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This is my first attempt at a competition story and I believe it will most likely be my last. I started this damn thing for last year’s holiday competition, but didn’t get it finished in time. My pal has insisted that I finish it for this year’s competition.

As usual I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. As always I have to add that we don’t always see eye to eye with each other, I can be one cantankerous old bugger when I want to be and I’ve been playing around a little with a story since they have read it. Consequently I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this tale.


I was sitting on my usual stool staring down at my half full glass, when the noise reached a new crescendo, yet another group of happy partygoers had obviously entered the bar.

‘Shit, I hate this time of year!’

‘Sorry, I’m not sure I heard you correctly. Did you say you hated Christmas?’ a voice beside me enquired.

Bugger, I must have voiced my thoughts out loud, I hadn’t intended to. But it was what I was thinking.

‘Yeah. What’s everyone got to be so fucking happy about? Disturbing my peace, that’s bleeding what!’ I replied without looking at whoever had addressed me.

‘Now, come on, my friend, that’s not quite the attitude you should have. It is Christmas, you know. A time for happiness and good will to all men, they’re all just trying to enjoy themselves,’ the voice from beside me commented.

I turned now, and saw a short but rather rotund old man, complete with white hair and what could easily be taken to be a false beard, sitting on the barstool beside me. To be honest, he looked like one of those shop Santa Claus’s, who had stopped for a drink on his way home from work.

‘Where the hell did he come from,’ I thought to myself. ‘I don’t remember noticing him arrive. Mind you with the crush there was in the Rose and Crown bar that evening, the bleeding Queen could walk in and no one would be able to see her.’

‘Look, my friend, I come into this pub almost every night, for a nice quiet drink and to drown my sorrows. Maybe I will have a little chat with George the barman or a couple of my friends. None of us has anything in particular to be happy about, we all live alone with our own demons and to be honest with you, we prefer to have our bar to ourselves. We don’t like it when all these idiots come running round wishing everyone Happy Bloody Christmas.’ I scowled in the old man’s general direction.

‘We’ve all got our problems in life, my friend, but you must try to lighten up some times, this is the time to forget your problems and be happy.’ The old sod smiled back at me.

Why do people think they can understand your problems without knowing anything about you? I got annoyed with the old boy.

‘You just tell me what the fuck have I got to be happy about?’ I scowled back at him.

The cheeky old bugger was getting right up my nose, so I decided to give him chapter and bloody verse. After he heard my fucking story, he would see that I’d got nothing to be happy about.

‘Look, three bleeding years ago, after years of what I thought was a happy marriage, I came home from work sick one afternoon to find my so called loving wife shagging her boss in my bed. I do my bleeding nut and then the bitch ups and runs off with the arsehole. He had a fuck sight more money than I ever had. So when it came to the bleeding divorce court, they give the bitch custody of not only my three kids, but my bleeding dog as well.

‘What did the f-ing bitch do then? I’ll tell you. She made it very difficult for me to get access to the children for the next eighteen months. I was in and out of court like a fucking yo-yo trying to pursue the bastards to force her to give me the access to my children that I was supposed to have. The fucking family courts don’t give a shit for the fathers.

‘Then the f-ing CSA – the Child Support Agency – those fucking bastards came down on me like a ton of bleeding bricks. The bastards took most of my bloody wages in child support for the next f-ing year or so. The f-ing bastards took my wages at source from my bloody employer, before I even saw it. So I couldn’t afford to buy the kids much in the way of Christmas presents that year. I wouldn’t have minded so much if the cow and her fucking stud needed the bloody money. But the arsehole she’s living with owned the company she’d been working for. He makes more money in a fucking week than I make in a year.

‘Do you know what the bastards did that Christmas? Well, I’ll bloody tell you, they opened my presents to the children before Christmas. Then the buggers went out and brought more expensive versions of what I’d brought for the kids and they gave them to the kids first. Oh, I wasn’t allowed anywhere near the children on Christmas day. Next time I saw my kids my gifts had been forgotten, whilst the children were playing with the more expensive toys.’

‘Ah, I see you have a vindictive ex-wife. But remember my friend, as they get older your children will know that you loved them.’

