. ‘Twinkle, Twinkle.’
‘If you can sit here right now and play it, I’ll get us pizza for dinner.’
‘Easy!’ He sat next to her and put his hands on the keys. He made it through ‘Twinkle, Twinkle little star’ and died at ‘How I wonder…’ Mom said, ‘When you don’t repeat it often enough it goes away. Your fingers forget how to do it.’ She sent him off to do his homework and she made chicken for dinner.
After dinner they had a lesson. Josh still played baseball with his friends. When school let out for the summer he played more baseball, soccer, went swimming and played the piano. Barb never asked him if he practiced. She remembered how she hated that word. She asked him once in a while if he had played piano today. Kids like being asked if they played, as if the yes was a good thing.
While Josh was out doing boy stuff, Barb played. She was relearning so she could teach Josh. He hadn’t asked once what song he needed to play. He knew it was a tough one. It was worth five hundred dollars.
One Saturday during that summer Brad was working in the flower bed outside the front of the house and heard the piano playing. He was glad that it wasn’t ‘Twinkle, Twinkle…’ He recognized the new song, it was ‘Ode to Joy’ by Beethoven. He went back to work thinking it was Barb playing.
The fourth time it was played he was shocked when he heard Barb’s voice say, ‘Isn’t he getting good?’
He turned and saw her standing near him as the music kept playing. He kissed her and said, ‘I need to tell him.’ Dad went inside and said, ‘Son, I’m impressed. I heard you playing and I thought it was your Mom. Play it again, please I love that one.’
Josh played it fifteen more times that day.
When Josh started fourth grade the new teacher asked if any of her students played an instrument. Josh raised his hand as did three girls. Two of the girls said they were learning the piano, the other girl said she was learning the violin.
When he came home he told Barb that the other boys wanted to know why he was learning the piano. He said they said the piano was for girls.
Barb took him to the computer and they did a search. They discovered that baseball players make more, football players make more too. So Barb helped him search and see how many men play professional baseball and how many play pro-football. She helped him with the math and they discovered that out of a million boys less than three thousand would ever make any money playing pro sports. Further they discovered there were millions of people making a good living from playing piano, composing music and teaching. She just let him digest the information and the implications about the future of doing both.
She noticed he slacked off from piano for a couple weeks. He didn’t stop but he didn’t play every day either.
As it got closer to Christmas the school decided they wanted a Winter Holiday celebration where the classes would perform skits and sing or dance for the whole school and the parents.
The teacher asked the two girls who said they were learning piano to play some Christmas carols while the class sang. Neither girl could do it. They both said, ‘I can’t. I’ve only been practicing for two years.’
Josh sat down at the piano and played ‘Ode to Joy.’ The whole class sat stunned as he played. Then the teacher asked if he could play ‘Frosty the Snowman’ and maybe one other song at the Winter Holiday celebration. Josh said he’d ask his Mom.
After school he got lots of compliments on how well he played. He knocked out his homework quickly that afternoon and was at the piano playing ‘Frosty’ when Mrs. Brown, his teacher called. She spoke with Barb and told her what was happening as well as asking if Josh could play. Barb answered that she’d talk it over with the family and get back to Mrs. Brown the next day.
At dinner she asked Josh if he wanted to play for the program at school. Josh said he thought it would be fun. Dad asked what they were talking about. Josh explained it to him. He looked at Barb and said, ‘He’s only been learning for nine months. Can he do it?’
Barb said, ‘Josh, can you play ‘Frosty’? He left the table and sat at the piano. He had spent an hour learning it after school. He played it without looking at the page once. When he finished Dad and Mom clapped. He jumped off the bench and bowed. He ran back to the table and said, ‘Can I play for the whole school?’
He played. All his peers sang. His Mom got calls and started teaching other kids piano.
Josh still played baseball, basketball, and soccer. He ran, climbed, swam and rode his skateboard around too. And, he played piano almost every day.
At dinner exactly one month before he was turning nine his Dad asked, ‘You ready for the bike for your birthday?’
He looked up at his Mom and said, ‘What’s the song I have t
o play?’
She smiled and got the CD off the shelf. She put it in the stereo and hit play. She had found a recording of a piano soloist playing ‘The Battle Hymn of the Republic’. After the first ten notes Josh said, ‘Turn it up, please.’ He closed his eyes and listened.
When it was over he asked, ‘Again, please?’ Mom hit the buttons and they listened again.
When the music stopped Josh said, ‘I can do this! Invite Grandma and Grandpa over for Sunday dinner and I’ll play it for all of you.’
‘Are you sure?’ Dad asked. ‘That’s a long piece of music. It sounds complicated, too.’
