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Wesley looked at the hat as he pulled it down off the hat rack. It’d hung there for well over two months, the silent prayer hanging in the air that the girl he’d loaned it to would come back. But as it stood, it had been nearly three months. He ran his thumb across the buckle on the hat band and sighed, tucking the hat back into the box he’d dug it out and put it back up in the closet where it’d been for years. Even in the three months she’d been gone, Wesley couldn’t get Lacey King out of his mind. He’d wrestled many restless nights with an empty bed and pillows. He’d woken up many mornings, tasting her sweet kiss on his lips. He sighed sadly as he closed the closet.

Wesley had invited everybody over for a cook-out tonight. The hands and everybody would be over soon. Lance told him he’d be over early to help get things on the table. The cook sure enjoyed the night off. If there was one thing Wes was good at, it was grilling steaks. He made the best meat in the west, according to a lot of cowboys.

Lance kicked the door once to act as a knock before barging right in, his arms full of paper plates and napkins and what not that Carolyn had sent down from the big house. ‘Hey, how ’bout a hand, pardner?’ he said, glancing up just in time to see Wesley putting the hat he’d given Lacey back in the closet.

‘Oh… yeah.’ He reached to take the cups that were about to topple off the top from the pile, also taking the bag of silverware Carol had packed up all nice. ‘Thanks for doing that. Was about to head up there myself.’

Lance looked at his friend and then back at the closet, jerking his head a bit towards it. ‘Giving up?’ he said gently, not wanting to start an argument but simply curious. He and Wesley had argued about Lacey many times over since she had driven away. Lance had always prodded his friend to do something, anything, call her, hell, even go after her, but Wesley never would.

Wesley just smirked. ‘Puttin’ it away.’ He pushed past his friend to open up the swinging gates that mimicked the old-time saloons into the kitchen, showing him the table he’d put together with a nice table cloth and such.

Lance followed him, casting another glance back towards the closet, and then set the items down, letting the whole topic of Lacey rest for the night. He just nodded and turned towards the table with a grin. ‘Not too bad for a cowboy,’ he said. ‘What do you need me to do?’

‘Set the dishes on the island there. There’s potatoes in the oven, and Carolyn’s bring over God only knows what. She was fussin’ ’bout needin’ more. I just lit the grill a little bit ago.’

Lance chuckled and moved to set the dishes out, not sure if he was doing it right, but not really caring either. Hell, everyone was going to be digging in so fast it wouldn’t matter where the plates were, or in what order. ‘Sounds good … what struck you to do something like this?’ he asked, glancing over at his friend. His spirits were higher than they had been in a long time. ‘Some special occasion?’

He scratched the back of his head. Now that was a good question. ‘I dunno, really. Just wanted to do somethin’ nice.’ The truth was, he missed the cook-outs they’d had when Anne was around. She’d always hold a party of some sort every weekend for the hands during the summer whether it be their grill, a church social, or just tuna sandwiches and chips around a fire. It made everybody feel like a family around here, and he missed it. But there was something else. Something that had been nagging him for weeks and he couldn’t put his finger on it.

Lance looked at him a moment and then shrugged, taking a look at the handiwork he had done on the table. ‘Eh, it’s the best you’re gonna get outta me,’ he said with a lopsided grin. He rubbed his nose and then sniffed, following the delicious scent of meat cooking out onto the back deck just as another knock sounded.

‘Yoo hoo!’ Carolyn waited patiently by the doorway, two cake containers balanced on top of one another.

Wesley went to the front door and pushed the screen open. Tick came running through the house yapping up a storm, wiggling all over as Carolyn walked in. Wes reached to take one of the cakes from her. ‘Carolyn… you shouldn’t have.’

Carolyn laughed and brushed past him, ‘There’s a lot more of that in the car,’ she said. She stopped long enough to peck his cheek with a twinkle in her gray-blue eyes. ‘Gimme that one back and why don’t you head out to the car to get some more?’

