Andrew Lake Part 1 Repost 2 My Kinky Chemistry Teacher
- 3 years ago
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Libraries are generally very reserved places. I like the dark stacks of books and the quiet. I am fond of the smell of old bindings and decaying paper. Of course, men don’t usually find those women in my line of work entirely attractive. Frankly, I have to admit that I don’t find myself entirely attractive. I am too tall and thin. My hair is long and flat, and an unimpressive, lackluster shade of brown. My eyes are my biggest complaint. They are the queerest shade of green. I have often thought of getting contacts in a striking shade of blue, but I never seem to get around to it. Needless to say, I have very little confidence in myself, or at least I did. Recently, something happened that affected my opinion of myself.
One evening I was working, reshelving some fiction, when I caught a glimpse of a stranger reading Henry Miller in the stacks. He had a slightly flushed look to his cheeks, which caused me to blush. I could only imagine what part of that phallocentric writer’s book the stranger currently read. I looked at my wristwatch and realized closing time loomed. Tentatively, I approached the man to ask him if he needed any help and to suggest that he take his selection to the circulation desk. He looked at my strangely, and a smile graced his thin lips. He reshelved his book and faced me with his hands in the pockets of his overcoat.
‘You ought to wear your hair up, in a French twist,’ he suggested. I looked at him, puzzled. ‘It would suit your face.’ He turned and left. I raised a hand to my long, straight locks and considered his observation. I looked down at the book that he had reshelved and noticed that it was exactly in the right place. At least someone made my job easier. I finished my work and looked forward to an evening of leftover Chinese food with my cat, Scaredy…
Two days later, I sat at the circulation desk when the stranger that I had approached came in again. He had a book to return and slid it across the counter to me. He looked pleased as he noticed my hair.
‘I see you took my advice,’ he said.
‘What do you think?’ I asked.
‘I was right. It does suit you.’ He began to turn away and then faced me again. ‘My name is Donovan, by the way. I am sorry that I did not introduce myself earlier.’
‘Erica,’ I replied, accepting the hand that he offered to me. The skin of his palm felt smooth and cool, like the leather of an old binding.
At the touch of his flesh, I could immediately envision that hand running across my breast, down the curve of my stomach. I quickly let go of his hand and wiped my palm down my thigh. It was not at all like me to have that sort of thought run through my head. Donovan must have seen the disturbed look on my face
‘Is anything the matter?’ he asked. I shook my head and busied myself with checking in the book that he brought back. Donovan stood there and looked at the ground for a moment then turned and left for the stacks of fiction. I was glad to see him go because with him went the unnatural feelings I had for him that swarmed around me like gnats. I took a deep breath, and the familiar smells of the books around me calmed me.
The afternoon progressed. As per my job, I went about reshelving the returned books. I had only a few more to do before I could leave for the evening. The library was closed, and the lights dimmed. I was putting away many John Grisham novels when a hand fell on my shoulder out of the darkness. Before I could scream, a voice spoke to me.
‘You drive me mad,’ it said. Male. I could almost place it. Then a cool hand reached up to caress my cheek.
‘The library is closed. You shouldn’t be here,’ I stammered. Donovan spun me around and gazed at my eyes, my queer green eyes. I looked at my feet, trying to avoid his gaze, and then stared at the spines of the books on the shelves.
‘No, don’t look away.’ His hand tilted my chin up to look at him.
I met his clear blue eyes, and he smiled at me reassuringly.
‘Do you know how beautiful you are? I must have you. Your thighs must be the color of ivory. The things you do to me…’
I felt insecure but also fascinated by this stranger and his attraction to me. Donovan fell to his knees and ran his hands down my body, down my thighs, to rest his hands on my knees. He planted a kiss on the inside of my knee and breathed deeply.
‘Let me worship you,’ he pleaded.
I had no idea what to do but reached down and rested my hand on his head. I was still quite unsure of how to handle the situation. Either this man was going to do me serious harm or he was actually insanely in love with me. My rational mind suggested that it was the former, but something in his voice, in the touch of his lips, reminded me of the feeling that I had had when we shook hands. Besides, I felt I knew him by the books he read, he was a shy scholar, a dreamer, someone with a thirst for something greater…
‘What do you want?’ I asked him.
‘Only to make you happy,’ came the reply that made my breath catch.
