Palomino Ch. 03 free porn video

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Lacey sat perched precariously on the top rung of the metal fence that fenced off the back portion behind the grandstand of the booming rodeo. The initial rodeo entrance parade was over and Lance was re-checking the saddle bindings of his mount. She hadn’t seen Wesley in a little while. Her blue gaze shifted from the blonde cowboy to sweep across the crowded area behind the scenes of the western phenomenon. There were cowboys of all kinds running around, milling about with horses and quite honestly, she wouldn’t know how to pick Wesley out among them. If she didn’t stick close to someone in this group, she was going to get lost and quick! Sighing gently, she tipped her boots down, the heels catching on one of the lower rungs of the metal fence to hold her in place. She felt somewhat out of place back here and wondered if everyone thought she looked ridiculous in the get-up Caroline had dressed her up in, almost like dressing one of her Barbies from childhood to match the other girls milling about and hoped she at least looked the part.

Wesley dusted off an old black felt hat as he sat on the tailgate of his truck. He’d parked the trailer and he needed some space out of all the hubbub and people. The leather of the hat band was a little worn and cracked. The silver buckle was tarnished. He tucked his thumb into the sleeve of his shirt and rubbed the metal to bring out the shine a bit. It needed some polish. He’d spent a half hour ‘brushing’ the hat to clean it up and make it look presentable. It hadn’t been worn in years. For some reason he’d taken it out of its storage place and brought it along. It was about Lacey’s size. He gazed upon the pin that’d been put on the hat band. It was a well earned little jewel of a rodeo queen. He was still wondering if it’d seem too presumptuous to loan the hat to the cute little cowgirl in the making.

Lacey slid down from her perch on the top railing of the fence, her loose blonde hair falling around her shoulders with the movement. Lance was busy with his mount and she needed a breath of fresh air. The loud noise was taking some getting used to, but she loved every minute of it. She smiled to Lance as he looked up, seeing her start to wander off. ‘Now don’t go getting lost, Miss Lacey,’ he grinned at her, giving her an appreciative once over with his eyes. Caroline had done a good job transforming her into a cowgirl with the tight jeans and borrowed boots, and even the shirt that sparkled in the rodeo lights. Lacey smiled at him beautifully and retorted wittily, ‘How can you get lost in a place like this? I’ll just follow the smell and be able to find you again,’ she teased.

Lance grunted and chuckled at the girl’s wit and nodded. ‘A’ight. That’ll do.’ He waved her off and turned back to his work, letting her go about whatever had caught her fancy.

Wesley hopped down off the truck and reached with one hand to lift the tailgate and slam it into place. He reached and lifted the handle a bit to let the latch slide into place. The thing had jammed ever since Old Man King had bought the thing off the lot. Again he dusted off the brim of the hat, shaping it a bit with his thumb and headed on back for the grandstands. He almost bumped into Lacey as she stepped outside. He didn’t look up much to notice it was her and just stepped back, tipping his hat apologetically. ‘Pardon me, Ma’am.’

Lacey gasped softly as she almost plowed into Wesley and then grinned, seeing he hadn’t noticed it was her. She chuckled softly before answering him, ‘So there you are … I was wondering if you had got lost in a herd of horses.’

He looked up from beneath the brim of his hat and blinked. ‘Miss King… ah. Yeah… was parkin’ the truck.’ He motioned in the direction of the lot where he’d parked it. He grinned and looked at the hat in his hand. Now was as good a time as ever. He offered it gently to her. ‘No cowgirl is a cowgirl without ‘er hat.’

She glanced from his handsome face to the hat offered in his hands and a soft smile bloomed across her lips before dainty hands reached to take the hat from him, turning it in her hands. Looking up at him again, she smiled gently, touched by his thoughtfulness, although she had no clue how to wear one of these. ‘Thank you, Wesley … what a thoughtful gesture.’ She turned the hat again in her hands before lifting it up and pressing it down on her head, tucking her hair behind her ears and then looked to him for a reaction on how it looked. ‘Do I look completely silly?’

He chuckled and reached for the hat to lift it off her head and turn it the right way. It fit her well. He knew it would. ‘Rounded side always goes to the back… buckle up front. And no… ye look like yer daddy’s girl.’