‘Now, that’s one thing they will never be able to do, mister. Last Christmas the Bitch and that Git took the children away for the holidays. They went skiing over in France. But one night they all went out somewhere and the arsehole got himself a fucking skin full. On the way back to their hotel the bastard put his bleeding Merc into a lake. Oh, he made sure he and the whore got out of the car all right, but my kids were still strapped into their seats when the car was dragged out of that fucking lake the following morning. That bastard killed my kids.

‘So now you see why I don’t like Christmas. It holds no joy for me, just bad memories!’

‘My friend, I’m sorry you have had such an unfortunate couple of years, but you have to try and move on with your life. You really must try to forget and make a new life for yourself. Just try to remember the good times you had with your children.’

‘Look to be honest there wasn’t any good times. Once they had moved in with that arsehole, they got everything they ever wanted. The kids didn’t really want to know me anymore. They were spoiled rotten. I only got to see them about once a bloody month, they were just forgetting me.’

This old boy was still smiling at me. I’ve got to say it, I really felt like telling him to fuck off and leave me alone. But there were so many people jammed into that pub I doubt he could have moved away from me if he had wanted to.

‘What you tell me is very upsetting to hear!’ he went on ‘But there must have been some good times before your wife left home. And now surely you have to accept that your old life is gone. Perhaps you should try to make a new one for yourself.’

The old man and I sat in the bar talking until closing time. Towards the end I had begun to warm to him a little. I think he was truly concerned about me and he was trying to convince me to forget the past and look to the future.

He left the pub just before I did and I watched him make his way somewhat unsteadily out the door. After he had gone, I finished my pint, said ‘Good night’ to George and began making my own way home. I don’t know whether it’s lucky or unlucky that I didn’t have a car that night. Its lucky I couldn’t drive home in the inebriated condition I was in because I might knocked someone down and killed them. But it was unlucky because I couldn’t drive into a tree and kill myself which was what I really wanted to do.

Once I got outside the pub, I found the old man slumped against the wall. He had undoubtedly consumed much more alcohol than he could handle. ‘Damn,’ I thought, ‘I can’t leave the old bugger there. If it turns any colder, he could freeze to bleeding death.’

‘Come on, Pop, where do you live? I suppose I’m going to have to walk you home.’

‘That is kind of you, Graham. I am feeling a little
unsteady. I should be alright after I’ve been in the fresh air for a little while.’

It didn’t strike me at the time. But this old boy knew my name, I never have worked that one out. Perhaps he heard George say it?

We made off in the direction of his home. Much to my relief it wasn’t too far out of my way. The old boy was leaning against me and chatting on about life. I must admit, I wasn’t really listening so I don’t remember a single word of what the old bugger said. I just wanted to get him home, then get back to my own bed.

Suddenly the old guy stood up straight, as if he wasn’t drunk anymore. ‘Fire!’ he shouted.

A little confused, I looked in the direction he was pointing. Sure enough through the windows, blackened with smoke, of a nearby house I could just make out a Christmas tree in flames. Then with a god almighty bang the picture window exploded outwards. The next second the whole room was a roaring inferno and flames were licking up the front of the building.

‘There’s a woman and three children in that house,’ the old man said.

Suddenly I was as sober as a Judge! I pulled my mobile phone from my pocket and unlocking the keypad, passed it to the old man. ‘Call the fire brigade!’ I instructed him as I began running towards the house.

They say that people do brave things because they don’t think of the consequences of their actions. Well, I must tell you that, as I threw myself at that front door, I knew that there was a bleeding good chance that I wasn’t going to be seeing the morning, and in my heart I don’t believe I really cared.

I could feel the heat of the flames roaring out of the nearby window as I approached the door, which much to my surprise gave way at my first charge. Clouds of black smoke enveloped me as I staggered inside, only just retaining my balance. At this time of night, I figured that anyone inside the house, who was still going to be alive, would most likely be upstairs in the bedrooms. Most of these semi-detached houses are of a similar layout and I found the staircase easily. Taking the stairs two at a time I rushed up them, trying to shout fire at the same time, but the smoke choked me and I couldn’t speak.