He kissed the inside of my knee again and pushed up the hem of my long skirt. Through the nylon of my stockings, I could feel his touch like it was on my skin, and it only made me want whatever was going to happen all the more. He lifted the hem of my skirt and stood in front of me. Donovan leaned up against me, pushing me into the stacks for support, and pressed his lips to mine. It was electric. His tongue passed between my lips to meet mine.
I could feel his hands running up and down my back, now fingering the stray hairs at the nape, and now lightly caressing my buttocks. His hands came around my sides and drifted up to cup my breasts. His fingers sought my nipples beneath the thin fabric of my silk shirt. They rose to his touch, and I could feel the rest of my body responding as well. It was so long since I had felt the touch of another…
My hand reached out tentatively, and I ran my fingers down his chest. I could tell I pleased Donovan. His kisses changed from careful to fierce. He pulled back and looked me in the eyes again.
‘Is there somewhere we could go?’ he asked me. The shelves of books were a bit cold and daunting, but I felt comfortable there, secure. I shook my head in response. After being reassured, Donovan did not seem hesitant about the location as he lowered me to the floor, his lips, once again, pressed to mine.
‘Do you know how long I have been watching you? It was only recently that I finally got up enough courage to approach you.’
He kneeled beside me and slowly undid the buttons of my blouse. He ran his hand over the lace of my bra and then undid the clasp between the breasts. Reverently, he uncovered them and leaned over to suckle one. I gasped at the pleasure of it. His tongue plaid across the sensitive flesh and made me ache with the need for something more. He squeezed my breast, taking the taught nipple in his teeth and biting it softly.
His empty hand trailed down and once again lifted the hem of my skirt. He moved it up and trailed his hand across my thigh raising the skirt as he went. He turned his attention away from my nipple long enough to undo my skirt and pull off my stockings and panties. I could hear the soft sound of my removed undergarments hit the industrial carpet beneath us. Donovan sighed as he looked down at the neat triangle of brown hair concealing my sex. He ran his hand across the warm, smooth flesh of my belly and then kissed me again as he moved his fingers through the curls between my legs.
I sighed with the recognition that something great would happen tonight, something that I had so long gone without. Donovan’s hands were not the fumbling fingers of the inexperienced males I had known (I hesitate to call them men). There was something knowing in his touches, in the way the tip of his finger pressed against my clitoris, the soft movements of his tongue against the flesh of my neck. Hesitant kisses moved across my skin and
down my breasts, towards the place where his fingers played. Fingers parted the soft mounds concealing my secrets. Donovan’s eyes rested there, drinking in the image, knowing everything about me in that one look. His head dipped down between my legs and I felt his tongue flick out and brush against my swollen lips.
I could not conceal a gasp of pleasure as currents ran through my body. I felt his tongue probe me, deeper, pushing into me, feeling me, tasting what I had to give. I felt there was no expectation of reciprocation here, but I still wanted him to be more a part of me than he was. I tried to pull him up again, so I could feel his swollen cock against my belly. I needed to show him that I wanted more, but he resisted my weak pulling at his shoulders.
Before I could say anything, Donovan hurried the darts of his tongue. I could feel the tension in my body mounting, the muscles in my thighs cramped, and my feet pointed to the point of pain. I could feel my control slipping, all lucid thought dissolving into a haze of blood behind my eyes. I writhed against the motion of Donovan’s tongue, surrendering to his ministrations. In a single clenching of every nerve in my body, a single release of all the Saturday nights alone, an abandonment of every unkind word ever spoken to me, I came. I came hard and fast, my hips thrusting out to meet Donovan’s lips, his teeth grazing my tender flesh. I think I may have screamed. I heard echoes of something returning to me from the high ceilings, but I was in a daze and didn’t recognize my own voice.
Defeated, I relaxed, suddenly becoming aware of the rough carpet beneath me, wanting my bones to soak into the floor and to forget this corporeal existence. The dim light above my head swam in the black, seeming to mock my clipped wings, my inferiority. I raised my head and looked into the eyes of my lover. He looked back, a certain gleam of craving, hunger behind the clear icy blue. Before I could speak, to thank him, to offer myself in return, he jerked to his feet and ran away, leaving his overcoat on the floor next to me.
I showed the stub that was stapled to the inside of the coat to the girl standing behind the counter at the dry cleaners.
‘We’re not usually supposed to give that stuff out, but since I know you…’ Her parents had forced her into programs and volunteer work at the library for as long as I had been there.
‘I really appreciate it,’ I replied, smiling.