Lacey laughed, blushing as she realized she had put it on backwards and then smiled at his words. ‘Thanks Wesley …’ She couldn’t bring herself to shorten his name like everyone else had. She knew that life on a ranch was a bit different and that certain things, rights, persay, had to be earned. Tucking her hair back behind her ears again, she glanced up at the brim of the hat that was shoved down on her head and hoped that she didn’t stick out like a sore thumb before locking her gaze with his. ‘I think Lance is about to go out. Want to go watch?’

He glanced at his watch and nodded, offering his arm to her. ‘Yea… we prolly should head inside.’ As they entered the group of people again, he escorted her through toward where they’d left Lance with his mount. There were all kinds of noises and booming speakers and cheers. The horse was a bit spooked. Her ears kept swiveling this way and that, and then were laid back and she’d bare teeth. Once when another horse jerked near her she threw her head and practically yanked Lance off his feet. Seeing this, Wes let go of Lacey and hurried forward to grab the mare’s bridle and yanked her head down rather roughly to control her. ‘Hey! Hey! Whoa girl…. easy.’ Wesley was a natural with horses. The instant he was there, he had the mare’s attention and she calmed down a bit. Again she tried to throw her head and he swatted her right between the eyes. ‘Now you listen to me, missy. You behave yerself.’ He kept a firm grip on the bit as she gnashed it between her teeth and tongue, gazing into those big eyes. ‘Ya hear me?’

Lacey was secretly thrilled when he had offered his arm but it was short-lived as they approached where she had left Lance. Watching quietly, she couldn’t help but smile as Wesley quickly worked to calm the horse and then shifted her gaze to Lance where he was caught between anger and embarrassment over the whole ordeal, practically ignoring her as he picked up his hat from the sawdust where it had landed, angrily brushing it off and shoving it back on his head as Wesley took control of the hell-bitch. She was his best roping horse, no doubt but she was a bitch, pure and simple, when she wanted to be.

Wesley took a stand-off with the horse for a long time. To him, there was nobody there but him, and the horse. He stared into her eyes and held the bit firmly to keep her from spooking or jumping again. When she tried he simply swatted her on the muzzle to make her step back. When he got fed up with her argumentativeness he tugged the bit down against her teeth and tongue, forcing her head to come down with it. ‘Ya gonna listen or not, missy? I can do this all night.’

The mare stamped her foot in irritation and she nickered, trying to pull free of Wesley’s grip. Each time she tugged, he just tugged her head down further toward the ground, bending her neck toward her withers. If she kept it up he’d eventually force her to lie over. ‘You gotta choice, li’l miss. Ya listen… shape up, and I let ya go. Or we can go ’round and ’round all night. Ya ain’t givin’ Lance shit again.’

Lance moved over to Wesley, knowing better than to interfere. As much as it pissed him off to be caught off-guard and his horse spook like he was some kind of rookie, he knew that Wes knew exactly what he was doing and that wi
th a bit of time, she’d calm down. He glanced over to Lacey watching intently and he frowned, turning back to Wes and the mare. ‘Fucking bitch … it’s not like we haven’t done this hundreds, hell, thousands of times. She’s the most ornery horse. Bitching at the most inopportune times. I don’t know why I keep ‘er!’

Suddenly the mare decided to jerk and Wes pulled her reigns across her muzzle and pulled her head down to lay her over. ‘Hey! Hey now…’ He straddled her neck and sat on her, holding her there as she glared up at him with wide eyes, clouds of dust rising from her breath. ‘Now, missy… we’ve gotta reach an understandin’ here. Ya shape up… or I put ya back in the trailer and we go home. I know you love this work. Why ya balkin’ all of a sudden, eh? You an’ Lance have been a team since he broke ya.’

Lacey hated to see when a horse got spooked as much as Lance’s mount was but she also knew that in order for the mare to calm down, she had to have leadership and Wesley was demonstrating it. She just hoped the mare was whipped into shape in time for Lance’s time. It was coming soon and she saw Lance nervously begin to look at the line of cowboys beginning to dwindle and looking at his watch as he watched on as well. ‘Fucker … come on bitch,’ he half groaned, half pleaded with the mare to get her act together. If she kept this up, the time would be gone and so would the prize money.

Wes didn’t look up from simply watching the mare, reading her, waiting patiently. Wordlessly he lifted a hand and curled his fingers. ‘Lacey… c’mere. I want to try somethin’.’

