Palomino Ch. 03 free porn video

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Lacey sat perched precariously on the top rung of the metal fence that fenced off the back portion behind the grandstand of the booming rodeo. The initial rodeo entrance parade was over and Lance was re-checking the saddle bindings of his mount. She hadn’t seen Wesley in a little while. Her blue gaze shifted from the blonde cowboy to sweep across the crowded area behind the scenes of the western phenomenon. There were cowboys of all kinds running around, milling about with horses and quite honestly, she wouldn’t know how to pick Wesley out among them. If she didn’t stick close to someone in this group, she was going to get lost and quick! Sighing gently, she tipped her boots down, the heels catching on one of the lower rungs of the metal fence to hold her in place. She felt somewhat out of place back here and wondered if everyone thought she looked ridiculous in the get-up Caroline had dressed her up in, almost like dressing one of her Barbies from childhood to match the other girls milling about and hoped she at least looked the part.

Wesley dusted off an old black felt hat as he sat on the tailgate of his truck. He’d parked the trailer and he needed some space out of all the hubbub and people. The leather of the hat band was a little worn and cracked. The silver buckle was tarnished. He tucked his thumb into the sleeve of his shirt and rubbed the metal to bring out the shine a bit. It needed some polish. He’d spent a half hour ‘brushing’ the hat to clean it up and make it look presentable. It hadn’t been worn in years. For some reason he’d taken it out of its storage place and brought it along. It was about Lacey’s size. He gazed upon the pin that’d been put on the hat band. It was a well earned little jewel of a rodeo queen. He was still wondering if it’d seem too presumptuous to loan the hat to the cute little cowgirl in the making.

Lacey slid down from her perch on the top railing of the fence, her loose blonde hair falling around her shoulders with the movement. Lance was busy with his mount and she needed a breath of fresh air. The loud noise was taking some getting used to, but she loved every minute of it. She smiled to Lance as he looked up, seeing her start to wander off. ‘Now don’t go getting lost, Miss Lacey,’ he grinned at her, giving her an appreciative once over with his eyes. Caroline had done a good job transforming her into a cowgirl with the tight jeans and borrowed boots, and even the shirt that sparkled in the rodeo lights. Lacey smiled at him beautifully and retorted wittily, ‘How can you get lost in a place like this? I’ll just follow the smell and be able to find you again,’ she teased.

Lance grunted and chuckled at the girl’s wit and nodded. ‘A’ight. That’ll do.’ He waved her off and turned back to his work, letting her go about whatever had caught her fancy.

Wesley hopped down off the truck and reached with one hand to lift the tailgate and slam it into place. He reached and lifted the handle a bit to let the latch slide into place. The thing had jammed ever since Old Man King had bought the thing off the lot. Again he dusted off the brim of the hat, shaping it a bit with his thumb and headed on back for the grandstands. He almost bumped into Lacey as she stepped outside. He didn’t look up much to notice it was her and just stepped back, tipping his hat apologetically. ‘Pardon me, Ma’am.’

Lacey gasped softly as she almost plowed into Wesley and then grinned, seeing he hadn’t noticed it was her. She chuckled softly before answering him, ‘So there you are … I was wondering if you had got lost in a herd of horses.’

He looked up from beneath the brim of his hat and blinked. ‘Miss King… ah. Yeah… was parkin’ the truck.’ He motioned in the direction of the lot where he’d parked it. He grinned and looked at the hat in his hand. Now was as good a time as ever. He offered it gently to her. ‘No cowgirl is a cowgirl without ‘er hat.’

She glanced from his handsome face to the hat offered in his hands and a soft smile bloomed across her lips before dainty hands reached to take the hat from him, turning it in her hands. Looking up at him again, she smiled gently, touched by his thoughtfulness, although she had no clue how to wear one of these. ‘Thank you, Wesley … what a thoughtful gesture.’ She turned the hat again in her hands before lifting it up and pressing it down on her head, tucking her hair behind her ears and then looked to him for a reaction on how it looked. ‘Do I look completely silly?’

He chuckled and reached for the hat to lift it off her head and turn it the right way. It fit her well. He knew it would. ‘Rounded side always goes to the back… buckle up front. And no… ye look like yer daddy’s girl.’