She looked through the Rolodex and pulled out a card, wrote the address on a slip of paper and handed it across the counter to me. I looked down and realized that the address wasn’t too far away. Throwing the overcoat over my arm, I left the store and hung a left, walking down the fairly empty street. A few blocks, past a theater, a coffee shop, a bookstore, and then right down a side street that matched the name written on my card. Numbers passed me until I found the tall brick apartment building I wanted.
I let myself into the lobby and climbed two flights of stairs to the third floor. I found the door. With more boldness than I was used to experiencing, I knocked, my guts clenching in anticipation. I waited, not hearing any noise behind it. I turned to leave, and it was only then that I heard the door open behind me. I swung around, holding the over coat out in front of me, a shield and excuse.
Donovan stood in the door way wrapped in a black towel. I was aghast.
‘I’m sorry to interrupt, but you left this behind the other night…’
Donovan reached out into the hall and grabbed my wrist, and pulled me toward him. His lips pressed violently to mine, cutting off the rest of my statement.
‘I don’t know what happened to me the other evening! I’m sorry I left so soon.’
‘I am sorry you left so soon too,’ I said, smiling.
Donovan looked at me quizzically and then leaned over to kiss me again. I dropped the overcoat, and my fingers went to the towel around his waist.
‘I didn’t get to pay you back…’ As I tore off his towel, I pushed him into the apartment and slammed the door behind me. Donovan sighed as my hands grasped his sides and my lips played across his chest. In the room, I could smell the dust of old books and the spice of the man I held to me: a combination of roasting coffee, clove, and soap. It was a strange aphrodisiac. I wanted nothing more than to taste that spice, to know its source. I looked down and saw the object of my idolatry, standing for me, straight and firm. Already at its tip was a glistening bead of nectar. I found my hands drawn to that length of flesh, reveling in the stone concealed beneath its velvet softness.
I fell to my knees in front of him, raised my eyes to the level of his cock, and ran my tongue down it tentatively. It kicked and Donovan’s body shuddered. I took the shaft into my mouth end begin to slowly move back and forth, the entire mass of my body in every motion. Thrilled to finally have possession over this man, I felt myself with one hand, playing across the front of my skirt, dipping between my legs against the fabric, I was moist and hungry. Donovan’s hands were on my shoulders, then moving down inside my shirt to run his fingers over my nipples. He strained to reach them from his position. His breathing was shallow. All of the sudden, he pushed me away. My mouth hungered still for the taste of him.
‘Not like this,’ he panted, and then pushed me back onto the threadbare Persian rug covering the floor. Reverently he proceeded to remove my clothes, then to ever so gently suckle one of my nipples. He lowered his naked form onto me, brushing the tip of his penis across my stomach, and touching it to my clitoris.
‘Do you want this?’ he asked emphasizing his point by rubbing his erect shaft against the inside of my thigh. I nodded, hardly able to believe that my answer was not evident in the hunger blazing out from my eyes. Donovan finally plunged his length into my waiting cunt.
I gasped as he began to move back and forth inside me. It was amazing, this thrill that all too quickly grew in my womb. My arms stretched out across the carpet, and my convulsing fingers found the fabric of the heavy coat, which had fallen to the floor. I grasped it in my hands for the little bit of leverage that it offered. My hips spasmed upwards and collided with Donovan’s thrusting pelvis. My whole being shivered at this experience that had once again caught me unaware. I could feel myself coming to crisis, and I could hear Donovan’s breath in my ear grow rapid. He did not say anything to me, no words were needed in this communion of two souls that had wandered too long without each other. The scent of our lovemaking filled my nostrils and combined with the smell of the room to send me away, light-headed, and I came.
I came with him inside, and I could feel his own orgasm, filling me completely. Donovan exhaled deeply, kissing my ear as he relaxed. His body fell onto mine, my breasts crushed beneath his pale chest. The fabric of the overcoat was damp and wrinkled in my hand from sweat. I let it go and threw my arms over his back, clutching him tighter to my body. I felt his cock shrink slowly inside me, and Donovan pulled out, resting his spent member on my thigh. We stayed like that, the two of us, exhausted, on the floor until the shadows lengthened through the windows and his phone rang…
A few days later and I am sitting behind my circulation desk, as usual. It is near closing time, and hiding in the stacks, peaking about the corner occasionally, holding a tomb of Kafka and dressed in heavy overcoat, is my lover, Donovan, waiting for me to get off work so that we can get off…
Introduction: Hey guys, this is my first story. Its based off of a dream I had, as will the sequels in this series. Please enjoy, like the story, and comment with any suggestions. My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things to one another. I felt like a sick pervert inside, but I was far too busy to concern myself with such...