At the top of the stairs I found the door to the room directly over where the seat of the fire was, so I tried that one first. Inside the room I felt around, it was surprising how much smoke there was in there, until I discovered the inert forms of two small children lying in their beds. I swept them both into my arms and the next thing I remember I was coming out of the smoke at the front door. Some young guy was standing there and I literally threw the two young girls at him.

Having taken a few deep breaths of clean air to recover, I turned and went back into the smoke. Buy this time I could see that the flames were beginning to come through the door of the room where fire was. As I got to the top of the stairs there was whooshing noise as the flames enveloped the door and the fire flashed over into the hall. Through the smoke, I looked back down the stairs, my mind told me that I wouldn’t be going back out the way I came in.

I went for the back bedroom this time. Inside I found a woman who had apparently been over come by the smoke as well. I’m not a big guy and I can’t tell you how I managed to pick her up. One look out of the back window told me I wasn’t going out that way. Flames were licking up from the window below. It must have been a through lounge downstairs, strange how these thoughts come into your mind.

Back out on the landing I made for the other front bedroom, kicking the door open I was relieved to see flashing blue lights outside through the window. Dropping the woman onto the bed, incidentally on top of her son who was sleeping there, I grabbed a TV set from a bracket on the wall and threw it through the window, hoping that there was no one standing below, then I kicked the rest of the glass out, as best I could.

I grabbed the boy first and leaning out of the broken window dropped him into the arms of a fireman who was now waiting below. The woman soon followed in the same manner, she was in no condition to object.

Looking around I saw that the flames were by then in the room with me, so I threw myself after her headfirst. Luckily the fire crew were expecting me. I had to wonder if they are trained to have people suddenly drop in on them, they made a damn good job of catching all of us.

The firemen put one of they’re breathing sets on me, to help me clear my lungs of the smoke. I sat on the pavement and slowly recovered whilst the firemen tackled the fire. I watched the ambulance crew working on the mother and boy. I didn’t see the two girls but there were several ambulances present by then, so they were probably in one further away.

My head was throbbing, I suppose because of the smoke, as well as all the booze I’d consumed that evening. People kept coming up and congratulating me, telling me I was a hero. Damn, I didn’t want or need that. Shortly after the police came over and started moving everyone further back, away from the fire. I took this as my chance and standing up quietly disappeared into the crowd that had gathered. I mingled for a little while and then made a hasty retreat.

When I got home, I had a long shower to get rid of the smell of the smoke. I thought that I would have to get my clothes cleaned because they stank of smoke, but then I found some scorch marks on them and binned the lot. It was gone two by the time I finally crawled into bed.


The following morning, Christmas Eve, I crawled out of bed around ten, with the biggest hangover I’ve ever had in my life. I figure it was half the beer and half that bleeding smoke. I was in the kitchen popping coffee and aspirin when I heard my mobile phone ringing. I found the thing on my dining room table and answered it.

‘Hello, is that Graham Stark?’ A female voice that I didn’t recognise asked.

‘Yes! What’s your problem?’ I was back into miserable old bugger mode. I’ll admit that that was how I used to speak to people then. It kind of kept them away from me and that was how I had grown to prefer things.

‘Oh, Mr Stark I just wanted to thank you for saving my children and me last night.’

‘Who is this?’

‘I’m Sheila Monroe. It was my children and me that you pulled from the fire last night. I just wanted to thank you. We would have died if you hadn’t saved us.’

‘I’m afraid I haven’t got the faintest idea what you’re talking about, lady.’ Denial, I thought, was the best way to stay out of the limelight.

‘He said you’d say that! But I know that it was you who saved our lives by getting us out of the fire last night. So don’t try and deny it or I’ll tell the newspapers who you are and I believe from what your friend has told me, you wouldn’t want that. The press are going crazy trying to find you, you know.

‘Okay, it was me, but there’s no need for any thanks. I didn’t think about it, I just did it. You really don’t need to thank me,’ I told her and then I began to wonder. ‘By the way, how did you know where to find me?’