Lacey laughed, blushing as she realized she had put it on backwards and then smiled at his words. ‘Thanks Wesley …’ She couldn’t bring herself to shorten his name like everyone else had. She knew that life on a ranch was a bit different and that certain things, rights, persay, had to be earned. Tucking her hair back behind her ears again, she glanced up at the brim of the hat that was shoved down on her head and hoped that she didn’t stick out like a sore thumb before locking her gaze with his. ‘I think Lance is about to go out. Want to go watch?’

He glanced at his watch and nodded, offering his arm to her. ‘Yea… we prolly should head inside.’ As they entered the group of people again, he escorted her through toward where they’d left Lance with his mount. There were all kinds of noises and booming speakers and cheers. The horse was a bit spooked. Her ears kept swiveling this way and that, and then were laid back and she’d bare teeth. Once when another horse jerked near her she threw her head and practically yanked Lance off his feet. Seeing this, Wes let go of Lacey and hurried forward to grab the mare’s bridle and yanked her head down rather roughly to control her. ‘Hey! Hey! Whoa girl…. easy.’ Wesley was a natural with horses. The instant he was there, he had the mare’s attention and she calmed down a bit. Again she tried to throw her head and he swatted her right between the eyes. ‘Now you listen to me, missy. You behave yerself.’ He kept a firm grip on the bit as she gnashed it between her teeth and tongue, gazing into those big eyes. ‘Ya hear me?’

Lacey was secretly thrilled when he had offered his arm but it was short-lived as they approached where she had left Lance. Watching quietly, she couldn’t help but smile as Wesley quickly worked to calm the horse and then shifted her gaze to Lance where he was caught between anger and embarrassment over the whole ordeal, practically ignoring her as he picked up his hat from the sawdust where it had landed, angrily brushing it off and shoving it back on his head as Wesley took control of the hell-bitch. She was his best roping horse, no doubt but she was a bitch, pure and simple, when she wanted to be.

Wesley took a stand-off with the horse for a long time. To him, there was nobody there but him, and the horse. He stared into her eyes and held the bit firmly to keep her from spooking or jumping again. When she tried he simply swatted her on the muzzle to make her step back. When he got fed up with her argumentativeness he tugged the bit down against her teeth and tongue, forcing her head to come down with it. ‘Ya gonna listen or not, missy? I can do this all night.’

The mare stamped her foot in irritation and she nickered, trying to pull free of Wesley’s grip. Each time she tugged, he just tugged her head down further toward the ground, bending her neck toward her withers. If she kept it up he’d eventually force her to lie over. ‘You gotta choice, li’l miss. Ya listen… shape up, and I let ya go. Or we can go ’round and ’round all night. Ya ain’t givin’ Lance shit again.’

Lance moved over to Wesley, knowing better than to interfere. As much as it pissed him off to be caught off-guard and his horse spook like he was some kind of rookie, he knew that Wes knew exactly what he was doing and that wi
th a bit of time, she’d calm down. He glanced over to Lacey watching intently and he frowned, turning back to Wes and the mare. ‘Fucking bitch … it’s not like we haven’t done this hundreds, hell, thousands of times. She’s the most ornery horse. Bitching at the most inopportune times. I don’t know why I keep ‘er!’

Suddenly the mare decided to jerk and Wes pulled her reigns across her muzzle and pulled her head down to lay her over. ‘Hey! Hey now…’ He straddled her neck and sat on her, holding her there as she glared up at him with wide eyes, clouds of dust rising from her breath. ‘Now, missy… we’ve gotta reach an understandin’ here. Ya shape up… or I put ya back in the trailer and we go home. I know you love this work. Why ya balkin’ all of a sudden, eh? You an’ Lance have been a team since he broke ya.’

Lacey hated to see when a horse got spooked as much as Lance’s mount was but she also knew that in order for the mare to calm down, she had to have leadership and Wesley was demonstrating it. She just hoped the mare was whipped into shape in time for Lance’s time. It was coming soon and she saw Lance nervously begin to look at the line of cowboys beginning to dwindle and looking at his watch as he watched on as well. ‘Fucker … come on bitch,’ he half groaned, half pleaded with the mare to get her act together. If she kept this up, the time would be gone and so would the prize money.

Wes didn’t look up from simply watching the mare, reading her, waiting patiently. Wordlessly he lifted a hand and curled his fingers. ‘Lacey… c’mere. I want to try somethin’.’