Lacey’s eyebrows furrowed a bit and glanced to Wesley in surprise and then to Lance. Lance just simply nodded and hurriedly waved her closer. ‘Lace … please, just do it,’ he pleaded and she moved closer to Wesley and the mare quickly but with a bit of hesitation as she looked down at the cowboy sitting on top of the mare’s neck.

Still not looking up, Wes pointed toward the saddle. ‘I want you to sit on her. Put yer left foot in the stirrup and hold the saddle horn. I’m gonna pull her to her feet with a rider.’

Lacey blinked and then looked at Wesley incredulously. ‘Wh-what? You mean … me?’ She glanced to Lance who just nodded and chewed on his thumb, glancing to see that his time was running short and something had to be done quickly.

‘Now, Lace. We don’t have time to put up with her shit. I need to let Lance have control.’

Lacey looked at the horse and then shut off her nervousness. It was a gift she had, something she had learned in her business in order to deal with high-pressure atmospheres quickly and efficiently. Moving to the mare’s side, she cooed gently to her as she crouched down, pressing her left leg over her and hooked her boot into the stirrup. Grasping the horn with one hand, her white knuckles the only indication that she had no clue was she was doing, she shook the mare’s mane and stroked her withers before nodding to Wesley with a quick shake of her head.

Wesley nodded and stood up quickly. ‘Hold on, Lacey… I won’t let ya fall. Promise.’ He said as he pulled the mare’s bridle to pull her head up, forcing her to rock to the side to get her feet under her to stand ‘Hup! Easy now… good girl.’ She seemed instantly calmer with the weight of a rider on her back and she danced to the side to get the weight ratio right as Lacey shifted in the saddle. Wesley grinned as the plan had worked and offered the reigns to Lance. ‘I’ll get Lacey off. You get on.’

Lance grinned, grasping the reins as Wesley’s plan had worked, slapping Lacey affectionately on the leg as she smiled brightly down at them and rubbed the mare’s neck. She was definitely calmer and perked her ears towards the entrance leading out to the arena as if she knew it was time to get to work. Lacey glanced to Wesley as he reached up with strong arms and slid down, momentarily caught in his embrace as Lance hopped effortlessly into the saddle just as the Arena Helper waved that it was his time to enter and get set up.

Wesley grinned as he caught Lacey, letting her to her feet again. ‘Yep…. told ya it’s in yer blood. C’mon… let’s go watch. Hope to God she doesn’t balk at the barrier again. She better not. Ran her through drills all week.’

Lacey felt almost breathless as her hand got caught in his and then jogged into a good position to watch against the railing. She was beaming inside with the accomplishment at hand … she had slowly, all week, gotten to feel more and more at home on the ranch, even needed at times. And today had just been the icing on the cake. She and Wesley stood side by side, Wesley mumbling about how the hell-bitch better not do this and that as she watched on baited breath as Lance backed his mount into the furthest corner of the box, his lariat on the ready, and the string barrier strung tight. Clasping her hands in front of her face almost prayer-like, she watched, her breath held on a quick intake as she saw Lance quickly bob his head that he was ready.

When the barrier was set loose and the calf darted out into the arena, cheers arose. The mare and rider worked in perfection. Wesley looked relieved as the mare darted out of the box after the calf. Then Lance threw his lasso and caught the calf around the neck. The mare worked to faultlessness, halting the instant the rope caught and drug backwards. Lance leaped from the saddle and threw the calf down on its side, tying three legs in a roper’s knot and threw up his hands. Wesley quickly looked at the timer and grinned, clapping his hands and whooped. It was the quickest time all night, with only a few ropers left to go. Lance would easily land in the top five for scoring. He jumped down off the fence and reached to grab Lacey around the waist and swing her down, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to head for the gates. ‘Knew she could do it!’

Lacey laughed and clapped her hands, yelling out for Lance as it was obvious from the way Wesley reacted and the crowd jumping to their feet that Lance had done extremely well, and she was elated that she had had even a small portion to do with his success this night. Gasping as she was caught off-guard as she was swung around, her blonde hair streamed out beautifully as she laughed and held on. When she was caught with Wesley’s arm around her, she seemed to naturally fit against his side, her arm sliding around his waist as they walked towards the gate. Anyone looking on would have thought they were a couple, and had been for a while. They just seemed to fit together perfectly.

When Lance got through the gate, he whooped and jumped toward Lacey as he took his hat off, grabbing her out of Wesley’s arms and hugged her tight, kissing her on the cheek. ‘We did it!’ He looked toward Wes and grabbed his friend into a huge hug, slapping his back. ‘The best damned horseman I’ve ever met… thanks Wes!’