He muttered at the old biddy and handed it back to her. ‘There’s only seven to feed, woman. What are you thinkin’, we’re feedin’ an army?’

Carolyn laughed and walked towards the kitchen, calling back in her loving but irritating sing-song voice, ‘You just go on out to the car now,’ she urged, glancing back at him with a grin. ‘I got something special out there just for you.’

He grumbled and scratched his head. The woman was rather irritating sometimes. ‘C’mon Tick… let’s see what ol’ Carolyn’s got this time.’ He swung the screen door open and stepped out onto the porch with the dog zooming past him half across the yard, then bounding back up on the porch, having a grand old time.

Carolyn’s car was parked just to the side of the front porch, kind of in the shadows, but it was easy to see that someone was pulling something out of the trunk before it slammed shut. The silhouette stopped for a moment as Wesley came out onto the front porch, holding a large casserole dish in their hands as they seemed to just look in Wesley’s direction for a long time before moving forward and into the light that was cast from the front porch light. Tick barked for a long moment and then began to wiggle all over, an excited whine reaching Wesley’s ears before he bounded off the porch to run towards the figure stepping closer into the light.

Wesley stopped as he saw somebody already helping the old biddy out and he held the screen door open for whoever it was. The sun was starting to cast an orange light everywhere as it sank lower in the sky.

Lacey stepped into the circle of light, her long blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, giving him an unobstructed view of the soft smile kissing her lips as she drew closer. She had arrived earlier this afternoon, surprising Carolyn and now, Carolyn was surprising everyone else in return. She stopped before Wesley, blue eyes locking with his as uncertainty and every fear flashed in her eyes, unsure of what he would think about her suddenly being here after all this time. ‘Wh-where do you want this?’ she asked softly, never breaking eye contact with him.

It didn’t take any time at all to recognize who it was and a lump rose in his throat. He wasn’t sure how to react to her. He rubbed the back of his neck then pointed in the house. ‘Ah… on the island in the kitchen, if you would please.’

Lacey watched him for a moment and then nodded, gently brushing past him, the hint of her perfume tickling his nose. She took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves as she stepped into the house and moved towards the kitchen. What had she expected him to do? Grab her and kiss her and act like he was overjoyed to see? Yeah … she did. And disappointment stung in her throat, but she knew she had expected too much. Stepping into the kitchen, she smiled gently at Carolyn as the old woman looked at her and then looked past her for Wesley, her eyebrows furrowing some in agitation. Damn that man. He was going to be stubborn again it seemed.

Wesley didn’t even have to call Tick in. The dog was bounding along behind Lacey right at her heels the whole way down the hall. He sighed and let the door shut softly, rather than slam like it had the habit of doing. Not soon after, the noisy trio came meandering in, hanging up their hats and dusting their boots as they filed into the Foreman’s house. Wesley stepped into the kitchen and grabbed a pair of oven mitts to pull the potatoes out of the oven. Lance had taken over the cooking part, it seem
ed, and once that man got started in on a grill, it was hard to stop him. The only thing was to watch out for fire if he got carried away.

As Lacey stepped out onto the back deck, excitement erupted as Lance grabbed her up and swung her around, the rest of the men lighting up like a long-lost sister had rejoined the family. ‘Damn Lacey! I didn’t think you could look any finer!’ Lance gushed, pushing her back to give her the once over, whistling sharply as the rest of the men greeted her and pulled her into a hug one by one. Questions were firing left and right about whether she was just here for a visit, or if she had come to her senses and was coming home.

Wesley could feel Carolyn’s cool glare on the back of his head as he bent toward the oven, digging the potatoes out. She’d be standing behind him with her hands on her hips, looking at him with those beady little eyes and that…. look. He knew it. Instead of acknowledging it, he put the potatoes on a plate and shoved them onto the island with the rest of the food.

