- 3 years ago
- 34
- 0
Her birthday was approaching. At this stage of life, it was not the cause for celebration as it was many years ago. Oh well, just another day.
An envelope was on her work desk. She opens it, curious. It is a birthday card, from him. It is a simple card, nothing to indicate the nature of their friendship. There is also a business card. It is from a spa. A very exclusive spa, if she remembered the TV news report from some months ago correctly. At the bottom of the card is a hand written date and time, an appointment. That’s nice, he’s lined up a spa treatment. With all the work pressures lately, that will be very welcome.
She walks into the spa, and goes to the front desk to check in.
‘Ah, miss. You are reserved for our executive session. Please follow Hiroko.’
She had not noticed the slight Asian girl standing off to the side. Executive Session? She didn’t know what that was, but it sounded nice.
Hiroko bows to her, then motions for her to follow. They go through a glass door, into a fairly narrow hallway. There are doors lined up along one side of the hall. Hiroko takes her to the last one, opens the door, and motions her to enter. It’s a dressing room, tasteful, but just a dressing room.
‘Please remove your clothes. When you are ready, go through the door.’
There is a door at the other end of the room. Hiroko withdraws, pulling the door shut behind her. Ok, what’s this all about? She opens the door to a closet, and sees that there is a robe on a hanger. Her daily clothes come off, she wraps the robe around and ties it shut. A little apprehensive, she opens the other door, not knowing who, or what, she was going to walk into.
Hiroko is standing there. The room is expansive, primarily rich wood with tile on the floor. There is a large swimming pool, with multiple hot tubs ringing it. Hiroko leads to the other side of the room, where there are more doors. The slim Asian girl opens one door, and motions for her to go inside. There is a shower, a large tub, and a massage table. Now we’re talking!
Hiroko motions for her to come over near the tub. It looks like a cross between a bath tub and a hot tub. She doesn’t see any water jets running, but there are ledges/seats underneath the surface. She can see steam rising from it, it is full of very hot water. She detects a light, flowery scent in the air. The air itself is warm and moist, obviously from all the tubs and pools of water.
‘Bath time, please,’ the young lady states.
Hiroko motions towards the tub, but makes no move to leave or turn away. Oh well, she is a female, so modesty isn’t really a concern. The robe slowly comes off. She hands it to the girl, who hangs it up on a rack near the door.
She carefully climbs the steps to the edge of the tub, and sticks her foot in. Yes, it is HOT. She places first one foot, then the other, into the water, and then slowly lowers herself into the pool. It is hot, yes, but wonderful. She sits on the underwater ledge, closes her eyes, and deeply breathes in the moist warm air. The water laps at her skin, the level is just above the ledge so she is just sitting in it. It feels so good. She feels a ripple in the water.
Opening her eyes, she sees a naked Hiroko descending into the tub to join her. Huh? What’s this about? Her arms instinctively cover her breasts, even though she knows this young lady has already seen all of her naked body. Hiroko sees her reaction, and giggles a little bit.
‘Executive Session includes a personal bath. Relax, I give you bath now.’
Hiroko grabs a loofa and a bottle with what she supposes is soap, then moves over and sits on the ledge next to her. This is definitely a bit weird, but she wants to see what happens. Hiroko puts her tools down, grabs her by the shoulders, and gently turns her so she is facing away from the girl. Hiroko then gathers her hair, twists it up, and pins it to her head, up and out of the way. Creamy lotion drops onto her shoulders, and the girl starts gently swirling the loofa around over her shoulders. Having someone scrub your back is nice, but this is still weird!
Hiroko continues massaging the lotion into her back. Hands moving up and down, they swirl around, right down to the crack of her ass. Then the girl pushes up next to her. The girl’s hands reach around her, continuing their cleansing massage. From her shoulders, her belly, up to her breasts, down to her crotch. It is soothing, it is still weird, but she doesn’t try to stop it. Although it is intimate, it is not sexual. The girl is washing every inch of her, and although it is not something she would ever let a stranger do to her, she does not try to stop it. It just does not feel wrong. Hiroko is not coming on to her, simply giving her a thorough bath.