Introduction: And it happened again FFS. Made sure this account will not be deleted, enjoy the story and wait for more. I will be posting more I promise. Apologies for the technical difficulties ???? My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things to one another. I felt like a sick pervert inside, but I was far too busy to concern...
Introduction: Hey guys, so my account was rejected by xnxx after I had posted this, so for the sake of simplicity I am re-uploading it here. I apologize for the confusion. Feel free to rate and comment again, and stay tuned for the next parts, assuming my account isnt denied again. My eyes hurt from staring at the small screen all night, but I couldnt bring myself to look away. I had been watching porn for what felt like ages, stroking myself to women on the internet doing unimaginable things...
It started as one of those days where nothing went right. From the moment my alarm clock jarred me awake at 6:00am (damn that broken snooze button), to narrowly missing the train to campus, I knew I should have just skipped classes. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given a choice as it was the first day of spring semester. If I was going to be out, I needed a damn good reason. Since I didn’t have one, well off to class I went. At about 10am, I battle the wave of academic humanity to attend my Organic...
Oral SexThis is the first chapter in my first series (and hopefully not my last!) so I would really appreciate any comments or tips you might have for me. I promise it will get steamier as the chapters go on. This chapter is fairly short because I mainly just wanted to introduce the characters. The following story is a work of fiction and intended for ADULTS ONLY. If you are not an adult or offended by descriptions of explicit sex, please read no further. This is a copyrighted work. ©Copyright 2014...
This is my second story is ISS. This is pure fiction, but full guarantee in making you horny. All girls especially tamil ,kannada , Andhra and kerala girls mail to me at For sex chatting and little naughty works… This is the story of Shwetha , whom I fucked hard in school in chemistry lab ( actually she fucked me hard) Telling about Shwetha , she is hot girl , very fair , has a structure of 34-32-30, she wears a tight uniform to display her boobs and her curves, pink nipples , spongy boobs...
Hi everyone this is my 1st story on ISS but I am reading ISS from past 6 years.Let me tell about myself .I am a young 21 year model from Pune.I study in one of the reputed engineering colleges in Pune.Any girls or aunties desperate for sex from pune,kolhapur,ichalkaranji can mail me to Lets start the story This is when I was studying in 12th class.I passed 12th class with real difficulties because I was very weak in studies especially chemistry.All the teachers and parents were worried that I...
I'm a senior in high school, and before I go off to college I wanted to write about my life so far. It's not your typical high schooler's life. It all started when I was 14 years old, just starting my sophomore year in high school. I had gone through puberty. I had gotten pubic hair, my balls were bigger, I was horny as hell, and when I jerked off I spurted. But then there were the parts where I didn't quite make it into a hunky guy. I got a little taller and stronger, but not much. I...
It was about this time that I performed my first intervention. I was beginning to get awfully concerned about my grades in Chemistry, a required science course. I had never been able to catch up to what I had missed during my hospitalization, and my physical therapy had mostly been the same time as my Chemistry class. I had squeaked by first semester with a C-; now I was heading for the basement. My other courses I had managed to make up with no sweat, but I had this mental block where...
This is the first and longest story that I have posted on Literotica. Thinking back, I wouldn’t change a thing, as you will discover. I hope all of you enjoy reading this story as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Happy reading and please leave some feedback. I appreciate it! c_k12 –*– The definition of chemistry is defined as the interaction of one personality to another. In order for chemistry to happen, you actually have to talk and connect with someone. And that’s where I had a...
Guys, the story goes out to all those teenagers who have just entered into their life of Puberty, where every second, every minute and every single hour u only dream about Sex and nothing else. Me being no different. Myself, Akshay want to share my true story of having sex with my not so favourite chemistry teacher in the school. It happened in the year 1996 when i was in eighth grade. I have known my Chemistry teacher Mrs.Smita from grade 5. She was a chubby lady with heavy breasts which went...
HI! I am a regular reader of ISS. I am Meera. I am 24 years old. I am from Mumbai and I work here as well. I am 5 feet 9 inches, fair and shiny skin, my eyes are light brown and attractive. I have a sexy body of 34-26-36. On the whole, I look beautiful. I also have a boyfriend; we are in relationship right from my 12th STD. I am sharing this story as I study no more in this college. The story which I am going to share is of my college days when I was 19. It was my 2nd year in college. I use to...