‘I take it you didn’t like my surprise,’ Carolyn asked, moving closer to the island so that Wesley was forced to acknowledge her.

‘What am I supposed to do, Carol? Pretend nothing happened?’ He stepped toward the fridge to pull out beer that had been chilling all afternoon and popped the tops off the bottles so he could serve them to the fellas.

Carolyn crossed her arms as she just looked at him. ‘You are, without a doubt, the most stubborn man I’ve ever had the displeasure of knowing. How about showing some kind of emotion, Wesley Hardigan? How about listening to your heart for once, instead of that damned, play-by-the-rules head of yours?’ Carolyn glanced toward the door leading out to the back deck and then to the cowboy standing in front of her. ‘She’s back for good. Sold her townhouse and quit her job so she could come back here and be near you. It took this long to get all her shit straightened out, and you act like you barely know the woman!’

‘Well… it’s true, Carolyn. I barely know the woman.’ The news of her being back for good was rather shocking. He didn’t expect anything from her, but he’d spent hours staring at the phone on the kitchen counter wondering if it’d ring, and it be her on the other end. He offered a beer to Carolyn. ‘She left. What was I supposed to do?’

Carolyn ignored the beer he offered and just glared at him. ‘Well, you did exactly what you’re doing now,’ she accused. ‘Nothing.’ She turned to go, and just before she walked out the door to go out onto the back deck, she turned around and walked right up to Wesley, shoving her index finger into his chest to poke at him, dramatizing her next words, ‘Keep it up, and you are going to be alone, and miserable, for the rest of your life.’ Then she turned and went out the back door, letting it slam behind her.

Wesley growled at the presumptuous woman. What did she know about anything? What if he WANTED to be alone and miserable the rest of his life? Hell… that’s all he’d wanted for the last three and a half years. Why he’d lived, and Anne didn’t, was a question that nagged at the back of his head, always. Ignoring the fury that boiled through his veins, he scooped up the bottles and carried them outside, offering them to the cowboys chattering up a storm out back. His eyes gazed on Lacey as he offered her the last beer in his hands other than his own. Their eyes met a long moment. It was an uncomfortable moment. One filled with indescribable confusion and heartache.

Lacey sat perched on the top railing of the deck, close to the grill where she and Lance had been chatting and catching up until Wesley had appeared with the beers. Lance gave her a wink and a jerk of his head towards Wesley before taking a beer and moving towards the other hands chatting to give them a semi-private moment. She reached out to take the beer bottle from Wesley’s hand, her fingers gently grazing his before pulling the bottle close with a gentle smile. ‘Thanks.’ She could tell by the look on his face that he wasn’t sure how to react to her. and it stung. But there was no turning back now. She had come back, and the moving van was on its way with her things.

‘It…. it’s nice to see you again, Miss King.’ he said gently, his voice cracking with nervousness as he took a swig of his beer. He hadn’t expected to see her again, let alone just have her show up on his doorstep. ‘If I had known you were comin’ I would’ve baked another ‘tato and thrown more meat on the grill.’

Lacey couldn’t help but smile, lifting her own bottle to take a sip before lowering it to look at him again. He was just making small talk to avoid the real conversation that they needed to have. ‘Don’t worry about it … I’m not really hungry, to be honest.’

‘Ya sure? I can whip another out of the freezer quick. I make the best meat in the west, according to these guys.’ He grinned a bit. The moment was becoming more comfortable as he saw her smile and the light in her eyes. She was back. Carolyn said for good. What he was going to do with her, heno idea.

Lacey smiled gently as she saw him relax and reached out to capture his free hand in hers, slender fingers gently stroking over his knuckles as she just looked at him a long time. ‘I’m sure,’ she said softly, knowing one of them had to make some kind of move or they would forever be stuck with polite manners and unanswered questions.

He stilled when she grasped his hand and he gazed into her eyes with a soft half-smile. ‘So I guess you’re the big boss lady around here, eh?’