‘Oh, your friend, the nice old gentleman came in a little while ago. He said he was a friend of yours. He told me who you were and gave me your number. Would you like to talk to him?’

‘Yes, I would. I’ve got a lot to talk to him about. He went off with my mobile phone last….’

I stopped speaking. What the hell was I talking about? I was talking to Sheila Monroe on my bloody mobile phone. But last night I gave it to the old bugger to call the fire brigade with and after I came out of that burning house, I never saw the old guy again. How the hell did I get my phone back? How the hell did he know my name?

‘Oh, he seems to have gone. I can’t see him around anywhere.’

‘I shouldn’t let it worry you. I think he has a habit of disappearing,’ I found myself saying.

‘Mr Stark, I know this is a bit of an imposi
tion on Christmas Eve, but is there any chance you could call by the hospital today. I really would like the opportunity for my children and myself to meet and thank you in person. We will not tell anyone who you are if that’s what you wish.’

Damn and blast, she was asking so nicely how the hell could I refuse. ‘If you insist. But really just knowing you’re all safe and well is enough thanks for me.’

What a bloody hypocrite I was! I didn’t really care a damn about her or her kids. And I couldn’t for the life of me figure out why I had run into that burning house last night, unless it was in an unconscious effort to kill myself. But I agreed to go and see her a little later.

It was probably about one-thirty when I found her at the hospital. Sheila Monroe was dressed in the strangest collection of clothes I’d ever seen. Well, I hadn’t given them time to dress the night before, had I? Sheila knew who I was the moment I walked into the room.

‘Oh, Graham, how nice of you to come,’ she said throwing her arms around my neck and then she began talking to me as if I was an old family friend.

There were two other people in the room and they asked if I was her husband.

She told them, ‘No, Graham is just a special friend.’

The couple left us alone and then Sheila apologised for her behaviour, saying the other people were reporters and she thought they might wonder who I was.

I thanked her and then she took me in to meet her children. I was amazed that they all appeared to recognise me. The meeting, whilst friendly and a little overwhelming for me, was a little strained.

Let’s face it, I didn’t know this family and I found their gratitude to me very embarrassing. I was uncomfortable as well because they reminded me of what I had lost. The children were about the same age as mine had been. Well, maybe a little younger. I really wanted to excuse myself and leave, I really shouldn’t have gone there.

The older of the two girls was Miranda – I would put her at about eight years old – had latched onto my left arm and was hanging on for grim death. Then the boy Jacob – I’d say a year or so younger – came over and took hold of my right hand and just never let go. The little one, Yvette must have felt left out but she solved that problem by climbing on my lap and locking her arms around my neck.

I really didn’t know what to say to them. I could see a big bruise on Miranda’s face and remembered the impact it had with my shoulder as I picked her up the night before. But she never mentioned it.

I hadn’t been with them very long when a lady from social services arrived. She asked Sheila if she had any relatives or friends that they could stay with, but she didn’t. The woman then told Sheila that she would book her and the children into a local bed and breakfast accommodation. I knew the dump she told them they would be staying in and immediately felt sorry for them.

Look, I knew the place, it’s a right bloody hellhole, full of asylum seekers and illegal’s awaiting deportation. I don’t know why I said it, but I suddenly heard myself telling Sheila that she and her children could come and stay at my place for a while. I had the room I know, but why I invited them to stay I just don’t know. Then I was really surprised to hear Sheila accepting my offer.

This was all very weird when you come to think about it. You might have gathered that it was completely out of character for me to have even offered. Looking back now, it was pretty weird for Sheila to accept the offer of accommodation from someone who was really a complete stranger to her.

The day got even weirder as all four of us piled into my car and I started to drive home. I suddenly realised I had nothing for them to eat in the house, so we stopped off at a supermarket and between us did some shopping. Four trolley loads we finished up with, well, we were buying Christmas for five.

As we stood waiting at the checkout, I looked over my guests and realised that they had little in the way of clothes to wear either. So from the supermarket we made our way to the clothing outlet next door, where we made an even bigger impression on my credit card, although Sheila assured me I would be reimbursed, which eventually I was.