Hiroko moves around in front of her, places one hand under her left leg and raises it up. The cleansing material runs up the outside of her leg, then down the inside. Concentrating on her feet, it is more than a cleansing, it becomes a short massage. Damn, this feels good. As Hiroko works on her other leg, she continues to keep her eyes closed. Feels good, yes, but she still feels a bit weird about looking at someone else’s boobs as that person cleans every inch of her body.
Hiroko finishes, takes her hand, and leads her out into the middle of the tub. The water is much deeper here. The girl pushes her down into the water, up to her neck. The girl’s hands then run all over her body, removing any traces of the cleanser from her skin.
‘All done now,’ Hiroko states. Then the young Asian girl stands up and exits the tub.
The girl dries herself off, and then holds a towel out and motions for her to come on out. Hiroko takes the towel and gently dries her, all over. Again, a little strange, but the girls does it in a matter of fact way.
Hiroko leads her over to a bench, and asks her to sit. The girl pulls up a stool, and a stand that looks almost like a shoe shine prop. The petite Asian sits on the stool. She still doesn’t have a stitch of clothing on. Hiroko takes her foot, and places it onto the prop. She then reaches behind her, and pulls out a bowl. It contains a whisk. As the whisk is twirled, foam rises up. It’s shaving cream! The girl reaches into the bowl, takes a handful of the thick cream, and starts lathering up her leg. From ankle all the way up, and that does mean all the way. A razor appears in her hand, an expensive metal one, not a cheap throwaway. Hiroko skillfully uses the razor, up and down the leg, right up to her most intimate region. After completing the job, Hiroko takes a warm moist towel and cleans off the remnants of the cream. On to the other leg, the process is repeated. The girl then takes a big handful of lotion, and rubs it into the clean, bare skin. It tingles on her skin. There’s something quite fragrant in it, and it is exciting her pores.
Hiroko then leans her back on the bench, and spreads her thighs. The girl’s hands apply the cream right up to the edges of her womanhood. She supposes she should be alarmed, or tense, or something. However, it is so relaxing. The razor expertly moves, and she is left with a perfect bikini trim. Again, Hiroko uses the warm moist towel and the lotion. If this was him, she would be getting very excited by this.
The girl then works her magic on the armpits. Not the most of erotic areas, but now smoothly clean. Her body is now smoother then it has been since she was a newborn. The sharpness of the razor, the cream, combined with the talented hands of this young lady have been so relaxing. She sits up and runs her hands over her body. Incredibly smooth, it feels wonderful.
Hiroko pushes her implements aside, stands up, and takes her by the hand. She is led over to the massage table, the girl motions for her to get up on it. She does, and lays on her belly.
‘No. Please turn over,’ Hiroko instructs.
She complies. After what the young lady has seen and
done to her, there is no shyness now.
Hiroko places a blindfold over her eyes. ‘Darkness, relax and enjoy.’
She feels drops of warm oil hitting her legs, followed by the girl’s hands. She feels light massaging at first, then deeper. Up the leg, then down, kneading the muscles. Damn, this is good. The fingers slide up right the edge of her womanhood and pull back away. For a non-sexual massage, this is pretty hot. Oops, that is a girl, she can’t be thinking that way.
More drops of oil onto her belly, then tracing a line up to her neck, then down to the right breast, a few drops on the nipple, then over to the left breast and a few more drops. The girl’s expert hands then start. Up the sides of her torso, then up under her arms and over the top of her breasts. The palms move up to the base of her neck, then straight down between the mounds to just above her pubic area, and then repeats. Hiroko moves down from the neck over the breasts, massaging and kneading the soft orbs. Her nipples harden under the attention, but Hiroko seems not to notice. Or at least she doesn’t stop. The magic hands keep it up for what seems like hours. She can barely move, her body is so relaxed.