Lacey’s eyebrows furrowed a bit and glanced to Wesley in surprise and then to Lance. Lance just simply nodded and hurriedly waved her closer. ‘Lace … please, just do it,’ he pleaded and she moved closer to Wesley and the mare quickly but with a bit of hesitation as she looked down at the cowboy sitting on top of the mare’s neck.

Still not looking up, Wes pointed toward the saddle. ‘I want you to sit on her. Put yer left foot in the stirrup and hold the saddle horn. I’m gonna pull her to her feet with a rider.’

Lacey blinked and then looked at Wesley incredulously. ‘Wh-what? You mean … me?’ She glanced to Lance who just nodded and chewed on his thumb, glancing to see that his time was running short and something had to be done quickly.

‘Now, Lace. We don’t have time to put up with her shit. I need to let Lance have control.’

Lacey looked at the horse and then shut off her nervousness. It was a gift she had, something she had learned in her business in order to deal with high-pressure atmospheres quickly and efficiently. Moving to the mare’s side, she cooed gently to her as she crouched down, pressing her left leg over her and hooked her boot into the stirrup. Grasping the horn with one hand, her white knuckles the only indication that she had no clue was she was doing, she shook the mare’s mane and stroked her withers before nodding to Wesley with a quick shake of her head.

Wesley nodded and stood up quickly. ‘Hold on, Lacey… I won’t let ya fall. Promise.’ He said as he pulled the mare’s bridle to pull her head up, forcing her to rock to the side to get her feet under her to stand ‘Hup! Easy now… good girl.’ She seemed instantly calmer with the weight of a rider on her back and she danced to the side to get the weight ratio right as Lacey shifted in the saddle. Wesley grinned as the plan had worked and offered the reigns to Lance. ‘I’ll get Lacey off. You get on.’

Lance grinned, grasping the reins as Wesley’s plan had worked, slapping Lacey affectionately on the leg as she smiled brightly down at them and rubbed the mare’s neck. She was definitely calmer and perked her ears towards the entrance leading out to the arena as if she knew it was time to get to work. Lacey glanced to Wesley as he reached up with strong arms and slid down, momentarily caught in his embrace as Lance hopped effortlessly into the saddle just as the Arena Helper waved that it was his time to enter and get set up.

Wesley grinned as he caught Lacey, letting her to her feet again. ‘Yep…. told ya it’s in yer blood. C’mon… let’s go watch. Hope to God she doesn’t balk at the barrier again. She better not. Ran her through drills all week.’

Lacey felt almost breathless as her hand got caught in his and then jogged into a good position to watch against the railing. She was beaming inside with the accomplishment at hand … she had slowly, all week, gotten to feel more and more at home on the ranch, even needed at times. And today had just been the icing on the cake. She and Wesley stood side by side, Wesley mumbling about how the hell-bitch better not do this and that as she watched on baited breath as Lance backed his mount into the furthest corner of the box, his lariat on the ready, and the string barrier strung tight. Clasping her hands in front of her face almost prayer-like, she watched, her breath held on a quick intake as she saw Lance quickly bob his head that he was ready.

When the barrier was set loose and the calf darted out into the arena, cheers arose. The mare and rider worked in perfection. Wesley looked relieved as the mare darted out of the box after the calf. Then Lance threw his lasso and caught the calf around the neck. The mare worked to faultlessness, halting the instant the rope caught and drug backwards. Lance leaped from the saddle and threw the calf down on its side, tying three legs in a roper’s knot and threw up his hands. Wesley quickly looked at the timer and grinned, clapping his hands and whooped. It was the quickest time all night, with only a few ropers left to go. Lance would easily land in the top five for scoring. He jumped down off the fence and reached to grab Lacey around the waist and swing her down, wrapping an arm around her shoulders to head for the gates. ‘Knew she could do it!’

Lacey laughed and clapped her hands, yelling out for Lance as it was obvious from the way Wesley reacted and the crowd jumping to their feet that Lance had done extremely well, and she was elated that she had had even a small portion to do with his success this night. Gasping as she was caught off-guard as she was swung around, her blonde hair streamed out beautifully as she laughed and held on. When she was caught with Wesley’s arm around her, she seemed to naturally fit against his side, her arm sliding around his waist as they walked towards the gate. Anyone looking on would have thought they were a couple, and had been for a while. They just seemed to fit together perfectly.