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My mother in law, Theresa, lived in another state. She was a beautiful lady with a classic figure; wide hips and busty, what Marilyn Monroe might look like at 55 with auburn hair. I knew she was pretty wild in her younger days, but hadn’t had a steady man in her life for a while. Theresa ran into some financial problems after losing her job, so we convinced her to come and live with us. It was cheaper to move her across the country than to “loan” her a bunch of money. She rented a truck, and...

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Theresa My Neighbor Whore Chapter 2

I gave Theresa's ass a good smack. "I didn't say you could look at me! Eyes straight ahead, whore!" She instantly whipped her head back straight and looked at the wall in front of her. I placed both hands on her hips as if I was about ready to fuck her and felt her shudder with excitement. Then one hand, I began slowly sliding up her spine and she held her breath waiting to see what would happen next. My hand slid up to the back of her head and I massaged her scalp for a moment."Mmmm..."Then I...

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I screamed desperately into the white veil, thrashing at the blank landscape with the least convincing punches I’d thrown in my life. The cold numbed and bit into my skin, forbidding me from forming feasible fists while my stiff, unwilling arms couldn’t wait to hug me once more. My club-like mittens uselessly tucked under my armpits, seeking any modicum of warmth. Turning back towards our makeshift camp, I could barely see the flicker of diminishing flames even from only a few feet away. The...

Love Stories
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Story for a friend with a fantasy of being blindfo

I was talking to a mutual female friend of ours and we were discussing sexual fantasies when I happened to mention to her your one about being blindfolded in a room full of women."That is so interesting" she said. "I've actually got a bit of a lesbo crush on Sarah and so do my friends. What's even better is we are all going to a function in a hotel in a few weeks, so we'll have to set something up and you can bring your camera and video it all".The thought of being present and videoing some...

4 years ago
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My first Blinddate

I got here at xHamster meets a young asian woman. Her profile and photos have convinced me immediately. Wow - what dochist for a sexy and hot wife Adele. I wrote to them and found them very personable, friendly and funny as it was. For me fits with Adele all coming together: It looks good, is warm, friendly, and did so, even humor. On just such a woman, I'm all about, it was just my type :))Without hesitation I packed my bags and flew to England to Adele. I had never previously married to a...

2 years ago
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Pleasuring Men Cocks Cum and Mouths Blindfolde

His eyes can't see a thing. His complete body is submerged in darkness, the same pitch black from where the odd faint noise gently bursts into distant echoes; footsteps in the kitchen, glasses clinging, the door opening? Closing? She had told him to undress, very kindly she had said it, almost with a smirk, and fully clothed, she had watched him first take off his shirt, then unbutton his pants, pull them down. It was night outside; he had felt naked. His bare body and the beginning of an...

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Theresa Part 1

It started with a phone call when I was at work. The well spoken and educated voice at the other end asked if I would be available to visit that evening at 7pm. ‘Where?’ I asked. ‘Holiday Inn, Maidenhead’. ‘Sure, I charge £60.00 an hour plus travelling expenses’. She asked me what I looked like and a little about my experience. She then told me she wanted some deep tissue and some relaxation massage to finish off. We agreed the price and she arranged to meet me in reception and told me to wear...

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Through the Apartment Blinds

My husband had been working long hours and many evenings. We had not spent much together. It was yet another weekend of him working and I was feeling neglected. I was sick of not having sex. He was always too tired, or working or whatever else. I’m not a bad looking woman and I have had men make offers to me. I had always denied them because I was married, so I decided to handle things myself. We lived in an apartment complex with several hundred apartments around us, so I closed the blinds,...

2 years ago
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Venetian Blinds

[ For Megan, who, along with other young white females, are turning the tide of centuries of endemic racism! One black cock at a time! ]Megan turned and gave me a kiss before she left, and as she did, my cock stirred behind my slacks with that curious form of lust that is unique to all true cuckold males!"Are you going to be okay?" She said, looking up into my face with such a serious, and sincere, look in her eyes, and that made me love her all the more, and my cock to stiffen up against my...