‘Please … roll over now.’
Damn, she doesn’t want to move. However, she rolls over onto her belly. The oil starts again at her feet. The massage continues, spending maybe a little extra time at the top of her thighs. The girl moves up to her cheeks, and gives them a thorough workout. Massaging, kneading the flesh. Plenty of oil prevents any uncomfortable friction. Hiroko spanks her a few times on each cheek. OK, that’s a little odd. Then the girl’s hands slide up her back. They put pressure between her shoulders, the muscles are getting a hard workout now. She evens feels a couple of vertebrae pop, with the accompanying sigh. Her arms get a workout as well, all the way down to the fingertips. She well and truly can’t move now. There isn’t an ounce of strength left in her.
‘I understand you have some issues with back and neck pain, and tension from work?’ the girl asks.
How did she know that? Oh … he set up the appointment and must have told them.
‘Uhhhh huhhh,’ she tries to moan out an acknowledgement.
‘OK, we give you treatment. Do not be alarmed. It is acupuncture. I know, it is Chinese and I am Japanese, but we full service here,’ she giggles.
Needles. Oh crap. However, she’s so relaxed she can’t make a move to protest. Hiroko moves her hair to one side, and she feels the girl’s hand rest on her shoulder. Then the hand is gone. Repeat on the other side. Then comes a pair at the base of her neck. She realizes the needles are being placed, but she doesn’t feel them at all. What she does feel is a release, even more relaxed than she was. A wave of contentment flows through her, just like the afterglow of an intense orgasm. No pain, no tightness, just calm. She feels Hiroko’s hands place a couple down at the top of her butt cheeks. Wonder what that’s for?
Hiroko moves up near her head, leans over and whispers, ‘ Please relax now. I will be back in short time. Try to not move.’
She hears the door softly whoosh behind the girl as she departs.
She is so relaxed that she is drifting in and out. She has no idea the time, or how long. She is so peaceful, so relaxed, so content. The warmth, the moisture, the scent, the lack of pain and tension …
Something awakens her. Or maybe she was just dozing. Is it Hiroko’s return? She hears the girl quietly move over to the table. She tries to turn her head to see, but cannot move. She tries to move her arm, to prop herself up. No response. Feet, toes, legs, nothing works. She can hear, and see, and move her eyes, but since she is face down on the table, there is no clue as to what is going on. She starts to get a bit alarmed, when she feels drops of warm oil hit her ass. Hands follow, gently swirling around her cheeks. The movements get stronger, and start to pull her cheeks apart. Huh? One hand suddenly slides down between her cheeks, its middle finger sliding over her lips. OK, this is a bit much for a massage … but she still can’t move. The person is not making any sound. Hiroko? Or is it someone else? Someone, she doesn’t know who, is running their hands over her pussy.
The hands gently pull her legs apart, and then slide up her inner thighs. One hand goes down, the fingers flicking and tweaking her clit. The other slides up and down between her cheeks. This is a massage, or what? If she knew who it was, this could be very pleasurable. Or if she knew it was Hiroko, would she recoil away? Or, is not knowing even more pleasurable? She doesn’t know whether to push her hips against the hands to help their efforts, or to pull away. In any case, it doesn’t matter. She still can’t move.
The fingers keep up their efforts, and soon she feels the warmth from within starting to build. There is still no sound from her assailant/lover. The fingers move faster, then slow down. Two fingers slide into her, two more rubbing down the slides of her slit. The friction is bringing her to the edge quickly.
She wants to yell STOP, but she doesn’t want it to stop.
The movements quicken, and she reaches the edge. She starts to spasm, grunting through her clenched teeth. Her pussy grips the fingers hard. Her clit is throbbing in response to the stimulus. The spasms lock her body up tight, and then release her in afterglow. Her breath is fast. The buzz from the orgasm is still lingering.
The fingers pull back. She moans with disappointment. Whoever it is moves away, and she hears the door swing open and back closed. The glow fades, and she fades into spent, peaceful darkness.