Josh smiled and said, ‘Order the bike Dad. It’s in the bag.’
Dad worked every day. Barb was at home, listening. Josh played the CD four or five times a day and spent hours playing different sections of the piece. He came home from school with CD’s he’d checked out of the library and he listened to those renditions of the ‘Battle Hymn’ as well. By Thursday Barb ordered the bike. She called the store in Colorado and asked to speak to Frank.
‘Frank, this is Barbara. I spoke to you a year ago about getting a TREK poster for my boy.’
‘Right! I remember. Shall I order the bike?’
‘Yes! He did more that any of us believed he could do.’
‘What exactly did he need to do to earn the bike, if I can be nosey and ask?’
‘He needed to play the ‘Battle Hymn of the Republic’ on the piano.’
‘How long has he been playing?’
‘He started the day after his birthday last year.’
‘I took piano when I was a kid. No way he learned piano in a year! I studied for three years and I wasn’t good enough to play that.’
‘He’s playing it for his grandparents, his Dad and I this Sunday. Bring his bike and have dinner with us.’
‘I just might do that!’ They finished the business part of the call and an hour later he called back. ‘Can I bring my wife?’
They were coming to hear Josh play. Barb told Brad, but not Josh. She invited the grandparents to drive two hours for Sunday dinner. When she said why, they agreed to come. Barb’s Dad asked, ‘Why the ‘Battle Hymn’?
‘Cause he’s a boy. I’d rather he played ‘clare de lune’, but that’s because I’m a girl.’
Sunday came. At noon the phone rang. Josh answered. ‘Peterson residence, Josh speaking.’
A voice he didn’t recognize said, ‘This is Frank Willows. May I speak to Barbra Peterson please?’
He covered the mouthpiece and loudly called out, ‘Mom, it’s for you.’ Then he spoke into the phone, ‘Mom’s making a big dinner right now. She’ll be to the phone in just a minute.’
‘Thank you.’
A minute later Barb picked up the phone and said, ‘Yes?’
Frank asked for street by street directions from the train station. Barb called Josh back to the phone and handed it to him. She said, ‘This man and his wife are coming for dinner. They are at the train station and need directions. Help them get here, OK?’
Ten minutes later a gray four door truck parked in front. On the side doors was a logo of a bicycle and the words, ‘Biggest Bike Shop in Colorado!’ In the bed of the truck was something covered with a tarp. Frank and his wife were dressed for church as they got out of the truck. If Josh had seen the truck he would have exploded. The man, Frank and his wife covered the whole truck with a nylon cover and walked to the front door. Josh ran to answer the door when the bell rang. Barb and Dad were setting food on the table. They stopped and met their guests.
Before the introductions were over a twenty year old pick up painted John Deere green parked in the driveway and Josh’s grandparents got out. They didn’t knock. They walked in and greeted each person with a hug. Everyone except Frank and his wife also got a kiss from Grandma.
Barb assigned seats and everyone sat down for dinner. Food was passed and conversations held. Grandpa wanted to know why someone would drive all the way from Colorado for dinner. Barb answered. ‘Dad, Frank plays piano too. He heard Josh was gonna play today and he asked if he could come listen. I said yes.’
Grandpa said, ‘Damn long drive to listen to a kid!’ Then he took another big fork full of mashed potatoes with peas in them and shoveled it into his mouth. His wife of forty-two years thought, ‘Choke, you old goat’, but she didn’t say anything. Grandpa was actually Brad’s dad not hers and when he mouthed off like that she was glad he wasn’t her Dad.
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SpankingBy : Deepakd Hi, mera naam Deepak hai, aur main Jammu ka rehne wala hu, mera email id hai – . Mere kad 5’5” hai aur mere laude ka size 6” hai n kafi mota hai… bat un dino ki hai jab main college first year me tha, mere ek dost ‘abhi’ ka ghar college ke pas hi tha hum dono aksar college ke bad ikthe hi jate the aur kai bar bunk karke uske ghar par bluefilm dekhte uske ghar ke thodi dur ek aur ghar tha. Waha husband wife rehte the husband ka naam ‘Sanjay’ tha aur wife ka naam ‘suman’ tha ek hi...
CHAPTER 1 Six years on from college graduation, Lana, Chloe, Jo and Addison met for their weekly Friday lunch at the Palm Court Café in the heart of the gallery of Palm Court Mall. From such a strategic location they could let fly waspish asides on unfashionably dressed women, wave to people they knew and rev up their hormones by watching, minds racing, the occasional credible hunk passing by and checking out their tits. Jo Lund had been last to arrive, her face an excited pink. ‘Babes do I...