4 years ago
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Through the Apartment Blinds

My husband had been working long hours and many evenings. We had not spent much together. It was yet another weekend of him working and I was feeling neglected. I was sick of not having sex. He was always too tired, or working or whatever else. I’m not a bad looking woman and I have had men make offers to me. I had always denied them because I was married, so I decided to handle things myself. We lived in an apartment complex with several hundred apartments around us, so I closed the blinds,...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Fucking Blind

Screeching music deafened me. Wicked darkness blinded me. Indescribable odors irritated my nostrils. I stumbled around disoriented, not knowing which way to turn with the loss of my two most vital senses. My hand squeezed his hand – my only connection in this frightening insanity. Aaron, my boyfriend, was with me.I had no one to blame but myself. This haunted house was my dumb idea. What can I say? Scary shit drenches my undies.A couple of someones bumped us in the blackness, causing our locked...

Quickie Sex
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Date of first publication: Friday PM, September 21, 2007 Special thanks to ‘oldfart‘ for his expertise in re-editing and re-proofing. There is nothing in life that I enjoy more than a two hour layover at O’Hara in Chicago, other than perhaps, a double root canal. Just another wonderful screw up by the logistics department of my employer; they caught me unaware, blindsided me. The urge to kill comes to mind every time I think of them. It all started out innocently enough. There were a...

3 years ago
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San Diego ‘Hello?’ Jack answered his phone without checking who it was. ‘Monsieur Jacques, bonjour!’ Jack furrowed his brow, lowered his phone and took a quick look at the area code. 702… Las Vegas. Bridgette, he realized. ‘Jacques? Have I reached monsieur Jacques?’ Bridgette asked in a ridiculously over-the-top French accent. Jack laughed and asked, ‘What’s with the accent, Mignonette?’ ‘Does it sound good? I’ve been practicing. The guests love it!’ ‘It sounds pretty fucking...

1 year ago
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Nonentity Tendrils of flames engulfed everything. Smoke blurred my vision and stung my eyes. I had no choice but to jump out of the window. The pain from my landing caused me to knock out. I woke in a hospital bed hearing all sorts of beeps and seeing awkward tubes everywhere. I found my best friend, Ryan, sleeping with his head down on the side of the bed. I wanted to wake him up and ask him why I was here, but i looked around.There were flowers and get-well cards along the windowsill. They...

4 years ago
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San Diego "Hello?" Jack answered his phone without checking who it was. "Monsieur Jacques, bonjour!" Jack furrowed his brow, lowered his phone and took a quick look at the area code. 702... Las Vegas. Bridgette, he realized. "Jacques? Have I reached monsieur Jacques?" Bridgette asked in a ridiculously over-the-top French accent. Jack laughed and asked, "What's with the accent, Mignonette?" "Does it sound good? I've been practicing. The guests love it!" "It sounds pretty fucking...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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The NonentityChapter 2

Even if you're not a sailor, you've probably heard of the Trade Winds. Trade winds blow during the winter; November to March in the Northern Hemisphere, April to October in the Southern. You've almost certainly also heard of hurricanes, typhoons and cyclones (no, not the aeroplanes, the winds the aeroplanes were named after). These are very powerful storms with high winds that occur during the opposite seasons to the trade winds. If you have the choice, you sail during the winter. The...

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The NonentityChapter 3

She waited for me outside the café and, watching my face carefully, reached out and took my hand; hers was trembling. I smiled, and she relaxed a little. "Kelly isn't my real name," she blurted. I cocked my head and, after a few moments thought, said, "I didn't really think it was." "But you came anyway?" I nodded slowly. "I hoped you would trust me enough to know the real you. That you would want me to know the real you." "Kelly is ... who I want to be ... I think. But my...

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The NonentityChapter 4

Kelly brought out plates of salad, rice and fish, then went back for a bottle of wine; not something we'd had before. We ate in silence and drank most of the bottle of wine; Kelly got rather giggly. When we'd finished, she took the plates and glasses back to the galley, left them there and came back to the cockpit. Taking my hand, she said, "Come along. The dishes will keep 'til morning, for once," and tugged me to my feet. She led me to my cabin and proceeded to remove the few items of...