Something awakens her. Someone is in here. She senses someone is standing next to her head, bending over her.
‘Are you awake? OK now?’ Hiroko asks.
She still can’t move, and just grunts at the girl.
‘Please lie still, and I will remove needles.’
She feels Hiroko’s hands press slightly against her skin, pulling the needles one by one. At least she presumes they are needles – she still hasn’t felt anything like a needle touch her skin. As the two near her ass are removed, she tries to roll her head around. Success! Whatever had her immobilized (the needles?) is gone. She can see the Asian girl standing there, fully clothed. She pulls her arms underneath her, and props herself up. Everything is working. She feels wonderful.
She is also puzzled. What??? Who??? She looks around a bit, sees no clue.
She eyes Hiroko. ‘Were you in here? Did you touch me?’
The young girl smiles. ‘Executive Session finished. You feel good? Now time to go.’
She stands up, a little wobbly. Hiroko leads her back to the locker room, where she puts her street clothes back on. She glances at her watch. She’s been in here for over 6 hours!
Hiroko escorts her back to the front entrance.
As she steps through, the girl asks ‘You like? Tell friends, please?’
Tell friends, indeed.
Walking out to the car, she is still in a daze. What the fuck just happened? She admits it was wonderful, she feels better than she has in years.
Breaking their unwritten rule, she calls him that night. She thanks him for the birthday present, saying she had a good time.
‘I know you had a good time,’ he replies.
‘What do you mean by that?’
He chuckles. ‘Oh, trust me. I know.’
He’s not going to admit or deny it, so she’s left with a pleasant mystery. At least this one wasn’t a damn dream ….
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[email protected] 12/20/2010 Author's Note: None of this is real. This may or may not be based on something real, but even if it was (and I'm not telling if it is real or fake) obviously names would have been changed, and locations shifted. If this was real, which it may or may not be. I think that if you want to know if it was real, there's an email above, and you can ask. Or you can just enjoy the story. I hope you enjoy it. I like this one. -Duskshade Lost and...
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IndianIt was June and time for sunbathing by the pool in my backyard. To my pleasant surprise, I saw that the pool man the company sent this year was young and handsome with a muscular body and porn star mustache. I was instantly attracted to him the first time he came and we hit it off quickly. I was wearing a pair of cut-off shorts with a sexy black thong panty underneath. And I felt very sexy being near such a big, strong hunk. He had a way of looking at me like he could see through my nature and...
Felix Arbuthson was appointed to command "Vance". He had been the only ex-RMN officer in that small fleet which had set out from Settlement. McCock's time was much taken up with administering his small empire and getting it restarted again. Angie Merton had received an unusual request to find cloth fabricators and to find any contractors who had supplied uniforms to RMN. She found one of each. Both had had to close down putting off staff reflecting the economy of the planet. The rural...
Gautam was very keen for that night, ever since he had been back in his in laws he was looking for opportunities to be with his sexy sister-in-law, Rashmi. However, not wanting to air any suspicion, the two pretended to be the ideal sister-in-law brother-in-law duo, but inside both had been waiting for that one opportunity to be together again. Rashmi too was feeling the urge to be united with Gautam, with his sensual touches, his masculine manner. But in front of her sister she was forced to...
IncestHi readers, I am thankful to all of you who loved my stories on this site. Those who are reading me for the first time I must introduced my self. I am 28yr old single guy from Delhi, working in an top IT MNC. The incident I am posting today is very much real and sent to me by one of my chat friend and ISS reader. Sonia is a sexy married lady from Delhi only and was disturbed and distressed as her hubby is not so much interested in sexual activities and their busy life was taking a toll on their...
my girlfriend is let’s say a little racist she says ew when she sees a black guys cock In porn so I thought I would give her a little treat this year on the holiday of romance. thanks to the help of a kind black gentleman I met online, a 35 year old african man with an 11 inche throbbing monster and I asked if he would help me out He was happy to help. 7:30pm valentines day night I walk my princess to his car she has a blindfold on and has no idea whats gonna happen I keep her from...