Lacey laughed as Lance grabbed her, hugging him as she tried to get in her congratulations between the two of them slapping each other on the back. She moved to the mare and gently rubbed her forehead, playing with her forelock as the men embraced and whispered to her ear, ‘You did real good too, sweetie … and despite what they both say, you’re not a hell-bitch at all.’ She grinned as the horse knickered and shoved her a bit with her muzzle, trying to get more attention and glanced to the guys. ‘Lance, that was amazing! You’ve just got to win!’

Lance chuckled and patted his mare affectionately before looking at Lacey again. Damn did she look fine in that hat and cowgirl show get-up. Then he caught sight of the pin on the hatband and his eyes widened a bit, though it was hardly noticeable. He glanced at Wesley, who didn’t seem to notice the shock register in his friend’s face. That hat hadn’t been worn, let alone taken out of the box, in years. It’d sat up in Wes’s closet along with all of the other memories of the past. Yet, now, he’d loaned the hat to Lacey. Clearly the girl had done something to warm Wesley’s heart a little bit.
< br> Lacey smiled, catching Lance’s glance at her hat and then grinned, suddenly self-conscious, completely missing the shocked look on his face. ‘Wesley loaned it to me … what do you think? I hope I don’t stick out,’ she said, rubbing on the mare as Lance just kind of looked at her.

‘Ah… yea. Looks good, Miss Lacey. Ya fit in with the rest of ’em.’ He leaned in and whispered as he glanced toward Wesley. ‘Now we just need to teach ya ta race.’ He grinned and patted her shoulder gently then looked at Wesley. ”ey, Wes. Wouldya mind if I sent ya on a beer run?’

Lacey laughed gently, her blue eyes twinkling in amusement at his teasing. ‘Uhm, yeah … me. In a rodeo. Sure. That would be something.’

She glanced to Wesley as he nodded and clapped his hand on his friend’s shoulder. ‘Sure thing. Beer’s on me … right up until you win that prize money.’

Lacey slid her hand from the mare’s forehead and smiled at the two friends. ‘Tell you what, how about I go get the beer? You two stay here and wait to see how Lance did.’ She smiled at them both and checked her pocket for the wad of money folded in there. ‘What brand do you boys like best?’

Wes and Lance looked at one another then back at Lacey. ‘Coors.’ they both answered in unison. ‘We’ll meet ya back here, Miss Lacey’ Lance said gently as they headed off toward the stalls. When Lacey had left and was out of hearing range, Lance looked at Wesley as they walked the length of the arena. ‘Wes…. was that Anne’s hat that I saw on Lacey back there?’

Wes looked at Lance out the corner of his eyes and nodded curtly. ‘Ayep…. sure was.’

Lance wasn’t sure what to make of it. Wesley had packed all Anne’s things, refusing to give any of it up, and just hoarded them all in the house, keeping that part of his life locked up tight as a money box. To see her rodeo hat on Lacey’s head was nothing short of miraculous. Lance was trying not to make a big deal out of it, but it clearly WAS a big deal. He reached up and rubbed at the back of his neck before glancing in the direction in which Lacey had gone. ‘Well she sure looks damn fine in it,’ he said, biting back the harder questions that were dying to be asked. He wasn’t sure Wes was quite ready to go THAT far. Yet.

‘Ayep… she sure does. Fits her good. Might need to get it resized just a little, but not much.’ He reached to take the reigns from Lance and brought the horse up as they rounded toward the gates again. If Lance had placed in the top ten, which he surely would, they’d be staying in town for tomorrow’s ride.

Lance blinked a bit, hearing his friend. Re-sized? It was obvious he had done more than just lend her the hat. Lance lifted his eyebrows for a moment and then just grinned. Maybe his long-time friend was finally snapping out of his hell-bent road to a life alone, and seeing Lacey for the woman she could be in his life. He could only hope. They had been trying for years to get Wesley back into the loop of life and help him find happiness. But up until right now, and the appearance of Lacey King in their lives, he had balked completely at the idea. He started to ask Wes about what exactly he was feeling towards the woman when the speaker crackled and they all stilled as they announced that they were about to call out the top five contenders for calf roping.