Some men are born to be lucky. For others the luck is ordained. I am from the second category. My Wife’s friend Manjula married to Navy officer who has exactly the same name as mine. Manjula is one of those beautiful indian housewife who have a burining desire of infidelity, but due to social paradoxes are not able to express their lustful desires openly. Manjula is extremly beautiful & expressive by nature. Her height is 5’6”, figure is 36”-28”-38” & complexion fair. She has extremely shaped...
Incest"Here is an item that might interest you Mr. Russell," Homer Parducci, the short, bald owner of the antique shop said to the man standing before him on the other side of the display case. The shopkeeper reached into the case and withdrew a strange looking necklace. "This is a talisman from Africa. I have hung in on this gold necklace, but let me assure you the item is genuine. I will provide you with papers certifying its authenticity if you think you might want to purchase it." "It looks...
Hello, this LUCKY from Bangalore. I am a regular visitor of this site. I always used to fantasize about girls thinking of them and imagining them as nude in front of me. The story which I am going to tell you is a one with my cousin. I am a 21 year old guy with a medium type of physique but my friends tell me that I am handsome. I am 5ft 7 inches tall and have a healthy body. Any way from the beginning of my college I wasn’t interested in any of girls. Some times I used to stare at some girls...
IncestHello readers M vicky my age 26 Avrage body with 6 inches penis Mera rang thoda sanwla hai Ab mai aap ko sidha apni story par lata hu Hum yani mai or meri mummy ek sehar ke chote se gaw me rehte hai or humare ghar ke sath hi ek ghar hai jisme 2 bhai apni wife ke sath rehte hai jo unki biwiya hai wo hai to moti but unki choochiya bahut solid hai bole to 38d hoga unki choochiyoo ka sazi waise to wo dikhne me bahoot hi sexy hai sath hi unka gudila sarir lund khada karne wala hai kyu ki jab bhi...
Sarah's husband Robert had only been away on assignment for a few weeks when he informed her that he was involved with a woman in Europe. He hoped that any legal proceedings could wait until he returned. In the meantime he instructed a lawyer to draw up papers transferring the house to her name and providing financial support for her. He said he knew she had been unhappy and hoped that she would try to move on without him. Otherwise, he was unapologetic. Sarah assured him she would be fine and...
Group SexMy first time with a transwoman was a very unique experience I must say. Having explored my options on the internet wasn't an easy one. I was nervous and curious about my first experience having sex with a transwoman. I only had sex with biological women throughout my entire sexual life and this was a new experience for me. I checked for several months on Backpage and Craigslist on the dating classifieds ads for transwoman.What I was looking for is an mature erotic, sexy and beautiful...
Some comic characters mentioned in my stories could be the property of these respective comic book publishers, Marvel, DC, or Image. If they are being used, this a work of fictional parody. The story I posted last night was a scenario joining events from the Lois & Clark TV show and the Lois Lane comic books #70 and 71. I hope most of you remember some of the details I put out for background there. This story is derived from events in the story in LL #71. The opening paragraph...
Hi there, I am back with another escapade of mine. Well, this particular incident was completely unprecedented and it unfolded in a very different fashion. For those reading my story for the first time, I am Amit from Mumbai, 39, well built, pretty good looking, adventurous and fun-loving. Always available on This incident happened a couple of months back, while I was returning from Delhi after a meeting and had an evening flight, which got delayed. I whiled away my time in the lounge and then...
Please send your feedback to me or chat with me on the same id in hangouts. Hi, all Akash again. This is a true story of how my wife and my neighbor started their affair. My wife Sunita is a hot sexy maal. She usually wears soft shiny nighties at home which shows her ample assets proudly. She is a very innocent but horny housewife who expects frequent fondling and kissing from me. After our marriage, she has been giving me the best of sex full of love. She is a shy but horny woman. It took me...
A DN sister “gas” story.A nurse collected the last patient, this time a young schoolgirl, her mum was told to wait for her and as the nurse led her away, I heard her tell her there was nothing to be scared about, and that they had some special black chewing gum for her that she had to bite not chew. An euphemism for the prop no doubt. I’d be next. I thought back to how I’d got myself into the predicament of being in a waiting room queue for gas extractions. I’d applied for a Dental nurse job at...
"In the repertoire of my being, that of a mortal with creative juices...I, The Sandman and sweeper of sensuality make my nightly journey to seek out the one female creature that I might make my own.”Neve read these words to herself, then said aloud, “The sweeper of sensuality huh? Not in my experience.”Neve sat back in her bed. The story was from one of those online sites that specialized in more adult themed stories. Stories of erotic encounters between two or more people that resulted in hot...