Lacey chuckled softly as her fingers continued to gently caress his knuckles, shrugging gently as she answered his question, ‘I guess so … know a good foreman that could teach me a thing or two?’ She knew that her question had a hidden double meaning but she wanted to see what kind of reaction she would get from him. She hadn’t been able to get Wesley Hardigan out of her mind for one moment since leaving Wyoming. There hadn’t been a night that she hadn’t reached for him in her sleep or a day that she didn’t long to kiss him once again.

‘Yeah… I think I know one. Don’t know if he’s much of a talker, though. Keeps to himself a lot.’ His fingers tightened around hers as if to signal a bit of forgiveness for what she’d done, or hadn’t done. ‘He’s goin’ with his best friend down to Cody for team ropin’ next weekend… in the market for a hot date, if she’s willin’.’

Lacey smiled, turning her fingers some so that they interlaced with his, pressing their palms together and she nodded. ‘I think I know a blonde from New York who finally came to her senses about where she really belongs. Seems she’s been aching to get back into a pair of jeans and going to a rodeo for some time now …’ Lacey could only hope that the gentle banter was the beginnings of healing the time they had been apart without a word from either one of them. Pride had gotten in the way for far too long.

He squeezed her hand gently before releasing it as he heard Lance’s call that the medium-rare steaks were done and who wanted one. Most everybody except Carolyn raised their hands. Wesley looked back at Lacey with a small smile and pulled her close, placing a soft kiss to her forehead before he went to go get food.

Lacey held him close for a moment, her fingers tightening into his shirt before he moved off and she watched him go, relief flooding her as she grinned and sipped happily on her beer.

Lance grinned as Wesley walked over this huge, shit-eating grin and just looked at Wesley a moment before glancing to Lacey and then back to Wesley again, shoving the turning fork into his hand. ‘I saw that!’ he teased, passing out steaks to the men crowding around.

‘No you didn’t.’ Wesley said with a wink as he passed plates to the men and they filed into the house to go get the other fixings for a huge meal.

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I let my hands slide down from her shoulders but hers stayed in place. My hands moved over her chest reaching her erect nipples. Sliding over them to cup her breasts in my hands my fingers brushed her nipples and a soft moan slipped from her lips. Leaning forward I kissed her nipples. Nibbling on them with my lips then letting my tongue slip ever so slightly through my lips touching her nipples. Her hands caressed my neck and face as I continued at her nipples. She moaned and pulled my head...

1 year ago
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BlackAmbush Ashley Manson 05172020

Welcome Ashley Manson, here today to take her First big black cock, providing of course she goes through with it once we lay the surprise on her. You might recognize her as “Candi”, she appeared on ExCoGi a few months back. Today white guy Jake has her in the shower gobbling on his big dick and getting her pussy warmed up while Isiah waits on the bed and after some play Ashley declares “I’m ready to get fucked”. Best part of her finding Isiah on the bed with his...

1 year ago
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Cheating Wife Gets What She Deserves

He worked on the docks a longshoreman for 20 years, then one day he was in the right place at the right time did a favor for the right person and he had it made. He got the golden ticket; his star was on the rise rapidly moving up in the administration of the union. Why wouldn’t he be James Dunkin was raised in an upper middle-class family was taught all the social graces, was Quarter Back and Captain of the high school football team. He stood 6’3” tall, 180 lbs, brown hair, broad sholders,...

1 year ago
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Cute Neighbour

It's the middle of summer, you're in your room like every day. Looking. It just so happens that the next door neighbour is a very sexy 20 year old girl, Cora. You watch her almost every day of the week, your houses are next to each other and you both have your room on the second floor, so you have easy access you her room. You have binoculars inside your room which you use to get a better view. You can see her opening her door now, you saw her coming home so you were ready. She's standing in...