‘And in first place folks, home-grown right here in Wyoming, Lance Finnigan from Riverton!’ Cheers arose in the grandstands and Lance whooped, jumping up in his excitement and he turned to grab Wesley into another big bear hug. ‘Couldn’t have done it without ya, Wes.’ Wesley grinned and clapped his friend on the back as other cowboys milled around, all friends and acquaintances of one sort or another.

Lacey heard the announcement as she gently pushed her way out of the beer line, balancing three filled plastic cups and had to dodge a lot of cowboys, her smile lighting up her whole face as she heard Lance’s name called over the loud-speaker. She was starting to notice the looks and backward glances from the cowboys around her and blushed, knowing by the looks on their faces that she did, indeed, look good in the outfit Caroline had insisted that she wear. Making her way back past the gate, the ‘backstage’ pass that she wore checked by the security there, she mingled back through the milling cowboys in search of Wesley and Lance, smiling gently to the tipped hats and the appreciative glances of the men as she passed.

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Cruise of a Lifetime Part 2

I woke on the second day of our cruise feeling battered. I hadn’t slept much—thoughts of Teri had kept me awake. I was hung over and had a terrible case of blue balls. I decided to take a shower. Today was our day at sea, with nothing on the agenda but sun, water, and anything else I could find on board for my enjoyment. I already had an idea or two of what that might be. My parents had already left the room, and left a note. ‘Looks like you came home alone after all! We’ll let you sleep it...

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Saturday Night

I had worked 29 of the past 30 days, and finally had 2 days off, so I didn't want to do anything except sit on my ass, and vegetate. My wife on the other hand, wanted to go out to dinner, and maybe a movie, or maybe even some dancing, or drinks at a local bar. I told her I have been on the go for almost a month, and wanted to just unwind quietly at home.She kept bitching at me to go and I wanted no part of it I finally told her "IF you want to go out, you know the rules" In the first years of...

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Fuck Me Please

Ginger licked the fingers of her left hand and slowly rubbed them on her swollen clit while she inserted a thick silicone cock into her tight pussy. "Ummmm," she moaned to herself.She was lonely diddling herself on a Friday night. Ginger longed to be fucked hard by a real cock. She was tired of 'silicone sex.'She climaxed and pulled the phallus out of her pussy. After rinsing the silicone cock in warm sudsy water she dried it and put it back in its case.No sooner had she done this when she...

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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 435 The End of the Beginning

Friday, July 25, 2008 and Forever After Thus begins my godhood. If you will excuse this wording: I have literally an astronomical amount to learn, think about and do. To start with, consider the VERY big picture: I haven't yet learned enough about the present Universe, but when I've done so I'll start delving into the past, making myself into an archeologist on the largest possible scale because I want to understand what happened to all the past alien species that should have reached...

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James The Butler

This work is long, 38,000 words, a complete novella. It contains multiple scenes of hardcore explicit sex between men and women, men and men, women and women, and groups dealing primary in a MFM arrangement. Themes throughout center on domination. Comments / votes are welcomed by the author. *** A house divided cannot stand, or so someone once said. I myself was finding that it worked quite well. I kept my life in nice neat compartments, and there was no room for error. It made for a pretty...

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Guys asking ME to write a story about one of our

Jay and I went to a movie one night, and I wore a miniskirt and a low cut pull over top. Yes I had panties on, but no bra. At the show, Jay had his hand up my skirt, and under my panties for most of the movie. There were times that Jay pulled his hand out as the movie was a good one that we both wanted to see. After a while, I reached up under my skirt, and pulled my panties down and off. I thought I would make it easier for Jay to get at my pussy. At one point Jay had to pull his hand out...

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Moms Bridge Club

Mom’s Bridge Club Mom and Dad were madly in love for as long as I could remember. Dad always seemed sexually satisfied by Mom and never seemed to stray. Mom was usually sexy around the house but much more sexy when she went out on Thursday’s. At home Mom wore a lot of sexy dresses with plunging necklines, slits up the sides, or strapless. Dad was allowed to squeeze her breasts, pat her ass, or even reach up under her dress. When I became a teenager Dad started doing it more often...