SupernaturalHi, this is arav (25), sharing my 1st true sex experience with my neighbor mansi(24) whom I banged many times in every fantasy situation please read the whole story will enjoy a lot. I am an engineer and preparing for govt jobs, my family and many family are nighbours for 8 years so its understood that I and mansi were friends for 7 years but suddenly things changed last year. When mansi completed her post graduation and I left a job for government job preparation, till then we were out of our...
Hi, This is my first story on ISS which a real one which happened with me a week back. I am Karthik 42 years old married for 16 yrs. This incident is about me and my wife’s best friend Suman who is 39 years old and married as well. Both Suman and my wife are college mates during the studying days and have known Suman since I got married as she had attended our marriage. Suman and my wife had been in regular touch and been best of friends till date though she stays in a different city to ours...
[ Update: Free Use World !! The main storyline will continue. Please enjoy using Catwoman's lesbian anal fetish mind control Gotham City. ] Prologue: Batgirl struggled with the nylon ropes binding her in place. They dug deep into her costume across her nips and down the crack of her pert ass. There was little else she could do. The thin ropes bound her thighs and ankles together in kneeling position. Her arms were firmly tied behind her back and those ropes were tied to the ones around her...
Mind ControlBoys and girls i am a regular reader of iss and this is a real incident that has happened to me after which i have started believing in incest. I am continuing this story in Hindi and pls forgive me of my errors as this is my first story. Ye story meri aur meri cousin behan ke bech ki hai. Hum dono ki age 18 saal hai . Mera naam Ayush hai aur uska Manya hai. Hum dono du me parte hai bt different colleges me parte hai. Uski figure 36-28-36 hai aur vo uska sabse strong point hai. Uske boobs bhi...
(Inspired by a true story) Groomsman Kevin and Jessica had been dating for the last two years and had been engaged for the last six months. They were ready to get married, settle down, and have a family together. However, controversy soon arose as the wedding plans were being formulated. Upon given the list of groomsmen by Kevin, the always curious Jessica did a background check on them all. Nothing too serious, just an online program that looked through their criminal histories,...
"And as you can see," Natalie Portman continued, pointing at the large projector screen with a laser pointer. "No one who is famous in the public eye goes untouched on this website. From actresses to singers to athletes to royalty, it seems that if there is an attractive woman on the planet who is famous, this site - Celebrity Sex Stories Archive - has at least one story on her," Natalie paused for a moment, shifting back to her notes. "As an actress in Hollywood, I find this sort of...
I've travelled almost my entire working life, mostly as a seafarer. Whilst I've had an amazing time, it meant that meeting - and keeping - someone special has been a real challenge. One of the ways that my wife and I have managed to keep our relationship fresh is through telling stories. It made the miles seem shorter, the separations easier.I hope you enjoy them as much as we have...I wasn't a very disciplined youth. To this day I have no real idea why I volunteered for the Army. When it came...
Ok, I admit it. I had found the perfect chick magnet. So what if it was just a CAT, yes a kitty cat. Well, not just any old cat. My cat loved walking on a leash. And it’s extremely friendly. It will let anyone pet it and would hop into your lap without a second thought. It was a very handsome chocolate point Siamese male. Today, I’m sitting at a shady picnic table at a nearby park. Right in line for the parade of young women headed for the beach. “Oh! Cute kitty! What’s its name?” as the...
The Terrible Fate of the English Nobleman By Dr. Phil This is the story of an 18th century English nobleman living in the Caribbean. He is hated by a local pirate governor. The Englishman refuses to sell a small piece of land to the governor who has wanted it for a long time. The Englishman has been protected by his friendship with the captain of one of the pirate ships. Even the governor fears this ruthless captain. One day the pirate ship arrives in port with...
I’ve had fantasies about the cable guy that I had once seduced. Jimmy and I unfortunately didn’t have video of it but he was able to take pictures of me taking his big black cock. I’ve recently had to go back to that picture set and loudly reminisce about it as Jimmy fucked me in bed one night. Ironically, a day came when we had trouble with our phone line and finally Jimmy placed a repair request order to fix the problem. When we were finally told what day the telephone repairman was coming to...
Erotic“Oh my head.” Robin whispered as he stirred awake. It took a few moments for him to fully regain consciousness. His last memory was of chasing someone across the Gotham rooftops, now he was in someone’s apartment. “I’ve been captured!” He screamed in his mind as he suddenly realized he was under restraints. Taking a deep breath, he willed himself to think calmly, just as Batman as taught him. Take stock of the situation, then form a plan of action. The room was in semi-darkness, illuminated...