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First of all hats off to the site owners for maintaining such a wonderful site. This is truly an awesome sex site, for someone who likes to read erotica more than watch porno.The best part is the fact that there are no pop up ads and virus programs when you visit the site and almost all the content is free. I really like the good work you are doing.My girlfriend and myself read the stories all the time, and we just love the way various real people write their real stories and fantasies. I am...
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First of all hats off to the site owners for maintaining such a wonderful site. This is truly an awesome sex site, for someone who likes to read erotica more than watch porno. The best part is the fact that there are no pop up ads and virus programs when you visit the site and almost all the content is free. I really like the good work you are doing send me feedback at My girlfriend and myself read the stories all the time, and we just love the way various real people write their real stories...
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His guys..I am here with one of my best incident ;) Let me tell you all about me,m a fun loving,fair n muscular boy,and I have a height around 5’6..and I love hangout around girls;) Story starts like this… She was wearing a wide neck pink kurti and a black legging today. As usual she was looking very pretty today.. It was Sunday, and i had to come to school for a practice with my drama team.. Shweta, my best friend’s girl friend, was playing his wife’s role in the play. Both of us being good...
I am Atif age21yrs. Height is 5″10 have a well buildup body,I am a average looking guy. And my teacher is 32yrs old at that time her figure is 32 28 34 she is damn beautiful, gorgeous and have killer and bomb assets… Ye baat us samay ki hai jb mai 12th me tha tab maine pehli baar apni bomb n sexo teacher ko dekha tha mai to use dekhte sath hi uska diwana ho gaya tha or mai kya sara school us par lattu ho gaya tha even hamare sir log bi sab uski ek jhalak ko taraste the wo school me nayi aayi...
By : Praveen_singhbs Hello everybody. I am regular reader of ISS and all stories have motivated me to share a true incident which happened recently one week before. I am Praveen Kumar a pharmacy student of Bangalore. I am 6 feet, athletic and muscular body and I am very proud that I have a strong and long Lund. Its 9 inch long once erected and 3 inch in diameter. Now let me describe my bio chemistry professor. She is Vidhya, may be in early 30’s, very fare, 5 feet 9 inch tall, and very sexy...
1. The Elements It's quite extraordinary, the places you fall in lust. I was quite happily juggling some chemicals in the first lab in the second year of my degree course, when I noticed this woman. Why, I don't know. She sort of simply came to my attention. There was nothing spectacular about her - pretty rather than beautiful, maybe a bit taller than average, and not looking particularly good in those awful plastic glasses you have to wear to keep stuff out of your eyes. She didn't even...
Well ISS is a place were you share your sex stories if they are real. So I’ll tell my real life story. It was with my chemistry teacher. She was of 35-40 years of age .She has a fair complexion and boobs are not so big but her ass is the bomb. Not that many people feel that she is a sexy fuckable woman. So this is what that happened , and yeah its a true story, so her name was priyanka and she is a good teacher . One unfortunate day came for her and her dad passed away. She was very sad . she...
My Name is obviously not Karan, but hope you guys/girls can play along(all names have been changed in order to respect the privacy of the ladies). I have finally decided to treat everyone with my sexual encounters over the years. I m about 5’10’ tall .I AM FROM INDORE (INDIA) Although I am 21 now,I lost my virginity to my Sindhi Chemistry tuition teacher(Kajal), when I was preparing for my Class 12 exams. My tuition teacher was in her early thirties married to a north guy and had a 4 year...
“Loyd why are u day dreaming? Look at the blackboard and pay attention to what I am teaching”. Yes I was again looking at that perfect body she had. I guess she was aged somewhere between 30 to 35.Her boobs so big & so inviting her body absolutely so well curved, fair skin. When all the guys in our class knew it was my chemistry ma’am Noella’s lecture all would search for the last seat so that they could lust her in their imagination and masturbate in their pants. Hi ISS readers this is Loyd...
She was wearing a wide neck pink kurti and a black legging today. As usual she was looking very pretty today.. It was Sunday, and Shreyas had to come to school for a practice with his drama team.. Shweta, his best friend's girl friend, was playing his wife's role in the play. Both of them being good actors got finished with most of their scenes very early. It still was only 1 pm, and they had to stay in school till 4 pm. So, they took a break and let other team members practice with their...