3 years ago
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Threesome With Aunt And Cousin

This incident happened a few months ago when I went to my cousins place for vacations. We were of the same age and had a liking for women. My cousin had fucked many girls and women before but I was not very lucky. He used to stay with his mom while his dad worked abroad. His mom worked in a nearby company I have always had a thing for mature married women and his mom was no exception. A nice plump lady of 45, she had nice breasts and a huge ass which would swing to and fro as she moved. I...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 42 Divided Command

Captain Prescott was wearing the form fitting ship suit that the AI provided whenever someone asked for a uniform. However, I noticed almost immediately that he or someone in his command had modified the look. The shirt had red shoulder pads. There was a visible bar or what appeared to be gold thread across the shoulder pads. On his head was a rather elaborate hat that would have looked perfect in a movie about Horatio Nelson. He looked commanding while at the same time I had to fight not to...

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Girls Night Out Chapter 1

“Okay. Where we going then?”“Not us, me and the girls.”“Ermm, okay, any reason I’m not invited?”“On a girls’ night out? I think the clue is in the title.”I felt between my legs, looked at Tina and said, “Sorry, dear, my crystals aren’t working properly, you just said ‘we are going out, you and the girls’, no mention of a girls’ night out, I thought you meant our girls. Anyway, I thought that was last week?” It wasn’t unusual for Tina to go out with her girlfriends, but it was usually once a...

Straight Sex
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The numbness that comes from a day of relentless chores is bounced away with a ride in the laundry. What better way to chase the blues of banality away than to rework them into the realm of domestic fantasy? With her mind on her handyman neighbor, this little ‘housewife’ slips her hand beneath her apron and bumps and grinds along with the motion of the spin cycle.

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Bus ka maja

Hi all Ramesh here I’m 5.8feet kg fair handsome without boring u I start my story this story happened in bus when I was coming from angul (orissa) to jamshedpur(jarkand) I got seat near window and bus started moving mere pass wali seat khali thi bus lugbhug full he thi half ohour ke badh wo ruki kutch pessenger utare aur kutch charhe ek couple bhi chdha meri seat ke pass a ke ruka phir lady baith gai aur hus bye kah kar chala gaya mai khush ho gaya lady ne mujh se pocha ki kya mai seat badlunga...

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Beauregard Duvahl a Southern GentlemanChapter 9

Beau decided that he had to hang around until the baby was born. Both John and Elsie had urged him to do so, and he was easy to convince. Life on the farm was a whole lot like it had been back in Alabama when he had been growing up. He'd lived in a big family with no slaves, so he was used to doing the necessary farm work. He found that he actually enjoyed the work because it reminded him of his very pleasant childhood. Elsie had a midwife lined up, and she lived only about three miles...

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Mere Pyar Ke Saath Pehla Sex

Mera naam nishant hai..Pyaar se mere frnss meko nikkss bulatey hain..Meri age 19 hai and meri ek gfhai kavya.. Mere dick ka size 7 hai. So apka tym waste na karte hue aapko ab excite karta hu..Toh day thaaa 12/6/15.. Raat ke 9:30 kyuki hum adult ho chuke thhey toh ab poori chhoot thee.. Us raat kavya ne ghr par kaha ki pprs ki preparation karne jana hai .. Raat bhr apni frnn ke ghar rukugi…Aur vo nikal gayi thn mein usko apne frnn ke room par le aaya, room pe le jaane ke baad pehlle humne adult...

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The OutsiderChapter 10

Brock didn’t expect an invitation to spend time at the Miles’ household and he wasn’t surprised when none was forthcoming. Corbly County was a more urban area so school was in session on Monday. A party had been raided Saturday night so Brock’s story was off the front burner of the high school gossip trail. Monday’s events in Wilkins went off without a hitch. The grand jury indicted Suzy’s parents in less than 10 minutes and by 11 am Ma and Pa Simpson were behind bars. Unfortunately Leslie...

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Johns Dream Comes True

JOHNS DREAM COME TRUE John sat in his room wondering why he looked different to his two sisters, they were pretty, while he had shaggy hair, was always grubby after playing by himself as usual in the back yard, As usual the everyday occurrence, seen as he virtually had no friends being 12 years old and quite a loner, when his dad left 5 years ago without a word, At school he only had one person there that vaguely said hello to him every other day, and asked what he's been up...

2 years ago
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EvilAngel Armani Black Titty Fuck And Anal Gaping

Tall, tan porn starlet Armani Black teases, showing off her beauty in a skimpy bikini. The busty anal goddess strips off her top to reveal massive breasts, soon chatting with director Mick Blue. Armani oils up her big boobs with Mick’s assistance, and she gives a slobbering blowjob. Armani swaddles Mick’s shaft in her shiny knockers for a titty fuck and then lies spread-eagled on the couch for Mick’s pussy eating. As his big cock fucks her cunt, Armani’s breasts bounce...