Hello ma crazy reader my name z Siraz, siraz sidaqi. I was also a reader of ISS lyk you. Actually still I am while reading ol d stories on ISS. I used to thought about se fun in ma like and humesa hi mauke ki talash me rhta tha bt aisa lgta tha ki jaise upper wale ne ek mere hi liye koi mauka banaya hi nahin, isi tadap me aur us parwar digar se narajgi me meri jindagi bit rahi thi bt wo khte hai na, ki dhundho to khuda v mil Jata hai to baki ki kya majal bs usi tarz pe wakai wo din aa hi gaya...
The Airman?.. It?s strange how the mind can recall certain events with such clarity yet blot out others. It was as if my life began during the years of World War Two. I don?t recall much of anything prior. Of course, being raised and educated in an orphanage doesn?t highlight much. I do remember enlisting into the military at the earliest possible age, to be on my own. As a young airman in the Army Air Corp, I remember my last bombing mission and the ensuing events...
After her meeting with Ms. Storey that lunchtime and on hearing that the strict young deputy headmistress was going to allow Rebecca Mulligan to carry out her plan to deal with Miss Manson, the head of Music at St Katherine’s School did not hang around for long after the end of the school day. Once she had taken the full school orchestra for their after-school practice she returned to the Music office, packed her bag and hurried to her car. She arrived home just after 5 pm and decided that she...
SpankingI am Niki and I am back with my second sex story. This was my first one – https://www.indiansexstories2.net/couple/kritis-crazy-sex-story/ This happened a few years back when my four friends and I were on our way to Manali from Delhi. We were thrilled to take a few days off to enjoy the lovely spring in Manali. It was three girls including me and two guys. One of the guys had taken his brother’s Innova car for the trip to drive down. Basically, amongst the 5 of us, we had a couple, two single...
TV REPAIRMAN by kimmie oh The doorbell rang, and Billy padded barefoot over the hardwood floor of his apartment. He quickly checked his reflection in the mirror one last time. Then he took a deep breath, smiled, and opened the door. He felt a blast of January cold on his rather scantily clad body. In the vestibule stood a tall, good-looking older man in worn work clothes. The man gave Billy a quick once-over and Billy held his breath. He wondered if he had gone too far: the...
Once upon a time there was a princess. She was feeling very trapped in her kingdom so she wanted to take a ride. She summoned her horseman to take her on this ride. He was a loyal man and was willing to do anything her royalness asked of him. Because deep down inside he had serious feelings for her, But was afraid to show this because he was afraid that she did not feel the same way about him considering their positions in the social order as they were. He brought the horse around and helped...
It was a dark and stormy night. I was reminded of that fact by a beagle glaring down at me, hunched over like a vulture, perched on the porch of my destination. I pulled my raspberry beret down snugly for protection from the bitter New York wind.I glanced at the decaying house before me. The years had not been kind. Whereas it once stood majestically on a hill radiating beauty now it was an eyesore; the real estate equivalent of Kathleen Turner. Still, it was precious to me. Full of wonderful...
Fantasy & Sci-FiLesson Two.......................................My cock was very sore after the last lesson.I have a tight foreskin and the teachers rough play was uncomfortable.............however my balls were full and my cum was substantial.As I ring the bell my cock twitches for you.............and as the door opens my heart always skips to see what you wear..............Today you wear an A line skirt with hosiery which is tan.Your glasses are as normal although your hair today is tied up giving you a...
The rest of the week seemed normal enough. Joe and Kristy still did not say a word about what happened, and still continued to get along. Kristy still masturbated every night thinking about what happened. She was now frustrated about getting off now. The simple act of rubbing her twat was not cutting it. Kristy had always sneaked into her mother's room in the past. It was nothing new for her to grab certain clothes or jewelry. Although her mother was a D-Cup and she was only a B, she liked...
Waking up on Sunday became a exercise in laziness for Kristy. Waking up when the sun is warm and strolling downstairs to an empty house was nothing new to her, but always welcome. This time though, she could hear her brother practicing, and could only assume his tutor canceled. She poured herself some cereal, and listened to him play. It was a new piece, and he seemed pretty good at it. Kristy then realized her mistake when he started to miss a few keys in the song. She thought about his...
By the time their mother got to the door, Joe, and Kristy were both in their own rooms. Joe had locked the door, while Kristy quickly got changed and went downstairs to greet her mother. When Kristy got to the base of the stairs her mother was already in the kitchen putting away the groceries she bought. Kristy then felt her brother come out of her pussy. She could feel it ooze out of her wet cunt and soak her panties. She could feel her vagina squish with every step. "Hi Mom. How was...