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Hey friends Sam is back and I have got feedback from my first story. Most you want me to complete the story. I have got some suggestions also. I have duly taken care of that. This story is continued from where I have left my first story. Do read it first, here is the link The First Encounter (Chemistry Teacher This time I am writing it in English only trying something. So, enjoy and please done forget...
Hello Readers, I am Sam, 21, from Amritsar. I can’t say much about my personality, physique: regular 5′ 8”. About my tool, haven’t measured it, you see, its the technique not the size, also, I didn’t felt the need to measure it. I am pretty much confident about satisfying women. So, this is my first time, first encounter or whateva! you want to say but to me its the precious one. Being and Indian, I would like to narrate it in Hindi so that I could reach the maximum. Also, It can be real,...
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All characters above 18 years of age: * ‘What shall we do today, girl?’ asked Miss sternly. She pulled out my textbooks, which had scary looking equations in them. ‘Hmm. Chemistry. Before we start, could you get me a glass of water?’ I rose to go to the kitchen. As I poured the water, I smiled to myself. I was adding a drop of a very powerful drug to her drink…one that would pull the user into an addled trance. No tuitions for me today. ‘Thank you,’ said Miss when I went back and gave her...
Stories about high school nerds discovering mind control techniques the rest of the world missed aren’t nearly as ludicrous as you might think. You don’t have to be a government super genius to devise a route into the prom queen’s panties. Most relevant information is online already, researched by universities with budgets more than both my parents make together. The trick to enslaving the prissy prom queen or cheerleader or class president might be the next link you click. You should be a...
“Right everyone, please read through pages 187 to 215 for next Tuesday, and I’d like you to have some ideas for a hypothesis we can develop and test based on that material,” I called out as my students hastily cleaned up their lab areas and returned goggles to the sterilization cabinet. “Oh, and have a nice weekend!” I supplement my (pathetic) public school pay by teaching an elemental chemistry lab course at the local community college two nights per week. I love the fact that it gives me a...
I can remember perfectly that school year, it was always the same. Whenever I saw him, I felt really happy, just to know the fact that he was there, near me. Some of my girl classmates constantly asked me “don’t you like any boy from the group?” and my answer was always negative. It seemed to be weird to know that with 16 years I didn’t like any guy, but for being true, there was one, the only and the best and he…he was my teacher. Since the very first day I saw him in the classroom, by the...
It started as one of those days where nothing went right. From the moment my alarm clock jarred me awake at 6:00am (damn that broken snooze button), to narrowly missing the train to campus, I knew I should have just skipped classes. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given a choice as it was the first day of spring semester. If I was going to be out, I needed a damn good reason. Since I didn’t have one, well off to class I went. At about 10am, I battle the wave of academic humanity to attend my Organic...
Ms. Porcher's body seemed to wrap around me as she bounced on top of my lap, my slick erection slipping in and out of the warm and wonderful hole between her legs. Her hair was in my mouth, her heavy breath hot in my ear as we fucked in the back seat of my parents car. The dim lights of the school parking lot did not penetrate the tinted windows of the Bonneville, providing cover for us behind the temporary buildings beside the football field. It was after 10pm on a Tuesday night, no one was...
At the age of thirty-five, Myla made good money working as a porn star, and was not set on quitting anytime soon. Myla had accumulated enough cash due to her porn career to buy herself the finest things in life. With age Myla gained curves, but they were in the right places to where she simply looked curvy rather than flat. Myla had the appearance of the stereotypical blonde MILF, and looked exactly like famous porn star Charlee Chase. On a hot and humid afternoon in Florida, the blonde headed...
SeductionI was not very good at chemistry during school time. My mom decided that I should go for tuition. She asked me if I knew any good teacher. I told her that sujata teacher(i have heard her name from my seniors) was good. The next day we went to her house. She told that usually she doesn’t take tuition. But my mom insisted her and she finally agreed. And finally I got the chance I was praying for, to sit next to my favorite teacher. The next day I started tuition. Her timings were 5-6:30 pm and I...
Hii friends, me fir se hazir haazir hu apni nyi story lekr. Jo mujhe nhi jaante me unhe bta du ke me hu raajveer, 22 years old, 5’-11’’ tall and strong from Punjab. Mujhe dirty sex bht pasnd hai and I know jyadatar ladies ko bhi yeh pasnd hota hai. By the way I am ready to serve any bhabhi/aunty/girl to the fullest and assure full satisfaction and privacy. I know boht si women apni sex life se satisfied nhi hoti but society ke dar vo kuch nhi kr pati. So U can contact me – Baat 3 saal purani...