When Lance got through the gate, he whooped and jumped toward Lacey as he took his hat off, grabbing her out of Wesley’s arms and hugged her tight, kissing her on the cheek. ‘We did it!’ He looked toward Wes and grabbed his friend into a huge hug, slapping his back. ‘The best damned horseman I’ve ever met… thanks Wes!’

Lacey laughed as Lance grabbed her, hugging him as she tried to get in her congratulations between the two of them slapping each other on the back. She moved to the mare and gently rubbed her forehead, playing with her forelock as the men embraced and whispered to her ear, ‘You did real good too, sweetie … and despite what they both say, you’re not a hell-bitch at all.’ She grinned as the horse knickered and shoved her a bit with her muzzle, trying to get more attention and glanced to the guys. ‘Lance, that was amazing! You’ve just got to win!’

Lance chuckled and patted his mare affectionately before looking at Lacey again. Damn did she look fine in that hat and cowgirl show get-up. Then he caught sight of the pin on the hatband and his eyes widened a bit, though it was hardly noticeable. He glanced at Wesley, who didn’t seem to notice the shock register in his friend’s face. That hat hadn’t been worn, let alone taken out of the box, in years. It’d sat up in Wes’s closet along with all of the other memories of the past. Yet, now, he’d loaned the hat to Lacey. Clearly the girl had done something to warm Wesley’s heart a little bit.
< br> Lacey smiled, catching Lance’s glance at her hat and then grinned, suddenly self-conscious, completely missing the shocked look on his face. ‘Wesley loaned it to me … what do you think? I hope I don’t stick out,’ she said, rubbing on the mare as Lance just kind of looked at her.

‘Ah… yea. Looks good, Miss Lacey. Ya fit in with the rest of ’em.’ He leaned in and whispered as he glanced toward Wesley. ‘Now we just need to teach ya ta race.’ He grinned and patted her shoulder gently then looked at Wesley. ”ey, Wes. Wouldya mind if I sent ya on a beer run?’

Lacey laughed gently, her blue eyes twinkling in amusement at his teasing. ‘Uhm, yeah … me. In a rodeo. Sure. That would be something.’

She glanced to Wesley as he nodded and clapped his hand on his friend’s shoulder. ‘Sure thing. Beer’s on me … right up until you win that prize money.’

Lacey slid her hand from the mare’s forehead and smiled at the two friends. ‘Tell you what, how about I go get the beer? You two stay here and wait to see how Lance did.’ She smiled at them both and checked her pocket for the wad of money folded in there. ‘What brand do you boys like best?’

Wes and Lance looked at one another then back at Lacey. ‘Coors.’ they both answered in unison. ‘We’ll meet ya back here, Miss Lacey’ Lance said gently as they headed off toward the stalls. When Lacey had left and was out of hearing range, Lance looked at Wesley as they walked the length of the arena. ‘Wes…. was that Anne’s hat that I saw on Lacey back there?’

Wes looked at Lance out the corner of his eyes and nodded curtly. ‘Ayep…. sure was.’

Lance wasn’t sure what to make of it. Wesley had packed all Anne’s things, refusing to give any of it up, and just hoarded them all in the house, keeping that part of his life locked up tight as a money box. To see her rodeo hat on Lacey’s head was nothing short of miraculous. Lance was trying not to make a big deal out of it, but it clearly WAS a big deal. He reached up and rubbed at the back of his neck before glancing in the direction in which Lacey had gone. ‘Well she sure looks damn fine in it,’ he said, biting back the harder questions that were dying to be asked. He wasn’t sure Wes was quite ready to go THAT far. Yet.

‘Ayep… she sure does. Fits her good. Might need to get it resized just a little, but not much.’ He reached to take the reigns from Lance and brought the horse up as they rounded toward the gates again. If Lance had placed in the top ten, which he surely would, they’d be staying in town for tomorrow’s ride.

Lance blinked a bit, hearing his friend. Re-sized? It was obvious he had done more than just lend her the hat. Lance lifted his eyebrows for a moment and then just grinned. Maybe his long-time friend was finally snapping out of his hell-bent road to a life alone, and seeing Lacey for the woman she could be in his life. He could only hope. They had been trying for years to get Wesley back into the loop of life and help him find happiness. But up until right now, and the appearance of Lacey King in their lives, he had balked completely at the idea. He started to ask Wes about what exactly he was feeling towards the woman when the speaker crackled and they all stilled as they announced that they were about to call out the top five contenders for calf roping.