PLEASE NOTE! This is a work of fiction. The characters and the situation may be familiar, but the actions and words are solely the product of my fertile, if somewhat kinky, imagination! It was my fourth day on the job. Thanks to my dad’s political connections, I was standing in the White House, a Presidential intern, nineteen years old. Young, innocent, naïve, but here I was. And there he was. The most powerful man in the country, asking me if I would like a tour of the upstairs. The private...
First TimePart 2 - Procedure After my second pot of tea and my sandwiches I had the commissionaire flag down a Hansom Cab. The journey to my practice was uneventful, but quicker and drier than had I waited for a bus or walked. I arrived with a good half hour to spare, and due to the fact it was the weekend and my assistants were not there I had to set about lighting the fire to heat the large granite rooms and the gas lamps for light as it was dark enough to feel like dusk already. The door bell rang...
Fantasy & Sci-FiA few years ago, I was dating a lovely young woman; for the sake of this story, we will call her Carolyn. She was my ex’s best friend, and we always knew we had chemistry. Needless to say, when things ended with my ex, Carolyn swooped in and claimed me for her own. I definitely wasn’t complaining.Carolyn was definitely petite, coming in at five-foot-two-inches, ninety-five pounds. The thing that got me was her 28H breasts and the tightest, tiniest pussy I’ve ever experienced. She was a...
ThreesomesClaire was walking home from school feeling sad. She used to enjoy school but had been struggling since her mum died 3 months ago. Her school grades had become worse and she was glad that it was now a week's holiday so that she could spend time with her father.But her father was making other plans. He watched his beautiful 16 year old daughter as she walked through the front gate. He had plans for this beautiful brunette who was was a bit of a brat. Of course she was grieving for her mother but...
The next morning, after Edna and I had jacked and jilled each other off with our feet and she had left abruptly without saying even one word, I made it a point to watch for her in the hospital hallways. Eventually, around 10 o’clock, I saw her walking toward me. I stepped in front of her, stopped her and said, “Hi, My name is Phil, that’s short for Phillip. Do you remember being with me in the telephone alcove off of the hallway last evening?” Edna grinned, reached down with one hand and...
Finding a housemate is such a daunting task. You never know who you are going to get or what they may be like, despite your best attempts to interview prospective renters and weed out the freaks and losers. To actually find someone that will become your best friend, and change your life, is as remote a possibility as a snowball’s chance in hell. After days of interviews, countless shady characters and people whom I knew I wouldn’t get along with, I narrowed it down to two people. One was a 48...
My neighbor was a slim, brown, black hair woman. Every time when in home in my shorts and small tops that show my shape. She always looks at me in a weird way which gave me the chills. I was home doing my laundry on a Saturday when she was doing the same. I was just about to go inside when she call me and said she wanted me to come over. To look at her laptop she knew I was great with computers. I told her to give me a few mins so I could go home and have a shower first. She was like anything...
I do not know how it happened. All I wanted was a quiet drink and maybe someone to talk to, let off some steam. My wife had died just over a year ago and I was feeling depressed. We were together for 30 years!So after work I stopped into a small bar. Never been there before. I rarely drank, not use to it. Did not know it was a gay bar.There were maybe 7 customers inside, all male. Hell I did not think anything of it. They were all mature, no youngsters there. The youngest man looked about 35,...
Gay MaleTemplar Combat Battalion, TCB Colonel Marcus ‘Mumbatik’ Dangal Personal Combat Battalion of the Regimental Commander On the open top of my command cupola of the command tank, I enjoyed the breeze that the night wind is blowing, as the Leopard 2A6EX 145mm main cannon tank rolled through the desert of Ar’Raq. I have set the viewer of my HUD to separate view screen one is night vision while the right side is thermal. Technology has done great wonders and my visor of the helmet I am wearing...