1 year ago
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Flat Share

"Well, what do you think? Better or worse?"She looked up and grinned at him."Better, definitely better. I like the fact that it's got some bounce in it. The last one acted like a damper and just made it so much more difficult to get a rhythm going.""Uh huh," he said, "I'm looking forward to trying it out, but we'll have to put something on it first to soften it a bit.""Hmmm! Something like one of those toppers, you mean?""Yep! I reckon if we put two of 'em on it, it should be quite soft and...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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The downfall of Nick or Nicks fall into Glor

This is an original work. All fictional persons contained within are of legal and consenting age. Constructive criticism welcomed. The radiant and OH so sexy inspired this story. Have fun and enjoy..In my wildest fantasies I never imagined myself having sex with a young girl less than half my age on a stage and in front of half the town... My name is Nick. Most everyone I know calls me St. Nick as I devote a LOT of time to the community and help out with many local charities. I tried to...

2 years ago
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Mistake in the Mens Room

She stood at the sink washing her hands slowly. Seeing a blur she looked up as a gentlemen walked in the bathroom. She raised her eyebrows, as did he. ‘I think you’re in the wrong restroom.’ They said together. There was a moment of startled quiet and then she walked to the door and looked. She smiled with chagrin, ‘Sorry.’ He wanted to tell her to be more careful. He thought ‘what if I had been in there… or if someone less savory had been in there’ and suddenly his mind wandered in that...

1 year ago
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PEGByLatex ConservativeThe whining. The moaning. The tossing. The turning. It’s four in the morning, and Mistress Ariel had enough.She opens her brown eyes, hidden from all behind the evil, smoked goggle glasses of her gas mask. She lays there on her back, on a bed of white cotton sheets, pillows, and spreads, in her complete black latex and rubber Dominatrix outfit that covers her; a vision of powerful latex fetish femininity. Layers upon layers, all skin tight, all shiny, except for her...

1 year ago
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A Tale To Tell Full Circle

"So let me get this straight." Jack said in disbelief as he sat with Jeremy at the Airport Marriott. "You were in Hawaii at the same time as Greg and his wife?" "Right." Jeremy quickly answered. "And not only did you see her topless at the beach, but you're telling me that she stripped off her bikini in front of you and a bar full of guys for a contest?" "Right!" Jeremy raised his open hand and Jack responded with a high five. "And she looks as good as advertised in that photo he...

2 years ago
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The Important Sale

My name is Melissa. I am of medium height and slender, but my breasts are enormous, D-cup. This has made me too popular among my schoolmates and at my job, and I know that my close girlfriends envy me, up to the point of increasing their bust sizes as soon as they have saved or they have gotten a rich husband to pay for them. I have discreetly exploited my attractiveness in the sales and marketing world. One day, I applied at a new technology company, and I was hired for my good record in...

3 years ago
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Meeting Beth part 1

I've met a few women off here and had, as I'm sure everybody has, some pretty weird experiences. There are a lot of crazy people out there, a lot of real sluts too. Well my god did I meet a slut last week. Her name is Beth - that isn't what she's called on here, but I reckon some blokes might figure out who it is once they've read this. We had been chatting on here for some time and I thought it was time we met. I've been working down south a lot and hadn't had time, but I was back in...

1 year ago
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In the Lift

I am in a lift in the corner at the back, its the start of the day so its getting pretty full. A woman gets on she stands in front of me, she has dark shoulder length hair and a thin halter neck summer dress on. I can smell her perfume waking my desires. More people get on, she steps back touching me, her hair brushes my face making her scent stronger, I can feel the soft cheeks of her ass against me. My cock stiffens against her, she must feel it through her thin dress but she does not...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Gluteus Maximus Chapter Ten

Previously in "Gluteus Maximus" - Chapter Nine"Oh my God," I heard her say again.I rubbed her hair and gave her a kiss on the side of her head. "God, thatwas great," I said dreamily."Josh, look at this!" she said somewhat urgently. I sat up to see asomewhat brownish white pool of sperm sitting on her beautiful flat tummy,right below where my ass had been as I straddled her."What the hell is that?" she asked with some panic in her voice.Of course, I did as any red-blooded American male would do...