‘And in first place folks, home-grown right here in Wyoming, Lance Finnigan from Riverton!’ Cheers arose in the grandstands and Lance whooped, jumping up in his excitement and he turned to grab Wesley into another big bear hug. ‘Couldn’t have done it without ya, Wes.’ Wesley grinned and clapped his friend on the back as other cowboys milled around, all friends and acquaintances of one sort or another.

Lacey heard the announcement as she gently pushed her way out of the beer line, balancing three filled plastic cups and had to dodge a lot of cowboys, her smile lighting up her whole face as she heard Lance’s name called over the loud-speaker. She was starting to notice the looks and backward glances from the cowboys around her and blushed, knowing by the looks on their faces that she did, indeed, look good in the outfit Caroline had insisted that she wear. Making her way back past the gate, the ‘backstage’ pass that she wore checked by the security there, she mingled back through the milling cowboys in search of Wesley and Lance, smiling gently to the tipped hats and the appreciative glances of the men as she passed.

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JOALT-9-thehouse-X Daniel and Chris finally get to Daniels home. chapter 9 - the house by lisa lee It didn't take long, about 10 minutes to get to Daniels house. It wasn't big, nor small either. A two story house with Mom and Dads bedroom down stairs along with his extra office plus living room, kitchen, a screened poach on the back side. We walked upstairs, it had the look like many house built in our area. Bathroom at the top of the stairs and two bedrooms on either side....

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New at the nudist colony

Wife and I are in our mid-20's - been married for 5 years, and no kids. Sexually, we were well matched, but recently we thought something new for each of us might be interesting - but stuff like wife-swapping wasn't for us because of the risks involved in a relatively small town. After some investigation on the Internet, I hit on what looked like a good idea - an outfit in Jamaica ran what was advertised as an "adult nudist colony" - no one under 18 allowed, and a full medical exam was...

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Prepare Her

If you talked to my family, they would probably say that kink was the cause of the collapse of my first marriage. But that gets cause and effect back to front. I turned to kink after I realized my marriage wasn't working. The last straw was when our pastor told me it was my responsibility to make it work. It was like something just snapped inside. I had been telling myself the same thing for ten years and when I heard it from someone else, I suddenly realized that wasn't my only choice. That...

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Enjoying Cunt After Movie

Hello friends and readers of Indiansexstories, the only Indian site for expressing your views about sex and allied matters and i regular reader to this site from 4 year , I am Monu from Bangalore I want to share my sexy times with u , if I have done any mistake please forgive me in writing , this happened 3 months  ago I and my younger sister went to movie one day but movie name was kadhal kadhai but I don’t know about the movie so I took her with me , while seeing the some hot scenes came I...

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Teachers Mr Norman

Mr Norman Prologue This story is based partly on fact. It is based in the 60’s when teachers were entrusted implicitly with the welfare and education of there pupils and even looked up to by parents as people of authority. I spent most of my childhood being brought up in care. I was in a children’s home in Letchworth (UK) and attending a public school, This is where I met Mr Norman who was the geography teacher. Like all schools there was the nice teachers and the not so nice. Mr Norman was...

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Church of CyberscienceChapter 14

The controller sat alone, a smug smile firmly in place. The tip-off to the police had achieved the desired results - Kenny had been arrested. Even if he knew the truth about what had been happening over the past eight years, there was no way he could share that with anyone else and hope to be believed. Even better than having Kenny out of the way, the police must have turned his computer on. The controller had been able to copy and then delete the database of all those Kenny had programmed...

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at home depot

I was in need of some new light bulb, so I went to the local Home Depot. it was very dark in the store, I thought maybe they where having trouble but I went in anyway. I made my way to the light section and saw no one, just as I rounded the corner by the bathroom, a masked person grabed me and dragged me into the office. there were three other people in the office, I could see the emploies tied up and sitting in a little closet. the first man took me around to the other side of the counter and...

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Making him happy

I've learn quite young i love to be in smooth sexy panty, not that Im feeling i should be a shemale , i just like the smooth feeling on my small freshly waxed ass as i get on my knees to suck some cockI mean why do boy have to all wear boring boxer while girl all have sexy cute undies availableI mostly like the boyshort types and have a full collection in my drawer , of colors and stylemost are made in spandex and a single bright colorI can wear em and not be worry as they look like boy pantyi...