1 year ago
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I'm a married lady who likes a little pussy on the side now and then, something my husband knows nothing about and I've had a few subs through the years. I like the subservient cunts, they are easy to manipulate and always take good care of my pussy. A new family moved in down the street from us, Helen, she's a blue eyed blond with great legs and a lousy attitude who thinks the world owes her something but her husband, Doug is real nice. My husband, much to my chagrin, offered to show them...

4 years ago
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Bondage play

He lead her into the room with his hands over eyes, but this wasn’t some romantic flowers and chocolate scenario, oh no she was going to love this much, much more! He removed his hands and she opened her eyes and looked around. It was their bedroom but different. It was almost empty in comparison. Where the bed was usually, stood a lone wooden chair standing proud centrepiece. She looked at the room in more detail, chains hung from the ceiling and there was a sheet over the old book shelf that...

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SurprisesChapter 25 Body Work

We went back to Jack’s and decided I really didn’t need to rush home right away. After feeding Mister Jinx and cleaning the litter box, we curled up on the floor in front of the television. I thought we were watching the news, but I felt Jack’s fingers gently running along my arm. It tickled a bit, so I drew away slightly. Jack stopped touching my arm, but a few moments later I felt a finger grazing along the side of my neck, and it didn’t tickle, it felt nice. I moved closer to him, turning...

3 years ago
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Amazing Night at Dannys Part 2

Introduction: Marcus and diana continue their incredible night as Danny comes along for the adventure. So I see you two started without me Danny said with a chuckle. Yea im sorry Danny she was just so hot and ready I couldnt help myself replied Marcus. Wait you had this planned this whole time? Diana got up and said. Well not the whole time. said Marcus. Yeah Diana, we were going to ask you if you would like to try a threesome. said Danny. Danny paused, Well would you Diana? he asked. you had...

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The Confession Ch 06

Kevin has been riding high as of late, with the state baseball title and having sex with two hot older ladies. The young man was now looking for a summer job to earn some pocket money for school. He saw a help wanted sign in the local music store, so he figured he would go in and apply. He saw a young guy behind the counter and asked him for an application, the guy gave him a clipboard with a pretty straight forward application on it. Kevin stood by the counter filling it out, the application...

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Anne Finds a FamilyChapter 2

As promised, Eric called. In facthe called every day until he returned the next Friday. He took her to a play at a local theater and to dinner in a nice restaurant. Anne not only had a great time but she actually thought she was falling in love. Although they couldn't be together on Christmas and New Years Eric called her every day and made a special trip just to see her the day after Christmas. They could only see each other for a couple of hours but it meant a lot to her that he flew in...

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PenthouseGold Crystal Rush Busty MILF Cop Crystal Rush Hard at Work

Sexy cop Crystal Rush pulls Nathan Bronson over for a traffic violation, but instead of a ticket, the lucky stud gets the best fuck of his life. Given the choice of being taken back to police headquarters or going back to his place, of course he would choose the latter, and that’s where all the XXX Penthouse action goes down. The busty MILF strips out of her uniform revealing sexy lingerie and a banging body that he just can’t wait to get his mouth and hands on, and his cock deep...

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Bhabhi Padosi

Hello sabhi readers ko girls and ladies ko mmmuuuuuaaaaahhh, ye meri pehli story hai. aur mera naam saurabh hai umar 36 saal aur delhi se hoon aur ye kahani ek bahot hi khoobsurat sexy and hot bhabhi ki hai jo islam religion se hai, us apsara ka naam salma hai jo bahut hi pyaara hai aur uski tarah salma ki abhi 2 saal pehle hi marriage hui hai, main time na waste karte hue sidha story pe aata hoon, ye kahani ek bahot hi sexy si bhabhi ki hai baat do mahine pehle ki hai mujhe ek unknown number...

4 years ago
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First Day of Her Life

First Day of Her Life by Rodney Clifford Her husband had just died the day before and it occurred to her as she sped down the 8 lane freeway in her sports car that she truly had no feelings of tenderness for the man whatsoever. She hadn’t thought so but death sometimes makes you realize things you did not know you cared about until it was gone. She did love his money though and would continue the rest of her life, which at 32 was a long way aways she hoped. Brake lights ahead of her on the...