1 year ago
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Reddit GameOverGirls, aka r/GameOverGirls! Oh man, when it comes to brutal hentai, there is so much out there to choose from. I always feel like I can’t make the correct choice when it comes to this kind of hardcore hentai because there is just so much to choose from. So, how about I just stick to one subreddit and get all my content from it? I feel like that’s a great deal as far as I’m concerned! Anyway, if you want to find the best source of hentai content that is a little bit too hard to...

Reddit NSFW List
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our frist time

jill came into the room ,just wearing tank top and yoga pants.she looked very sexy, she is a curvy woman big tits nice hips and shaved pussy.and im pretty sure she knows she is hot. she knows i want her . but i also know she wants me too. can i get you anything to drink ?she offers. No thank you im good . please sit then she take one end of the couch and i take the other. she sits one leg on the floor she sits on the other legs spread pussy in clear veiw for me , we attempt small talk but i...

2 years ago
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The Future

THE FUTURE By C PART I CHAPTER 1        It is spring, flowers are in full bloom, and the city is bathed in brilliant color. The year is 2240. Anne is bursting with excitement. Her mother has just picked her up from school after what had seemed by far to be the longest day of her life. The time had dragged by as though it was almost standing still, but school is finally over and she is actually on her way to the "ritual". The "ritual" is an event that all girls, throughout the entire world,...

1 year ago
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My sisters Sweet Lesbian Lover

My sister's Lesbian Lover (F/m-teen, 1st time)by AB-2007As told to me by Kevin from WisconsinI know that the title of this story promises that it's going to be about girl on girl sex, but it's not. Actually it's about my sister's lover and me.My sister Adrienne was 23-years-old, the oldest of us 5 k**s. She was also the only one who had left home at that point in our lives. I was 14-years-old at the time this startling event took place.My sister knew that she was different at a fairly early...

2 years ago
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My Slut Wife does a special Display

My wife and I were driving to the adult theater once again, a normal occurrence for us, at least twice per month. I enjoyed taking her to the adult theater and have her play with the variety of men that ventured in to see a movie, but she provided a different level of enjoyment.We had found a new blouse for her to wear, a sheer blouse that left nothing to the imagination. Cheryl was hornier than usual, and was quite anxious to get to the theater for some sexual fun and games.As we drove she...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Amirah Styles Please Slap Him In The Face

We here at Hussie??️Pass are pleased as punch to bring to you the industry debut of lovely Latina Amirah Styles! The curvy Motown native was hand selected for Hussie Models by Brian Omally himself, which is probably why he decided to be her first on-screen partner ? During the Johnny ?? Robbins interview portion of the program ??? (which is where the scene’s title comes from) Amirah tells us “I like to be worshipped and I like to be in control”. We think that once you watch this scene,...

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Dr Zaaijer Family Therapist Role Reversal Part 7

Chapter seven Tuesday morning, Joanne again wasn't the first person up in the house. Steven was already dressed for the day including putting on his makeup. He was sitting at the table reading his novel. "You're up early, mom." "I am getting used to it, besides I wanted to be up early today. I wanted to see how Steven is doing after what happened last night." "I have never seen him, you know who I mean drunk like that." "Exactly, I peaked in on him before. Well if...

4 years ago
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Mistake By Neighbour Mausi

Hi Friends I am Alex. This is my story with the girl next door I used to call her mausi. Her name is Bitto and she is average built, 28 yrs old with some dark complexion. Once she made a call and ask me to drove her to bank, I was free so I replied in affirmative,I took my bike pick her and headed toward bank. In between we had a casual chat, and everything was smooth(nothing horny). Sudden her phone rings and after answering phone, she ask me -can we drop didi (her elder sister to office) in...