Hii everyone I m Rajveer from Punjab, 5’11” with muscular body doing I m 20 years old. Women of any age group can contact me ( ) for their physical, mental or social satisfaction, I promise that you will have thrilling experience with me, btw I am deeply interested in married women, bhabhis, aunties. , well this is my first story on ISS & also first of my life. Though I m a regular member of ISS since 5 years but never got a chance to loose my virginity. Basically I am crazy about sex...
Farm Chemistry by Brat Edit by Umgestalten Day One The four young people walked under the heat of the July sun in the direction of the farm that they saw in the distance between the fields. They were tired and thirsty after their long march. The two boys carried the two backpacks and tried to keep up their spirit by making jokes about the cows that where grazing in the fields around them. "Tom, are you sure that we are going in the right direction?" asked Marie, the youngest...
Hi friends I am Arun. I am 22 years old. I am here to share with you my real life sex experience with my 10th std. physics teacher. Her name is Maya. She was 29 years old when I was in 10th. She looks very beautiful, fair lemon colour complexion and an awesome figure 34 30 32. I had no contact with her after my school days. However I have noticed her a few times going to pick up her small children from school nearby my house. She used to be in saree in school but whenever I noticed her in the...
A tale based in Alyssa S' Acteon world. Much thanks to her for creating it. Acteon Chemistry Calob Ng rolled his shoulders, still trying to come to grips with the densely packed musculature of his newly acquired body. Sir Wilfred's borrowed body. He felt big, powerful, intimidating. It was a new sense of self. Acteon males were not the same as the homogenised confederation citizens - generations of isolation and selective breeding made the two societies quite different in genetic...
Hi readers, . I will try my best to raise the cocks and wet the pussies of my readers. Sorry, no offence intended. Here is my new story. merey collage main bahut hi sexy teacher parhati thi pehley toh mujhey lga ki wo kunwari hai par baad main pta chala ki uski shaadi ho chuki hai. uska paati engineer tha. mam bahut hi sunder aur sexy thi main usey roz he neeharta tha aji main kya pura clg he unka deewana tha.Mam ko dekh kar humesha khyal aata tha ki mam key pati key kithey maze hai main uski...
I can remember perfectly that school year, it was always the same. Whenever I saw him, I felt really happy, just to know the fact that he was there, near me. Some of my girl classmates constantly asked me “don’t you like any boy from the group?” and my answer was always negative. It seemed to be weird to know that with 16 years I didn’t like any guy, but for being true, there was one, the only and the best and he…he was my teacher. Since the very first day I saw him in the classroom, by the...
First Time"YES!" The chemistry student pumped her fist, a blue concoction bubbling in a suspended beaker on the lab table below her. She smiled, her red, curly hair matted against her face, and set down her clipboard with a relaxed sigh. "Finally, I got it," she muttered in disbelief. "Everything else was easy, why did this one have to be so hard." She sighed again, then filled a vial with her creation and walked it to a locked cabinet nearby. Despite the fact that she wore a mask and goggles, as she put...
Mind ControlSince I found out that Janet and Patty were experienced, I decided that I needed a new formula for my experiments. I then got on the internet and researched to find what I had read about. What I needed was a dis-inhibiter drug that would do away with roadblocks to my sexual pursuits. I could do almost everything using my sleepers but after a while the thrill started to fade. I got physical reactions from my test subjects but I wanted to get more. I wanted to experience emotional responses...
One day Sally and I were casually playing my computer game and I was actually able to get ahead on points. I suspect she was actually letting me win to build up my male ego. We were both totally relaxed with the sexual tension relieved between us. The subject of sex naturally had to come up in our conversation sooner or later. We spoke frankly about the various ways we had done it. The subject of favorite positions came up and we both expressed our preferences. We agreed that there were no...
I teach Chemistry at the local high school. And while that's normally not associated with a great sex life, things are a little different here than at most schools. Our Assistant Principal came up with a plan to keep our students from skipping class. Her idea was very different from most. She explained her plan to us at a meeting held at her house. The next school day, I arrived for class dressed like I was trying to get laid rather than trying to teach a class full of teenagers. I was...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesI should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
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