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This vacation was turning out to be a disaster, no, that wasn't quite right, more like a big disappointment, but however you described it, Melinda was wishing that she was back home in the states rather than being alone in even such an location as Naples!!! The food was great, the sights were even better, but she was just so damned lonely she could hardly stand it, because after having lived with Josh for the past three years, their break up had almost crushed her spirit!!! Her best friend...

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My Wife Jay And Young James

My Wife Jay And Young James My wife Jay is a very young 43 year old, 5 foot 5 inch tall, blonde with shoulder length hair and green eyes. Her very full 34DD breast add great curves to her slim frame. She is a bit of an exhibitionist when it comes to her tits, she loves to accidentally show and flash them to other men. She likes to wear low cut or see through tops without a bra when we go to markets or supermarkets in other areas where no one knows us. We have often had fun nights on the...

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109 BIRTHDAY BDMS GAMES FOR TWO It was my birthday and it was to be hers the following week, we always celebrated both together on the weekend between the two! Perverse sods you may think but it`s what we have always`s not the only thing that we do that`s perhaps not what some vanilla people would call “normal”. Each year a month before our “birthday” we each write down on a postcard whatever fantasy we have invented or read about or are turned on by this year, and want the...

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My best friends girl knows my Cock Cravings

It all started with my best friend's girlfriend Jennifer. Jeremy and I were roommates in college when he met her and after they met she used to joke that he and I were around each other so much that we were probably gay lovers. Well, I always had a thing for her and she knew it by the way I would look at her and also since my dumbass best friend told her I did (I had mentioned it one night after way too many drinks).Jennifer was ultra hot, and was majoring in psychology. She had a car, and...

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Waking Up

I was sleeping sound, when something woke me up in a start. I was wide awake, and something was wrong. I grabbed my Glock from beside the bed, got up to investigate. I moved in to the hall, and turned on the light. I didn't expect to find anything after all I've been alone for some time. Entering in to the living room, I clicked on the light, saw and heard a young woman who shouldn't be the, " Turn off the fucking light." "Like hell!" I replied to the obvious drunk young lady. To wich she...

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The Cuckoos Progeny06 Making Plans

“What?” Al asked, confronting his sister’s silent stare. Betty sat facing him as he drove, arms crossed and ignoring everything around them as she monitored his responses to her unasked questions. “You mean aside from risking both our lives, without waiting for backup to save our necks in situations like this?” “Yeah, besides that. It’s not the kiss that’s bugging you again, is it?” “Why the hell does every pretty girl we meet want to slobber all over you? And did you need to hold it for...

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Teachers enjoy the school trip

Nikki and I have been friends for around 4 years and have both worked as teachers together for the last 3. Nikki is a stunning blonde; she is 5ft 7 with long naturally blonde hair. She is very slim but has great 34DD breasts. We often go to the gym together after work and you can tell as she has a great firm ass, overall as time has gone on I realised she is generally one of the main things I constantly fantasise about. We recently took away a group of 18 year olds on a water sports tour. The...

Straight Sex
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Susan Meadows Addiction

Climbing out of the king-sized bed, she decided to put on a robe, as leaving the warm and comfy bed, made her feel a bit chilly - despite the wet hotness coming from between her legs, as she was thinking of what was about to come. She wanted a special something from her son, she wanted it in her mouth, and she wanted to swallow it all down. And he was the only one that could give it to her. No other man, or boy, would be the same. But before she left her room, she took a moment to decide...

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Missy Gets One of Her Wishes

Chapter 1 Missy was lying there, totally naked and exposed where the 3 well-hung black men -- Eddie, Lon, and Ralph -- had roughly stripped her clothes off and then had each gotten their pants off, too. She was lying back in the middle of a bed there in the house of one of the three black men and she found herself not only fearful of what she was about to experience but she also found herself growing very aroused and turned on as she knew that these three men had been watching her for several...

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The Vacation

Aaah, the lake!! My time of escape. A chance to get away from all the bull shit of the city. The noise, crime, traffic, and, like I said, the bull shit. This is where I take my family, my wife and my kids, and my wife's niece and nephew. I'm 40ish but in pretty good shape. I've been told I look like I'm in my late 20's or early 30's. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I weigh 175 pounds. I started working out about 5 years ago and I now feel like I did in high school. My wife, Julia, is 4...


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