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“Watch out!”  Diane ducked as a basketball bounced next to her on the sidewalk and flew over her head.   Two young men came running towards her. “Jesus, guys!   What are you trying to do?   Give an old lady a heart attack?” she asked, laughing. “Old, my ass, mom,” said her son Chris, as he bent to give her a kiss on the top of her head.   This tall, slender, gorgeous, late-in-life baby could not have looked any more different from his best friend, Henry. Henry scooped up the ball, grinning...

3 years ago
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Dreaming and Waking Ch 01

She slept and was dreaming … ***************************************** In her dream jane had been alone all day. As wench to the band of black knights she worked hard when they were away and knew well that she would be expected to play hard when they returned. The small feast they demanded after a day hunting and patrolling the borders of their land was being prepared by two cooks in the kitchen and the smell of roast hog was seeping into the hall where she had laid the low table with basic...

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The Teenage TrapChapter 10 The Wedding

Tony lost count of the times they made love and he awoke in the early morning at first light with Ginny's head on his shoulder. Slipping quietly out of bed he dressed and made his way down to the kitchen. There was some hot coffee simmering on the kitchen stove, and he guessed it was for the early morning workers in the milking parlour. After a coffee he decided to take a walk, and walking down the lane he came to a handy style. He climbed on the style and sat there watching some fox cubs...

1 year ago
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“When was the last time you had sex?” “Do you like oral sex?” “Do you shave or wax?” “How big are you?” “Are you bi?” “Would you like to be?” “I am,” Angela told me with a big smile and I thought little of it. A lunch date the next day, then back to her condo. We were both naked one minute after we walked through the door. Wonderful sex as we fucked like rabbits. I was impressed with her gorgeous, fuckable body, wonderful thighs and a magnificent ass. She with my thick, nine-inch...

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Threesome With Sameer And Seema

I have been a very ardent reader of all the exciting stories that i enjoy on this site. And I used to always wonder when will I have a real experience like most of you shared with us readers here. So I am motivated to share my sex experience with you all, which is real and it will be shared in parts as we go along. I am doing away with all the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ when Seema and I had a wonderful time along with her husband Sameer, I am leaving it to the imagination of my readers to visualize and...

2 years ago
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Mind Parasite

I'm Eric. I'm a student in high school. Lately, one of my best friends, Maude, has been acting weird. She has recently started seeing this new guy, Tyler. To say she's fallen head over heels for him in an understatement. She seems to live and breathe for this guy. I've never seen her fall this hard for someone. She's dated a few guys since I’ve known her, but she's always been pretty independent. But the way she talks about Tyler, she needs him. I've talked to Tyler a few times, he seems decent...

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Suprise Visit

Suprise Visit A story with two perspectives By oseame22 and lata54us I go to your house to drop off a letter that came to my address by mistake. Obviously you are expecting someone else because when your door opened you are wearing leather boots, a leather thong, leather skirt and a thin white tee shirt. The first thing I do is smile ear to ear. Realizing then that you weren't expexcting me, I ask if you dressed that way for me to break the tension of the suprise. Before you...

1 year ago
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Closer Than You Think Part 2

Part 2: Wake Up Call May woke up at 7am lying naked in bed. She often had a habit of losing clothes in her sleep, but it was something she never felt ashamed of. She slid out of bed and walked up to the window pressing her tits against the glasses and looked for her new toy. She could see Megan lying naked in bed. The light on her body made her pussy glitter. May could feel herself getting damp from the torture of her new submissive being only a walk away and unable to touch her. So she...

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TheWhiteBoxxx Lea Guerlin Remote Orgasm

Exquisite beauty, Lea Guerlin lies bound hand and foot, and semi-nude in delicate black lace lingerie while Kristof Cale teases her wildly with his riding crop, expert hands, and remote control sex toys. First, he plays with her, arousing her desire before inserting the erotic device deep inside. The sensual beauty is helpless as he mercilessly controls the intensity of her orgasm. The restraints are never removed as she gratefully sucks her lover off and is then fully rewarded in a bout of...

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This was so embarrassing… He would be here in nearly an hour. I am 18 after all, why on earth did my parents have to call a babysitter on me for the night. I am no baby! Just because last summer when they were away I had a party and had the cops called on me, was no reason to put me through having a babysitter for just one night. They were going to be gone only ONE NIGHT! This was ridiculous. I was in my room, pouting of course. What could I do to make my parents feel stupid for this? There had...