‘Come on in!’ Janice cheered, as she stepped aside, letting the short, chubby man inside. He set down his briefcase, which resembled a suitcase. ‘I’m Janice, and John is my husband. He’ll be along shortly. Honey, the doctor is here,’ Janice called out to me. ‘Yeah, I’ll be right there,’ I said, as I threw away my paper plate from lunch. She didn’t have time to make me lunch, even though she doesn’t work. So I settled for a half-ass sandwich and chips. Something better improve, or I’m leaving...
Fiona could not help but think that Doris and Amy were like a pair of incorrigible schoolgirls not acting like the adults they really were. On one hand, she had to admit their constant foolishness did make her feel a lot younger than her 65 years, but the giggling and the silly pranks were starting to get on her nerves. She longed for a respite with some mature thoughts not centered on necessities hidden under French knickers tucked safely away between her legs. Fiona was beginning to think...
Thank you all for your great response to my first two stories. I was not sure what I should write about next. Some wrote that I should tell more about Melly’s and my relationship, and some asked to hear about some of my college adventures. I have decided to write about a time between the two. This is about my childhood friend Pam and how we eventually got together after college. I hope you enjoy it. I am Genny Pam and I have been friends since 3rd grade. We lived on the same block in a very...
"Hey, Ruthie? Did it seem to you like Mom was acting a little odd?"Kristen was not watching where she was going, looking back over her shoulder even as she was dragged along by the hand by her little sister. Somehow, she managed to avoid walking into anything as she was guided at something just short of a dead sprint up the stairs and into the bedroom the two teens shared."Never mind that now," the other girl answered, propelling her sister towards one of the beds while she paused just a moment...
I returned to my home from a long hard day at work, reeking of pizza and sweat. Upon walking into my room I enter with out even turning on the light. To which point I walk into my bathroom. I turn on the shower and step in. It is freezing cold. I begin to lather up when a hand reaches in grabs my dick. I stay facing the wall and close my eyes. I hear her step into the shower as she slowly starts to stroke my cock, which has been hardening steadily. She begins licking on my earlobes which...
The sound of booming horns hadn’t faded yet as the war machines setup along the frontline shot their first volley of missiles. The Manthakin army used every kind of war machine known on Calmyra. Ballistae, catapults and trebuchets in every form and size, hurled their arrows and javelins, jars and pots filled with burning or explosive mixtures, or simply large rocks at the defenders of Vernya. Roban watched several burning jars made of clay thrown in his direction, but they overflew his...
As Ember’s hair begins to flare up into flames, Tucker thinks quickly, trying to find a way out of this situation. “WAIT! You don’t want to kill you’re biggest fan, do you?” Ember begins to loosen her grip, as she looks at Tucker strangely. “You’re…my biggest fan?” “Yeah, you Rock…out loud!” Tucker says, trying to appeal to her vanity side. “That’s why I was onstage singing one of your songs.” Ember’s a little wary of believing him. “So why do you hang with the Snow-Haired Pinhead?” “Uh…so I...
Elsa was a customer of mine, or rather she worked for one of my customers. This was on a Caribbean island where everything was imported, mainly from Holland. Many such islands don't grow their own produce, but there is no real reason why not; you just have to spend a bit of money on water and make sure your soil is rich enough.I had set up a little business growing tomatoes and cucumbers and herbs, firstly selling it at a roadside stall and then, as word got around, supplying restaurants as...
AnalWednesday evening, June 7, 2028“Are you serious? You and Kayla, a fashion show?” my slack-jawed mouth asked her.“Uhunh, she’s looking forward to it.” Then she whispered to me, almost like she was trying to keep a secret, “I told her about last weekend.”I looked at my wife in disbelief, “Everything?”She grinned and nodded, “Everything.”“And?” I asked her,“And what?” she asked back.I was getting frustrated, “What the hell did she say?”She giggled again, “That’s for girls to know and husbands to...
Wife Lovers