4 years ago
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The NonentityChapter 5

We had to beat out of Cape Town. You may not be surprised to hear we didn't cast off until almost mid-day as Kelly insisted on one last session on that bed and after the necessary shower, we had another last session. I had to 'put my foot down with a firm hand' after the second shower so we could check out and escape the harbour in daylight. I resorted to the motor for an hour or so just to keep clear of the commercial traffic and it was nightfall before I was happy to turn north-west onto...

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The NonentityChapter 6

Pre-dawn, the motor running as Simone and I moved around dealing with the shore-lines; all of us wrapped up against the chill of the morning. Simone neatly coiling the last spring as I carefully backed out of our berth ... getting clear out into the estuary and Kelly hoisting the smaller of my two Genoa staysails as Simone got the main up. I watched from the cockpit as they both swigged on halyards to get the sails up the last bit then turned to deal with the jib. Almost before I knew it, we...

1 year ago
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The NonentityChapter 7

My watch woke me, as usual. Warm under the covers in the dark cabin, I was wrapped up in warm, naked woman. I didn't really want to leave, but as gently as possible I disentangled myself. It was a little like I imagine wrestling an octopus to be, made worse by small whimpering sounds. In the end I resorted to using a pillow to replace my body in her arms. Clearly not satisfactory, but better than nothing as I hastily pulled on cold clothes. I was unable to resist kissing the top of her head...

1 year ago
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What’s the deal with most free porn sites only offering short clips? I hope vPorn, aka Porn One doesn't do this! What the fuck am I supposed to do with a video of some pornstar sucking a dick for three minutes with no cumshot? It sucks. I hate having to replay the good ones over and over again to even get anywhere in my jerk sesh. I need both hands. Then the sites that usually offer the full-length movies are sketchy as shit. It’s a constant struggle, and I am sure I’m not alone in my search...

Free Porn Tube Sites
2 years ago
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MAU Slayers Walking Blindly

Previously on MAU - Slayers... The Slayers celebrated their first Christmas after their encounter with the MAU and without their families. The also encountered Bill, a man given the ability to see the future by the MAU. He told them of their future and of the darkness that is to come. MAU - Slayers - Walking Blindly... The two vampires sat in the cell. They had been there for weeks now. Ever since those two girls had somehow beaten and captured them. The male one had spent the...

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Theres a wolf in the fold

It was the first day of class. I wasn't nervous; it's a technical nerd school so I felt right in. My name is T.K., and I was in NO way prepared for classes this semester...sure I studied and aced the class but I failed the most important test.... In my second class I saw this tall looking dude, kind of bumped into him didn't really care about his existence at all....then after passing him I did my occasional look back to check out what I just walked away If I wasn't in love...

3 years ago
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Theres More than One Way to Skin an Angel

TRUST ME It’s written in big, black letters on a piece of card stock. It’s the second one I’ve received this week. The first one had three little words on it: I WANT YOU I called a friend of mine and told her what was going on. I asked her if any of our friends were pulling a practical joke, cause I wasn’t finding it funny. I was a single, young, professional that lived alone and things like this gave me the creeps. The second note kind of confirmed my thoughts about a friend pulling a joke on...

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Theres Always A First Time

There is no greater feeling than the start of summer vacation! Ten weeks without teachers, homework or responsibilities. Every summer, my parents and I spend two weeks at our beach house. I love our beach house! It is three stories with a patio deck overlooking the ocean, giving us beautiful sunrises and breathtaking sunsets. If I had my way, I’d live here all year long. One of my favorite things is to sunbathe topless on the patio deck. Luckily, mom and dad haven’t caught me– yet. I better...

1 year ago
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Theres a First Time for Everything

Sitting with a girlfriend of mine laughing and talking casually about our best and worst relationship moments and confiding in each other our sexual escapades and life lessons learned she reaches out spontaneously and touches my cheek with her palm leaving her fingers in the soft hairs at the nape of my neck a little too long for merely polite contact. While her hand rested on my neck just below my ear she fondled the small earring stud in my ear and said “if I were a man and you were my woman...