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The Rise of AzkovalChapter 65 Mounting Crises

The seven women found themselves eating alone, much to their displeasure. The king’s official cabinet was meeting behind closed doors and the others had enjoyed a soft mattress so well that they continued to sleep well past sunrise. The previous evening had not gone to plan. The ladies had found the history of Azkoval to be interesting but they had bigger goals for their time at the pool. Now Joseph was locked away with his advisers and it didn’t appear that he would return any time...

4 years ago
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Mystical Tree Fort

Hank enjoyed his time visiting his in-laws' cabin located on the edge of a large national forest and nature preserve. He had many fond memories here with his wife before her sudden illness and passing. Chloe had left him a widower at the age of 30 and he struggled with getting back in the dating scene. Hank stayed close with his in-laws and they let him have access to the cabin and he even had keys to the place. He mainly went there when he needed a place to clear his mind and get away from the...

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Seasons of Sex 2 Winter 196768

WINTER, 1967-68 It was December 31, 1967, and for the first time in my life I had an actual date for New Year's Eve. It wasn't anything particularly exciting; but just the fact that I got to stay out past midnight—with Annabelle—made it extraordinary. I picked up Annabelle around 7 p.m. and we drove to Zeb Williams's house. Zeb was a friend from church who wanted us to meet his new girl friend. Zeb was the youngest of about eight children, and his widowed mom was pretty old compared...

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second date with Mary

“I like Don and Nancy but I would like to get to know you better,” she said as I helped her into the van. “Besides they smoke too much weed, a little is fine but they seem to over do it don't you think”she said as we were leaving the driveway. Everything happened so fast last week I wasn’t expecting that “I said I don’t usually have sex on the first date. Mary replied “I don’t either but I think it was the weed and how Nancy portrayed you to me that gotten me excited.I hope you don’t think...

1 year ago
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Great Day of fishing with my two Neices

Introduction: Uncle and his two neices go out to fish and he ends up catching more than he thought he would It was a lazy Sunday. I was kind of bored so I figured I would see if my two nieces wanted to go fishing since I knew they both enjoyed the outdoors. I called my brother and asked what they were up to today. He said they were just sitting around the house and doing nothing. I offered to come and pick them up and take them out for the day. He readily agreed since he and his wife had not...

2 years ago
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Introducing My Russian Girlfriend to Group Sex Par

My Russian 45 year old girlfriend Sonya had arrived in the U.S. about a year ago, we worked together and I helped her adjust to America. Like most older inhibited Russian women she came to America and decided to adjust her lifestyle and try new experiences. By adjust I mean having me introducing her to all kinds of kinky sex (anal, oral, leather, and costumes). She may have been 45 but being a former ballet dancer she looked 30, Sonya was a classic Russian Nordic beauty. Several weeks ago a...

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Our Wet Hooker Round Two

It was 3pm today when I got a text from our previously fucked whore, "Rose". She simply said, "Hey, wassup, you guys wanna party tonight?" That intrigued me and all the nasty thoughts of what we wanted to do to her again, ran thru my mind. We text back and forth for awhile, Rose writing, "I don't mind him fucking me in the ass again, but he should probably fuck my pussy first, it'll make it easier."Boy, was Ben gonna be a busy boy tonight! Calling him at work and telling him of this unexpected...

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TouchMyWife Carmen Valentina Payback With Pleasure

Hell hath no fury when a woman is horny… or something like that, right? My curvy hotwife Carmen Valentina is looking sexy in her lingerie as she gets herself dolled up. But it’s not for me. Its so she can fuck her friend Shelly’s boyfriend – Jovan Jordan. Sally cheated on my wife in college & apparently my wife’s grudge hasn’t budged. Plus Jovan supposedly has a massive cock. She is going to make a video to show Shelly, at least I get to watch right?...

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doubled down with Bonnie then Nancy

Bonnie was sitting on the front porch waiting for me with her friend when I arrived. She introduced me to Kathy who was a very attractive girl. It is like Bonnie always seem to find cute friends for some reason, and Kathy had to be the prettiest one I have met yet. She was a tall blonde, long hair and blue eyes, since it was warm out they were both wearing shorts and tank tops.I couldn’t help to notice the nice set of breasts Kathy had and how tanned her long legs were. Bonnie finally said...