1 year ago
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Playing With Christine

After the bachelor party, all I could think about was when the next party would be. I found something that I love and could do for fun. I didn't have to separate myself from it like I did for work. Even if they were to pay me for it, I'm still the center of attention, I get all the cum and cock I want and I got to play with myself for the men. It was a perfect blend of all my wants and desires. So needless to say when Greg called me I about came out of my skin in anticipation. He told me that...

2 years ago
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finding the naughty side of parents 3

the very next time i was over my friends house he fell asleep real early because we had football conditioning earlier that day but somehow i had life in me. i heard his mother in her room down the hall flipping the shower curtain. she only was turning on the water so it was perfect timing. i crept down the hallway. she had a bathroom inside the room and i guess she figured we were passed out from earlier so she left the door wide open. i slowly entered the room and there is no door to the...

2 years ago
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TimeChapter 47

Eventually, with enough mathematics and a super computer, it would be proved that a large celestial body once struck the earth. The iron core of the intruder, being heavy, sank into our core and the granite mantle had been flung off. Being hot, they formed back into spheres again and the granite section stayed within our gravity well. We traded places and jobs and each of us had a chance to ride the rover. We had pictures of Sally planting the Stars and Stripes in the shallow soil. Hindsight...

2 years ago
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Nisha Ki Chudai

Hello guys this is Arjun from new delhi , is back with a real incident.I would like to explain this incident in Hindi, agar aapko pasand aaye to mujhe mails jarur kare [] or agar koi mistake ho to maaf kare . ye story kafi lambi hai . aasha hai ki aapko pasand ayegi…. Ye kahani kuch is tarah se hai. ek bar meri family ka vaishno devi jane ka program bana .waha jane ke liye maine train ki tickets book ki ac sleaper ki. train me hum sahi tym pe pahuch gaye or train ka wait karne lage. station pe...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 19 My Girlfriend

Two things made eighth grade a new experience for me. First, I had no study hall, so all my homework had to be done after school instead of during school. The reason I had no study hall was that I was approved to take high school chemistry during fifth period. That was usually at least a sophomore class and every day I crossed from the junior high halls into the high school halls. I was taking high school Algebra, too, but they had a whole eighth grade class for that. Talk about feeling like...

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KittyChapter 18 Phyllis

Claire took up residence in a private room, sharing an apartment with three other seniors. I helped her with her luggage before settling in the same room I'd occupied for three years. My new roommate was an archeology major. He talked enthusiastically about a dig he'd been on. His descriptions of sleeping under the stars, bathing in a cold stream, and moving dirt with a small tool didn't interest me, but what I picked up on was his infatuation with the group leader. According to Gary, she...

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Every child always wants to know how his mother and father met. I tell mine, it all started with a flat tire on a jeep. But maybe that is getting a little ahead of my story. My name is Kelly, born Kelly Wooten. I was the younger of two sisters in a small southern coastal town. When I was a senior in high school I managed the astounding feat of getting married, getting pregnant and getting divorced all within that single school year. Okay, the events didn't occur exactly in the order I listed...

3 years ago
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Naughty Girlfriend Amy Sucks Black Guys Cock

Amy was out with her friends in the nightclub, drunk and dancing very sexy on the dance floor shaking her booty most of the night. Amy was looking stunning tonight also. She was wearing a light blue colour dress. The dress was backless with a short; lose fitting, skirt that ended well above her knees it was very small for a skirt. The top of the dress split into two pieces just above her navel. That formed a large "V" which somewhat loosely covered her small breasts. Thin straps that were tied...

3 years ago
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Game WorldChapter 27

We got busy right away. The first thing I did was to post a guard on the road closest to Lufkin. I didn't want any unexpected surprises. From there a sentry could see for miles along the winding roads and so long as they remained alert he could alert us long before trouble reached us. With that taken care of I turned my attention to our primary concern; the wagons that we'd captured. I quickly organized a work party to get rid of everything that we didn't need. That included a ton of...

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