2 years ago
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Theres A First Time For Everything

We were in a group, about five people all together, as wewalked into the store. It was well known in the mall as being the place to go for a good laugh. You could find anything from inappropriate t-shirts to shot glasses and even sex toys. I knew what I wanted from the moment I stepped across the threshold. I was finally 18 years old and the thought of owning my own sex toy pleased me. I knew that I would never do it if I didn’t take this opportunity. Leaning over I whispered in my girlfriend’s...

3 years ago
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Theres More than One Way to Skin an Angel Part 2

“What notes?” “Oh c’mon! The notes! You know, the ones you kept sending to me at work, trying to scare the crap outta me!” “Huh?” “Seriously?” I could see the genuine confusion in Thomas’s face. The dawning realization forced me to ask the question I didn’t want to ask. “You didn’t give me the bra and panty set, did you?” When he shook his head, I could feel the cold chills creeping up my back to the base of my skull. I was spooked. Who the hell was trying to fuck with my head? I didn’t...

2 years ago
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Theres A Babysitter in my bed

It has been too long since I’ve touched a woman…. I thought as I walked in the front door, stumbling a little from the few drinks I had at the bar after work. Continuing inside I look at my kitchen clock its 8:55PM past my son Bens bedtime. Looking down I see the babysitter Carmen reading on the couch and I couldn’t help noticing what she was wearing, a pink mini skirt and a white tank top, with no bra! Just looking at her long brown hair and perfect body was giving me a hard on. I turn around...

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And Then There Were None

And Then There Were None By Geneva Two slaves and a white petty criminal on the run in 1830's Louisiana are transformed by a treacherous landowner using a magic book. One of them eventually has to make a choice between two futures. This story is set between my earlier stories "Made Mademoiselle" and "Miss Spelled". A reviewer had a question about the last story and I hope this story tidies it up. Thanks, Kelly. As I remember now, it was a time of bewilderment, horror and...

2 years ago
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None Before None After

None Before, None After By: AWC Before I say anything else, I admit that this story might sound too good to be true but I am not into getting the notoriety from anybody but to entertain and say the truth if the story is a true one. Anyhow, it is little over 4 years ago when one Saturday around noon time, I received a phone call. The person on the other end identified himself as Roger. After hello, hi; Roger asked me if it was true that my penis size was over 8 inches. I did not know...

2 years ago
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No More Blinders

I’m an average guy. When I was young I became very ill. The doctors had a difficult time keeping my temperature under control and it spiked to 108. When my parents were able to take me home, I was different. Something that made me who I was had disappeared. It terrified my parents and left me mystified. I was no longer interested in some old hobbies and new interests took their place. Friends that I thought I would have for life I felt no kinship for and I forged relationships with people I...

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Love Isnt Blind

This is a story about a larger, loving woman… if you can’t accept that, please pass on by. That feels so good… I think as I wake slowly. It has been so hot for the last two weeks and I have no air-conditioning. Every night I toss and turn until I fall asleep and wake the next morning on a sheet soaked with my own perspiration. I have two fans. The first blows down a long hallway and draws air from a partially opened front room window, while the second is at the foot of my bed and blows across...

4 years ago
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Love is Blind

Sarah awoke to the warmth of the morning sun on her dozing face, bright enough for her to know it was daylight. This was one of those mornings Sarah especially liked. There was nothing she needed to do and no appointment she had to keep. She could rest in bed for just as long as she liked. Or not just rest. She could hear Lee breathing beside her, soft and steady as he slept on his back, face upward. Sarah smiled. It would take so little for her to arouse Lee’s attention and for the two of...

4 years ago
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Leading The Blind

Trust me. Close your eyes, and give me your mouth. My lips touch yours, just the lightest, lightest brush, and I carefully deepen the kiss. Your lips are so soft, so wet… I take your lower lip between mine, just a gentle pressure, and suck lightly… no tongue yet, just the feel of your lips against mine. Then the tip of my tongue teases its way over your lip and you feel it… a teasing spark that moves up your spine, diffusing itself through your most intimate parts. Everything becomes...

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