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Unplanned LayoverChapter 17

We were all either well rested or pumped up by the potential of the day, so when the alarm went off, we awakened quickly, did our bathroom duties, and went to the double shower. As my brain began to function more clearly, I turned them both around, soaped my hand and stroked the shaved flesh using a light touch. They stood holding my arms against their breasts as my hand stroked them. Sabrina came first and turned away holding her pussy and leaning on the tile wall. That gave me a free hand...

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Bhuas daughter Pinky with Raja

Bhua told us that her daughter Pinky is coming to India in 3 days. We should pick her up at the airport.Bhua and I and Pari went to airport to pick Pinky. At the airport we huged pinky and bhua introduce us to Pinky.We were happy to see Pinky. She was 5.8” tall with nice figures. Her breast were nice size and looks full figures. I looked at Pari she gave the sign of aprovel by touching her breasts. We talked in the car on the way to home. Pinky was not shy. She talked very nicly.By the...

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My mother my lover

The journey of how me and my mom began, started at the age of 14. I was dating this guy that my parents said were too old for me. Anyways, really to me everything started the day my mom came into my room raging at me. She was furious about his age, that I didn't tell her, and how she found out. (he is the son of one of her employees), woops? :P Anyways, we got into it really badly, we argued really intensely back and forth, till finally I told her I was not a child I am a teenager but I’m...

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River and Sonya Get Wet

River walked slowly in the moonlight toward her hot tub. The night was warm, but her heart was still cold from the breakup. She needed to feel again, it was difficult to continue being so cold in her life. It was difficult to pretend to be fine while having her heart ripped out. Her longing needed relief so that she could rest and she had not felt that in so very long. It was okay to let him go, but there were still many other things in her life that needed to be taken care of. She knew her...

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Cindy My slut on the side

Cindy was a little firecracker.   I had been flirting with her for over 3 years, however she was married and I could not get her to do anything other than flirt.   Well she got divorced and I hit on her and we had starting having some wild sex. Mince I was married, she said I was perfect because she wanted great sex and no commitment.  One night when my wife was out of town, Cindy and I met for dinner.  I was all horned up looking at this petite 100# 5-0 long brown hair brown eyed hotly with...

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Wifes Erotic Peccadilloes

Pamela was my wife at the time and is prominently featured in "Ooh Good Boy". This tome will be the concluding act (or sex acts if you prefer) about her. By the time our life together vaporized... Pam was very much INTO dildos and vibrators IN to HER! Please excuse the use of caps here. They are essential in that they convey the message of her masturbation be'coming' obsessively compulsive! My older mentor Tina had unwrapped her angel wings from around me and bid me to fly on my own....

1 year ago
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Lizzie CameChapter 18

"You know, Honey," Janice said to Nate, "I did want to see you put that thing into our sweet darling Lizzie here. And maybe you still can, considering how horny you are for her. But in the meantime, I know a way you can make it up to me." "What's that Jan?" "Lizzie seems to need some help with uh ... you know ... her face and her neck?" "Yeah, so?" "Well, how about if you share the clean-up with me?" Nate paused and looked somewhat skeptically at his wife. "Are you...

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A ticket to a real fantasy or to a fantasy becoming real

Introduction: My marriage was nothing after 3 years already. I found myself spending unbelieveable amounts of time while chatting with a friend. And with time it became more. A year passed and I decided to fly to Australia and visit him… I cant help but remember how our first meeting was like. Ladies and gentlemen, please keep your seat belts fasten&hellip, Something went through my body, like a lightning. There I was, even though I couldnt really believe it. As I looked through the small...

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The Blind Girl in the Rain part 2

The room quietly echoed to the sounds of city life as I lay there staring up into the fading dark as the world turned and night slipped into the beginnings of the new day. Sleep had been fitful. The constant turning of my mind as random thoughts flared, flickered and faded keeping me awake until the early hours. Night visions dancing in the darkness always bringing me back to the way she looked at me and the dawning realization that nothing would be the same again. I got up and sat on...

4 years ago
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East of Nowhere Part 3 Trying Again Revised

It was on the edge of a beautiful lake, crystal clear and deep. As she hoisted her pack higher on her shoulders she walks into the town. It was very seedy and run down. It only had a few rundown, small stone and mud houses, and a couple stables, some shops and one inn. It had one very huge, grand looking stone house in the distance. It looked like a small castle. In front of the inn was a big notice board with wanted posters, and job postings and such. That was the first place to stop when...

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